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- (m)bodiment (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that embodies something, the act of embodying : the state of being embodied
- (m)bodiments (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that embodies something, the act of embodying : the state of being embodied
- (re)cover (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to get back : regain, to bring back to normal position or condition, rescue
(verb) to cover again or anew
(idiom) to get an amount of money that a court requires someone to pay to make up for injuring someone
- (re)creation (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) refreshment of strength and spirits after work; also : a means of refreshment or diversion : hobby
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- (re)enactment (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to enact (something, such as a law) again, to act or perform again, to repeat the actions of (an earlier event or incident)
- (un)synchronize (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) un synchronize
- (ze)ro (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the arithmetical symbol 0 or [SYMBOL] denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity, additive identity; specifically : the number between the set of all negative numbers and the set of all positive numbers, a value of an independent variable that makes a function equal to zero
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a zero, having no magnitude or quantity : not any, having no phonetic manifestation
(verb) to determine or adjust the zero of, to concentrate firepower on the exact range of —usually used with in, to bring to bear on the exact range of a target —usually used with in
(adjective) resulting in neither a surplus nor a deficit of something specified when gains and losses are added together; especially, of buildings : producing enough energy (as through solar panels or passive heating) to offset any energy consumed
(adjective) registering less than zero on some scale (especially the Fahrenheit scale), characterized by or suitable for subzero temperatures
(adjective) having each item justified on the basis of cost or need
- 3-ring (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) type of circus, form of binder
- abacus (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves, a slab that forms the uppermost member or division of the capital of a column
- abandon (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to give up to the control or influence of another person or agent, to give up with the intent of never again claiming a right or interest in, to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment
(noun) a thorough yielding to natural impulses; especially : enthusiasm, exuberance
(idiom) to allow oneself to be fully controlled or affected by (something, such as a strong emotion)
(idiom) in a very wild and reckless way
(idiom) to stop acting or appearing in a way that looks real but is false : to stop pretending
- abandoned (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) left without needed protection, care, or support, left by the owner : left to fall into a state of disuse, no longer held or thought of : given up
(verb) to give up to the control or influence of another person or agent, to give up with the intent of never again claiming a right or interest in, to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment
(adjective) abandoned by oneself; especially : given up to one's impulses
- ablaze (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) being on fire, radiant with light or emotion
- aboard (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) alongside, on, onto, or within a vehicle (such as a car or ship), in or into a group, association, or organization
(preposition) on, onto, within
- about (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(adverb) reasonably close to, almost, on the verge of —usually used with be and a following infinitive —used with a negative to express intention or determination
(preposition) in a circle around : on every side of : around, in the immediate neighborhood of : near, on or near the person of
(adjective) moving from place to place; specifically : being out of bed, around
(noun) a 180° turn to the right from the position of attention, a reversal of direction, a reversal of attitude, behavior, or point of view
(noun) about-face
- above (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adverb) in the sky : overhead, in or to heaven, in or to a higher place
(preposition) in or to a higher place than : over, upriver of, superior to (as in rank, quality, or degree)
(noun) something that is above, a person whose name is written above, a higher authority
(adjective) written or discussed higher on the same page or on a preceding page
- absence (7)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not present or does not exist : a state or condition in which something is absent, a failure to be present at a usual or expected place : the state of being absent, the period of time that one is absent
- absent (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) not present at a usual or expected place : missing, not existing : lacking, showing a lack of attention to what is happening or being said : not attentive
(verb) to keep (oneself) away
(preposition) in the absence of (something) : without
- abstract (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) disassociated from any specific instance, difficult to understand : abstruse, insufficiently factual : formal
(noun) a summary of points (as of a writing) usually presented in skeletal form; also : something that summarizes or concentrates the essentials of a larger thing or several things, an abstract thing or state, abstraction
(verb) to make a summary or abstract of : summarize, to draw away the attention of, steal, purloin
- abstraction (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of abstracting : the state of being abstracted, an abstract idea or term, absence of mind or preoccupation
- abundance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an ample quantity : an abundant amount : profusion, affluence, wealth, relative degree of plentifulness
(idiom) in large amounts
- abundant (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) existing or occurring in large amounts : ample, marked by great plenty (as of resources), amply supplied : abounding
- abyss (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an immeasurably deep gulf or great space, intellectual or moral depths, the bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos of the old cosmogonies
- accelerate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move faster : to gain speed, to progress from grade to grade more rapidly than usual : to follow a speeded-up educational program, to bring about at an earlier time
- access (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing, freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something, a way or means of entering or approaching
(verb) to get at : to gain access to: such as, to be able to use, enter, or get near (something), to open or load (a computer file, an Internet site, etc.)
(adjective) having access restricted to a relatively small number of points
(adjective) permitting access to stored data in any order the user desires
- accessibility (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) capable of being reached; also : being within reach, easy to speak to or deal with, capable of being used or seen : available
- accessible (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(adjective) capable of being reached; also : being within reach, easy to speak to or deal with, capable of being used or seen : available
- accordion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a portable keyboard wind instrument in which the wind is forced past free reeds by means of a hand-operated bellows
(adjective) folding or creased or hinged to fold like an accordion
(noun) an accordion with a keyboard for the right hand resembling and corresponding to the middle register of a piano keyboard
- accumulation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that has accumulated or has been accumulated, the action or process of accumulating something : the state of being or having accumulated, increase or growth by addition especially when continuous or repeated
- acid (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a sour substance; specifically : any of various typically water-soluble and sour compounds that in solution are capable of reacting with a base to form a salt, redden litmus, and have a pH less than 7, that are hydrogen-containing molecules or ions able to give up a proton to a base, or that are substances able to accept an unshared pair of electrons from a base, something incisive, biting, or sarcastic, lsd
(adjective) sour, sharp, or biting to the taste, sharp, biting, or sour in manner, disposition, or nature, sharply clear, discerning, or pointed
(adjective) not easily decolorized by acids
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a fabric or a garment that has been treated with a bleach solution to produce a streaked or discolored appearance
- acoustic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds : such as, deadening or absorbing sound, operated by or utilizing sound waves
(plural noun) a science that deals with the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound, the qualities that determine the ability of an enclosure (such as an auditorium) to reflect sound waves in such a way as to produce distinct hearing
- acres (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a field especially of arable land or pastureland, lands, estate, any of various units of area; specifically : a unit in the U.S. and England equal to 43,560 square feet (4047 square meters)
- acrobat (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that performs gymnastic feats requiring skillful control of the body, one skillful at exercises of intellectual or artistic dexterity, one adept at swiftly changing or adapting a position or viewpoint
- across (23)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (13), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (3)
(preposition) from one side to the opposite side of : over, through, on the opposite side of, so as to intersect or pass through at an angle
(adverb) in a position reaching from one side to the other : crosswise, to or on the opposite side, so as to be understandable, acceptable, or successful
(adjective) being in a crossed position
(adjective) placed to win if a competitor wins, places, or shows, embracing or affecting all classes or categories : blanket
- action (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a thing done : deed, the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition, behavior, conduct
(adjective) filled with action, danger, and excitement
(adjective) loaded by means of a manually operated bolt
- adaptable (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) capable of being or becoming adapted
- adaptation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that is adapted; specifically : a composition rewritten into a new form, the act or process of adapting : the state of being adapted, adjustment to environmental conditions: such as
(noun) adaptation of an organism (as in modification of behavior, physiology, or form) in response to an adaptation of another organism with which it regularly interacts; also : a favorable trait that arises as a result of counteradaptation, opposition to the effect of a drug or stimulus that is hypothesized to develop in an organism as a mechanism to maintain homeostasis
- adaptations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that is adapted; specifically : a composition rewritten into a new form, the act or process of adapting : the state of being adapted, adjustment to environmental conditions: such as
(noun) adaptation of an organism (as in modification of behavior, physiology, or form) in response to an adaptation of another organism with which it regularly interacts; also : a favorable trait that arises as a result of counteradaptation, opposition to the effect of a drug or stimulus that is hypothesized to develop in an organism as a mechanism to maintain homeostasis
(noun) the process including dilation of the pupil, increase in sensitivity of the retinal rods, and regeneration of rhodopsin by which the eye adapts to conditions of reduced illumination
(noun) the process including contraction of the pupil and decrease in rhodopsin by which the eye adapts to conditions of increased illumination
- adapting (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to make fit (as for a new use) often by modification, to become adapted
- addition (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a part added (as to a building or residential section), anything or anyone added : increase, the act or process of adding; especially : the operation of combining numbers so as to obtain an equivalent simple quantity
- adrift (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) without motive power and without anchor or mooring, without ties, guidance, or security, free from restraint or support
- aerial (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere, existing or growing in the air rather than in the ground or in water, high in the air
(noun) antenna, forward pass, an acrobatic maneuver performed (as by skiers and gymnasts) in the air; also, aerials plural : a ski event featuring such maneuvers
- affirm (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) validate, confirm, to state positively, to assert (something, such as a judgment or decree) as valid or confirmed
- affixed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to attach physically, to attach in any way : add, append, impress
- affordable (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) able to be afforded : having a cost that is not too high
- aflame (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) afire
- after (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adverb) following in time or place : afterward, behind, later
(preposition) behind in place, subsequent to in time or order, subsequent to and in view of
(conjunction) subsequently to the time when
(adjective) later in time, located toward the rear and especially toward the stern of a ship or tail of an aircraft
(verb) —used with a present participle to indicate action completed and especially just completed
(noun) afternoon
(prefix) —used as the first part of a compound to indicate an event or entity that follows or results from the thing denoted by the second part of the compound, —used as the first part of a compound to indicate an event or entity of the same nature as the thing denoted by the second part of the compound but which follows that event or entity and is less intense or significant, —the rear or lower part
(adjective) engaged in or operating after a legal or conventional closing time
(noun) a party for invited guests that follows a main party or event
- afternoon (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the part of day between noon and sunset, a relatively late period (as of time or life)
- again (12)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (11)
(adverb) in return : back, another time : once more : anew, —used to introduce a statement that repeats and stresses something previously said
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a usually Christian person who has made a renewed or confirmed commitment of faith especially after an intense religious experience, having returned to or newly adopted an activity, a conviction, or a persona especially with a proselytizing zeal
- against (9)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (4)
(preposition) in opposition or hostility to, not in conformity with : contrary to, in competition with
(conjunction) in preparation for the time when
- aged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) grown old: such as, of an advanced age, having attained a specified age
(verb) to become old : show the effects or the characteristics of increasing age, to acquire a desirable quality (such as mellowness or ripeness) by standing undisturbed for some time, to cause to become old
- agent (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that acts or exerts power, something that produces or is capable of producing an effect : an active or efficient cause, a chemically, physically, or biologically active principle
(noun) a chief agent; specifically : the representative in England of a British dominion
- agents (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one that acts or exerts power, something that produces or is capable of producing an effect : an active or efficient cause, a chemically, physically, or biologically active principle
(noun) a chief agent; specifically : the representative in England of a British dominion
(noun) someone or something that counteracts another: such as, an agent that works to diminish, counter, or offset the effects of another, someone who acts against or exposes the activities of another agent
- aglow (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(adjective) glowing especially with warmth or excitement
- ago (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) earlier than the present time
(adjective) of or relating to the past
(noun) a nightclub for dancing to popular music : disco
(adjective) go-go, being in a whirl of motion, being up-to-date —often used postpositively
- ahab (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) captain ::: of the Pequod ::: ship sea whale ::: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Ahab
- air (9)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the mixture of invisible odorless tasteless gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the earth; also : the equivalent mix of gases on another planet, a light breeze, breath
(verb) to expose to the air for drying, purifying, or refreshing : ventilate —often used with out, to expose to public view or bring to public notice, to transmit by radio or television
(adjective) of, employing, or being an engine that requires air for combustion
(verb) to equip (something, such as a building or vehicle) with an apparatus for washing air and controlling its humidity and temperature; also : to subject (air) to these processes
- airbase (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a military base chiefly for the operation of aircraft
- albert (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) albert hall
- alchemical (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life, a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way, an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting
- alchemist (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a person who studies or practices alchemy
- alchemists (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a person who studies or practices alchemy
- alchemy (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life, a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way, an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting
- algebra (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a generalization of arithmetic in which letters representing numbers are combined according to the rules of arithmetic, any of various systems or branches of mathematics or logic concerned with the properties and relationships of abstract entities (such as complex numbers, matrices, sets, vectors, groups, rings, or fields) manipulated in symbolic form under operations often analogous to those of arithmetic
- algorithm (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end
- algorithmic (5)
- in books ::: artist (5)
(noun) a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end
- algorithms (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end
(noun) a method of finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers by dividing the larger by the smaller, the smaller by the remainder, the first remainder by the second remainder, and so on until exact division is obtained whence the greatest common divisor is the exact divisor —called also Euclid's algorithm
- alienation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from an object or position of former attachment : estrangement, a conveyance of property to another
(noun) alienation by or from oneself or itself: such as, the act or process of causing oneself to become alienated from others, a sense of detachment from or a lack of awareness of one's own thoughts, emotions, or identity
- alive (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having life : not dead or inanimate, still in existence, force, or operation : active, still active in competition with a chance of victory
(verb) to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn, to destroy, consume, or waste by or as if by eating, to bear the expense of : take a loss on
- all (12)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (7)
(adjective) the whole amount, quantity, or extent of, as much as possible, every member or individual component of
(adverb) wholly, quite —often used as an intensive, selected as the best (as at a sport) within an area or organization —used in combination, only, exclusively
(pronoun) the whole number, quantity, or amount : totality, —used in such phrases as for all I know, for all I care, and for all the good it does to indicate a lack of knowledge, interest, or effectiveness, everybody, everything
(noun) the whole of one's possessions, resources, or energy
(combining form) other : different : atypical, isomeric form or variety of (a specified chemical compound), being one of a group whose members together constitute a structural unit especially of a language
(adjective) selected (as by a poll of journalists) as one of the best in the U.S. in a particular category at a particular time, having only all-American participants, composed wholly of American elements
(noun) one (such as an athlete) that is voted all-American, one that has all-American qualities or characteristics
(adjective) considered in or encompassing all aspects : comprehensive, competent in many fields, having general utility or merit
- alley (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes, a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles, a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes
(noun) a playing marble; especially : one of superior quality
(noun) a play in which a leaping player catches a pass above the basket and immediately dunks the ball; also : the usually high, arcing pass thrown on such a play, a play in which the quarterback throws a high, arcing pass into the end zone to be caught by a leaping receiver; also : the pass itself
- alleys (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes, a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles, a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes
(noun) a playing marble; especially : one of superior quality
- alleyways (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a narrow passageway, alley
- almost (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) very nearly but not exactly or entirely
(adjective) very near but not quite
- alone (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) separated from others : isolated, exclusive of anyone or anything else : only, considered without reference to any other
(adverb) solely, exclusively, without aid or support
(adjective) complete in itself : self-contained : such as, intended, designed, or able to be used or to function alone or separately : not connected to or requiring connection to something else in order to be used or to function; especially : operating or capable of operating independently of other software or hardware, not being part of a larger work or series
(verb) bequeath, devise, to have remaining after one's death, to cause to remain as a trace or aftereffect
- along (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(preposition) in a line matching the length or direction of; also : at a point or points on, in the course of, in accordance with : in
(adverb) forward, on, from one to another, in company : as a companion —often used with with
(noun) a small portable winch usually consisting of a cable attached to a hand-operated ratchet
- alphabet (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a set of letters or other characters with which one or more languages are written especially if arranged in a customary order, a system of signs or signals that serve as equivalents for letters, rudiments, elements
(noun) a hodgepodge especially of initials (as of the names of organizations)
(noun) an alphabet of 28 letters derived from the Aramaic alphabet which is used for writing Arabic and also with adaptations for other languages of the Islamic world
(noun) an extinct North Semitic alphabet dating from the ninth century b.c. which was for several centuries the commercial alphabet of southwest Asia and the parent of other alphabets (such as Syriac and Arabic), the square Hebrew alphabet as distinguished from the early Hebrew alphabet
(noun) ipa
(noun) an alphabet that was used for writing Latin and that has been modified for writing many modern languages
(noun) an alphabet especially for the deaf in which the letters are represented by finger positions
(noun) an alphabet (as in a cryptographic system) that has been rearranged or disordered systematically or randomly
(noun) a set of symbols (such as the IPA) used for phonetic transcription, any of various systems of identifying letters of the alphabet by means of code words in voice communication
(noun) the alphabet that was used for writing Latin and that is now used for writing English and many other European languages
- alphabetic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet, of, relating to, or employing an alphabet
- alphabets (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a set of letters or other characters with which one or more languages are written especially if arranged in a customary order, a system of signs or signals that serve as equivalents for letters, rudiments, elements
(noun) an alphabet of 28 letters derived from the Aramaic alphabet which is used for writing Arabic and also with adaptations for other languages of the Islamic world
(noun) an extinct North Semitic alphabet dating from the ninth century b.c. which was for several centuries the commercial alphabet of southwest Asia and the parent of other alphabets (such as Syriac and Arabic), the square Hebrew alphabet as distinguished from the early Hebrew alphabet
(noun) ipa
(noun) an alphabet that was used for writing Latin and that has been modified for writing many modern languages
(noun) an alphabet especially for the deaf in which the letters are represented by finger positions
(noun) an alphabet (as in a cryptographic system) that has been rearranged or disordered systematically or randomly
(noun) a set of symbols (such as the IPA) used for phonetic transcription, any of various systems of identifying letters of the alphabet by means of code words in voice communication
- altered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) made different in some way
(verb) to make different without changing into something else, castrate, spay, to become different
- alternating (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) occurring by turns or in succession
(verb) to perform by turns or in succession, to cause to alternate, to change from one to another repeatedly
- aluminum (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a silver-white metallic chemical element with atomic number 13 that has good electrical and thermal conductivity, high reflectivity, and resistance to oxidation —often used before another noun
- always (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adverb) at all times : invariably, forever, at any rate : in any event
(adjective) always active, operating, or powered
- am (6)
- in books ::: artist (6)
(noun) a broadcasting system using amplitude modulation; also : a radio receiver of such a system
(abbreviation) airmail, air marshall, Air Medal, in the year of the world —often printed in small capitals, ante meridiem
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(adjective) of, relating to, or involving professionals teaming with or competing against amateurs
(noun) an event or tournament in which both professionals and amateurs compete
- ambient (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) existing or present on all sides : encompassing, of or relating to ambient music
(noun) an encompassing atmosphere : environment, music intended to serve as an unobtrusive accompaniment to other activities (as in a public place) and characterized especially by quiet and repetitive instrumental melodies
- ambiguity (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning, a word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways : an ambiguous word or expression, uncertainty
- amplify (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to expand (something, such as a statement) by the use of detail or illustration or by closer analysis, to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity) : increase, to increase the strength or amount of; especially : to make louder
- an (67)
- in books ::: artist (18), birdland (29), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (16)
(indefinite article) a
(preposition) a
(conjunction) and, if
(abbreviation) year
(noun suffix) one that is of or relating to, one skilled in or specializing in
(adjective suffix) of or belonging to, characteristic of : resembling
(noun suffix) unsaturated organic compound, anhydride of a carbohydrate
(abbreviation) airman (Navy)
(prefix) not : without —a- before consonants other than h and sometimes even before h, an- before vowels and usually before h
- analogue (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that is similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail : something that is analogous to something else, an organ or part similar in function to an organ or part of another animal or plant but different in structure and origin, a chemical compound that is structurally similar to another but differs slightly in composition (as in the replacement of one atom by an atom of a different element or in the presence of a particular functional group)
- anchor (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a device usually of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place by means of a fluke that digs into the bottom, a reliable or principal support : mainstay, something that serves to hold an object firmly
(verb) to hold in place in the water by an anchor, to secure firmly : fix, to act or serve as an anchor for
(noun) a newscaster who shares the duties of anchoring a news broadcast
- anchors (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a device usually of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place by means of a fluke that digs into the bottom, a reliable or principal support : mainstay, something that serves to hold an object firmly
(verb) to hold in place in the water by an anchor, to secure firmly : fix, to act or serve as an anchor for
(noun) a newscaster who shares the duties of anchoring a news broadcast
- ancient (8)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having had an existence of many years, of or relating to a remote period, to a time early in history, or to those living in such a period or time; especially : of or relating to the historical period beginning with the earliest known civilizations and extending to the fall of the western Roman Empire in a.d. 476, having the qualities of age or long existence: such as
(noun) a person who lived in ancient times:, the civilized people of antiquity; especially : those of the classical nations, one of the classical authors
(noun) ensign, standard, flag, the bearer of an ensign
- and (67)
- in books ::: artist (65), birdland (2)
(conjunction) —used as a function word to indicate connection or addition especially of items within the same class or type—used to join sentence elements of the same grammatical rank or function, —used as a function word to express logical modification, consequence, antithesis, or supplementary explanation, —used as a function word to join one finite verb (such as go, come, try) to another so that together they are logically equivalent to an infinitive of purpose
(noun) a logical operator that requires both of two inputs to be present or two conditions to be met for an output to be made or a statement to be executed
- angel (19)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (14), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence; especially : one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchy, an order of angels, an attendant spirit or guardian
- angels (9)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence; especially : one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchy, an order of angels, an attendant spirit or guardian
- angles (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a corner whether constituting a projecting part or a partially enclosed space, the figure formed by two lines extending from the same point; also : dihedral angle, a measure of an angle or of the amount of turning necessary to bring one line or plane into coincidence with or parallel to another
(verb) to turn or proceed at an angle, to turn, move, or direct at an angle, to present (something, such as a news story) from a particular or prejudiced point of view : slant
(verb) to fish with a hook, to use artful means to attain an objective
(noun) a member of a Germanic people that invaded England along with the Saxons and Jutes in the fifth century a.d. and merged with them to form the Anglo-Saxon peoples
- animate (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) possessing or characterized by life : alive, full of life : animated, of or relating to animal life as opposed to plant life
(verb) to give spirit and support to : encourage, to give life to, to give vigor and zest to
- animation (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the act of animating : the state of being animate or animated, animated cartoon, the preparation of animated cartoons
- animations (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of animating : the state of being animate or animated, animated cartoon, the preparation of animated cartoons
- another (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) different or distinct from the one first considered, some other, being one more in addition to one or more of the same kind
(pronoun) an additional one of the same kind : one more, one that is different from the first or present one, one of a group of unspecified or indefinite things
(adjective) of another sort
- answers (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something spoken or written in reply to a question, a correct response, a reply to a legal charge or suit : plea; also : defense
(verb) to speak or write in reply, to be or make oneself responsible or accountable, to make amends : atone
- antenna (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) one of a pair of slender, movable, segmented sensory organs on the head of insects, myriapods, and crustaceans, a usually metallic device (such as a rod or wire) for radiating or receiving radio waves, a special sensitivity or receptiveness
(noun) cable television
(noun) a flexible vertical rod radio antenna
- any (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) one or some indiscriminately of whatever kind:, one or another taken at random, every —used to indicate one selected without restriction
(pronoun) any person or persons : anyone, any thing or things, any part, quantity, or number
(adverb) to any extent or degree : at all
- anyway (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adverb) in any way whatever : anywise, in any case : without regard to other considerations : anyhow, as an additional consideration or thought
- apoplectic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or causing apoplexy or stroke; also : affected with, susceptible to, or showing symptoms of apoplexy or stroke, of a kind to cause or apparently cause stroke, extremely enraged
- appliance (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act of applying, a piece of equipment for adapting a tool or machine to a special purpose : attachment, an instrument or device designed for a particular use or function; specifically : a household or office device (such as a stove, fan, or refrigerator) operated by gas or electric current
- approach (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to draw closer to : near, to come very near to : to be almost the same as, to make advances to especially in order to create a desired result
(noun) an act or instance of approaching, approximation, the taking of preliminary steps toward a particular purpose
- approximation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of drawing together, the quality or state of being close or near, something that is approximate; especially : a mathematical quantity that is close in value to but not the same as a desired quantity
- arachne (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) arachn-, arachnid, arachnoid, arachno-, arachnoids, earache, arachnids, parachute, archness, Saracens, arachnophobe, arancini, aragonite, caracole, arachnology, earaches, arachnologies, huarache, arachnophobes, parachuted
- arc (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body (such as the sun), something arched or curved, a curved path
(verb) to form an electric arc, to follow an arc-shaped course, to throw, hit, or kick (something, such as a ball) on a high, arc-shaped course
(adjective) inverse —used with the trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions
(abbreviation) AIDS-related complex, American Red Cross
(noun) a copy of a printed work (such as a novel or textbook) sent as a promotion prior to the official release
(noun) the inverse function of the cosine —abbreviation arccos
(noun) an electric lamp that produces light by an arc made when a current passes between two incandescent electrodes surrounded by gas —called also arc light
(noun) minute
(noun) second
(noun) the complete nervous path involved in a reflex
- archaeologists (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) diggers, layers, finders
- arched (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) made with or formed in an arch or a series of arches : covered with an arch
(verb) to cover or provide with an arch, to form into an arch, to form an arch
- archer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a person who uses a bow and arrow, sagittarius
(adjective) principal, chief, mischievous, saucy, marked by a deliberate and often forced playfulness, irony, or impudence
- arches (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cover or provide with an arch, to form into an arch, to form an arch
(noun) a typically curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support (as for the wall or other weight above the opening), something resembling an arch in form or function; especially : either of two vaulted portions of the bony structure of the foot that impart elasticity to it, something that has a curved shape like an arch
- architects (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction, a person who designs and guides a plan or undertaking
- architecture (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the art or science of building; specifically : the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones, formation or construction resulting from or as if from a conscious act, a unifying or coherent form or structure
(noun) a Romanesque style first appearing in and near Normandy about a.d. 950; also : architecture resembling or imitating this style
(noun) a person who develops land for human use and enjoyment through effective placement of structures, vehicular and pedestrian ways, and plantings
(noun) naval architect
- archive (11)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (11)
(noun) a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved; also : the material preserved —often used in plural, a repository or collection especially of information
(verb) to file or collect in or as if in an archive
- arcs (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body (such as the sun), something arched or curved, a curved path
(noun) a copy of a printed work (such as a novel or textbook) sent as a promotion prior to the official release
(verb) to form an electric arc, to follow an arc-shaped course, to throw, hit, or kick (something, such as a ball) on a high, arc-shaped course
- arctic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or suitable for use at the north pole or the region near it, bitter cold : frigid, cold in temper or mood
(noun) a rubber overshoe reaching to the ankle or above
- arduous (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) hard to accomplish or achieve : difficult, marked by great labor or effort : strenuous, hard to climb : steep
- are (8)
- in books ::: artist (6), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a unit of area equal to 100 square meters
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
- area (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the surface included within a set of lines; specifically : the number of unit squares equal in measure to the surface, the scope of a concept, operation, or activity : field, areaway
(adjective) maintaining constant ratio of size between quadrilaterals formed by the meridians and parallels and the quadrilaterals of the globe thereby preserving true areal extent of forms represented
- arid (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) excessively dry; specifically : having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture, lacking in interest and life : jejune
(adjective) extremely arid
- arithmetic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a branch of mathematics that deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them, a treatise on arithmetic, computation, calculation
- arithmetics (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a branch of mathematics that deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them, a treatise on arithmetic, computation, calculation
(noun) arithmetic that deals with whole numbers where the numbers are replaced by their remainders after division by a fixed number
- armaments (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a military or naval force, the aggregate of a nation's military strength, weapons, arms
- arms (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a human upper limb; especially : the part between the shoulder and the wrist, something like or corresponding to an arm: such as, the forelimb of a vertebrate
(verb) to furnish or equip with weapons, to furnish with something that strengthens or protects, to equip or ready for action or operation
(noun) a means (such as a weapon) of offense or defense; especially : firearm, a combat branch (as of an army), an organized branch of national defense (such as the navy)
(noun) one of a military corps of 40 gentlemen who attend the British sovereign on state occasions
- around (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adverb) in a circle or in circumference, in, along, or through a circuit, on all or various sides : in every or any direction
(preposition) on all sides of, so as to encircle or enclose, so as to avoid or get past : on or to another side of
(adjective) about, being in existence, evidence, or circulation
(adjective) being in effect, continuing, or lasting 24 hours a day : constant
(adjective) considered in or encompassing all aspects : comprehensive, competent in many fields, having general utility or merit
- arrivals (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of arriving, the attainment of an end or state, one that has recently arrived
- arrived (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to reach a destination, to make an appearance : to come upon the scene, to be near in time : come
- arrives (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to reach a destination, to make an appearance : to come upon the scene, to be near in time : come
(noun) one who has risen rapidly to success, power, or fame
- arrow (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a missile shot from a bow and usually having a slender shaft, a pointed head, and feathers at the butt, something shaped like an arrow; especially : a mark (as on a map or signboard) to indicate direction, a painful or damaging experience or occurrence that is likened to being shot with an arrow
(verb) to move fast and straight like an arrow in flight, to hit or throw (something) toward a target fast and straight like an arrow, to shoot (an animal) with an arrow
- art (6)
- in books ::: artist (5), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) skill acquired by experience, study, or observation, a branch of learning:, one of the humanities
(adjective) produced as an artistic effort or for decorative purposes
(abbreviation) article, artificial, artillery
(noun suffix) one that is characterized by performing some action, possessing some quality, or being associated with some thing especially conspicuously or excessively
- arterial (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to an artery, relating to or being the bright red blood present in most arteries that has been oxygenated in lungs or gills, of, relating to, or constituting through traffic
(noun) a through street or highway
(adjective) situated or occurring within, administered into, or involving entry by way of an artery
- arteries (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of the tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body, a channel (such as a river or highway) of transportation or communication; especially : the main channel in a branching system
- articulated (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having a hinge or pivot connection especially to allow negotiation of sharp turns, having sections connected by joints that allow each section to bend or turn independently in different directions, connected by a joint or joints
(verb) to give clear and effective utterance to : to put into words, to utter distinctly, to give definition to (something, such as a shape or object)
- articulates (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to give clear and effective utterance to : to put into words, to utter distinctly, to give definition to (something, such as a shape or object)
- artifact (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually simple object (such as a tool or ornament) showing human workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object; especially : an object remaining from a particular period, something characteristic of or resulting from a particular human institution, period, trend, or individual, something or someone arising from or associated with an earlier time especially when regarded as no longer appropriate, relevant, or important
- artifacts (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a usually simple object (such as a tool or ornament) showing human workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object; especially : an object remaining from a particular period, something characteristic of or resulting from a particular human institution, period, trend, or individual, something or someone arising from or associated with an earlier time especially when regarded as no longer appropriate, relevant, or important
- artificial (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) humanly contrived often on a natural model : man-made, having existence in legal, economic, or political theory, caused or produced by a human and especially social or political agency
- artist (12)
- in books ::: artist (11), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or writing) using conscious skill and creative imagination, a person skilled in any of the arts, a skilled performer; especially : a musical or theatrical entertainer : artiste
- artistic (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of art or artists, showing imaginative skill in arrangement or execution
- artists (4)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1)
(noun) a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or writing) using conscious skill and creative imagination, a person skilled in any of the arts, a skilled performer; especially : a musical or theatrical entertainer : artiste
(noun) a performer on the trapeze —called also trapeze artist
- arts (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) skill acquired by experience, study, or observation, a branch of learning:, one of the humanities
(noun suffix) one that is characterized by performing some action, possessing some quality, or being associated with some thing especially conspicuously or excessively
- as (15)
- in books ::: artist (13), birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adverb) to the same degree or amount, for instance : such as, when considered in a specified form or relation —usually used before a preposition or a participle
(conjunction) as if, in or to the same degree in which —usually used as a correlative after an adjective or adverb modified by adverbial as or so, in the way or manner that
(pronoun) that, who, which —used after same or such and chiefly dialect after a substantive not modified by same or such, a fact that
(preposition) like, like, in the capacity, character, condition, or role of
(noun) a bronze coin of the ancient Roman republic, a unit of value equivalent to an as coin, libra
(abbreviation) altostratus
(symbol) arsenic
(abbreviation) after sight, airspeed, American Samoa, Anglo-Saxon, antisubmarine
(noun) the 1st letter of the English alphabet, a graphic representation of this letter, a speech counterpart of orthographic a
- ascending (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) rising or increasing to higher levels, values, or degrees, mounting or sloping upward, rising upward usually from a more or less flat base or point of attachment
(verb) to move upward, to slope upward, to conduct nerve impulses toward or to the brain
- ascension (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) the act or process of ascending
- ash (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of a genus (Fraxinus) of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, and gray branchlets, the tough elastic wood of an ash, the ligature æ used in Old English and some phonetic alphabets to represent a low front vowel \a\
(noun) something that symbolizes grief, repentance, or humiliation, the solid residue left when combustible material is thoroughly burned or is oxidized by chemical means, fine particles of mineral matter from a volcanic vent
(verb) to convert into ash, to remove ash residue from (something, such as a cigarette) usually by flicking or tapping, to apply ash to : to coat with ashes
(adjective) pale or grayish blond
- ashes (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something that symbolizes grief, repentance, or humiliation, the solid residue left when combustible material is thoroughly burned or is oxidized by chemical means, fine particles of mineral matter from a volcanic vent
(verb) to convert into ash, to remove ash residue from (something, such as a cigarette) usually by flicking or tapping, to apply ash to : to coat with ashes
(noun) any of a genus (Fraxinus) of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, and gray branchlets, the tough elastic wood of an ash, the ligature æ used in Old English and some phonetic alphabets to represent a low front vowel \a\
- asked (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to call on for an answer, to put a question about, speak, utter
- askew (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) out of line : at an angle
- asl (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(abbreviation) American Sign Language
- asleep (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) being in a state of sleep, dead, lacking sensation : numb
(adverb) into a state of sleep, into the sleep of death, into a state of inactivity, sluggishness, or indifference
- aspect (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded, appearance to the eye or mind, a particular appearance of the face : mien
- aspects (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded, appearance to the eye or mind, a particular appearance of the face : mien
- asphalt (10)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a dark bituminous substance that is found in natural beds and is also obtained as a residue in petroleum refining and that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons, an asphaltic composition used for pavements and as a waterproof cement
(verb) to cover with asphalt : pave
- aspire (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal, ascend, soar
- aspiring (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) desiring and working to achieve a particular goal : having aspirations to attain a specified profession, position, etc.
(verb) to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal, ascend, soar
- assemblage (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a collection of persons or things : gathering, the act of assembling : the state of being assembled, an artistic composition made from scraps, junk, and odds and ends (as of paper, cloth, wood, stone, or metal)
(noun) an artist who specializes in assemblages
- assemblance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) Resemblance; likeness; appearance, An assembling; assemblage
- assembly (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a company of persons gathered for deliberation and legislation, worship, or entertainment, a legislative body; specifically : the lower house of a legislature, a meeting of a student body and usually faculty for administrative, educational, or recreational purposes
(noun) a programming language that consists of instructions that are mnemonic codes for corresponding machine language instructions
(adjective) made by or as if by an assembly line; especially : lacking originality or creativity
(noun) an arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers in which work passes from operation to operation in direct line until the product is assembled, a process for turning out a finished product in a mechanically efficient manner
(noun) a congregation belonging to a Pentecostal body founded in the U.S. in 1914
(noun) the highest governing body in a religious denomination (such as the United Presbyterian Church), a legislative assembly; especially : a U.S. state legislature, the supreme deliberative body of the United Nations
(noun) a legislative body or the lower house of a legislature (as in various British colonies, protectorates, and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations)
(noun) a bicameral legislature (as in an American state), the lower house of a bicameral legislature, a unicameral legislature; especially : one in a Canadian province
(noun) the process by which a complex macromolecule (such as collagen) or a supramolecular system (such as a virus) spontaneously assembles itself from its components
(adjective) having been assembled in advance
- assert (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively, to compel or demand acceptance or recognition of (something, such as one's authority), to demonstrate the existence of
- assessments (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the action or an instance of making a judgment about something : the act of assessing something : appraisal, the amount assessed : an amount that a person is officially required to pay especially as a tax
(verb) to assess (something) again
(noun) the act or process of analyzing and evaluating oneself or one's actions : assessment of oneself
- associative (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to association especially of ideas or images, dependent on or acquired by association or learning, of, having, or being the property of combining to the same mathematical result regardless of the grouping of an expression's elements given that the order of those elements is preserved
(noun) a learning process in which discrete ideas and percepts become linked to one another
(noun) interneuron
(noun) the expression (as by speaking or writing) of the content of consciousness without censorship as an aid in gaining access to unconscious processes especially in psychoanalysis, the reporting of the first thought that comes to mind in response to a given stimulus (such as a word), an idea or image elicited by free association
- astrologers (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a person who practices astrology
- astronomies (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties
(noun) astronomy in which celestial bodies in the solar system are studied by analyzing the return of radio waves directed at them
(noun) astronomy dealing with radio waves received from outside the earth's atmosphere
(noun) astronomy dealing with investigations of celestial bodies by means of the X-rays they emit
- astronomy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties
(noun) astronomy in which celestial bodies in the solar system are studied by analyzing the return of radio waves directed at them
(noun) astronomy dealing with radio waves received from outside the earth's atmosphere
(noun) astronomy dealing with investigations of celestial bodies by means of the X-rays they emit
- asymptotic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a straight line associated with a curve such that as a point moves along an infinite branch of the curve the distance from the point to the line approaches zero and the slope of the curve at the point approaches the slope of the line
- at (19)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (6), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (4)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence in, on, or near, —used as a function word to indicate the goal of an indicated or implied action or motion, —used as a function word to indicate that with which one is occupied or employed
(noun) a monetary subunit of the kip
(abbreviation) airtight, atmosphere, atomic
(verb) to respond to, challenge, or disparage the claim or opinion of (someone) —usually used in the phrase don't @ me
(symbol) astatine
(abbreviation) air temperature, ampere-turn, ataxia-telangiectasia, automatic transmission, Appalachian Trail
(prefix) to : toward —usually ac- before c, k, or q and af- before f and ag- before g and al- before l and ap- before p and as- before s and at- before t and ad- before other sounds but sometimes ad- even before one of the listed consonants, near : adjacent to —in this sense always in the form ad-
(verb) to respond to, challenge, or disparage the claim or opinion of (someone) —usually used in the phrase don't @ me
(noun) a monetary subunit of the kip
- atmospheres (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the gaseous envelope of a celestial body (such as a planet), the whole mass of air surrounding the earth, the air of a locality
- atmospheric (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, or occurring in the atmosphere, resembling the atmosphere : airy, having, marked by, or contributing aesthetic or emotional atmosphere; also : marked by an emphasis on impression or tone
- atomic (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, or concerned with atoms, nuclear, marked by acceptance of the theory of atomism
- atoms (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination, the atom considered as a source of vast potential constructive or destructive energy, a tiny particle : bit
- attempts (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to make an effort to do, accomplish, solve, or effect, tempt, to try to subdue or take by force : attack
(noun) the act or an instance of trying to do or accomplish something : an act or instance of attempting something; often : an unsuccessful effort, something resulting from or representing an attempt, attack, assault
- attention (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or state of applying the mind to something, a condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity, observation, notice; especially : consideration with a view to action
(noun) a developmental disorder that is marked especially by persistent symptoms of inattention (such as distractibility, forgetfulness, or disorganization) or by symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity (such as fidgeting, speaking out of turn, or restlessness) or by symptoms of all three and that is not caused by any serious underlying physical or mental disorder —abbreviation ADD
(noun) attention deficit disorder —abbreviation ADHD
(noun) a line usually placed above the salutation in a business letter directing the letter to one specified
(noun) the length of time during which one (such as an individual or a group) is able to concentrate or remain interested
(idiom) to cause someone to look at one
(idiom) to make someone aware of some problem
(idiom) to make someone aware of (something)
(idiom) the person, thing, or area that everyone nearby notices and watches
(idiom) to be noticed by someone, to be made known to someone
- attracting (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to approach or adhere: such as, to pull to or draw toward oneself or itself, to draw by appeal to natural or excited interest, emotion, or aesthetic sense : entice
- audion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an elementary form of radio tube developed in 1906
- august (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3)
(adjective) marked by majestic dignity or grandeur
(noun) the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar
- aurally (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing
- auto (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) automobile
(adjective) automatic
(combining form) self : same one, automatic : self-acting
(noun) a feature found in many computer programs (such as those used for data entry, email editing, Internet searches, or word processing) that attempts to predict and automatically complete the current word or phrase as it is being entered by the program's user
(noun) the ceremony for pronouncing judgment by the Inquisition which was followed by the execution of sentence by secular authorities; broadly : the burning of a heretic
(noun) a device for injecting oneself with a single, preloaded dose of a drug that typically consists of a spring-loaded syringe activated when the device is pushed firmly against the body
(noun) a feature found in many computer programs (such as search engines and text messaging apps) that analyzes a user's typing and presents a list of words and phrases that can be selected and entered based on history, context, and the first few typed letters
(noun) an influencing of one's own attitudes, behavior, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought : self-hypnosis
(verb) to adjust or alter (a recording) with Auto-Tune software especially to correct sung notes that are out of tune
- automated (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) operated automatically
(verb) to operate by automation, to convert to largely automatic operation, to undergo automation
(noun) atm
(noun) atm
(noun) a computerized electronic machine that performs basic banking functions (such as handling check deposits or issuing cash withdrawals) —called also automated teller machine, automatic teller, automatic teller machine
(noun) atm
(noun) atm
- avalanche (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a large mass of snow, ice, earth, rock, or other material in swift motion down a mountainside or over a precipice, a sudden great or overwhelming rush or accumulation of something, a cumulative process in which photons or accelerated charge carriers produce additional photons or charge carriers through collisions (as with gas molecules)
(verb) to descend in an avalanche, overwhelm, flood
- avenue (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a way of access : route, a channel for pursuing a desired object, the principal walk or driveway to a house situated off a main road
- average (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values, mean, an estimation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean
- awake (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cease sleeping : to wake up, to become aroused or active again, to become conscious or aware of something
(adjective) fully conscious, alert, and aware : not asleep
(adjective) fully awake, alertly watchful especially for advantages or opportunities
- away (15)
- in books ::: birdland (7), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (4)
(adverb) on the way : along, from this or that place, in a secure place or manner
(adjective) absent from a place : gone, distant in space or time, played on an opponent's grounds
- awkward (7)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lacking dexterity or skill (as in the use of hands), showing the result of a lack of expertness, lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression)
- ax (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood, a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing or spalling stone, removal from office or release from employment : dismissal —usually used with the
(verb) to shape, dress, or trim with an ax, to chop, split, or sever with an ax, to remove abruptly (as from employment or from a budget)
(abbreviation) axiom, axis
(noun) a broadax formerly used as a weapon of war, a usually older woman who is sharp-tongued, domineering, or combative
(noun) cleaver, an extreme or heavy-handed method of cutting or altering something
- axe (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood, a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing or spalling stone, removal from office or release from employment : dismissal —usually used with the
(verb) to shape, dress, or trim with an ax, to chop, split, or sever with an ax, to remove abruptly (as from employment or from a budget)
(noun) a broadax formerly used as a weapon of war, a usually older woman who is sharp-tongued, domineering, or combative
- axes (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood, a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing or spalling stone, removal from office or release from employment : dismissal —usually used with the
(verb) to shape, dress, or trim with an ax, to chop, split, or sever with an ax, to remove abruptly (as from employment or from a budget)
(noun) a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate, a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical —called also axis of symmetry, a straight line that bisects at right angles a system of parallel chords of a curve and divides the curve into two symmetrical parts
(noun) a broadax formerly used as a weapon of war, a usually older woman who is sharp-tongued, domineering, or combative
(noun) cleaver, an extreme or heavy-handed method of cutting or altering something
- axis (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate, a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical —called also axis of symmetry, a straight line that bisects at right angles a system of parallel chords of a curve and divides the curve into two symmetrical parts
(adjective) of or relating to the three powers Germany, Italy, and Japan engaged against the Allied nations in World War II
(noun) the axis in a plane Cartesian coordinate system parallel to which abscissas are measured, one of the three axes in a three-dimensional rectangular coordinate system
- axle (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a pin or shaft on or with which a wheel or pair of wheels revolves, a fixed bar or beam with bearings at its ends on which wheels (as of a cart) revolve, the spindle of such a beam
- babel (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a city in Shinar where the building of a tower is held in Genesis to have been halted by the confusion of tongues, a confusion of sounds or voices, a scene of noise or confusion
- baby (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) an extremely young child; especially : infant, an extremely young animal, the youngest of a group
(adjective) of, relating to, or being an extremely young child, much smaller than the usual
(verb) to tend to indulge with often excessive or inappropriate care and solicitude, to use or treat with care
- back (19)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (16)
(noun) the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine, the body considered as the wearer of clothes, capacity for labor, effort, or endurance
(adverb) to, toward, or at the rear, in or into the past : backward in time; also : ago, to or at an angle off the vertical
(adjective) being at or in the back, distant from a central or main area, articulated at or toward the back of the oral passage : formed deep within the mouth
(verb) to support by material or moral assistance —often used with up, substantiate —often used with up, to assume financial responsibility for
(noun) discussion, give-and-take; also : exchange
- background (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) the scenery or ground behind something, the part of a painting representing what lies behind objects in the foreground, an image that displays on a computer screen underneath the various available icons and windows
(verb) to provide with background, to give less attention or emphasis to (something) : to place (something) in the background
- backspace (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move back a space in a text with the press of a key
(noun) an instance of backspacing; also : the key pressed in backspacing
- backward (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(adverb) toward the back or rear, with the back foremost, in a reverse or contrary direction or way
(adjective) directed or turned toward the back, done or executed backward, diffident, shy
(noun) the part behind or past
(adjective) relating to the past : old-fashioned
(verb) to constrain or strain to tension by curving, to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular, to force from a proper shape
(verb) to descend freely by the force of gravity, to hang freely, to drop oneself to a lower position
- bacteria (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a domain (Bacteria) of chiefly round, spiral, or rod-shaped single-celled prokaryotic microorganisms that typically live in soil, water, organic matter, or the bodies of plants and animals, that make their own food especially from sunlight or are saprophytic or parasitic, are often motile by means of flagella, reproduce especially by binary fission, and include many important pathogens; broadly : prokaryote
(plural noun) bacteria of a family (Nitrobacteraceae) comprising gram-negative bacteria commonly found in the soil and obtaining energy through the process of nitrification
(noun) a bacterium (such as a Group A streptococcus or MRSA) that causes necrotizing fasciitis
- bad (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) failing to reach an acceptable standard : poor, unfavorable, not fresh : spoiled
(noun) something that is bad, an evil or unhappy state, fault
(adverb) badly
(adjective) of more inferior quality, value, or condition, more unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painful, more faulty, unsuitable, or incorrect
(adverb) in a worse manner : to a worse extent or degree, what is worse
(adjective) most corrupt, bad, evil, or ill, most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painful, most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived
(adverb) to the extreme degree of badness or inferiority, to the greatest or highest degree
- bagpipe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a wind instrument consisting of a reed melody pipe and from one to five drones with air supplied continuously either by a bag with valve-stopped mouth tube or by bellows —often used in plural
- bags (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a usually flexible container that may be closed for holding, storing, or carrying something: such as, purse; especially : handbag, a bag for game
(verb) to swell out : bulge, to hang loosely, to cause to swell
(noun) a bag that is inflated with air typically for use as a cushion or safety device; especially : such a bag installed in an automobile as a safety device designed to inflate automatically in case of collision
- bait (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to persecute or exasperate with unjust, malicious, or persistent attacks : to try to make angry with criticism or insults, tease, to harass (a chained animal, such as a bear) with dogs usually for sport
(noun) something (such as food) used in luring especially to a hook or trap, a poisonous material placed where it will be eaten by harmful or objectionable animals, lure, temptation
(verb) to subject (a person or group) to red-baiting, to engage in red-baiting
(verb) to attempt to catch fish, to seek something by roundabout means, to search for something underwater
- balance (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) physical equilibrium, the ability to retain one's balance, stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis
(verb) to poise or arrange in or as if in balance, to bring into harmony or proportion, to bring to a state or position of balance
- balding (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) becoming bald
(verb) to make bald, to become bald
- balls (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a round or roundish body or mass: such as, a spherical or ovoid body used in a game or sport —used figuratively in phrases like the ball is in your court to indicate who has the responsibility or opportunity for further action, earth, globe
(verb) to form or gather into a ball, to have sexual intercourse with, to form or gather into a ball
(noun) a large formal gathering for social dancing, a very pleasant experience : a good time
(adjective) all-out, full-out, boldly aggressive or competitive
(noun) foul-up
(verb) to completely miss the rim and backboard with a shot : to shoot an air ball
- bandaged (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) wrapped or covered with a bandage
(verb) to bind, dress, or cover with a bandage
- bandwidth (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) a range within a band of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies; especially : a range of radio frequencies which is occupied by a modulated carrier wave, which is assigned to a service, or over which a device can operate, the capacity for data transfer of an electronic communications system; especially : the maximum data transfer rate of such a system, the emotional or mental capacity necessary to do or consider something
- bang (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to strike sharply : bump, to knock, hit, or thrust vigorously often with a sharp noise, to have sexual intercourse with
(noun) a resounding blow, a sudden loud noise —often used interjectionally, a sudden striking effect
(adverb) right, directly
(noun) the front section of a person's hair when it is cut short and worn over the forehead —usually used in plural
(verb) to cut (hair) short and squarely across
(adjective) having a sudden, forceful, or attention-grabbing effect : punchy, executed or happening so quickly as to make judgment (as by an umpire or referee) difficult, characterized by violent or fast-paced action
- bank (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a mound, pile, or ridge raised above the surrounding level: such as, a piled-up mass of cloud or fog, an undersea elevation rising especially from the continental shelf
(verb) to build a raised border of earth around : to raise a bank about, to restrict the flow of air to (a fire) especially by piling ash around or over the burning embers, to build (a curve) with the roadbed or track inclined laterally upward from the inside edge
(noun) an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds, the table, counter, or place of business of a money changer, a person conducting a gambling house or game; specifically : dealer
(verb) to manage a bank, to deposit money or have an account in a bank, to deposit or store in a bank
(noun) a group or series of objects arranged together in a row or a tier : such as, a set of elevators, a row or tier of telephones
- bar (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening), a solid piece or block of material that is longer than it is wide, a usually rigid piece (as of wood or metal) longer than it is wide that is used as a handle or support; especially : a handrail used by ballet dancers to maintain balance while exercising
(verb) to fasten with a long, narrow piece of wood, metal, or other material : to fasten with a bar, to place bars across to prevent ingress or egress, to mark with straight stripes, bands, or lines that are much longer than they are wide : to mark with bars : stripe
(preposition) except
(noun) a unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals
(abbreviation) barometer; barometric, barrel
(abbreviation) Baruch
(abbreviation) bachelor of architecture
(abbreviation) Browning automatic rifle
(combining form) weight : pressure
- barbed (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having barbs, characterized by pointed and biting criticism or sarcasm
(verb) to furnish with a barb
- barn (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a usually large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment, an unusually large and usually bare building, a large building for the housing of a fleet of vehicles (such as trolley cars or trucks)
- barns (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a usually large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment, an unusually large and usually bare building, a large building for the housing of a fleet of vehicles (such as trolley cars or trucks)
- barren (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) not reproducing: such as, incapable of producing offspring —used especially of females or matings, not yet or not recently pregnant
(noun) an extent of usually level land having an inferior growth of trees or little vegetation, a tract of barren land
- bars (8)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (3)
(noun) a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening), a solid piece or block of material that is longer than it is wide, a usually rigid piece (as of wood or metal) longer than it is wide that is used as a handle or support; especially : a handrail used by ballet dancers to maintain balance while exercising
(verb) to fasten with a long, narrow piece of wood, metal, or other material : to fasten with a bar, to place bars across to prevent ingress or egress, to mark with straight stripes, bands, or lines that are much longer than they are wide : to mark with bars : stripe
(noun) a unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals
(abbreviation) Browning automatic rifle
- based (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having a specified type of base or basis —often used in combination
(verb) to find a foundation or basis for : to find a base for —usually used with on or upon, to make, form, or serve as a base for
(adjective) having each item justified on the basis of cost or need
(adjective) involving or attracting many different types of people
- basin (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an open usually circular vessel with sloping or curving sides used typically for holding water for washing, a bowl used especially in cooking, the quantity contained in a basin
- basis (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the bottom of something considered as its foundation, the principal component of something, something on which something else is established or based
- baskets (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a receptacle made of interwoven material (such as osiers), any of various lightweight usually wood containers, the quantity contained in a basket
- battered (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) damaged or worn down by hard use, injured by repeated blows, subjected to repeated physical abuse
(verb) to beat with successive blows so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish, bombard, to commit battery against (someone) : to offensively touch or use force on (a person) without the person's consent
(verb) to coat with a mixture (as of flour and egg) for frying : to coat (food) with batter
(verb) to give a receding upward slope to (something, such as a wall)
- be (9)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(symbol) beryllium
(abbreviation) Baumé
(abbreviation) bachelor of education, bachelor of engineering, bill of exchange, Black English, British English
(prefix) on : around : over, to a great or greater degree : thoroughly, excessively : ostentatiously —in intensive verbs formed from simple verbs and in adjectives based on adjectives ending in -ed
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
- beak (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the bill of a bird; especially : a strong short broad bill, the elongated sucking mouth of some insects (such as the true bugs), any of various rigid projecting mouth structures (as of a turtle)
- beaked (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the bill of a bird; especially : a strong short broad bill, the elongated sucking mouth of some insects (such as the true bugs), any of various rigid projecting mouth structures (as of a turtle)
(noun) any of a family (Ziphiidae) of toothed whales that have a relatively long, narrow snout suggestive of a beak, that in the males often have a large bulging forehead, and that unlike other whales lack a notch on the fluke
- beam (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construction, a wood or metal cylinder in a loom on which the warp is wound, the part of a plow to which handles, standard, and coulter are attached
(verb) to emit in beams or as a beam, to support with beams, to transmit especially by satellite : broadcast
(plural noun) the ends of a ship's beams
- bearing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the manner in which one behaves or comports oneself : the manner in which one bears oneself, the act, power, or time of bringing forth offspring or fruit, a product of bearing : crop
(verb) to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way, to call for as suitable or essential, assume, accept
(noun) checkrein
(noun) a bearing in which the journal turns upon loose hardened steel balls that roll easily in a race; also : one of the balls in such a bearing
(noun) a bearing in which the journal rotates in peripheral contact with a number of rollers usually contained in a cage
(noun) the space provided at each side of a typeset letter to prevent its touching adjoining letters
(noun) the act or state of supporting or withstanding the weight of something (such as a building or the body) —usually used before another noun
(idiom) too painful, unpleasant, etc., to be accepted or endured
(idiom) to affect or influence a decision —usually used in negative statements
(verb) overcome, overwhelm, to exert full strength and concentrated attention
- beast (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being, a lower vertebrate, and an invertebrate, a lower animal as distinguished from a human being, an animal as distinguished from a plant
(noun) abdomen; also : potbelly, the stomach and its adjuncts, the undersurface of an animal's body; also : hide from this part
- beat (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to strike repeatedly:, to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain —often used with up, to walk on : tread
(noun) a single stroke or blow especially in a series; also : pulsation, tick, a sound produced by or as if by beating, a driving impact or force
(adjective) being in a state of exhaustion : exhausted, sapped of resolution or morale, of, relating to, or being beatniks
(noun) beatnik
(adjective) dilapidated, shabby
- beating (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act of striking with repeated blows so as to injure or damage; also : the injury or damage thus inflicted, pulsation, defeat, setback
(verb) to strike repeatedly:, to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain —often used with up, to walk on : tread
(noun) noisy demonstrative protestation (as of grief, anger, or self-recrimination)
(adjective) better than all others of the same kind
(noun) bodily waste discharged through the anus : feces, excrement, an act of defecation —usually used in the phrases take a shit and (British) have a shit, nonsense, foolishness, crap; especially : trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk
- beats (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to strike repeatedly:, to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain —often used with up, to walk on : tread
(noun) a single stroke or blow especially in a series; also : pulsation, tick, a sound produced by or as if by beating, a driving impact or force
(noun) beatnik
(noun) a repetitive drum pattern in hip-hop and dance music; also : music based on breakbeats
(noun) bodily waste discharged through the anus : feces, excrement, an act of defecation —usually used in the phrases take a shit and (British) have a shit, nonsense, foolishness, crap; especially : trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk
- beautiful (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) having qualities of beauty : exciting aesthetic pleasure, generally pleasing : excellent
- became (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to come into existence, to come to be, to undergo change or development
- become (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to come into existence, to come to be, to undergo change or development
- becomes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to come into existence, to come to be, to undergo change or development
- becoming (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) suitable, fitting; especially : attractively suitable
(verb) to come into existence, to come to be, to undergo change or development
- bee (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) any of numerous hymenopterous insects (superfamily Apoidea) that differ from the related wasps especially in the heavier hairier body and in having sucking as well as chewing mouthparts, that feed on pollen and nectar, and that store both and often also honey, an eccentric notion : fancy
(noun) the letter b
(noun) a gathering of people for a specific purpose
(abbreviation) bachelor of electrical engineering
(noun) any of several monardas; especially : oswego tea, lemon balm
(noun) any of a family (Meropidae) of brightly colored slender-billed insectivorous chiefly tropical Old World birds
(noun) any of a family (Bombyliidae) of dipteran flies many of which resemble bees
(noun) a highly admired person or thing : cat's meow
(adjective) having a red puffy appearance as if from being stung by a bee
(noun) a hollow tree in which honeybees nest
- been (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(noun) one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularity
(adjective) about, being in existence, evidence, or circulation
(noun) a compact usually solid piece of substantial material especially when worked or altered to serve a particular purpose : such as, the piece of wood on which the neck of a person condemned to be beheaded is laid for execution, a mold or form on which articles are shaped or displayed
- beer (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a carbonated, fermented alcoholic beverage that is usually made from malted cereal grain (especially barley), is flavored with hops, and typically contains less than a 5% alcohol content, a carbonated nonalcoholic or a fermented slightly alcoholic beverage with flavoring from roots or other plant parts, fermented mash
- bees (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) any of numerous hymenopterous insects (superfamily Apoidea) that differ from the related wasps especially in the heavier hairier body and in having sucking as well as chewing mouthparts, that feed on pollen and nectar, and that store both and often also honey, an eccentric notion : fancy
(noun) the letter b
(noun) a gathering of people for a specific purpose
(noun) any of numerous large robust hairy social bees (genus Bombus)
(noun) bumblebee
- before (16)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (8), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) in advance : ahead, at an earlier time
(preposition) forward of : in front of, in the presence of, under the jurisdiction or consideration of
(conjunction) earlier than the time that, sooner or quicker than, so that … do not
- beggar (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that begs; especially : a person who lives by asking for gifts, pauper, fellow
(verb) to reduce to poverty or the practice of asking for charity : to reduce to beggary, to exceed the resources or abilities of : defy
(adjective) beggar-thy-neighbor
(noun) any of various plants (as of the genera Hackelia and Cynoglossum of the borage family) with prickly or adhesive fruits; also : one of these fruits
(adjective) relating to or being an action or policy that produces gains for one group at the expense of another
(noun) bur marigold; also : its prickly achenes, beggar's-lice
- beginning (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the point at which something begins : start, the first part, origin, source
(adjective) just starting out, being first or the first part, introductory
(verb) to do the first part of an action : go into the first part of a process : start, to come into existence : arise, to have a starting point
- begins (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to do the first part of an action : go into the first part of a process : start, to come into existence : arise, to have a starting point
- behind (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) in the place or situation that is being or has been departed from, in, to, or toward the back, later in time
(preposition) in or to a place or situation in back of or to the rear of, —used as a function word to indicate something that screens an observer, following in order
(noun) buttocks —often used as a euphemism for ass in idiomatic expressions
(adjective) being or working out of public view or in secret, revealing or reporting the hidden workings
- being (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) the quality or state of having existence, something that is conceivable and hence capable of existing, something that actually exists
(adjective) present —used in the phrase for the time being
(conjunction) since, because —usually used with as, as how, or that
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(noun) a condition of being deficient in health, happiness, or prosperity
(noun) the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous : welfare
- belief (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing, something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion : something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group, conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence
(idiom) —used to indicate that increasing number of people are coming to a particular belief
(idiom) to be unbelievable or not deserving to be believed : to defy belief
(idiom) not capable of being believed : too extraordinary to be believed
(idiom) despite what many people believe
(idiom) to be unbelievable : to be not deserving to be believed
(idiom) believing that
(idiom) being mistaken in thinking that
(idiom) —saying something is to the best of one's belief means it agrees with what one knows and believes to be true
(idiom) believable : deserving to be believed
- believe (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(verb) to consider to be true or honest, to accept the word or evidence of, to hold as an opinion : suppose
(noun) a pretending that what is not real is real
(adjective) imaginary, pretended
- bell (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a hollow metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck, doorbell, the sounding of a bell as a signal
(verb) to provide with a bell, to flare the end of (something, such as a tube) into the shape of a bell, to take the form of a bell : flare
(verb) to make a resonant bellowing or baying sound
(noun) bellow, roar
- bells (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to provide with a bell, to flare the end of (something, such as a tube) into the shape of a bell, to take the form of a bell : flare
(verb) to make a resonant bellowing or baying sound
(noun) a hollow metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck, doorbell, the sounding of a bell as a signal
(noun) bellow, roar
- belly (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) abdomen; also : potbelly, the stomach and its adjuncts, the undersurface of an animal's body; also : hide from this part
(verb) to cause to swell or fill out, swell, fill, to slide or crawl on one's belly
(verb) to land an airplane on its undersurface without use of landing gear
(adjective) hopelessly ruined or defeated; especially : bankrupt
- below (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in or to a lower place, on earth, in or to Hades or hell
(preposition) lower in place, rank, or value than : under, down river from, south of
(noun) something that is below
(adjective) written or discussed lower on the same page or on a following page
(noun) a strip of flexible material worn especially around the waist as an item of clothing or a means of carrying something (such as tools), a similar article worn as a corset or for protection or safety or as a symbol of distinction, a continuous band of tough flexible material for transmitting motion and power or conveying materials
(noun) a jarring blow : whack, drink
- belts (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to encircle or fasten with a belt, to strap on, to beat with or as if with a belt : thrash
(noun) a strip of flexible material worn especially around the waist as an item of clothing or a means of carrying something (such as tools), a similar article worn as a corset or for protection or safety or as a symbol of distinction, a continuous band of tough flexible material for transmitting motion and power or conveying materials
(noun) a jarring blow : whack, drink
- bend (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to constrain or strain to tension by curving, to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular, to force from a proper shape
(noun) the act or process of bending : the state of being bent, something that is bent: such as, a curved part of a path (as of a stream or road)
(noun) a diagonal band that runs from the dexter chief to the sinister base on a heraldic shield, a knot by which one rope is fastened to another or to some object
- bendability (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the state of between-ness
- bendable (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to constrain or strain to tension by curving, to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular, to force from a proper shape
- bender (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that bends, spree, curveball
- bending (9)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to constrain or strain to tension by curving, to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular, to force from a proper shape
(adjective) mind-blowing
(adverb) toward the back or rear, with the back foremost, in a reverse or contrary direction or way
- bends (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of bending : the state of being bent, something that is bent: such as, a curved part of a path (as of a stream or road)
(verb) to constrain or strain to tension by curving, to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular, to force from a proper shape
(noun) a diagonal band that runs from the dexter chief to the sinister base on a heraldic shield, a knot by which one rope is fastened to another or to some object
(adverb) toward the back or rear, with the back foremost, in a reverse or contrary direction or way
- beneath (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in or to a lower position : below, directly under : underneath
(preposition) in or to a lower position than : below, directly under, at the foot of
(idiom) completely bad or worthless —used to describe someone or something that is too bad to deserve any respect
(idiom) suitable for someone who is considered less important
(idiom) from a place below or under (something)
- bent (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) unenclosed grassland, a reedy grass, a stalk of stiff coarse grass
(adjective) changed by bending out of an originally straight or even condition, strongly inclined : determined —usually used with on, different from the normal or usual
(noun) a strong inclination or interest : bias, a special inclination or capacity : talent, capacity of endurance
(verb) to constrain or strain to tension by curving, to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular, to force from a proper shape
(adjective) stubbornly and often recklessly determined or intent
(adverb) toward the back or rear, with the back foremost, in a reverse or contrary direction or way
- better (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) greater than half, improved in health or mental attitude, more attractive, favorable, or commendable
(verb) to make better : such as, to make more tolerable or acceptable, to make more complete or perfect
(adverb) in a more excellent manner, to greater advantage : preferably, to a higher or greater degree
(noun) something better, a superior especially in merit or rank, advantage, victory
(verb) had better
(noun) one that bets
(adjective) of a favorable character or tendency, bountiful, fertile, handsome, attractive
(adverb) in a good or proper manner : justly, rightly, satisfactorily with respect to conduct or action, in a kindly or friendly manner
(adverb) well, —used as an intensive
- between (18)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (10), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(preposition) by the common action of : jointly engaging, in common to : shared by, in the time, space, or interval that separates
(adverb) in an intermediate space or interval
(noun) an intermediate agent : broker
(adjective or noun) intermediate
- betweens (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an intermediate agent : broker
(adjective or noun) intermediate
- beyond (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) on or to the farther side : farther, in addition : besides
(preposition) on or to the farther side of : at a greater distance than, out of the reach or sphere of, in a degree or amount surpassing
(noun) something that lies on or to the farther side : something that lies beyond, something that lies outside the scope of ordinary experience; specifically : hereafter
- bibles (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament, the sacred scriptures of some other religion (such as Judaism), book
- bicycle (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a vehicle with two wheels tandem, handlebars for steering, a saddle seat, and pedals by which it is propelled; also : a stationary exercise machine that resembles such a vehicle
(verb) to ride a bicycle, to move (one's legs) as if pedaling a bicycle
(noun) a small usually lightweight motorcycle
(noun) bicycle —called also push bicycle
- bifurcation (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the point or area at which something divides into two branches or parts : the point at which bifurcating occurs, branch, the state of being divided into two branches or parts : the act of bifurcating
- bifurcations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the point or area at which something divides into two branches or parts : the point at which bifurcating occurs, branch, the state of being divided into two branches or parts : the act of bifurcating
- billiard (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) —used as an attributive form of billiards
