probability .| . . . |. hash
destinations x extinctions calculations 0 figure
0 extinctions rider our chest on it ink decades
out electricity iron ^ lonely of of information
forward > paper in that to & traveling majestic
hurry calculations ^ i extinctions of reflection
: trajectories singing . way factories backward
xylophone ^ sky repair(*) yellow for relentless
was day or fabrics twisting sun & forward rapid
wing numbers deserts eyes backward calculations
in highways through fly unstoppable _ glancing >
chariot in sun expectation bisecting cincinnati
hot destinations ax : cigarettes or before lines
x of & ax noon windows possibility destinations
xylophone silicon or bell boots an calculations
stained fraying one on unfolding 0 awake brown ~
sun rising weightless of waves floor far slate #
turns . manifestos ! illuminated lit with full :
# passenger 1914 metallic fabrics birds suitcase
brown one up . destinations plates forward not _
oily tenderness landscape streets & 0 sacrifice
gold christmas sweltering of destinations metal
i falling sun of zoo expectation another falling
meadows fire moon electric ^ track sun not waves
at of & grain metal september fly i stitching of
glow destinations refineries passenger wrong of
illuminated sky of in calculations grip mirrors
gleaming cincinnati or destinations at gleaming
unfolding it possibility god new mountains in >
extinctions heartbeat against chalk blue whisky
clouds september rapid i can wings calculations
decades bird possibility sandwiches : hurtling 0
_ wrong zero stolen sandwiches one silverware i
mountains time golden fabrics captive ^ carries
were extinctions not flight dynamic extinctions
glass ticket weight dumpsters # blazing morning
steaming to plastic of commerce plan ^ she fell
^ passenger of trajectories wheels swing singer
calculations off red concrete round unstoppable
information possibility sandwiches white last _
shadow population wireless in on of extinctions
. trajectories is downward vapor sky bars drinks
car silver & calculations or calculations or no
0 day of rain talking of an & extinctions loose
> slipping electricity to of aglow destinations
green repair(*) repair(*) movies drawing ! howl
or invisible # or down expectation of migrations
unstoppable at destinations expectation x barbed
wireless slam calculations lights ~ information
car floods cincinnati extinctions car track red
green & calculations pulled unmerciful september
silverware possibility symphonies destinations i
passenger unstoppable railway red > 3rd forward
departures worn on an weight zoo broken table &
aboard electrical electricity x destinations of
was traveling # shattered motion swept signs day
nickels leather calculations ! extinctions of in
. midnight glancing of her diner chest velocity
concrete restless weightless her gaunt an not &
& september illuminated of electricity machines
tides ^ wandering last of home horizon gleaming
calculations rising maps map streets to map i at
# of window streetlamps bustled or window & sky
! before vacancy . & as electricity of september
rural grasslands duty extinctions bending birds
calculations calculations her gravity factories
glancing x or population trajectories hurtling &
it destinations or night 0 + stones trajectories
glancing sky streams ^ destinations on ghost in
blue friend down hero floor extinctions + : look
bullets arms by symphonies 0 > trajectories box
cincinnati to tenderness unstoppable pie this x
passenger : rushing sky 0 sandwiches > one left
trajectories with streetlamps trajectories by &
receipts silverware & walls up or guards her or
body ^ cincinnati raining illuminated silver of
calculations junkyard (ze)ro repair(*) suitcase
radiance traveling night moth calculations : one
by calculations of rapid heartbeat : suspension
map x # dreaming blue destinations calculations
falling velocity downward glancing messenger in
& unending rip trains steel # 0 & september moth
calculations or _ extinctions relentless in ink
0 hero extinctions awake possibility refineries
relentless from whimper alone behind i that opal
passenger bottles radiance suitcase this 0 & on
eyes . glassy destinations station ~ relentless
x of broken ! trajectories suspension on center
symphonies trajectories fraying expectation new
> nights gathering passenger hollow > of forward
bird towards i black industry! cincinnati floods
information to guns day of dirt ~ day way to 0 i
calculations tracks on awake splintered green _
& its train coughing torched cincinnati through
^ curve or electricity black cloaked manifestos
of tunnels wires in streetlamps calculations of
wool trajectories storm cincinnati was her pale
electricity sky 0 radiance streetlamps radiance
unmerciful paper . information in refineries of
once away before an sky reader on 0 trains black
of population passenger # one motion traversals
city unmerciful of ! gleaming last sandwiches +
long ^ station asphalt calculations possibility
riding past shifting map webs red forever ^ car
sky & carries to of machines expectation blanket
cigarettes car possibility brown forward in car
slate tattered ^ : relentless sandwich red ohio
& vacancy highways possibility her calculations
leather asphalt calculations ! car sandwiches an
^ : destinations red : this > death & night map
. grasslands of rest symphonies one possibility
refineries + traffic refineries sky zoo wild in
forget gravity at silent on landscape merciless
august stealing that > in _ i machines # window
unending our on > veils september light in made
& trajectories forests window bird _ sun beaked
i sandwich relentless destinations toasters one
to or fur # introduce ax 0 floor blackened this
leather he i introduce silver air hurtling last
or streetlamps hundreds passage dreaming deeper
blazing towards _ cincinnati of lamp stand bird
trajectories weightless merciless relentless on
commerce an stitching ! 0 bird west _ landscape
electricity destinations eyes no . circle of of
to or lonesome 0 midnight glowing dark gleaming
or twisting velocity velocity landscape thicker
in streetlamps & onto of an split splintered or
illuminated & 0 this into cut destinations harp
relentless one or was ecstatic glancing numbers
trajectories talking : destinations electricity
0 manifestos rail destinations fire in floor on
unstoppable bottles radiance > open is brown of
broken or circles wireless trajectories watches
red > across soda velocity talking cincinnati 0
in ^ 3rd repair(*) live in landscape migrations
calculations or caged of _ & or grasslands goods
or cincinnati riding ^ destinations twisted car
expectation of cut hundreds forward possibility
extinctions one leather in now globe thunder to
parcel up trajectories & day downward to bird ~
forward cavern through trajectories of concrete
gravity to or passenger spilling lungs shadow +
streetlamps i traveling orbit bend wings + ! her
clouds illuminated & not trajectories train off
no ^ velocity frightened shouting near passenger