- billion (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a number equal to 1,000 million; also, British : a number equal to 1,000 milliard, a very large number
- bills (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to touch and rub bill to bill, to caress affectionately
(verb) to enter in an accounting system : prepare a bill of (charges), to submit a bill of charges to, to enter (something, such as freight) in a waybill
(noun) the jaws of a bird together with their horny covering, a mouthpart (such as the beak of a turtle) that resembles a bird's bill, the point of an anchor fluke
(noun) a weapon in use up to the 18th century that consists of a long staff ending in a hook-shaped blade, billhook
(noun) an itemized list or a statement of particulars (such as a list of materials or of members of a ship's crew), a written document or note, a formal petition
- binary (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something made of two things or parts; specifically : binary star, a number system based only on the numerals 0 and 1 : a binary number system, a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite
(adjective) compounded or consisting of or marked by two things or parts, duple —used of measure or rhythm, having two musical subjects or two complementary sections
- bind (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to make secure by tying, to confine, restrain, or restrict as if with bonds, to put under an obligation
(noun) something that binds, the act of binding : the state of being bound, a place where binding occurs
- biography (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a usually written history of a person's life, biographical writings as a whole, an account of the life of something (such as an animal, a coin, or a building)
- biomass (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the amount of living matter (as in a unit area or volume of habitat), plant materials and animal waste used especially as a source of fuel
- biome (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a major ecological community type (such as tropical rain forest, grassland, or desert)
- bird (61)
- in books ::: birdland (23), blueWindow (13), fieldNotes (25)
(noun) the young of a feathered vertebrate, any of a class (Aves) of warm-blooded vertebrates distinguished by having the body more or less completely covered with feathers and the forelimbs modified as wings, a game bird
(verb) to observe or identify wild birds in their habitats
(verb) to watch closely, to seek out : follow, detect
- birdless (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) hole in the sky, lonely sky, lonely forest, vacant field
- birds (34)
- in books ::: birdland (26), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to observe or identify wild birds in their habitats
(noun) the young of a feathered vertebrate, any of a class (Aves) of warm-blooded vertebrates distinguished by having the body more or less completely covered with feathers and the forelimbs modified as wings, a game bird
(noun) an ornamental plant (Strelitzia reginae of the family Strelitziaceae) native to southern Africa that has scapes terminating in a horizontal bract from which emerges an upright flower having three orange or yellow sepals and three irregular blue petals
(noun) any of numerous plants with small bright-colored flowers; especially : a speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys), an allover pattern for textiles consisting of a small diamond with a center dot, a fabric woven with this pattern
(adjective) marked with spots resembling birds' eyes, having or involving a bird's-eye view
- birth (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent, the act or process of bringing forth young from the womb, a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place
(verb) to bring forth, to give rise to : originate, to give birth to
(adjective) biological
- bisected (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to divide into two usually equal parts, cross, intersect
- bisecting (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to divide into two usually equal parts, cross, intersect
- bison (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of several large living or extinct bovine mammals (genus Bison) that have a long, broad head, short, hollow horns, heavy forequarters, a large muscular hump across the shoulders, and a shaggy mane on the head and lower neck and that typically live and migrate in herds: such as, american bison, european bison
- bit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the biting or cutting edge or part of a tool, a replaceable part of a compound tool that actually performs the function (such as drilling or boring) for which the whole tool is designed, the jaws of tongs or pincers
(verb) to put part of a bridle in the mouth of (a horse) : to put a bit in the mouth of (a horse), to control as if with a bit, to form a bit on (a key)
(noun) a small quantity of food; especially : a small delicacy, a small piece or quantity of some material thing, a coin of a specified small denomination
(noun) a unit of computer information equivalent to the result of a choice between two alternatives (such as yes or no, on or off), the physical representation of a bit by an electrical pulse, a magnetized spot, or a hole whose presence or absence indicates data
(verb) to seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound, to wound, pierce, or sting especially with a fang or a proboscis, to cut or pierce with or as if with an edged weapon
(adjective) cheap or trivial of its kind : petty, small-time, of the value of two bits
- bits (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the biting or cutting edge or part of a tool, a replaceable part of a compound tool that actually performs the function (such as drilling or boring) for which the whole tool is designed, the jaws of tongs or pincers
(verb) to put part of a bridle in the mouth of (a horse) : to put a bit in the mouth of (a horse), to control as if with a bit, to form a bit on (a key)
(noun) a small quantity of food; especially : a small delicacy, a small piece or quantity of some material thing, a coin of a specified small denomination
(noun) a unit of computer information equivalent to the result of a choice between two alternatives (such as yes or no, on or off), the physical representation of a bit by an electrical pulse, a magnetized spot, or a hole whose presence or absence indicates data
- bitter (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is peculiarly acrid, astringent, and often disagreeable and characteristic of citrus peels, unsweetened cocoa, black coffee, mature leafy greens (such as kale or mustard), or ale, distasteful or distressing to the mind : galling, marked by intensity or severity:
(noun) bitter quality, the taste sensation that is peculiarly acrid, astringent, and often disagreeable and is characteristic of citrus peels, unsweetened cocoa, black coffee, mature leafy greens (such as kale or mustard), or ale, a usually alcoholic solution of bitter and often aromatic plant products used especially in preparing mixed drinks or as a mild tonic
(verb) to make bitter
(adverb) to an intense or severe degree : to a bitter degree
- black (51)
- in books ::: birdland (33), blueWindow (16), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) having the very dark color of the night sky or the eye's pupil : of the color black
(noun) a pigment or dye of the color black : a black pigment or dye; especially : one consisting largely of carbon, the achromatic color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light, something that is black: such as
(verb) to become black, to make black, to declare (something, such as a business or industry) subject to boycott by trade-union members
- blackened (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) coated with a mixture of spices (such as garlic powder and cayenne pepper) and fried over extremely high heat
(verb) to become dark or black, to make black, defame, sully
- blackhole (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a celestial object that has a gravitational field so strong that light cannot escape it and that is believed to be created especially in the collapse of a very massive star, something resembling a black hole: such as, something that consumes a resource continually
- blacksmith (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a smith who forges iron
- blade (20)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (18)
(noun) leaf; especially : the leaf of an herb or a grass, the flat expanded part of a leaf as distinguished from the petiole, something resembling the blade of a leaf: such as
(verb) to hit (a ball or shot) with the leading edge of the clubface : skull, to skate on in-line skates
(noun) either of a pair of large triangular bones lying one in each dorsal lateral part of the thorax, being the principal bone of the corresponding half of the shoulder girdle, and articulating with the corresponding clavicle or coracoid —called also shoulder blade
- blades (8)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) leaf; especially : the leaf of an herb or a grass, the flat expanded part of a leaf as distinguished from the petiole, something resembling the blade of a leaf: such as
(verb) to hit (a ball or shot) with the leading edge of the clubface : skull, to skate on in-line skates
(noun) either of a pair of large, flat, triangular-shaped bones that lie above the rib cage on either side of the upper back : scapula
- blank (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) colorless, appearing or causing to appear dazed, confounded, or nonplussed, expressionless
(noun) the bull's-eye of a target, an empty space (as on a paper), a paper with spaces for the entry of data
(verb) obscure, obliterate, to stop access to : seal, to keep (an opponent) from scoring
- blanket (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a large usually oblong piece of woven fabric used as a bed covering, a similar piece of fabric used as a body covering (as for an animal), something that resembles a blanket
(verb) to cover with or as if with a blanket, to cover so as to obscure, interrupt, suppress, or extinguish, to interrupt the smooth flow of wind to (something, such as a downwind ship)
(adjective) effective or applicable in all instances or contingencies, covering all members of a group or class without individual apportionment
- blankets (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cover with or as if with a blanket, to cover so as to obscure, interrupt, suppress, or extinguish, to interrupt the smooth flow of wind to (something, such as a downwind ship)
(noun) a large usually oblong piece of woven fabric used as a bed covering, a similar piece of fabric used as a body covering (as for an animal), something that resembles a blanket
- blankness (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) colorless, appearing or causing to appear dazed, confounded, or nonplussed, expressionless
- blazing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) burning very brightly and intensely, of outstanding power, speed, heat, or intensity
(verb) to burn brightly, to flare up : flame, to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent
(verb) to make public or conspicuous
(verb) to mark (a trail) with blazes, to lead in some direction or activity
- bleeding (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) —used like bloody or damned as a generalized intensive
(verb) to emit or lose blood, to sacrifice one's blood especially in battle, to feel anguish, pain, or sympathy
(adjective) feeling or showing excessive or extravagant sympathy especially for an object of alleged persecution —used as a term of disparagement for people with politically liberal opinions
- blend (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) mix; especially : to combine or associate so that the separate constituents or the line of demarcation cannot be distinguished, to prepare by thoroughly intermingling different varieties or grades, to mingle intimately or unobtrusively
(noun) something produced by blending: such as, a product prepared by blending, a word (such as brunch) produced by combining other words or parts of words
- blink (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to look glancingly : peep, to look with half-shut eyes, to close and open the eyes involuntarily
(noun) glimpse, glance, glimmer, sparkle, a usually involuntary shutting and opening of the eye
- blinking (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to look glancingly : peep, to look with half-shut eyes, to close and open the eyes involuntarily
- block (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a compact usually solid piece of substantial material especially when worked or altered to serve a particular purpose : such as, the piece of wood on which the neck of a person condemned to be beheaded is laid for execution, a mold or form on which articles are shaped or displayed
(verb) to make unsuitable for passage or progress by obstruction, blockade, to hinder the passage, progress, or accomplishment of by or as if by interposing an obstruction
- blocks (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to make unsuitable for passage or progress by obstruction, blockade, to hinder the passage, progress, or accomplishment of by or as if by interposing an obstruction
(noun) a compact usually solid piece of substantial material especially when worked or altered to serve a particular purpose : such as, the piece of wood on which the neck of a person condemned to be beheaded is laid for execution, a mold or form on which articles are shaped or displayed
(verb) to interfere with the sexual advances of (someone, especially a man) towards another person —sometimes used figuratively
- blood (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins of a vertebrate animal carrying nourishment and oxygen to and bringing away waste products from all parts of the body, a comparable fluid of an invertebrate, a fluid resembling blood
(verb) to stain or wet with blood, bleed, to expose (a hunting dog) to sight, scent, or taste of the blood of its prey
(adjective) marked by great vigor, violence, or fierceness
(adjective) carried or transmitted by the blood
- bloody (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) containing or made up of blood, of or contained in the blood, smeared or stained with blood
(verb) to make bloody or bloodred, harm, damage
(adverb) —used as an intensive
(adjective) inclined towards violence or bloodshed, stubbornly contrary or obstructive : cantankerous
- blown (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) swollen, affected with bloat, being out of breath
(verb) to be in motion, to move with speed or force, to move or run quickly
(verb) flower, bloom
(adjective) fully mature, being at the height of bloom, full-fledged
- blue (55)
- in books ::: birdland (41), blueWindow (12), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of the color whose hue is that of the clear sky : of the color blue, bluish, discolored by or as if by bruising
(noun) a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violet, a pigment or dye that colors blue, bluing
(verb) to make (something) blue in color: such as, to dye, tint, or paint (something) blue, to heat (iron or steel) to about 550 to 600 degrees Fahrenheit so that it acquires a protective bluish coating
- blueprint (5)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a photographic print in white on a bright blue ground or blue on a white ground used especially for copying maps, mechanical drawings, and architects' plans, something resembling a blueprint (as in serving as a model or providing guidance); especially : a detailed plan or program of action
- blueprints (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a photographic print in white on a bright blue ground or blue on a white ground used especially for copying maps, mechanical drawings, and architects' plans, something resembling a blueprint (as in serving as a model or providing guidance); especially : a detailed plan or program of action
- blur (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a smear or stain that obscures, something vaguely or indistinctly perceived; especially : something moving or occurring too quickly to be clearly seen
(verb) to obscure or blemish by smearing, sully, to make dim, indistinct, or vague in outline or character
- blurred (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) characterized by dimness, indistinctness, or obscurity : lacking clarity or sharpness : blurry
(verb) to obscure or blemish by smearing, sully, to make dim, indistinct, or vague in outline or character
- blurring (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to obscure or blemish by smearing, sully, to make dim, indistinct, or vague in outline or character
- board (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a piece of sawed lumber of little thickness and a length greatly exceeding its width, a surface, frame, or device for posting notices, blackboard
(verb) to go aboard (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus), to put aboard, to cover or seal off with a long, thin, and often narrow piece of sawed lumber : to cover or seal off with boards —usually used with up
(adjective) being a professional whose qualifications have been approved by an official group
(adjective) placed to win if a competitor wins, places, or shows, embracing or affecting all classes or categories : blanket
- boarding (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to go aboard (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus), to put aboard, to cover or seal off with a long, thin, and often narrow piece of sawed lumber : to cover or seal off with boards —usually used with up
- boat (17)
- in books ::: birdland (11), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a small vessel for travel on water, ship, a boat-shaped container, utensil, or device
(verb) to place in or bring into a boat, to go by boat
- boatman (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a man who works on, deals in, or operates boats
(noun) backswimmer, any of various oval flattened aquatic bugs (family Corixidae) of fresh or brackish water with fringed hind legs modified into paddles
- boats (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a small vessel for travel on water, ship, a boat-shaped container, utensil, or device
(verb) to place in or bring into a boat, to go by boat
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
- bodies (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the main part of a plant or animal body especially as distinguished from limbs and head : trunk, the main, central, or principal part: such as, the nave of a church
(verb) to give form or shape to : embody, represent, symbolize —usually used with forth, to use one's body to forcefully block or move (an opposing player) —often used with up
- body (12)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the main part of a plant or animal body especially as distinguished from limbs and head : trunk, the main, central, or principal part: such as, the nave of a church
(verb) to give form or shape to : embody, represent, symbolize —usually used with forth, to use one's body to forcefully block or move (an opposing player) —often used with up
(adjective) relating to or being a crystal space lattice in which each cubic unit cell has an atom at its center and at each vertex
- bog (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) wet spongy ground; especially : a poorly drained usually acid area rich in accumulated plant material, frequently surrounding a body of open water, and having a characteristic flora (as of sedges, heaths, and sphagnum)
(verb) to cause to sink into or as if into a bog : impede, mire —usually used with down, to become impeded or stuck —usually used with down
(noun) lavatory
(adjective) having no special or interesting qualities : average
- boltzmann (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the ideal gas constant per molecule being the ratio of the molar gas constant to the number of molecules of a substance in a gram molecule and having a value of exactly 1.380649 × 10—23 joules per kelvin
- bomb (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) an explosive device fused to detonate under specified conditions, atomic bomb; also : nuclear weapons in general —usually used with the, a vessel for compressed gases: such as
(verb) to attack with or as if with bombs : bombard, to defeat decisively, to score many runs against (a pitcher)
(noun) atomic bomb
- bombing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to attack with or as if with bombs : bombard, to defeat decisively, to score many runs against (a pitcher)
(verb) to drop large numbers of bombs so as to cause uniform devastation over (a given area), to bombard repeatedly, widely, or excessively
(verb) to bomb from an airplane by making a steep dive toward the target before releasing the bomb
- bone (12)
- in books ::: birdland (7), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) one of the hard parts of the skeleton of a vertebrate, any of various hard animal substances or structures (such as baleen or ivory) akin to or resembling bone, the hard largely calcareous connective tissue of which the adult skeleton of most vertebrates is chiefly composed
(verb) to remove the bones from, to provide (a garment) with stays, to rub (something, such as a boot or a baseball bat) with something hard (such as a piece of bone) in order to smooth the surface
(adverb) extremely, very; also : totally
(adjective) intensely cold; also : penetrating, disturbing, or intense in emotional or physical effect
(adjective) very dry, dry
- bones (10)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) one of the hard parts of the skeleton of a vertebrate, any of various hard animal substances or structures (such as baleen or ivory) akin to or resembling bone, the hard largely calcareous connective tissue of which the adult skeleton of most vertebrates is chiefly composed
(verb) to remove the bones from, to provide (a garment) with stays, to rub (something, such as a boot or a baseball bat) with something hard (such as a piece of bone) in order to smooth the surface
(adjective) including only what is most basic or necessary
- book (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory, a set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together between a front and back cover, a long written or printed literary composition
(adjective) derived from books and not from practical experience, shown by ledgers
(verb) to register (something, such as a name) for some future activity or condition (as to engage transportation or reserve lodgings), to schedule engagements for, to set aside time for
(verb) to match the grains of (a pair of sheets of veneer or plywood) so that one sheet seems to be the mirror image of the other
- books (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to register (something, such as a name) for some future activity or condition (as to engage transportation or reserve lodgings), to schedule engagements for, to set aside time for
(noun) a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory, a set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together between a front and back cover, a long written or printed literary composition
(adjective) not reported or recorded
- boot (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) deliverance, something to equalize a trade, avail
(verb) avail, profit
(noun) a fitted covering (as of leather or rubber) for the foot that usually reaches above the ankle, an instrument of torture used to crush the leg and foot, something that resembles or is likened to a boot; especially : an enclosing or protective casing or sheath (as for a rifle or over an electrical or mechanical connection)
(verb) to put boots on, kick, to eject or discharge summarily —often used with out
(noun) booty, plunder
- boots (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a servant who shines shoes especially in a hotel
(verb) avail, profit
(noun) a fitted covering (as of leather or rubber) for the foot that usually reaches above the ankle, an instrument of torture used to crush the leg and foot, something that resembles or is likened to a boot; especially : an enclosing or protective casing or sheath (as for a rifle or over an electrical or mechanical connection)
(verb) to put boots on, kick, to eject or discharge summarily —often used with out
(noun) deliverance, something to equalize a trade, avail
(noun) booty, plunder
(noun) a person who often tells other people what to do : a bossy person —often used before another noun
- borders (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an outer part or edge, an ornamental design at the edge of a fabric or rug, a narrow bed of planted ground along the edge of a lawn or walkway
(verb) to put a border on, to touch at the edge or boundary : bound, to lie on the border
- both (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(pronoun) the one as well as the other
(conjunction) —used as a function word to indicate and stress the inclusion of each of two or more things specified by coordinated words, phrases, or clauses
(adjective) being the two : affecting or involving the one and the other
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
(verb) to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument, to hurt the feelings of, to strike sharply with a cutting effect
- bottle (6)
- in books ::: birdland (6)
(noun) a rigid or semirigid container typically of glass or plastic having a comparatively narrow neck or mouth and usually no handle, a usually bottle-shaped container made of skin for storing a liquid, the quantity held by a bottle
(verb) to confine as if in a bottle : restrain —usually used with up, to put or keep in a position or situation that makes free activity, progress, or escape difficult or impossible —usually used with up, to put into or as if into a bottle
(verb) to feed with a bottle
- bottles (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a rigid or semirigid container typically of glass or plastic having a comparatively narrow neck or mouth and usually no handle, a usually bottle-shaped container made of skin for storing a liquid, the quantity held by a bottle
(verb) to confine as if in a bottle : restrain —usually used with up, to put or keep in a position or situation that makes free activity, progress, or escape difficult or impossible —usually used with up, to put into or as if into a bottle
- bound (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) fastened by or as if by a band : confined, very likely : sure, placed under legal or moral restraint or obligation : obliged
(adjective) intending to go : going, ready
(noun) leap, jump, the action of rebounding : bounce
(verb) to move by leaping, rebound, bounce
(noun) a limiting line : boundary —usually used in plural, something that limits or restrains, borderland
(verb) to form a separating line or the boundary of : enclose, to set limits to : confine, to name the boundaries of
(verb) to make secure by tying, to confine, restrain, or restrict as if with bonds, to put under an obligation
- boundaries (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent
- boundary (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent
(noun) a region of fluid (such as air) moving relative to a nearby surface (such as that of an airplane wing) that is slowed by the viscosity of the fluid and its adhesion to the surface
(noun) the transition between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods of geologic time characterized by a mass extinction of many forms of life including the dinosaurs; also : a geologic stratum marking this boundary
- boundedness (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being bounded
- boundless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having no boundaries : vast
- bounds (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) leap, jump, the action of rebounding : bounce
(verb) to move by leaping, rebound, bounce
(noun) a limiting line : boundary —usually used in plural, something that limits or restrains, borderland
(verb) to form a separating line or the boundary of : enclose, to set limits to : confine, to name the boundaries of
(adjective) outside the prescribed or conventional boundaries or limits
(noun) an act of leaping : spring, bound, a place leaped over or from, the distance covered by a leap
- bow (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(verb) to cease from competition or resistance : submit, yield; also : to suffer defeat, to bend the head, body, or knee in reverence, submission, or shame, to incline the head or body in salutation or assent or to acknowledge applause
(noun) a bending of the head or body in respect, submission, assent, or salutation; also : a show of respect or submission
(noun) something bent into a simple curve or arc, rainbow, a weapon that is used to propel an arrow and that is made of a strip of flexible material (such as wood) with a cord connecting the two ends and holding the strip bent
(verb) to bend into a curve, to play a stringed instrument with a bow, to cause to bend into a curve
(noun) the forward part of a ship —often used in plural, bowman
- bowels (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) intestine, gut; also : one of the divisions of the intestines —usually used in plural except in medical use, the seat of pity, tenderness, or courage —usually used in plural, the interior parts; especially : the deep or remote parts
- bowl (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a concave usually nearly hemispherical vessel : a rounded container that is usually larger than a cup; specifically : a drinking vessel (as for wine), the contents of a bowl, a bowl-shaped or concave part: such as
(noun) a ball (as of lignum vitae) weighted or shaped to give it a bias when rolled, lawn bowling, a delivery of the ball in bowling
(verb) to participate in a game of bowling, to roll a ball in bowling, to travel smoothly and rapidly (as in a wheeled vehicle)
- bowling (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) any of several games in which balls are rolled on a green or down an alley at an object or group of objects
(verb) to participate in a game of bowling, to roll a ball in bowling, to travel smoothly and rapidly (as in a wheeled vehicle)
- box (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a rigid typically rectangular container with or without a cover : such as, an open cargo container of a vehicle, coffin
(verb) to enclose in or as if in a box, to hem in (someone, such as an opponent) —usually used with in, out, or up
(verb) to fight with the fists : engage in boxing, to hit (something, especially someone's ears) with the hand, to engage in boxing with
(noun) a punch or slap especially on the ear
(noun) an evergreen shrub or small tree (genus Buxus of the family Buxaceae, the box family) with opposite entire leaves and capsular fruits; especially : a widely cultivated shrub (B. sempervirens) used for hedges, borders, and topiary figures
(verb) to name the 32 points of (the compass) in their order —used figuratively in the phrase box the compass to describe making a complete reversal
- boxed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) placed or enclosed in a box
(verb) to enclose in or as if in a box, to hem in (someone, such as an opponent) —usually used with in, out, or up
(verb) to fight with the fists : engage in boxing, to hit (something, especially someone's ears) with the hand, to engage in boxing with
(verb) to name the 32 points of (the compass) in their order —used figuratively in the phrase box the compass to describe making a complete reversal
- boy (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a male child from birth to adulthood, son, an immature male
- boys (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a male child from birth to adulthood, son, an immature male
- braided (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) made by intertwining three or more strands, ornamented with braid, forming an interlacing network of channels
(verb) to make from braids, to form (three or more strands) into a braid, to do up (the hair) by interweaving three or more strands
- braille (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a system of writing for the blind that uses characters made up of raised dots
- branch (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a natural subdivision of a plant stem; especially : a secondary shoot or stem (such as a bough) arising from a main axis (as of a tree), something that extends from or enters into a main body or source: such as, a stream that flows into another usually larger stream : tributary
(verb) to put forth secondary shoots or stems : to put forth branches : ramify, to extend in different directions from a main part or point : to spring out (as from a main stem) : diverge, to develop or derive from a source : to be an outgrowth —used with from
- branches (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to put forth secondary shoots or stems : to put forth branches : ramify, to extend in different directions from a main part or point : to spring out (as from a main stem) : diverge, to develop or derive from a source : to be an outgrowth —used with from
(noun) a natural subdivision of a plant stem; especially : a secondary shoot or stem (such as a bough) arising from a main axis (as of a tree), something that extends from or enters into a main body or source: such as, a stream that flows into another usually larger stream : tributary
(noun) a branch that is an offshoot or subdivision of a larger branch
- brandish (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly, to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner
(noun) an act or instance of waving something menacingly or exhibiting something ostentatiously or aggressively : an act or instance of brandishing
- breadth (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) distance from side to side : width, something of full width, comprehensive quality : scope
(noun) a very small distance or amount : very close —often used before another noun
(idiom) through all parts of (a place)
- break (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to separate into parts with suddenness or violence, to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces : fracture, to fracture a bone of (a bodily part)
(noun) an act or action of breaking, the opening shot in a game of pool or billiards, a gap or opening caused or appearing as if caused by damage : a condition produced by or as if by breaking : gap
(noun) a device for arresting or preventing the motion of a mechanism usually by means of friction, something used to slow down or stop movement or activity
(noun) the common bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum)
(noun) a toothed instrument or machine for separating out the fiber of flax or hemp by breaking up the woody parts, a machine for bending, flanging, folding, and forming sheet metal
(noun) rough or marshy land overgrown usually with one kind of plant
- breaking (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to separate into parts with suddenness or violence, to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces : fracture, to fracture a bone of (a bodily part)
(noun) the act of forcing or otherwise gaining unlawful passage into and entering another's building
(noun) the point at which a person gives way under stress, the point at which a situation becomes critical, the point at which something loses force or validity
(noun) a pitch that curves
(idiom) the sun is rising
(noun) the most recent news of the day
(adjective) better, greater, higher, etc., than any other in the past : beyond any previous record
(verb) to detach oneself especially from a group : get away, to depart from former or accustomed ways, to pull away with a burst of speed
(verb) to cause to fall or collapse by breaking or shattering, to make ineffective, to divide into parts or categories
(verb) to enter something (such as a building or computer system) without consent or by force, intrude, to interrupt a conversation
- breath (10)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) air filled with a fragrance or odor, a slight indication : suggestion, the faculty of breathing
- breathe (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to draw air into and expel it from the lungs : respire; broadly : to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through natural processes, to inhale and exhale freely, to blow softly
- breathing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) either of the marks ' and ʼ used in writing Greek to indicate aspiration or its absence
(verb) to draw air into and expel it from the lungs : respire; broadly : to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through natural processes, to inhale and exhale freely, to blow softly
(noun) some time in which to recover, get organized, or get going —called also breathing room, breathing spell
(noun) a usually small plastic tube inserted (as through the nose or mouth) into the trachea especially to deliver oxygen or anesthesia to the lungs; especially : endotracheal tube, a tubular anatomical part through which air passes into or out of the body: such as, a trachea or bronchial tube of an air-breathing vertebrate
(adjective) of, employing, or being an engine that requires air for combustion
(adjective) breathing or appearing to breathe fire : able to produce a stream of fire from the mouth, intimidatingly or violently aggressive in speech and manner
(noun) a mark ' used in Greek over some initial vowels to show that they are aspirated or over ρ to show that it is voiceless, the sound indicated by a mark ' over a Greek vowel or ρ
(noun) a mark ' placed over some initial vowels in Greek to show that they are not aspirated (as in ἐκει̂ pronounced \e-ˈkā\), the absence of aspiration indicated by a mark '
- breathless (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not breathing, dead, panting or gasping for breath
- breathlessness (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) not breathing, dead, panting or gasping for breath
- breathtaking (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) causing one to breathe rapidly or with difficulty : making one out of breath, exciting, thrilling, very great : astonishing
- brick (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a handy-sized unit of building or paving material typically being rectangular and about 21/4 × 33/4 × 8 inches (57 × 95 × 203 millimeters) and made of moist clay hardened by heat, a good-hearted person, a rectangular compressed mass (as of ice cream)
(verb) to close, face, or pave with bricks —usually used with up, in, or over, to render (an electronic device, such as a smartphone) nonfunctional (as by accidental damage, malicious hacking, or software changes), to miss (a shot) very badly : to throw up a brick on (a shot)
(adjective) relating to or being a traditional business serving customers in a building as contrasted to an online business
(noun) outhouse, privy
- bridge (16)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (12), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle (such as a river), a time, place, or means of connection or transition, something resembling a bridge in form or function: such as
(verb) to make a bridge over or across; also : to join by a bridge, to provide with a bridge
(noun) any of various card games for usually four players in two partnerships that bid for the right to declare a trump suit, seek to win tricks equal to the final bid, and play with the hand of declarer 's partner exposed and played by declarer; especially : contract bridge
- bridges (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle (such as a river), a time, place, or means of connection or transition, something resembling a bridge in form or function: such as
(verb) to make a bridge over or across; also : to join by a bridge, to provide with a bridge
(noun) any of various card games for usually four players in two partnerships that bid for the right to declare a trump suit, seek to win tricks equal to the final bid, and play with the hand of declarer 's partner exposed and played by declarer; especially : contract bridge
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
- brief (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) short in duration, extent, or length, concise, curt, abrupt
(noun) an official letter or mandate; especially, Roman Catholicism : a papal letter less formal than a bull, a specific instruction or responsibility, a concise article (as in a newspaper)
(verb) to make an abstract or abridgment of, to give final precise instructions to, to coach thoroughly in advance
(noun) a few words : a short speech, a short conversation
(noun) an act of watching the actions of a person or organization to make sure nothing illegal or wrong is being done
(verb) to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal, to have as a privilege or position of responsibility, to have as a mark of distinction
- bright (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) radiating or reflecting light : shining, sparkling, sunny; also : radiant with happiness, illustrious, glorious
(noun) a color of high saturation : a bright color —usually used in plural, high beams
(adjective) providing an unambiguous criterion or guideline especially in law
- brilliance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being brilliant
- broadcast (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to scatter or sow (seed or something similar) over a broad area, to make widely known, to send out or transmit (something, such as a program) by means of radio or television or by streaming over the Internet
(noun) a program that is broadcast on radio or television or over the Internet, the act of transmitting sound or images by radio or television, a casting or scattering in all directions (as of seed from the hand in sowing)
(adjective) cast or scattered in all directions, made public by means of radio or television, of or relating to radio or television broadcasting
(adverb) to or over a broad area
(noun) a booth from which a radio broadcast is made
(noun) journalism that is in the field of radio or television broadcasting rather than print
(noun) a television broadcasting system in which satellite transmissions are received by a dish antenna at the viewing location (such as a home) —called also satellite, satellite television
- broke (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) penniless
- broken (39)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (21), blueWindow (10), fieldNotes (7)
(adjective) violently separated into parts : shattered, damaged or altered by or as if by breaking : such as, having undergone or been subjected to fracture
- brook (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) creek
(verb) to stand for : tolerate
- brown (17)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (6), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) having the color of wood or chocolate; especially : of the color brown, having dark or tanned skin, of or relating to any of various population groups considered as having medium pigmentation of the skin
(noun) any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium to low lightness, and of moderate to low saturation, people belonging to any of various population groups considered as having medium pigmentation of the skin, brown trout
(verb) to become brown, to make brown
- browser (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that browses, a computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network (such as the World Wide Web)
- bucket (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a typically cylindrical vessel for catching, holding, or carrying liquids or solids, something resembling a bucket: such as, the scoop of an excavating machine
(verb) to draw or lift in buckets, to ride (a horse) hard, to drive hurriedly or roughly
(noun) a chain of persons acting to put out a fire by passing buckets of water from hand to hand
(noun) a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying
(noun) a low, separate, usually contoured seat for one person (as in an automobile or an airplane)
(noun) a saloon in which liquor was formerly sold from or dispensed in open containers (such as buckets or pitchers), a gambling establishment that formerly used market fluctuations (as in securities or commodities) as a basis for gaming, a dishonest brokerage firm; especially : one that formerly failed to execute customers' margin orders in expectation of making a profit from market fluctuations adverse to the customers' interests
(verb) to rain very heavily
(adjective) of, relating to, or possessing working-class values : blue-collar
(noun) an old and dilapidated ship
(noun) the quantity of fluid that falls in one spherical mass, a dose of medicine measured by drops, a minute quantity or degree of something nonmaterial or intangible
- buffalo (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of several wild bovids: such as, water buffalo, cape buffalo
(verb) bewilder, baffle; also : bamboozle
(noun) city and port on Lake Erie and the Niagara River in western New York population 261,310
- build (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole : construct, to cause to be constructed, to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base
(noun) form or mode of structure : make; especially : bodily conformation of a person or animal, a version or iteration of a product or component
(noun) work done to make a structure or system ready for use or to bring a construction or development project to a completed state, work done to expand a system (such as a telecommunications system), a project or process involving such work
(verb) to build cheaply and flimsily
- builders (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that builds; especially : one that contracts to build and supervises building operations, a substance added to or used with detergents to increase their cleansing action
(verb) to build cheaply and flimsily
- building (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a usually roofed and walled structure built for permanent use (as for a dwelling), the art or business of assembling materials into a structure
(verb) to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole : construct, to cause to be constructed, to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base
(verb) to build cheaply and flimsily
- buildings (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a usually roofed and walled structure built for permanent use (as for a dwelling), the art or business of assembling materials into a structure
(noun) a building containing separate residential apartments —called also apartment house
- built (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) formed as to physique or bodily contours; especially : well or attractively formed
(verb) to form by ordering and uniting materials by gradual means into a composite whole : construct, to cause to be constructed, to develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base
(adjective) forming an integral part of a structure or object; especially : constructed as or in a recess in a wall, built into the ground, inherent
(noun) a built-in piece of furniture
(adjective) made of several sections or layers fastened together, covered with buildings
(adjective) built with the planks meeting flush at the seams
(adjective) having the external planks or plates overlapping like the clapboards on a house
(adjective) built to individual specifications
(adjective) built cheaply and unsubstantially, carelessly or hastily put together
- bulb (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a resting stage of a plant (such as the lily, onion, hyacinth, or tulip) that is usually formed underground and consists of a short stem base bearing one or more buds enclosed in overlapping membranous or fleshy leaves, a fleshy structure (such as a tuber or corm) resembling a bulb in appearance, a plant having or developing from a bulb
(noun) one that bastes food during cooking; especially : a utensil that consists of a tube with a bulb at one end that draws in and ejects liquid for basting food
- bulk (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) magnitude, material that forms a mass in the intestine; especially : fiber, body; especially : a large or corpulent human body
(verb) to cause to swell or bulge : stuff, to gather into a mass or aggregate, swell, expand
(adjective) being in large quantities or not divided into separate units : being in bulk, of or relating to materials in bulk
- bullet (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a round or elongated missile (as of lead) to be fired from a firearm; broadly : cartridge, something resembling a bullet (as in curved form), a large dot placed in printed matter to call attention to a particular passage
(noun) an item in a list that has a large dot in front of it to signify its importance; broadly : any point or statement given special emphasis (as in a speech)
(noun) a high-speed passenger train especially of Japan
(noun) a substance or therapy capable of destroying pathogens (such as bacteria or cancer cells) or providing an effective remedy for a disease or condition without deleterious side effects, something providing an effective solution to a difficult or previously unsolvable problem
(noun) something that acts as a magical weapon; especially : one that instantly solves a long-standing problem
(noun) a bullet that is made out of rubber so that it hurts but does not kill people and that is used by the police and military to control a crowd
(verb) to seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound, to wound, pierce, or sting especially with a fang or a proboscis, to cut or pierce with or as if with an edged weapon
(verb) to move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course, to make a sudden movement in a new direction (as to evade a blow), to evade a responsibility or duty especially by trickery or deceit
- bullets (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a round or elongated missile (as of lead) to be fired from a firearm; broadly : cartridge, something resembling a bullet (as in curved form), a large dot placed in printed matter to call attention to a particular passage
- bully (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a blustering, browbeating person; especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable, pimp, a hired ruffian
(verb) to treat (someone) in a cruel, insulting, threatening, or aggressive fashion : to act like a bully toward, to cause (someone) to do something by means of force or coercion, to use language or behavior that is cruel, insulting, threatening, or aggressive
(adjective) excellent —often used in interjectional expressions, resembling or characteristic of a bully
(noun) pickled or canned usually corned beef
- burdened (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) carrying a burden : heavily laden or encumbered
(verb) load, oppress
- buried (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth; especially : to inter with funeral ceremonies, to conceal by or as if by covering with earth, to cover from view
- burlap (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a coarse heavy plain-woven fabric usually of jute or hemp used for bagging and wrapping and in furniture and linoleum manufacture, a lightweight material resembling burlap used in interior decoration or for clothing
- burlesque (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration or comic imitation, mockery usually by caricature, theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts
(verb) to imitate in a humorous or derisive manner : mock, to employ burlesque
- burn (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
(noun) an act, process, instance, or result of burning: such as, injury or damage resulting from exposure to fire, heat, caustics, electricity, or certain radiations, a burned area
(noun) creek
(noun) the continuous operation of a device (such as a computer) as a test for defects or failure prior to putting it to use
- burned (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
(adjective) worn-out; also : exhausted, destroyed by fire
- burning (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) being on fire, ardent, intense, affecting with or as if with heat
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
(idiom) causing one's body to use the fat it has stored
- burnished (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing, polish, to rub (a material) with a tool for compacting or smoothing or for turning an edge
- bury (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth; especially : to inter with funeral ceremonies, to conceal by or as if by covering with earth, to cover from view
- bus (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule, automobile, a small hand truck
(verb) to travel by a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule : to travel by bus, to work as a busboy, to transport by bus
(abbreviation) business
- buslines (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) bus routes
- bustled (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to move briskly and often ostentatiously, to be busily astir : teem
- buzz (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee, murmur, whisper, to be filled with a confused murmur
(noun) a persistent vibratory sound, a confused murmur, rumor, gossip
(noun) an important-sounding usually technical word or phrase often of little meaning used chiefly to impress laymen, a voguish word or phrase —called also buzz phrase
- cabinets (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a case or cupboard usually having doors and shelves, a collection of specimens especially of biological or numismatic interest, console
- cable-access (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) old-school form of community television
- cacophony (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) harsh or jarring sound : dissonance; specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases, an incongruous or chaotic mixture : a striking combination
- cadenza (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a parenthetical flourish in an aria or other solo piece commonly just before a final or other important cadence, a technically brilliant sometimes improvised solo passage toward the close of a concerto, an exceptionally brilliant part of an artistic and especially a literary work
- cafe (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a usually small and informal establishment serving various refreshments (such as coffee); broadly : restaurant, barroom, cabaret, nightclub
(abbreviation) corporate average fuel economy
(noun) an after-dinner drink consisting of several liqueurs of different colors and specific gravities poured so as to remain in separate layers
- cage (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a box or enclosure having some openwork for confining or carrying animals (such as birds), a barred cell for confining prisoners, a fenced area for prisoners of war
(verb) to confine or keep in or as if in a cage, to drive (a puck, a shot, etc.) into a cage and score a goal
- caged (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to confine or keep in or as if in a cage, to drive (a puck, a shot, etc.) into a cage and score a goal
- cages (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a box or enclosure having some openwork for confining or carrying animals (such as birds), a barred cell for confining prisoners, a fenced area for prisoners of war
(verb) to confine or keep in or as if in a cage, to drive (a puck, a shot, etc.) into a cage and score a goal
- calculates (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to determine by mathematical processes, to reckon by exercise of practical judgment : estimate, to solve or probe the meaning of : figure out
- calculation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the process or an act of calculating, the result of an act of calculating, studied care in analyzing or planning
- calculations (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the process or an act of calculating, the result of an act of calculating, studied care in analyzing or planning
- calculus (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a method of computation or calculation in a special notation (as of logic or symbolic logic), the mathematical methods comprising differential and integral calculus —often used with the, calculation
- call (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout, to make a request or demand, to utter a characteristic note or cry
(noun) an act of calling with the voice : shout, an imitation of the cry of a bird or other animal made to attract it, an instrument used for calling
- called (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout, to make a request or demand, to utter a characteristic note or cry
(adjective) commonly named, falsely or improperly so named
- calling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence, the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages, the characteristic cry of a female cat in heat; also : the period of heat
(verb) to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout, to make a request or demand, to utter a characteristic note or cry
(noun) the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation (as of a person or project) without objective consideration of the facts
- calls (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout, to make a request or demand, to utter a characteristic note or cry
(noun) an act of calling with the voice : shout, an imitation of the cry of a bird or other animal made to attract it, an instrument used for calling
- came (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a slender grooved lead rod used to hold together panes of glass especially in a stained-glass window
(verb) to move toward something : approach, to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose, to reach a particular station in a series
(noun) a period or condition of freedom from storms, high winds, or rough activity of water, complete absence of wind or presence of wind having a speed no greater than one mile (1.6 kilometers) per hour, a state of tranquility
(noun) the act of attacking with physical force or unfriendly words : assault, a belligerent or antagonistic action, a fit of sickness; especially : an active episode of a chronic or recurrent disease
- can (13)
- in books ::: artist (9), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) be physically or mentally able to, know how to, —used to indicate possibility —sometimes used interchangeably with may
(noun) a usually cylindrical receptacle:, a container (as of tinplate) in which products (such as perishable foods) are hermetically sealed for preservation until use, a usually metal typically cylindrical receptacle usually with an open top, often with a removable cover, and sometimes with a spout or side handles (as for holding liquid or trash)
(verb) to put in a can : preserve by sealing in airtight cans or jars, to hit (a golf shot) into the cup, to hit (a shot) in basketball
- cannot (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) can not
(verb) to give excessive emphasis to (something)
- cantor (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a choir leader : precentor, a synagogue official who sings or chants liturgical music and leads the congregation in prayer
- canvas (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a firm closely woven cloth usually of linen, hemp, or cotton used for clothing and formerly much used for tents and sails, a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting; also : the painting on such a surface, something likened to a painter's canvas
(verb) to cover, line, or furnish with canvas
(verb) to go through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit orders or political support or to determine opinions or sentiments, to examine in detail; specifically : to examine (votes) officially for authenticity, discuss, debate
(noun) the act or an instance of canvassing; especially : a personal solicitation of votes or survey of public opinion
- canyon (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a deep narrow valley with steep sides and often with a stream flowing through it, something resembling a canyon
(noun) a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council, a provision of canon law, the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine
(noun) a clergyman belonging to the chapter or the staff of a cathedral or collegiate church, canon regular
(noun) a deep narrow valley with steep sides and often with a stream flowing through it, something resembling a canyon
- canyons (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a deep narrow valley with steep sides and often with a stream flowing through it, something resembling a canyon
- caps (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(abbreviation) capitals, capsule
(noun) capitalization, a capital letter —usually plural
(noun) a head covering especially with a visor and no brim, a distinctive head covering emblematic of a position or office: such as, a cardinal's biretta
(verb) to provide or protect with a cap, to give a cap to as a symbol of honor, rank, or achievement, to form a cap over : crown
(noun) a small amount of an illegal or legally regulated drug; especially : a small amount of a drug enclosed in a capsule
- capsize (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to overturn, to become upset or overturned : turn over
- captain (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a military leader : the commander of a unit or a body of troops, a subordinate officer commanding under a sovereign or general, a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps ranking above a first lieutenant and below a major
(verb) to be captain of : lead
(noun) an armchair with a saddle seat and a low curved back with vertical spindles
(noun) mast
(noun) someone who owns or manages a large, successful business or company
(noun) captain
(noun) a commissioned officer in the British air force who ranks with a colonel in the army
(noun) the master especially of a merchant vessel
(noun) one of two or more people who are captains of a side or team in a sports contest or similar activity
(noun) a long pole or spar rising from the keel or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and rigging, a slender vertical or nearly vertical structure (such as an upright post in various cranes), a disciplinary proceeding at which the commanding officer of a naval unit hears and disposes of cases against enlisted men —called also captain's mast
- captive (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) taken and held as or as if a prisoner of war, kept within bounds : confined, of or relating to captive animals
(noun) one who has been captured : one taken and held usually in confinement, one captivated, dominated, or controlled
- capture (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) an act or instance of capturing: such as, an act of catching, winning, or gaining control by force, stratagem, or guile, a move in a board game (such as chess or checkers) that gains an opponent's piece
(verb) to take captive; also : to gain control of especially by force, to gain or win especially through effort, to emphasize, represent, or preserve (something, such as a scene, mood, or quality) in a more or less permanent form
- car (6)
- in books ::: blueWindow (6)
(noun) a vehicle moving on wheels: such as, carriage, chariot, a vehicle designed to move on rails (as of a railroad)
(abbreviation) civil air regulations
- carbon (19)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2), fieldNotes (15)
(noun) a nonmetallic chemical element with atomic number 6 that readily forms compounds with many other elements and is a constituent of organic compounds in all known living tissues, a carbon rod used in an arc lamp, a sheet of carbon paper
- cardinalities (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the number of elements in a given mathematical set
- cards (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) playing card, a game played with cards, card playing
(verb) to ask for identification (as in a bar), score, to place or fasten on or by means of a card
(verb) to cleanse, disentangle, and collect together (fibers) by the use of cards preparatory to spinning
(noun) an instrument or machine for carding fibers that consists usually of bent wire teeth set closely in rows in a thick piece of leather fastened to a back, an implement for raising a nap on cloth
- careening (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put (a ship or boat) on a beach especially in order to clean, caulk, or repair the hull, to cause to heel over, to clean, caulk, or repair the hull of a boat
- carefully (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by wary caution or prudence, marked by attentive concern and solicitude, marked by painstaking effort to avoid errors or omissions —often used with of or an infinitive
- cargo (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the goods or merchandise conveyed in a ship, airplane, or vehicle : freight
- carnivals (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a season or festival of merrymaking before Lent, an instance of merrymaking, feasting, or masquerading, an instance of riotous excess
- carpenter (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a worker who builds or repairs wooden structures or their structural parts
(verb) to follow the trade of a carpenter, to make by or as if by carpentry, to put together often in a mechanical manner
- carried (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move while supporting : transport, to convey by direct communication, conduct, escort
(idiom) to be so excited that one is no longer in control of one's behavior
(verb) to arouse to a high and often excessive degree of emotion or enthusiasm, carry off
(verb) to cause the death of, to perform or manage successfully : bring off
(verb) to continue doing, pursuing, or operating, to continue especially in spite of hindrance or discouragement, to behave or speak in a foolish, excited, or improper manner
(verb) to bring to a successful issue : complete, accomplish, to put into execution, to continue to an end or stopping point
(verb) to transfer (an amount) to the next column, page, or book relating to the same account, to hold over (something, such as goods) for another time or season, to deduct (a loss or an unused credit) from taxable income of a later period
(verb) carry out, persist, survive
(idiom) to be important or meaningful especially in influencing others
- carrier (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that carries : bearer, messenger, an individual or organization engaged in transporting passengers or goods for hire, a transportation line carrying mail between post offices
(noun) a pigeon used to carry messages; especially : homing pigeon, any of a breed of large long-bodied show pigeons
(noun) a bag that a store gives a person to carry any items he or she has bought there
(noun) a warship with a flight deck on which aircraft can be launched and landed
(noun) a supporting device worn by an adult for holding an infant close to the torso, a portable seat with a handle for carrying an infant
(noun) a business or agency that is available to the public for transportation of persons, goods, or messages
(noun) a laborer employed in carrying supplies to bricklayers, stonemasons, cement finishers, or plasterers on the job
(noun) a person who delivers mail
(noun) letter carrier
(noun) a member of an opera chorus, a bit actor in a play, a person whose actions are of little significance or value in an event or organization
- carries (6)
- in books ::: blueWindow (6)
(verb) to move while supporting : transport, to convey by direct communication, conduct, escort
(noun) carrying power; especially : the range of a gun or projectile or of a struck or thrown ball, portage, the act or method of carrying
(noun) the policy of selling on a cash-and-carry basis
- cars (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a vehicle moving on wheels: such as, carriage, chariot, a vehicle designed to move on rails (as of a railroad)
- carts (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a heavy usually horse-drawn 2-wheeled vehicle used for farming or transporting freight, a lightweight 2-wheeled vehicle drawn by a horse, pony, or dog, a small wheeled vehicle
(verb) to carry or convey in or as if in a cart, to take or drag away without ceremony or by force —usually used with off
(noun) walker, stroller, handcart
- cascade (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a steep usually small fall of water; especially : one of a series, something arranged or occurring in a series or in a succession of stages so that each stage derives from or acts upon the product of the preceding, a fall of material (such as lace) that hangs in a zigzag line and that is used especially in clothing and draperies
(verb) to fall, pour, or rush in or as if in a cascade, to cause to fall like a cascade, to connect in a cascade arrangement
- cascading (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to fall, pour, or rush in or as if in a cascade, to cause to fall like a cascade, to connect in a cascade arrangement
- cast (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to cause to move or send forth by throwing, direct, to put forth
(noun) an act of casting, something that happens as a result of chance, a throw of dice
(adjective) made of cast iron, resembling cast iron: such as, capable of withstanding great strain
(adjective) thrown away or aside
- casting (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something (such as the excrement of an earthworm) that is cast out or off, the act of one that casts: such as, the throwing of a fishing line by means of a rod and reel
(verb) to cause to move or send forth by throwing, direct, to put forth
(noun) a couch in an entertainment executive's office on which aspiring actresses are reputed to perform sexual acts in exchange for desired roles; broadly : the practice of abusing one's power to obtain sexual partners
(noun) a person who supervises the casting of dramatic productions (such as films and plays)
(noun) a deciding vote cast by a presiding officer to break a tie
(noun) the department of a movie studio responsible for casting actors especially viewed as a source of people who are stereotypical of their role in appearance, behavior, or nature
(noun) the casting of artificial flies in fly-fishing or as a competitive sport
(noun) a casting made in a mold of sand
(noun) a method of fishing in which artificial or natural bait is cast into the open ocean or in a bay where waves break on a beach
(idiom) having appearance, behavior, or nature that seems to be typical for one's job or position
- castles (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a large fortified building or set of buildings, a massive or imposing house, a retreat safe against intrusion or invasion
(verb) to establish in a castle, to move (the chess king) in castling, to move a chess king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king
- cat (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a carnivorous mammal (Felis catus) long domesticated as a pet and for catching rats and mice, any of a family (Felidae) of carnivorous usually solitary and nocturnal mammals (such as the domestic cat, lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, cougar, wildcat, lynx, and cheetah), guy
(verb) to search for a sexual mate —often used with around, to bring (an anchor) up to the cathead
(abbreviation) catalog, catalyst
(noun) —used for a Caterpillar tractor
(noun) clean-air turbulence, computerized axial tomography
(prefix) down
(noun) any of various wild cats
- cataclysmic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) flood, deluge, catastrophe, a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition; broadly : an event that brings great changes
- catalogue (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) list, register, a complete enumeration of items arranged systematically with descriptive details, a pamphlet or book that contains such a list
(verb) to make a catalog of, to enter in a catalog, to classify (something, such as books or information) descriptively
(noun) a systematic annotated catalog; especially : a critical bibliography
- catalysts (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions (as at a lower temperature) than otherwise possible, an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action
(noun) a substance or agent that brings about catalysis in conjunction with one or more others
- catapult (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an ancient military device for hurling missiles, a device for launching an airplane at flying speed (as from an aircraft carrier)
(verb) to throw or launch by or as if by a catapult, to become catapulted
- catching (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) infectious, contagious, catchy, alluring
(verb) to capture or seize especially after pursuit, to take or entangle in or as if in a snare, deceive
(idiom) (one is) starting to feel old
(verb) to become aware : learn; also : understand, to become popular
(verb) to detect in error or wrongdoing, to take unawares or by surprise
(verb) to pick up often abruptly, ensnare, entangle, enthrall
(noun) a sensation of cold accompanied by shivering (as due to illness) — usually plural, an intense shivery sensation : shiver, shudder; especially : one caused by a strong emotion (such as fear) —often plural, a disagreeable sensation of coldness
(noun) something that arrests the eye
(noun) a catch of a kicked football by a player who gives a prescribed signal, may not advance the ball, and may not be tackled
(verb) to reach for and try to hold (something)
- categories (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of several fundamental and distinct classes to which entities or concepts belong, a division within a system of classification
- category (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of several fundamental and distinct classes to which entities or concepts belong, a division within a system of classification
(adjective) absolute, unqualified, of, relating to, or constituting a category, involving, according with, or considered with respect to specific categories
- cathedral (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(adjective) of, relating to, or containing a cathedra, emanating from a chair of authority, suggestive of a cathedral
(noun) a church that is the official seat of a diocesan bishop, something that resembles or suggests a cathedral (as in size or importance)
- cathedrals (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) a church that is the official seat of a diocesan bishop, something that resembles or suggests a cathedral (as in size or importance)
- cathode (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs:, the negative terminal of an electrolytic cell, the positive terminal of a galvanic cell
- cattail (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of a genus (Typha of the family Typhaceae, the cattail family) of tall reedy marsh plants with brown furry fruiting spikes; especially : a plant (Typha latifolia) with long flat leaves used especially for making mats and chair seats
- cattle (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(plural noun) domesticated quadrupeds held as property or raised for use; specifically : bovine animals on a farm or ranch, human beings especially en masse
- caught (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) pregnant —often used in the phrase get caught
(verb) to capture or seize especially after pursuit, to take or entangle in or as if in a snare, deceive
- cave (11)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a natural chamber or series of chambers in the earth or in the side of a hill or cliff, a usually underground chamber for storage; also : the articles stored there, a place providing privacy or seclusion from others
(verb) to form a cave in or under, to explore caves especially as a sport or hobby
(verb) to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in, to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in, to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
(noun) the action of caving in, a place where earth has caved in
- cavern (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) cave; especially : one of large or indefinite extent
(verb) to place in or as if in a cavern, to form a cavern of : hollow —used with out
- caverns (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to place in or as if in a cavern, to form a cavern of : hollow —used with out
(noun) cave; especially : one of large or indefinite extent
- caves (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a natural chamber or series of chambers in the earth or in the side of a hill or cliff, a usually underground chamber for storage; also : the articles stored there, a place providing privacy or seclusion from others
(verb) to form a cave in or under, to explore caves especially as a sport or hobby
(verb) to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in, to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in, to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
- caws (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to utter the harsh raucous natural call of the crow or a similar cry
- ceiling (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the overhead inside lining of a room, material used to ceil a wall or roof of a room, something thought of as an overhanging shelter or a lofty canopy
(verb) to furnish (something, such as a wooden ship) with a lining, to furnish with a ceiling
(verb) to reach with or as if with a sudden blow, to come in quick forceful contact with, to strike (something, such as a ball) with an object (such as a bat, club, or racket) so as to impart or redirect motion
(adjective) being or occurring at a level below a ceiling (such as a price ceiling)
(noun) a ceiling that is below a higher ceiling
- cell (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent, a one-room dwelling occupied by a solitary person (such as a hermit), a single room (as in a convent or prison) usually for one person
(noun) a transparent sheet of celluloid on which objects are drawn or painted in the making of animated cartoons
(adjective) relating to or being the part of immunity or the immune response that is mediated primarily by T cells
- cellar (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a room or set of rooms below the ground floor of a building : basement, a room for storing wines : wine cellar, a stock of wines
(verb) to put or keep (something, such as wine or cheese) in a cellar for storage or aging, to be stored in a cellar : to undergo aging while being stored in a cellar
(adjective) located below a cellar
(noun) a cellar that is below another cellar : subbasement
- cellars (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a room or set of rooms below the ground floor of a building : basement, a room for storing wines : wine cellar, a stock of wines
(verb) to put or keep (something, such as wine or cheese) in a cellar for storage or aging, to be stored in a cellar : to undergo aging while being stored in a cellar
(noun) a cellar that is below another cellar : subbasement
- cello (10)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (5), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the bass member of the violin family tuned an octave below the viola
- cells (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a transparent sheet of celluloid on which objects are drawn or painted in the making of animated cartoons
(noun) a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent, a one-room dwelling occupied by a solitary person (such as a hermit), a single room (as in a convent or prison) usually for one person
- cellular (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) of, relating to, or consisting of cells, cell-mediated, containing cavities : having a porous texture
(noun) cell phone
- cement (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) concrete, a powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide, and magnesium oxide burned together in a kiln and finely pulverized and used as an ingredient of mortar and concrete; also : any mixture used for a similar purpose, a binding element or agency: such as
(verb) to unite or make firm by or as if by cement, to overlay with concrete, to become cemented
(noun) a building material made of thin cement slabs reinforced with steel mesh
- census (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a count of the population and a property evaluation in early Rome, a usually complete enumeration of a population; specifically : a periodic governmental enumeration of population, count, tally
- center (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the point around which a circle or sphere is described; broadly : a point that is related to a geometrical figure in such a way that for any point on the figure there is another point on the figure such that a straight line joining the two points is bisected by the original point —called also center of symmetry, the center of the circle inscribed in a regular polygon, a point, area, person, or thing that is most important or pivotal in relation to an indicated activity, interest, or condition
(verb) to place or fix at or around a center or central area, to give a central focus or basis, to adjust (things, such as lenses) so that the axes coincide
- centers (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the point around which a circle or sphere is described; broadly : a point that is related to a geometrical figure in such a way that for any point on the figure there is another point on the figure such that a straight line joining the two points is bisected by the original point —called also center of symmetry, the center of the circle inscribed in a regular polygon, a point, area, person, or thing that is most important or pivotal in relation to an indicated activity, interest, or condition
(verb) to place or fix at or around a center or central area, to give a central focus or basis, to adjust (things, such as lenses) so that the axes coincide
- certain (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) fixed, settled, of a specific but unspecified character, quantity, or degree, dependable, reliable
(pronoun) certain ones
- chain (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a series of usually metal links or rings connected to or fitted into one another and used for various purposes (such as support, restraint, transmission of mechanical power, or measurement), a series of links used or worn as an ornament or insignia, a measuring instrument of 100 links used in surveying
(verb) to obstruct or protect by a chain, to fasten, bind, or connect with or as if with a chain; also : fetter
- chains (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to obstruct or protect by a chain, to fasten, bind, or connect with or as if with a chain; also : fetter
(noun) a series of usually metal links or rings connected to or fitted into one another and used for various purposes (such as support, restraint, transmission of mechanical power, or measurement), a series of links used or worn as an ornament or insignia, a measuring instrument of 100 links used in surveying
(verb) to link (things, such as computer components) together in series
(noun) a string of daisies with stems linked to form a chain, an interlinked series
(noun) an arrangement of the organisms of an ecological community according to the order of predation in which each uses the next usually lower member as a food source, a hierarchy based on power or importance
(noun) a chain 66 feet (20.1 meters) long that is the unit of length for surveys of U.S. public lands
(noun) either of the two larger of the four polypeptide chains comprising antibodies
(noun) either of the two smaller of the four polypeptide chains comprising antibodies
(noun) an arrangement of atoms represented in a structural formula by a chain whose ends are not joined so as to form a ring
(noun) a shorter chain or group of atoms attached to a principal chain or to a ring in a molecule
- chair (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a seat typically having four legs and a back for one person, electric chair —used with the, an official seat or a seat of authority, state, or dignity
(verb) to install in office, to carry on the shoulders in acclaim, to preside as chairman of
- chalk (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a soft white, gray, or buff limestone composed chiefly of the shells of foraminifers, a prepared form of chalk or a material resembling chalk especially when used (as for writing on blackboards) as a crayon, a mark made with chalk
(verb) to write or draw with chalk, to rub or mark with chalk, to delineate roughly : sketch
- chalkboard (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) blackboard
- chalky (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a soft white, gray, or buff limestone composed chiefly of the shells of foraminifers, a prepared form of chalk or a material resembling chalk especially when used (as for writing on blackboards) as a crayon, a mark made with chalk
- challenges (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded : impugn, to confront or defy boldly : dare, to call out to duel or combat
(noun) a stimulating task or problem, a calling to account or into question : protest, an exception taken to a juror before the juror is sworn
- chamber (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) room; especially : bedroom, a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity, a hall for the meetings of a deliberative, legislative, or judicial body
(verb) to place in or as if in a chamber : house, to serve as a chamber for; especially : to accommodate in the chamber of a firearm
(adjective) being, relating to, or performing chamber music
- chance (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) something that happens unpredictably without discernible human intention or observable cause, the assumed impersonal purposeless determiner of unaccountable happenings : luck, the fortuitous or incalculable element in existence : contingency
(verb) to take place, come about, or turn out by chance : happen, to have the good or bad luck, to come or light by chance
(noun) accidental homicide not entirely without fault of the killer but without evil intent, haphazard action : confusion
- chance-infused (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) mixed with chance ::: with random numbers
- change (14)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (9)
(verb) to make different in some particular : alter, to make radically different : transform, to give a different position, course, or direction to
(noun) the act, process, or result of changing: such as, alteration, transformation
- changeful (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) notably variable : uncertain
- changes (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to make different in some particular : alter, to make radically different : transform, to give a different position, course, or direction to
(noun) the act, process, or result of changing: such as, alteration, transformation
(verb) to alternate with another at doing an act, to alternate between two different acts or instruments or between an action and a rest period
(noun) a reversal in position or attitude
(noun) a relatively small or insignificant amount of money
(verb) to sound resonantly or sonorously, to be filled with a reverberating sound : resound, to have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound
(noun) a change brought about by the sea, a marked change : transformation
(noun) coins of low denomination, trifle
(verb) to shift to a lower gear in a motor vehicle
(idiom) to change one's decision or opinion about something
- chaos (8)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a state of utter confusion, a confused mass or mixture, a state of things in which chance is supreme; especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms
- chaotic (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) marked by chaos or being in a state of chaos : completely confused or disordered, having outcomes that can vary widely due to extremely small changes in initial conditions
- charcoal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a dark or black porous carbon prepared from vegetable or animal substances (as from wood by charring in a kiln from which air is excluded), a piece or pencil of fine charcoal used in drawing, a charcoal drawing
(verb) charbroil
- charge (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to fix or ask as fee or payment, to ask payment of (a person), to record (an item) as an expense, debt, obligation, or liability
(noun) the price demanded for something, a debit to an account, expense, cost
(noun) a customer's account with a creditor (such as a merchant) to which the purchase of goods is charged
(noun) credit card
(noun) a semiconductor device that is used especially as an optical sensor and that stores charge and transfers it sequentially to an amplifier and detector —called also CCD, charged coupled device
(noun) a subordinate diplomat who substitutes for an absent ambassador or minister, a diplomat inferior in rank to an ambassador or minister who heads a mission when no ambassador or minister is assigned
(verb) to treat as a loss or expense
(noun) an enlisted man designated to handle administrative matters in a unit especially after duty hours —abbreviation CQ
(noun) a nurse who is in charge of one section of a hospital
(noun) a list kept by the police of all the times a person has been arrested
- charges (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to fix or ask as fee or payment, to ask payment of (a person), to record (an item) as an expense, debt, obligation, or liability
(noun) the price demanded for something, a debit to an account, expense, cost
- chariot (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a light four-wheeled pleasure or state carriage, a two-wheeled horse-drawn battle car of ancient times used also in processions and races
(verb) to drive or ride in or as if in a chariot, to carry in or as if in a chariot
- chatter (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to utter rapid short sounds suggestive of language but inarticulate and indistinct, to talk idly, incessantly, or fast, to click repeatedly or uncontrollably
(noun) the action or sound of chattering, idle talk : prattle, electronic and especially radio communication between individuals engaged in a common or related form of activity; also : such chatter regarding future hostile activities
- checker (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) chessboard, a square or spot resembling the markings of a checkerboard, a piece in checkers
(verb) to variegate with different colors or shades, to vary with contrasting elements or situations, to mark into squares
(noun) one that checks, an employee who checks out purchases in a self-service store
(noun) a feature that finds grammatical errors
(verb) to skate back toward one's own goal while closely defending against the offensive rushes of an opposing player in ice hockey
(verb) to verify the factual accuracy of
(noun) a computer program or function (as in a word processor) that identifies possible misspellings in a block of text by comparing the text with a database of accepted spellings —called also spell-check, spelling checker
- checkerboard (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a board used in various games (such as checkers) with usually 64 squares in 2 alternating colors, something that has a pattern or arrangement like a checkerboard
- chemistry (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo, the composition and chemical properties of a substance, chemical processes and phenomena (as of an organism)
(noun) a set of equipment that a child can use to learn about chemistry by doing simple experiments
(noun) a branch of chemistry concerned with substances that contain little or no carbon
(noun) a branch of chemistry that is concerned with carbon and especially carbon compounds which are found in living things
- cherry (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) any of numerous trees and shrubs (genus Prunus) of the rose family that bear pale yellow to deep red or blackish smooth-skinned drupes enclosing a smooth seed and that include some cultivated for their fruits or ornamental flowers, the fruit of a cherry, the reddish-brown wood of a cherry; especially : black cherry
(verb) to select the best or most desirable, to select as being the best or most desirable; also : to select the best or most desirable from
(noun) any of various chiefly New World herbs (genus Physalis) of the nightshade family with pulpy fruits in papery husks; also : the fruit of the ground-cherry
- chess (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a game for 2 players each of whom moves 16 pieces according to fixed rules across a checkerboard and tries to checkmate the opponent's king
(noun) a weedy annual European bromegrass (Bromus secalinus) widely naturalized in North America as a weed especially in grain, any of several weedy bromegrasses related to chess
- chest (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a container for storage or shipping; especially : a box with a lid used especially for the safekeeping of belongings, a cupboard used especially for the storing of medicines or first-aid supplies, the place where money of a public institution is kept : treasury; also : the fund so kept
(noun) conduct or expression marked by pompous or arrogant self-assertion
- chevy (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) truck
- chicago (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) river in Chicago, Illinois, having a northern branch and a southern branch and originally flowing east into Lake Michigan but now flowing south through the southern branch and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal into the Des Plaines River, city and port on Lake Michigan in northeastern Illinois population 2,695,598
- chill (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a sensation of cold accompanied by shivering (as due to illness) — usually plural, an intense shivery sensation : shiver, shudder; especially : one caused by a strong emotion (such as fear) —often plural, a disagreeable sensation of coldness
(adjective) moderately cold, cold, raw, affected by cold
(verb) to become cold, to shiver or quake with or as if with cold, to become taken with a chill
(verb) to chill (something) in advance
(noun) a still-air temperature that would have the same cooling effect on exposed human skin as a given combination of temperature and wind speed —called also chill factor, windchill factor, windchill index
- chipped (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cut or hew with an edged tool, to cut or break (a small piece) from something, to cut or break a fragment from
- chips (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) cut, struck, or flaked off, a small piece of food: such as, a small, thin, crisp, usually salty piece of food typically prepared by frying, baking, or drying; especially : potato chip
(verb) to cut or hew with an edged tool, to cut or break (a small piece) from something, to cut or break a fragment from
(plural noun) fried fish and french fried potatoes
(noun) a computer chip in a television set that can prevent the viewing of certain programs or channels especially on the basis of content
- chiseled (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) formed or crafted as if with a chisel
(verb) to cut or work with or as if with a chisel, to employ shrewd or unfair practices on in order to obtain one's end; also : to obtain by such practices, to work with or as if with a chisel
- chlorophyll (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the green photosynthetic pigment found chiefly in the chloroplasts of plants and occurring especially as a blue-black ester C55H72MgN4O5 or a dark green ester C55H70MgN4O6 —called also respectively chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, a waxy green chlorophyll-containing substance extracted from green plants and used as a coloring agent or deodorant
- choir (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an organized company of singers (as in a church service), a group of instruments of the same class, an organized group of persons or things
(verb) to sing or sound in chorus or concert
(noun) a collection of 24 or sometimes 25 sheets of paper of the same size and quality : one twentieth of a ream
- choose (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to select freely and after consideration, to decide on especially by vote : elect, to have a preference for
(verb) to select freely and after consideration, to decide on especially by vote : elect, to have a preference for
(verb) to pierce, penetrate, or break up with a pointed instrument, to remove bit by bit, to remove covering or adhering matter from
- choral (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to a chorus or choir, sung or designed for singing by a choir
- chord (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously
(verb) accord, to play chords especially on a stringed instrument, to make chords on
(noun) cord, a straight line segment joining and included between two points on a circle; broadly : a straight line joining two points on a curve, an individual emotion or disposition
- chordal (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or suggesting a chord, relating to music characterized more by harmony than by counterpoint
- chords (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) accord, to play chords especially on a stringed instrument, to make chords on
(noun) three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously
(noun) cord, a straight line segment joining and included between two points on a circle; broadly : a straight line joining two points on a curve, an individual emotion or disposition
- choreographic (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the art of symbolically representing dancing, the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet, a composition created by this art
- choreographies (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the art of symbolically representing dancing, the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet, a composition created by this art
- choreography (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the art of symbolically representing dancing, the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet, a composition created by this art
- chorus (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a company of singers and dancers in Athenian drama participating in or commenting on the action; also : a similar company in later plays, a character in Elizabethan drama who speaks the prologue and epilogue and comments on the action, an organized company of singers who sing in concert : choir; especially : a body of singers who sing the choral parts of a work (as in opera)
(verb) to sing or utter in chorus
- christmas (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a Christian feast on December 25 or among some Eastern Orthodox Christians on January 7 that commemorates the birth of Christ and is usually observed as a legal holiday, christmastide
- chrome (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) chromium, a chromium pigment, something plated with an alloy of chromium
(verb) to treat with a compound of chromium (as in dyeing), chromize
(adjective) colored thing, coloring matter
- chronometer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) timepiece; especially : one designed to keep time with great accuracy despite external forces
- churn (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a container in which cream is stirred or shaken to make butter, a regular, quantifiable process or rate of change that occurs in a business over a period of time as existing customers are lost and new customers are added; also : a similar process or rate of change involving loss and addition of employees, companies, etc.
(verb) to agitate (milk or cream) in a churn in order to make butter, to stir or agitate violently, to make (something, such as foam) by so doing
- chute (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) fall, a quick descent (as in a river) : rapid, an inclined plane, sloping channel, or passage down or through which things may pass : slide
(verb) to convey by a chute, to go in or as if in a chute, to utilize a chute (as by passing ore down it)
(noun) fall, a quick descent (as in a river) : rapid, an inclined plane, sloping channel, or passage down or through which things may pass : slide
- chutes (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) fall, a quick descent (as in a river) : rapid, an inclined plane, sloping channel, or passage down or through which things may pass : slide
(verb) to convey by a chute, to go in or as if in a chute, to utilize a chute (as by passing ore down it)
(noun) an amusement ride consisting of a steep incline down which boats slide into a pool at the bottom
- cigarette (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a slender roll of cut tobacco enclosed in paper and meant to be smoked; also : a similar roll of another substance (such as marijuana)
(adjective) opposing or discouraging the sale or use of cigarettes
- cigarettes (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a slender roll of cut tobacco enclosed in paper and meant to be smoked; also : a similar roll of another substance (such as marijuana)
- cincinnati (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (4)
(noun) city on the Ohio River in southwestern Ohio population 296,943
- cipher (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) zero, one that has no weight, worth, or influence : nonentity, a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning
(verb) to use figures in a mathematical process, encipher, to compute arithmetically
(noun) a cipher in which the letters of the plaintext are systematically replaced by substitute letters
(noun) a cipher in which the letters of the plaintext are systematically rearranged into another sequence
- circle (9)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) ring, halo, a closed plane curve every point of which is equidistant from a fixed point within the curve, the plane surface bounded by such a curve
(verb) to enclose in or as if in a circle, to move or revolve around, to move in or as if in a circle
(noun) a rotary machine, a road junction formed around a central circle about which traffic moves in one direction only —called also circle, traffic circle
- circled (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to enclose in or as if in a circle, to move or revolve around, to move in or as if in a circle
- circles (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) ring, halo, a closed plane curve every point of which is equidistant from a fixed point within the curve, the plane surface bounded by such a curve
(verb) to enclose in or as if in a circle, to move or revolve around, to move in or as if in a circle
- circling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to enclose in or as if in a circle, to move or revolve around, to move in or as if in a circle
- circuit (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a usually circular line encompassing an area, the space enclosed within such a line, a course around a periphery
(verb) to make a circuit about, to make a circuit
(adjective) used in, shown on, or being a television installation in which the signal is transmitted by wire to a limited number of receivers
- circuits (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to make a circuit about, to make a circuit
(noun) a usually circular line encompassing an area, the space enclosed within such a line, a course around a periphery
(verb) to apply a short circuit to or establish a short circuit in, bypass, frustrate, impede
- circulate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit; especially : to follow a course that returns to the starting point, to pass from person to person or place to place: such as, to flow without obstruction
- circulations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) orderly movement through a circuit; especially : the movement of blood through the vessels of the body induced by the pumping action of the heart, flow, passage or transmission from person to person or place to place; especially : the interchange of currency
- circus (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a large arena enclosed by tiers of seats on three or all four sides and used especially for sports or spectacles (such as athletic contests, exhibitions of horsemanship, or in ancient times chariot racing), a public spectacle, an arena often covered by a tent and used for variety shows usually including feats of physical skill, wild animal acts, and performances by clowns
- citation (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an official summons to appear (as before a court), an act of quoting; especially : the citing of a previously settled case at law, excerpt, quotation
- citizen (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an inhabitant of a city or town; especially : one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman, a member of a state, a native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it
(noun) an arrest made not by a law officer but by a citizen who derives authority from the fact of being a citizen
(noun) an elderly person; especially : one who has retired
(noun) someone who is not given the same rights as other people
- city (13)
- in books ::: birdland (7), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village, an incorporated British town usually of major size or importance having the status of an episcopal see, the financial district of London
(noun) a public officer charged with recording the official proceedings and vital statistics of a city
(noun) the legislative body of a city
(noun) a newspaper editor usually in charge of local news and staff assignments
(noun) a member (such as an alderman or councilman) of the governing body of a city
(noun) the chief administrative building of a city, a municipal government, city officialdom or bureaucracy
(noun) an official employed by an elected council to direct the administration of a city government
(noun) the drawing up of an organized arrangement (as of streets, parks, and business and residential areas) of a city
(noun) the department where local news is handled in a newspaper editorial office
(noun) slicker
- clamps (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fasten with or as if with a clamp, to place by decree : impose —often used with on, to hold tightly
(noun) a device designed to bind or constrict or to press two or more parts together so as to hold them firmly, any of various instruments or appliances having parts brought together for holding or compressing something
(noun) a C-shaped general-purpose clamp
- clap (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to strike (two things, such as two flat, hard surfaces) together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise, to strike (the hands) together repeatedly usually in applause, applaud
(noun) a device that makes a clapping noise, a sudden stroke of fortune and especially ill fortune, a loud percussive noise; specifically : a sudden crash of thunder
(noun) gonorrhea —often used with the
(noun) a contagious inflammation of the genital mucous membrane caused by the gonococcus —called also clap
(verb) to respond quickly and sharply to criticism
(idiom) to see or look at (someone or something)
(noun) the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea
(noun) a quick, sharp, and effective response to criticism
- clarity (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being clear : lucidity
- clasp (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a device (such as a hook) for holding objects or parts together, a device (such as a bar) attached to a military medal to indicate an additional award of the medal or the action or service for which it was awarded, a holding or enveloping with or as if with the hands or arms
(verb) to fasten with or as if with a clasp, to enclose and hold with the arms; specifically : embrace, to seize with or as if with the hand : grasp
- classifiers (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that classifies; specifically : a machine for sorting out the constituents of a substance (such as ore), a word or morpheme used with numerals or with nouns designating countable or measurable objects
- classroom (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a place where classes meet
- claw (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a sharp usually slender and curved nail on the toe of an animal, any of various sharp curved processes especially at the end of a limb (as of an insect); also : a limb ending in such a process, one of the pincerlike organs terminating some limbs of various arthropods (such as a lobster or scorpion)
(verb) to rake, seize, dig, or progress with or as if with claws, to scrape, scratch, dig, or pull with or as if with claws
(noun) a foot (as on a bathtub or piece of furniture) in the shape of a claw
(noun) a yellow-flowered spiny acacia (Acacia greggi) of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico
- clear (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) bright, luminous, cloudless; specifically : less than one-tenth covered, free from mist, haze, or dust
(adverb) in a clear manner, all the way
(verb) to make clear or translucent, to free from pollution or cloudiness, to free from accusation or blame : exonerate, vindicate
(noun) a clear space or part, a high arcing shot over an opponent's head in badminton
(adjective) sharply outlined : distinct, free from ambiguity or uncertainty : unambiguous
(noun) an area of forest in which all the trees have been cut down; also : clear-cutting
(verb) to cut down all the trees in (an area of forest)
(noun) the removal of all the trees in an area of forest
(adjective) clear-sighted
- click (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to strike, move, or produce with a click, to select especially in a computer interface by pressing a button on a control device (such as a mouse), to turn (something) on or off by pushing a button or moving a switch
(noun) a slight sharp noise, a speech sound in some languages made by enclosing air between two stop articulations of the tongue, enlarging the enclosure to rarefy the air, and suddenly opening the enclosure, detent
(noun) an instance of clicking on a link on a web page; also : the volume of click-throughs on a link
(verb) to press the leftmost button on a computer mouse or similar input device
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a computer interface that allows the activation of a file or function by selection with a pointing device (such as a mouse)
- clickable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to strike, move, or produce with a click, to select especially in a computer interface by pressing a button on a control device (such as a mouse), to turn (something) on or off by pushing a button or moving a switch
- clickbait (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest
- cliff (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a very steep, vertical, or overhanging face of rock, earth, or ice : precipice
(noun) an adventure serial or melodrama; especially : one presented in installments each ending in suspense, a contest whose outcome is in doubt up to the very end; broadly : a suspenseful situation
- cliffs (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a very steep, vertical, or overhanging face of rock, earth, or ice : precipice
- climate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a region of the earth having specified climatic conditions, the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation, the prevailing set of conditions (as of temperature and humidity) indoors
(noun) significant and long-lasting change in the Earth's climate and weather patterns; especially, in current use : such change associated with global warming
(noun) rejection of the idea that changes in the Earth's climate or weather patterns are caused by human activity
(adjective) having or providing artificial control of air temperature, humidity, and movement
(noun) one who denies that changes in the Earth's climate or weather patterns are caused by human activity
- climb (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to go upward with gradual or continuous progress : rise, ascend, to increase gradually, to slope upward
(noun) a place where climbing is necessary to progress, the act or an instance of climbing : rise, ascent
(verb) to climb something (such as a rock face) without using aids for support
- climbing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to go upward with gradual or continuous progress : rise, ascend, to increase gradually, to slope upward
(verb) to climb something (such as a rock face) without using aids for support
- cloak (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a loose outer garment, something likened to an outer garment: such as, something that envelops or conceals
(verb) to cover or hide with or as if with a cloak
(adjective) dealing in or suggestive of melodramatic intrigue and action usually involving secret agents and espionage
- cloaked (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cover or hide with or as if with a cloak
- clock (10)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a device other than a watch for indicating or measuring time commonly by means of hands moving on a dial; broadly : any periodic system by which time is measured, a registering device usually with a dial; specifically : odometer, time clock
(verb) to time with a stopwatch or by an electric timing device, to be timed at, to register on a mechanical recording device
(noun) an ornamental figure on the ankle or side of a stocking or sock
(noun) a person (such as a worker or student) who keeps close watch on the passage of time
(adjective) being in effect, continuing, or lasting 24 hours a day : constant
- clocks (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a device other than a watch for indicating or measuring time commonly by means of hands moving on a dial; broadly : any periodic system by which time is measured, a registering device usually with a dial; specifically : odometer, time clock
(verb) to time with a stopwatch or by an electric timing device, to be timed at, to register on a mechanical recording device
(noun) an ornamental figure on the ankle or side of a stocking or sock
(verb) to make clean: such as, to rid of dirt, impurities, or extraneous matter, to rid of corruption
- clockworks (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the inner workings of something, the machinery (such as springs and a train of gears) that run a clock; also : a similar mechanism running a mechanical device (such as a toy), the precision, regularity, or absence of variation associated with a clock or clockwork —used in the phrase like clockwork to describe something that happens or works in a regular and exact way
- cloistered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) being or living in or as if in a cloister, providing shelter from contact with the outside world
(verb) to seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister, to surround with a cloister
- close (12)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (10), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move so as to bar passage through something, to block against entry or passage, to deny access to
(adjective) being near in time, space, effect, or degree, intimate, familiar, strict, rigorous
(adverb) in a close position or manner
(noun) a coming or bringing to a conclusion, a conclusion or end in time or existence : cessation, the concluding passage (as of a speech or play)
(noun) the precinct of a cathedral, an enclosed area, a road closed at one end
(adjective) clipped short, having the hair clipped short
(adjective) having a compacted smooth texture; especially : having narrow annual rings or small wood elements
- closed (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) not open, enclosed, composed entirely of closed tubes or vessels
(verb) to move so as to bar passage through something, to block against entry or passage, to deny access to
(adjective) broadcast with captions that appear only on the screen of a receiver equipped with a decoder
(noun) a service that provides closed-captioned programming
(adjective) consisting of numerous small sealed cavities usually filled with air
(adjective) used in, shown on, or being a television installation in which the signal is transmitted by wire to a limited number of receivers
(adjective) barring public and press
- closest (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) being near in time, space, effect, or degree, intimate, familiar, strict, rigorous
(adverb) in a close position or manner
- cloth (11)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (9), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a pliable material made usually by weaving, felting, or knitting natural or synthetic fibers and filaments, a similar material (as of glass), a piece of cloth adapted for a particular purpose; especially : tablecloth
- clothes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(plural noun) clothing, bedclothes, all the cloth articles of personal and household use that can be washed
(verb) to cover with or as if with cloth or clothing : dress, to provide with clothes, to express or enhance by suitably significant language : couch
(noun) clothespin
- cloud (26)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (17), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (such as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (such as the earth) or moon, something resembling or suggesting a cloud: such as, a light filmy, puffy, or billowy mass seeming to float in the air
(verb) to grow cloudy —usually used with over or up, to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance, to become blurry, dubious, or ominous —often used with over
(noun) a realm of fantasy or of whimsical or foolish behavior
- clouded (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to grow cloudy —usually used with over or up, to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance, to become blurry, dubious, or ominous —often used with over
- clouds (18)
- in books ::: birdland (11), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to grow cloudy —usually used with over or up, to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance, to become blurry, dubious, or ominous —often used with over
(noun) a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (such as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (such as the earth) or moon, something resembling or suggesting a cloud: such as, a light filmy, puffy, or billowy mass seeming to float in the air
- cloudy (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or resembling cloud, darkened by gloom or anxiety, overcast with clouds
- clue (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that guides through an intricate procedure or maze of difficulties; specifically : a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem, idea, notion
(verb) to provide with a clue, to give reliable information to
- clump (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a group of things clustered together, a compact mass, a heavy tramping sound
(verb) to walk or move clumsily and noisily, to form clumps, to arrange in or cause to form clumps
- cluster (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a number of similar things that occur together: such as, two or more consecutive consonants or vowels in a segment of speech, a group of buildings and especially houses built close together on a sizable tract in order to preserve open spaces larger than the individual yard for common recreation
(verb) to collect into a cluster, to furnish with clusters, to grow, assemble, or occur in a cluster
(adjective) occurring between or involving two or more clusters
(noun) a cluster that is a subdivision of a larger cluster
- clusters (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(noun) a number of similar things that occur together: such as, two or more consecutive consonants or vowels in a segment of speech, a group of buildings and especially houses built close together on a sizable tract in order to preserve open spaces larger than the individual yard for common recreation
(verb) to collect into a cluster, to furnish with clusters, to grow, assemble, or occur in a cluster
(noun) a cluster that is a subdivision of a larger cluster
- clutches (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly, clench, to seek to grasp and hold
(noun) the claws or a hand in the act of grasping or seizing firmly, an often cruel or unrelenting control, power, or possession, the act of grasping, holding, or restraining
(noun) a nest of eggs or a brood of chicks, group, bunch
(idiom) in someone's or something's claws —often used figuratively to indicate control over someone
(verb) to shift gears in an automotive vehicle by shifting into neutral and pumping the clutch before shifting to another gear
(noun) a clutch in which connection is made through sliding friction
- clutching (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly, clench, to seek to grasp and hold
(verb) to shift gears in an automotive vehicle by shifting into neutral and pumping the clutch before shifting to another gear
- co2 (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) carbon dioxide
- coal (10)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (7), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a piece of glowing carbon or charred wood : ember, charcoal, a black or brownish-black solid combustible substance formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter without free access of air and under the influence of moisture and often increased pressure and temperature that is widely used as a natural fuel
(verb) to burn to charcoal : char, to supply with coal, to take in coal
- coat (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) an outer garment worn on the upper body and varying in length and style according to fashion and use, something resembling a coat, the external growth on an animal
(verb) to cover with a coat, to cover or spread with a finishing, protecting, or enclosing layer
- code (17)
- in books ::: artist (10), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force, a system of principles or rules, a system of signals or symbols for communication
(verb) to put in or into the form or symbols of a code, to specify the genetic code, to create or edit computer code
- coder (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put in or into the form or symbols of a code, to specify the genetic code, to create or edit computer code
- codes (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force, a system of principles or rules, a system of signals or symbols for communication
(verb) to put in or into the form or symbols of a code, to specify the genetic code, to create or edit computer code
(noun) a usually 3-digit number that identifies a particular telephone service area in a country (such as the U.S. or Canada)
(noun) a code consisting of a group of printed and variously patterned bars and spaces and sometimes numerals that is designed to be scanned and read into computer memory and that contains information (such as identification) about the object it labels, something (such as a DNA sequence) that uniquely identifies a species of organism
(noun) any of various racially discriminatory laws that were passed in 1865 and 1866 in states that had been part of the Confederate States of America and that were enacted in order to maintain white supremacy after the formal abolition of slavery at the end of the U.S. Civil War
(noun) the act or an instance of fraudulently deceiving : deception, fraud, a code (such as a button combination or password) that activates a hidden feature or capability in a computer or video game, one that cheats : pretender, deceiver
(noun) the biochemical basis of heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the specific amino acid sequence in proteins and appear to be uniform for nearly all known forms of life
(noun) either of two codes consisting of variously spaced dots and dashes or long and short sounds used for transmitting messages by audible or visual signals
(noun) a computer program after translation from source code usually into machine language by a compiler
(noun) a code of laws concerning crimes and offenses and their punishment
- codework (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) coders, code word, cutwork, bodywork, codirectors, capework, codirector, casework, cutworks, codebook, homework, code words, coursework, capeworks, caseworks, clockwork, coachwork, codebooks
- coding (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put in or into the form or symbols of a code, to specify the genetic code, to create or edit computer code
(noun) a code consisting of a group of printed and variously patterned bars and spaces and sometimes numerals that is designed to be scanned and read into computer memory and that contains information (such as identification) about the object it labels, something (such as a DNA sequence) that uniquely identifies a species of organism
(verb) to furnish with a zip code
- coffee (9)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a beverage made by percolation, infusion, or decoction from the roasted and ground seeds of a coffee plant, any of several Old World tropical plants (genus Coffea and especially C. arabica and C. canephora) of the madder family that are widely cultivated in warm regions for their seeds from which coffee is prepared, coffee seeds especially roasted and often ground
- coffeepot (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a pot for brewing and serving coffee
- cognition (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) cognitive mental processes; also : a product of these processes
- coin (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) corner, cornerstone, quoin, wedge, a usually flat piece of metal issued by governmental authority as money
(verb) to make (a coin) especially by stamping : mint, to convert (metal) into coins, create, invent
(adjective) of or relating to coins, operated by coins
(noun) a self-service laundry where the machines are operated by coins
- coins (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to make (a coin) especially by stamping : mint, to convert (metal) into coins, create, invent
(noun) corner, cornerstone, quoin, wedge, a usually flat piece of metal issued by governmental authority as money
- coke (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the residue of coal left after destructive distillation and used as fuel; also : a similar residue left by other materials (such as petroleum) distilled to dryness
(verb) to change into coke, to become coke or like coke
(noun) cocaine
(noun) —used for a cola drink
- cold (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) having or being a temperature that is uncomfortably low for humans, having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected, not heated: such as
(noun) bodily sensation produced by loss or lack of heat, a condition of low temperature; especially : cold weather, a bodily disorder popularly associated with chilling; specifically : common cold
(adverb) with utter finality : absolutely, completely; also : abruptly, without introduction or advance notice, without preparation or warm-up
(adjective) done or acting without consideration, compunction, or clemency, matter-of-fact, emotionless, having cold blood; specifically : having a body temperature not internally regulated but approximating that of the environment
- collaborations (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor, to cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one's country and especially an occupying force, to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected
- collaborative (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(verb) to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor, to cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one's country and especially an occupying force, to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected
- collage (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface, a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements, the art of making collages
- collapse (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely : fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure, to break down completely : disintegrate, to cave or fall in or give way
(noun) a breakdown in vital energy, strength, or stamina, a state of extreme prostration and physical depression (as from circulatory failure or great loss of body fluids), an airless state of all or part of a lung originating spontaneously or induced surgically
- collapsed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely : fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure, to break down completely : disintegrate, to cave or fall in or give way
- collated (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) arranged, collected, or assembled in the correct order, compared critically (as against another version); also : merged or combined, verified and often integrated or arranged by collecting and comparing carefully
(verb) to compare critically, to collect, compare carefully in order to verify, and often to integrate or arrange in order, to assemble in proper order; especially : to assemble in order for binding
- collected (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) gathered together, possessed of calmness and composure often through concentrated effort, performed slowly and restrainedly with the animal's center of gravity toward the hindquarters
(verb) to bring together into one body or place, to gather or exact from a number of persons or sources, to gather an accumulation of (objects) especially as a hobby
(adjective) self-possessed
(idiom) not upset : not very bothered by things
(verb) to collect again; especially : rally, recover
(verb) to gather (things) together
- collection (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of collecting, something collected; especially : an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby, group, aggregate
(noun) a collection (as of books or artwork) that is part of a larger collection
- collections (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of collecting, something collected; especially : an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby, group, aggregate
(noun) a collection (as of books or artwork) that is part of a larger collection
- collector (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that collects: such as, an official who collects funds or moneys, a person who makes a collection
(noun) an item whose rarity or excellence makes it especially worth collecting; broadly : collectible
(noun) any of various devices for the absorption of solar radiation for the heating of water or buildings or the production of electricity
- college (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a body of clergy living together and supported by a foundation, a building used for an educational or religious purpose, a self-governing constituent body of a university offering living quarters and sometimes instruction but not granting degrees —called also residential college
- collides (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to come together with solid or direct impact, clash
- colliding (6)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to come together with solid or direct impact, clash
- collision (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an act or instance of colliding : clash, an encounter between particles (such as atoms or molecules) resulting in exchange or transformation of energy
(adjective) used or designed to help prevent collisions between aircraft, ships, etc.
- collisional (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of colliding : clash, an encounter between particles (such as atoms or molecules) resulting in exchange or transformation of energy
- colonists (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a member or inhabitant of a colony, one that colonizes or settles in a new country
- color (10)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (7), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a phenomenon of light (such as red, brown, pink, or gray) or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects, the aspect of the appearance of objects and light sources that may be described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation for objects and hue, brightness, and saturation for light sources; also : a specific combination of hue, saturation, and lightness or brightness, a color other than and as contrasted with black, white, or gray
(verb) to give color to, to change the color of (as by dyeing, staining, or painting), to change as if by dyeing or painting: such as
(noun) one who carries a color or standard especially in a military parade or drill
(adjective) affected with partial or total inability to distinguish one or more chromatic colors, not influenced by differences of race; especially : treating all people the same regardless of race, insensitive, oblivious
(noun) abstract painting in which color is emphasized and form and surface are correspondingly de-emphasized
- colors (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a phenomenon of light (such as red, brown, pink, or gray) or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects, the aspect of the appearance of objects and light sources that may be described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation for objects and hue, brightness, and saturation for light sources; also : a specific combination of hue, saturation, and lightness or brightness, a color other than and as contrasted with black, white, or gray
(verb) to give color to, to change the color of (as by dyeing, staining, or painting), to change as if by dyeing or painting: such as
(adjective) moving or capable of moving in the air, moving or made by moving rapidly, very brief
(adjective) showing different colors or tints; especially : having a predominant color broken by patches of one or more other colors
- colossal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or resembling a colossus, of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible, of an exceptional or astonishing degree
- column (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a vertical arrangement of items printed or written on a page, one of two or more vertical sections of a printed page separated by a rule or blank space, an accumulation arranged vertically : stack
(noun) a newspaper column of personal advertisements relating especially to missing relatives or friends, a newspaper column that includes letters from readers seeking personal advice and the columnist's replies
(noun) a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or national borders
(noun) a concrete-filled cylindrical steel structural column
(noun) the axial skeleton of a vertebrate that consists of an articulated series of vertebrae which extend from the neck to the tail and protect the spinal cord —called also backbone, vertebral column
(noun) the column that encloses the connections to the steering gear of a vehicle (such as an automobile)
(noun) spinal column
(noun) a vertical expanse of water stretching between the surface and the floor of a body of water, a vertical pipe with valves and spout for delivering water to a locomotive tender
(noun) an article in a newspaper or magazine that offers advice to people who write to ask for help with a problem
(noun) a special section of a newspaper, magazine, etc., where people can place short personal messages
- columns (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a vertical arrangement of items printed or written on a page, one of two or more vertical sections of a printed page separated by a rule or blank space, an accumulation arranged vertically : stack
(noun) a newspaper column of personal advertisements relating especially to missing relatives or friends, a newspaper column that includes letters from readers seeking personal advice and the columnist's replies
(noun) a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or national borders
(noun) the axial skeleton of a vertebrate that consists of an articulated series of vertebrae which extend from the neck to the tail and protect the spinal cord —called also backbone, vertebral column
(noun) the column that encloses the connections to the steering gear of a vehicle (such as an automobile)
(noun) spinal column
(noun) a vertical expanse of water stretching between the surface and the floor of a body of water, a vertical pipe with valves and spout for delivering water to a locomotive tender
- combine (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : merge, to cause to unite into a chemical compound, to unite into a single number or expression
(noun) a combination especially of business or political interests, an event at which scouts from the teams in a professional sports league gather to evaluate players in preparation for choosing which players to draft, a harvesting machine that heads, threshes, and cleans grain while moving over a field
(verb) to harvest with a combine, to combine a crop
- comes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to move toward something : approach, to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose, to reach a particular station in a series
(noun) semen, orgasm
- commerce (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) social intercourse : interchange of ideas, opinions, or sentiments, the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place, sexual intercourse
(verb) commune
(noun) commerce conducted via the Internet
(noun) business transactions conducted by using a mobile electronic device (such as a cell phone)
- commerce-mediated (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) moloch
- commercial (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) occupied with or engaged in commerce or work intended for commerce, of or relating to commerce, characteristic of commerce
(noun) an advertisement included with another broadcast (as on radio, television, or a podcast)
(adjective) unconcerned with or hostile toward commercial interests or commercialism
(adjective) designed exclusively for quick market success as opposed to quality or artistic merit
- communion (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) an act or instance of sharing, a Christian sacrament in which consecrated bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Christ's death or as symbols for the realization of a spiritual union between Christ and communicant or as the body and blood of Christ, the act of receiving Communion
(noun) a liturgically variable prayer following the communion at Eucharist
(noun) intimate communication or rapport with oneself : communion with oneself, the act of administering the Christian sacrament of Communion to oneself
- community (4)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a unified body of individuals: such as, the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly : the area itself, a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
(adjective) acquired or arising in the general population : not acquired or arising in a hospital
- community-driven (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) built by people together, collaborative
- commutative (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or showing commutation, of, relating to, having, or being the property that a given mathematical operation and set have when the result obtained using any two elements of the set with the operation does not differ with the order in which the elements are used
- companion (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that accompanies another : comrade, associate; also : one that keeps company with another, rascal, one that is closely connected with something similar
(verb) accompany, to keep company
(noun) a hood covering at the top of a companionway, companionway
- company (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) association with another : fellowship, companions, associates, visitors, guests
(verb) accompany, associate
(noun) a worker who acquiesces in company policy without complaint
(noun) a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps of the rank of captain, first lieutenant, or second lieutenant —called also company grade officer
(noun) a community that is dependent on one firm for all or most of the necessary services or functions of town life (such as employment, housing, and stores)
(noun) an unaffiliated labor union of the employees of a single firm; especially : one dominated by the employer
(noun) a car that an employer gives an employee to use for driving that relates to the employee's work
(noun) a corporate shell set up by investors for the sole purpose of raising money through an initial public offering to acquire another business yet to be determined —called also special purpose acquisition company
(noun) a company that makes usually small short-term loans usually to individuals
(noun) a company that grows at a greater rate than the economy as a whole and that usually directs a relatively high proportion of income back into the business
- compare (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to represent as similar : liken, to examine the character or qualities of especially in order to discover resemblances or differences, to view in relation to
(noun) the possibility of comparing; also : something with which to be compared
(idiom) to note what is similar and different about (two or more things)
(idiom) to compare things that are very similar
(idiom) to compare things that are very different
(idiom) to talk with another or to one another about something done or experienced in common
(idiom) better or greater than any other : having no equal
- compass (8)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to devise or contrive often with craft or skill : plot, encompass, bring about, achieve
(noun) boundary, circumference, a circumscribed space, range, scope
(adjective) forming a curve : curved
- compelling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) that compels: such as, forceful, demanding attention
(verb) to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly, to cause to do or occur by overwhelming pressure, to drive together
- complexity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something complex, the quality or state of being complex
- complicity (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act, an instance of complicity
- composable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) capable of being composed
- compose (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form by putting together : fashion, to form the substance of : constitute, to produce (columns, pages of type, etc.) by composition
- composer (4)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that composes; especially : a person who writes music
(noun) one who collaborates with another person in composing something (such as a piece of music)
- compression (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act, process, or result of compressing, the state of being compressed, the process of compressing the fuel mixture in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine (as in an automobile)
(noun) a longitudinal wave (such as a sound wave) propagated by the elastic compression of the medium —called also compression wave
- computable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) capable of being computed
- computation (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the act or action of computing : calculation, the use or operation of a computer, a system of reckoning
- computer-driven (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) woven by machines and digits, created by gears & computations, algorithmic
- computing (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to determine especially by mathematical means; also : to determine or calculate by means of a computer, to make calculation : reckon, to use a computer
(verb) to compute (something) in advance
- concert (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a public performance (as of music or dancing), agreement in design or plan : union formed by mutual communication of opinion and views, musical harmony : concord
(verb) to make a plan for, to settle or adjust by conferring and reaching an agreement, to act in harmony or conjunction
(adjective) occurring before a concert
- concerto (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements
- concrete (9)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) naming a real thing or class of things, formed by coalition of particles into one solid mass, characterized by or belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events
(verb) to form into a solid mass : solidify, combine, blend, to make actual or real : cause to take on the qualities of reality
(noun) a mass formed by concretion or coalescence of separate particles of matter in one body, a hard strong building material made by mixing a cementing material (such as portland cement) and a mineral aggregate (such as sand and gravel) with sufficient water to cause the cement to set and bind the entire mass, a waxy essence of flowers prepared by extraction and evaporation and used in perfumery
- conditions (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends : stipulation, covenant, a provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent upon an uncertain event; also : the event itself
(verb) to make stipulations, to agree by stipulating, to make conditional
(verb) to equip (something, such as a building or vehicle) with an apparatus for washing air and controlling its humidity and temperature; also : to subject (air) to these processes
- conduct (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to direct or take part in the operation or management of, to direct the performance of, to lead from a position of command
(noun) a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles, the act, manner, or process of carrying on : management, escort, guide
(noun) protection given a person passing through a military zone or occupied area, a document authorizing safe-conduct
- conductance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) conducting power, the readiness with which a conductor transmits an electric current expressed as the reciprocal of electrical resistance
- conductor (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one that conducts: such as, guide, a collector of fares in a public conveyance
- configurations (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) relative arrangement of parts or elements: such as, shape, contour of land
- conflagration (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) fire; especially : a large disastrous fire, conflict, war
- confluence (5)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point, the flowing together of two or more streams, the place of meeting of two streams
- conjoin (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to join together (things, such as separate entities) for a common purpose, to join together for a common purpose
- conjunction (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an uninflected linguistic form that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words, the act or an instance of conjoining : the state of being conjoined : combination, occurrence together in time or space : concurrence
(noun) a conjunction (such as and or or) that joins together words or word groups of equal grammatical rank
(noun) a conjunction of an inferior planet with the sun in which the planet is aligned between the earth and the sun
(noun) a conjunction of a planet with the sun in which the sun is aligned between the earth and the planet
(idiom) in combination with : together with
(noun) a conjunction that joins a main clause and a clause which does not form a complete sentence by itself
- conjurer (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) one that practices magic arts : wizard, one that performs feats of sleight of hand and illusion : magician, juggler
- connectance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) In food webs, the level of connectance is related to the statistical distribution of the links per species
- connection (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the act of connecting : the state of being connected: such as, causal or logical relation or sequence, contextual relation or association
(noun) a device designed to bind or constrict or to press two or more parts together so as to hold them firmly, any of various instruments or appliances having parts brought together for holding or compressing something
- connections (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) the act of connecting : the state of being connected: such as, causal or logical relation or sequence, contextual relation or association
- connotations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something suggested by a word or thing : implication, the suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes, the signification of something
- conservation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a careful preservation and protection of something; especially : planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect, the preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reactions
(adjective) opposing or hostile toward policies or practices intended to promote conservation of natural resources
- constant (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by firm steadfast resolution or faithfulness : exhibiting constancy of mind or attachment, invariable, uniform, continually occurring or recurring : regular
(noun) something invariable or unchanging: such as, a number that has a fixed value in a given situation or universally or that is characteristic of some substance or instrument, a number that is assumed not to change value in a given mathematical discussion
- constellation (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the configuration of stars especially at one's birth, any of 88 arbitrary configurations of stars or an area of the celestial sphere covering one of these configurations, an assemblage, collection, or group of usually related persons, qualities, or things
- constellations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the configuration of stars especially at one's birth, any of 88 arbitrary configurations of stars or an area of the celestial sphere covering one of these configurations, an assemblage, collection, or group of usually related persons, qualities, or things
- constrained (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation, to restrict the motion of (a mechanical body) to a particular mode, compress; also : to clasp tightly
- constraint (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of constraining, the state of being checked, restricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action, a constraining condition, agency, or force : check
- construct (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements : build; also : contrive, devise, to draw (a geometrical figure) with suitable instruments and under specified conditions, to set in logical order
(noun) something constructed by the mind: such as, a theoretical entity, a working hypothesis or concept
- construction (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or result of construing, interpreting, or explaining, the process, art, or manner of constructing something; also : a thing constructed, the construction industry
(adjective) constructed before purchase or use, formed prior to actual knowledge or experience
- consume (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to do away with completely : destroy, to spend wastefully : squander, use up
- consumed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to do away with completely : destroy, to spend wastefully : squander, use up
- consuming (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) deeply felt : ardent; also : engrossing
(verb) to do away with completely : destroy, to spend wastefully : squander, use up
(adjective) consuming oneself or itself: such as, taking all of a person's time and attention : being the only thing a person thinks about : all-consuming, acting to destroy itself or use itself up
(adjective) using or taking up a great deal of time, wasteful of time
(adjective) taking all of a person's time and attention : being the only thing a person thinks about
- containment (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act, process, or means of keeping something within limits, the policy, process, or result of preventing the expansion of a hostile power or ideology
(adjective) complete in itself : independent, built-in, showing self-control
- context (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning, the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : environment, setting
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a grammar or language based on rules that describe a change in a string without reference to elements not in the string; also : being such a rule
- context-specific (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) rooted
- contexts (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning, the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : environment, setting
- continuance (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) continuation, the extent of continuing : duration, the quality of enduring : permanence
- continuity (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) uninterrupted connection, succession, or union, uninterrupted duration or continuation especially without essential change, something that has, exhibits, or provides continuity: such as
- continuous (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) marked by uninterrupted extension in space, time, or sequence, having the property that the absolute value of the numerical difference between the value at a given point and the value at any point in a neighborhood of the given point can be made as close to zero as desired by choosing the neighborhood small enough
- contour (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure : shape; also : the line representing this outline, the general form or structure of something : characteristic —often used in plural, a usually meaningful change in intonation in speech
(adjective) following contour lines or forming furrows or ridges along them, made to fit the contour of something
(verb) to shape the contour of, to shape so as to fit contours, to construct (something, such as a road) in conformity to a contour
- contours (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to shape the contour of, to shape so as to fit contours, to construct (something, such as a road) in conformity to a contour
(noun) an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure : shape; also : the line representing this outline, the general form or structure of something : characteristic —often used in plural, a usually meaningful change in intonation in speech
- contrast (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences —often used with to or with, to form a contrast
(noun) juxtaposition of dissimilar elements (such as color, tone, or emotion) in a work of art, degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture, the difference or degree of difference between things having similar or comparable natures
(adjective) of or employing the phase-contrast microscope
- convergence (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of converging and especially moving toward union or uniformity; especially : coordinated movement of the two eyes so that the image of a single point is formed on corresponding retinal areas, the state or property of being convergent, independent development of similar traits or features (as of body structure or behavior) in unrelated or distantly related species or lineages : convergent evolution
(noun) convergence of a mathematical series when the absolute values of the terms are taken
- convergences (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act of converging and especially moving toward union or uniformity; especially : coordinated movement of the two eyes so that the image of a single point is formed on corresponding retinal areas, the state or property of being convergent, independent development of similar traits or features (as of body structure or behavior) in unrelated or distantly related species or lineages : convergent evolution
- convergent (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) tending to move toward one point or to approach each other : converging, exhibiting convergence in form, function, or development, having a value that is a real number
- converges (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to tend or move toward one point or one another : come together : meet, to come together and unite in a common interest or focus, to approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
- conversion (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of converting : the process of being converted, an experience associated with the definite and decisive adoption of a religion, the operation of finding a converse in logic or mathematics
(noun) a psychoneurosis in which bodily symptoms (such as paralysis of the limbs) appear without physical basis —called also conversion hysteria, conversion reaction
(noun) the use of any of various methods (such as aversive stimulation or religious counseling) in an attempt to change a person's sexual orientation to heterosexual or to change a person's gender identity to correspond to the sex the person has or was identified as having at birth —called also reparative therapy
(noun) a genetic process that involves nonreciprocal meiotic recombination in heterozygotes in which a mismatched DNA sequence from one heteroduplex DNA strand is replaced with a sequence complementary to the other strand resulting in aberrant gametic ratios (such as 3:1) and that is observed especially in ascomycetous fungi
- conveyer (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that conveys: such as, a person who transfers property, a mechanical apparatus for moving articles or bulk material from place to place (as by an endless moving belt or a chain of receptacles)
- cook (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a person who prepares food for eating, a technical or industrial process comparable to cooking food; also : a substance so processed
(verb) to prepare food for eating especially by means of heat, to undergo the action of being cooked, occur, happen
(noun) a cooking competition
- cool (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) moderately cold : lacking in warmth, marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control, lacking ardor or friendliness
(verb) to become cool : lose heat or warmth —sometimes used with off or down, to lose ardor or passion, to make cool : impart a feeling of coolness to —often used with off or down
(noun) a cool time, place, or situation, absence of excitement or emotional involvement : detachment, poise, composure
(adverb) in a casual and nonchalant manner
- coordinates (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) any of a set of numbers used in specifying the location of a point on a line, on a surface, or in space, any one of a set of variables used in specifying the state of a substance or the motion of a particle or momentum, one who is of equal rank, authority, or importance with another
(verb) to put in the same order or rank, to bring into a common action, movement, or condition : harmonize, to attach so as to form a coordination complex
(noun) either of two coordinates that locate a point on a plane and measure its distance from either of two intersecting straight-line axes along a line parallel to the other axis, any of three coordinates that locate a point in space and measure its distance from any of three intersecting coordinate planes measured parallel to that one of three straight-line axes that is the intersection of the other two planes
(noun) any of the coordinates in space obtained by constructing in a plane a polar coordinate system and on a line perpendicular to the plane a linear coordinate system
(noun) either of two numbers that locate a point in a plane by its distance from a fixed point on a line and the angle this line makes with a fixed line
(noun) a Cartesian coordinate of a Cartesian coordinate system whose straight-line axes or coordinate planes are perpendicular
(noun) one of three coordinates that are used to locate a point in space and that comprise the radius of the sphere on which the point lies in a system of concentric spheres, the angle formed by the point, the center, and a given axis of the sphere, and the angle between the plane of the first angle and a reference plane through the given axis of the sphere
(noun) a coordinate whose value is determined by measuring parallel to an x-axis; specifically : abscissa
(noun) a coordinate whose value is determined by measuring parallel to a y-axis; specifically : ordinate
(noun) a coordinate whose value is determined by measuring parallel to a z-axis
- copied (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make a copy or duplicate of, to model oneself on, to acknowledge receipt of (a message)
- copper (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a metallic chemical element that is easily formed into sheets and wires and is one of the best known conductors of heat and electricity, a coin or token made of copper or bronze, a large boiler (as for cooking)
(verb) to coat or sheathe with or as if with copper
(noun) police officer
(adjective) having a copper coating on the bottom, deserving to be trusted : certain to succeed
- copy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work (such as a letter, a painting, a table, or a dress), one of a series of especially mechanical reproductions of an original impression; also : an individual example of such a reproduction, something to be imitated : model
(verb) to make a copy or duplicate of, to model oneself on, to acknowledge receipt of (a message)
- core (4)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature : such as, the usually inedible central part of some fruits (such as a pineapple); especially : the papery or leathery carpels composing the ripened ovary in a pome fruit (such as an apple), the place in a nuclear reactor where fission occurs
(verb) to remove a core from
(noun) a group of people
(abbreviation) Congress of Racial Equality
(adjective) of, relating to, or being part of a hard core, confirmed, die-hard, containing explicit descriptions of sex acts or scenes of actual sex acts
(adjective) containing descriptions or scenes of sex acts that are less explicit than hard-core material
- corner (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet : angle, the place of intersection of two streets or roads, a piece designed to form, mark, or protect a corner
(adjective) situated at a corner, used or fitted for use in or on a corner
(verb) to drive into a corner, to catch and hold the attention of especially to force an interview, to get a corner on
(undefined) in a diagonal or oblique position
(adjective) being or carried on in a place away from public view : clandestine, insignificant
- corners (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to drive into a corner, to catch and hold the attention of especially to force an interview, to get a corner on
(noun) the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet : angle, the place of intersection of two streets or roads, a piece designed to form, mark, or protect a corner
(verb) to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument, to hurt the feelings of, to strike sharply with a cutting effect
- correct (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to make or set right : amend, counteract, neutralize, to alter or adjust so as to bring to some standard or required condition
(adjective) conforming to an approved or conventional standard, conforming to or agreeing with fact, logic, or known truth, conforming to a set figure
(idiom) —used as a way of making a statement sound less assertive
(adjective) conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated
(idiom) —used to say that all the people who are supposed to be at a place or event are there
(idiom) having body parts like those of actual people
- corridors (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a passageway (as in a hotel or office building) into which compartments or rooms open, a place or position in which especially political power is wielded through discussion and deal-making, a usually narrow passageway or route: such as
(noun) places where people talk about issues and make important decisions especially about political matters
- corrugated (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having corrugations; also : made of corrugated material (such as cardboard)
(verb) to form or shape into wrinkles or folds or into alternating ridges and grooves : furrow, to become corrugated
- coughing (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to expel air from the lungs suddenly with a sharp, short noise : to emit a cough, to make a noise like that of coughing, to expel by coughing —often used with up
- could (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) —used in auxiliary function in the past, in the past conditional, and as an alternative to can suggesting less force or certainty or as a polite form in the present
(verb) be physically or mentally able to, know how to, —used to indicate possibility —sometimes used interchangeably with may
- count (9)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (5)
(verb) to indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved : number, to name the numbers in order up to and including, to include in a tallying and reckoning
(noun) the action or process of counting, a total obtained by counting : tally, reckoning, account
(noun) a European nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of a British earl
- countable (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) capable of being counted; especially : capable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers
- counted (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved : number, to name the numbers in order up to and including, to include in a tallying and reckoning
(noun) an audible backward counting in fixed units (such as seconds) from an arbitrary starting number to mark the time remaining before an event; also : preparations carried on during such a count
- counting (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved : number, to name the numbers in order up to and including, to include in a tallying and reckoning
(noun) an audible backward counting in fixed units (such as seconds) from an arbitrary starting number to mark the time remaining before an event; also : preparations carried on during such a count
- counts (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved : number, to name the numbers in order up to and including, to include in a tallying and reckoning
(noun) the action or process of counting, a total obtained by counting : tally, reckoning, account
(noun) a European nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of a British earl
(noun) an audible backward counting in fixed units (such as seconds) from an arbitrary starting number to mark the time remaining before an event; also : preparations carried on during such a count
- coupled (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to connect for consideration together, to join for combined effect, to fasten together : link
(verb) to couple together
- courier (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) messenger: such as, a member of a diplomatic service entrusted with bearing messages, an espionage agent transferring secret information
(noun) forerunner
- course (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or action of moving in a path from point to point, the path over which something moves or extends: such as, racecourse
(verb) to follow close upon : pursue, to hunt or pursue (game) with hounds, to cause (dogs) to run (as after game)
(noun) curriculum, course
(noun) the total of high school or college courses someone is taking
(noun) the actions to be taken
(noun) the things that have happened, that are happening, or that will happen
(noun) a course (as of moving bodies or antithetical philosophies) that will result in collision or conflict if continued unaltered
(noun) a course offered by a correspondence school
(noun) a rapid and intense course of study; also : an experience that resembles such a course
(noun) an area of land laid out for golf with a series of 9 or 18 holes each including tee, fairway, and putting green and often one or more natural or artificial hazards —called also golf links
- coursework (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) work that is assigned or performed as part of a course of study
- crack (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make a very sharp explosive sound, to break, split, or snap apart, fail: such as
(noun) a loud roll or peal, a sudden sharp noise, a sharp witty remark : quip
(adjective) of superior excellence or ability
(noun) crash, wreck, a mental collapse : nervous breakdown, collapse, breakdown
- craft (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) skill in planning, making, or executing : dexterity, an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill, articles made by craftspeople
(verb) to make or produce with care, skill, or ingenuity
- crash (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to break violently and noisily : smash, to damage (an airplane) in landing, to cause to make a loud noise
(noun) a loud sound (as of things smashing), a breaking to pieces by or as if by collision, an instance of crashing
(adjective) marked by a concerted effort and effected in the shortest possible time especially to meet emergency conditions
(noun) a coarse fabric used for draperies, toweling, and clothing and for strengthening joints of cased-in books
(verb) to land (an airplane or spacecraft) under emergency conditions usually with damage to the craft, to crash-land an airplane or spacecraft
- crate (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an open box of wooden slats or a usually wooden protective case or framework for shipping, a usually box-shaped container or cage that has openings for airflow and that is used for confining or carrying animals (such as dogs or cats), a dilapidated old car or airplane
(verb) to pack or place in a crate
- craters (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the bowl-shaped depression around the orifice of a volcano, a depression formed by an impact (as of a meteorite), a hole in the ground made by the explosion of a bomb or shell
(verb) to exhibit or form craters, to fail or fall suddenly and dramatically : collapse, crash, to form craters in
(noun) a jar or vase of classical antiquity having a large round body and a wide mouth and used for mixing wine and water
(noun) a jar or vase of classical antiquity having a large round body and a wide mouth and used for mixing wine and water
- creased (7)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(verb) to make a crease in or on : wrinkle, to wound slightly especially by grazing, to become creased
(verb) to crease (something) in advance
- create (8)
- in books ::: artist (7), birdland (1)
(verb) to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, office, or rank, to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior
(adjective) created
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
(verb) to create (something) by working with one or more others : to create (something) jointly
- created (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, office, or rank, to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior
(adjective) created or appointed by oneself
(verb) to create (something) by working with one or more others : to create (something) jointly
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- creates (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, office, or rank, to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior
(verb) to create (something) by working with one or more others : to create (something) jointly
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- creating (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, office, or rank, to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior
(verb) to create (something) by working with one or more others : to create (something) jointly
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- creation (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act of creating; especially : the act of bringing the world into ordered existence, the act of making, inventing, or producing: such as, the act of investing with a new rank or office
(noun) the development or formation of one's identity or conception of oneself : self-invention
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- creative (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) marked by the ability or power to create : given to creating, having the quality of something created rather than imitated : imaginative, managed so as to get around legal or conventional limits; also : deceptively arranged so as to conceal or defraud
(noun) one who is creative; especially : one involved in the creation of advertisements, creative activity or the material produced by it especially in advertising
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- creativity (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the ability to create, the quality of being creative
- cricket (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a family (Gryllidae) of leaping orthopteran insects noted for the chirping notes produced by the male by rubbing together specially modified parts of the forewings, a low wooden footstool, a small metal toy or signaling device that makes a sharp click or snap when pressed
(noun) a game played with a ball and bat by two sides of usually 11 players each on a large field centering upon two wickets each defended by a batsman, fair and honorable behavior
(verb) to play the game of cricket
- cries (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an instance of crying: such as, an inarticulate utterance of distress, rage, or pain, outcry, clamor
(verb) to utter loudly : shout, beg, beseech, to proclaim publicly : advertise
(noun) a cry made in response to another cry
- criminal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) relating to, involving, or being a crime, relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crime, guilty of crime; also : of or befitting a criminal
(noun) one who has committed a crime, a person who has been convicted of a crime
(noun) adultery considered as a tort
(noun) a court that has jurisdiction to try and punish offenders against criminal law
(noun) the law of crimes and their punishments
(noun) a lawyer who specializes in criminal law; especially : a lawyer who represents defendants in criminal cases
(noun) the mind of someone who commits crimes
(noun) a known record of having been arrested in the past for committing a crime
(noun) a person who has committed many crimes throughout his or her life
(noun) a crime (such as genocide or maltreatment of prisoners) committed during or in connection with war —usually used in plural
- crimson (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of several deep purplish reds
(adjective) of the color crimson
(verb) to make crimson, to become crimson; especially : blush
- crisis (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever, a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function, an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life
(noun) personal psychosocial conflict especially in adolescence that involves confusion about one's social role and often a sense of loss of continuity to one's personality, a state of confusion in an institution or organization regarding its nature or direction
(noun) a period of emotional turmoil in middle age characterized especially by a strong desire for change
(noun) a situation in which someone is holding people as hostages
(adjective) of, relating to, or existing before a crisis
- criss-cross (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) warp weft
- critical (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably, consisting of or involving criticism; also : of or relating to the judgment of critics, exercising or involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation
- cross (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution, the cross on which Jesus was crucified, crucifixion
(verb) to lie or be situated across, intersect, to make the sign of the cross upon or over
(adjective) lying across or athwart, moving across, running counter : opposite
(preposition) across
(adverb) not parallel : crisscross, crosswise
- cross-disciplinary (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) infinite between
- cross-media (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) cross-sensory, across fields
- cross-platform (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) works on different machines
- cross-sensory (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) cross-media, the sensory skull, skeletal filament, the body the resonant strings
- crow (18)
- in books ::: birdland (15), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various large usually entirely glossy black passerine birds (family Corvidae and especially genus Corvus), corvus, humble pie
(verb) to make the loud shrill sound characteristic of a cock, to utter a sound expressive of pleasure, to exult gloatingly especially over the distress of another
(noun) the cry of the cock, a triumphant cry
(noun) a member of an Indigenous people of the Great Plains between the Platte and Yellowstone rivers, the Siouan language of the Crow people
(noun) a wrinkle extending from the outer corner of the eye —usually plural, crowfoot
- crowds (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to press on : hurry, to press close, to collect in numbers
(noun) a large number of persons especially when collected together : throng, the great body of the people : populace, most of one's peers
(noun) an ancient Celtic stringed instrument that is plucked or bowed —called also crwth, violin
- crucifix (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a representation of Christ on the cross
- crumpled (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to press, bend, or crush out of shape : rumple, to cause to collapse, to become crumpled
- cube (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the regular solid of six equal square sides, something shaped like a cube, cubicle
(adjective) raised to the third power
(verb) to raise to the third power, to form into a cube, to cut partly through (a steak) in a checkered pattern to increase tenderness by breaking the fibers
(noun) any of several tropical American plants (genus Lonchocarpus) furnishing rotenone
- culled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) selected or chosen from a group, reduced in size by removal (as by hunting or slaughter) of especially weak or sick individuals, removed (as by hunting or slaughter) for culling
(verb) to select from a group : choose, to reduce or control the size of (something, such as a herd) by removal (as by hunting or slaughter) of especially weak or sick individuals; also : to hunt or kill (individuals) for culling
- culm (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) refuse coal screenings : slack
(noun) a monocotyledonous stem (as of a grass or sedge)
- culture (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time, the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization, the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic
(verb) cultivate, to grow in a prepared medium, to start a culture from
(noun) the development of one's mind or capacities through one's own efforts : self-cultivation
(noun) the act or process of culturing two types of cells or tissue in the same medium
(noun) one that makes: such as, god, poet
- cultures (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time, the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization, the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic
(verb) cultivate, to grow in a prepared medium, to start a culture from
(noun) the act or process of culturing two types of cells or tissue in the same medium
(noun) the development of one's mind or capacities through one's own efforts : self-cultivation
- cup (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an open usually bowl-shaped drinking vessel, a drinking vessel and its contents, the consecrated wine of the Communion
(verb) to treat by cupping, to curve into the shape of a cup, to place in or as if in a cup
(noun) a plastic or paper cup used especially for taking a beverage off the premises of a bar, restaurant, etc.; especially : such a cup used (as in New Orleans) for carrying an alcoholic beverage
- cups (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) an open usually bowl-shaped drinking vessel, a drinking vessel and its contents, the consecrated wine of the Communion
(verb) to treat by cupping, to curve into the shape of a cup, to place in or as if in a cup
(noun) a plastic or paper cup used especially for taking a beverage off the premises of a bar, restaurant, etc.; especially : such a cup used (as in New Orleans) for carrying an alcoholic beverage
- curl (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to form into coils or ringlets, to form into a curved shape : twist, to furnish with curls
(noun) a lock of hair that coils : ringlet, something having a spiral or winding form : coil, the action of curling : the state of being curled
- currencies (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) circulation as a medium of exchange, general use, acceptance, or prevalence, the quality or state of being current : currentness
(noun) paper money in denominations of less than one dollar issued by the U.S. 1863—76, currency in denominations less than the basic monetary unit
- currency (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) circulation as a medium of exchange, general use, acceptance, or prevalence, the quality or state of being current : currentness
- current (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) occurring in or existing at the present time, presently elapsing, most recent
(noun) the part of a fluid body (such as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction, the swiftest part of a stream, a tidal or nontidal movement of lake or ocean water
- currents (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the part of a fluid body (such as air or water) moving continuously in a certain direction, the swiftest part of a stream, a tidal or nontidal movement of lake or ocean water
(noun) an electric current that reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals —abbreviation AC
(noun) an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value —abbreviation DC
(noun) an electric current induced by an alternating magnetic field
(noun) a strong usually narrow surface current flowing outward from a shore that results from the return flow of waves and wind-driven water
(noun) direct current
- curtain (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a hanging screen usually capable of being drawn back or up; especially : window drapery, a device or agency that conceals or acts as a barrier, the part of a bastioned front that connects two neighboring bastions
(verb) to furnish with or as if with curtains, to veil or shut off with or as if with a curtain
(noun) a short play usually of one scene that is presented before the main full-length drama, a usually short preliminary to a main event
- curvatures (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of curving : the state of being curved, a measure or amount of curving; specifically : the rate of change of the angle through which the tangent to a curve turns in moving along the curve and which for a circle is equal to the reciprocal of the radius, an abnormal curving (as of the spine)
- curve (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) bent or formed into a curve
(verb) to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity, to cause to curve, to throw a curveball to (a batter)
(noun) a line especially when curved: such as, the path of a moving point, a line defined by an equation so that the coordinates of its points are functions of a single independent variable or parameter
- curved (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity, to cause to curve, to throw a curveball to (a batter)
- curves (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a line especially when curved: such as, the path of a moving point, a line defined by an equation so that the coordinates of its points are functions of a single independent variable or parameter
(verb) to have or take a turn, change, or deviation from a straight line or plane surface without sharp breaks or angularity, to cause to curve, to throw a curveball to (a batter)
- cut (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument, to hurt the feelings of, to strike sharply with a cutting effect
(noun) a product of cutting: such as, an opening made with an edged instrument, a wound made by something sharp : gash
(adjective) marked by a well-developed and highly defined musculature
(adjective) being or done according to a plan, set procedure, or formula : routine
(adjective) pieced together by excerpting and combining fragments from multiple sources
(adjective) marked by trial and error
- cyber-orchestration (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) machine orchestration
- cybernetic (5)
- in books ::: artist (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (such as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)
- cybernetics (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (such as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)
- cyborg (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(noun) a bionic human
- cycle (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed, a course or series of events or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point, one complete performance of a vibration, electric oscillation, current alternation, or other periodic process
(verb) to pass through a cycle, to recur in cycles, to ride a cycle; specifically : bicycle
(noun) a circular band for holding, connecting, hanging, pulling, packing, or sealing, a circlet usually of precious metal worn especially on the finger, a circular line, figure, or object
(noun) a set of bells, a clear resonant sound made by or resembling that made by vibrating metal, resonant tone : sonority
- cycles (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed, a course or series of events or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point, one complete performance of a vibration, electric oscillation, current alternation, or other periodic process
(verb) to pass through a cycle, to recur in cycles, to ride a cycle; specifically : bicycle
- cycling (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to pass through a cycle, to recur in cycles, to ride a cycle; specifically : bicycle
- cyclone (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure, advances at a speed of 20 to 30 miles (about 30 to 50 kilometers) an hour, and often brings heavy rain, tornado, low
- cyclones (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure, advances at a speed of 20 to 30 miles (about 30 to 50 kilometers) an hour, and often brings heavy rain, tornado, low
- damp (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a noxious gas, moisture:, humidity, dampness
(verb) to affect with or as if with a noxious gas : choke, to diminish the activity or intensity of, to check the vibration or oscillation of (something, such as a string or a voltage)
(adjective) being confused, bewildered, or shocked : stupefied, depressed, dull, slightly or moderately wet : moist; also : humid
- dams (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a barrier preventing the flow of water or of loose solid materials (such as soil or snow); especially, civil engineering : a barrier built across a watercourse for impounding water, a barrier to check the flow of liquid, gas, or air, a body of water confined by a barrier
(verb) to provide or restrain with a barrier that prevents the flow of water : to provide or restrain with a dam, to stop up : block
(noun) the female parent of an animal and especially of a domestic animal
- dance (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to move one's body rhythmically usually to music : to engage in or perform a dance, to move or seem to move up and down or about in a quick or lively manner, to perform or take part in as a dancer
(noun) an act or instance of moving one's body rhythmically usually to music : an act or instance of dancing, a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music, a social gathering for dancing
(noun) a dancing competition
- dancehall (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a large room set aside or suitable for dances; especially : a public hall offering facilities for dancing, a genre of Jamaican music derived from reggae in which an artist improvises vocals over a recorded or live beat —often used before another noun
- dancer (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move one's body rhythmically usually to music : to engage in or perform a dance, to move or seem to move up and down or about in a quick or lively manner, to perform or take part in as a dancer
- dancing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move one's body rhythmically usually to music : to engage in or perform a dance, to move or seem to move up and down or about in a quick or lively manner, to perform or take part in as a dancer
- dark (22)
- in books ::: birdland (15), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) devoid or partially devoid of light : not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light, transmitting only a portion of light, wholly or partially black
(noun) a place or time of little or no light : night, nightfall, absence of light : darkness, a color of low or very low lightness : a dark or deep color—usually plural
(verb) to grow dark, to make dark
- darkened (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to grow dark : become obscured, to become gloomy, to make dark
- darkness (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(noun) the quality or state of being dark: such as, the total or near total absence of light, the quality of being dark in shade or color : dark color or colors
- data (13)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), fieldNotes (10)
(noun) factual information (such as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation, information in digital form that can be transmitted or processed, information output by a sensing device or organ that includes both useful and irrelevant or redundant information and must be processed to be meaningful
(noun) something given or admitted especially as a basis for reasoning or inference, something used as a basis for calculating or measuring
- database (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval (as by a computer)
- date (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the brown, oblong edible fruit of a palm (Phoenix dactylifera), the tall palm with pinnate leaves that yields the date
(noun) the time at which an event occurs, a statement of the time of execution or making, duration
(verb) to determine the period of time to which something belongs : to determine the date of, to record the time of the execution or making of : mark with the date, to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period
(verb) to commit date rape on
- dated (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) provided with a date, outmoded, old-fashioned
(verb) to determine the period of time to which something belongs : to determine the date of, to record the time of the execution or making of : mark with the date, to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period
- dawn (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to begin to grow light as the sun rises, to begin to appear or develop, to begin to be perceived or understood
(noun) the first appearance of light in the morning followed by sunrise, beginning
(noun) any of a genus (Hyracotherium synonym Eohippus) of very small primitive horses from the Lower Eocene having 4-toed forefeet and 3-toed hind feet —called also dawn horse
(adjective) existing or occurring before dawn
- day (20)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (14)
(noun) the time of light between one night and the next, daylight, daytime
(adjective) developing and maturing regardless of relative length of alternating exposures to light and dark periods —used especially of a plant
- daylight (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the light of day, daytime, dawn
- days (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in the daytime repeatedly : on any day
(noun) the time of light between one night and the next, daylight, daytime
- de (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(abbreviation) defensive end, Delaware, diatomaceous earth, doctor of engineering
(prefix) do the opposite of, reverse of, remove (a specified thing) from
(verb) to reduce in relative importance; also : play down
(verb) to disconnect from a source of electricity : shut off the power to
(verb) limit, to decrease in extent, volume, or scope
(adverb) in reality : actually
(adjective) actual; especially : being such in effect though not formally recognized, exercising power as if legally constituted, resulting from economic or social factors rather than from laws or actions of the state
(noun) gaullism
(adjective) of superiority : of or with condescension
- dead (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) deprived of life : no longer alive, having the appearance of death : deathly, lacking power to move, feel, or respond : numb
(noun) someone who is no longer alive : one that is dead —usually used collectively, the state of being dead, the time of greatest quiet
(adverb) absolutely, utterly, suddenly and completely, directly
(adjective) lacking opportunities especially for advancement, lacking an exit, unruly
(verb) to come to a dead end : terminate
- deals (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to concern oneself or itself, to take action with regard to someone or something, to reach or try to reach a state of acceptance or reconcilement
(noun) an act of dealing : transaction, contract, bargain
(noun) a usually large or indefinite quantity or degree, the act or right of distributing cards to players, hand
(noun) a board of fir or pine, pine or fir wood
(verb) to turn on or as if on an axis : revolve, to change direction as if revolving on a pivot, to move or extend in a circle or curve
- dear (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) highly valued : precious —often used in a salutation, affectionate, fond, high or exorbitant in price : expensive
(adverb) dearly, dearly
(noun) a loved one : sweetheart, a lovable person
- death (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a permanent cessation of all vital functions : the end of life, an instance of dying, the cause or occasion of loss of life
- decades (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a group or set of 10 : such as, a period of 10 years, a division of the rosary that consists primarily of 10 Hail Marys
(adjective) lasting two or more decades : occurring over a period of two or more decades
- decay (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to undergo decomposition, to decline in health, strength, or vigor, to fall into ruin
(noun) rot; specifically : aerobic decomposition of proteins chiefly by bacteria, the product of decay, gradual decline in strength, soundness, or prosperity or in degree of excellence or perfection
- december (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the 12th month of the Gregorian calendar
- deciphered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) decode, depict, to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity
- decisions (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to win by being awarded more points than (an opponent)
(noun) the act or process of deciding, a determination arrived at after consideration : conclusion, a report of a conclusion
(noun) one of a set of relatively small decisions that are involved in making a larger decision
- deck (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a platform in a ship serving usually as a structural element and forming the floor for its compartments, something resembling the deck of a ship: such as, a story or tier of a building (such as a sports stadium)
(verb) cover, to clothe in a striking or elegant manner : array, decorate
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a situation in which every available person is needed or called to assist
(adjective) having two decks, levels, or layers
- declare (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make known formally, officially, or explicitly, to make known as a determination, to make clear
- decline (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become less in amount, to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition, to withhold consent
(noun) the process of declining:, a gradual physical or mental sinking and wasting away, a change to a lower state or level
- deduction (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of taking away, something that is or may be subtracted, the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning; specifically : inference in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from general or universal premises
(noun) money earned but not included in a paycheck because it is used to pay the employee's taxes, insurance costs, etc.
- deductions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of taking away, something that is or may be subtracted, the deriving of a conclusion by reasoning; specifically : inference in which the conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from general or universal premises
- deep (12)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (2), fieldNotes (7)
(adjective) extending far from some surface or area: such as, extending far downward, extending well inward from an outer surface
(adverb) to a great depth : deeply, far on : late, near the outer limits of the playing area
(noun) a vast or immeasurable extent : abyss, the extent of surrounding space or time, ocean
(adjective) baked in a deep dish; especially : baked in a deep dish with usually a fruit filling and no bottom crust
(verb) quick-freeze, to store in a frozen state
- deeper (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) extending far from some surface or area: such as, extending far downward, extending well inward from an outer surface
(adverb) to a great depth : deeply, far on : late, near the outer limits of the playing area
- deeply (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) extending far from some surface or area: such as, extending far downward, extending well inward from an outer surface
- deer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various slender-legged, even-toed, ruminant mammals (family Cervidae, the deer family) having usually brownish fur and deciduous antlers borne by the males of nearly all and by the females only of the caribou : cervid, animal; especially : a small mammal
- deftly (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) characterized by facility and skill
- degenerate (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(adjective) having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state, having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type; especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state, degraded
(verb) to pass from a higher to a lower type or condition : deteriorate, to sink into a low intellectual or moral state, to decline in quality
(noun) one that is degenerate : such as, one degraded from the normal moral standard, a sexual pervert
- degrees (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(idiom) very slowly : by a series of small changes
- delay (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of postponing, hindering, or causing something to occur more slowly than normal : the state of being delayed, an instance of being delayed, the time during which something is delayed
(verb) put off, postpone, to stop, detain, or hinder for a time, to cause to be slower or to occur more slowly than normal
- deliver (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to set free, to take and hand over to or leave for another : convey, hand over, surrender
- delivered (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to set free, to take and hand over to or leave for another : convey, hand over, surrender
- demystify (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to eliminate the mystifying features of
- dendrite (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a branching treelike figure produced on or in a mineral by a foreign mineral; also : the mineral so marked, a crystallized arborescent form, any of the usually branching protoplasmic processes that conduct impulses toward the body of a neuron
- denim (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a firm durable twilled usually cotton fabric woven with colored warp and white filling threads, a similar fabric woven in colored stripes, overalls or trousers usually of blue denim
- dense (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) marked by compactness or crowding together of parts, having a high mass per unit volume, slow to understand : stupid, thickheaded
- densities (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being dense, the quantity per unit of volume, unit of area, or unit of length: such as, the mass of a substance per unit of volume
(noun) probability density function; also : a particular value of a probability density function
- density (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the quality or state of being dense, the quantity per unit of volume, unit of area, or unit of length: such as, the mass of a substance per unit of volume
- departures (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of departing, death, a setting out (as on a new course)
- dependence (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being dependent; especially : the quality or state of being influenced or determined by or subject to another, reliance, trust, one that is relied on
(noun) dependence on one's own resources or efforts : self-reliance
(noun) the state of being dependent upon one another : mutual dependence, a mutually dependent relationship
- dependencies (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) dependence, something that is dependent on something else; especially : a territorial unit under the jurisdiction of a nation but not formally annexed by it, a building (such as a stable) that is an adjunct to a main dwelling
- deployment (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or movement of deploying or the state of being deployed: such as, placement or arrangement (as of military personnel or equipment) in position for a particular use or purpose; also : an instance of such placement (as in a battle zone) for a period of time, an instance of use that involves something opening and spreading out
(noun) the act or an instance of deploying something or someone in response to a deployment by another group
- depot (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a place for storing goods or motor vehicles, store, cache, a place for the storage of military supplies
- depth (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a deep place in a body of water, a part that is far from the outside or surface, abyss
(adjective) covering many or all important points of a subject : comprehensive, thorough
- depths (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(noun) a deep place in a body of water, a part that is far from the outside or surface, abyss
- deranged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) mentally unsound : crazy, disturbed or disordered in function, structure, or condition, wildly odd or eccentric
(verb) to disturb the operation or functions of, disarrange, to make mentally unsound or insane
- dervish (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a member of a Muslim religious order noted for devotional exercises (such as bodily movements leading to a trance), one that whirls or dances with or as if with the abandonment of a dervish
- description (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of describing; specifically : discourse intended to give a mental image of something experienced, a statement or account giving the characteristics of someone or something : a descriptive statement or account, kind or character especially as determined by salient features
(noun) the act or an instance of describing oneself; also : a self-descriptive statement
(idiom) —used to talk about something that is very difficult to describe
(idiom) so as not capable of being described : to an extreme degree
- desert (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) arid land with usually sparse vegetation; especially : such land having a very warm climate and receiving less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of sporadic rainfall annually, an area of water apparently devoid of life, a desolate or forbidding area
(adjective) desolate and sparsely occupied or unoccupied, of or relating to a desert, forsaken
(verb) to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return, to leave in the lurch, to abandon (military service) without leave
(noun) deserved reward or punishment —usually used in plural, the quality or fact of meriting reward or punishment, excellence, worth
- deserts (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return, to leave in the lurch, to abandon (military service) without leave
(noun) arid land with usually sparse vegetation; especially : such land having a very warm climate and receiving less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of sporadic rainfall annually, an area of water apparently devoid of life, a desolate or forbidding area
(noun) deserved reward or punishment —usually used in plural, the quality or fact of meriting reward or punishment, excellence, worth
- design (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan : devise, contrive, to conceive and plan out in the mind, to have as a purpose : intend
(noun) a particular purpose or intention held in view by an individual or group, deliberate purposive planning, a mental project or scheme in which means to an end are laid down
(verb) to design (something) by working with one or more others : to design (something) jointly
- desperate (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having lost hope, giving no ground for hope, moved by despair or utter loss of hope
- destination (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the purpose for which something is predetermined or destined, an act of appointing, setting aside for a purpose, or predetermining, a place to which one is journeying or to which something is sent
- destinations (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the purpose for which something is predetermined or destined, an act of appointing, setting aside for a purpose, or predetermining, a place to which one is journeying or to which something is sent
- destruction (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the state or fact of being destroyed : ruin, the action or process of destroying something, a destroying agency
(noun) destruction of oneself; especially : suicide
- detail (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) extended treatment of or attention to particular items, a part of a whole: such as, a small and subordinate part : particular; also : a reproduction of such a part of a work of art
(verb) to report minutely and distinctly : to report with close attention to small elements : specify, to assign to a particular task, to furnish with the smaller elements of design and finish
- detection (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of detecting : the state or fact of being detected, the process of demodulating
(idiom) to not be discovered, found, or noticed
(idiom) to avoid being found out or discovered
- detector (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that detects: such as, a device for detecting the presence of electromagnetic waves or of radioactivity, a rectifier of high-frequency current used especially for extracting the intelligence from a radio signal
- detrital (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) loose material (such as rock fragments or organic particles) that results directly from disintegration, a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away : debris, miscellaneous remnants : odds and ends
- devastated (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) brought to a state of ruin or destruction, emotionally shattered or distraught
(verb) to bring to ruin or desolation by violent action, to reduce to chaos, disorder, or helplessness : overwhelm
- devastating (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) causing great damage or harm, causing extreme emotional pain, extremely effective or powerful
(verb) to bring to ruin or desolation by violent action, to reduce to chaos, disorder, or helplessness : overwhelm
- developer (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that develops: such as, a chemical used to develop exposed photographic materials, a person who develops real estate
(verb) to develop (something) by working with one or more others : to develop (something) jointly
- development (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act, process, or result of developing, the state of being developed, a tract of land that has been made available or usable : a developed tract of land; especially : one with houses built on it
(noun) development of one's own capabilities or possibilities
(noun) intense or excessive development
(adjective) relating to, existing, or occurring before the start of development especially of a real estate project
(noun) a development that is part of a larger development
- deviant (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) straying or deviating especially from an accepted norm
(noun) someone or something that deviates from a norm; especially : a person who differs markedly (as in social adjustment or behavior) from what is considered normal or acceptable
- deviation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of deviating: such as, deflection of the needle of a compass caused by local magnetic influences (as in a ship), the difference between a value in a frequency distribution and a fixed number (such as the mean)
(noun) the mean of the absolute values of the numerical differences between the numbers of a set (such as statistical data) and their mean or median
(noun) variance, standard deviation
(noun) a measure of the dispersion of a frequency distribution that is the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of the deviation of each of the class frequencies from the arithmetic mean of the frequency distribution; also : a similar quantity found by dividing by one less than the number of squares in the sum of squares instead of taking the arithmetic mean, a parameter that indicates the way in which a probability function or a probability density function is centered around its mean and that is equal to the square root of the moment in which the deviation from the mean is squared
- device (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something devised or contrived: such as, plan, procedure, technique, a scheme to deceive : stratagem, trick
(adjective) marked by punctilious attention to detail : meticulous
- devoid (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being without a usual, typical, or expected attribute or accompaniment —used with of
(idiom) not having (something usual or expected) : completely without (something)
- devouring (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to eat up greedily or ravenously, to use up or destroy as if by eating, to prey upon
(adjective) devouring or consuming oneself or itself
- dew (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) moisture condensed upon the surfaces of cool bodies especially at night, something resembling dew in purity, freshness, or power to refresh, moisture especially when appearing in minute droplets: such as
(abbreviation) distant early warning
(verb) dawn
- diagram (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a graphic design that explains rather than represents; especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts), a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes
(verb) to represent by or put into the form of a diagram
- diagrams (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a graphic design that explains rather than represents; especially : a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts), a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes
(verb) to represent by or put into the form of a diagram
- dial (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the face of a sundial, timepiece, the graduated face of a timepiece
(verb) to measure with a dial, to manipulate a device (such as a dial) so as to operate, regulate, or select, call
(abbreviation) dialect, dialectical
(adjective) relating to or being a standard telephone line used for computer communications; also : accessible via a standard telephone line
- dice (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) die, a gambling game played with dice, a small cubical piece (as of food)
(verb) to cut into small cubes, to ornament with square markings, to bring by playing dice
(noun) a small cube marked on each face with from one to six spots and used usually in pairs in various games and in gambling by being shaken and thrown to come to rest at random on a flat surface —often used figuratively in expressions concerning chance or the irrevocability of a course of action, dado, any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material: such as
(verb) to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a surface, to cause to revolve by turning over and over on or as if on an axis, to cause to move in a circular manner
- dictionaries (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic uses, a reference book listing alphabetically terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with discussion of their meanings and applications, a reference book listing alphabetically the words of one language and showing their meanings or translations in another language
- die (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to pass from physical life : expire, to pass out of existence : cease, to disappear or subside gradually —often used with away, down, or out
(noun) a small cube marked on each face with from one to six spots and used usually in pairs in various games and in gambling by being shaken and thrown to come to rest at random on a flat surface —often used figuratively in expressions concerning chance or the irrevocability of a course of action, dado, any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material: such as
(adjective) strongly or fanatically determined or devoted; especially : strongly resisting change
(noun) a sudden sharp decline of a population of animals or plants that is not caused directly by human activity
- died (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to pass from physical life : expire, to pass out of existence : cease, to disappear or subside gradually —often used with away, down, or out
- difference (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the quality or state of being dissimilar or different, an instance of being unlike or distinct in nature, form, or quality, a characteristic that distinguishes one from another or from the average
(verb) differentiate, distinguish
- different (7)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) partly or totally unlike in nature, form, or quality : dissimilar —often followed by from, than, or chiefly British to, not the same: such as, distinct
(adverb) differently
- differentials (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the product of the derivative of a function of one variable by the increment of the independent variable, a sum of products in which each product consists of a partial derivative of a given function of several variables multiplied by the corresponding increment and which contains as many products as there are independent variables in the function, a difference between comparable individuals or classes; also : the amount of such a difference
- difficult (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) hard to do, make, or carry out : arduous, hard to deal with, manage, or overcome, hard to understand : puzzling
- diffusion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the state of being spread out or transmitted especially by contact : the action of diffusing, prolixity, diffuseness, the process whereby particles of liquids, gases, or solids intermingle as the result of their spontaneous movement caused by thermal agitation and in dissolved substances move from a region of higher to one of lower concentration
- digit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the Arabic numerals 1 to 9 and usually the symbol 0, one of the elements that combine to form numbers in a system other than the decimal system, the digits of a telephone number
(adjective) amounting to 10 percent or more
(adjective) having a number or percentage that is 9 or less
- digital (7)
- in books ::: artist (4), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of or relating to the fingers or toes, done with a finger, of, relating to, or using calculation by numerical methods or by discrete units
- digits (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the Arabic numerals 1 to 9 and usually the symbol 0, one of the elements that combine to form numbers in a system other than the decimal system, the digits of a telephone number
- dim (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light, dull, lusterless, lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character
(verb) to reduce the light from, to make dim or lusterless, to become dim
(noun) low beam, dusk, dimness
(abbreviation) dimension, diminished, diminuendo, diminutive
(adjective) not intelligent : stupid
- dime (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a coin of the U.S. worth 1/10 dollar, a petty sum of money, a Canadian 10-cent piece
(adjective) inexpensive, tawdry, second-rate
(noun) a retail store that carries a variety of chiefly inexpensive merchandise
(adjective) involving or offering only a small amount of money, small-time
(verb) to impair, weaken, or defeat piecemeal (as through a series of small incursions or excessive attention to minor details), to treat (a person or situation) by paying excessive attention to small amounts of money often with a detrimental effect
(verb) to fall in drops, to fall unexpectedly or suddenly, to descend from one line or level to another
- dimensions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) measure in one direction; specifically : one of three coordinates determining a position in space or four coordinates determining a position in space and time, one of a group of properties whose number is necessary and sufficient to determine uniquely each element of a system of usually mathematical entities (such as an aggregate of points in real or abstract space); also : a parameter or coordinate variable assigned to such a property, the number of elements in a basis of a vector space
(verb) to form to the required dimensions, to indicate the dimensions of (as on a drawing)
- dimly (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light, dull, lusterless, lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character
- dimmer (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a device for regulating the intensity of an electric lighting unit, low beam
(adjective) emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light, dull, lusterless, lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character
- din (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a loud continued noise; especially : a welter of discordant sounds, a situation or condition resembling a din
(verb) to make a loud noise, to assail with loud continued noise, to impress by insistent repetition —often used with into
- diner (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a person who dines (as in a restaurant) or who is dining, dining car, a typically small, informal, and inexpensive restaurant that has an extensive menu and that is often made from or designed to resemble a modified railroad dining car
(noun) a person who dines out
- diners (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a person who dines (as in a restaurant) or who is dining, dining car, a typically small, informal, and inexpensive restaurant that has an extensive menu and that is often made from or designed to resemble a modified railroad dining car
(noun) a person who dines out
- dinosaur (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a group (Dinosauria) of extinct, often very large, carnivorous or herbivorous archosaurian reptiles that have the hind limbs extending directly beneath the body and include chiefly terrestrial, bipedal or quadrupedal ornithischians (such as ankylosaurs and stegosaurs) and saurischians (such as sauropods and theropods) which flourished during the Mesozoic era from the late Triassic period to the end of the Cretaceous period; also : any of a broader group that also includes all living and extinct birds, any of various large extinct reptiles (such as an ichthyosaur or mosasaur) other than the true dinosaurs, one that is impractically large, out-of-date, or obsolete
(noun) a bird when considered as the survivor of a lineage of theropod dinosaurs
(noun) any of various herbivorous dinosaurs (family Hadrosauridae) of the Late Cretaceous having the jaw elongated into a snout that resembles a beak : hadrosaur
(noun) any dinosaur that is not a bird
- dinosaurs (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a group (Dinosauria) of extinct, often very large, carnivorous or herbivorous archosaurian reptiles that have the hind limbs extending directly beneath the body and include chiefly terrestrial, bipedal or quadrupedal ornithischians (such as ankylosaurs and stegosaurs) and saurischians (such as sauropods and theropods) which flourished during the Mesozoic era from the late Triassic period to the end of the Cretaceous period; also : any of a broader group that also includes all living and extinct birds, any of various large extinct reptiles (such as an ichthyosaur or mosasaur) other than the true dinosaurs, one that is impractically large, out-of-date, or obsolete
- diode (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an electronic device that has two electrodes or terminals and is used especially as a rectifier
- diorama (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a scenic representation in which a partly translucent painting is seen from a distance through an opening, a scenic representation in which sculptured figures and lifelike details are displayed usually in miniature so as to blend indistinguishably with a realistic painted background, a life-size exhibit (as of a wildlife specimen or scene) with realistic natural surroundings and a painted background
- direct (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course, to point, extend, or project in a specified line or course, to regulate the activities or course of
(adjective) proceeding from one point to another in time or space without deviation or interruption : straight, proceeding by the shortest way, stemming immediately from a source
(adverb) in a direct way: such as, from point to point without deviation : by the shortest way, from the source without interruption or diversion
- directions (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) guidance or supervision of action or conduct : management, the address placed on the outside of a letter or package to be delivered : superscription, an explicit instruction : order
(noun) direction by two or more people working together : joint direction
(verb) to direct or manage (something, such as one's work, study, or investments) for or by oneself, to direct or guide oneself : to make choices for or by oneself, to serve as the director of something (such as a play) in which one also performs
- dirt (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) excrement, a filthy or soiling substance (such as mud, dust, or grime), something worthless
(adjective) suffering extreme poverty
- disciplines (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) control gained by enforcing obedience or order, orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior, self-control
(verb) to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character, to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control, to bring (a group) under control
(noun) correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement
(noun) a discipline (such as an academic discipline) that is part of a broader discipline
- discontinuity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) lack of continuity or cohesion, gap, the property of being not mathematically continuous
- discussion (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate, a formal treatment of a topic in speech or writing
- disk (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the seemingly flat figure of a celestial body, discus, any of various rounded and flattened animal anatomical structures; especially : intervertebral disk
(verb) to cultivate with an implement (such as a harrow or plow) that turns and loosens the soil with a series of discs
(noun) the seemingly flat figure of a celestial body, discus, any of various rounded and flattened animal anatomical structures; especially : intervertebral disk
- disoriented (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having lost one's sense of time, place, or identity
(verb) to cause to lose bearings : displace from normal position or relationship, to cause to lose the sense of time, place, or identity, confuse
- disrupted (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to break apart : rupture, to throw into disorder, to interrupt the normal course or unity of
- disruption (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or process of disrupting something : a break or interruption in the normal course or continuation of some activity, process, etc.
- dissipating (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to break up and drive off, to cause to spread thin or scatter and gradually vanish, to lose (heat, electricity, etc.) irrecoverably
- dissolute (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) lacking restraint; especially : marked by indulgence in things (such as drink or promiscuous sex) deemed vices
- dissolution (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act or process of dissolving: such as, separation into component parts, decay, disintegration
- dissolve (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to disperse or disappear : destroy, to separate into component parts : disintegrate, to bring to an end : terminate
(noun) a gradual superimposing of one motion-picture or television shot upon another on a screen
- dissolved (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to disperse or disappear : destroy, to separate into component parts : disintegrate, to bring to an end : terminate
- dissolving (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to cause to disperse or disappear : destroy, to separate into component parts : disintegrate, to bring to an end : terminate
- dissonance (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) lack of agreement; especially : inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs, an instance of such inconsistency or disagreement, a mingling of sounds that strike the ear harshly : a mingling of discordant sounds; especially, music : a clashing or unresolved musical interval or chord
- dissonant (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) marked by dissonance : discordant, incongruous, harmonically unresolved
- distance (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the quality or state of being distant: such as, spatial remoteness, personal and especially emotional separation; also : reserve, coldness
(verb) to make or maintain a personal or emotional separation from : to place or keep at a distance, to leave far behind : outstrip
(adjective) taking place via electronic media linking instructors and students who are not together in a classroom
(adjective) of or relating to telephone communication with a distant point especially outside a specified area, situated a long distance away, going or covering a long distance
(adverb) by long-distance telephone, over or from a long distance
- distant (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) separated in space : away, situated at a great distance : far-off, having a great amount of separation between each other : separated by a great distance from each other : far apart
- distillation (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation, a process like distillation; also : an instance of such distilling, something distilled : distillate
- distillations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation, a process like distillation; also : an instance of such distilling, something distilled : distillate
- distilled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to let fall, exude, or precipitate in drops or in a wet mist, to purify or transform (a liquid) by successive evaporation and condensation : to subject to or transform by distillation, to obtain by or as if by distillation
- distracted (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having one's thoughts or attention drawn away : unable to concentrate or give attention to something, harassed, confused, or deranged especially by strong feelings
(verb) to draw or direct (something, such as someone's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time, to turn aside : divert, to stir up or confuse with conflicting emotions or motives
- distributed (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) characterized by a statistical distribution of a particular kind, having at least some of the processing done by the individual workstations and having information shared by and often stored at the workstations
(verb) to divide among several or many : apportion, to spread out so as to cover something : scatter, to give out or deliver especially to members of a group
- divergences (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a drawing apart (as of lines extending from a common center), difference, disagreement, the development of dissimilar traits or features (as of body structure or behavior) in closely related populations, species, or lineages of common ancestry that typically occupy dissimilar environments or ecological niches : divergent evolution
- divine (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god, being a deity, directed to a deity
(noun) clergyman, theologian
(verb) to discover by intuition or insight : infer, to discover or locate (something, such as underground water or minerals) usually by means of a divining rod, to seek to predict future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers : to practice divination : prophesy
(noun) the eucharistic rite of Eastern churches
(noun) the office for the canonical hours of prayer that priests and religious say daily
(noun) the right of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory of government that holds that a monarch receives the right to rule directly from God and not from the people
(noun) a service of Christian worship; specifically : such a service that is not sacramental in character
(noun) inspiration that comes from God
(noun) punishment by God
- doe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the adult female of various mammals (such as a deer, rabbit, or kangaroo) of which the male is called buck
(abbreviation) Department of Energy, depends on experience
(adjective) having large innocent-looking eyes
- dolls (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a small-scale figure of a human being used especially as a child's plaything, a pretty but often empty-headed young woman, woman
(noun) a conventionally attractive young woman typically perceived as lacking substance, character, or intelligence
(noun) a child's small-scale toy house, a dwelling so small as to suggest a house for dolls
- domain (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) complete and absolute ownership of land, land so owned, a territory over which dominion is exercised
(noun) a sequence of usually alphanumeric characters (such as Merriam-Webster.com) that specifies a group of online resources (as of a particular company or person) and that forms part of the corresponding Internet addresses
(noun) a right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction
(noun) a mathematical ring in which multiplication is commutative, which has a multiplicative identity element, and which contains no pair of nonzero elements whose product is zero
(noun) land owned directly by the government, the realm embracing property rights that belong to the community at large, are unprotected by copyright or patent, and are subject to appropriation by anyone
(noun) the state of something that is not owned by a particular person or company and is available for anyone to use, land that is owned by the government
- door (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened; also : a similar part of a piece of furniture, doorway, a means of access or participation : opportunity
(adjective) going or made by going to each house in a neighborhood
(adjective) barring public and press
(adjective) located or living in the next building, house, apartment, or room; broadly : nearby, adjacent
- doors (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually swinging or sliding barrier by which an entry is closed and opened; also : a similar part of a piece of furniture, doorway, a means of access or participation : opportunity
(noun) outdoors
(verb) to move so as to bar passage through something, to block against entry or passage, to deny access to
- doorway (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the opening that a door closes; especially : an entrance into a building or room, door
- dots (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a small spot : speck, a small round mark: such as, a small point made with a pointed instrument
(verb) to mark with a dot, to intersperse with dots or objects scattered at random, to make a dot
(noun) dowry
(adjective) done or proceeding in a series of simple and usually predictable steps
(verb) to become joined, to meet for the transference of passengers, to transfer (as from one airplane to another) as a step in traveling to a final destination
- double (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having a twofold relation or character : dual, consisting of two usually combined members or parts, being twice as great or as many
(verb) to make twice as great or as many: such as, to increase by adding an equal amount, to amount to twice the number of
(adverb) to twice the extent or amount, two together, downward and forward from the usual position
(noun) something twice the usual size, strength, speed, quantity, or value: such as, a double amount, a base hit that enables the batter to reach second base
(noun) aa battery
(noun) a double-barreled gun
(adjective) having two barrels mounted side by side or one beneath the other, twofold; especially : having a double purpose
- down (12)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (7)
(adverb) toward or in a lower physical position, to a lying or sitting position, toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom
(preposition) down along, around, through, toward, in, into, or on
(verb) to cause to go or come down : such as, to cause to fall by or as if by shooting : bring down, consume
(adjective) occupying a low position; specifically : lying on the ground, directed or going downward, lower in price
(noun) descent, depression, an instance of putting down someone (such as an opponent in wrestling), a complete play to advance the ball
(noun) an undulating usually treeless upland with sparse soil —usually used in plural, a sheep of any breed originating in the downs of southern England
(noun) a covering of soft fluffy feathers; also : these feathers, something soft and fluffy like down
- downward (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(adverb) from a higher to a lower place, toward a direction that is the opposite of up, from a higher to a lower condition
(adjective) moving or extending downward, descending from a head, origin, or source
- drain (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely, to cause the gradual disappearance of, to exhaust physically or emotionally
(noun) a means (such as a pipe) by which usually liquid matter is drained, something that causes depletion : burden, the act of draining
- drainpipe (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a pipe for drainage
- draw (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : pull : such as, to move (something, such as a covering) over or to one side, to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried; also : to cause to come out of a container or source
(noun) the act or process of drawing : such as, a sucking pull on something held with the lips, a removal of a handgun from its holster
- drawer (8)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (8)
(noun) one that draws: such as, a person who causes liquor to come out of a container : one who draws liquor, draftsman
- drawers (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one that draws: such as, a person who causes liquor to come out of a container : one who draws liquor, draftsman
- drawing (8)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an act or instance of drawing; especially : the process of deciding something by drawing lots, the art or technique of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines, something drawn or subject to drawing: such as
(verb) to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : pull : such as, to move (something, such as a covering) over or to one side, to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried; also : to cause to come out of a container or source
- drawings (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of drawing; especially : the process of deciding something by drawing lots, the art or technique of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines, something drawn or subject to drawing: such as
- drawn (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) showing the effects of tension, pain, or illness : haggard
(verb) to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : pull : such as, to move (something, such as a covering) over or to one side, to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried; also : to cause to come out of a container or source
(adjective) extended to a great length
(adjective) pulled by a horse or by a group of horses
(noun) a sharp pointed knife for stabbing, something that resembles a dagger, a character † used as a reference mark or to indicate a death date
- dream (14)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (10), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep, an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: such as, a visionary creation of the imagination : daydream
(verb) to have a series of thoughts, images, or emotions while sleeping : to have a dream, to indulge in daydreams or fantasies, to appear tranquil or dreamy
- dreamed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to have a series of thoughts, images, or emotions while sleeping : to have a dream, to indulge in daydreams or fantasies, to appear tranquil or dreamy
- dreaming (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(verb) to have a series of thoughts, images, or emotions while sleeping : to have a dream, to indulge in daydreams or fantasies, to appear tranquil or dreamy
- dreams (12)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (10), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep, an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: such as, a visionary creation of the imagination : daydream
(verb) to have a series of thoughts, images, or emotions while sleeping : to have a dream, to indulge in daydreams or fantasies, to appear tranquil or dreamy
- drench (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to wet thoroughly (as by soaking or immersing in liquid), to soak or cover thoroughly with liquid that falls or is precipitated, to fill or cover completely as if by soaking or precipitation
(noun) a poisonous or medicinal drink; specifically : a large dose of medicine mixed with liquid and put down the throat of an animal, something that drenches, a quantity sufficient to drench or saturate
- drew (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : pull : such as, to move (something, such as a covering) over or to one side, to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried; also : to cause to come out of a container or source
- dried (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make dry, to become dry
(adjective) being wizened and shriveled
(adjective) having hair that has been dried and styled with a blow-dryer; also : being or appearing well-groomed but superficial or vacuous, visually or superficially appealing but lacking in substance
(adjective) being or done according to a plan, set procedure, or formula : routine
(adjective) being in a state produced by or as if by freeze-drying
(adjective) dried by the heat of the sun
(verb) to dry by exposure to air, to become dry by exposure to air
(verb) to dry and usually style (hair) with a blow-dryer, to dry hair with a blow-dryer
(verb) to dry with few or no wrinkles when hung wet, to hang (something wet, such as wet clothing) to drip-dry
- drifting (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) the act or activity of steering an automobile so that it makes a controlled skid sideways through a turn with the front wheels pointed in a direction opposite to that of the turn; also : a sport in which drivers compete at this activity
(verb) to become driven or carried along (as by a current of water, wind, or air), to move or float smoothly and effortlessly, to move along a line of least resistance
- driftless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) wandering, nomadic, bypassed by the last continental glacier, a lack of glacial drift ::: the deposits of silt, gravel, and rock that retreating glaciers leave behind
- drilled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to fix something in the mind or habit pattern of by repetitive instruction, to impart or communicate by repetition, to train or exercise in military drill
(verb) to sow (seeds) by dropping along a shallow furrow, to sow with seed or set with seedlings inserted in drills, to distribute seed or fertilizer in by means of a drill
(verb) to drill (something) in advance
- drinks (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) swallow, imbibe, to take in or suck up : absorb, to take in or receive avidly —usually used with in
(noun) a liquid suitable for swallowing, alcoholic beverages, a draft or portion of liquid
- drip (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to let fall in drops, to let out or seem to spill copiously, to let fall drops of moisture or liquid
(noun) a part of a cornice or other member that projects to throw off rainwater; also : an overlapping metal strip or an underneath groove for the same purpose, a falling in drops, liquid that falls, overflows, or is extruded in drops
(adjective) of, relating to, or being coffee made by letting boiling water drip slowly through finely ground coffee
(abbreviation) dividend reinvestment plan
(verb) to dry with few or no wrinkles when hung wet, to hang (something wet, such as wet clothing) to drip-dry
(adjective) made of a washable fabric that drip-dries
- drive (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to frighten or prod (game, cattle, etc.) into moving in a desired direction, to go through (an area) driving game animals, to carry on or through energetically
(noun) an act of driving:, a trip in a carriage or automobile, an instance of collecting and moving animals (such as game or cattle) together in a desired direction; also : the animals gathered and driven
(adjective) carried out from a moving vehicle, done or made in a quick or cursory manner
(noun) a drive-by shooting
(noun) an establishment (such as a theater or restaurant) so laid out that patrons can be accommodated while remaining in their automobiles
(adjective) drive-up
(noun) a drive-through establishment (such as a restaurant or bank); also : the drive-through window at such an establishment
(adjective) designed to allow patrons or customers to be served while remaining in their automobiles
- drop (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the quantity of fluid that falls in one spherical mass, a dose of medicine measured by drops, a minute quantity or degree of something nonmaterial or intangible
(verb) to fall in drops, to fall unexpectedly or suddenly, to descend from one line or level to another
(adjective) sensationally striking, attractive, or impressive
(adjective) pull-down
(verb) to forge between dies by means of a drop hammer or punch press
- drought (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a period of dryness especially when prolonged; specifically : one that causes extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth, a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired
- drown (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to become drowned, to suffocate by submersion especially in water, to submerge especially by a rise in the water level
- drowned (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(verb) to become drowned, to suffocate by submersion especially in water, to submerge especially by a rise in the water level
- drowning (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to become drowned, to suffocate by submersion especially in water, to submerge especially by a rise in the water level
- drowsy (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) ready to fall asleep, inducing or tending to induce sleep, indolent, lethargic
- drugged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) affected, intoxicated, or stupefied by a narcotic drug or by the habitual use of such drugs —often used in combination with -out or -up
(verb) to affect with a drug; especially : to stupefy by a narcotic drug, to administer a drug to, to lull or stupefy as if with a drug
- drunken (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) drunk, saturated with liquid, given to habitual excessive use of alcohol
- dulled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make dull, to become dull
- duluth (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) city and port at the western end of Lake Superior, northeastern Minnesota population 86,265
- dumpsters (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a large trash receptacle
- duration (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) continuance in time, the time during which something exists or lasts
(idiom) until the end of something —often + of
- dusk (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) dusky
(verb) to become dark, to make dark or gloomy
(noun) the darker part of twilight especially at night, darkness or semidarkness caused by the shutting out of light
- dust (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) fine particles of matter (as of earth), the particles into which something disintegrates, something worthless
(verb) to make dusty, to make free of dust, to sprinkle with fine particles
- dustlit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) window pane sun lit
- dusty (16)
- in books ::: birdland (9), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) covered or abounding with dust, consisting of dust : powdery, resembling dust
(noun) any of several plants having ashy-gray or white tomentose leaves; especially : an herbaceous artemisia (Artemisia stelleriana) with grayish foliage found especially along the eastern coast of the U.S.
- duty (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) conduct due to parents and superiors : respect, obligatory tasks, conduct, service, or functions that arise from one's position (as in life or in a group), assigned service or business
(adjective) done as a duty, being on duty : assigned to specified tasks or functions
(adjective) without payment of customs duties : free from duties, relating to or selling duty-free goods
(adjective) able or designed to withstand unusual strain, intensive, important, prominent
- dwell (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to remain for a time, to live as a resident, exist, lie
- dying (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) approaching death : gradually ceasing to be, having reached an advanced or ultimate stage of decay or disuse, of, relating to, or occurring at the time of death or dying
(verb) to pass from physical life : expire, to pass out of existence : cease, to disappear or subside gradually —often used with away, down, or out
(verb) to dye after weaving or knitting
(verb) to dye before weaving or knitting
- dyke (13)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (12)
(noun) lesbian
(noun) an artificial watercourse : ditch, a bank usually of earth constructed to control or confine water : levee, a barrier preventing passage especially of something undesirable
(noun) lesbian
- dynamic (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change, energetic, forceful, of or relating to physical force or energy
(noun) a force or factor that controls or influences a process of growth, change, interaction, or activity : a dynamic force or factor
- dynamical (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change, energetic, forceful, of or relating to physical force or energy
- dynamics (8)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies, a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity, variation and contrast in force or intensity (as in music)
(noun) a force or factor that controls or influences a process of growth, change, interaction, or activity : a dynamic force or factor
- dynamite (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an explosive that is made of nitroglycerin absorbed in a porous material and that often contains ammonium nitrate or cellulose nitrate; also : an explosive (such as a mixture of ammonium nitrate and nitrocellulose) that contains no nitroglycerin, one that has a powerful effect; also : something that has great potential to cause trouble or conflict
(verb) to blow up with dynamite, to cause the failure or destruction of
(adjective) terrific, wonderful
- each (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being one of two or more distinct individuals having a similar relation and often constituting an aggregate
(pronoun) each one
(adverb) to or for each : apiece
- early (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2)
(adverb) near the beginning of a period of time, near the beginning of a course, process, or series, before the usual or expected time
(adjective) of, relating to, or occurring near the beginning of a period of time, a development, or a series, distant in past time, primitive
- earth (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the fragmental material composing part of the surface of the globe; especially : cultivable soil, the sphere of mortal life as distinguished from spheres of spirit life, areas of land as distinguished from sea and air
(verb) to drive to hiding in the earth, to draw soil about (plants) —often used with up, ground
(adjective) earthshaking
(adjective) built partly or mostly underground
- easily (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adverb) in an easy manner : without difficulty, without question : by far, at the minimum : at least
(verb) to draw air into and expel it from the lungs : respire; broadly : to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through natural processes, to inhale and exhale freely, to blow softly
- echo (21)
- in books ::: birdland (7), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (12)
(noun) the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves, the sound due to such reflection, a repetition or imitation of another : reflection
(verb) to resound with echoes, to produce an echo, repeat, imitate
(noun) a nymph in Greek mythology who pines away for love of Narcissus until nothing is left of her but her voice
(noun) —used as a code word for the letter e
- echoed (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to resound with echoes, to produce an echo, repeat, imitate
- ecologies (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments, the totality or pattern of relations between organisms and their environment, human ecology
- ecology (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments, the totality or pattern of relations between organisms and their environment, human ecology
- economy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period; also : an economic system, thrifty and efficient use of material resources : frugality in expenditures; also : an instance or a means of economizing : saving, efficient and concise use of nonmaterial resources (such as effort, language, or motion)
(adjective) designed to save money
- ecosystem (5)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit, something (such as a network of businesses) considered to resemble an ecological ecosystem especially because of its complex interdependent parts
- ecstatic (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or marked by ecstasy
(noun) one that is subject to ecstasies
- edge (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the cutting side of a blade, the sharpness of a blade, force, effectiveness
(verb) to give an edge to, to be on an edge of, to move or force gradually
(adjective) quartersawn
- edition (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the form or version in which a text is published, the whole number of copies published at one time, a usually special issue of a newspaper (as for a particular day or purpose)
(noun) an edition of a book published simultaneously by more than one publisher usually in different countries and in different languages
- effective (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect, impressive, striking, being in effect : operative
(noun) one that is effective; especially : a soldier equipped for duty
(adjective) producing good results without costing a lot of money
- efficiency (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the quality or degree of being efficient, efficient operation, effective operation as measured by a comparison of production with cost (as in energy, time, and money)
(noun) a small usually furnished apartment with minimal kitchen and bath facilities
(noun) one who analyzes methods, procedures, and jobs in order to secure maximum efficiency —called also efficiency engineer
(adjective) extremely efficient
- efficient (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) productive of desired effects; especially : capable of producing desired results with little or no waste (as of time or materials), being or involving the immediate agent in producing an effect
(adjective) cost-effective
(adjective) extremely efficient
- effort (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) conscious exertion of power : hard work, a serious attempt : try, something produced by exertion or trying
(noun) an effort made in order to oppose or hinder another effort
- eigenvalues (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a scalar associated with a given linear transformation of a vector space and having the property that there is some nonzero vector which when multiplied by the scalar is equal to the vector obtained by letting the transformation operate on the vector; especially : a root of the characteristic equation of a matrix
- electric (16)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (10)
(adjective) of, relating to, or operated by electricity, exciting as if by electric shock; also : charged with strong emotion, electronic
(noun) a nonconductor of electricity used to excite or accumulate electricity, something (such as a light, automobile, or train) operated by electricity
- electrical (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, or operated by electricity, exciting as if by electric shock; also : charged with strong emotion, electronic
- electricity (6)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms that occurs naturally (as in lightning) or is produced (as in a generator) and that is expressed in terms of the movement and interaction of electrons, electric current or power, a science that deals with the phenomena and laws of electricity
- electrified (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to charge with electricity, to equip for use of electric power, to supply with electric power
- electrify (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to charge with electricity, to equip for use of electric power, to supply with electric power
- electrode (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a conductor used to establish electrical contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit, an element in a semiconductor device (such as a transistor) that emits or collects electrons or holes or controls their movements
(adjective) occurring between or involving two or more electrodes
- electromagnetic (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) of, relating to, or produced by electromagnetism
(noun) a pulse of high-intensity electromagnetic radiation generated especially by a nuclear blast high above the earth's surface and held to disrupt electronic and electrical systems —abbreviation EMP
(noun) energy in the form of electromagnetic waves; also : a series of electromagnetic waves
(noun) the entire range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation extending from gamma rays to the longest radio waves and including visible light
(noun) any of a system of electrical units based primarily on the magnetic properties of electrical currents
(noun) one of the waves that are propagated by simultaneous periodic variations of electric and magnetic field intensity and that include radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays
(noun) magnetism developed by a current of electricity, a fundamental physical force that is responsible for interactions between charged particles which occur because of their charge and for the emission and absorption of photons, that is about a hundredth the strength of the strong force, and that extends over infinite distances but is dominant over atomic and molecular distances —called also electromagnetic force, a branch of physical science that deals with the physical relations between electricity and magnetism
- electron (5)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an elementary particle consisting of a charge of negative electricity equal to about 1.602 × 10—19 coulomb and having a mass when at rest of about 9.109 × 10—31 kilogram or about 1/1836 that of a proton
- electrons (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an elementary particle consisting of a charge of negative electricity equal to about 1.602 × 10—19 coulomb and having a mass when at rest of about 9.109 × 10—31 kilogram or about 1/1836 that of a proton
(noun) an electron emitted from an atom in the Auger effect
(noun) a single electron or one of two or more electrons in the outer shell of an atom that is responsible for the chemical properties of the atom
- elegiac (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, or consisting of two dactylic hexameter lines the second of which lacks the arsis in the third and sixth feet, written in or consisting of elegiac couplets, noted for having written poetry in such couplets
- elegy (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a poem in elegiac couplets, a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead, something (such as a speech) resembling such a song or poem
- elemental (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(adjective) of, relating to, or being an element; specifically : existing as an uncombined chemical element, of, relating to, or being the basic or essential constituent of something : fundamental, simple, uncomplicated
(noun) a supernatural being : spirit, an elementary part or principle —usually plural
- elements (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the four substances air, water, fire, and earth formerly believed to compose the physical universe, weather conditions; especially : violent or severe weather, the state or sphere natural or suited to a person or thing
- elevator (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one that raises or lifts something up: such as, an endless belt or chain conveyor with cleats, scoops, or buckets for raising material, a cage or platform and its hoisting machinery for conveying people or things to different levels
- elevators (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that raises or lifts something up: such as, an endless belt or chain conveyor with cleats, scoops, or buckets for raising material, a cage or platform and its hoisting machinery for conveying people or things to different levels
- elicit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to call forth or draw out (something, such as information or a response), to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential)
- elliptical (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse, of, relating to, or marked by ellipsis or an ellipsis, of, relating to, or marked by extreme economy of speech or writing
(noun) elliptical galaxy, elliptical trainer
(noun) a galaxy that has a generally elliptical shape and that has no apparent internal structure or spiral arms —called also elliptical
(noun) a stationary exercise device on which the user stands on two small rimmed platforms and moves them forward and back in an approximately elliptical path —called also elliptical machine
- emanates (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to come out from a source, emit
- embedded (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) occurring as a grammatical constituent (such as a verb phrase or clause) within a like constituent, enclosed closely in or as if in a matrix : set firmly into a mass or material, attached to a military unit or group for some purpose (such as covering a conflict or providing expert advice)
(verb) to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix, to make something an integral part of, to prepare (a microscopy specimen) for sectioning by infiltrating with and enclosing in a supporting substance
- embeddedness (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) being embedded
- embrace (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to clasp in the arms : hug, cherish, love, encircle, enclose
(noun) a close encircling with the arms and pressure to the chest especially as a sign of affection : hug, grip, encirclement, acceptance
- emerald (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a rich green variety of beryl prized as a gemstone, any of various green gemstones (such as synthetic corundum or demantoid)
(adjective) brightly or richly green
- emergence (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or an instance of emerging, any of various superficial outgrowths of plant tissue usually formed from both epidermis and immediately underlying tissues, penetration of the soil surface by a newly germinated plant
(verb) to emerge again
- emergency (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action, an urgent need for assistance or relief
(noun) a brake (as on an automobile) that can be used for stopping in the event of failure of the main brakes and to keep the vehicle from rolling when parked
(noun) emt
(noun) a medical specialty concerned with the care and treatment of acutely ill or injured patients who need immediate medical attention
(noun) a hospital room or area staffed and equipped for the reception and treatment of persons requiring immediate medical care
- emergent (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1)
(adjective) arising unexpectedly, calling for prompt action : urgent, rising out of or as if out of a fluid
(noun) something emergent, a tree that rises above the surrounding forest, an emergent plant
- emerging (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) newly formed or prominent : emergent
(verb) to become manifest : become known, to rise from or as if from an enveloping fluid : come out into view, to rise from an obscure or inferior position or condition
(verb) to emerge again
- emission (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of emitting : emanation, publication, a putting into circulation
(noun) the production of sound waves by a material when it is subjected to stress; also : the sound waves produced in this manner
(noun) tomography in which a cross-sectional image of regional metabolism is obtained by a usually color-coded representation of the distribution of gamma radiation given off in the collision of electrons in cells with positrons emitted by radionuclides incorporated into metabolic substances that have been administered (as by injection)
(noun) the emission of electrons from a surface that is bombarded by particles (such as electrons or ions) from a primary source
(verb) to emit (something) again
- emphasis (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) force or intensity of expression that gives impressiveness or importance to something, a particular prominence given in reading or speaking to one or more words or syllables, special consideration of or stress or insistence on something
(verb) to reduce in relative importance; also : play down
(noun) the act or an instance of emphasizing something again or differently
(idiom) to stress or emphasize (something) very much
- emptiness (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) containing nothing, not occupied or inhabited, unfrequented
- empty (11)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) containing nothing, not occupied or inhabited, unfrequented
(verb) to make empty : remove the contents of, deprive, divest, to discharge (itself) of contents
(noun) something (such as a bottle or can) that is empty
(adjective) having or bringing nothing, having acquired or gained nothing
(adjective) vacuous
- enactment (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of enacting : the state of being enacted, something (such as a law) that has been enacted
- enactments (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of enacting : the state of being enacted, something (such as a law) that has been enacted
- encode (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to convert (something, such as a body of information) from one system of communication into another; especially : to convert (a message) into code, to convey symbolically, to specify the genetic code for
- encoded (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to convert (something, such as a body of information) from one system of communication into another; especially : to convert (a message) into code, to convey symbolically, to specify the genetic code for
- encodings (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) A character encoding provides a key to unlock (ie. crack) the code. It is a set of mappings between the bytes in the computer and the characters in the character set
- encounter (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to meet as an adversary or enemy, to engage in conflict with, to come upon face-to-face
(noun) a meeting between hostile factions or persons : a sudden often violent clash, a chance meeting, a particular kind of meeting or experience with another person
(verb) to encounter (someone or something) again
- encounters (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to meet as an adversary or enemy, to engage in conflict with, to come upon face-to-face
(noun) a meeting between hostile factions or persons : a sudden often violent clash, a chance meeting, a particular kind of meeting or experience with another person
(verb) to encounter (someone or something) again
- encourage (5)
- in books ::: artist (5)
(verb) to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : hearten, to attempt to persuade : urge, to spur on : stimulate
- endless (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (7), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) being or seeming to be without end, extremely numerous, joined at the ends
- ends (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to bring to an end, destroy, to make up the end of
(verb) to put (grain or hay) into a barn or stack
(noun) the part of an area that lies at the boundary, a point that marks the extent of something, the point where something ceases to exist
(plural noun) the ends of a ship's beams
- energetic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) operating with or marked by vigor or effect, marked by energy : strenuous, of or relating to energy
(adjective) extremely or excessively energetic
- energy (8)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) dynamic quality, the capacity of acting or being active, a usually positive spiritual force
(adjective) having such speed and kinetic energy as to exhibit relativistic departure from classical laws of motion —used especially of elementary particles whose velocity has been imparted by an accelerator, of or relating to high-energy particles, yielding a relatively large amount of energy when undergoing hydrolysis
- engage (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to offer (something, such as one's life or word) as backing to a cause or aim : to expose to risk for the attainment or support of some end, to entangle or entrap in or as if in a snare or bog, to attract and hold by influence or power
(adjective) committed to or supportive of a cause
(verb) to engage (someone or something) again, to engage in or with someone or something again
- engagement (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) an arrangement to meet or be present at a specified time and place, a job or period of employment especially as a performer, something that engages : pledge
(noun) new or renewed engagement : the act or an instance of engaging or engaging in or with someone or something again
- engine (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a machine for converting any of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion; also : a mechanism or object that serves as an energy source, a railroad locomotive, something used to effect a purpose : agent, instrument
(verb) to equip with engines
- engines (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a machine for converting any of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion; also : a mechanism or object that serves as an energy source, a railroad locomotive, something used to effect a purpose : agent, instrument
(verb) to equip with engines
- enigma (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something hard to understand or explain, an inscrutable or mysterious person, an obscure speech or writing
- enrichment (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make rich or richer especially by the addition or increase of some desirable quality, attribute, or ingredient : such as, to add beauty to : adorn, to enhance the taste of
(noun) the act or process of increasing one's intellectual or spiritual resources
- entangled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to wrap or twist together : interweave, ensnare, to involve in a perplexing or troublesome situation
- entanglement (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the action of entangling : the state of being entangled, something that entangles, confuses, or ensnares, the condition of being deeply involved
(noun) a property of a set of subatomic particles whereby a quantum characteristic (such as spin or momentum) of one particle is directly and immediately correlated with the equivalent characteristic of the others regardless of separation in space
- enter (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to go or come in, to come or gain admission into a group : join —often used with into, to make a beginning
(combining form) intestine
- entrance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) power or permission to enter : admission, the act of entering, the means or place of entry
(verb) to put into a trance, to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture
(noun) a test to see if someone should be admitted to a school
(noun) a hall located just inside or near an entrance to a building
(idiom) to come into a place : to enter
- entranced (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to put into a trance, to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture
- entropy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder, that is a property of the system's state, and that varies directly with any reversible change in heat in the system and inversely with the temperature of the system; broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system, the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity, a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder
- entry (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the right or privilege of entering : entrée, the act of entering : entrance, a place of entrance: such as
(adjective) of or being at the lowest level of a hierarchy
- environments (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded, the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival, the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community
- eons (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time : age, a very large division of geologic time usually longer than an era, a unit of geologic time equal to one billion years
- ephemeral (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) lasting a very short time, lasting one day only
(noun) something that lasts for a very short time : something ephemeral; specifically : a plant that grows, flowers, and dies in a few days
- epic (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero, a work of art (such as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic, a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an epic
(adjective) of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an epic, extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope, heroic
(noun) a mock-heroic composition —called also mock-epic
- episodic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) made up of separate especially loosely connected episodes, having the form of an episode, of or limited in duration or significance to a particular episode : temporary
- epoch (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an event or a time marked by an event that begins a new period or development, a memorable event or date, an extended period of time usually characterized by a distinctive development or by a memorable series of events
(adjective) causing an important change in history
- equals (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that is equal, an equal quantity
(verb) to be equal to; especially : to be identical in value to, equalize, to make or produce something equal to
- equation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of equating, an element affecting a process : factor, a complex of variable factors
(noun) the difference between apparent time and mean time usually expressed as a correction which is to be added to apparent time to give local mean time
(noun) an equation in which the characteristic polynomial of a matrix is set equal to 0
(noun) a polynomial equation in which the highest sum of exponents of variables in any term is three
(noun) an equation containing differentials or derivatives of functions
(noun) an indeterminate polynomial equation which has integral coefficients and for which it is required to find all integral solutions
(noun) an equation of the first degree in any number of variables
(noun) any of a set of equations that express the coordinates of the points of a curve as functions of one parameter or that express the coordinates of the points of a surface as functions of two parameters
(noun) a differential equation containing at least one partial derivative
(noun) variation (as in observation) occasioned by the personal peculiarities of an individual; also : a correction or allowance made for such variation
- equations (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the act or process of equating, an element affecting a process : factor, a complex of variable factors
- equilibrium (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a state of intellectual or emotional balance : poise, a state of adjustment between opposing or divergent influences or elements, a state of balance between opposing forces or actions that is either static (as in a body acted on by forces whose resultant is zero) or dynamic (as in a reversible chemical reaction when the rates of reaction in both directions are equal)
- erase (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to rub or scrape out (something, such as written, painted, or engraved letters), to remove written or drawn marks from, to remove (recorded matter) from a magnetic medium; also : to remove recorded matter from
- erased (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to rub or scrape out (something, such as written, painted, or engraved letters), to remove written or drawn marks from, to remove (recorded matter) from a magnetic medium; also : to remove recorded matter from
- erasure (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of erasing
- erosion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the action or process of eroding, the state of being eroded, an instance or product of erosion
(noun) soil erosion produced by running water
- erotic (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire, strongly marked or affected by sexual desire
(adjective) tending to decrease feelings of sexual love or desire
- eruptions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of erupting, the breaking out of a rash on the skin or mucous membrane, a product of erupting (such as a skin rash)
(noun) a skin disorder marked by a spreading red line of eruption and caused especially by larvae (as of hookworms not normally parasitic in humans) burrowing beneath the human skin
- escape (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to get away (as by flight), to issue from confinement, to run wild from cultivation
(noun) an act or instance of escaping: such as, flight from confinement, evasion of something undesirable
(adjective) providing a means of escape, providing a means of evading a regulation, claim, or commitment
- essence (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being, the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence, the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is
- essential (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or constituting essence : inherent, of the utmost importance : basic, indispensable, necessary, being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet
(noun) something basic, something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable
(noun) any of various amino acids that are required for normal health and growth in many vertebrates, are either not manufactured in the body or manufactured in insufficient quantities, are usually supplied by dietary protein, and include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine
(noun) any of a class of volatile oils that give plants their characteristic odors and are used especially in perfumes and flavorings, and for aromatherapy
- estimation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) judgment, opinion, the act of estimating something, the value, amount, or size arrived at in an estimate
(noun) estimation in which a single value is assigned to a parameter
(idiom) to be thought of more highly by someone : to be respected and admired more by someone
(verb) to estimate (something) again especially in a different way
- etched (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam), to subject to such etching, to delineate or impress clearly
(noun) freeze fracture that includes the sublimation of surface ice following fracturing especially to reveal additional detail; broadly : freeze fracture
- eternal (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) having infinite duration : everlasting, of or relating to eternity, characterized by abiding fellowship with God
(noun) god —used with the, something eternal
- eternally (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having infinite duration : everlasting, of or relating to eternity, characterized by abiding fellowship with God
- eternity (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) the quality or state of being eternal, infinite time, age
- ether (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the rarefied element formerly believed to fill the upper regions of space, the upper regions of space : heavens, a light volatile flammable liquid C4H10O used chiefly as a solvent and especially formerly as an anesthetic
- even (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having a horizontal surface : flat, being without break, indentation, or irregularity : smooth, being in the same plane or line
(adverb) —used as an intensive to stress an extreme or highly unlikely condition or instance, —used as an intensive to stress the comparative degree, —used as an intensive to indicate a small or minimum amount
(verb) to make even, to become even
(noun) evening
(adjective) characterized by stability or consistency
(adjective) having an even number of functional toes on each foot
- evening (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) the latter part and close of the day and early part of the night, afternoon, the period from sunset or the evening meal to bedtime
(adjective) suitable for formal or semiformal evening social occasions
(verb) to make even, to become even
- ever (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) always, at any time, in any way
- every (19)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (14)
(adjective) being each individual or part of a group without exception, being each in a series or succession, being all taken severally
- evoke (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to call forth or up: such as, to bring to mind or recollection, to cite especially with approval or for support : invoke
- evolution (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) descent with modification from preexisting species : cumulative inherited change in a population of organisms through time leading to the appearance of new forms : the process by which new species or populations of living things develop from preexisting forms through successive generations; also : the scientific theory explaining the appearance of new species and varieties through the action of various biological mechanisms (such as natural selection, genetic mutation or drift, and hybridization), the historical development of a biological group (such as a species) : phylogeny, a process of change in a certain direction : unfolding
(adjective) opposing or rejecting the biological theory of evolution or prohibiting its teaching
(noun) the independent development of similar traits or features (as of body structure or behavior) in unrelated or distantly related species or lineages that typically occupy similar environments or ecological niches —called also convergence
(noun) evolution that is a creative product of a vital force rather than a spontaneous process explicable in terms of scientific laws
(noun) the development of dissimilar traits or features (as of body structure or behavior) in closely related populations, species, or lineages of common ancestry that typically occupy dissimilar environments or ecological niches —called also divergence
(noun) evolution that according to some theories involves the appearance of new characters and qualities at complex levels of organization (such as the cell or organism) which cannot be predicted solely from the study of less complex levels (such as the atom or molecule)
(noun) the independent development of similar traits or features (as of body structure or behavior) in different species or lineages that have common ancestry and that typically occupy similar environments or ecological niches : parallelism
- evolving (6)
- in books ::: artist (4), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) emit, derive, educe, to produce by natural evolutionary processes
- exactly (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in a manner or measure or to a degree or number that strictly conforms to a fact or condition, in every respect : altogether, entirely, quite so —used to express agreement
- examination (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or process of examining : the state of being examined, an exercise designed to examine progress or test qualification or knowledge, a formal interrogation
(noun) the examination of a witness who has already testified in order to check or discredit the witness's testimony, knowledge, or credibility
(noun) a reflective examination (as of one's beliefs or motives) : introspection, examination of one's body especially for evidence of disease
- excavated (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form a cavity or hole in, to form by hollowing out, to dig out and remove
- exchange (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another : trade, the act or process of substituting one thing for another, reciprocal giving and receiving
(verb) to part with, give, or transfer in consideration of something received as an equivalent, to have replaced by other merchandise, to part with for a substitute
(noun) the ratio at which the principal unit of two currencies may be traded
(noun) a student from one country received into an institution in another country often in exchange for one sent to an institution in the home country of the first
(idiom) to shoot at each other
(noun) a post exchange at a naval or air force base
(noun) an unconditional written order from one person to another to pay a specified sum of money to a designated person
(noun) a process of settling accounts or debts between persons residing in different countries, foreign currency or current short-term credit instruments payable in such currency
(noun) a reversible interchange of one kind of ion present on an insoluble solid with another of like charge present in a solution surrounding the solid with the reaction being used especially for softening or demineralizing water, the purification of chemicals, or the separation of substances
(noun) an insoluble material of high molecular weight that contains groups which can be exchanged with ions in a solution with which it is in contact
- exists (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to have real being whether material or spiritual, to have being in a specified place or with respect to understood limitations or conditions, to continue to be
- expansion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) expanse, the act or process of expanding, the quality or state of being expanded
(noun) a circuit board connecting to a motherboard which expands the capabilities of a computer
(noun) a socket on the motherboard of a computer into which an expansion card may be inserted
- expectation (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the act or state of expecting : anticipation, something expected, basis for expecting : assurance
- expenditure (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of expending, something expended : disbursement, expense
- experience (5)
- in books ::: artist (5)
(noun) direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge, the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation, practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity
(verb) to have experience of : undergo, to learn by experience
(verb) to experience (something) again (as in the form of a memory)
- experienced (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) made skillful or wise through experience : practiced
(verb) to have experience of : undergo, to learn by experience
(verb) to experience (something) again (as in the form of a memory)
- experiential (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) relating to, derived from, or providing experience : empirical
- explicit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to meaning or intent, open in the depiction of nudity or sexuality, fully developed or formulated
- explicitly (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) in an explicit manner : clearly and without any vagueness or ambiguity
- explore (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(verb) to investigate, study, or analyze : look into —sometimes used with indirect questions, to become familiar with by testing or experimenting, to travel over (new territory) for adventure or discovery
(verb) to explore (something) again
- explores (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to investigate, study, or analyze : look into —sometimes used with indirect questions, to become familiar with by testing or experimenting, to travel over (new territory) for adventure or discovery
(verb) to explore (something) again
- exploring (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to investigate, study, or analyze : look into —sometimes used with indirect questions, to become familiar with by testing or experimenting, to travel over (new territory) for adventure or discovery
(verb) to explore (something) again
- explosion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of exploding, a large-scale, rapid, or spectacular expansion or bursting out or forth, the release of occluded breath that occurs in one kind of articulation of stop consonants
(noun) a pyramiding of numbers of a biological population; especially : the recent great increase in human numbers resulting from increased survival and exponential population growth
- explosive (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) relating to, characterized by, or operated by explosion, resulting from or as if from an explosion, tending to explode
(noun) an explosive substance, a consonant characterized by explosion in its articulation when it occurs in certain environments : stop
(noun) an explosive (such as TNT) that generates gas with extreme rapidity and has a shattering effect
(noun) an explosive that is made of a soft substance like clay that can be formed into different shapes
- exponential (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to an exponent, involving a variable in an exponent, expressible or approximately expressible by an exponential function; especially : characterized by or being an extremely rapid increase (as in size or extent)
- expression (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of representing in a medium (such as words) : utterance, something that manifests, embodies, or symbolizes something else, a significant word or phrase
(noun) the expression of one's own personality : assertion of one's individual traits
(verb) to express (something) again especially in a new way
- exquisite (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution, marked by nice discrimination, deep sensitivity, or subtle understanding, accomplished, perfected
(noun) one who is overly fastidious in dress or ornament
- extensible (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) capable of being extended
- extension (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the action of extending : state of being extended, an enlargement in scope or operation, the total range over which something extends : compass
(noun) county agent
(noun) an electric cord fitted with a plug at one end and a receptacle at the other
(noun) an electric cord that is used to make another electric cord reach farther : extension cord
- external (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) capable of being perceived outwardly, having merely the outward appearance of something : superficial, not intrinsic or essential
(noun) something that is external: such as, an outer part, an external feature or aspect —usually used in plural
(noun) a heat engine (such as a steam engine) that derives its heat from fuel consumed outside the cylinder
(noun) a degree conferred on a student who has not attended the university but has passed the qualifying examination
(noun) exchange of gases between the external environment and a distributing system of the animal body (such as the lungs of higher vertebrates or the tracheal tubes of insects) or between the alveoli of the lungs and the blood
- extinct (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) no longer burning, no longer active, no longer existing
(verb) extinguish
- extinction (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of making extinct or causing to be extinguished, the condition or fact of being extinct or extinguished; also : the process of becoming extinct, the process of eliminating or reducing a conditioned response by not reinforcing it
(noun) the act of causing one's own extinction or the state of having caused one's own extinction, suicide
- extinctions (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) the act of making extinct or causing to be extinguished, the condition or fact of being extinct or extinguished; also : the process of becoming extinct, the process of eliminating or reducing a conditioned response by not reinforcing it
(noun) the act of causing one's own extinction or the state of having caused one's own extinction, suicide
- exuberance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being exuberant, an exuberant act or expression
- eye (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a specialized light-sensitive sensory structure of animals that in nearly all vertebrates, most arthropods, and some mollusks is the image-forming organ of sight; especially : the nearly spherical usually paired hollow organ of sight in vertebrates that is filled with a jellylike material, is lined with a photosensitive retina, and is lodged in a bony orbit in the skull, all the visible structures within and surrounding the orbit and including eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows, the faculty of seeing with eyes
(verb) to fix the eyes on : look at, contemplate, consider, to watch or study closely
(noun) something that arrests the eye
- eyes (22)
- in books ::: birdland (13), blueWindow (9)
(noun) a specialized light-sensitive sensory structure of animals that in nearly all vertebrates, most arthropods, and some mollusks is the image-forming organ of sight; especially : the nearly spherical usually paired hollow organ of sight in vertebrates that is filled with a jellylike material, is lined with a photosensitive retina, and is lodged in a bony orbit in the skull, all the visible structures within and surrounding the orbit and including eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows, the faculty of seeing with eyes
(verb) to fix the eyes on : look at, contemplate, consider, to watch or study closely
- fabric (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) structure, building, underlying structure : framework, an act of constructing : erection; specifically : the construction and maintenance of a church building
- fabrics (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) structure, building, underlying structure : framework, an act of constructing : erection; specifically : the construction and maintenance of a church building
- fact (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that has actual existence, an actual occurrence, a piece of information presented as having objective reality
(verb) to verify the factual accuracy of
(adjective) occurring, done, or made after something has happened
(adjective) adhering to the unembellished facts; also : being plain, straightforward, or unemotional
- factories (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a station where factors reside and trade, a building or set of buildings with facilities for manufacturing, the seat of some kind of production
- factory (9)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a station where factors reside and trade, a building or set of buildings with facilities for manufacturing, the seat of some kind of production
- facts (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that has actual existence, an actual occurrence, a piece of information presented as having objective reality
- faded (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) having lost freshness or depth of color, having weakened or diminished with the passage of time
(verb) to lose freshness, strength, or vitality : wither, to lose freshness or brilliance of color, to sink away : vanish
(adjective) subjected to or resulting from a manufacturing process that causes a new article of clothing to appear faded as if from use
- fades (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to lose freshness, strength, or vitality : wither, to lose freshness or brilliance of color, to sink away : vanish
(noun) fade-out, a gradual changing of one picture to another in a motion-picture or television sequence, a fading of an automobile brake
- fading (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to lose freshness, strength, or vitality : wither, to lose freshness or brilliance of color, to sink away : vanish
- fail (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to lose strength : weaken, to fade or die away, to stop functioning normally
(noun) failure —usually used in the phrase without fail, a failure (as by a security dealer) to deliver or receive securities within a prescribed period after purchase or sale
(adjective) incorporating some feature for automatically counteracting the effect of an anticipated possible source of failure, being or relating to a safeguard that prevents continuing on a bombing mission according to a preconceived plan, having no chance of failure : infallibly problem-free
(noun) a device or measure that makes something fail-safe
(adjective) being a system of grading whereby the grades "pass" and "fail" replace the traditional letter grades
- failing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a usually slight or insignificant defect in character, conduct, or ability
(preposition) in absence or default of
(verb) to lose strength : weaken, to fade or die away, to stop functioning normally
- failure (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action, a state of inability to perform a normal function, an abrupt cessation of normal functioning
- failures (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action, a state of inability to perform a normal function, an abrupt cessation of normal functioning
- faint (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) hardly perceptible : dim, vague, weak, dizzy, and likely to faint
(verb) to lose consciousness because of a temporary decrease in the blood supply to the brain, to lose courage or spirit, to become weak
(noun) the physiological action of fainting; also : the resulting condition : syncope
- fair (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism, conforming with the established rules : allowed, consonant with merit or importance : due
(noun) a gathering of buyers and sellers at a particular place and time for trade, a competitive exhibition usually with accompanying entertainment and amusements, an exhibition designed to acquaint prospective buyers or the general public with a product
(adverb) in a manner that is honest or impartial or that conforms to rules : in a fair manner, fairly
(verb) clear, to join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
(noun) something that is fair or fortunate, beauty, fairness, woman; especially : sweetheart
(adjective) specially favored : white-headed —used especially in the phrase fair-haired boy
- faithless (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not true to allegiance or duty : treacherous, disloyal, not to be relied on : untrustworthy
(noun) an elector who votes in the electoral college for a candidate other than the one who won the popular vote in the elector's state
- fall (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to descend freely by the force of gravity, to hang freely, to drop oneself to a lower position
(noun) the act of falling by the force of gravity, a falling out, off, or away : dropping, the season when leaves fall from trees : autumn
- fallen (9)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to descend freely by the force of gravity, to hang freely, to drop oneself to a lower position
- falling (20)
- in books ::: birdland (14), blueWindow (6)
(verb) to descend freely by the force of gravity, to hang freely, to drop oneself to a lower position
(noun) rhythm with stress occurring regularly on the first syllable of each foot
- faltering (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to walk unsteadily : stumble, to give way : totter, to move waveringly or hesitatingly
- far (20)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (12), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(adverb) at or to a considerable distance in space, to a great extent : much, by a broad interval : widely
(adjective) remote in space, distinctly different in quality or relationship, remote in time
(abbreviation) federal air regulation
(adjective) brought from a remote time or place, not easily or naturally deduced or introduced : improbable
(adjective) widely spread or distributed, remote
(adjective) of or relating to the longer wavelengths of radiation in the infrared spectrum and especially to those between 10 and 1000 micrometers
(adjective) remote in time or space
- faraway (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lying at a great distance : remote, dreamy, abstracted
- farm (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a sum or due fixed in amount and payable at fixed intervals, a letting out of revenues or taxes for a fixed sum to one authorized to collect and retain them, a district or division of a country leased out for the collection of government revenues
(verb) rent, to collect and take the fees or profits of (an occupation or business) on payment of a fixed sum, to give up (something, such as an estate or a business) to another on condition of receiving in return a fixed sum
- farms (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) rent, to collect and take the fees or profits of (an occupation or business) on payment of a fixed sum, to give up (something, such as an estate or a business) to another on condition of receiving in return a fixed sum
(noun) a sum or due fixed in amount and payable at fixed intervals, a letting out of revenues or taxes for a fixed sum to one authorized to collect and retain them, a district or division of a country leased out for the collection of government revenues
- fascist (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition, a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
(adjective) opposed to fascism
(adjective) existing prior to the advent of fascism
- fast (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) firmly fixed, tightly shut, adhering firmly
(adverb) in a firm or fixed manner, in a sound manner : deeply, in a rapid manner : quickly
(verb) to abstain from food, to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods
(noun) the practice of fasting, a time of fasting
(noun) something that fastens (such as a mooring line) or holds a fastening
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a restaurant that combines elements of fast-food service (such as counter ordering) with other elements (such as made-to-order food) that are typical of a full-service restaurant
(adjective) of, relating to, or specializing in food that can be prepared and served quickly, designed for ready availability, use, or consumption and with little consideration given to quality or significance
- faster (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) firmly fixed, tightly shut, adhering firmly
(adverb) in a firm or fixed manner, in a sound manner : deeply, in a rapid manner : quickly
- father (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a male parent, a man who has begotten a child; also : a male animal who has sired an offspring, god
(verb) beget, to be the founder, producer, or author of, to accept responsibility for
(noun) the father of one's spouse, stepfather
- feasibly (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) capable of being done or carried out, capable of being used or dealt with successfully : suitable, reasonable, likely
- feather (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) any of the light, horny, epidermal outgrowths that form the external covering of the body of birds, plume, the vane of an arrow
(verb) to furnish (something, such as an arrow) with a feather, to cover, clothe, or adorn with or as if with feathers, to turn (an oar blade) almost horizontal when lifting from the water at the end of a stroke to reduce air resistance
(noun) a feather mattress, a bed having a feather mattress
(noun) any of an order (Comatulida) of free-swimming stalkless crinoids
(noun) a tool with feathers at one end used to remove dust
(noun) one of the medium-sized feathers that form the general covering of a bird and determine the external contour
(noun) one of the quills of a bird's wing or tail that support it in flight
(noun) a showy widely cultivated annual plant (Amaranthus hypochondriacus or A. cruentus) of the amaranth family having dense usually red spikes of flowers
(noun) a mark or symbol of cowardice —used chiefly in the phrase show the white feather
- feathers (11)
- in books ::: birdland (9), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of the light, horny, epidermal outgrowths that form the external covering of the body of birds, plume, the vane of an arrow
(verb) to furnish (something, such as an arrow) with a feather, to cover, clothe, or adorn with or as if with feathers, to turn (an oar blade) almost horizontal when lifting from the water at the end of a stroke to reduce air resistance
(verb) to cover with tar, to defile as if with tar
- federation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an encompassing political or societal entity formed by uniting smaller or more localized entities: such as, a federal government, a union of organizations
- feed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to give food to, to give as food, to furnish something essential to the development, sustenance, maintenance, or operation of
(noun) an act of eating, meal; especially : a large meal, food for livestock; specifically : a mixture or preparation for feeding livestock
(verb) hire, tip
- feedback (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process to the original or controlling source; also : the information so transmitted, the partial reversion of the effects of a process to its source or to a preceding stage, the return to the input of a part of the output of a machine, system, or process (as for producing changes in an electronic circuit that improve performance or in an automatic control device that provide self-corrective action)
- feel (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(verb) to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality, to perceive by a physical sensation coming from discrete end organs (as of the skin or muscles), to undergo passive experience of
(noun) sensation, feeling, the sense of touch, the quality of a thing as imparted through or as if through touch
(adjective) relating to or promoting an often specious sense of satisfaction or well-being, cheerfully sentimental
- feeling (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the one of the basic physical senses of which the skin contains the chief end organs and of which the sensations of touch and temperature are characteristic : touch, a sensation experienced through this sense, generalized bodily consciousness or sensation
(adjective) sentient, sensitive, easily moved emotionally, deeply felt
(verb) to handle or touch in order to examine, test, or explore some quality, to perceive by a physical sensation coming from discrete end organs (as of the skin or muscles), to undergo passive experience of
(noun) self-centered emotion
- feet (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the terminal part of the vertebrate leg upon which an individual stands, an invertebrate organ of locomotion or attachment; especially : a ventral muscular surface or process of a mollusk, any of various units of length based on the length of the human foot; especially : a unit equal to 1/3 yard and comprising 12 inches —plural foot used between a number and a noun —plural feet or foot used between a number and an adjective
- fell (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cut, knock, or bring down, kill, to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side
(noun) a high barren field or moor
- felon (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one who has committed a felony, villain, a painful abscess of the deep tissues of the palmar surface of the fingertip that is typically caused by bacterial infection (as with a staphylococcus) and is marked by swelling and pain
(adjective) cruel, evil, wild
(noun) an infection of the finger and especially the fingertip that is typically caused by infection of a virus (such as the herpes simplex virus) and is marked by redness, tenderness, and fluid-filled blisters, felon
- festivals (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a time of celebration marked by special observances, feast, an often periodic celebration or program of events or entertainment having a specified focus
- fever (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a rise of body temperature above the normal, any of various diseases of which fever is a prominent symptom, a state of heightened or intense emotion or activity
(verb) to throw into a fever : agitate, to contract or be in a fever : become feverish
- few (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(pronoun) not many persons or things
(adjective) consisting of or amounting to only a small number, at least some but indeterminately small in number —used with a
(noun) a small number of units or individuals, a special limited number
- field (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an open land area free of woods and buildings, an area of land marked by the presence of particular objects or features, an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture
(adjective) of or relating to a field: such as, growing in or inhabiting the fields or open country, made, conducted, or used in the field
(verb) to catch or pick up (something, such as a batted ball) and usually throw to a teammate, to take care of or respond to (something, such as a telephone call or a request), to give an impromptu answer or solution to
- fields (7)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to catch or pick up (something, such as a batted ball) and usually throw to a teammate, to take care of or respond to (something, such as a telephone call or a request), to give an impromptu answer or solution to
(noun) an open land area free of woods and buildings, an area of land marked by the presence of particular objects or features, an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture
(noun) abstract painting in which color is emphasized and form and surface are correspondingly de-emphasized
- figure (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a number symbol : numeral, digit, arithmetical calculations, a written or printed character
(verb) to represent by or as if by a figure or outline, to decorate with a pattern; also : to write figures over or under (the bass) in order to indicate the accompanying chords, to indicate or represent by numerals
- filament (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object, process, or appendage : such as, a tenuous conductor (as of carbon or metal) made incandescent by the passage of an electric current; specifically : a cathode in the form of a metal wire in an electron tube, a thin and fine elongated constituent part of a gill
- filaments (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object, process, or appendage : such as, a tenuous conductor (as of carbon or metal) made incandescent by the passage of an electric current; specifically : a cathode in the form of a metal wire in an electron tube, a thin and fine elongated constituent part of a gill
- file (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal, a shrewd or crafty person
(verb) to rub, smooth, or cut away with or as if with a file
(verb) defile, corrupt
(verb) to arrange in order for preservation and reference, to place among official records as prescribed by law, to send (copy) to a newspaper
(noun) a device (such as a folder, case, or cabinet) by means of which papers are kept in order, roll, list, a collection of papers or publications usually arranged or classified
(noun) single file, any of the rows of squares that extend across a chessboard from one player's side to the other player's side
(verb) to march or proceed in single file
(noun) powdered young leaves of sassafras used to thicken soups or stews
- files (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal, a shrewd or crafty person
(verb) to rub, smooth, or cut away with or as if with a file
(verb) defile, corrupt
(verb) to arrange in order for preservation and reference, to place among official records as prescribed by law, to send (copy) to a newspaper
(noun) a device (such as a folder, case, or cabinet) by means of which papers are kept in order, roll, list, a collection of papers or publications usually arranged or classified
(noun) single file, any of the rows of squares that extend across a chessboard from one player's side to the other player's side
(verb) to march or proceed in single file
(noun) powdered young leaves of sassafras used to thicken soups or stews
(noun) wastebasket
(verb) to register as a candidate in the primary elections of more than one political party, to register (a person) as a candidate for more than one party
- filing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of using a file, a fragment rubbed off in filing
(noun) an act or instance of filing something, a document filed
(verb) to rub, smooth, or cut away with or as if with a file
(verb) defile, corrupt
(verb) to arrange in order for preservation and reference, to place among official records as prescribed by law, to send (copy) to a newspaper
(verb) to march or proceed in single file
(verb) to register as a candidate in the primary elections of more than one political party, to register (a person) as a candidate for more than one party
(verb) to file (something, such as a document) in the wrong place
(verb) to file (something) in advance
- filled (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put into as much as can be held or conveniently contained, to supply with a full complement, to cause to swell or billow
(adjective) consisting of a base metal covered with a layer of gold
(idiom) filled with fun : very enjoyable
(noun) an itemized list or a statement of particulars (such as a list of materials or of members of a ship's crew), a written document or note, a formal petition
(adjective) filled in advance
- film (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (5), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a thin skin or membranous covering : pellicle, an abnormal growth on or in the eye, a thin covering or coating
(verb) to cover with or as if with a film, to make a motion picture of or from, to become covered or obscured with or as if with a film
- filter (7)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a porous article or mass (as of paper or sand) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension, an apparatus containing a filter medium, a device or material for suppressing or minimizing waves or oscillations of certain frequencies (as of electricity, light, or sound)
(verb) to subject to the action of a filter, to remove by means of a filter, to pass or move through or as if through a filter
- filtered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having unwanted elements (such as sediments) removed by means of a filter : subjected to filtration, made less intense, full, or pure by being partially blocked, having a filter
(verb) to subject to the action of a filter, to remove by means of a filter, to pass or move through or as if through a filter
- filters (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a porous article or mass (as of paper or sand) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension, an apparatus containing a filter medium, a device or material for suppressing or minimizing waves or oscillations of certain frequencies (as of electricity, light, or sound)
(verb) to subject to the action of a filter, to remove by means of a filter, to pass or move through or as if through a filter
- finally (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adverb) after a prolonged time : at the end of period of time, as the last act or occurrence in a series : in the end : eventually, by way of conclusion : as the last point
- find (6)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to come upon often accidentally : encounter, to meet with (a particular reception), to come upon by searching or effort
(noun) an act or instance of finding, something found: such as, a valuable discovery
- finding (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act of one that finds, find, small tools and supplies used by an artisan (such as a dressmaker, jeweler, or shoemaker)
(verb) to come upon often accidentally : encounter, to meet with (a particular reception), to come upon by searching or effort
- finite (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having definite or definable limits, having a limited nature or existence, completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought
- fins (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an external membranous process of an aquatic animal (such as a fish) used in propelling or guiding the body, something resembling a fin: such as, hand, arm
(verb) to equip with fins, to show the fins above the water, to move through water propelled by fins
(noun) a 5-dollar bill
(noun) crossopterygian
- fire (29)
- in books ::: birdland (11), blueWindow (9), fieldNotes (9)
(noun) the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat, one of the four elements of the alchemists, burning passion : ardor
(verb) to set on fire : kindle; also : ignite, to give life or spirit to : inspire, to fill with passion or enthusiasm —often used with up
- fires (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat, one of the four elements of the alchemists, burning passion : ardor
(verb) to set on fire : kindle; also : ignite, to give life or spirit to : inspire, to fill with passion or enthusiasm —often used with up
(noun) a military order to cease firing, a suspension of active hostilities
- first (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) preceding all others in time, order, or importance: such as, earliest, being the lowest forward gear or speed of a motor vehicle
(adverb) before another in time, space, or importance, in the first place —often used with of all, for the first time
(noun) one that is number one in a series, something that is first: such as, the first occurrence or item of a kind
(adjective) of or relating to first class, of the highest quality
- fish (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an aquatic animal —usually used in combination, any of numerous cold-blooded strictly aquatic craniate vertebrates that include the bony fishes and usually the cartilaginous and jawless fishes and that have typically an elongated somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin, limbs in the form of fins when present at all, and a 2-chambered heart by which blood is sent through thoracic gills to be oxygenated, the flesh of fish used as food
- fishers (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one that fishes, a dark brown North American carnivorous mammal (Martes pennanti) of the weasel family, the fur or pelt of this animal
(noun) the practice of making purchases (as of stocks) when prices appear to be at their lowest point
- fission (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a splitting or breaking up into parts, reproduction by spontaneous division of the body into two or more parts each of which grows into a complete organism, the splitting of an atomic nucleus resulting in the release of large amounts of energy
(verb) to undergo fission, to cause to undergo fission
(noun) reproduction of a cell by division into two approximately equal parts
(noun) a process in which the nucleus of a heavy atom is split apart
- fistfuls (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) handful, a considerable number or amount
- fists (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to grip with the fist : handle, to clench into a fist
(noun) the hand clenched with the fingers doubled into the palm and the thumb doubled inward across the fingers, the hand closed as in grasping : clutch, index
- five (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a number that is one more than four, a British handball game, the fifth in a set or series
(noun) a number that is one more than fourteen, the first point scored by a side in a game of tennis —called also five
(noun) a retail store that carries a variety of chiefly inexpensive merchandise
(noun) cinquefoil
(noun) the space between the legs of a goaltender
(adjective) of first class or quality
(noun) a number that is five more than 40, a .45 caliber handgun —usually written .45, a phonograph record designed to be played at 45 revolutions per minute —usually written 45
- fix (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to make firm, stable, or stationary, to give a permanent or final form to: such as, to change into a stable compound or available form
(noun) a position of difficulty or embarrassment : predicament, the position (as of a ship) determined by bearings, observations, or radio; also : a determination of one's position, an accurate determination or understanding especially by observation or analysis
- fixed (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) securely placed or fastened : stationary, nonvolatile, formed into a chemical compound
(verb) to make firm, stable, or stationary, to give a permanent or final form to: such as, to change into a stable compound or available form
(adjective) using, expressed in, or involving a notation in which the number of digits after the point separating whole numbers and fractions is fixed
(adjective) having plenty of money or property
- flag (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various monocotyledonous plants with long ensiform leaves: such as, iris; especially : a wild iris, sweet flag
(noun) a usually rectangular piece of fabric of distinctive design that is used as a symbol (as of a nation), as a signaling device, or as a decoration, the tail of some dogs (such as a setter or hound); also : the long hair fringing a dog's tail, the tail of a deer
(verb) to signal with or as if with a flag; especially : to signal to stop —often used with down, to mark or identify with or as if with a flag, to call a penalty on : penalize
(verb) to hang loose without stiffness, to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless, to decline in interest, attraction, or value
(noun) a hard evenly stratified stone that splits into flat pieces suitable for paving; also : a piece of such stone
(verb) to lay (something, such as a pavement) with flags
(noun) a hard stone with uniform internal layers that split easily into flat pieces suitable for paving; also : a piece of such stone —called also flag
- flags (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various monocotyledonous plants with long ensiform leaves: such as, iris; especially : a wild iris, sweet flag
(noun) a usually rectangular piece of fabric of distinctive design that is used as a symbol (as of a nation), as a signaling device, or as a decoration, the tail of some dogs (such as a setter or hound); also : the long hair fringing a dog's tail, the tail of a deer
(verb) to signal with or as if with a flag; especially : to signal to stop —often used with down, to mark or identify with or as if with a flag, to call a penalty on : penalize
(verb) to hang loose without stiffness, to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless, to decline in interest, attraction, or value
(noun) a hard evenly stratified stone that splits into flat pieces suitable for paving; also : a piece of such stone
(verb) to lay (something, such as a pavement) with flags
(verb) to signal (a race-car driver) to go immediately to the pits
- flame (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the glowing gaseous part of a fire, a state of blazing combustion, a condition or appearance suggesting a flame or burning: such as
(verb) to burn with a flame : blaze, to burst or break out violently or passionately, to send an angry, hostile, or abusive electronic message
(adjective) made or treated so as to resist burning
(adjective) before the formation of a flame
- flames (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the glowing gaseous part of a fire, a state of blazing combustion, a condition or appearance suggesting a flame or burning: such as
(verb) to burn with a flame : blaze, to burst or break out violently or passionately, to send an angry, hostile, or abusive electronic message
- flash (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) rush, dash —used of flowing water, to break forth in or like a sudden flame or flare, to appear suddenly
(noun) a sudden burst of light, a movement of a flag in signaling, a sudden and often brilliant burst
(adjective) flashy, showy, of, relating to, or characteristic of flashy people or things, of, relating to, or characteristic of persons considered social outcasts
(adverb) by very brief exposure to an intense altering agent (such as heat or cold)
(noun) any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera Juncus and Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats
(noun) a violent forward motion, attack, onset, a surging of emotion
(verb) to focus one's mind on or vividly remember a past time or incident —usually used with to, to employ a flashback (as in a film) —usually used with to
(noun) an explosive device that produces a blinding flash of light and a sudden, loud noise intended to temporarily stun, distract, and disperse people and that is thrown by hand or projected —called also stun grenade
(noun) a card bearing words, numbers, or pictures that is briefly displayed (as by a teacher to a class) usually as a learning aid
(noun) a data storage device that uses flash memory; specifically : a small rectangular device that is designed to be plugged directly into a USB port on a computer and is often used for transferring files from one computer to another —called also thumb drive
- flashes (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) rush, dash —used of flowing water, to break forth in or like a sudden flame or flare, to appear suddenly
(noun) a sudden burst of light, a movement of a flag in signaling, a sudden and often brilliant burst
- flashlight (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a small battery-operated portable electric light, a sudden bright artificial light used in taking photographic pictures, a photograph taken by such a light
- flat (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : prostrate, utterly ruined or destroyed, resting with a surface against something
(noun) a level surface of land —usually used in plural, a stretch of land without obstacles; especially : a track or course for a flat race —usually used with the, a flat part or surface
(adverb) in a flat manner : directly, positively, in a complete manner : absolutely, below the proper musical pitch
(verb) flatten, to lower in pitch especially by a half step, to sing or play below the true pitch
(noun) a person who believes that the planet Earth is flat
(adjective) affected with flatfoot; broadly : walking with a dragging or shambling gait, firm and well balanced on the feet, free from reservation : forthright
(adverb) in an open and determined manner : flatly, with the feet flat on a surface (such as the ground)
(verb) to fly low in an airplane in a reckless manner : hedgehop
- flaw (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a defect in physical structure or form, an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness, fragment
(verb) to make flaws in : mar, to become defective
(noun) a sudden brief burst of wind; also : a spell of stormy weather, an outburst especially of passion
- fleeting (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) passing swiftly : transitory
(verb) to fade away : vanish, flow, to fly swiftly
- flew (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to move in or pass through the air with wings, to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space, to float, wave, or soar in the air
(noun) any of various large usually entirely glossy black passerine birds (family Corvidae and especially genus Corvus), corvus, humble pie
(verb) to subject to a flight test
- flickered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move irregularly or unsteadily : flutter, to burn or shine fitfully or with a fluctuating light, to appear or pass briefly or quickly
- flickering (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) moving or shining irregularly or unsteadily; also : uncertain and feeble
(verb) to move irregularly or unsteadily : flutter, to burn or shine fitfully or with a fluctuating light, to appear or pass briefly or quickly
- flies (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the action or process of flying : flight, a device consisting of two or more radial vanes capable of rotating on a spindle to act as a fan or to govern the speed of clockwork or very light machinery, flywheel
(noun) a winged insect —usually used in combination, any of a large order (Diptera) of winged or rarely wingless insects (such as the housefly, mosquito, or gnat) that have the anterior wings functional, the posterior wings reduced to halteres, and segmented often headless, eyeless, and legless larvae, a large stout-bodied fly
(verb) to move in or pass through the air with wings, to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space, to float, wave, or soar in the air
(verb) to hit a fly in baseball
- flight (19)
- in books ::: birdland (11), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an act or instance of passing through the air by the use of wings, the ability to fly, a passing through the air or through space outside the earth's atmosphere
(verb) flush, to rise, settle, or fly in a flock
(noun) an act or instance of running away
- flint (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a massive hard dark quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel, an implement of flint used in prehistoric cultures, a piece of flint
- float (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act or instance of floating, something that floats in or on the surface of a fluid: such as, a device (such as a cork) buoying up the baited end of a fishing line
(verb) to rest on the surface of or be suspended in a fluid, to drift on or through or as if on or through a fluid, wander
- floating (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) buoyed on or in a fluid, located out of the normal position, continually drifting or changing position
(verb) to rest on the surface of or be suspended in a fluid, to drift on or through or as if on or through a fluid, wander
(adjective) using or involving a notation in which a number is represented as a number with an absolute value between 1 and the base multiplied by a power of the number base indicated by an exponent (as in 4.52E2 for 452 in base 10)
(adjective) floating freely, lacking specific attachment, direction, or purpose, felt as an emotion without apparent cause
- flood (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto normally dry land; also : a condition of overflowing, a flood described in the Bible as covering the earth in the time of Noah, the flowing in of the tide
(verb) to cover with a flood : inundate, to fill abundantly or excessively, to supply an excess of fuel to (an engine, a carburetor, etc.) so that engine operation is hampered
- flooded (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) covered or overfilled with an excess of water or some other liquid, filled, covered, or completely overrun as if by a flood
(verb) to cover with a flood : inundate, to fill abundantly or excessively, to supply an excess of fuel to (an engine, a carburetor, etc.) so that engine operation is hampered
- floods (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cover with a flood : inundate, to fill abundantly or excessively, to supply an excess of fuel to (an engine, a carburetor, etc.) so that engine operation is hampered
(noun) a rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto normally dry land; also : a condition of overflowing, a flood described in the Bible as covering the earth in the time of Noah, the flowing in of the tide
- floor (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (4)
(noun) the level base of a room, the lower inside surface of a hollow structure (such as a cave or bodily part), a ground surface
(verb) to cover with a floor or flooring, to knock or bring down, flabbergast, dumbfound
(adjective) reaching to the floor
(noun) an apartment that occupies an entire floor of a building
- floors (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) the level base of a room, the lower inside surface of a hollow structure (such as a cave or bodily part), a ground surface
(verb) to cover with a floor or flooring, to knock or bring down, flabbergast, dumbfound
(noun) the floor of a sea or ocean : seabed
- florescence (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a state or period of flourishing
- flow (18)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (16)
(verb) to issue or move in a stream, circulate, to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles
(noun) an act of flowing, flood, flood
- flower (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the specialized part of an angiospermous plant that occurs singly or in clusters, possesses whorls of often colorful petals or sepals, and bears the reproductive structures (such as stamens or pistils) involved in the development of seeds and fruit : blossom, a cluster of small flowers growing closely together that resembles and is often viewed as a single flower : inflorescence, a plant grown or valued for its flowers
(verb) develop, flourish, to produce flowers : blossom
- flowerhead (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a capitulum (as of a composite) having sessile flowers so arranged that the whole inflorescence looks like a single flower
- flows (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to issue or move in a stream, circulate, to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles
(noun) an act of flowing, flood, flood
(noun) a flowing into one another : a mixing together, a continuous reciprocal movement or exchange
- fluid (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) having particles that easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass and that easily yield to pressure : capable of flowing, subject to change or movement, characterized by or employing a smooth easy style
(noun) a substance (such as a liquid or gas) tending to flow or conform to the outline of its container
- fluidity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being fluid, the physical property of a substance that enables it to flow
- flung (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to move in a brusque or headlong manner, to kick or plunge vigorously, caper
(adjective) widely spread or distributed, remote
- fluorescence (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiation at one wavelength followed by nearly immediate reradiation usually at a different wavelength and that ceases almost at once when the incident radiation stops; also : the radiation emitted
- flux (9)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a flowing of fluid from the body: such as, diarrhea, dysentery
(verb) to cause to become fluid, to treat with a flux, to become fluid : fuse
- flying (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) moving or capable of moving in the air, moving or made by moving rapidly, very brief
(noun) travel by air, the operation of an aircraft or spacecraft
(verb) to move in or pass through the air with wings, to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space, to float, wave, or soar in the air
(verb) to hit a fly in baseball
- foam (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a light frothy mass of fine bubbles formed in or on the surface of a liquid or from a liquid: such as, a frothy mass formed in salivating or sweating, a stabilized froth produced chemically or mechanically and used especially in fighting oil fires
(verb) to produce or form foam, to froth at the mouth especially in anger; broadly : to be angry, to gush out in foam
- focal (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, being, or having a focus
- fodder (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something fed to domestic animals; especially : coarse food for cattle, horses, or sheep, inferior or readily available material used to supply a heavy demand
- fog (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground, a fine spray or a foam for firefighting, a murky condition of the atmosphere or a substance causing it
(verb) to cover, envelop, or suffuse with or as if with fog, to make obscure or confusing, to make confused
- fold (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to lay one part over another part of, to reduce the length or bulk of by doubling over, to clasp together : entwine
(noun) a part doubled or laid over another part : pleat, a crease made by folding something (such as a newspaper), something that is folded together or that enfolds
(noun) a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasm, a flock of sheep, an enclosure for sheep
(verb) to pen up or confine (sheep) in a fold
(suffix) multiplied by (a specified number) : times —in adjectives and adverbs, having (so many) parts
- folded (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to lay one part over another part of, to reduce the length or bulk of by doubling over, to clasp together : entwine
(verb) to pen up or confine (sheep) in a fold
- folk (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) people generally, a certain kind, class, or group of people, the persons of one's own family; especially : parents
(adjective) originating or traditional with the common people of a country or region and typically reflecting their lifestyle, of or relating to the common people or to the study of the common people
- follow (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to go, proceed, or come after, to engage in as a calling or way of life : pursue, to walk or proceed along
(noun) the act or process of following, forward spin given to a ball by striking it above center
(adjective) being or relating to something that follows as a natural or logical consequence, development, or progression
(noun) the part of the stroke following the striking of a ball, the act or an instance of following through
(noun) the act or an instance of following up, something that follows up, maintenance of contact with or reexamination of a person (such as a patient) especially following treatment
(adjective) of, relating to, or being something that follows up, done, conducted, or administered in the course of following up persons
- food (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy; also : such food together with supplementary substances (such as minerals, vitamins, and condiments), inorganic substances absorbed by plants in gaseous form or in water solution, nutriment in solid form
- fool (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a person lacking in judgment or prudence, a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap, bells, and bauble, one who is victimized or made to appear foolish : dupe
(adjective) foolish, silly
(verb) to behave foolishly —often used with around, to meddle, tamper, or experiment especially thoughtlessly or ignorantly —often used with around, to play or improvise a comic role
- foolish (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion, absurd, ridiculous, marked by a loss of composure : nonplussed
(adjective) imprudent in dealing with large sums or large matters
(idiom) careful about small amounts of money but not about large amounts —used especially to describe something that is done to save a small amount of money now but that will cost a large amount of money in the future
- fools (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to behave foolishly —often used with around, to meddle, tamper, or experiment especially thoughtlessly or ignorantly —often used with around, to play or improvise a comic role
(noun) a person lacking in judgment or prudence, a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap, bells, and bauble, one who is victimized or made to appear foolish : dupe
(noun) a cap or hood usually with bells worn by jesters, a conical cap for slow or lazy students, a size of paper formerly standard in Great Britain; broadly : a piece of writing paper
- foot (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the terminal part of the vertebrate leg upon which an individual stands, an invertebrate organ of locomotion or attachment; especially : a ventral muscular surface or process of a mollusk, any of various units of length based on the length of the human foot; especially : a unit equal to 1/3 yard and comprising 12 inches —plural foot used between a number and a noun —plural feet or foot used between a number and an adjective
(verb) dance, to go on foot, to make speed : move
(noun) a unit of illuminance on a surface that is everywhere one foot from a uniform point source of light of one candle and equal to one lumen per square foot
(noun) failure to act with the necessary promptness or vigor
(noun) a unit of work equal to the work done by a force of one pound acting through a distance of one foot in the direction of the force
(adjective) being or relating to a system of units based upon the foot as the unit of length, the pound as the unit of weight, and the second as the unit of time —abbreviation fps
- footholds (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a hold for the feet : footing, a position usable as a base for further advance
- footnotes (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to furnish with a footnote : annotate
(noun) a note of reference, explanation, or comment usually placed below the text on a printed page, one that is a relatively subordinate or minor part (as of an event, work, or field), commentary
- for (38)
- in books ::: artist (13), birdland (14), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (9)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate purpose, —used as a function word to indicate an intended goal, —used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity
(conjunction) for the reason that : on this ground : because
(abbreviation) foreign, forestry
(abbreviation) free on rail
(prefix) so as to involve prohibition, exclusion, omission, failure, neglect, or refusal, destructively or detrimentally, completely : excessively : to exhaustion : to pieces
(adjective) established, maintained, or conducted for the purpose of making a profit
- force (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power, —used with a number to indicate the strength of the wind according to the Beaufort scale, moral or mental strength
(verb) to do violence to; especially : rape, to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means, to make or cause especially through natural or logical necessity
(verb) to feed (a person or an animal) by forcible administration of food, to force to take in —also used with a single object
(noun) an out that results from a force play —called also force
- forced (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) compelled by force or necessity : involuntary, done or produced with effort, exertion, or pressure
(verb) to do violence to; especially : rape, to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means, to make or cause especially through natural or logical necessity
(noun) the use of any of various techniques (as in photography or architecture) to create the optical illustion that objects or people are smaller, larger, closer, or farther away than they really are; also : an instance of this —often used before another noun
(noun) very hard physical work that someone is forced to do, a group of people who are made to work very hard for no money; also : a system that allows this
(verb) to feed (a person or an animal) by forcible administration of food, to force to take in —also used with a single object
- forces (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(noun) strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power, —used with a number to indicate the strength of the wind according to the Beaufort scale, moral or mental strength
(verb) to do violence to; especially : rape, to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means, to make or cause especially through natural or logical necessity
- forcing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to do violence to; especially : rape, to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means, to make or cause especially through natural or logical necessity
- forecast (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data; especially : to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations, to indicate as likely to occur, to serve as a forecast of : presage
(noun) a prophecy, estimate, or prediction of a future happening or condition, foresight of consequences and provision against them : forethought
- forest (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large tract, a tract of wooded land in England formerly owned by the sovereign and used for game, something resembling a forest especially in profusion or lushness
(verb) to cover with trees or forest
- forests (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3)
(verb) to cover with trees or forest
(noun) a dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large tract, a tract of wooded land in England formerly owned by the sovereign and used for game, something resembling a forest especially in profusion or lushness
- forever (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) for a limitless time, at all times : continually
(noun) a seemingly interminable time : excessively long
(noun) sedum
- forge (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a furnace or a shop with its furnace where metal is heated and wrought : smithy, a workshop where wrought iron is produced or where iron is made malleable
(verb) to form (something, such as metal) by heating and hammering, to form (metal) by a mechanical or hydraulic press with or without heat, to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud : counterfeit
(verb) to move forward slowly and steadily, to move with a sudden increase of speed and power
(verb) to forge between dies by means of a drop hammer or punch press
- forget (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to lose the remembrance of : be unable to think of or recall, to cease from doing, to treat with inattention or disregard
(noun) any of a genus (Myosotis) of small herbs of the borage family having usually bright blue or white flowers usually arranged in a curving spike
(verb) to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : pardon, to give up resentment of or claim to requital for, to grant relief from payment of
- forgot (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to lose the remembrance of : be unable to think of or recall, to cease from doing, to treat with inattention or disregard
(verb) to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : pardon, to give up resentment of or claim to requital for, to grant relief from payment of
- forgotten (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to lose the remembrance of : be unable to think of or recall, to cease from doing, to treat with inattention or disregard
(verb) to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : pardon, to give up resentment of or claim to requital for, to grant relief from payment of
- fork (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an implement with two or more prongs used especially for taking up (as in eating), pitching, or digging, a forked part, tool, or piece of equipment, a division into branches or the place where something divides into branches
(verb) to divide into two or more branches, to use or work with a fork, to turn into a fork
(adjective) tender enough to be easily pierced or cut with a fork
- form (11)
- in books ::: artist (5), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material, a body (as of a person) especially in its external appearance or as distinguished from the face : figure, beauty
(verb) to give a particular shape to : shape or mold into a certain state or after a particular model, to arrange themselves in, to model by instruction and discipline
(combining form) formic acid
(adjective) in the form or shape of : resembling
(adjective) based on or applying form criticism
- form(s) (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material, a body (as of a person) especially in its external appearance or as distinguished from the face : figure, beauty
(verb) to give a particular shape to : shape or mold into a certain state or after a particular model, to arrange themselves in, to model by instruction and discipline
(noun) a parallel and sometimes less important form of a word, stem, or formative element in a given language or dialect
(noun) a small variant form of some bacteria (as those causing anthrax, Lyme disease, and tuberculosis) that typically lacks a cell wall and displays resistance to antibiotics
(noun) the body form that characterizes a kind of organism (such as a species) at maturity; also : a kind of organism
- formation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of giving form or shape to something or of taking form : development, something that is formed, the manner in which a thing is formed : structure
(noun) a word formed by subtraction of a real or supposed affix from an already existing longer word (such as burgle from burglar), the formation of back-formations
(noun) the act or process of forming or developing oneself or itself
(verb) to form again, to take form again
- forms (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material, a body (as of a person) especially in its external appearance or as distinguished from the face : figure, beauty
(verb) to give a particular shape to : shape or mold into a certain state or after a particular model, to arrange themselves in, to model by instruction and discipline
(noun) a parallel and sometimes less important form of a word, stem, or formative element in a given language or dialect
(noun) a small variant form of some bacteria (as those causing anthrax, Lyme disease, and tuberculosis) that typically lacks a cell wall and displays resistance to antibiotics
(noun) the body form that characterizes a kind of organism (such as a species) at maturity; also : a kind of organism
- formula (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual, a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action, recipe
(adjective) of, relating to, or being an open-wheel open-cockpit rear-engine racing car conforming to prescribed specifications as to size, weight, and engine displacement
- formulas (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual, a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action, recipe
- forsaken (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to renounce or turn away from entirely
- forth (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) onward in time, place, or order : forward, out into notice or view, away, abroad
(preposition) forth from : out of
(noun) discussion, give-and-take; also : exchange
(conjunction) —used as a function word to indicate connection or addition especially of items within the same class or type—used to join sentence elements of the same grammatical rank or function, —used as a function word to express logical modification, consequence, antithesis, or supplementary explanation, —used as a function word to join one finite verb (such as go, come, try) to another so that together they are logically equivalent to an infinitive of purpose
- forward (6)
- in books ::: blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) near, being at, or belonging to the forepart, situated in advance, strongly inclined : ready
(adverb) to or toward what is ahead or in front
(verb) to help onward : promote, to send forward : transmit, to send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit
(noun) a player who plays at the front the team's formation near the opponent's goal
(adjective) concerned with or planning for the future
(adjective) thinking about and planning for the future : forward-looking
(adjective) conforming to, attuned to, or characterized by the latest trends in fashion
- fossil (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) preserved from a past geologic age, being or resembling a fossil, of or relating to fossil fuel
(noun) a remnant, impression, or trace of an organism of past geologic ages that has been preserved in the earth's crust, a person whose views are outmoded : fogy, something (such as a theory) that has become rigidly fixed
- fossilized (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having been changed into a fossil : subjected to fossilization, old and unchanging or outmoded : made firm, fixed, or rigid by the passage of time
(verb) to convert into a fossil, to make outmoded, rigid, or fixed, to become changed into a fossil
- fossils (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a remnant, impression, or trace of an organism of past geologic ages that has been preserved in the earth's crust, a person whose views are outmoded : fogy, something (such as a theory) that has become rigidly fixed
(noun) a fossil usually with a narrow time range and wide spatial distribution that is used in the identification of related geologic formations
(noun) an organism (such as a horseshoe crab or a ginkgo tree) that has remained essentially unchanged from earlier geologic times and whose close relatives are usually extinct
(noun) a fossil (as of a dinosaur footprint) that shows the activity of an animal or plant but is not formed from the organism itself
- foster (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) affording, receiving, or sharing nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties
(verb) to give parental care to : nurture, to promote the growth or development of : encourage
- found (8)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) having all usual, standard, or reasonably expected equipment, presented as or incorporated into an artistic work essentially as found
(noun) free food and lodging in addition to wages
(verb) to take the first steps in building, to set or ground on something solid : base, to establish (something) often with provision for future maintenance
(verb) to melt (a material, such as metal) and pour into a mold
(verb) to come upon often accidentally : encounter, to meet with (a particular reception), to come upon by searching or effort
- foundry (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an establishment where founding is carried on, the act, process, or art of casting metals
- fractal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part is similar in shape to a given larger or smaller part when magnified or reduced to the same size
- fractionated (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to separate (a mixture) into different portions especially by a fractional process, to divide or break up
- fractured (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having a crack or break : having suffered a fracture, damaged or destroyed in a sudden or violent way, imperfectly spoken or written : broken
(verb) to cause a crack or fracture in : break, rupture, tear, to damage or destroy as if by rupturing
(noun) preparation of a specimen (as of biological tissue) for electron microscopic examination by rapid freezing, fracturing along natural structural lines, and preparing a replica of the exposed structural details (as by simultaneous vapor deposition of carbon and platinum), the product of or replica prepared by freeze fracture
- fragile (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) easily broken or destroyed, constitutionally delicate : lacking in vigor, tenuous, slight
- fragility (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) easily broken or destroyed, constitutionally delicate : lacking in vigor, tenuous, slight
- fragment (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a part broken off, detached, or incomplete
(verb) to fall to pieces, to break up or apart into fragments
(noun) a piece that is detached, broken off, or derived from a larger fragment
- fragmentation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of fragmenting or making fragmentary, the state of being fragmented or fragmentary
(noun) a bomb or shell whose casing is splintered upon explosion and thrown in fragments in all directions
(noun) a grenade that upon explosion bursts into several small, fast-moving, lethal fragments
- fragmented (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) broken or separated into distinct parts, having related or associated pieces of stored data disorganized in a way that makes them more difficult to access
(verb) to fall to pieces, to break up or apart into fragments
- fragments (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1)
(verb) to fall to pieces, to break up or apart into fragments
(noun) a part broken off, detached, or incomplete
(noun) a piece that is detached, broken off, or derived from a larger fragment
- frame (10)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body : physique, figure, something composed of parts fitted together and united, the underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)
(verb) to enclose in a frame; also : to enclose as if in a frame, to give expression to : formulate, to draw up (something, such as a document)
(adjective) having a wood frame
(noun) an act or series of actions in which someone is framed, an action that is framed
(noun) a support structure shaped like the letter A, a building typically having triangular front and rear walls and a roof reaching to or nearly to the ground
(noun) a frame of a motion-picture film that is repeated so as to give the illusion of a static picture, a static picture produced especially from a videodisc or videotape recording, something resembling a freeze-frame especially in unchanging quality
- framed (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having a frame : set in a frame
(verb) to enclose in a frame; also : to enclose as if in a frame, to give expression to : formulate, to draw up (something, such as a document)
(noun) a frame of a motion-picture film that is repeated so as to give the illusion of a static picture, a static picture produced especially from a videodisc or videotape recording, something resembling a freeze-frame especially in unchanging quality
- frameless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) without a frame
- frames (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body : physique, figure, something composed of parts fitted together and united, the underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)
(verb) to enclose in a frame; also : to enclose as if in a frame, to give expression to : formulate, to draw up (something, such as a document)
(noun) a support structure shaped like the letter A, a building typically having triangular front and rear walls and a roof reaching to or nearly to the ground
(noun) a frame of a motion-picture film that is repeated so as to give the illusion of a static picture, a static picture produced especially from a videodisc or videotape recording, something resembling a freeze-frame especially in unchanging quality
- frayed (15)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (14)
(adjective) worn or shredded at the ends or edges, damaged, weakened, or worn down by strain or irritation
(verb) to wear (something, such as an edge of cloth) by or as if by rubbing : fret, to separate the threads at the edge of, strain, irritate
(verb) scare; also : to frighten away
- fraying (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) something rubbed or worn off by fraying
(verb) to wear (something, such as an edge of cloth) by or as if by rubbing : fret, to separate the threads at the edge of, strain, irritate
(verb) scare; also : to frighten away
- free (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(adjective) not costing or charging anything, having the legal and political rights of a citizen, enjoying civil and political liberty
(adverb) in a free manner, without charge, with the wind more than six points from dead ahead
(verb) to cause to be free, to relieve or rid of what restrains, confines, restricts, or embarrasses —often used with up, disentangle, clear
- freedom (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being free: such as, the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action, liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence
(noun) a person who takes part in a resistance movement against an oppressive political or social establishment
(noun) the right of a merchant ship to travel any waters except territorial waters either in peace or war
(noun) a ride made by civil rights workers through states of the southern U.S. to ascertain whether public facilities (such as bus terminals) are desegregated
(noun) the right to choose what religion to follow and to worship without interference
(noun) the legal right to express one's opinions freely
(noun) the right to express one's opinions freely
(noun) the right of newspapers, magazines, etc., to report news without being controlled by the government
(noun) freedom to teach or to learn without interference (as by government officials)
(noun) any of a limited number of ways in which a body may move or in which a dynamic system may change, one of the capabilities of a statistic for variation of which there are as many as the number of unrestricted and independent variables determining its value
- freight (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the compensation paid for the transportation of goods, cost, goods to be shipped : cargo
(verb) to load with goods for transportation, burden, charge, to transport or ship by freight
- frequencies (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the fact or condition of occurring frequently, the number of times that a periodic function repeats the same sequence of values during a unit variation of the independent variable, the number, proportion, or percentage of items in a particular category in a set of data
- frequency (7)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (7)
(noun) the fact or condition of occurring frequently, the number of times that a periodic function repeats the same sequence of values during a unit variation of the independent variable, the number, proportion, or percentage of items in a particular category in a set of data
- fretless (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of a series of ridges fixed across the fingerboard of a stringed musical instrument (such as a guitar)
(noun) the action of wearing away : erosion, a worn or eroded spot, an agitation of mind : irritation
(noun) an ornamental network; especially : a medieval metallic or jeweled net for a woman's headdress, an ornament or ornamental work often in relief consisting of small straight bars intersecting one another in right or oblique angles
- friction (10)
- in books ::: birdland (8), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the rubbing of one body against another, the force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact, the clashing between two persons or parties of opposed views : disagreement
- frictionless (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the rubbing of one body against another, the force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact, the clashing between two persons or parties of opposed views : disagreement
- frictions (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the rubbing of one body against another, the force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact, the clashing between two persons or parties of opposed views : disagreement
- friend (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one attached to another by affection or esteem, acquaintance, one that is not hostile
(verb) to act as the friend of : befriend, to include (someone) in a list of designated friends on a person's social networking site
- frightened (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) feeling fear : made to feel afraid
(verb) to make afraid : terrify, to drive or force by frightening, to become frightened
- from (21)
- in books ::: artist (5), birdland (8), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (4)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate a starting point of a physical movement or a starting point in measuring or reckoning or in a statement of limits, —used as a function word to indicate the starting or focal point of an activity, —used as a function word to indicate physical separation or an act or condition of removal, abstention, exclusion, release, subtraction, or differentiation
- frozen (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) treated, affected, or crusted over by freezing, subject to long and severe cold, incapable of being changed, moved, or undone : fixed; specifically : debarred by official action from movement or from change in status
(verb) to become congealed into ice by cold, to solidify as a result of abstraction of heat, to withstand freezing
(verb) quick-freeze, to store in a frozen state
(adjective) frozen in advance
(verb) to freeze (food) for preservation so rapidly that ice crystals formed are too small to rupture the cells and the natural juices and flavor are preserved
- fuel (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a material used to produce heat or power by burning, nutritive material, a material from which atomic energy can be liberated especially in a reactor
(verb) to provide with fuel, support, stimulate, to take in fuel —often used with up
(adjective) designed to run on either traditional gasoline or a gasoline/alcohol blend (such as gasohol)
- fugue (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts, something that resembles a fugue especially in interweaving repetitive elements, a disturbed state of consciousness in which the one affected seems to perform acts in full awareness but upon recovery cannot recollect the acts performed
- full (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) containing as much or as many as is possible or normal —often used with of, complete especially in detail, number, or duration, lacking restraint, check, or qualification
(adverb) very, extremely, entirely, straight, squarely
(noun) the highest or fullest state or degree, the utmost extent
(verb) to become full, to make full in sewing
(verb) to shrink and thicken (woolen cloth) by moistening, heating, and pressing
(adjective) full-blooded
(noun) a full-blooded individual
(adjective) of unmixed ancestry : purebred, florid, ruddy, forceful
(adjective) fully mature, being at the height of bloom, full-fledged
- function (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) professional or official position : occupation, the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists : purpose, any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action; especially : the normal and specific contribution of a bodily part to the economy of a living organism
(verb) to have a function : serve, to carry on a function or be in action : operate
- functional (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, connected with, or being a function, affecting physiological or psychological functions but not organic structure, used to contribute to the development or maintenance of a larger whole; also : designed or developed chiefly from the point of view of use
(noun) predicate calculus
(noun) nutraceutical
(noun) a branch of genomics that uses various techniques (such as RNA interference and mass spectrometry) to analyze the function of genes and the proteins they produce
(noun) a characteristic reactive unit of a chemical compound especially in organic chemistry
(noun) a person who has had some schooling but does not meet a minimum standard of literacy
(noun) magnetic resonance imaging used to detect physical changes (as of blood flow) in the brain resulting from increased neuronal activity —called also functional MRI
(noun) the process by which a word or form comes to be used in another grammatical function
(noun) the branch of symbolic logic that uses symbols for quantifiers and for arguments and predicates of propositions as well as for unanalyzed propositions and logical connectives —called also functional calculus
- functions (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) professional or official position : occupation, the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists : purpose, any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action; especially : the normal and specific contribution of a bodily part to the economy of a living organism
(verb) to have a function : serve, to carry on a function or be in action : operate
(noun) one of a class of transcendental functions expressible as infinite series and occurring in the solution of the differential equation ...
(noun) trigonometric function
(noun) a function whose values are found from two given functions by applying one function to an independent variable and then applying the second function to the result and whose domain consists of those values of the independent variable for which the result yielded by the first function lies in the domain of the second
(noun) a function that gives the probability that a random variable is less than or equal to the independent variable of the function
(noun) probability density function
(noun) a function of a set of variables that is evaluated for samples of events or objects and used as an aid in discriminating between or classifying them
(noun) cumulative distribution function
(noun) the group of complex mental processes and cognitive abilities (such as working memory, impulse inhibition, and reasoning) that control the skills (such as organizing tasks, remembering details, managing time, and solving problems) required for goal-directed behavior; also : one of these complex mental processes
- fungal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or having the characteristics of fungi, caused by a fungus
- fungus (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a kingdom (Fungi) of saprophytic and parasitic spore-producing eukaryotic typically filamentous organisms formerly classified as plants that lack chlorophyll and include molds, rusts, mildews, smuts, mushrooms, and yeasts
- fur (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cover, line, trim, or clothe with fur, to coat or clog as if with fur, to apply furring to
(noun) a piece of the dressed pelt of an animal used to make, trim, or line wearing apparel, an article of clothing made of or with fur, the hairy coat of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thick; also : such a coat with the skin
(abbreviation) furlong
- furthered (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to help forward : promote
- fuse (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat, to blend thoroughly by or as if by melting together : combine, to stitch by applying heat and pressure with or without the use of an adhesive
(noun) an electrical safety device consisting of or including a wire or strip of fusible metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when the current exceeds a particular amperage
(noun) a continuous train of a combustible substance enclosed in a cord or cable for setting off an explosive charge by transmitting fire to it, a mechanical or electrical detonating device for setting off the bursting charge of a projectile, bomb, or torpedo
(verb) to equip with a fuse
(verb) to equip with a fuse
- fused (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat, to blend thoroughly by or as if by melting together : combine, to stitch by applying heat and pressure with or without the use of an adhesive
(verb) to equip with a fuse
- fusing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat, to blend thoroughly by or as if by melting together : combine, to stitch by applying heat and pressure with or without the use of an adhesive
(verb) to equip with a fuse
- fusion (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of liquefying or rendering plastic by heat, a union by or as if by melting: such as, a merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole
- future (4)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) that is to be; specifically : existing after death, of, relating to, or constituting a verb tense expressive of time yet to come, existing or occurring at a later time
(noun) time that is to come, what is going to happen, an expectation of advancement or progressive development
- gale (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a strong current of air:, a wind from 32 to 63 miles per hour (about 51 to 102 kilometers per hour), fresh gale
- galleries (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a roofed promenade : colonnade, corridor, an outdoor balcony
- gallery (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a roofed promenade : colonnade, corridor, an outdoor balcony
- gap (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a break in a barrier (such as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense), an assailable position, a mountain pass
(verb) to make an opening in, to adjust the space between the electrodes of (a spark plug), to fall or stand open
(noun) an area of contact between adjacent cells characterized by modification of the plasma membranes for intercellular communication or transfer of low molecular-weight substances
(adjective) having gaps between the teeth
(noun) a one-year hiatus from academic studies to allow for nonacademic activities
(noun) lack of trust, lack of believability, discrepancy
(noun) a space between two high-potential terminals (as of an induction coil or spark plug) through which pass discharges of electricity; also : a device having a spark gap
(noun) a pass in a mountain ridge through which a stream runs
(noun) a notch in the crest of a mountain ridge : a pass not occupied by a stream
- gap(s) (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a break in a barrier (such as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense), an assailable position, a mountain pass
(verb) to make an opening in, to adjust the space between the electrodes of (a spark plug), to fall or stand open
- gas (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a fluid (such as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely, a combustible gas or gaseous mixture for fuel or lighting; especially : natural gas, a gaseous product of digestion; also : discomfort from this
(verb) to talk idly or garrulously, to give off gas, to fill the tank (as of an automobile) with gasoline —usually used with up
(noun) a usually large automobile that gets relatively poor mileage
- gasoline (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture used as a fuel especially for internal combustion engines and usually blended from several products of natural gas and petroleum
- gates (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an opening in a wall or fence, a city or castle entrance often with defensive structures (such as towers), the frame or door that closes a gate
(verb) to confine to a campus or dormitory, to supply with a gate, to control with a gate
(noun) way, path, method, style
(noun) usually political scandal often involving the concealment of wrongdoing
- gather (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to bring together : collect, pick, harvest, to pick up or amass as if by harvesting
(noun) something brought together: such as, a puckering in cloth made by gathering, a mass of molten glass collected for use in glassblowing
(verb) to engage in woolgathering
- gathered (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to bring together : collect, pick, harvest, to pick up or amass as if by harvesting
- gatherer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to bring together : collect, pick, harvest, to pick up or amass as if by harvesting
(noun) a member of a culture in which food is obtained by hunting, fishing, and foraging rather than by agriculture or animal husbandry
- gathering (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) assembly, meeting, a suppurating swelling : abscess, the collecting of food or raw materials from the wild
(verb) to bring together : collect, pick, harvest, to pick up or amass as if by harvesting
- gathers (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to bring together : collect, pick, harvest, to pick up or amass as if by harvesting
(noun) something brought together: such as, a puckering in cloth made by gathering, a mass of molten glass collected for use in glassblowing
(verb) to engage in woolgathering
- gaunt (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(adjective) excessively thin and angular, barren, desolate
- gay (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one's same sex —often used to refer to men only, of, relating to, or intended for people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, etc., happily excited : merry
(noun) a gay person; especially : a gay man
- gaze (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious attention
(noun) a fixed intent look
- gear (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) clothing, garments, movable property : goods, equipment, paraphernalia
(verb) to provide (machinery) with gearing, to connect by gearing, to make ready for effective operation
- gears (14)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (13)
(verb) to provide (machinery) with gearing, to connect by gearing, to make ready for effective operation
(noun) clothing, garments, movable property : goods, equipment, paraphernalia
- gender (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms, membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass, an inflectional form showing membership in such a subclass
(verb) engender
- gendered (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) reflecting the experience, prejudices, or orientations of one sex more than the other; also : reflecting or involving gender differences or stereotypical gender roles
(verb) engender
- generating (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to bring into existence: such as, procreate, beget, to originate by a vital, chemical, or physical process : produce
(verb) to generate (something, such as electricity or funds) by or for oneself
(idiom) —used to say that something or someone causes anger without making something (such as an issue under discussion) better understood
- generative (5)
- in books ::: artist (4), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having the power or function of generating, originating, producing, or reproducing
- generators (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that generates: such as, an apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed, a machine by which mechanical energy is changed into electrical energy
- gentle (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) free from harshness, sternness, or violence, tractable, docile, soft, delicate
(noun) a person of gentle birth or status
(verb) to make (an animal) tame and docile, to make gentler, mollify, placate
(noun) the female peregrine falcon
- geo (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(combining form) earth : ground : soil, geographic : geography and
(noun) the combination of economic and geographic factors relating to international trade, a governmental policy guided by geoeconomics
- geographic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to geography, belonging to or characteristic of a particular region
- geographies (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface, the geographic features of an area, a treatise on geography
- geologic (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, or based on geology
- geologies (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a science that deals with the history of the earth and its life especially as recorded in rocks, a study of the solid matter of a celestial body (such as the moon), geologic features
- geometric (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or according to the methods or principles of geometry, increasing in a geometric progression, of or relating to a style of ancient Greek pottery characterized by geometric decorative motifs
(noun) the nth root of the product of n numbers; specifically : a number that is the second term of three consecutive terms of a geometric progression
(noun) a sequence (such as 1, 1/2, 1/4) in which the ratio of a term to its predecessor is always the same —called also geometrical progression, geometric sequence
(noun) a series (such as 1 + x + x2 + x3 + … ) whose terms form a geometric progression
- geometries (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids; broadly : the study of properties of given elements that remain invariant under specified transformations, a particular type or system of geometry, configuration
(noun) a branch of mathematics concerned with describing the properties of geometric structures by algebraic expressions and especially those properties that are invariant under changes of coordinate systems; especially : the study of sets of points in space of n dimensions that satisfy systems of polynomial equations in which each equation contains n variables
(noun) the study of geometric properties by means of algebraic operations upon symbols defined in terms of a coordinate system —called also coordinate geometry
(noun) analytic geometry
(noun) a branch of mathematics using calculus to study the geometric properties of curves and surfaces
(noun) geometry based on Euclid's axioms, the geometry of a euclidean space
(noun) a branch of elementary geometry that deals with plane figures
(noun) a branch of geometry that deals with the properties of configurations that are unaltered by projection
(noun) a non-Euclidean geometry in which straight lines are geodesics and in which the parallel postulate is replaced by the postulate that every pair of straight lines intersects
(noun) a branch of geometry that deals with figures of three-dimensional space
- geometry (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement, properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids; broadly : the study of properties of given elements that remain invariant under specified transformations, a particular type or system of geometry, configuration
- gestalt (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something that is made of many parts and yet is somehow more than or different from the combination of its parts; broadly : the general quality or character of something
- gesture (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude, the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of expression, something said or done by way of formality or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on the attitudes of others
(verb) to make a gesture, to express or direct by a gesture
(noun) communication by gestures; especially : sign language —called also gestural language
(noun) an act that has no purpose or effect other than to show support, respect, etc.
- gestures (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude, the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of expression, something said or done by way of formality or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on the attitudes of others
(verb) to make a gesture, to express or direct by a gesture
- get (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to gain possession of, to receive as a return : earn, to obtain by concession or entreaty
(noun) something begotten:, offspring, the entire progeny of a male animal
(noun) a document of release from obligation in Jewish law; specifically : a bill of divorce, a religious divorce by Jewish law
- ghost (12)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the seat of life or intelligence : soul, a disembodied soul; especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness, spirit, demon
(verb) to haunt like a ghost, ghostwrite, to cut off all contact with (someone) : to subject (someone, such as a former romantic partner) to ghosting
- ghostly (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the soul : spiritual, of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a ghost : spectral
- ghosts (12)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (5)
(verb) to haunt like a ghost, ghostwrite, to cut off all contact with (someone) : to subject (someone, such as a former romantic partner) to ghosting
(noun) the seat of life or intelligence : soul, a disembodied soul; especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness, spirit, demon
- giants (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a legendary humanlike being of great stature and strength, a living being of great size, a person of extraordinary powers
- gifts (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to endow with some power, quality, or attribute, to make a gift of, present
(noun) a notable capacity, talent, or endowment, something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation, the act, right, or power of giving
- girl (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a female child from birth to adulthood, daughter, a young woman
(noun) a woman who entertains bar patrons and encourages them to spend freely, a usually young woman who adopts the pursuits or styles of hip-hop culture
- given (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) particular, specified, assumed as actual or hypothetical : granted, prone, disposed
(noun) something given; especially : something taken for granted : a basic condition or assumption
(preposition) in view of : considering
(verb) to make a present of, to grant or bestow by formal action, to accord or yield to another
(adjective) received as a gift from God : natural
(adjective) given by oneself, derived from itself
- glacial (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) suggestive of ice: such as, extremely cold : frigid, devoid of warmth and cordiality
- glacier (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(noun) a large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface
- glaciers (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface
- glance (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to take a quick look at something, to move swiftly from one thing to another, to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle
(noun) a quick or cursory look, a swift movement of the eyes, a deflected impact or blow
(noun) a glance directed to the side, a passing allusion : an indirect or slight reference
- glances (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to take a quick look at something, to move swiftly from one thing to another, to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle
(noun) a quick or cursory look, a swift movement of the eyes, a deflected impact or blow
(noun) a glance directed to the side, a passing allusion : an indirect or slight reference
- glancing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) hitting so as to glance off, incidental, indirect
(verb) to take a quick look at something, to move swiftly from one thing to another, to strike a surface obliquely so as to go off at an angle
- glass (31)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (18), blueWindow (6), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) any of various amorphous materials formed from a melt by cooling to rigidity without crystallization: such as, a usually transparent or translucent material consisting typically of a mixture of silicates, a material (such as obsidian) produced by fast cooling of magma
(verb) to provide with glass : glaze, to enclose, case, or wall with glass, to make glassy
- glasses (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) any of various amorphous materials formed from a melt by cooling to rigidity without crystallization: such as, a usually transparent or translucent material consisting typically of a mixture of silicates, a material (such as obsidian) produced by fast cooling of magma
(verb) to provide with glass : glaze, to enclose, case, or wall with glass, to make glassy
(plural noun) eyeglasses for reading that have about half the vertical dimension of typical eyeglasses
- glassy (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) resembling or made of glass, having little animation : dull, lifeless
(noun) a playing marble made of glass
(adjective) marked by or having glassy eyes
- gleaming (8)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (4)
(verb) to shine with or as if with subdued steady light or moderate brightness, to appear briefly or faintly, to cause to gleam
- glides (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly, to go or pass imperceptibly, to descend gradually in controlled flight
(noun) a calm stretch of shallow water flowing smoothly, the act or action of gliding, portamento
- glimmers (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to shine faintly or unsteadily, to give off a subdued unsteady reflection, to appear indistinctly with a faintly luminous quality
(noun) a feeble or intermittent light, a subdued unsteady shining or sparkle, a dim perception or faint idea : inkling
- glimpse (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to get a brief look at, to look briefly, glimmer
(noun) a fleeting view or look, glimmer
- glint (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to glance off an object, to be reflected at an angle from a surface, to give off reflection in brilliant flashes; also : gleam
(noun) a tiny bright flash of light, a brief or faint manifestation : glimmer; also : a trace of emotion expressed through the eyes
- globe (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something spherical or rounded: such as, a spherical representation of the earth, a celestial body, or the heavens, earth
(verb) to form into a globe
(noun) a person who travels widely
- glorious (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) possessing or deserving glory : illustrious, entitling one to glory, marked by great beauty or splendor : magnificent
- glory (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent : renown, worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving, something that secures praise or renown
(verb) to rejoice proudly —used with in
(verb) —used to express surprise or delight
(noun) any of a genus (Chionodoxa) of hardy spring-flowering chiefly Mediterranean bulbous herbs of the lily family with basal leaves and racemes of blue, white, or pink flowers
(noun) personal vanity : pride
- glove (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a covering for the hand having separate sections for each of the fingers and the thumb and often extending part way up the arm, gauntlet, a padded leather covering for the hand used in baseball to catch a thrown or batted ball; specifically : one having individual thumb and finger sections usually connected with a lacing or webbing
(verb) to cover with or as if with a glove, to furnish with gloves, to catch (something, such as a baseball) in one's gloved hand
(adjective) marked by extreme care or deference
- glow (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to shine with or as if with an intense heat, to have a rich warm typically ruddy color, flush, blush
(noun) brightness or warmth of color; especially : redness, warmth of feeling or emotion, a sensation of warmth
- glowing (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) producing light : shining with or as if with warmth or heat, marked by a rich, warm coloration, radiantly healthful
(verb) to shine with or as if with an intense heat, to have a rich warm typically ruddy color, flush, blush
- glue (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of various strong adhesive substances; especially : a hard protein chiefly gelatinous substance that absorbs water to form a viscous solution with strong adhesive properties and that is obtained by cooking down collagenous materials (such as hides or bones), a solution of glue used for sticking things together, something that binds together
(verb) to cause to stick tightly with or as if with glue, to cause to remain continuously or to be fixed steadily —usually used with to
(idiom) to stay very firmly attached to something —often used figuratively, to stay very close to someone
- goal (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the end toward which effort is directed : aim, an area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points, the act or action of causing a ball or puck to go through or into such a goal
(noun) a goal that is involved in or secondary to achieving a larger goal
- goals (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) the end toward which effort is directed : aim, an area or object toward which players in various games attempt to advance a ball or puck and usually through or into which it must go to score points, the act or action of causing a ball or puck to go through or into such a goal
(noun) a goal that is involved in or secondary to achieving a larger goal
- god (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the supreme or ultimate reality: such as, the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped (as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe, the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
(verb) to treat as a god : idolize, deify
(adjective) extremely unpleasant or disagreeable : abominable
(adjective) having a reverent feeling toward God : devout
(adjective) received as a gift from God : natural
- gods (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) the supreme or ultimate reality: such as, the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped (as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe, the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
(verb) to treat as a god : idolize, deify
(noun) the final destruction of the world in the conflict between the Aesir and the powers of Hel led by Loki —called also Twilight of the Gods
- goes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move on a course : proceed, to travel to a place, to travel to and stay in a place for a period of time
- going (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) an act or instance of going, behavior, actions, the condition of the ground (as for walking)
(adjective) that goes —often used in combination, working, moving, living, existing
(verb) to move on a course : proceed, to travel to a place, to travel to and stay in a place for a period of time
(noun) a severe scolding, beating, a thorough examination
(adjective) being something done or given for someone who is leaving to live, study, or travel in a distant place
- gold (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a yellow metallic element that occurs naturally in pure form and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and electronics, gold coins, a gold piece
(adjective) qualifying for a gold record
(adjective) consisting of a base metal covered with a layer of gold
- golden (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) consisting of, relating to, or containing gold, being or having the color gold or the color of gold, blond
(noun) an elderly and often retired person usually engaging in club activities
- gone (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) in a very bad, weak, or confused condition because of being sick, tired, drunk, etc.
(verb) to move on a course : proceed, to travel to a place, to travel to and stay in a place for a period of time
(idiom) days or times in the past : bygone days
- goods (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) something that is good, something conforming to the moral order of the universe, praiseworthy character : goodness
- gospel (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation, one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; also : a similar apocryphal book, an interpretation of the Christian message
(adjective) having a basis in or being in accordance with the gospel : evangelical, marked by special or fervid emphasis on the gospel, of, relating to, or being religious songs of American origin associated with evangelism and popular devotion and marked by simple melody and harmony and elements of folk songs and blues
- governing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exercise continuous sovereign authority over; especially : to control and direct the making and administration of policy in, to rule without sovereign power and usually without having the authority to determine basic policy, manipulate
(adjective) lacking autonomy : not self-governing
(adjective) having control or rule over oneself; specifically : having self-government : autonomous
- grabbing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take or seize by or as if by a sudden motion or grasp, to take hastily, to seize the attention of
- graffiti (16)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (13), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) usually unauthorized writing or drawing on a public surface
(verb) to draw graffiti on : to deface with graffiti
(noun) an inscription or drawing made on some public surface (such as a rock or wall); also : a message or slogan written as or as if as a graffito
- grain (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (5)
(noun) a single small hard seed, a seed or fruit of a cereal grass : caryopsis, the seeds or fruits of various food plants including the cereal grasses and in commercial and statutory usage other plants (such as the soybean)
(verb) ingrain, to form into grains : granulate, to paint in imitation of the grain of wood or stone
(adjective) quartersawn
- grainy (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) resembling or having some characteristic of grain : not smooth or fine, appearing to be composed of grain-like particles
- grammar (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence, a study of what is to be preferred and what avoided in inflection and syntax, the characteristic system of inflections and syntax of a language
- gramophone (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) phonograph
- grand (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having more importance than others : foremost, having higher rank than others bearing the same general designation, inclusive, comprehensive
(noun) grand piano, a thousand dollars
- graph (7)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a diagram (such as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) that represents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of one or more other variables, the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (such as a function), a collection of vertices and edges that join pairs of vertices
(verb) to represent by a graph, to plot on a graph
(noun) a written or printed representation of a basic unit of speech (such as a phoneme or syllable); especially : grapheme, a single occurrence of a letter of an alphabet in any of its various shapes
(noun) something written or drawn, instrument for making or transmitting records or images
- graphic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the pictorial arts; also : pictorial, of, relating to, or involving such reproductive methods as those of engraving, etching, lithography, photography, serigraphy, and woodcut, of or relating to the art of printing
(noun) a product of graphic art, the graphic media, a graphic representation (such as a picture, map, or graph) used especially for illustration
(adjective) written or transmitted in a (specified) way
- graphite (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(noun) a soft black lustrous form of carbon that conducts electricity and is used in lead pencils and electrolytic anodes, as a lubricant, and as a moderator in nuclear reactors, a composite material in which carbon fibers are the reinforcing material
- graphs (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to represent by a graph, to plot on a graph
(noun) a diagram (such as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) that represents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of one or more other variables, the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (such as a function), a collection of vertices and edges that join pairs of vertices
(noun) a written or printed representation of a basic unit of speech (such as a phoneme or syllable); especially : grapheme, a single occurrence of a letter of an alphabet in any of its various shapes
(noun) something written or drawn, instrument for making or transmitting records or images
- grasping (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) used, designed, or adapted to grasp, desiring material possessions urgently and excessively and often to the point of ruthlessness
(verb) to make the motion of seizing : clutch, to take or seize eagerly, to clasp or embrace especially with the fingers or arms
- grass (24)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (22)
(noun) herbage suitable or used for grazing animals, any of a large family (Gramineae synonym Poaceae) of monocotyledonous mostly herbaceous plants with jointed stems, slender sheathing leaves, and flowers borne in spikelets of bracts, land (such as a lawn or a turf racetrack) covered with growing grass
(verb) to feed (livestock) on grass sometimes without grain or other concentrates, to cover with grass; especially : to seed to grass, to produce grass
- grasses (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) herbage suitable or used for grazing animals, any of a large family (Gramineae synonym Poaceae) of monocotyledonous mostly herbaceous plants with jointed stems, slender sheathing leaves, and flowers borne in spikelets of bracts, land (such as a lawn or a turf racetrack) covered with growing grass
(verb) to feed (livestock) on grass sometimes without grain or other concentrates, to cover with grass; especially : to seed to grass, to produce grass
- grassland (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) farmland occupied chiefly by forage plants and especially grasses, land on which the natural dominant plant forms are grasses and forbs, an ecological community in which the characteristic plants are grasses
- grasslands (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) farmland occupied chiefly by forage plants and especially grasses, land on which the natural dominant plant forms are grasses and forbs, an ecological community in which the characteristic plants are grasses
- grates (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) grating, a barred frame for cooking over a fire, a frame or bed of iron bars to hold a stove or furnace fire
(verb) to furnish with a grate
(verb) to reduce to small particles by rubbing on something rough, fret, irritate, to gnash or grind noisily
- grave (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an excavation for burial of a body; broadly : a burial place, death, death
(adjective) meriting serious consideration : important, likely to produce great harm or danger, significantly serious : considerable, great
(noun) a grave accent ` used to show that a vowel is pronounced with a fall of pitch (as in ancient Greek), that a vowel has a certain quality (such as è in French), that a final e is stressed and close and that a final o is stressed and low (as in Italian), that a syllable has a degree of stress between maximum and minimum (as in phonetic transcription), or that the e of the English ending -ed is to be pronounced (as in "this cursèd day")
(adjective) slowly and solemnly —used as a direction in music
(verb) to carve or cut (something, such as letters or figures) into a hard surface : engrave, to carve or shape with a chisel : sculpture, to impress or fix (a thought, a memory, etc.) deeply
(verb) to clean and pay with pitch
- gravitational (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a force manifested by acceleration toward each other of two free material particles or bodies or of radiant-energy quanta : gravity, the action or process of gravitating
(noun) dignity or sobriety of bearing, importance, significance; especially : seriousness, a serious situation or problem
- gravity (8)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) dignity or sobriety of bearing, importance, significance; especially : seriousness, a serious situation or problem
- gray (10)
- in books ::: birdland (9), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of the color gray, tending toward gray, dull in color
(noun) any of a series of neutral colors ranging between black and white, something (such as an animal, garment, cloth, or spot) of a gray color, a soldier in the Confederate army during the American Civil War
(verb) to become gray, age; also : to contain an increasing percentage of older people, to make gray
(noun) the mks unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to an energy of one joule per kilogram of irradiated material —abbreviation Gy
(adjective) of the color gray, tending toward gray, dull in color
- grazer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to feed on growing herbage, attached algae, or phytoplankton, to eat small portions of food throughout the day, to crop and eat in the field
(verb) to touch lightly in passing, abrade, scratch, to touch or rub against something in passing
- greasy (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) smeared or soiled with grease, oily in appearance, texture, or manner, slippery
(noun) a dingy small cheap restaurant
- great (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) notably large in size : huge, of a kind characterized by relative largeness —used in plant and animal names, elaborate, ample
(adverb) in a great manner : well
(noun) an outstandingly superior or skillful person
(noun) grandaunt
- green (22)
- in books ::: birdland (12), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (6)
(adjective) of the color green, covered by green growth or foliage, consisting of green plants and usually edible herbage
(noun) a color whose hue is somewhat less yellow than that of growing fresh grass or of the emerald or is that of the part of the spectrum lying between blue and yellow, something of a green color, green vegetation: such as
(verb) to make green, rejuvenate, revitalize, to become green
- grew (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to spring up and develop to maturity, to be able to grow in some place or situation, to assume some relation through or as if through a process of natural growth
- grid (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) grating, a perforated or ridged metal plate used as a conductor in a storage battery, an electrode consisting of a mesh or a spiral of fine wire in an electron tube
(adjective) not connected to or served by publicly or privately managed utilities (such as electricity, gas, or water)
- grief (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3)
(noun) deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement, a cause of such suffering, trouble, annoyance
(adjective) very sad : deeply affected by grief
(verb) to move toward something : approach, to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose, to reach a particular station in a series
- grip (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to seize or hold firmly, to hold the interest of strongly
(noun) a strong or tenacious grasp, strength in gripping, manner or style of gripping
(noun) grievance, complaint, a pinching spasmodic intestinal pain —usually used in plural, clutch, grasp; broadly : control, mastery
- gripping (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) taking a powerful hold upon one's interest or feelings
(verb) to seize or hold firmly, to hold the interest of strongly
- grit (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) sand, gravel, a hard sharp granule (as of sand); also : material (as many abrasives) composed of such granules, any of several sandstones
(verb) to give forth a grating sound, to cause (one's teeth) to grind or grate, to cover or spread with grit; especially : to smooth (a material, such as marble) with a coarse abrasive
- groan (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance, to make a harsh sound (as of creaking) under sudden or prolonged strain, to utter or express with groaning
- ground (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the surface of a planet (such as the earth or Mars), an area used for a particular purpose, the area around and belonging to a house or other building
(verb) to provide a reason or justification for, to furnish with a foundation of knowledge : base, to cause to run aground
(adjective) reduced to small pieces or a powder by a grinding process
(verb) to reduce to powder or small fragments by friction (as in a mill or with the teeth), to wear down, polish, or sharpen by friction, oppress, harass
(noun) a batted baseball that bounds or rolls along the ground
(noun) a short bass passage continually repeated below constantly changing melody and harmony
(noun) any of a large cosmopolitan family (Carabidae) of soil-inhabiting usually carnivorous often shiny black or metallic beetles commonly having fused elytra
(noun) any of various chiefly New World herbs (genus Physalis) of the nightshade family with pulpy fruits in papery husks; also : the fruit of the ground-cherry
(noun) a waterproof sheet placed on the ground for protection (as of a sleeping bag) against soil moisture
- group (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) two or more figures forming a complete unit in a composition, a number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship, an assemblage of objects regarded as a unit
(verb) to combine in a group, to assign to a group : classify, to form a group
- groups (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to combine in a group, to assign to a group : classify, to form a group
(noun) two or more figures forming a complete unit in a composition, a number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship, an assemblage of objects regarded as a unit
(noun) a segment of a population that is of approximately the same age or is within a specified range of ages
- grows (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to spring up and develop to maturity, to be able to grow in some place or situation, to assume some relation through or as if through a process of natural growth
- growth (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a stage in the process of growing : size, full growth, the process of growing
- guards (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one assigned to protect or oversee another: such as, a person or a body of persons on sentinel duty, troops attached to the person of the sovereign
(verb) to protect an edge of with an ornamental border, to protect from danger especially by watchful attention : make secure, to stand at the entrance of as if on guard or as a barrier
- guitars (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings played with a pick or with the fingers
- gulf (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a part of an ocean or sea extending into the land, a deep chasm : abyss, whirlpool
(verb) engulf
- gun (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory, a portable firearm (such as a rifle or handgun), a device that throws a projectile
(verb) to fire on, shoot, to open up the throttle of so as to increase speed
(adjective) afraid of loud noise (such as that of a gun), markedly distrustful, afraid, or cautious
(adjective) opposed to guns : opposing, prohibiting, or strictly controlling the sale and possession of guns or of certain types of guns
- gunpoint (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the muzzle of a gun
- guns (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory, a portable firearm (such as a rifle or handgun), a device that throws a projectile
(verb) to fire on, shoot, to open up the throttle of so as to increase speed
- gut (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) bowels, entrails —usually used in plural, digestive tract; also : part of the digestive tract and especially the intestine or stomach, belly, abdomen
(adjective) arising from one's inmost self : visceral, having strong impact or immediate relevance
(verb) eviscerate, to extract all the essential passages or portions from, to destroy the inside of
(abbreviation) grand unified theory; grand unification theory
(adjective) causing mental or emotional anguish
- gymnast (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a person trained in gymnastics
- habitat (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows, the typical place of residence of a person or a group, a housing for a controlled physical environment in which people can live under surrounding inhospitable conditions (as under the sea)
- had (7)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement, to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal, to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole
- hair (6)
- in books ::: birdland (6)
(noun) a slender threadlike outgrowth of the epidermis of an animal; especially : one of the usually pigmented filaments that form the characteristic coat of a mammal, the hairy covering of an animal or a body part; especially : the coating of hairs on a human head, haircloth
(noun) thriller
(adjective) causing terror, excitement, or astonishment
- half (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) either of two equal parts that compose something; also : a part approximately equal to one of these, half an hour —used in designation of time, one of a pair: such as
(adjective) being one of two equal parts, that is approximately equal to either of two equal parts that compose something : amounting to approximately half, falling short of the full or complete thing : partial
(adverb) in an equal part or degree, not completely : partially, by any means : at all
(noun) something that is approximately half one thing and half another: such as, a mixture of two malt beverages (such as dark and light beer), a mixture of cream and whole milk
(verb) to do (something) poorly due to lack of care or effort
(adjective) lacking significance, adequacy, or completeness, lacking intelligence, character, or effectiveness
(adjective) poorly developed or carried out, lacking adequate planning or forethought, lacking in judgment, intelligence, or common sense
(adjective) related to or being a half blood
- hall (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the castle or house of a medieval king or noble, the chief living room in such a structure, the manor house of a landed proprietor
- hallelujah (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) —used to express praise, joy, or thanks
(noun) a shout or song of praise or thanksgiving
- hallowed (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) holy, consecrated, sacred, revered
(verb) to make holy or set apart for holy use, to respect greatly : venerate
- hallways (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an entrance hall, corridor
- halo (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a circle of light appearing to surround the sun or moon and resulting from refraction or reflection of light by ice particles in the atmosphere, something resembling a halo: such as, nimbus
(verb) to form into or surround with a halo
(combining form) salt, halogen
- halogen (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of the five elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine that form part of group VIIA of the periodic table and exist in the free state normally as diatomic molecules
(adjective) containing, using, or being a halogen
- hammer (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a hand tool consisting of a solid head set crosswise on a handle and used for pounding, a power tool that often substitutes a metal block or a drill for the hammerhead, something that resembles a hammer in form or action: such as
(verb) to strike blows especially repeatedly with or as if with a hammer : pound, to make repeated efforts; especially : to reiterate an opinion or attitude, to beat, drive, or shape with repeated blows of a hammer
(noun) the outermost of a chain of three small bones of the mammalian middle ear —called also hammer
- hammered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having surface indentations produced or appearing to have been produced by hammering, drunk
(verb) to strike blows especially repeatedly with or as if with a hammer : pound, to make repeated efforts; especially : to reiterate an opinion or attitude, to beat, drive, or shape with repeated blows of a hammer
- hand (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb when modified (as in humans) as a grasping organ : the body part at the end of the arm of a human, ape, or monkey, the forelimb segment (such as the terminal section of a bird's wing) of a vertebrate higher than the fishes that corresponds to the hand irrespective of its form or functional specialization, something resembling a hand: such as
(verb) to give, pass, or transmit with the hand, to present or provide with, to lead, guide, or assist with the hand
(adverb) with the hands rather than by machine
(verb) to feed by hand
- handbook (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a book capable of being conveniently carried as a ready reference : manual, a concise reference book covering a particular subject, a bookmaker's book of bets
- hands (18)
- in books ::: birdland (17), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to give, pass, or transmit with the hand, to present or provide with, to lead, guide, or assist with the hand
(noun) the terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb when modified (as in humans) as a grasping organ : the body part at the end of the arm of a human, ape, or monkey, the forelimb segment (such as the terminal section of a bird's wing) of a vertebrate higher than the fishes that corresponds to the hand irrespective of its form or functional specialization, something resembling a hand: such as
(adjective) characterized by noninterference
(adjective) relating to, being, or providing direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of something; also : involving or allowing use of or touching with the hands, characterized by active personal involvement
(adjective) designed to be used without being held in the hands
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a situation in which every available person is needed or called to assist
- hands-on (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) relating to, being, or providing direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of something; also : involving or allowing use of or touching with the hands, characterized by active personal involvement
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a situation in which every available person is needed or called to assist
- harbored (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to give shelter or refuge to, to be the home or habitat of; broadly : contain, to hold especially persistently in the mind : cherish
- hard (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) not easily penetrated : not easily yielding to pressure, not capable of being spread : very firm, having a harsh or acid taste
(adverb) with great or utmost effort or energy : strenuously, in a violent manner : fiercely, to the full extent —usually used in nautical directions
(adjective) not to be modified or evaded : strict
(noun) a tough, demanding, or uncompromising person
(adjective) inclined to bite hard, seasoned or steeled by difficult experience : tough
(verb) to cook (an egg) in the shell until both white and yolk have solidified
(adjective) boiled until both white and yolk have solidified, devoid of sentimentality : tough, of, relating to, or being a detective story featuring a tough unsentimental protagonist and a matter-of-fact attitude towards violence
- hare (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various swift, gnawing, herbivorous, usually shy lagomorph mammals (family Leporidae and especially genus Lepus) that have long ears, short tails, and powerful long hind legs, are usually solitary or sometimes live in pairs, have the young open-eyed and furred at birth, and live in aboveground nests
(verb) to go swiftly : tear
- harmonic (9)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (6)
(adjective) musical, of or relating to musical harmony or a harmonic, pleasing to the ear : harmonious
(noun) overtone; especially : one whose vibration frequency is an integral multiple of that of the fundamental, a flutelike tone produced on a stringed instrument by touching a vibrating string at a nodal point, a component frequency of a complex wave (as of electromagnetic energy) that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency
- harmonics (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) overtone; especially : one whose vibration frequency is an integral multiple of that of the fundamental, a flutelike tone produced on a stringed instrument by touching a vibrating string at a nodal point, a component frequency of a complex wave (as of electromagnetic energy) that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency
- harmony (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord, the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords, the science of the structure, relation, and progression of chords
- harness (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the equipment other than a yoke of a draft animal, gear, equipment; especially : military equipment for a horse or man, occupational surroundings or routine
(verb) to put a harness on, to attach by means of a harness, to tie together : yoke
- harnessed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put a harness on, to attach by means of a harness, to tie together : yoke
- harnessing (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to put a harness on, to attach by means of a harness, to tie together : yoke
- harp (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) a plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are perpendicular to the soundboard, something resembling a harp, harmonica
(verb) to play on a harp, to dwell on or recur to a subject tiresomely or monotonously —usually used with on
- harvest (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the season for gathering in agricultural crops, the act or process of gathering in a crop, a mature crop (as of grain or fruit) : yield
(verb) to gather in (a crop) : reap, to gather, catch, hunt, or kill (salmon, oysters, deer, etc.) for human use, sport, or population control, to remove or extract (something, such as living cells, tissues, or organs) from culture or from a living or recently deceased body especially for transplanting
(noun) cicada
(noun) a feast at the close of the harvest, the gathering or the time of the harvest, a song sung by the reapers at the close of the harvest
(noun) chigger
(noun) the full moon nearest the time of the September equinox
(adjective) relating to or occurring at a time before a harvest
- has (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(verb) to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement, to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal, to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole
(noun) one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularity
- hat (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a covering for the head usually having a shaped crown and brim, a distinctive head covering worn as a symbol of office, an office, position, or role assumed by or as if by the wearing of a special hat
(verb) to furnish or provide with a hat, to make or supply hats
(verb) to fly low in an airplane in a reckless manner : hedgehop
- haunted (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to visit often : frequent, to continually seek the company of, to have a disquieting or harmful effect on : trouble
- have (8)
- in books ::: artist (5), birdland (3)
(verb) to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement, to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal, to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole
(noun) one that is well-endowed especially in material wealth
(noun) one that is poor especially in material wealth
- hawker (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) falconer
(noun) one who hawks wares
- he (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(pronoun) that male one who is neither speaker nor hearer, —used in a generic sense or when the gender of the person is unspecified
(noun) a male person or animal, one that is strongly masculine or has strong masculine appeal —usually used in combination
(noun) the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
(symbol) helium
- head (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth, the seat of the intellect : mind, a person with respect to mental qualities
(adjective) of, relating to, or intended for the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth : of, relating to, or intended for the head, principal, chief, located at the end that is upper or higher : situated at the head
(verb) behead, to put the striking part of a weapon, tool, or implement on : fit a head to, to form the uppermost extremity or projecting part of : to form the head or top of
(adverb) beyond comparison : by far
(noun) nut
(noun) a common cold centered in the nasal passages and adjacent mucous tissues
(noun) mind game
(noun) the act or custom of seeking out, decapitating, and preserving the heads of enemies as trophies, a seeking to deprive usually political enemies of position or influence
(adjective) unwilling to recognize or acknowledge a problem or situation
(noun) a football linesman
- headed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having a head or a heading, having a head or heads of a specified kind or number —used in combination
(verb) behead, to put the striking part of a weapon, tool, or implement on : fit a head to, to form the uppermost extremity or projecting part of : to form the head or top of
(noun) a cowbird (Molothrus ater) widespread in the U.S. and southern Canada in which the male is black with a brown head and the female is gray
(adjective) vacuous
(adjective) having many centers or branches
(adjective) mentally disoriented : dizzy, lacking in maturity or seriousness : frivolous
(noun) any of a small phylum (Acanthocephala) of unsegmented parasitic worms that have a proboscis bearing hooks by which attachment is made to the intestinal wall of the host
(adjective) having the hair, fur, or plumage of the head white or very light, specially favored : fortunate —used especially in the phrase white-headed boy
(adjective) having hair suggesting wool, marked by vague or confused perception or thinking
(noun) a director or leader who shares responsibilities with one or more other people
- headlights (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a light with a reflector and special lens mounted on the front of a vehicle to illuminate the road ahead; also : the beam cast by a headlight, a light worn on the forehead (as of a miner or physician)
- hear (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to perceive or become aware of by the ear, to gain knowledge of by hearing, to listen to with attention : heed
- heard (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to perceive or become aware of by the ear, to gain knowledge of by hearing, to listen to with attention : heed
- hearing (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the process, function, or power of perceiving sound; specifically : the special sense by which noises and tones are received as stimuli, earshot, opportunity to be heard, to present one's side of a case, or to be generally known or appreciated
(verb) to perceive or become aware of by the ear, to gain knowledge of by hearing, to listen to with attention : heed
(adjective) hard of hearing, deaf
- heart (14)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (12), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals that by its rhythmic contraction acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood, a structure in an invertebrate animal functionally analogous to the vertebrate heart, breast, bosom
(verb) love, to like an online post, comment, etc., especially by clicking or tapping a heart-shaped symbol, hearten
(adjective) not in love
(adjective) conducive to a healthy heart and circulatory system
- heartbeat (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one complete pulsation of the heart, the vital center or driving impulse, a brief space of time : flash —used chiefly in the phrase in a heartbeat
- heartless (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) spiritless, lacking feeling : cruel
- hearts (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals that by its rhythmic contraction acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood, a structure in an invertebrate animal functionally analogous to the vertebrate heart, breast, bosom
(verb) love, to like an online post, comment, etc., especially by clicking or tapping a heart-shaped symbol, hearten
(verb) to separate into parts with suddenness or violence, to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces : fracture, to fracture a bone of (a bodily part)
(verb) to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn, to destroy, consume, or waste by or as if by eating, to bear the expense of : take a loss on
(noun) a heart-to-heart conversation
(verb) to bring to destruction —used chiefly in passive construction, damn, to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place
- heat (22)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (8), fieldNotes (10)
(verb) to become warm or hot, to start to spoil from heat, to make warm or hot
(noun) a condition of being hot : warmth, a marked or notable degree of hotness, pathological excessive bodily temperature
- heaven (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome : firmament —usually used in plural, the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead, a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God
(adjective) providential
- heavens (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome : firmament —usually used in plural, the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead, a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God
- heaving (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) lift, raise, throw, cast, to utter with obvious effort or with a deep breath
- heavy (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having great weight; also : characterized by mass or weight, having a high specific gravity : having great weight in proportion to bulk, having or being atoms of greater than normal mass for that element
(adverb) to a great or overwhelming degree : with or as if with great weight : in a heavy manner : heavily
(noun) heavyweight, a theatrical role of a dignified or somber character; also : an actor playing such a role, a character in a story or play who opposes the hero : villain
(adjective) able or designed to withstand unusual strain, intensive, important, prominent
(adjective) heavy and slow in movement
(adjective) clumsy, oppressive, harsh
- held (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal, to have as a privilege or position of responsibility, to have as a mark of distinction
- helicopter (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an aircraft whose lift is derived from the aerodynamic forces acting on one or more powered rotors turning about substantially vertical axes
(verb) to travel by helicopter, to transport by helicopter
- helm (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a lever or wheel controlling the rudder of a ship for steering; broadly : the entire apparatus for steering a ship, position of the helm with respect to the amidships position, a position of control : head
(verb) to direct (a ship) with a lever or wheel that controls the rudder : to direct (a ship) with or as if with a helm : steer, direct, control
(noun) helmet
(verb) to cover or furnish with a helmet
- helpless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) lacking protection or support : defenseless, marked by an inability to act or react, not able to be controlled or restrained
- her (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (6)
(adjective) of or relating to her or herself especially as possessor, agent, or object of an action
(abbreviation) heraldry
(noun) a woman whose name one has forgotten or does not know
(noun) a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes, a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles, a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes
(noun) a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else, a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the Eucharist, a table or place which serves as a center of worship or ritual—often used with the to refer to the act of getting married
(noun) any of a family (Formicidae) of colonial hymenopterous insects with a complex social organization and various castes performing special duties
- here (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(adverb) in or at this place —often used interjectionally especially in answering a roll call, now, in an arbitrary location
(adjective) —used for emphasis especially after a demonstrative pronoun or after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective, —used for emphasis after a demonstrative adjective but before the noun modified
(noun) this place
- hero (18)
- in books ::: blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (14)
(noun) a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability, an illustrious warrior, a person admired for achievements and noble qualities
(noun) a legendary priestess of Aphrodite loved by Leander
(noun) something that functions or operates underwater; specifically : a naval vessel designed to operate underwater, a large sandwich on a long split roll with any of a variety of fillings (such as meatballs or cold cuts, cheese, lettuce, and tomato) —called also grinder, hero, hoagie, Italian sandwich, po'boy, sub, torpedo
(verb) to feel or express hero worship for
- herself (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) ze, lone crow
- hertzian (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) ex ::: Hertzian wave, the original name of radio waves
- heterotrophs (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a heterotrophic individual
- hey (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) —used especially to call attention or to express interrogation, surprise, or exultation, —used as an informal greeting, —used to indicate that one is not bothered or troubled by something
- hidden (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being out of sight or not readily apparent : concealed, obscure, unexplained, undisclosed
(verb) to put out of sight : secrete, to conceal for shelter or protection : shield, to keep secret
- high (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) rising or extending upward a great distance : taller than average, usual, or expected, having a specified height or elevation : tall —often used in combination, situated or passing above the normal level, surface, base of measurement, or elevation
(adverb) at or to a high place, altitude, level, or degree, well, luxuriously —often used in the phrases high off the hog and high on the hog
(noun) an elevated place or region: such as, hill, knoll, the space overhead : sky —usually used with on
(adjective) arrogant, imperious
- higher (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) rising or extending upward a great distance : taller than average, usual, or expected, having a specified height or elevation : tall —often used in combination, situated or passing above the normal level, surface, base of measurement, or elevation
(adverb) at or to a high place, altitude, level, or degree, well, luxuriously —often used in the phrases high off the hog and high on the hog
(noun) a superior officer or official
- highway (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a public way; especially : a main direct road
(noun) robbery committed on or near a public highway usually against travelers, excessive profit or advantage derived from a business transaction
(noun) system of highways extending nearly 30,000 miles (48,270 kilometers) from the U.S.—Canada border to Santiago, Chile, except for an uncompleted stretch in the area of the border between Panama and Colombia
(noun) a major road that has something (such as a guardrail or an area with grass and trees) that separates lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions
(noun) a telecommunications infrastructure or system (as of television, telephony, or computer networks) used for widespread and usually rapid access to information; especially : internet —called also infobahn, information highway
(noun) any of a system of expressways connecting most major U.S. cities —called also interstate highway
- highways (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a public way; especially : a main direct road
- hike (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to go on a hike, to travel by any means, to rise up; especially : to work upward out of place
(noun) a long walk especially for pleasure or exercise, an increase especially in quantity or amount, snap
- hiker (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to go on a hike, to travel by any means, to rise up; especially : to work upward out of place
- hill (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually rounded natural elevation of land lower than a mountain, an artificial heap or mound (as of earth), several seeds or plants planted in a group rather than a row
(verb) to form into a heap, to draw earth around the roots or base of
- hinge (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns, a flexible ligamentous joint, a small piece of thin gummed paper used in fastening a postage stamp in an album
(verb) to swing on or as if on a hinge, to be contingent on a single consideration or point —used with on or upon, to attach by or furnish with hinges
- hinges (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns, a flexible ligamentous joint, a small piece of thin gummed paper used in fastening a postage stamp in an album
(verb) to swing on or as if on a hinge, to be contingent on a single consideration or point —used with on or upon, to attach by or furnish with hinges
- his (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) of or relating to him or himself especially as possessor, agent, or object of an action
(pronoun) that which belongs to him —used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective his
(noun) a man whose name one has forgotten or does not know
(noun) a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern, a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance, reckoning, computation
(noun) a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes, a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles, a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes
- histories (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) tale, story, a chronological record of significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes, a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena (as of geography, animals, or plants)
- history (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2)
(noun) tale, story, a chronological record of significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes, a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena (as of geography, animals, or plants)
(idiom) —used to say that it is a good thing for someone that the fact that something happened in the past means it will likely happen again
(idiom) the same thing happens again
(idiom) —used for emphasis to indicate that something one states as a fact is based on examples from the past
(noun) the history of ancient times, something from the past dismissed as no longer important or relevant to the present
(noun) a record of history, environment, and relevant details of a case especially for use in analysis or illustration
(noun) a history of the changes through which an organism passes in its development from the primary stage to its natural death, the history of an individual or thing
(noun) a treatise on some aspect of nature, the natural development of something (such as an organism or disease) over a period of time, the study of natural objects especially in the field from an amateur or popular point of view
(noun) a recording containing information about the past obtained from in-depth interviews concerning personal experiences, recollections, and reflections; also : the study of such information, a written work based on oral history
(idiom) to have existed since
- hive (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a container for housing honeybees, the usually aboveground nest of bees, a colony of bees
(verb) to enter and take possession of a hive, to reside in close association, to collect into a hive
- hoe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various implements for tilling, mixing, or raking; especially : a tool with a thin flat blade on a long handle used especially for cultivating, weeding, or loosening the earth around plants, backhoe
(verb) to work with a tool with a thin flat blade on a long handle to cultivate, weed, or loosen the earth around plants : to use or work with a hoe or backhoe, to weed, cultivate, or thin (a crop) with a hoe, to remove (weeds) by hoeing
(noun) a large solid-hoofed herbivorous ungulate mammal (Equus caballus, family Equidae, the horse family) domesticated since prehistoric times and used as a beast of burden, a draft animal, or for riding, racehorse, a male horse; especially : stallion
- hold (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal, to have as a privilege or position of responsibility, to have as a mark of distinction
(noun) stronghold, confinement, custody, prison
(noun) the interior of a ship below decks; especially : the cargo deck of a ship, the cargo compartment of a plane
(noun) a prolongation at the discretion of the performer of a musical note, chord, or rest beyond its given time value; also : the sign denoting such a prolongation —called also hold
(noun) something used to fasten an object in place, an act of holding down, limit
- holding (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) land held especially by a vassal or tenant, property (such as land or securities) owned —usually used in plural, a ruling of a court especially on an issue of law raised in a case
(adjective) having the effect of holding back or delaying something, intended for usually temporary storage or retention
(verb) to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal, to have as a privilege or position of responsibility, to have as a mark of distinction
(noun) solicitous attention, support, or instruction (as in servicing clients)
- hole (8)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) an opening through something : perforation, an area where something is missing : gap: such as, a serious discrepancy : flaw, weakness
(verb) to make an opening through or a hollowed-out place in (as by cutting, digging, boring, or shooting at) : to make a hole in, to drive or hit into a hole, to make an opening through or a hollowed-out place in something : to make a hole in something
(adjective) being or carried on in a place away from public view : clandestine, insignificant
(noun) a small and often unpretentious out-of-the-way place (such as a restaurant)
- holes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an opening through something : perforation, an area where something is missing : gap: such as, a serious discrepancy : flaw, weakness
(verb) to make an opening through or a hollowed-out place in (as by cutting, digging, boring, or shooting at) : to make a hole in, to drive or hit into a hole, to make an opening through or a hollowed-out place in something : to make a hole in something
(noun) a place of escape or refuge
(noun) the space between the legs of a goaltender
- hollow (9)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an unfilled space : cavity, hole, a depressed or low part of a surface; especially : a small valley or basin
(adjective) having an indentation or inward curve : concave, sunken, having an unfilled or hollowed-out space within, lacking in real value, sincerity, or substance : false, meaningless
(verb) to remove the inside of : to make hollow, to form by removing the inside of something : to form by making something hollow —usually used with out, to become hollow
(adverb) so as to have a hollow sound : in a way that reflects a lack of real value, sincerity, or substance, completely, thoroughly —often used with all
- holy (22)
- in books ::: birdland (21), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness, divine, devoted entirely to the deity or the work of the deity
- home (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) one's place of residence : domicile, house, the social unit formed by a family living together
(adverb) to or at one's place of residence or home, to a final, closed, or ultimate position, to or at an ultimate objective (such as a goal or finish line)
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a place of residence, place of origin, or base of operations, prepared, done, or designed for use in a home, operating or occurring in an area that is a headquarters or base of operations
(verb) to go or return to one's place of residence or origin : to go or return home, to return accurately to one's native area of place of birth or origin from a distance : to return home, to move to or toward an objective by following a signal or landmark —usually used with on or in
(noun) a beverage (such as beer or coffee) that is brewed at home
(noun) a personal computer used in the home
(noun) a subject or class that teaches skills useful in the home : home economics
- homeless (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having no home or permanent place of residence
- homeostasis (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group
- homestead (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the home and adjoining land occupied by a family, an ancestral home, house
(verb) to acquire or occupy as a homestead, to acquire or settle on land under a homestead law
- hone (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone, to make more acute, intense, or effective : whet
(noun) whetstone
(verb) yearn —often used with for or after, grumble, moan
- honest (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) free from fraud or deception : legitimate, truthful, genuine, real, humble, plain
(adverb) in a genuine or honest manner : honestly, with all sincerity
(adjective) not fake, false, or artificial : real
- honey (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) a sweet viscid material elaborated out of the nectar of flowers in the honey sac of various bees, a sweet fluid resembling honey that is collected or elaborated by various insects, a loved one : sweetheart, dear
(verb) to sweeten with or as if with honey, to speak ingratiatingly to : flatter, to use blandishments or cajolery
(adjective) of, relating to, or resembling honey, much loved : dear
(noun) a honey-producing bee (genus Apis of the family Apidae); especially : a European bee (A. mellifera) introduced worldwide and kept in hives for the honey it produces
- honored (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to regard or treat (someone) with admiration and respect : to regard or treat with honor, to give special recognition to : to confer honor on, to live up to or fulfill the terms of
(adjective) honored because of age or long usage
- hooves (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a curved covering of horn that protects the front of or encloses the ends of the digits of an ungulate mammal and that corresponds to a nail or claw, a hoofed foot especially of a horse
- hope (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true, trust, to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment
(noun) desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment; also : expectation of fulfillment or success, someone or something on which hopes are centered, something desired or hoped for
- horizon (6)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the line where the earth seems to meet the sky : the apparent junction of earth and sky, the great circle on the celestial sphere formed by the intersection of the celestial sphere with a plane tangent to the earth's surface at an observer's position, range of perception or experience
- horse (8)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (3)
(noun) a large solid-hoofed herbivorous ungulate mammal (Equus caballus, family Equidae, the horse family) domesticated since prehistoric times and used as a beast of burden, a draft animal, or for riding, racehorse, a male horse; especially : stallion
(verb) to provide with a horse, to move by brute force, to be in heat or estrus
(adjective) of or relating to a horse, hauled or powered by a horse, large or coarse of its kind
(adjective) of or relating to the era before the advent of certain socially revolutionizing inventions (such as the automobile), clinging to outdated attitudes or ideas : old-fashioned
- horsepower (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the power that a horse exerts in pulling, a unit of power equal in the U.S. to 746 watts and nearly equivalent to the English gravitational unit of the same name that equals 550 foot-pounds of work per second, effective power
- horses (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(noun) a large solid-hoofed herbivorous ungulate mammal (Equus caballus, family Equidae, the horse family) domesticated since prehistoric times and used as a beast of burden, a draft animal, or for riding, racehorse, a male horse; especially : stallion
(verb) to provide with a horse, to move by brute force, to be in heat or estrus
- hot (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(adjective) having a relatively high temperature, capable of giving a sensation of heat or of burning, searing, or scalding, having heat in a degree exceeding normal body heat
(adverb) hotly, fast, quickly
(noun) a period of relatively high temperature : a period of heat, one that is hot (such as a hot meal or a horse just after a workout), strong sexual desire —used with the
(verb) heat, warm —usually used with up
(adjective) easily excited : passionate, warm-blooded, having Arab or Thoroughbred ancestors
- hour (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a time or office for daily liturgical devotion; especially : canonical hour, the 24th part of a day : 60 minutes, the time of day reckoned in two 12-hour periods
(adjective) lasting an hour
(noun) a unit quantity of electricity equal to the quantity carried past any point of a circuit in one hour by a steady current of one ampere
(noun) ampere-hour
- hours (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a time or office for daily liturgical devotion; especially : canonical hour, the 24th part of a day : 60 minutes, the time of day reckoned in two 12-hour periods
(adjective) engaged in or operating after a legal or conventional closing time
- house (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families : home, a shelter or refuge (such as a nest or den) of a wild animal, a natural covering (such as a test or shell) that encloses and protects an animal or a colony of zooids
(verb) to provide with living quarters or shelter, to store in a building, to encase, enclose, or shelter as if by putting in a house
- houses (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families : home, a shelter or refuge (such as a nest or den) of a wild animal, a natural covering (such as a test or shell) that encloses and protects an animal or a colony of zooids
(verb) to provide with living quarters or shelter, to store in a building, to encase, enclose, or shelter as if by putting in a house
- housing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) shelter, lodging, dwellings provided for people, a niche for a sculpture
(noun) caparison
(verb) to provide with living quarters or shelter, to store in a building, to encase, enclose, or shelter as if by putting in a house
(noun) a group of individual dwellings or apartment houses typically of similar design that are usually built and sold or leased by one management
(noun) housing development
(noun) a publicly supported and administered housing development planned usually for low-income families
(noun) the number of new houses that people started to build
(noun) the total number of houses and apartments in an area
(noun) housing for people who have low incomes
(noun) houses or apartments that are made available to be rented at a low cost by poor people
- housings (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) shelter, lodging, dwellings provided for people, a niche for a sculpture
(noun) caparison
- hover (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to position (a computer cursor) over something (such as an image or icon) without selecting it, to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing, to remain suspended over a place or object
(noun) the act or state of hovering in the air
- hovering (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to position (a computer cursor) over something (such as an image or icon) without selecting it, to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing, to remain suspended over a place or object
- how (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in what manner or way, for what reason : why, with what meaning : to what effect
(conjunction) the way or manner in which; also : the state or condition in which, that, however, as
(noun) a question about manner or method, manner, method
(adjective) giving practical instruction and advice (as on a craft)
(noun) a practical method or instruction; also : something (such as a book) that provides such instruction
- howl (7)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family, to cry out loudly and without restraint under strong impulse (such as pain, grief, or amusement), to go on a spree or rampage
- howling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) producing or marked by a sound resembling a howl, desolate, wild, very great : pronounced
(verb) to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family, to cry out loudly and without restraint under strong impulse (such as pain, grief, or amusement), to go on a spree or rampage
- hue (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) overall character or appearance to the mind : complexion, aspect, color, gradation of color
- huge (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) very large or extensive: such as, of great size or area, great in scale or degree
- hum (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to utter a sound like that of the speech sound \m\ prolonged, to make the natural noise of an insect in motion or a similar sound : drone, to give forth a low continuous blend of sound
(adjective) routine, dull, bored, indifferent
- human (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4)
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of humans, consisting of or involving humans, having human form or attributes
(noun) a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) : a person : man —usually plural; broadly : hominid
- human-readable (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) legible
- humans (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) : a person : man —usually plural; broadly : hominid
- humid (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) containing or characterized by perceptible moisture especially to the point of being oppressive
- humidity (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a moderate degree of wetness especially of the atmosphere
- hundreds (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a number equal to 10 times 10, the numbers 100 to 999, a great number
- hunger (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a craving or urgent need for food or a specific nutrient, an uneasy sensation occasioned by the lack of food, a weakened condition brought about by prolonged lack of food
(verb) to feel or suffer hunger, to have an eager desire, to make hungry
(adjective) intended or serving to prevent or alleviate hunger
- hunt (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to pursue for food or in sport, to manage in the search for game, to pursue with intent to capture
(noun) the act, the practice, or an instance of hunting, a group of mounted hunters and their hunting dogs
(noun) a method of typing in which one looks at the keyboard and types using usually the index fingers
- hurricane (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes, something resembling a hurricane especially in its turmoil
(adjective) having or being a glass chimney providing protection from wind
- hurried (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) going or working at speed, done in a hurry : hasty
(verb) to carry or cause to go with haste, to impel to rash or precipitate action, to impel to greater speed : prod
- hurry (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to carry or cause to go with haste, to impel to rash or precipitate action, to impel to greater speed : prod
(noun) disturbed or disorderly activity : commotion, agitated and often bustling or disorderly haste, a state of eagerness or urgency : rush
(noun) a confused rush : turmoil
(adjective) speeded up : completed in a hurry
- hurtling (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(verb) to move rapidly or forcefully, hurl, fling
- hush (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) calm, quiet, to put at rest : mollify, to keep from public knowledge : suppress
(adjective) silent, still, intended to prevent the dissemination of certain information
(noun) a silence or calm especially following noise : quiet
(adjective) secret, confidential
- husks (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to strip the husk from
(noun) a usually dry or membranous outer covering (such as a pod or one composed of bracts) of various seeds and fruits (such as barley and corn) : hull; also : one of the constituent parts, a carob pod, an outer layer : shell
- hydrogen (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a nonmetallic gaseous chemical element with atomic number 1 that is the simplest and lightest of the elements and that is used especially in the processing of fossil fuels and the synthesis of ammonia
(noun) a bomb whose violent explosive power is due to the sudden release of atomic energy resulting from the fusion of light nuclei (as of hydrogen atoms) at very high temperature and pressure to form helium nuclei
(noun) an electrostatic attraction between a hydrogen atom in one polar molecule (as of water) and a small electronegative atom (as of oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine) in usually another molecule of the same or a different polar substance
(noun) a colorless irritating gas HBr that fumes in moist air and yields hydrobromic acid when dissolved in water
(noun) a colorless pungent poisonous gas HCl that fumes in moist air and yields hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water
(noun) a poisonous usually gaseous compound HCN that has the odor of bitter almonds, hydrocyanic acid
(noun) a colorless corrosive fuming usually gaseous compound HF that yields hydrofluoric acid when dissolved in water
(noun) an acrid colorless gas HI that fumes in moist air and yields hydriodic acid when dissolved in water
(noun) the cation H+ of acids consisting of a hydrogen atom whose electron has been transferred to the anion of the acid, hydronium
(noun) an unstable compound H2O2 used especially as an oxidizing and bleaching agent, an antiseptic, and a propellant
- hydrology (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a science dealing with the properties, distribution, and circulation of water on and below the earth's surface and in the atmosphere
- hymn-like (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a song of praise to God, a metrical composition adapted for singing in a religious service, a song of praise or joy
- hymnless (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) no sound, no bird, hole in the sky
- hypermedia (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a database format similar to hypertext in which text, sound, or video images related to that on a display can be accessed directly from the display
- hyperspace (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) space of more than three dimensions, a fictional space in which extraordinary events happen
- hypertext (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a database format in which information related to that on a display can be accessed directly from the display; also : material (such as text) in this format
(noun) html
(noun) a communications protocol governing the exchange of data (such as HTML files) especially on the World Wide Web —called also hypertext transport protocol
- i (32)
- in books ::: artist (20), birdland (10), fieldNotes (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the 9th letter of the English alphabet, a graphic representation of this letter, a speech counterpart of orthographic i
(abbreviation) industrial, initial, intelligence, intensity, interlaced
(symbol) imaginary unit
(pronoun) the one who is speaking or writing
(noun) someone aware of possessing a personal individuality : self
(abbreviation) electric current, interstate
(symbol) iodine
(affix) —used as a connective vowel to join word elements especially of Latin origin
- icarus (8)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the son of Daedalus who to escape imprisonment flies by means of artificial wings but falls into the sea and drowns when the wax of his wings melts as he flies too near the sun
- ice (7)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) frozen water, a sheet or stretch of ice, a substance resembling ice; especially : the solid state of a substance usually found as a gas or liquid
(verb) to coat with or convert into ice, to chill with ice, to supply with ice
(noun suffix) act : quality : condition
(abbreviation) Iceland
(abbreviation) Immigration and Customs Enforcement, in case of emergency, internal combustion engine, International Cultural Exchange
(adjective) extremely cold
- iced (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) containing ice or cooled by ice or refrigeration
(verb) to coat with or convert into ice, to chill with ice, to supply with ice
- icy (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) covered with, abounding in, or consisting of ice, intensely cold, characterized by coldness : frigid; also : steely
- ideal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or embodying an ideal, conforming exactly to an ideal, law, or standard : perfect, existing as a mental image or in fancy or imagination only; broadly : lacking practicality
(noun) a standard of perfection, beauty, or excellence, one regarded as exemplifying an ideal and often taken as a model for imitation, an ultimate object or aim of endeavor : goal
- identification (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of identifying : the state of being identified, evidence of identity, psychological orientation of the self in regard to something (such as a person or group) with a resulting feeling of close emotional association
(noun) identification with someone or something outside oneself
(noun) a document (such as a card) bearing identifying information about and often a photograph of the individual whose name appears on it —called also ID card, identification card, identity card
- if (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(conjunction) in the event that, allowing that, on the assumption that
(noun) condition, stipulation, supposition
- ignite (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to set afire; also : kindle, to cause (a fuel) to burn, to subject to fire or intense heat; especially : to render luminous by heat
(verb) to become ignited without flame or spark (as under high compression)
- illuminate (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to supply or brighten with light, to make luminous or shining, to enlighten spiritually or intellectually
(adjective) brightened with light, intellectually or spiritually enlightened
(noun) one having or claiming unusual enlightenment
- illuminated (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to supply or brighten with light, to make luminous or shining, to enlighten spiritually or intellectually
- illumination (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the action of illuminating or state of being illuminated: such as, spiritual or intellectual enlightenment, a lighting up
- illuminations (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the action of illuminating or state of being illuminated: such as, spiritual or intellectual enlightenment, a lighting up
- illumined (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) illuminate
- illustrations (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something that serves to illustrate: such as, a picture or diagram that helps make something clear or attractive, an example or instance that helps make something clear
- image (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a visual representation of something: such as, a likeness of an object produced on a photographic material, a picture produced on an electronic display (such as a television or computer screen)
(verb) to create a representation of; also : to form an image of, to represent symbolically, to call up a mental picture of : imagine
(noun) one's conception of oneself or of one's role
- images (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2)
(noun) a visual representation of something: such as, a likeness of an object produced on a photographic material, a picture produced on an electronic display (such as a television or computer screen)
(verb) to create a representation of; also : to form an image of, to represent symbolically, to call up a mental picture of : imagine
(noun) an image that contradicts or is compared or contrasted with another image
(noun) one's conception of oneself or of one's role
- imagined (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form a mental image of (something not present), suppose, guess, to form a notion of without sufficient basis : fancy
- immersion (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2)
(noun) the act of immersing or the state of being immersed: such as, absorbing involvement, instruction based on extensive exposure to surroundings or conditions that are native or pertinent to the object of study; especially : foreign language instruction in which only the language being taught is used
- immersive (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) providing, involving, or characterized by deep absorption or immersion in something (such as an activity or a real or artificial environment)
- impacts (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an impinging or striking especially of one body against another, a forceful contact or onset; also : the impetus communicated in or as if in such a contact, the force of impression of one thing on another : a significant or major effect
(verb) to have a direct effect or impact on : impinge on, to strike forcefully; also : to cause to strike forcefully, to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedging
- imperfect (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) not perfect: such as, defective, having stamens or pistils but not both
(noun) an imperfect tense; also : the verb form expressing it
- implicit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied, present but not consciously held or recognized, not lessened by doubt : absolute, complete
(noun) a bias or prejudice that is present but not consciously held or recognized
(noun) the process of finding the derivative of a dependent variable in an implicit function by differentiating each term separately, by expressing the derivative of the dependent variable as a symbol, and by solving the resulting expression for the symbol
- important (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) marked by or indicative of significant worth or consequence : valuable in content or relationship, giving evidence of a feeling of self-importance, importunate, urgent
(adverb) —used to say that what follows in a sentence is important, in an important way, in a self-important or pompous manner
(adjective) of very great or greatest importance
(adjective) having or showing self-importance
- imprint (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to mark by or as if by pressure : impress, to fix indelibly or permanently (as on the memory), to subject to or induce by imprinting
(noun) something imprinted or printed: such as, a mark or depression made by pressure, an identifying name (as of a publisher) placed conspicuously on a product; also : the name under which a publisher issues books
- improv (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or being improvisation and especially an improvised comedy routine
- improvisational (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or art of improvising, something (such as a musical or dramatic composition) improvised
- impulse (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) a sudden spontaneous inclination or incitement to some usually unpremeditated action, a propensity or natural tendency usually other than rational, a wave of excitation transmitted through tissues and especially nerve fibers and muscles that results in physiological activity or inhibition
(verb) to give an impulse to
- in (94)
- in books ::: artist (23), birdland (39), blueWindow (16), fieldNotes (16)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits, into, —used as a function word to indicate means, medium, or instrumentality
(adverb) to or toward the inside especially of a house or other building, to or toward some destination or particular place, at close quarters : near
(adjective) that is located inside or within, that is in position, operation, or power, inside
(noun) one who is in office or power or on the inside, influence, pull
(abbreviation) inch, inlet
(symbol) indium
(abbreviation) Indiana
(prefix) not : non-, un- —usually il- before l, im- before b, m, or p, ir- before r, and in- before other sounds
(prefix) in : within : into : toward : on —usually il- before l, im- before b, m, or p, ir- before r, and in- before other sounds, en-
(noun suffix) neutral chemical compound, enzyme, antibiotic
- incandescent (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat, strikingly bright, radiant, or clear, marked by brilliance especially of expression
(noun) light bulb
- incantation (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic; also : a written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect
- inception (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of beginning : commencement
- inch (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a unit of length equal to 1/3₆ yard, a small amount, distance, or degree, stature, height
(verb) to move by small degrees : progress slowly, to cause to move slowly
(noun) island
(noun) one twelfth of an acre-foot
- incident (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an occurrence of an action or situation that is a separate unit of experience : happening, an accompanying minor occurrence or condition : concomitant, an action likely to lead to grave consequences especially in diplomatic matters
(adjective) occurring or likely to occur especially as a minor consequence or accompaniment, dependent on or relating to another thing in law, falling or striking on something
(idiom) without any unexpected trouble
- incinerations (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to burn to ashes
- incoherence (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being incoherent, something that is incoherent
- incompatible (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not compatible: such as, incapable of association or harmonious coexistence, unsuitable for use together because of undesirable chemical or physiological effects
(adjective) incapable of effective self-pollination
- incomplete (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not complete : unfinished: such as, lacking a usually necessary part, element, or step, deficient in one or more essential amino acids
- incorporate (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole, to blend or combine thoroughly, to form into a legal corporation
(adjective) incorporated
- indecipherable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) incapable of being deciphered
- independence (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being independent, competence
(noun) a civil holiday for the celebration of the anniversary of the beginnings of national independence; specifically : July 4 observed as a legal holiday in the U.S. in commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
(noun) the property of a set (as of matrices or vectors) having no linear combination of all its elements equal to zero when coefficients are taken from a given set unless the coefficient of each element is zero
(idiom) to say that one no longer accepts the rule of another
- index (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a list (as of bibliographical information or citations to a body of literature) arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum (such as author, subject, or keyword): such as, a list of items (such as topics or names) treated in a printed work that gives for each item the page number where it may be found, a list of publicly traded companies and their stock prices
(verb) to provide with an index, to list in an index, to serve as an index of
- indices (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a list (as of bibliographical information or citations to a body of literature) arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum (such as author, subject, or keyword): such as, a list of items (such as topics or names) treated in a printed work that gives for each item the page number where it may be found, a list of publicly traded companies and their stock prices
(verb) to index (an item) under a second or under more than one heading, to supply with a cross-referenced index
- indigo (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a deep reddish blue, indigo plant, a blue vat dye obtained from plants (such as indigo plants)
- individualized (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to make individual in character, to adapt to the needs or special circumstances of an individual, to treat or notice individually : particularize
- industrial (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) of or relating to industry, engaged in industry, characterized by highly developed industries
(noun) one that is employed in industry, a company engaged in industrial production or service, a stock or bond issued by an industrial corporation or enterprise
- industry (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) manufacturing activity as a whole, a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises, a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture; especially : one that employs a large personnel and capital especially in manufacturing
(adjective) involving or relating to more than one industry
(adjective) existing or occurring between industries or throughout parts of an industry
(noun) a lesser industry; especially : one derived from or dependent on a larger industry
- industry! (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) manufacturing activity as a whole, a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises, a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture; especially : one that employs a large personnel and capital especially in manufacturing
(adjective) existing or occurring between industries or throughout parts of an industry
(adjective) involving or relating to more than one industry
(noun) a lesser industry; especially : one derived from or dependent on a larger industry
- industry(!) (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) manufacturing activity as a whole, a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises, a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture; especially : one that employs a large personnel and capital especially in manufacturing
(noun) an industry whose labor force consists of family units or individuals working at home with their own equipment, a small and often informally organized industry, a limited but enthusiastically pursued activity or subject
(noun) a business that has become increasingly popular or profitable; also : an interest or activity that is increasingly popular or trendy
(adjective) existing or occurring between industries or throughout parts of an industry
(adjective) involving or relating to more than one industry
(noun) a lesser industry; especially : one derived from or dependent on a larger industry
(noun) someone who owns or manages a large, successful business or company
(noun) the production of goods (such as coal or steel) that are used to make other goods
(noun) the production of small goods that will be sold to the people who use them rather than to another manufacturer
(noun) a type of business that provides services to customers rather than producing a product
- inebriated (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) exhilarated or confused by or as if by alcohol : intoxicated
(verb) to make drunk : intoxicate, to exhilarate or stupefy as if by liquor
- inference (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that is inferred; especially : a conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence, the act or process of inferring : such as, the act of passing from one proposition, statement, or judgment considered as true to another whose truth is believed to follow from that of the former
- infinite (18)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (10), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) extending indefinitely : endless, immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : inexhaustible, subject to no limitation or external determination
(noun) something that is infinite (as in extent, duration, or number)
- infinity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality of being infinite, unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity : boundlessness, an indefinitely great number or amount
(noun) a pool (typically a swimming pool) with an edge over which water flows to give the appearance of the water extending to the horizon
(noun) a scarf that has the form of a loop without ends and that is typically worn around the neck
- inflection (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) change in pitch or loudness of the voice, the change of form that words undergo to mark such distinctions as those of case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice, a form, suffix, or element involved in such variation
- inflections (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) change in pitch or loudness of the voice, the change of form that words undergo to mark such distinctions as those of case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice, a form, suffix, or element involved in such variation
- inflorescent (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) blossoming, flowering
- information (5)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction, intelligence, news, facts, data
- informs (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to communicate knowledge to, to give character or essence to, to be the characteristic quality of : animate
(verb) to give incorrect or misleading information to (someone) : to inform (someone) wrongly
- infused (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to be permeated with something (such as a principle or quality) that alters usually for the better, introduce, insinuate, inspire, animate
- inhabitance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) living in a certain place as an inhabitant
- inhabitants (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time
- initial (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the beginning : incipient, placed at the beginning : first
(noun) the first letter of a name, the first letter of each word in a full name, a large letter beginning a text or a division or paragraph
(verb) to affix an initial to, to authenticate or give preliminary approval to by affixing the initials of an authorizing representative
(noun) the first sale of a cryptocurrency to the public conducted for the purpose of raising funds (as to support a start-up) —called also ICO
(noun) alliteration
(noun) a stationary straight line that contains a point about which another straight line is rotated to form an angle
(noun) the first sale of a company's stock to the public
(noun) the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables (such as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) —called also head rhyme, initial rhyme
- ink (12)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a colored usually liquid material for writing and printing, the black protective secretion of a cephalopod, publicity
(verb) to put ink on, to draw or write in ink —often used with in, to obliterate with ink —usually used with out
- inky (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a colored usually liquid material for writing and printing, the black protective secretion of a cephalopod, publicity
- inscrutable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood : mysterious
- insect (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a class (Insecta) of arthropods (such as bugs or bees) with well-defined head, thorax, and abdomen, only three pairs of legs, and typically one or two pairs of wings, any of numerous small invertebrate animals (such as spiders or centipedes) that are more or less obviously segmented —not used technically, a trivial or contemptible person
(noun) a small red cactus-feeding scale insect (Dactylopius coccus) the females of which are the source of cochineal
(noun) any of numerous small prolific homopterous insects (superfamily Coccoidea) that have winged males, wingless scale-covered females attached to the host plant, and young that suck the juices of plants and some of which are serious pests
(noun) an insect (such as a termite or bee) that lives in a colony or community with other individuals of the same species
(noun) spittlebug
(noun) any of various usually wingless phasmid insects (especially family Phasmatidae) with a long cylindrical body resembling a stick; broadly : phasmid
- insects (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a class (Insecta) of arthropods (such as bugs or bees) with well-defined head, thorax, and abdomen, only three pairs of legs, and typically one or two pairs of wings, any of numerous small invertebrate animals (such as spiders or centipedes) that are more or less obviously segmented —not used technically, a trivial or contemptible person
- inside (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an interior or internal part or place : the part within, inward nature, thoughts, or feeling, viscera, entrails —usually used in plural
(adverb) on the inner side, in or into the interior, to or on the inside
(adjective) of, relating to, or being on or near the inside, relating or known to a select group, behind-the-scenes
(preposition) in or into or as if in or into the interior of, on the inner side of, within
- insight (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the power or act of seeing into a situation : penetration, the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively
(noun) something that is seen : spectacle, a thing regarded as worth seeing —usually used in plural, something ludicrous or disorderly in appearance
- insights (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the power or act of seeing into a situation : penetration, the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively
- instability (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being unstable; especially : lack of emotional or mental stability
- installation (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(noun) the act of installing : the state of being installed, something that is installed for use, a military camp, fort, or base
- installations (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(noun) the act of installing : the state of being installed, something that is installed for use, a military camp, fort, or base
- instead (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) as a substitute or equivalent, as an alternative to something expressed or implied : rather
(noun) the office, place, or function ordinarily occupied or carried out by someone or something else, advantage —used chiefly in the phrase to stand one in good stead, locality, place
- institute (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that is instituted: such as, an organization for the promotion of a cause : association, an educational institution and especially one devoted to technical fields
(verb) to originate and get established : organize, to set going : inaugurate, to establish in a position or office
- instrument (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a device used to produce music; also : a singing voice, implement; especially : one designed for precision work, a measuring device for determining the present value of a quantity under observation
(verb) to address a legal instrument to, to score for musical performance : orchestrate, to equip with instruments especially for measuring and recording data
- instrumental (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) serving as a crucial means, agent, or tool, of, relating to, or done with an instrument or tool, relating to, composed for, or performed on a musical instrument
- instruments (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to address a legal instrument to, to score for musical performance : orchestrate, to equip with instruments especially for measuring and recording data
(noun) a device used to produce music; also : a singing voice, implement; especially : one designed for precision work, a measuring device for determining the present value of a quantity under observation
(noun) a musical instrument (such as a drum, xylophone, or maraca) sounded by striking, shaking, or scraping
(noun) a musical instrument (such as a trumpet, clarinet, or organ) sounded by wind; especially : one sounded by the player's breath
- insurrection (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
- intact (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) untouched especially by anything that harms or diminishes : entire, uninjured, having no relevant component removed or destroyed:, physically virginal
- intelligence (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reason; also : the skilled use of reason, the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests), mental acuteness : shrewdness
- intensity (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being intense; especially : extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling, the magnitude of a quantity (such as force or energy) per unit (as of area, charge, mass, or time), saturation
(adjective) extremely or excessively intense, appearing as a bright or white spot or region in images of the brain (such as those produced by MRI)
- intent (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(noun) a usually clearly formulated or planned intention : aim, the act or fact of intending : purpose; especially : the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act, the state of mind with which an act is done : volition
(adjective) directed with strained or eager attention : concentrated, having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end or purpose
- inter (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb
(prefix) between : among : in the midst, reciprocal : reciprocally, located between
(verb) to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb
(adjective) involving, made up of, or occurring between two or more African people, groups, or nations
(adverb) among other things
(adverb) among other persons
(adjective) involving or concerning some or all of the nations of North and South America
(adjective) among or between themselves
(adjective) between living persons; especially : from one living person to another
- interaction (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) mutual or reciprocal action or influence
(noun) a fundamental physical force that acts on hadrons and is responsible for the binding together of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus and for processes of particle creation in high-energy collisions and that is the strongest known fundamental physical force but acts only over distances comparable to those between nucleons in an atomic nucleus —called also strong interaction, strong nuclear force
(noun) a fundamental physical force that governs interactions between hadrons and leptons (as in the emission and absorption of neutrinos) and is responsible for particle decay processes (such as beta decay) in radioactivity, that is 10-5 times the strength of the strong force, and that acts over distances smaller than those between nucleons in an atomic nucleus —called also weak interaction, weak nuclear force
- interested (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) having the attention engaged, being affected or involved
(verb) to engage the attention or arouse the interest of, to induce or persuade to participate or engage
(noun) a concern for one's own advantage and well-being, one's own interest or advantage
- interface (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the place at which independent and often unrelated systems meet and act on or communicate with each other, the means by which interaction or communication is achieved at an interface, a surface forming a common boundary of two bodies, spaces, or phases
(verb) to connect by means of an interface, to serve as an interface for, to become interfaced
(noun) a set of rules that allows programmers to develop software for a particular operating system without having to be completely familiar with that operating system —abbreviation API
(noun) a user interface that allows a computer user to interact easily with the computer typically by making choices from displayed menus or groups of icons
(noun) software that is designed to allow a computer user to interact with the operating system of a machine or system (such as by selecting presented options or entering text commands); especially : graphical user interface — abbreviation UI
- interior (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lying, occurring, or functioning within the limiting boundaries : inner, belonging to mental or spiritual life, belonging to the inner constitution or concealed nature of something
(noun) the inner or spiritual nature : character, the interior part (as of a country or island), the internal or inner part of a thing : inside
(noun) the inner of the two angles formed where two sides of a polygon come together, any of the four angles formed in the area between a pair of parallel lines when a third line cuts them
(noun) interior design
(noun) interior designer, decorator
(noun) the art or practice of planning and supervising the design and execution of architectural interiors and their furnishings
(noun) one who specializes in interior design
(noun) a usually extended representation in monologue of a fictional character's thought and feeling
(noun) a door inside a building : a door that connects rooms
(noun) one of a pair of angles with different vertices and on opposite sides of a transversal at its intersection with two other lines:, one of a pair of angles inside the two intersected lines —called also alternate interior angle, one of a pair of angles outside the two intersected lines —called also alternate exterior angle
- interlude (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an intervening or interruptive period, space, or event : interval, a musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service, a usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment
- intermittent (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) coming and going at intervals : not continuous; also : occasional, appearing and disappearing seasonally : sometimes dry
- internet (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world —used with the except when being used attributively
- interpreter (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) one that interprets: such as, one who translates orally for parties conversing in different languages, one who explains or expounds
- interrupted (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) broken in upon : discontinuous, not uniform : broken in arrangement or symmetry, consisting of or containing a stop in articulation
(verb) to stop or hinder by breaking in, to break the uniformity or continuity of, to break in upon an action; especially : to break in with questions or remarks while another is speaking
- intersecting (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to pierce or divide by passing through or across : cross, to meet and cross at a point, to share a common area : overlap
- intersections (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a place or area where two or more things (such as streets) intersect, the act or process of intersecting, the set of elements common to two or more sets; especially : the set of points common to two geometric configurations
- intertwine (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to unite by twining one with another, to twine about one another; also : to become mutually involved
- interval (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a space of time between events or states, intermission, the difference in pitch between two tones
(noun) class; also : its numerical width
(noun) a group of continuous or discrete adjacent values that is used to estimate a statistical parameter (such as a mean or variance) and that tends to include the true value of the parameter a predetermined proportion of the time if the process of finding the group of values is repeated a number of times
- intimate (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(adjective) marked by a warm friendship developing through long association, suggesting informal warmth or privacy, engaged in, involving, or marked by sex or sexual relations
(noun) a very close friend or confidant : an intimate friend
(verb) to communicate delicately and indirectly : hint, to make known especially publicly or formally : announce
- into (24)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (18), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (1)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate entry, introduction, insertion, superposition, or inclusion, in the direction of, to a position of contact with : against
- intoxicated (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) affected by alcohol or drugs especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished; especially : drunk, emotionally excited, elated, or exhilarated (as by great joy or extreme pleasure)
(verb) to excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished, to excite or elate to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy, poison
- intoxicating (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished, to excite or elate to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy, poison
- intrinsically (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) in an intrinsic manner : by natural character : in itself
- introduce (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to lead to or make known by a formal act, announcement, or recommendation: such as, to cause to be acquainted, to make preliminary explanatory or laudatory remarks about
- inventory (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an itemized list of current assets: such as, a list of goods on hand, a catalog of the property of an individual or estate
(verb) to make an inventory of : catalog
(noun) a test of personal and social adjustment based on a complex scaling of the answers to an elaborate true or false test
(noun) any of several tests that attempt to characterize the personality of an individual by objective scoring of replies to a large number of questions concerning his or her own behavior
- inversion (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a reversal of position, order, form, or relationship: such as, a change in normal word order; especially : the placement of a verb before its subject, the process or result of changing or reversing the relative positions of the notes of a musical interval, chord, or phrase
(noun) inversion
- invisible (8)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) incapable by nature of being seen : not perceptible by vision, inaccessible to view : hidden; also : not marked by outward signs, not openly acknowledged or made known
(noun) an invisible person or thing : someone or something that cannot be seen or perceived
- invocation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of petitioning for help or support; specifically, often capitalized : a prayer of entreaty (as at the beginning of a service of worship), a calling upon for authority or justification, a formula for conjuring : incantation
- invoke (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to petition for help or support, to appeal to or cite as authority, to call forth by incantation : conjure
- ions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons, a charged subatomic particle (such as a free electron)
(noun suffix) act or process, result of an act or process, state or condition
- iowa (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) river 291 miles (468 kilometers) long in the state of Iowa flowing southeast into the Mississippi River, state of the central U.S. between the Mississippi River on the east and the Missouri River on the west; capital Des Moines area 56,275 square miles (145,752 square kilometers), population 3,046,355
- iron (31)
- in books ::: birdland (11), blueWindow (17), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a silver-white malleable ductile magnetic heavy metallic element that readily rusts in moist air, occurs in pure form in meteorites and combined in most igneous rocks, is the most abundant element on Earth by mass, and is vital to biological processes, something made of iron: such as, a household device usually with a flat metal base that is heated to smooth, finish, or press (such as cloth)
(adjective) of, relating to, or made of iron, resembling iron, strong and healthy : robust
(verb) to smooth with or as if with a heated iron, to remove (something, such as wrinkles) by ironing, to shackle with irons
- irrational (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not rational: such as, lacking usual or normal mental clarity or coherence, not endowed with reason or understanding
(noun) an irrational being, irrational number
- irresistibly (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) impossible to resist
- irretrievable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not retrievable : impossible to regain or recover
- is (34)
- in books ::: artist (24), birdland (3), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (4)
(abbreviation) island; isle
(abbreviation) information system
(combining form) equal : homogeneous : uniform, isomeric, for or from different individuals of the same species
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(noun) the 9th letter of the English alphabet, a graphic representation of this letter, a speech counterpart of orthographic i
(noun) someone aware of possessing a personal individuality : self
(abbreviation) Isaiah
- isocline (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) Given a family of curves, assumed to be differentiable, an isocline for that family is formed by the set of points at which some member of the family attains a given slope.
- isotope (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and nearly identical chemical behavior but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties, nuclide
- isotopic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and nearly identical chemical behavior but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties, nuclide
(noun) isospin
(noun) a quantum characteristic of a group of closely related subatomic particles (such as a proton and a neutron) handled mathematically like ordinary spin with the possible orientations in a hypothetical space specifying the number of particles of differing electric charge comprising the group —called also isotopic spin
- it (24)
- in books ::: artist (5), birdland (12), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (4)
(pronoun) that one —used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition usually in reference to a lifeless thing, a plant, a person or animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded, a group of individuals or things, or an abstract entity, —used as subject of an impersonal verb that expresses a condition or action without reference to an agent, —used as anticipatory subject or object of a verb —often used to shift emphasis to a part of a statement other than the subject
(noun) the player in a game who performs the principal action of the game (such as trying to find others in hide-and-seek)
(abbreviation) Italian; Italy
(abbreviation) information technology
(verb suffix) —used to form the past tense of regular weak verbs
- iteration (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) version, incarnation, the action or a process of iterating or repeating: such as, a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result
- iterations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) version, incarnation, the action or a process of iterating or repeating: such as, a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result
- iterative (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) involving repetition: such as, expressing repetition of a verbal action, utilizing the repetition of a sequence of operations or procedures
- its (9)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of or relating to it or itself especially as possessor, agent, or object of an action
(noun) the player in a game who performs the principal action of the game (such as trying to find others in hide-and-seek)
- itself (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(pronoun) that identical one —used reflexively, for emphasis, or in absolute constructions, its normal, healthy, or sane condition
(noun) noumenon
- ivy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a widely cultivated ornamental climbing or prostrate or sometimes shrubby chiefly Eurasian vine (Hedera helix) of the ginseng family with evergreen leaves, small yellowish flowers, and black berries, any of several climbing plants (such as Virginia creeper) resembling ivy; especially : poison ivy, an Ivy League college
(adjective) academic, ivy league
- jacket (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a garment for the upper body usually having a front opening, collar, lapels, sleeves, and pockets, something worn or fastened around the body but not for use as clothing, the natural covering of an animal
(verb) to put a jacket on : enclose in or with a jacket
- jade (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) either of two tough compact typically green gemstones that take a high polish:, jadeite, nephrite
(verb) to become weary or dulled, to wear out by overwork or abuse, to tire or dull through repetition or excess
(noun) a broken-down, vicious, or worthless horse, a disreputable woman, a flirtatious girl
- jagged (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) having a sharply uneven edge or surface, having a harsh, rough, or irregular quality
(verb) to move in jerks, prick, thrust, to cut indentations into; also : to form teeth on (a saw) by cutting indentations
- jar (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a widemouthed container made typically of earthenware or glass, as much as a jar will hold
(verb) to have a harshly disagreeable or disconcerting effect, to make a harsh or discordant sound, to be out of harmony; specifically : bicker
(noun) a sudden or unexpected shake, an unsettling shock, an unpleasant break or conflict in rhythm, flow, or transition
(noun) the position of being ajar —usually used in the phrase on the jar
- jaw (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) either of two complex cartilaginous or bony structures in most vertebrates that border the mouth, support the soft parts enclosing it, usually bear teeth on their oral margin, and are an upper that is more or less firmly fused with the skull and a lower that is hinged, movable, and articulated with the temporal bone of either side, the parts constituting the walls of the mouth and serving to open and close it —usually used in plural, any of various organs of invertebrates that perform the function of the vertebrate jaws
(verb) to talk especially abusively, indignantly, or long-windedly, to talk to in a scolding or boring manner
(adjective) causing great surprise or astonishment
- jazz (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) American music developed especially from ragtime and blues and characterized by propulsive syncopated rhythms, polyphonic ensemble playing, varying degrees of improvisation, and often deliberate distortions of pitch and timbre, popular dance music influenced by jazz and played in a loud rhythmic manner, similar but unspecified things : stuff
(verb) enliven —usually used with up, accelerate, to play in the manner of jazz
(noun) a blend of jazz and rock music
- jesus (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the Jewish religious teacher whose life, death, and resurrection as reported by the Evangelists are the basis of the Christian message of salvation —called also Jesus Christ, the highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea rebuking and destroying error and bringing to light man's immortality
(noun) circa 6 b.c.—circa a.d. 30 Jesus of Nazareth; the Son of Mary source of the Christian religion and Savior in the Christian faith
- jet (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an airplane powered by one or more jet engines, jet engine, a long narrow current of high-speed winds (such as a jet stream)
(verb) to travel by jet airplane, to move or progress by or as if by jet propulsion
(verb) to spout forth : gush, to emit in a stream : spout
(noun) an intense black, a compact velvet-black coal that takes a good polish and is often used for jewelry
(adjective) of the color jet
(adjective) deep black in color : black as jet
(adjective) moving by jet propulsion, suggestive of the speed and force of a jet airplane
- join (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to put or bring together so as to form a unit, to connect (separated items, such as points) by a line, to put or bring into close association or relationship
(noun) something that joins two things : a place or line where joining occurs : joint, union
(verb) to join (two or more things or people) together : conjoin
- joining (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of joining one thing to another : juncture, the place or manner of being joined together, something that joins two things together
(verb) to put or bring together so as to form a unit, to connect (separated items, such as points) by a line, to put or bring into close association or relationship
(verb) to join (two or more things or people) together : conjoin
(verb) to meet each other at a particular place, to become a member of a group or organization
- joins (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put or bring together so as to form a unit, to connect (separated items, such as points) by a line, to put or bring into close association or relationship
(noun) something that joins two things : a place or line where joining occurs : joint, union
(verb) to join (two or more things or people) together : conjoin
- joints (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to unite by a joint : fit together, to provide with a joint : articulate, to prepare (something, such as a board) for joining by planing the edge
(noun) the point of contact between elements of an animal skeleton with the parts that surround and support it, node, a part or space included between two articulations, knots, or nodes
- journal (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a daily newspaper —usually used in titles, a periodical dealing especially with matters of current interest —often used in titles, a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use : diary
(verb) to keep a personal journal : to enter or record daily thoughts, experiences, etc., in a journal
(noun) a metal housing used to support and protect a journal bearing
(noun) intimate journal : private diary
- journals (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to keep a personal journal : to enter or record daily thoughts, experiences, etc., in a journal
(noun) a daily newspaper —usually used in titles, a periodical dealing especially with matters of current interest —often used in titles, a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use : diary
- journey (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another, an act or instance of traveling from one place to another : trip, a day's travel
(verb) to go on a journey : travel, to travel over or through
- joyful (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) experiencing, causing, or showing joy : happy
- juke (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fake out of position (as in football), to juke someone
(noun) a small inexpensive establishment for eating, drinking, or dancing to the music of a jukebox or a live band
- jukebox (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a coin-operated phonograph or compact-disc player that automatically plays recordings selected from its list; broadly : any automatic music player that plays selections from a publicly available list
- jump (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to spring into the air : leap; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs, to move suddenly or involuntarily : start, to move energetically : hustle
(noun) an act of jumping : leap, any of several sports competitions featuring a leap, spring, or bound, a leap in figure skating in which the skater leaves the ice with both feet and turns in the air
(adverb) exactly, pat
(noun) the start of a race or an attack, a jumping competition to break a tie at the end of regular competition (as in a horse show)
- jumping (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to spring into the air : leap; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs, to move suddenly or involuntarily : start, to move energetically : hustle
- junction (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) an act of joining : the state of being joined, a place or point of meeting, an intersection of roads especially where one terminates
- junctions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of joining : the state of being joined, a place or point of meeting, an intersection of roads especially where one terminates
- jungle (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an impenetrable thicket or tangled mass of tropical vegetation, a tract overgrown with thickets or masses of vegetation, a confused or disordered mass of objects : jumble
- junk (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) old iron, glass, paper, or other waste that may be used again in some form, secondhand, worn, or discarded articles, clutter
(verb) to get rid of as worthless : scrap
(noun) any of various ships of Chinese waters with bluff lines, a high poop and overhanging stem, little or no keel, high pole masts, and a deep rudder
- junkies (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a person who is addicted to narcotics and especially to heroin, a person who gets an unusual amount of pleasure from or has an unusual amount of interest in something, a junk dealer
- junkyard (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a yard used to store sometimes resalable junk
- just (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason : reasonable, conforming to a standard of correctness : proper, faithful to an original
(adverb) exactly, precisely, very recently, by a very small margin : barely
(adjective) marked by the absence of formality or sophistication : unpretentious
(noun) a manufacturing strategy wherein parts are produced or delivered only as needed
- kaleidoscope (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an instrument containing loose bits of colored material (such as glass or plastic) between two flat plates and two plane mirrors so placed that changes of position of the bits of material are reflected in an endless variety of patterns, something resembling a kaleidoscope: such as, a variegated changing pattern or scene
- keen (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) intellectually alert : having or characteristic of a quick penetrating mind; also : shrewdly astute, extremely sensitive in perception, sharply contested
(verb) to make a loud and long cry of sorrow : to lament with a keen, to make a sound suggestive of a loud cry of sorrow, to lament, mourn, or complain loudly
(noun) a lamentation for the dead uttered in a loud wailing voice or sometimes in a wordless cry
- keening (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make a loud and long cry of sorrow : to lament with a keen, to make a sound suggestive of a loud cry of sorrow, to lament, mourn, or complain loudly
- kept (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to retain in one's possession or power, to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing, to have in control
(adjective) always having a neat, tidy, and attractive appearance, known by only a few people
(adjective) bright, luminous, cloudless; specifically : less than one-tenth covered, free from mist, haze, or dust
- key (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a usually metal instrument by which the bolt of a lock is turned, any of various devices having the form or function of such a key, a means of gaining or preventing entrance, possession, or control
(adjective) extremely or crucially important
(verb) to lock or secure with or as if with a key : fasten: such as, to secure (something, as a pulley on a shaft) by a key, to finish off (an arch) by inserting a keystone
(noun) a low island or reef; specifically : any of the coral islets off the southern coast of Florida
(noun) a kilogram especially of marijuana or heroin
(noun) the letter k
(noun) a dry indehiscent usually one-seeded winged fruit (as of an ash or elm tree) —called also key
- keystrokes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) keyboard
(noun) the act or an instance of depressing a key on a keyboard
- kind (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a group united by common traits or interests : category, a specific or recognized variety, a doubtful or barely admissible member of a category
(adjective) of a sympathetic or helpful nature, of a forbearing nature : gentle, arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance
(adjective) consisting of something (such as goods or commodities) other than money
- kinetic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith, active, lively, dynamic, energizing
- king (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a male monarch of a major territorial unit; especially : one whose position is hereditary and who rules for life, a paramount chief, god, christ
- kite (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a light frame covered with paper, cloth, or plastic, often provided with a stabilizing tail, and designed to be flown in the air at the end of a long string, any of various usually small hawks (family Accipitridae) with long narrow wings and often a notched or forked tail, a person who preys on others
(verb) to use (a bad check) to get credit or money, to cause to soar, to go in a rapid, carefree, or flighty manner
(verb) to move on a course : proceed, to travel to a place, to travel to and stay in a place for a period of time
- klezmer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a Jewish instrumentalist especially of traditional eastern European music, the music played by klezmorim
- knapsack (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a bag (as of canvas or nylon) strapped on the back and used for carrying supplies or personal belongings : backpack
- knife (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle, a weapon or tool resembling a knife, a sharp cutting blade or tool in a machine
(verb) to use a knife on; specifically : to stab, slash, or wound with a knife, to cut, mark, or spread with a knife, to try to defeat by underhanded means
(noun) a sharp wedge of steel or other hard material used as a fulcrum for a lever beam in a precision instrument, a sharp narrow knifelike edge
(noun) switchblade
- knifelike (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle, a weapon or tool resembling a knife, a sharp cutting blade or tool in a machine
- knit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops with needles, to link firmly or closely, to cause to grow together
(noun) knit stitch, a knit fabric, knitwear
(adjective) having or made with a knitting stitch that produces a pattern resembling the twist of a usually two-ply cable
(adjective) bound together by intimate social or cultural ties or by close economic or political ties
(adjective) closely integrated and bound in love or friendship
- knives (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle, a weapon or tool resembling a knife, a sharp cutting blade or tool in a machine
(noun) switchblade
- knot (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a lump or knob (as for fastening or tying together), the lump or knob so formed, a tight constriction or the sense of constriction
(verb) to tie in or with a knot : form knots in, to unite closely or intricately : entangle, tie
(noun) either of two sandpipers (Calidris canutus and C. tenuirostris) that breed in the Arctic and winter in temperate or warm parts of the New and Old World
(noun) a knot intertwining the ends of two cords and used in tying other knots
- knots (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) either of two sandpipers (Calidris canutus and C. tenuirostris) that breed in the Arctic and winter in temperate or warm parts of the New and Old World
(noun) an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a lump or knob (as for fastening or tying together), the lump or knob so formed, a tight constriction or the sense of constriction
(verb) to tie in or with a knot : form knots in, to unite closely or intricately : entangle, tie
(noun) a knot intertwining the ends of two cords and used in tying other knots
- knowing (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having or reflecting knowledge, information, or intelligence, shrewdly and keenly alert : astute, indicating possession of exclusive inside knowledge or information
(noun) acquaintance, cognizance
(verb) to perceive directly : have direct cognition of, to have understanding of, to recognize the nature of : discern
(adjective) having self-knowledge
- knowledge (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association, acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique, the fact or condition of being aware of something
(noun) knowledge or understanding of one's own capabilities, character, feelings, or motivations : self-understanding
- known (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) generally recognized
(verb) to perceive directly : have direct cognition of, to have understanding of, to recognize the nature of : discern
(adjective) fully or widely known
- lab-coat (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a loose-fitting usually white coat with deep pockets that is worn in a laboratory or medical facility
- label (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a slip (as of paper or cloth) inscribed and affixed to something for identification or description, written or printed matter accompanying an article to furnish identification or other information, a descriptive or identifying word or phrase: such as
(verb) to affix a label to, to describe or designate with or as if with a label, to distinguish (an element or atom) by using an isotope distinctive in some manner (as in mass or radioactivity)
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a drug used to treat a condition for which it has not been officially approved
(adjective) being or relating to a clinical trial in which the treatment given to each subject is not concealed from either the researchers or the subject
(adjective) a product that is made for a store and has the store's name on it
- labeled (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to affix a label to, to describe or designate with or as if with a label, to distinguish (an element or atom) by using an isotope distinctive in some manner (as in mass or radioactivity)
(adjective) described or designated by oneself as being such : labeled by oneself
- labels (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a slip (as of paper or cloth) inscribed and affixed to something for identification or description, written or printed matter accompanying an article to furnish identification or other information, a descriptive or identifying word or phrase: such as
(verb) to affix a label to, to describe or designate with or as if with a label, to distinguish (an element or atom) by using an isotope distinctive in some manner (as in mass or radioactivity)
- laboratories (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis; broadly : a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study, a place like a laboratory for testing, experimentation, or practice, an academic period set aside for laboratory work
- labyrinth (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a place constructed of or full of intricate passageways and blind alleys, a maze (as in a garden) formed by paths separated by high hedges, something extremely complex or tortuous in structure, arrangement, or character : intricacy, perplexity
(noun) the sensory structures of the inner ear
- lace (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to draw together the edges of by or as if by a lace passed through eyelets, to draw or pass (something, such as a lace) through something (such as eyelets), to confine or compress by tightening laces of a garment
(noun) a cord or string used for drawing together two edges (as of a garment or a shoe), an ornamental braid for trimming coats or uniforms, an openwork usually figured fabric made of thread or yarn and used for trimmings, household coverings, and entire garments
(adjective) copying middle-class attributes : aspiring to middle-class standing
(noun) a shoe or boot that is fastened with laces —often used before another noun
(noun) any of various fine needlepoint or bobbin laces with floral designs made originally in or near Brussels, a machine-made net of hexagonal mesh
(noun) a delicate silk, linen, or synthetic lace having a 6-sided mesh ground and a floral or scrolled design —called also Chantilly
(noun) lace made with a bobbin
(noun) needlepoint
(noun) a widely naturalized Eurasian biennial herb (Daucus carota) which has a whitish acrid taproot and flat lacelike clusters of tiny white flowers and from which the cultivated carrot originated —called also wild carrot
(noun) a light or humorous verse form of five chiefly anapestic verses of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of three feet and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet with a rhyme scheme of aabba
- laced (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to draw together the edges of by or as if by a lace passed through eyelets, to draw or pass (something, such as a lace) through something (such as eyelets), to confine or compress by tightening laces of a garment
(noun) a cord or string used for drawing together two edges (as of a garment or a shoe), an ornamental braid for trimming coats or uniforms, an openwork usually figured fabric made of thread or yarn and used for trimmings, household coverings, and entire garments
- lack (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to be deficient or missing, to be short or have need of something, to stand in need of : suffer from the absence or deficiency of
(noun) the fact or state of being wanting or deficient, something that is lacking or is needed
- ladder (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a structure for climbing up or down that consists essentially of two long sidepieces joined at intervals by crosspieces on which one may step, something that resembles or suggests a ladder in form or use; especially : run, a series of usually ascending steps or stages : scale
(adjective) having a back consisting of two upright posts connected by horizontal slats
- ladders (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a structure for climbing up or down that consists essentially of two long sidepieces joined at intervals by crosspieces on which one may step, something that resembles or suggests a ladder in form or use; especially : run, a series of usually ascending steps or stages : scale
- lake (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a considerable inland body of standing water; also : a pool of other liquid (such as lava, oil, or pitch)
(noun) a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal, any of numerous usually bright translucent organic pigments composed essentially of a soluble dye absorbed on or combined with an inorganic carrier, carmine
(verb) to cause (blood) to undergo a physiological change in which the hemoglobin becomes dissolved in the plasma, to undergo the process by which hemoglobin becomes dissolved in the plasma
- lament (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(verb) to mourn aloud : wail, to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively : mourn, to regret strongly
(noun) a crying out in grief : wailing, dirge, elegy, complaint
- laments (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to mourn aloud : wail, to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively : mourn, to regret strongly
(noun) a crying out in grief : wailing, dirge, elegy, complaint
- lamp (7)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various devices for producing light or sometimes heat: such as, a vessel with a wick for burning an inflammable liquid (such as oil) to produce light, a glass bulb or tube that emits light produced by electricity (such as an incandescent light bulb or fluorescent lamp)
- lampless (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) dark, no lamp, no fire
- lamps (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(noun) any of various devices for producing light or sometimes heat: such as, a vessel with a wick for burning an inflammable liquid (such as oil) to produce light, a glass bulb or tube that emits light produced by electricity (such as an incandescent light bulb or fluorescent lamp)
- lancing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to pierce with or as if with a lance, to open with or as if with a lancet, to throw forward : hurl
- land (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the solid part of the surface of the earth; also : a corresponding part of a celestial body (such as the moon), ground or soil of a specified situation, nature, or quality, the surface of the earth and all its natural resources
(verb) to set or put on shore from a ship : disembark, to set down after conveying, to cause to reach or come to rest in a particular place
(adjective) owning so much unprofitable or encumbered land as to lack funds to develop the land or pay the charges due on it
- landing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act or process of one that lands; especially : a going or bringing to a surface (such as land or shore) after a voyage or flight, a place for discharging and taking on passengers and cargo, a level part of a staircase (as at the end of a flight of stairs)
(verb) to set or put on shore from a ship : disembark, to set down after conveying, to cause to reach or come to rest in a particular place
- landmarks (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an object (such as a stone or tree) that marks the boundary of land, a conspicuous object on land that marks a locality, an anatomical structure used as a point of orientation in locating other structures
- landscape (12)
- in books ::: artist (5), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery, the art of depicting such scenery, the landforms of a region in the aggregate
(verb) to modify or ornament (a natural landscape) by altering the plant cover, to engage in landscape gardening
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a rectangular document or image having the horizontal dimension longer than the vertical dimension
- landscapes (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery, the art of depicting such scenery, the landforms of a region in the aggregate
(verb) to modify or ornament (a natural landscape) by altering the plant cover, to engage in landscape gardening
- language (17)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (5), fieldNotes (9)
(noun) the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community, audible, articulate, meaningful sound as produced by the action of the vocal organs, a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings
- languages (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community, audible, articulate, meaningful sound as produced by the action of the vocal organs, a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings
- lantern (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a usually portable protective case for a light with transparent openings, lighthouse, the chamber in a lighthouse containing the light
(noun) any of a family (Myctophidae) of small deep-sea bony fishes that have a large mouth, large eyes, and usually numerous photophores
(noun) any of several large brightly marked homopterous insects (family Fulgoridae) having the front of the head prolonged into a hollow structure
(noun) an undershot jaw
(noun) a collapsible translucent covering for a light
(noun) a lantern that can be closed to conceal the light
(noun) ignis fatuus
(noun) a lantern made of a pumpkin usually cut to resemble a human face, a large orangish gill fungus (Omphalotus olearius synonym Clitocybe illudens) that is poisonous and luminescent, ignis fatuus
(noun) an early form of optical projector of still pictures using a transparent slide
- large (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size : big, dealing in great numbers or quantities, having more than usual capacity or scope : comprehensive
(adverb) in a large manner : extravagantly, with the wind abaft the beam, in abundance : amply, liberally
(noun) a thousand dollars, liberality, generosity
(adjective) having a generous disposition : sympathetic
(adjective) generous or comprehensive in outlook, range, or capacity
(adjective) being set in a large size of type (such as 14 point or larger) especially for use by the partially sighted
- lash (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move violently or suddenly : dash, to thrash or beat violently, to make a verbal attack or retort —usually used with out
(noun) a stroke with or as if with a whip, the flexible part of a whip; also : whip, punishment by whipping
(verb) to bind with or as if with a line
(noun) something hastily put together or improvised, outfit
(verb) chide, scold
- last (42)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (8), blueWindow (18), fieldNotes (14)
(verb) to continue in time, to remain fresh or unimpaired : endure, to manage to continue (as in a course of action)
(adjective) following all the rest, being the only remaining, belonging to the final stage (as of life)
(adverb) after all others : at the end, most lately, in conclusion
(noun) something that is last
(noun) a form (as of metal or plastic) which is shaped like the human foot and over which a shoe is shaped or repaired
(verb) to shape with a last
(adjective) fought or conducted from the last ditch : waged with desperation or unyielding defiance, made as a final effort especially to avert disaster
(adjective) done or coming at the very end
- last-day (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) last day noon
- latch (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to lay hold with or as if with the hands or arms —used with on or onto, to associate oneself intimately and often artfully —used with on or onto
(noun) any of various devices in which mating mechanical parts engage to fasten but usually not to lock something:, a fastener (as for a door) consisting essentially of a pivoted bar that falls into a notch, a fastener (as for a door) in which a spring slides a bolt into a hole; also : night latch
(verb) to make fast with or as if with a latch
- late (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) coming or remaining after the due, usual, or proper time, of, relating to, or imposed because of tardiness, of or relating to an advanced stage in point of time or development : occurring near the end of a period of time or series
(adverb) after the usual or proper time, at or to an advanced point of time, not long ago : recently
- lattice (8)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a framework or structure of crossed wood or metal strips, a window, door, or gate having a lattice, a network or design resembling a lattice
- laughing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to show emotion (such as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound, to find amusement or pleasure in something, to become amused or derisive
- law (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority, the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules, common law
(verb) litigate, to sue or prosecute at law
(adjective) abiding by or obedient to the law
(adjective) relating to, characterized by, or advocating the enactment of laws and their strict enforcement
- laws (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority, the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules, common law
(verb) litigate, to sue or prosecute at law
(noun) the wife of one's uncle or aunt, the aunt of one's spouse
- lay (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a simple narrative poem : ballad, melody, song
- layered (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that lays something (such as a worker who lays brick or a hen that lays eggs), one thickness, course, or fold laid or lying over or under another, stratum
(verb) to propagate (a plant) by means of layers, to place as a layer, to place a layer on top of
- layers (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to propagate (a plant) by means of layers, to place as a layer, to place a layer on top of
(noun) one that lays something (such as a worker who lays brick or a hen that lays eggs), one thickness, course, or fold laid or lying over or under another, stratum
- lazy (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous, encouraging inactivity or indolence, moving slowly : sluggish
(verb) to move or lie lazily : laze
(noun) reduced vision typically in one eye that results from the brain suppressing input from the affected eye due to unequal visual signals from each eye (as from strabismus or anisometropia) leading to poor development of visual acuity in the affected eye —called also lazy eye
- leaden (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) made of lead, of the color of lead : dull gray, oppressively heavy
- leader (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that leads: such as, a primary or terminal shoot of a plant, tendon, sinew
(noun) the principal member of the opposition party in a British legislative body who is given the status of a salaried government official and an important role in organizing the business of the house
(noun) a member of a legislative body chosen by a party to have charge of its organization and strategy on the floor
(noun) something (such as merchandise) sold at a loss in order to draw customers
(noun) a leader of the majority party in a legislative body (such as the U.S. Senate)
(noun) the leader of the minority party in a legislative body
(noun) a commissioned officer in the British air force who ranks with a major in the army
(noun) a person who has qualities that a good leader has
(noun) a children's game in which everyone follows and does what the child who is chosen to be the leader does
(verb) to lead (something, such as a group) with one or more other people, to share a lead with another person in a competition
- leaders (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) something that leads: such as, a primary or terminal shoot of a plant, tendon, sinew
(verb) to lead (something, such as a group) with one or more other people, to share a lead with another person in a competition
(noun) a member of a legislative body chosen by a party to have charge of its organization and strategy on the floor
(noun) the principal member of the opposition party in a British legislative body who is given the status of a salaried government official and an important role in organizing the business of the house
(noun) something (such as merchandise) sold at a loss in order to draw customers
(noun) a leader of the majority party in a legislative body (such as the U.S. Senate)
(noun) the leader of the minority party in a legislative body
(noun) a commissioned officer in the British air force who ranks with a major in the army
- leaf (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a lateral outgrowth from a plant stem that is typically a flattened expanded variably shaped greenish organ, constitutes a unit of the foliage, and functions primarily in food manufacture by photosynthesis, a modified leaf (such as a bract or sepal) primarily engaged in functions other than food manufacture, foliage
(verb) to shoot out or produce leaves, to turn over pages especially to browse or skim, to turn over the pages of
(noun) any of various chiefly tropical American ants (genus Atta) that cut and carry off the leaves of plants which they use in culturing fungi for food —called also leaf-cutting ant
- lean (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to incline, deviate, or bend from a vertical position, to cast one's weight to one side for support, to rely for support or inspiration
(noun) the act or an instance of leaning : inclination
(adjective) lacking or deficient in flesh, containing little or no fat, lacking richness, sufficiency, or productiveness
(verb) to make lean
(noun) a wing or extension of a building having a lean-to roof, a rough shed or shelter with a lean-to roof
(adjective) having only one slope or pitch
- leans (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make lean
(verb) to incline, deviate, or bend from a vertical position, to cast one's weight to one side for support, to rely for support or inspiration
(noun) the act or an instance of leaning : inclination
(noun) the part of meat that consists principally of lean muscle
(adverb) toward the back or rear, with the back foremost, in a reverse or contrary direction or way
- leap (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to spring free from or as if from the ground : jump, to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another, to act precipitately
(noun) an act of leaping : spring, bound, a place leaped over or from, the distance covered by a leap
- leapt (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to spring free from or as if from the ground : jump, to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another, to act precipitately
- learned (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) characterized by or associated with learning : erudite, acquired by learning
(verb) to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience, memorize, to come to be able
- learning (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or experience of one that learns, knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study, modification of a behavioral tendency by experience (such as exposure to conditioning)
(verb) to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience, memorize, to come to be able
- leather (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) animal skin dressed for use, the flap of the ear of a dog, something wholly or partly made of leather
(verb) to cover with leather, to beat with a strap : thrash
(adjective) having an inordinately loud voice
(noun) a strong supple oil-tanned leather produced chiefly from cattle hides
(noun) a soft lightweight leather
(adverb) in a hell-for-leather manner : at full speed
(adjective) marked by determined recklessness, great speed, or lack of restraint
(noun) a soft pliable leather made from kidskin, a glove leather made from lambskin or goatskin
(noun) a glove leather made by tawing sheepskins with a soap-and-oil mixture; also : a similar soft leather
(noun) a leather with a hard smooth glossy surface
- leaves (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a lateral outgrowth from a plant stem that is typically a flattened expanded variably shaped greenish organ, constitutes a unit of the foliage, and functions primarily in food manufacture by photosynthesis, a modified leaf (such as a bract or sepal) primarily engaged in functions other than food manufacture, foliage
(verb) bequeath, devise, to have remaining after one's death, to cause to remain as a trace or aftereffect
(noun) permission to do something, authorized especially extended absence from duty or employment, an act of leaving : departure
(verb) leaf
(noun) a usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else, a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the Eucharist, a table or place which serves as a center of worship or ritual—often used with the to refer to the act of getting married
(noun) a request for permission
- ledger (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from books of original entry, a horizontal board used for vertical support (as in scaffolding)
(noun) a short line added above or below a musical staff to extend its range
(noun) a short line added above or below a musical staff to extend its range
- left (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, situated on, or being the side of the body in which the heart is mostly located, done with the left hand, located nearer to the left hand than to the right
(noun) the left hand, the location or direction of the left side, the part on the left side
(verb) bequeath, devise, to have remaining after one's death, to cause to remain as a trace or aftereffect
(adjective) of, relating to, situated in, or characteristic of the bohemian district of Paris on the left bank of the Seine River
(verb) to press the leftmost button on a computer mouse or similar input device
(adjective) situated on the left, left-handed
(adjective) using the left hand habitually or more easily than the right; also : swinging from left to right, relating to, designed for, or done with the left hand, morganatic
- legibility (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) capable of being read or deciphered : plain, capable of being discovered or understood
- length (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the longer or longest dimension of an object, a measured distance or dimension, the quality or state of being long
(noun) a distance discouraging personal contact or familiarity, the condition or fact that the parties to a transaction are independent and on an equal footing
(noun) a maritime unit of length variously reckoned as 100 fathoms, 120 fathoms, or 608 feet
(adjective) reaching to the floor
(noun) the distance of a focus from the surface of a lens or curved mirror
(adjective) showing or adapted to the entire length especially of the human figure, having a length as great as that which is normal or standard for one of its kind, reaching to the end of the legs or arms
(noun) something (such as a portrait) that is or represents only half the complete length
(noun) variation in the length of a DNA fragment produced by a specific restriction enzyme acting on DNA from different individuals that usually results from a gene mutation and that may be used as a genetic marker
(idiom) from a distance that is the length of a person's arm, in a condition that individuals act independently and without one having undue influence over another
- lens (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a piece of transparent material (such as glass) that has two opposite regular surfaces either both curved or one curved and the other plane and that is used either singly or combined in an optical instrument for forming an image by focusing rays of light, a combination of two or more simple lenses, a piece of glass or plastic used (as in safety goggles or sunglasses) to protect the eye
(verb) to make a motion picture of : film
- lesbian (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to other women or between women, of or relating to Lesbos
(noun) a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women : a gay woman
- lessons (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a passage from sacred writings read in a service of worship, a piece of instruction, a reading or exercise to be studied by a pupil
(verb) to give a lesson to : instruct, lecture, rebuke
- letters (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a symbol usually written or printed representing a speech sound and constituting a unit of an alphabet, a direct or personal written or printed message addressed to a person or organization, a written communication containing a grant —usually used in plural
(verb) to set down in letters : print, to mark with letters, to win an athletic letter
(noun) one that rents or leases
- level (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a device for establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a bubble in a liquid that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a slightly bowed glass tube, a measurement of the difference of altitude of two points by means of a level, horizontal condition; especially : equilibrium of a fluid marked by a horizontal surface of even altitude
(verb) to make (a line or surface) horizontal : make flat or level, to bring to a horizontal aiming position, aim, direct
(adjective) having no part higher than another : conforming to the curvature of the liquid parts of the earth's surface, parallel with the plane of the horizon : horizontal, even or unvarying in height
(adjective) even with one another in a contest or competition
- levels (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a device for establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a bubble in a liquid that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a slightly bowed glass tube, a measurement of the difference of altitude of two points by means of a level, horizontal condition; especially : equilibrium of a fluid marked by a horizontal surface of even altitude
(verb) to make (a line or surface) horizontal : make flat or level, to bring to a horizontal aiming position, aim, direct
(noun) a level
(noun) the second of three standardized British examinations in a secondary school subject used as a qualification for university entrance; also : successful completion of an A-level examination in a particular subject —called also Advanced level, the level of education required to pass an A-level examination, a course leading to an A-level examination
(noun) a bi-level house
(noun) a surveyor's level with a short telescope rigidly fixed and rotating only in a horizontal plane
(noun) one of the stable states of constant energy that may be assumed by a physical system —used especially of the quantum states of electrons in atoms and of nuclei—called also energy state
(verb) to approach or reach a steady rate, volume, or amount : stabilize
(noun) the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when it is true —called also significance level
(noun) the lowest of three levels of standardized British examinations in a secondary school subject; also : successful completion of an O-level examination in a particular subject —called also Ordinary level, the level of education required to pass an O-level examination, a course leading to an O-level examination
- lever (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a bar used for prying or dislodging something, an inducing or compelling force : tool, a rigid piece that transmits and modifies force or motion when forces are applied at two points and it turns about a third; specifically : a rigid bar used to exert a pressure or sustain a weight at one point of its length by the application of a force at a second and turning at a third on a fulcrum
(verb) to pry, raise, or move with or as if with a lever, to operate (a device) in the manner of a lever
- levers (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a bar used for prying or dislodging something, an inducing or compelling force : tool, a rigid piece that transmits and modifies force or motion when forces are applied at two points and it turns about a third; specifically : a rigid bar used to exert a pressure or sustain a weight at one point of its length by the application of a force at a second and turning at a third on a fulcrum
(verb) to pry, raise, or move with or as if with a lever, to operate (a device) in the manner of a lever
- lexicon (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions : dictionary, the vocabulary of a language, an individual speaker or group of speakers, or a subject, the total stock of morphemes in a language
- liberation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of liberating : the state of being liberated, a movement seeking equal rights and status for a group
- life (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body, a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings, an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
(adjective) of or relating to animate being, lifelong, using a living model
(adjective) involving or culminating in life or death : vitally important as if involving life or death
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a residential complex for elderly people that provides an apartment, personal and social services, and health care for life
- lifetime (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the duration of the existence of a living being (such as a person or an animal) or a thing (such as a star or a subatomic particle), life, an amount accumulated or experienced in a lifetime
(adjective) lifelong, of long duration or continuance, measured or achieved over the span of a career
(idiom) —used to designate something as the greatest moment or event of its kind in a person's life
(idiom) very rare or very rarely
- lifetimes (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the duration of the existence of a living being (such as a person or an animal) or a thing (such as a star or a subatomic particle), life, an amount accumulated or experienced in a lifetime
- lifting (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to raise from a lower to a higher position : elevate, to raise in rank or condition, to raise in rate or amount
(noun) plastic surgery on the face and neck to remove defects and imperfections (such as wrinkles or sagging skin) typical of aging, an alteration, restoration, or restyling (as of a building) intended especially to modernize
- light (72)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (38), blueWindow (8), fieldNotes (24)
(noun) something that makes vision possible, the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors, electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of 299,792,458 meters (about 186,000 miles) per second; specifically : such radiation that is visible to the human eye
(adjective) having light : bright, not dark, intense, or swarthy in color or coloring : pale, medium in saturation and high in lightness
(verb) to become light : brighten —usually used with up, to take fire, to ignite something (such as a cigarette) —often used with up
(adjective) having little weight : not heavy, designed to carry a comparatively small load, having relatively little weight in proportion to bulk
(adverb) lightly, with little baggage
(verb) dismount, settle, alight, to fall unexpectedly —usually used with on or upon
(adjective) light, diminished or lacking in substance or seriousness; specifically : being an innocuous or unthreatening version —often used postpositively
- lightning (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity; also : the discharge itself, a sudden stroke of fortune
(adjective) having or moving with or as if with the speed and suddenness of lightning
(verb) to discharge a flash of lightning
- lights (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(plural noun) the lungs especially of a slaughtered animal
(noun) something that makes vision possible, the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors, electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of 299,792,458 meters (about 186,000 miles) per second; specifically : such radiation that is visible to the human eye
(verb) to become light : brighten —usually used with up, to take fire, to ignite something (such as a cigarette) —often used with up
(verb) dismount, settle, alight, to fall unexpectedly —usually used with on or upon
(noun) a command or signal for putting out lights, a prescribed bedtime for persons living under discipline
- like (24)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (14), fieldNotes (7)
(verb) to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in : enjoy, to feel toward : regard, to wish to have : want
(noun) liking, preference, something that one likes, the act or an instance of liking an online comment, post, etc.
(adjective) the same or nearly the same (as in appearance, character, or quantity) —formerly used with as, unto, of, closely resembling the subject or original, likely
(preposition) having the characteristics of : similar to, typical of, comparable to : approximating
(noun) one that is similar : counterpart, equal, kind —usually used with a preceding possessive, one of many that are similar to each other —used chiefly in proverbial expressions
(adverb) equally, likely, probably, to some extent : rather, altogether
(conjunction) as if, —used in intensive phrases, in the same way that : as
(verb) came near : was near
(adjective) resembling or characteristic of
(adjective) having a like disposition or purpose : of the same mind or habit of thought
- liked (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in : enjoy, to feel toward : regard, to wish to have : want
(verb) came near : was near
(adjective) liked by many people
- likelihood (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the chance that something will happen : probability
- likelihoods (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the chance that something will happen : probability
- lily (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) any of a genus (Lilium of the family Liliaceae, the lily family) of erect perennial leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs that are native to the temperate northern hemisphere and are widely cultivated for their showy flowers; broadly : any of various plants of the lily family or of the related amaryllis or iris families, any of various plants with showy flowers: such as, a scarlet anemone (Anemone coronaria) of the Mediterranean region
(adjective) resembling a lily in fairness, purity, or fragility
(adjective) lacking courage : cowardly
(adjective) white as a lily, having or involving few or no people of color : lacking racial diversity, being or having extremely light pigmentation of the skin
(noun) something that is white, a member of a political organization favoring the exclusion of Black people
- limbs (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) dismember, to cut off the limbs of (a felled tree)
(noun) one of the projecting paired appendages (such as wings) of an animal body used especially for movement and grasping but sometimes modified into sensory or sexual organs, a leg or arm of a human being, a large primary branch of a tree
(noun) the outer edge of the apparent disk of a celestial body, the expanded portion of an organ or structure; especially : the upper spreading portion of a corolla (as of the phlox) whose lower part consists of a tube of fused petals
- limestone (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a rock that is formed chiefly by accumulation of organic remains (such as shells or coral), consists mainly of calcium carbonate, is extensively used in building, and yields lime when burned
- liminal (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold : barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response, of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : in-between, transitional
- limit (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that bounds, restrains, or confines, the utmost extent, a geographic or political boundary
(verb) to assign certain limits to : prescribe, to restrict the bounds or limits of, to curtail or reduce in quantity or extent
- limited (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) confined within limits : restricted, offering faster service especially by making a limited number of stops, characterized by enforceable limitations prescribed (as by a constitution) upon the scope or exercise of powers
(verb) to assign certain limits to : prescribe, to restrict the bounds or limits of, to curtail or reduce in quantity or extent
(adjective) having access restricted to a relatively small number of points
(noun) an issue of something collectible (such as books, prints, or medals) that is advertised to be limited to a relatively small number of copies
(noun) liability (as of a stockholder or shipowner) limited by statute or treaty
(noun) a partnership in which the partnership is liable as an entity for debts and obligations and the partners are not liable personally
(noun) a partner in a venture who has no management authority and whose liability is restricted to the amount of his or her investment
(noun) a partnership having one or more general partners and one or more limited partners
(noun) a war whose objective is less than the total defeat of the enemy
(adjective) limited by one's or its own nature; specifically : running a definite and limited course
- line (19)
- in books ::: birdland (14), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a length of cord or cord-like material: such as, a comparatively strong slender cord, clothesline
(verb) to mark or cover with a line or lines, to depict with lines : draw, to place or form a line along
(verb) to cover the inner surface of, to put something in th,e inside of : fill, to serve as the lining of
(noun) the transporting of items or persons between terminals
- linear (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, resembling, or having a graph that is a line and especially a straight line : straight, involving a single dimension, of the first degree with respect to one or more variables
(noun) a linear form of writing used in Crete from the 18th to the 15th centuries b.c.
(noun) a device in which charged particles are accelerated in a straight line by successive impulses from a series of electric fields
(noun) a branch of mathematics that is concerned with mathematical structures closed under the operations of addition and scalar multiplication and that includes the theory of systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, and linear transformations
(noun) a linear form of writing employing syllabic characters and used at Knossos on Crete and on the Greek mainland from the 15th to the 12th centuries b.c. for documents in Mycenaean Greek
(noun) a mathematical entity (such as 4x + 5y + 6z) which is composed of sums and differences of elements (such as variables, matrices, or functions) especially when the coefficients are not all zero
(noun) the property of one set (as of matrices or vectors) having at least one linear combination of its elements equal to zero when the coefficients are taken from another given set and at least one of its coefficients is not equal to zero
(noun) an equation of the first degree in any number of variables
(noun) a mathematical function in which the variables appear only in the first degree, are multiplied by constants, and are combined only by addition and subtraction, linear transformation
(noun) the property of a set (as of matrices or vectors) having no linear combination of all its elements equal to zero when coefficients are taken from a given set unless the coefficient of each element is zero
- lined (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to mark or cover with a line or lines, to depict with lines : draw, to place or form a line along
(verb) to cover the inner surface of, to put something in the inside of : fill, to serve as the lining of
(adjective) having trees on both sides
- lines (15)
- in books ::: birdland (9), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a length of cord or cord-like material: such as, a comparatively strong slender cord, clothesline
(verb) to mark or cover with a line or lines, to depict with lines : draw, to place or form a line along
(verb) to cover the inner surface of, to put something in th,e inside of : fill, to serve as the lining of
- lingual (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or resembling the tongue, lying near or next to the tongue; especially : relating to or being the surface of tooth next to the tongue, produced by the tongue
(adjective) involving a drill routine of listening and speaking in language learning
- linguistics (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the study of human speech including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language
- lining (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) material that lines or that is used to line especially the inner surface of something (such as a garment), the act or process of providing something with a lining
(verb) to mark or cover with a line or lines, to depict with lines : draw, to place or form a line along
(verb) to cover the inner surface of, to put something in the inside of : fill, to serve as the lining of
(noun) fishing with a longline
- link (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a connecting structure: such as, a single ring or division of a chain, one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length
(verb) to couple or connect by or as if by a link, to become connected by or as if by a link —often used with up
(noun) a torch formerly used to light a person's way through the streets
(verb) to skip smartly along
(noun) a crosswise connecting part (such as an atom or group) that connects parallel chains in a complex chemical molecule (such as a polymer)
- links (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(plural noun) sand hills especially along the seashore, golf course; specifically : a golf course on linksland
(verb) to couple or connect by or as if by a link, to become connected by or as if by a link —often used with up
(verb) to skip smartly along
(noun) a connecting structure: such as, a single ring or division of a chain, one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length
(noun) a torch formerly used to light a person's way through the streets
(noun) a crosswise connecting part (such as an atom or group) that connects parallel chains in a complex chemical molecule (such as a polymer)
- lips (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) either of two fleshy folds that surround the mouth in humans and many other vertebrates and are organs of human speech essential to certain articulations; also : the red or pinkish margin of the human lip, back talk, a fleshy edge or margin (as of a wound)
(verb) to touch with the lips; especially : kiss, utter, to lap against : lick
- liquid (8)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) flowing freely like water, having the properties of a liquid : being neither solid nor gaseous, shining and clear
(noun) a liquid consonant, a fluid (such as water) that has no independent shape but has a definite volume and does not expand indefinitely and that is only slightly compressible
- list (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects), an official roster : roll, catalog, checklist
(verb) to make a list of : enumerate, to include on a list : register, to place (oneself) in a specified category
(verb) to tilt to one side; especially, of a boat or ship : to tilt to one side in a state of equilibrium (as from an unbalanced load), to cause to list
(noun) a deviation from the vertical : tilt; also : the extent of such a deviation
(noun) a band or strip of material: such as, listel, selvage
(verb) to cut away a narrow strip from the edge of, to prepare or plant (land) in ridges and furrows with a lister
(verb) please, suit, wish, choose
(noun) inclination, craving
(verb) listen, to listen to : hear
- listeners (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one who listens to someone or something
- listening (5)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to pay attention to sound, to hear something with thoughtful attention : give consideration, to be alert to catch an expected sound
- listless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit
- lists (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make a list of : enumerate, to include on a list : register, to place (oneself) in a specified category
(verb) to tilt to one side; especially, of a boat or ship : to tilt to one side in a state of equilibrium (as from an unbalanced load), to cause to list
(noun) a band or strip of material: such as, listel, selvage
(verb) to cut away a narrow strip from the edge of, to prepare or plant (land) in ridges and furrows with a lister
(verb) please, suit, wish, choose
(verb) listen, to listen to : hear
(noun) a simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects), an official roster : roll, catalog, checklist
(noun) a deviation from the vertical : tilt; also : the extent of such a deviation
(noun) inclination, craving
(noun) a list or group of individuals of the highest level of society, excellence, or eminence
- lit (7)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) literature —often used before another noun
(adjective) affected by alcohol : drunk, excellent, exciting
(abbreviation) liter, literal; literally
(verb) to become light : brighten —usually used with up, to take fire, to ignite something (such as a cigarette) —often used with up
(verb) dismount, settle, alight, to fall unexpectedly —usually used with on or upon
- litanies (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregation, a resonant or repetitive chant, a usually lengthy recitation or enumeration
- literature (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) writings in prose or verse; especially : writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest, an example of such writings, the body of writings on a particular subject
- little (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) not big: such as, small in size or extent : tiny, young
(adverb) in only a small quantity or degree : slightly, not at all, rarely, infrequently
(noun) a small amount, quantity, or degree; also : practically nothing, a short time, a short distance
- live (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to be alive : have the life of an animal or plant, to continue alive, to maintain oneself : subsist
(adjective) having life : living, existing in fact or reality : actual, exerting force or containing energy: such as
(adverb) at the actual time of occurrence : during, from, or at a live production
(adjective) of, relating to, or featuring cinematography that is not produced by animation
(noun) a fish that brings forth living young rather than eggs; especially : any of a family (Poeciliidae) of numerous small surface-feeding fishes (such as a molly or swordtail)
(noun) a box or pen suspended in water to keep aquatic animals alive
(noun) sedum
(adjective) living in one's place of employment, involving or involved with cohabitation
- lived (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having a life of a specified kind or length
(verb) to be alive : have the life of an animal or plant, to continue alive, to maintain oneself : subsist
(adjective) of or suggesting long-term human habitation or use; also : showing the effects of age or experience
(adjective) having a long life : living a long time; also : characterized by long life, lasting a long time : enduring; also : existing, functioning, or active for a period of time that is longer than usual or expected
(adjective) not living or lasting long
- living (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) having life, active, functioning, exhibiting the life or motion of nature : natural
(noun) the condition of being alive, means of subsistence : livelihood, estate, property
(verb) to be alive : have the life of an animal or plant, to continue alive, to maintain oneself : subsist
- loans (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) lend
(noun) money lent at interest, something lent usually for the borrower's temporary use, the grant of temporary use
- local (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) characterized by or relating to position in space : having a definite spatial form or location, of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place : not general or widespread, of, relating to, or applicable to part of a whole
(noun) a local person or thing: such as, a local public conveyance (such as a train or an elevator), a local or particular branch, lodge, or chapter of an organization (such as a labor union)
- location (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a position or site occupied or available for occupancy or marked by some distinguishing feature : situation, a tract of land designated for a purpose, farm, station
(verb) to locate (two or more things) together or be located together: such as, to cause (two or more things) to be in the same place or close together, to place (two or more units) close together so as to share common facilities
- lock (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair, the hair of the head, a cohering bunch (as of wool, cotton, or flax) : tuft
(noun) a fastening (as for a door) operated by a key or a combination, the mechanism for exploding the charge or cartridge of a firearm, an enclosure (as in a canal) with gates at each end used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from level to level
(verb) to fasten the lock of, to make fast with or as if with a lock, to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by or as if by means of locks
(noun) a demonstration in which protestors lock themselves inside a building, factory, etc., a usually supervised social event for young people confined to a space (such as a library or church) often overnight
- locked (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(verb) to fasten the lock of, to make fast with or as if with a lock, to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by or as if by means of locks
(adjective) not subject to adjustment : fixed, unable or unwilling to shift invested funds because of the tax effect of realizing capital gains
- locks (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair, the hair of the head, a cohering bunch (as of wool, cotton, or flax) : tuft
(verb) to fasten the lock of, to make fast with or as if with a lock, to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by or as if by means of locks
(noun) a fastening (as for a door) operated by a key or a combination, the mechanism for exploding the charge or cartridge of a firearm, an enclosure (as in a canal) with gates at each end used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from level to level
(noun) a long amorous kiss
- locomotion (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an act or the power of moving from place to place, travel
- log (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a usually bulky piece or length of a cut or fallen tree; especially : a length of a tree trunk ready for sawing and over six feet (1.8 meters) long, an apparatus for measuring the rate of a ship's motion through the water that consists of a block fastened to a line and run out from a reel, the record of the rate of a ship's speed or of her daily progress; also : the full nautical record of a ship's voyage
(verb) to cut (trees) for lumber, to clear (land) of trees in lumbering —often used with off, to make a note or record of : enter details of or about in a log
(noun) logarithm
(abbreviation) logic
(combining form) word : thought : speech : discourse
(noun) discourse : talk, student : specialist
- london (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) city and port on both sides of the Thames River in southeastern England; capital of the United Kingdom formerly constituting an administrative county; comprises the City of London or informally The City (approximately coextensive with ancient Londinium; population 7400) and 32 other boroughs, which together are referred to as the metropolitan county of Greater London (area 632 square miles, or 1637 square kilometers, population 8,174,000)
- lone (14)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (11)
(adjective) having no company : solitary, preferring solitude, only, sole
- lonely (9)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) being without company : lone, cut off from others : solitary, not frequented by human beings : desolate
- lonesome (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) sad or dejected as a result of lack of companionship or separation from others, causing a feeling of loneliness, remote, unfrequented
(noun) self
- long (10)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) extending for a considerable distance, having greater length than usual, having greater height than usual : tall
(adverb) for or during a long time, at or to a long distance : far, for the duration of a specified period
(noun) a long period of time, a long syllable, one taking a long position especially in a security or commodity market
(verb) to feel a strong desire or craving especially for something not likely to be attained
(verb) to be suitable or fitting
(abbreviation) longitude
- longarm (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) longarm quilting machine
- longing (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a strong desire especially for something unattainable : craving
(verb) to feel a strong desire or craving especially for something not likely to be attained
(verb) to be suitable or fitting
- look (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(verb) to make sure or take care (that something is done), to ascertain by the use of one's eyes, to exercise the power of vision upon : examine
(noun) the act of looking, glance, the expression of the countenance
(noun) one that looks like another : double
(noun) a chance of success, a quick pass in football to a receiver running diagonally toward the center of the field
(noun) a general survey : evaluation, inspection
- looked (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make sure or take care (that something is done), to ascertain by the use of one's eyes, to exercise the power of vision upon : examine
(adverb) with disapproval or distrust : scornfully, with a side-glance : obliquely
(noun) a sharp pointed knife for stabbing, something that resembles a dagger, a character † used as a reference mark or to indicate a death date
(verb) to be in a position that affords a downward view, to regard with contempt : despise —used with on or upon
(verb) watch
(verb) to take care or concern oneself —used with for
(verb) to inspect or examine especially in a cursory way
(verb) to cheer up, to improve in prospects or conditions, to search for in or as if in a reference work
(verb) to think about what will happen in the future —often + to
(verb) to think about something in the past
- looking (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make sure or take care (that something is done), to ascertain by the use of one's eyes, to exercise the power of vision upon : examine
(adjective) concerned with or planning for the future
(adjective) having a pleasing or attractive appearance
(adjective) giving an impression of solid worth or substance
(adjective) relating to the past : old-fashioned
(adjective) seeming to be right or suited for a purpose
(adjective) pleasant to look at : attractive
- loom (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a frame or machine for interlacing at right angles two or more sets of threads or yarns to form a cloth
(verb) to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions, to appear in an impressively great or exaggerated form, to take shape as an impending occurrence
(noun) the indistinct and exaggerated appearance of something seen on the horizon or through fog or darkness; also : a looming shadow or reflection
- looms (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions, to appear in an impressively great or exaggerated form, to take shape as an impending occurrence
(noun) a frame or machine for interlacing at right angles two or more sets of threads or yarns to form a cloth
(noun) the indistinct and exaggerated appearance of something seen on the horizon or through fog or darkness; also : a looming shadow or reflection
- loop (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a curving or doubling of a line so as to form a closed or partly open curve within itself through which another line can be passed or into which a hook may be hooked, such a fold of cord or ribbon serving as an ornament, something shaped like or suggestive of a loop
(verb) to make or form a loop, to move in loops or in an arc, to execute a loop in an airplane
(noun) loophole
- loophole (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a means of escape; especially : an ambiguity or omission in the text through which the intent of a statute, contract, or obligation may be evaded, a small opening through which small arms may be fired, a similar opening to admit light and air or to permit observation
(verb) to make loopholes in
- loose (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) not rigidly fastened or securely attached, having worked partly free from attachments, having relative freedom of movement
(verb) to let loose : release, to free from restraint, to make loose : untie
(adverb) in a loose manner : loosely
(adjective) having joints apparently not closely articulated, characterized by unusually free movements
(adjective) having leaves secured in book form in a cover whose spine may be opened for adding, arranging, or removing leaves, of, relating to, or used with a loose-leaf binding
- loosely-coupled (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) multi-threaded, independent ::: intertwined, polyphonic
- lose (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to bring to destruction —used chiefly in passive construction, damn, to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place
(adjective) presenting two options both of which put one at a disadvantage
- losing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) resulting in or likely to result in defeat, marked by many losses or more losses than wins
(verb) to bring to destruction —used chiefly in passive construction, damn, to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place
- loss (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) destruction, ruin, the act or fact of being unable to keep or maintain something or someone, the partial or complete deterioration or absence of a physical capability or function
- lost (12)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) not made use of, won, or claimed, no longer possessed, no longer known
(verb) to bring to destruction —used chiefly in passive construction, damn, to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place
- lots (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adverb) much
(noun) an object used as a counter in determining a question by chance, the use of lots as a means of deciding something, the resulting choice
(verb) allot, apportion, to form or divide into lots
(verb) to cause to move or send forth by throwing, direct, to put forth
- loud (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) marked by intensity or volume of sound, producing a loud sound, clamorous, noisy
(noun) bullhorn
- love (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers, affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests
(verb) to hold dear : cherish, to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for, caress
(noun) a gathering of people especially for the expression of their mutual love
- low (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (6)
(adjective) having a small upward extension or elevation, situated or passing little above a reference line, point, or plane, having a low-cut neckline
(noun) something that is low: such as, depth, a region of low barometric pressure
(verb) moo
(noun) the deep sustained sound characteristic especially of a cow
(noun) flame, blaze
(verb) flame, blaze
- lucky (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) having good luck, happening by chance : fortuitous, producing or resulting in good by chance : favorable
(adjective) blithely unconcerned : carefree
- lukewarm (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) moderately warm : tepid, lacking conviction : half-hearted
- lumber (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to move ponderously, rumble
(noun) surplus or disused articles (such as furniture) that are stored away, timber or logs especially when dressed for use, any of various structural materials prepared in a form similar to lumber
(verb) to clutter with or as if with lumber : encumber, to heap together in disorder, to log and saw the timber of
(noun) storeroom
(verb) to cause (someone) to have (something unwanted or unpleasant) —often used as (be) lumbered with
- lumens (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the cavity of a tubular organ or part, the bore of a tube (as of a hollow needle or catheter), a unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of one candle intensity
- luminous (6)
- in books ::: birdland (6)
(adjective) emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light, of or relating to light or to luminous flux, bathed in or exposed to steady light
(adjective) generating and emitting its own visible light
- lung (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one of the usually paired compound saccular thoracic organs that constitute the basic respiratory organs of an air-breathing vertebrate, any of various respiratory organs of invertebrates, a device enabling individuals abandoning a submarine to rise to the surface
- lungs (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one of the usually paired compound saccular thoracic organs that constitute the basic respiratory organs of an air-breathing vertebrate, any of various respiratory organs of invertebrates, a device enabling individuals abandoning a submarine to rise to the surface
- lure (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an object usually of leather or feathers attached to a long cord and used by a falconer to recall or exercise a hawk, an inducement to pleasure or gain : enticement, appeal, attraction
(verb) to recall or exercise (a hawk) by means of a lure, to draw with a hint of pleasure or gain : attract actively and strongly
- lyrical (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) lyric
- lysergic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) psychedelic
(noun) a semisynthetic illicit organic compound C20H25N3O derived from ergot that induces extreme sensory distortions, altered perceptions of reality, and intense emotional states, that may also produce delusions or paranoia, and that may sometimes cause panic reactions in response to the effects experienced —called also lysergic acid diethylamide
- machine (10)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated device for performing a task, conveyance, vehicle; especially : automobile, a coin-operated device
(verb) to process by or as if by machine; especially : to reduce or finish by or as if by turning, shaping, planing, or milling by machine-operated tools
(adjective) characterized by rapidity and sharpness : rapid-fire
(verb) to shoot at, wound, or kill (someone or something) with a machine gun
(adjective) directly usable by a computer
- machines (6)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated device for performing a task, conveyance, vehicle; especially : automobile, a coin-operated device
(verb) to process by or as if by machine; especially : to reduce or finish by or as if by turning, shaping, planing, or milling by machine-operated tools
- macro (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) being large, thick, or exceptionally prominent, of, involving, or intended for use with relatively large quantities or on a large scale, of or relating to macroeconomics
(noun) a single computer instruction that stands for a sequence of operations
(combining form) large : on a large scale —often used in compounds with a corresponding compound formed with micro-
- made (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) fictitious, invented, artificially produced, put together of various ingredients
(verb) to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material : fashion, to lay out and construct, compose, write
(adjective) fashioned to measurements specifically required : custom-made
(adjective) produced to supply a special or an individual demand : custom-made, ideally suited (as to a particular purpose)
(adjective) fully manufactured, marked by the use of makeup, fancifully conceived or falsely devised
- madrid (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) province of central Spain in northwestern New Castile area 3087 square miles (7995 square kilometers), population 6,421,874, city, capital of the province of Madrid, and capital of Spain population 3,198,645
- magic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces, magic rites or incantations, an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source
(adjective) of or relating to magic, having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers, giving a feeling of enchantment
(verb) to produce, remove, or influence by magic
(noun) a substance or therapy capable of destroying pathogens (such as bacteria or cancer cells) or providing an effective remedy for a disease or condition without deleterious side effects, something providing an effective solution to a difficult or previously unsolvable problem
(noun) an early form of optical projector of still pictures using a transparent slide
(noun) a fungus (such as genus Psilocybe) containing hallucinogenic alkaloids (such as psilocybin)
(noun) painting in a meticulously realistic style of imaginary or fantastic scenes or images, a literary genre or style associated especially with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction —called also magical realism
(noun) a square containing a number of integers arranged so that the sum of the numbers is the same in each row, column, and main diagonal and often in some or all of the other diagonals
(noun) a carpet that can carry a person through the air
- magician (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) one skilled in magic; especially : sorcerer, one who performs tricks of illusion and sleight of hand
- magnet (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) lodestone, a body having the property of attracting iron and producing a magnetic field external to itself; specifically : a mass of iron, steel, or alloy that has this property artificially imparted, something that attracts
(combining form) magnetic force, magnetism : magnetic, magnetoelectric
(noun) a school with superior facilities and staff and often a specialized curriculum designed to attract pupils from throughout a city or school district
(noun) a magnet for producing and maintaining a magnetic field especially in a generator or electric motor
(noun) a magnet that retains its magnetism after removal of the magnetizing force
(noun) a small object with a magnet attached to it that can stick to a refrigerator or other metal surface
- magnetic (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract, of or relating to a magnet or to magnetism, of, relating to, or characterized by the earth's magnetism
(noun) a magnetic substance
- mail (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) material (such as letters and packages) sent or carried in a postal system; also : similar material distributed within an organization, email, a conveyance that transports mail
(verb) to send by mail : post
(noun) armor made of metal links or sometimes plates, a hard enclosing covering of an animal (such as a tortoise)
(noun) payment, rent
- mainstream (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a prevailing current or direction of activity or influence
(adjective) having, reflecting, or being compatible with the prevailing attitudes and values of a society or group
(verb) to place (a student, such as a disabled child) in regular school classes, to incorporate in the mainstream
- majestic (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having or exhibiting majesty : stately
- make (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to form by fitting together or assembling, to arrange typeset matter in (columns or pages) for printing, to combine to produce (a sum or whole)
- makers (5)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (2)
(noun) one that makes: such as, god, poet
(noun) one known for producing popular hits in the entertainment industry; especially : a popular and successful recording artist or group
(noun) someone or something that creates a star; especially : a person or performance that makes or helps to make someone a star in the entertainment industry
(noun) something having the potential to cause sudden loss of life : such as, a loose limb hanging in or falling from a tree, a blockage in a branch of the left coronary artery that commonly causes a fatal heart attack; also : the branch of the left coronary artery susceptible to fatal blockage
- making (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or process of forming, causing, doing, or coming into being, a process or means of advancement or success, something made; especially : a quantity produced at one time : batch
(verb) to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material : fashion, to lay out and construct, compose, write
(noun) the act or process of deciding something especially with a group of people —often used before another noun
(adjective) causing an important change in history
(adjective) not existing or done for the purpose of making a profit
(noun) a piece of furniture on or in which to lie and sleep, a place of sex relations, marital relationship
- mallet (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a hammer with a typically barrel-shaped head: such as, a tool with a large head for driving another tool or for striking a surface without marring it, a long-handled wooden implement used for striking a ball (as in polo or croquet)
- malls (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an alley used for pall-mall, a usually public area often set with shade trees and designed as a promenade or as a pedestrian walk, a usually paved or grassy strip between two roadways
(noun) a 17th century game in which each player attempts to drive a wooden ball with a mallet down an alley and through a raised ring in as few strokes as possible; also : the alley in which it is played
- man (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) an individual human; especially : an adult male human, a man belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) —usually used in combination, husband
(verb) to supply with people (as for service), to station members of a ship's crew at, to serve in the force or complement of
(abbreviation) manual
(abbreviation) Manitoba
(noun) a worldly and socially active man
(noun) soldier; especially : a heavily armed and usually mounted soldier
- management (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or art of managing : the conducting or supervising of something (such as a business), judicious use of means to accomplish an end, the collective body of those who manage or direct an enterprise
(adjective) opposed to or hostile toward the interests and aims of management
(noun) management by oneself of oneself or one's affairs; especially : management of one's own care or well-being —sometimes used before another noun
(verb) to manage (someone or something) with one or more other people : to manage together
(verb) to arrange or exhibit so as to achieve a desired effect, to arrange or direct from behind the scenes, to act as stage manager for
- manhood (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the condition of being a human being, qualities associated with men : manliness, the condition of being an adult male as distinguished from a child or female
- manifest (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight, easily understood or recognized by the mind : obvious
(verb) to make evident or certain by showing or displaying
(noun) manifestation, indication, manifesto, a list of passengers or an invoice of cargo for a vehicle (such as a ship or plane)
- manifesto (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer
(verb) to issue a manifesto
- manifestos (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer
(verb) to issue a manifesto
- manual (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or involving the hands, worked or done by hand and not by machine, requiring or using physical skill and energy
(noun) a book that is conveniently handled; especially : handbook, the prescribed movements in the handling of a weapon or other military item during a drill or ceremony, a keyboard for the hands; specifically : one of the several keyboards of an organ or harpsichord that controls a separate division of the instrument
- manufacture (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery, the process of making wares by hand or by machinery especially when carried on systematically with division of labor, a productive industry using mechanical power and machinery
(verb) to make into a product suitable for use, to make from raw materials by hand or by machinery, to produce according to an organized plan and with division of labor
(verb) to manufacture (something) beforehand
- manuscript (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) written by hand or typed
(noun) a written or typewritten composition or document as distinguished from a printed copy; also : a document submitted for publication, writing as opposed to print
- many (9)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number, being one of a large but indefinite number
(pronoun) a large number of persons or things
(noun) a large but indefinite number, the great majority of people
(adjective) having many sides or aspects, having many interests or aptitudes
(adjective) multiple-valued, possessing more than the customary two truth-values of truth and falsehood
- map (30)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (5), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (19)
(noun) a representation usually on a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area, a representation of the celestial sphere or a part of it, a diagram or other visual representation that shows the relative position of the parts of something
(verb) to make a map of, to delineate as if on a map, to make a survey of for or as if for the purpose of making a map
- mapless (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) state of lost, without a map
(adjective) lost, wandering
- mapped (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make a map of, to delineate as if on a map, to make a survey of for or as if for the purpose of making a map
- mapping (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of making a map, function
(verb) to make a map of, to delineate as if on a map, to make a survey of for or as if for the purpose of making a map
- maps (14)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (6), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a representation usually on a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area, a representation of the celestial sphere or a part of it, a diagram or other visual representation that shows the relative position of the parts of something
(verb) to make a map of, to delineate as if on a map, to make a survey of for or as if for the purpose of making a map
- marble (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) limestone that is more or less crystallized by metamorphism, that ranges from granular to compact in texture, that is capable of taking a high polish, and that is used especially in architecture and sculpture, something (such as a piece of sculpture) composed of or made from marble, something suggesting marble (as in hardness, coldness, or smoothness)
- marimba (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a xylophone of southern Africa and Central America with resonators beneath each bar; also : a modern form of this instrument
- mark (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a boundary land, a conspicuous object serving as a guide for travelers, something (such as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position
(verb) to fix or trace out the bounds or limits of, to plot the course of : chart, to set apart by or as if by a line or boundary —usually used with off
(noun) any of various old European units of weight used especially for gold and silver; especially : a unit equal to about eight ounces (248 grams), a unit of value:, an old English unit equal to 13 shillings and 4 pence
(noun) an early Jewish Christian traditionally identified as the writer of the Gospel of Mark —called also John Mark, the second Gospel in the New Testament, a king of Cornwall, uncle of Tristram, and husband of Isolde
- marked (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) having an identifying mark, having a distinctive or emphasized character, enjoying fame or notoriety
(verb) to fix or trace out the bounds or limits of, to plot the course of : chart, to set apart by or as if by a line or boundary —usually used with off
(adjective) having incorrect markings; specifically, of a purebred animal : having markings that are not in accordance with the standards of a breed
- markers (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that marks, something used for marking: such as, a type of felt tip pen that makes wide lines
- markets (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to expose for sale in a market, sell, to deal in a market
(noun) a meeting together of people for the purpose of trade by private purchase and sale and usually not by auction, the people assembled at such a meeting, a public place where a market is held; especially : a place where provisions are sold at wholesale
(verb) to buy or sell goods in the black market, to sell in the black market
- marking (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act, process, or an instance of making or giving a mark, a mark made, arrangement, pattern, or disposition of marks
(verb) to fix or trace out the bounds or limits of, to plot the course of : chart, to set apart by or as if by a line or boundary —usually used with off
- marks (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to fix or trace out the bounds or limits of, to plot the course of : chart, to set apart by or as if by a line or boundary —usually used with off
(noun) a boundary land, a conspicuous object serving as a guide for travelers, something (such as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position
(noun) any of various old European units of weight used especially for gold and silver; especially : a unit equal to about eight ounces (248 grams), a unit of value:, an old English unit equal to 13 shillings and 4 pence
(noun) an early Jewish Christian traditionally identified as the writer of the Gospel of Mark —called also John Mark, the second Gospel in the New Testament, a king of Cornwall, uncle of Tristram, and husband of Isolde
- marlboro (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) smoke
- marrow (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) bone marrow, the substance of the spinal cord, the choicest of food
(noun) one of a pair
- martha (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a sister of Lazarus and Mary and friend of Jesus
(noun) last passenger pigeon
- mary (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the mother of Jesus, a sister of Lazarus and Martha and a friend of Jesus
- mask (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise, a person wearing a mask : masker, a figure of a head worn on the stage in antiquity to identify the character and project the voice
(verb) to provide or conceal (someone or something) with a mask: such as, to conceal (something) from view, to make (something) indistinct or imperceptible
(noun) masquerade, a short allegorical dramatic entertainment of the 16th and 17th centuries performed by masked actors, mask
- masked (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) wearing a mask, marked by the use of masks, failing to present or produce the usual symptoms : latent
(verb) to provide or conceal (someone or something) with a mask: such as, to conceal (something) from view, to make (something) indistinct or imperceptible
- maskless (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) without a mask
- masks (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise, a person wearing a mask : masker, a figure of a head worn on the stage in antiquity to identify the character and project the voice
(verb) to provide or conceal (someone or something) with a mask: such as, to conceal (something) from view, to make (something) indistinct or imperceptible
(noun) masquerade, a short allegorical dramatic entertainment of the 16th and 17th centuries performed by masked actors, mask
- mass (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the liturgy of the Eucharist especially in accordance with the traditional Latin rite, a celebration of the Eucharist, a musical setting for the ordinary of the Mass
(noun) a quantity or aggregate of matter usually of considerable size, expanse, bulk, massive quality or effect
(verb) to form or collect into a mass, to assemble in a mass
(adjective) of or relating to the mass of the people; also : being one of or at one with the mass : average, participated in by or affecting a large number of individuals, having a large-scale character
(abbreviation) Massachusetts
(adjective) sold through such retail outlets as supermarkets and drugstores as well as through bookstores; also : of, relating to, or publishing mass-market materials, appealing or sold to a general audience
- mast (6)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a long pole or spar rising from the keel or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and rigging, a slender vertical or nearly vertical structure (such as an upright post in various cranes), a disciplinary proceeding at which the commanding officer of a naval unit hears and disposes of cases against enlisted men —called also captain's mast
(verb) to furnish with a mast
(noun) nuts (such as acorns) accumulated on the forest floor and often serving as food for animals
(noun) a point some distance but not necessarily halfway down below the top of a mast or staff or the peak of a gaff
(verb) to cause to hang at half-mast
- masts (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to furnish with a mast
(noun) a long pole or spar rising from the keel or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and rigging, a slender vertical or nearly vertical structure (such as an upright post in various cranes), a disciplinary proceeding at which the commanding officer of a naval unit hears and disposes of cases against enlisted men —called also captain's mast
(noun) nuts (such as acorns) accumulated on the forest floor and often serving as food for animals
(noun) a point some distance but not necessarily halfway down below the top of a mast or staff or the peak of a gaff
(verb) to cause to hang at half-mast
- matchbook (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a small folder containing rows of paper matches
- material (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) relating to, derived from, or consisting of matter; especially : physical, bodily, of or relating to matter rather than form
(noun) the elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made, matter that has qualities which give it individuality and by which it may be categorized, something (such as data) that may be worked into a more finished form
- materiality (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being material, something that is material
- materials (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made, matter that has qualities which give it individuality and by which it may be categorized, something (such as data) that may be worked into a more finished form
- mathematical (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or according with mathematics, rigorously exact : precise, certain
(noun) the act or process of inducting (as into office), the formality by which a civilian is inducted into military service, an initial experience : initiation
- mathematician (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a specialist or expert in mathematics
- mathematics (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations, a branch of, operation in, or use of mathematics
- matrices (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form, a mold from which a relief surface (such as a piece of type) is made, die
(noun) a matrix whose elements are the coefficients of a set of simultaneous linear equations with the constant terms of the equations entered in an added column
(noun) a diagonalized matrix
(noun) a pattern of dots in a grid from which alphanumeric characters can be formed
(noun) a square matrix having the property that each pair of elements in the ith row and jth column and in the jth row and ith column are conjugate complex numbers
(noun) a square matrix that has numeral 1's along the principal diagonal and 0's elsewhere
(noun) a matrix that is its own transpose
- matrix (8)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (8)
(noun) something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form, a mold from which a relief surface (such as a piece of type) is made, die
(adjective) of, relating to, or being an LCD in which each pixel is individually controlled
(adjective) of, relating to, or being an LCD in which the pixels are controlled in groups
- matter (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a subject under consideration, a subject of disagreement or litigation, the events or circumstances of a particular situation
(verb) to form or discharge pus : suppurate, to be of importance : signify
(adjective) adhering to the unembellished facts; also : being plain, straightforward, or unemotional
- maxwell (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of magnetic flux equal to the flux per square centimeter of normal cross section in a region where the magnetic induction is one gauss : 10—8 weber
(noun) James Clerk 1831—1879 Scottish physicist
- maybe (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adverb) perhaps
(noun) uncertainty
- me (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(pronoun) myself i
(noun) any of a genus (Myosotis) of small herbs of the borage family having usually bright blue or white flowers usually arranged in a curving spike
- meadow (10)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (10)
(noun) land that is covered or mostly covered with grass; especially : a tract of moist low-lying usually level grassland
- meadows (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) land that is covered or mostly covered with grass; especially : a tract of moist low-lying usually level grassland
- mean (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to have in the mind as a purpose : intend —sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase, to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future, to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate : signify
(adjective) lacking distinction or eminence : humble, lacking in mental discrimination : dull, of poor, shabby, or inferior quality or status
(adjective) occupying a middle position : intermediate in space, order, time, kind, or degree, occupying a position about midway between extremes; especially : being the mean of a set of values : average, serving as a means : intermediary
(noun) something intervening or intermediate, a middle point between extremes, a value that lies within a range of values and is computed according to a prescribed law: such as
(adjective) exhibiting or characterized by meanness of spirit
- meant (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to have in the mind as a purpose : intend —sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase, to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future, to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate : signify
(adjective) well-meaning
- measure (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an adequate or due portion, a moderate degree; also : moderation, temperance, a fixed or suitable limit : bounds
(verb) to choose or control with cautious restraint : regulate, to regulate by a standard : govern, to allot or apportion in measured amounts
- measurement (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of measuring, a figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring : dimension, measure
(noun) ton
(noun) any of various units of weight:, short ton, metric ton
(noun) the prevailing fashion : vogue, the quality or state of being smart or fashionable
- measures (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an adequate or due portion, a moderate degree; also : moderation, temperance, a fixed or suitable limit : bounds
(verb) to choose or control with cautious restraint : regulate, to regulate by a standard : govern, to allot or apportion in measured amounts
(noun) the quality or state of being austere: such as, a stern and serious quality, a plain and simple quality
(noun) an action or device designed to negate or offset a countermeasure; especially : a military system or device intended to block a sensing mechanism (such as a radar detector) that was intended to counteract another sensing mechanism (such as radar)
- media (6)
- in books ::: artist (6)
(noun) mass media, members of the mass media, a medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression; especially : medium
(noun) a voiced stop, the middle coat of the wall of a blood or lymph vessel consisting chiefly of circular muscle fibers
(noun) something in a middle position, a middle condition or degree : mean, a means of effecting or conveying something: such as
(adjective) multimedia
- meditations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a discourse intended to express its author's reflections or to guide others in contemplation, the act or process of meditating
- medium (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something in a middle position, a middle condition or degree : mean, a means of effecting or conveying something: such as
(adjective) intermediate in quantity, quality, position, size, or degree
(adjective) neither large nor small
(adjective) lasting for a period of time that is neither long nor short
- meet (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to come into the presence of : find, to come together with especially at a particular time or place, to come into contact or conjunction with : join
(noun) the act of assembling for a hunt or for competitive sports, a competition in which individuals match skills
(adjective) precisely adapted to a particular situation, need, or circumstance : very proper
- meeting (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or process of coming together: such as, an assembly for a common purpose (such as worship), a session of horse or dog racing
(verb) to come into the presence of : find, to come together with especially at a particular time or place, to come into contact or conjunction with : join
(adjective) appropriate for Sunday churchgoing
- melding (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to declare or announce (a card or combination of cards) for a score in a card game especially by placing face up on the table, to declare a card or combination of cards as a meld
(verb) merge, blend
- melody (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a sweet or agreeable succession or arrangement of sounds, a rhythmic succession of single tones organized as an aesthetic whole
- melt (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become altered from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat, dissolve, disintegrate, to disappear as if by dissolving
(noun) material in the molten state, the mass melted at a single operation or the quantity melted during a specified period, the action or process of melting or the period during which it occurs
(noun) spleen; especially : spleen of slaughtered animals for use as feed or food
(noun) the sperm-containing fluid of a male fish
(noun) a fast-drying nonvolatile adhesive applied hot in the molten state
- melted (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become altered from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat, dissolve, disintegrate, to disappear as if by dissolving
- membrane (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a thin soft pliable sheet or layer especially of animal or plant origin, a piece of parchment forming part of a roll
- memex (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a hypothetical electromechanical device, a memory machine
- memory (19)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (14)
(noun) the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms, the store of things learned and retained from an organism's activity or experience as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior or by recall and recognition, commemorative remembrance
- mend (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to free from faults or defects: such as, to improve in manners or morals : reform, to set right : correct
(noun) an act of mending : repair, a mended place
- mentor (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus, a trusted counselor or guide, tutor, coach
(verb) to serve as a mentor for : tutor
- mentorship (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor
- merciless (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having or showing no mercy : pitiless
- mercury (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a Roman god of commerce, eloquence, travel, cunning, and theft who serves as messenger to the other gods, a bearer of messages or news or a conductor of travelers, a silver-white poisonous heavy metallic element that is liquid at ordinary temperatures and is used especially in batteries, in dental amalgam, and in scientific instruments —called also quicksilver
- mesh (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of the openings between the threads or cords of a net; also : one of the similar spaces in a network —often used to designate screen size as the number of openings per linear inch, the fabric of a net, a woven, knit, or knotted material of open texture with evenly spaced holes
(verb) enmesh, entangle, to catch in the openings of a net, to cause to resemble network
- mesmerized (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to subject to mesmerism; also : hypnotize, spellbind
- message (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a communication in writing, in speech, or by signals, a messenger's mission, an underlying theme or idea
(verb) to send as a message or by messenger, to send a message to, to communicate by message
- messenger (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one who bears a message or does an errand: such as, forerunner, herald, a dispatch bearer in government or military service
(noun) a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as, an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin), a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein)
- metal (14)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) any of various opaque, fusible, ductile, and typically lustrous substances that are good conductors of electricity and heat, form cations by loss of electrons, and yield basic oxides and hydroxides; especially : one that is a chemical element as distinguished from an alloy, mettle, the substance out of which a person or thing is made
(verb) to cover or furnish with metal
- metallic (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a metal, made of or containing a metal, having properties of a metal
- metallic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) Made of, appearing to be made of, resembling, or related to metal
- metals (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of various opaque, fusible, ductile, and typically lustrous substances that are good conductors of electricity and heat, form cations by loss of electrons, and yield basic oxides and hydroxides; especially : one that is a chemical element as distinguished from an alloy, mettle, the substance out of which a person or thing is made
(verb) to cover or furnish with metal
- metaphor (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language, an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : symbol
- meteorite (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a meteor that reaches the surface of the earth without being completely vaporized
- methane (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a colorless odorless flammable gaseous hydrocarbon CH4 that is a product of biological decomposition of organic matter and of the carbonization of coal, is used as a fuel and as a starting material in chemical synthesis, and is the simplest of the alkanes
- method (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a procedure or process for attaining an object: such as, a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art, a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction
(noun) differential calculus
(noun) a method of birth control involving abstinence during the period in which ovulation is most likely to occur
(noun) principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses
(noun) a technique in acting by which an actor strives to empathize with the character being portrayed so as to effect a realistic interpretation
(idiom) good reasons for one's actions even though they may seem foolish or strange
(noun) the process that is used by scientists for testing ideas and theories by using experiments and careful observation
(noun) a system of teaching law in which instruction is chiefly on the basis of leading or selected cases as primary authorities instead of from textbooks —called also case method
(noun) a method for the differential staining of bacteria by treatment with a watery solution of iodine and the iodide of potassium after staining with a triphenylmethane dye (such as crystal violet) —called also Gram's method, the chemicals used in Gram's stain
- methods (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a procedure or process for attaining an object: such as, a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art, a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction
- metric (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a part of prosody that deals with metrical structure, a standard of measurement, a mathematical function that associates a real nonnegative number analogous to distance with each pair of elements in a set such that the number is zero only if the two elements are identical, the number is the same regardless of the order in which the two elements are taken, and the number associated with one pair of elements plus that associated with one member of the pair and a third element is equal to or greater than the number associated with the other member of the pair and the third element
(adjective) of, relating to, or using the metric system
(adjective) of, employing, or obtained by (such) a meter, of or relating to (such) an art, process, or science of measuring
(adjective) of, relating to, or composed in meter, of or relating to measurement
- metrics (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) quantitative study (as by automated methods of data processing or application of mathematical models) (of a specified field or discipline), the science of measuring (a specified area of body of data) : -metry
(noun) a part of prosody that deals with metrical structure, a standard of measurement, a mathematical function that associates a real nonnegative number analogous to distance with each pair of elements in a set such that the number is zero only if the two elements are identical, the number is the same regardless of the order in which the two elements are taken, and the number associated with one pair of elements plus that associated with one member of the pair and a third element is equal to or greater than the number associated with the other member of the pair and the third element
- microbes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) microorganism, germ
- microfiche (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a sheet of microfilm containing rows of images of printed pages
- microscope (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an optical instrument consisting of a lens or combination of lenses for making enlarged images of minute objects; especially : compound microscope, a non-optical instrument (such as one using radiations other than light or using vibrations) for making enlarged images of minute objects
(noun) an instrument used for mapping the atomic-scale topography of a surface by means of the repulsive electronic forces between the surface and the tip of a microscope probe moving above the surface —abbreviation AFM
(noun) a microscope consisting of an objective and an eyepiece mounted in a drawtube
(noun) ultramicroscope
(noun) a low-magnification stereomicroscope used especially in examining or dissecting biological specimens
(noun) an electron-optical instrument in which a beam of electrons is used to produce an enlarged image of a minute object
(noun) a microscope that translates differences in phase of the light transmitted through or reflected by the object into differences of intensity in the image —called also phase microscope
(noun) an electron microscope in which a beam of focused electrons moves across the object with the secondary electrons produced by the object and the electrons scattered by the object being collected to form a three-dimensional image on a display screen —called also scanning microscope
(noun) a microscope that makes use of the phenomenon of tunneling electrons to map the positions of individual atoms in a surface or to move atoms around on a surface
(idiom) in a state of being watched very closely
- middle (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) equally distant from the extremes : medial, central, being at neither extreme : intermediate, constituting a division intermediate between those prior and later or upper and lower
(noun) a middle part, point, or position, the central portion of the human body : waist, the position of being among or in the midst of something
(adjective) of or relating to the middle class; especially : characterized by a high material standard of living, sexual morality, and respect for property
- midland (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the interior or central region of a country, the dialect of English spoken in the midland counties of England, the dialect of English spoken in an area of the east central U.S. often divided into north Midland extending westward from an area including southern New Jersey; northern Delaware and Maryland; central and southern Pennsylvania; and central Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois and south Midland extending westward and southwestward from an area including the Appalachian regions of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia; and southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois
- midnight (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) the middle of the night; specifically : 12 o'clock at night, deep or extended darkness or gloom
(verb) to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases, to undergo combustion; also : to undergo nuclear fission or nuclear fusion, to contain a fire
- midst (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) the interior or central part or point : middle, a position of proximity to the members of a group, the condition of being surrounded or beset
- migrate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move from one country, place, or locality to another, to pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding, to change position or location in an organism or substance
(verb) to move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
(verb) to leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
- migrating (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move from one country, place, or locality to another, to pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding, to change position or location in an organism or substance
(verb) to move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
(verb) to leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
- migration (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) the act, process, or an instance of migrating
(verb) to move from one country, place, or locality to another, to pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding, to change position or location in an organism or substance
(verb) to move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
(verb) to leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
(adjective) existing or occurring before a migration
- migrations (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move from one country, place, or locality to another, to pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding, to change position or location in an organism or substance
(noun) the act, process, or an instance of migrating
(verb) to move into or come to live in a region or community especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
(verb) to leave one region or community in order to settle in another especially as part of a large-scale and continuing movement of population
- miles (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of various units of distance: such as, a unit equal to 5280 feet, nautical mile
(noun) a nonexistent place, an unknown, distant, or obscure place or state
- mill (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a building provided with machinery for processing and especially for grinding grain into flour, a machine or apparatus for grinding grain, a device or machine for reducing something (as by crushing or grinding) to small pieces or particles
(verb) to subject to an operation or process in a mill: such as, to grind into flour, meal, or powder, to remove the outer layers of (seed kernels) : to subject to hulling
- millennia (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a period of 1000 years
- millenniums (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 during which holiness is to prevail and Christ is to reign on earth, a period of great happiness or human perfection, a period of 1000 years; especially : one reckoned from the beginning of the Christian era
- milling (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a corrugated edge on a coin
(verb) to subject to an operation or process in a mill: such as, to grind into flour, meal, or powder, to remove the outer layers of (seed kernels) : to subject to hulling
- mind (5)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (3)
(noun) recollection, memory, the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons, the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism
(verb) remind, remember, to attend to closely
(adjective) psychoactive
(adjective) mind-blowing
(adjective) psychedelic, mind-boggling
(adjective) mentally or emotionally exciting or overwhelming
(adjective) psychedelic
(adjective) relentlessly tedious : dull
- mine (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) my —used before a word beginning with a vowel or h or sometimes as a modifier of a preceding noun—archaic except in an elevated style
(pronoun) that which belongs to me —used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective my
(noun) a pit or excavation in the earth from which mineral substances are taken, an ore deposit, a subterranean passage under an enemy position
(verb) to dig under to gain access or cause the collapse of (an enemy position), undermine, to get (something, such as ore) from the earth
(adjective) serving to counteract or protect against explosive mines, opposed to the use of explosive mines
(adjective) not graded, run-of-the-mill
- mineral (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) ore, an inorganic substance (as in the ash of calcined tissue), mine
(adjective) of or relating to minerals; also : inorganic, impregnated with mineral substances
(noun) the dried bodies of the females of various scale insects (genus Kermes) that are found on a Mediterranean oak (Quercus coccifera) and constitute a red dyestuff; also : the dye
- mineralization (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to transform (a metal) into an ore, to impregnate or supply with minerals or an inorganic compound, to convert into mineral or inorganic form
- minerals (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) ore, an inorganic substance (as in the ash of calcined tissue), mine
- minimalist (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one who favors restricting the functions and powers of a political organization or the achievement of a set of goals to a minimum, an artist who creates minimal art, an adherent of minimalism
(adjective) of, relating to, or done in the style of minimalism
- minnesota (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) river 332 miles (534 kilometers) long in the southern part of the state of Minnesota flowing from Big Stone Lake to the Mississippi River, state in the northern U.S. bordering on Ontario and Manitoba, Canada, and on Lake Superior; capital Saint Paul area 84,068 square miles (218,577 square kilometers), population 5,303,925
(noun) a test of personal and social adjustment based on a complex scaling of the answers to an elaborate true or false test
- minutes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the 60th part of an hour of time : 60 seconds, the 60th part of a degree of angular measure, the distance one can traverse in a minute
(verb) to make notes or a brief summary of
(idiom) within a very short amount of time
(noun) minute
(noun) the moment just before some climactic, decisive, or disastrous event
(noun) a very brief span of time : instant, flash
(noun) the 60th part of a sidereal hour
(idiom) immediately after one has been told about something
(idiom) have a short period of time available (for something)
(idiom) immediately after one has been told about something
- miracle (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs, an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment, a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law
- mirage (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an optical effect that is sometimes seen at sea, in the desert, or over a hot pavement, that may have the appearance of a pool of water or a mirror in which distant objects are seen inverted, and that is caused by the bending or reflection of rays of light by a layer of heated air of varying density, something illusory and unattainable like a mirage
- mirror (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a polished or smooth surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection, something that gives a true representation, an exemplary model
(verb) to reflect in or as if in a mirror, resemble
- mirrors (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to reflect in or as if in a mirror, resemble
(noun) a polished or smooth surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection, something that gives a true representation, an exemplary model
- miss (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fail to hit, reach, or contact, to fail to perform or attend, to leave out : omit
(noun) a failure to hit, a failure to attain a desired result, misfire
(noun) —used as a title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl, —used before the name of a place or of a line of activity or before some epithet to form a title for a usually young unmarried female who is representative of the thing indicated, young lady —used without a name as a conventional term of address to a young woman
(abbreviation) Mississippi
(adjective) certain to have a favorable result, performance, or reception : surefire
- missed (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to fail to hit, reach, or contact, to fail to perform or attend, to leave out : omit
(noun) a single stroke or blow especially in a series; also : pulsation, tick, a sound produced by or as if by beating, a driving impact or force
- missing (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to fail to hit, reach, or contact, to fail to perform or attend, to leave out : omit
- mission (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a specific task with which a person or a group is charged, a definite military, naval, or aerospace task, a flight operation of an aircraft or spacecraft in the performance of a mission
(verb) to send on or entrust with a mission, to carry on a religious mission among or in
(adjective) of or relating to a style used in the early Spanish missions of the southwestern U.S., of, relating to, or having the characteristic of a style of plain heavy usually oak furniture originating in the U.S. in the early part of the 20th century
- mist (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) water in the form of particles floating or falling in the atmosphere at or near the surface of the earth and approaching the form of rain, something that obscures understanding, a film before the eyes
(verb) to be or become misty, to become moist or blurred, to cover or spray with or convert to mist
(noun) an Old World annual herb (Nigella damascena) of the buttercup family having usually blue or white flowers enveloped in numerous finely dissected bracts
- mistakes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to blunder in the choice of, to misunderstand the meaning or intention of : misinterpret, to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of
(noun) a wrong judgment : misunderstanding, a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention
- modeling (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to construct or fashion in imitation of a particular model, to shape or fashion in a plastic material, to produce a representation or simulation of
- models (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually miniature representation of something; also : a pattern of something to be made, a type or design of product (such as a car), a type or design of clothing
(verb) to construct or fashion in imitation of a particular model, to shape or fashion in a plastic material, to produce a representation or simulation of
- modern (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of the present or the immediate past : contemporary, of, relating to, or characteristic of a period extending from a relevant remote past to the present time, involving recent techniques, methods, or ideas : up-to-date
(noun) a person of modern times or views, an adherent of modernism : modernist, a style of printing type distinguished by regularity of shape, precise curves, straight hairline serifs, and heavy downstrokes
(adjective) existing today —often used to indicate that someone or something of the present is similar to someone or something of the past
(adjective) opposed to modernism or to modern beliefs and practices
(adjective) extremely modern, characterized by a set of strategies developed in the early 20th century that include the control of the center of the chessboard by means of distant pieces rather than more centrally located pawns
(adjective) of, relating to, originating in, or being an era before a modern one, of, relating to, characterized by, or being any of the artistic and literary practices and philosophies that preceded those of modernism
- modular (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or based on a module or a modulus, constructed with standardized units or dimensions for flexibility and variety in use
- modulate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to tune to a key or pitch, to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion : temper, to vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of (a carrier wave or a light wave) for the transmission of information (as by radio); also : to vary the velocity of electrons in an electron beam
- modulation (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an inflection of the tone or pitch of the voice; specifically : the use of stress or pitch to convey meaning, a regulating according to measure or proportion : tempering, a change from one musical key to another by modulating
- molecular (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, consisting of, or produced by molecules, of or relating to individual or small components
(noun) a branch of biology dealing with the ultimate physicochemical organization of living matter and especially with the molecular basis of inheritance and protein synthesis
(noun) chaperone
(noun) a chemical formula that gives the total number of atoms of each element in each molecule of a substance
(noun) a branch of genetics dealing with the structure and activity of genetic material at the molecular level
(noun) the mass of a molecule that is equal to the sum of the masses of all the atoms contained in the molecule
(noun) a solution of the Schrödinger equation that describes the probable location of an electron relative to the nuclei in a molecule and so indicates the nature of any bond in which the electron is involved
(noun) a crystalline substance (such as a zeolite) characterized by uniformly sized pores of molecular dimension that can adsorb small molecules and is used especially in separations
(noun) the average mass of a molecule of a compound compared to 1/12 the mass of carbon 12 and calculated as the sum of the atomic weights of the constituent atoms
(noun) the mass of one mole of a compound equal in grams to the molecular weight —called also gram-molecule
- moloch (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) commerce, industry(!), Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments! Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers -ginsberg from howl
- moment (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a minute portion or point of time : instant, a comparatively brief period of time, present time
- moments (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a minute portion or point of time : instant, a comparatively brief period of time, present time
- momentum (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a property of a moving body that the body has by virtue of its mass and motion and that is equal to the product of the body's mass and velocity; broadly : a property of a moving body that determines the length of time required to bring it to rest when under the action of a constant force or moment, strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events
- monads (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) unit, one, atom, an elementary individual substance which reflects the order of the world and from which material properties are derived
- monastery (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a house for persons under religious vows; especially : an establishment for monks
- monastic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of or relating to monasteries or to monks or nuns, resembling (as in seclusion or ascetic simplicity) life in a monastery
(noun) a member of a monastic order : a person (such as a monk) who lives under religious vows
- monologues (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) soliloquy, a dramatic sketch performed by one actor, the routine of a stand-up comic
- moon (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (3)
(noun) the earth's natural satellite that shines by the sun's reflected light, revolves about the earth from west to east in about 291/2 days with reference to the sun or about 271/3 days with reference to the stars, and has a diameter of 2160 miles (3475 kilometers), a mean distance from the earth of about 238,900 miles (384,400 kilometers), and a mass about one eightieth that of the earth —usually used with the, one complete moon cycle consisting of four phases, satellite; specifically : a natural satellite of a planet
(verb) to spend in idle reverie : dream —used with away, to expose one's naked buttocks to, to spend time in idle reverie : behave abstractedly
(adjective) having the eyes wide open
- moons (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to spend in idle reverie : dream —used with away, to expose one's naked buttocks to, to spend time in idle reverie : behave abstractedly
(noun) the earth's natural satellite that shines by the sun's reflected light, revolves about the earth from west to east in about 291/2 days with reference to the sun or about 271/3 days with reference to the stars, and has a diameter of 2160 miles (3475 kilometers), a mean distance from the earth of about 238,900 miles (384,400 kilometers), and a mass about one eightieth that of the earth —usually used with the, one complete moon cycle consisting of four phases, satellite; specifically : a natural satellite of a planet
(noun) the moon when half its disk appears illuminated, something shaped like a crescent, the lunule of a fingernail
- more (7)
- in books ::: artist (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) greater, additional, further
(adverb) in addition, moreover, to a greater or higher degree —often used with an adjective or adverb to form the comparative
(noun) a greater quantity, number, or amount, something additional : an additional amount, persons of higher rank
(pronoun) additional persons or things or a greater amount
(adjective) consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number, being one of a large but indefinite number
(adjective) great in quantity, amount, extent, or degree, great in importance or significance, many in number
(adverb) to a great degree or extent : considerably, very, frequently, often
- morning (16)
- in books ::: birdland (9), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) dawn, the time from sunrise to noon, the time from midnight to noon
- morse (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) morse code
- moss (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) bog, swamp; especially : a peat bog, any of a class (Musci) of bryophytic plants characterized by a gametophyte having a small leafy often tufted stem bearing sex organs at its tip; also : a clump or sward of these plants, any of various plants resembling moss in appearance or habit of growth
(verb) to cover or overgrow with moss
(abbreviation) metal-oxide semiconductor, military occupational specialty
(adjective) overgrown with moss, antiquated
(noun) one of a class of 17th century raiders in the marshy border country between England and Scotland, pirate
- motel (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an establishment which provides lodging and parking and in which the rooms are usually accessible from an outdoor parking area
- moth (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) clothes moth, any of various usually nocturnal lepidopteran insects with antennae that are often feathery, with a stouter body, duller coloring, and proportionately smaller wings than the butterflies, and with larvae that are plant-eating caterpillars
(adjective) eaten into by moth larvae, dilapidated, antiquated, outmoded
- moths (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) clothes moth, any of various usually nocturnal lepidopteran insects with antennae that are often feathery, with a stouter body, duller coloring, and proportionately smaller wings than the butterflies, and with larvae that are plant-eating caterpillars
(noun) a moth (as of the families Sesiidae or Sphingidae) having the wings largely transparent and devoid of scales
- motion (12)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of changing place : movement, an active or functioning state or condition, an impulse or inclination of the mind or will
(verb) to signal by a movement or gesture, to direct by a motion
(adjective) of, relating to, or being motion-picture or video photography in which the action that has been photographed is made to appear to occur slower than it actually occurred; also : slowly moving
- mountain (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a landmass that projects conspicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill, an elongated ridge, a great mass
- mountains (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a landmass that projects conspicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill, an elongated ridge, a great mass
- mourning (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of sorrowing, an outward sign (such as black clothes or an armband) of grief for a person's death, a period of time during which signs of grief are shown
(verb) to feel or express grief or sorrow, to show the customary signs of grief for a death; especially : to wear mourning, to murmur mournfully —used especially of doves
(noun) a blackish-brown nymphalid butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa) that has a broad yellow border on the wings and is found in temperate parts of Europe, Asia, and North America
(noun) an American dove (Zenaida macroura) with a pointed tail and a plaintive coo
(idiom) to begin to feel or show sadness for someone who has died : to begin the ritual observances accompanying a death (such as the wearing of black)
- mouth (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal and which in vertebrates is typically bounded externally by the lips and internally by the pharynx and encloses the tongue, gums, and teeth, grimace, an individual requiring food
(verb) speak, pronounce, to utter bombastically : declaim, to repeat without comprehension or sincerity
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a method of artificial respiration in which the rescuer's mouth is placed tightly over the victim's mouth in order to force air into the victim's lungs by blowing forcefully enough every few seconds to inflate them
- move (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion, to proceed toward a certain state or condition, to become transferred during play
(noun) the act of moving a piece (as in chess), the turn of a player to move, a step taken especially to gain an objective : maneuver
- movement (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of moving; especially : change of place or position or posture, a particular instance or manner of moving, a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit : maneuver
- moves (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion, to proceed toward a certain state or condition, to become transferred during play
(noun) the act of moving a piece (as in chess), the turn of a player to move, a step taken especially to gain an objective : maneuver
(noun) a move designed to check, offset, or counter another move
- movies (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a recording of moving images that tells a story and that people watch on a screen or television : motion picture, a showing of a motion picture especially in a theater; also : a theater that shows movies, the business of making movies : the motion-picture medium or industry
- moving (6)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by or capable of movement, of or relating to a change of residence, used for transferring furnishings from one residence to another
(verb) to go or pass to another place or in a certain direction with a continuous motion, to proceed toward a certain state or condition, to become transferred during play
- multi (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(combining form) many : multiple : much, more than two, more than one
(adjective) having more than one engine
(adjective) involving or relating to more than one industry
(adjective) involving, relating to, or occurring within more than one institution
(noun) a musician who plays two or more instruments
(adjective) involving or occurring over more than two thousand years
(adjective) composed of several plies
(noun) a compact, portable device that has blades and extensions for many tools (such as knives, screwdrivers, pliers, scissors, openers, and saw blades) which can be folded into the handle
(adjective) having or relating to multiple dimensions or aspects
(adjective) combining or involving more than one discipline or field of study : interdisciplinary
- multi-channel (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having, involving, or affecting more than one channel; specifically : having or using more than one path along which information (such as data or music) may travel in the form of electric signals
- multi-faceted (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having many facets or aspects
- multi-threaded (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) polyphonic, many threads
- multimedia (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) using, involving, or encompassing several media
(noun) a technique (such as the combining of sound, video, and text) for expressing ideas (as in communication, entertainment, or art) in which several media are employed; also : something (such as software) using or facilitating such a technique
- multiple (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) consisting of, including, or involving more than one, many, manifold, shared by many
(noun) the product of a quantity by an integer, something in units of more than one or two, parallel
(adjective) having several answers from which one is to be chosen, composed of multiple-choice questions
- multiplicity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being multiple or various, the number of components in a system (such as a multiplet or a group of energy levels), a great number
- murder (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought, something very difficult or dangerous, something outrageous or blameworthy
(verb) to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice, to slaughter wantonly : slay, to put an end to
(noun) self-destruction, suicide
- murky (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke, characterized by thickness and heaviness of air : foggy, misty, darkly vague or obscure
- muscle (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a body tissue consisting of long cells that contract when stimulated and produce motion, an organ that is essentially a mass of muscle tissue attached at either end to a fixed point and that by contracting moves or checks the movement of a body part, muscular strength : brawn
(verb) to move or force by or as if by muscular effort, to make one's way by brute strength or by force
(adjective) having some of the muscles tense and enlarged and of impaired elasticity sometimes as a result of excessive exercise, lacking in flexibility : rigid
- muscled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having muscles especially of a specified kind —often used in combination
(verb) to move or force by or as if by muscular effort, to make one's way by brute strength or by force
- music (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity, vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony, an agreeable sound : euphony
- musical (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to music, having the pleasing harmonious qualities of music : melodious, having an interest in or talent for music
(noun) musicale, a film or theatrical production typically of a sentimental or humorous nature that consists of musical numbers and dialogue based on a unifying plot
- musician (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) a composer, conductor, or performer of music; especially : instrumentalist
- musicians (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) a composer, conductor, or performer of music; especially : instrumentalist
- mycorrhiza (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the symbiotic association of the mycelium of a fungus with the roots of a seed plant
- myself (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(pronoun) that identical one that is I —used reflexively, for emphasis, or in absolute constructions, my normal, healthy, or sane condition
(noun) a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern, a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance, reckoning, computation
(verb) to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively, to compel or demand acceptance or recognition of (something, such as one's authority), to demonstrate the existence of
(verb) to be of use or advantage : serve, to produce or result in as a benefit or advantage : gain
(preposition) by the side of, in comparison with, on a par with
(verb) to move toward something : approach, to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose, to reach a particular station in a series
(verb) to have a good time, to have for one's use, benefit, or lot : experience, to take pleasure or satisfaction in
(verb) to make known, to make plain or understandable, to give the reason for or cause of
(verb) to descend freely by the force of gravity, to hang freely, to drop oneself to a lower position
- mythic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) based on or described in a myth especially as contrasted with history, existing only in the imagination : fictitious, imaginary, having qualities suitable to myth : legendary
- n-body (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) multiple beings
- nail (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a horny sheath protecting the upper end of each finger and toe of humans and most other primates, a structure (such as a claw) that terminates a digit and corresponds to a nail, a slender usually pointed and headed fastener designed to be pounded in
(verb) to fasten with or as if with a nail, to fix in steady attention, catch, trap
(noun) something (such as a close contest) that induces tension or anxiety
- nails (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fasten with or as if with a nail, to fix in steady attention, catch, trap
(noun) a horny sheath protecting the upper end of each finger and toe of humans and most other primates, a structure (such as a claw) that terminates a digit and corresponds to a nail, a slender usually pointed and headed fastener designed to be pounded in
- naked (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) not covered by clothing : nude, devoid of customary or natural covering : bare: such as, not enclosed in a scabbard
(noun) a mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber of the family Bathyergidae) found in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya that has nearly hairless wrinkled skin and is practically blind
(idiom) completely naked
(adjective) completely naked : butt naked
(adjective) completely naked : buck naked
(adjective) stark naked
(adjective) partly dressed
(idiom) wearing no clothes at all
(idiom) to remove all one's clothes
(noun) the complete truth
- name (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing, a word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity, a descriptive often disparaging epithet
(verb) to give a name to : call, to mention or identify by name, to accuse by name
(adjective) of, relating to, or bearing a name, appearing in the name of a literary or theatrical production, having an established reputation
(noun) the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation (as of a person or project) without objective consideration of the facts
(noun) a specific and usually public mention or acknowledgment of someone or something by name
(verb) to mention or acknowledge (someone or something) specifically and publicly by name
(noun) the studied but seemingly casual mention of prominent persons as associates done to impress others
- nap (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to sleep briefly especially during the day : doze, to be off guard
(noun) a short sleep especially during the day : snooze
(noun) a hairy, fuzzy, or downy surface (as on a fabric)
(verb) to raise a nap on (fabric or leather)
(noun) a pick or recommendation as a good bet to win a contest (such as a horse race); also : one named in a nap
(verb) to pick or single out in a nap
- napkin (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a piece of material (such as cloth or paper) used at table to wipe the lips or fingers and protect the clothes, a small cloth or towel: such as, handkerchief
- narrate (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to tell (a story) in detail; also : to provide spoken commentary for (something, such as a movie or television show)
- narrative (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that is narrated : story, account, a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values, the art or practice of narration
(adjective) having the form of a story or representing a story, of or relating to the process of telling a story
- narrator (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to tell (a story) in detail; also : to provide spoken commentary for (something, such as a movie or television show)
- narrow (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of slender width, of less than standard or usual width, woven in widths usually less than 18 inches (46 centimeters)
(verb) to decrease the breadth or extent of : contract —often used with down, to decrease the scope or sphere of : limit —often used with down, to lessen in width or extent : contract —often used with down
(noun) a narrow part or passage; specifically : a strait connecting two bodies of water —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction
(adjective) not willing to accept opinions, beliefs, behaviors, etc. that are unusual or different from one's own : not open-minded
- natural (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) based on an inherent sense of right and wrong, being in accordance with or determined by nature, having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
(noun) one born without the usual powers of reason and understanding, a sign ♮ placed on any degree of the musical staff to nullify the effect of a preceding sharp or flat, a note or tone affected by the natural sign
(adjective) having a specified status at birth; especially : having at birth the legal status of citizen or subject, able to do something well immediately or from the very first time
(noun) a rock formation in which the central bottom part has been completely eroded away, leaving a structure that looks like a bridge
(noun) a system of managing childbirth in which the mother receives preparatory education in order to remain conscious during and assist in delivery with minimal or no use of drugs or anesthetics
(noun) a method of birth control that involves abstention from sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation which is determined through observation and measurement of bodily symptoms
(noun) food that has undergone minimal processing and contains no preservatives or artificial additives
(noun) gas issuing from the earth's crust through natural openings or bored wells; especially : a combustible mixture of methane and other hydrocarbons used chiefly as a fuel and raw material, gas manufactured from organic matter (such as coal)
(noun) a treatise on some aspect of nature, the natural development of something (such as an organism or disease) over a period of time, the study of natural objects especially in the field from an amateur or popular point of view
(noun) a large granular lymphocyte capable especially of destroying tumor cells or virally-infected cells without prior exposure to the target cell and without having it presented with or marked by a histocompatibility antigen —called also NK cell
- navigation (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the act or practice of navigating, the science of getting ships, aircraft, or spacecraft from place to place; especially : the method of determining position, course, and distance traveled, ship traffic or commerce
(noun) navigation by observation of the positions of celestial bodies
(noun) guidance (as of an aircraft or spacecraft) by means of self-contained automatically controlling devices that respond to inertial forces —called also inertial navigation
- near (8)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) at, within, or to a short distance or time, almost, nearly, in a close or intimate manner : closely
(preposition) close to
(adjective) not far distant in time, place, or degree, almost happening : narrowly missed or avoided, nearly not happening
(verb) approach
(adjective) of or relating to the shorter wavelengths of radiation in the infrared spectrum and especially to those between 0.7 and 2.5 micrometers
- nearest (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adverb) at, within, or to a short distance or time, almost, nearly, in a close or intimate manner : closely
(adjective) not far distant in time, place, or degree, almost happening : narrowly missed or avoided, nearly not happening
- nebraska (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) state in the central U.S.; capital Lincoln area 77,355 square miles (200,349 square kilometers), population 1,826,341
- necklace (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an ornament worn around the neck, something likened to a necklace especially in forming a linked series or a circular pattern
- need (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) necessary duty : obligation, a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful, a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism
(verb) to be needful or necessary, to be in want, to be in need of : require
- needle (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a small slender usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread or surgical sutures at one end and that is used for sewing, any of various devices for carrying thread and making stitches (as in crocheting or knitting), a slender hollow instrument for introducing material into or removing material from the body (as by insertion under the skin)
(verb) to sew or pierce with or as if with a needle, tease, torment, to incite to action by repeated gibes
- needs (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) of necessity : necessarily
(verb) to be needful or necessary, to be in want, to be in need of : require
(noun) necessary duty : obligation, a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful, a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism
- neighborhood (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) neighborly relationship, the quality or state of being neighbors : proximity, a place or region near : vicinity
- neon (15)
- in books ::: birdland (9), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a nonmetallic chemical element that is found in minute amounts in air and is used especially in electric lamps, in lasers, and as a cryogenic refrigerant, a discharge lamp in which the gas contains a large proportion of neon, a sign composed of such lamps
(adjective) of, relating to, or using neon, extremely bright : fluorescent
- nest (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a bed or receptacle prepared by an animal and especially a bird for its eggs and young, a place or specially modified structure serving as an abode of animals and especially of their immature stages, a receptacle resembling a bird's nest
(verb) to build or occupy a nest : settle in or as if in a nest, to fit compactly together or within one another : embed, to form a nest for
- net (12)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (12)
(noun) an open-meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or woven together at regular intervals, something made of net: such as, a device for catching fish, birds, or insects
(verb) to cover or enclose with or as if with a net, to catch in or as if in a net, to cover with or as if with a network
(adjective) free from all charges or deductions: such as, remaining after the deduction of all charges, outlay, or loss, excluding all tare
(verb) to receive by way of profit : clear, to produce by way of profit : yield, to get possession of : gain
(noun) a net amount, profit, weight, or price, the score of a golfer in a handicap match after deducting his or her handicap from the gross score, essence, gist
(adjective) having veins arranged in a fine network
(adjective) having wings with a fine network of veins
(adjective) resulting in neither a surplus nor a deficit of something specified when gains and losses are added together; especially, of buildings : producing enough energy (as through solar panels or passive heating) to offset any energy consumed
- netherworld (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the world of the dead, underworld, no-man's-land
- nets (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an open-meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or woven together at regular intervals, something made of net: such as, a device for catching fish, birds, or insects
(verb) to cover or enclose with or as if with a net, to catch in or as if in a net, to cover with or as if with a network
(verb) to receive by way of profit : clear, to produce by way of profit : yield, to get possession of : gain
(noun) a net amount, profit, weight, or price, the score of a golfer in a handicap match after deducting his or her handicap from the gross score, essence, gist
- network (8)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a fabric or structure of cords or wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted or secured at the crossings, a system of lines or channels resembling a network, an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system
(verb) to cover with or as if with a network, to distribute for broadcast on a television network; also : broadcast, to join (things, such as computers) in a network
(noun) a portion of a network : a network within a network
- networked (6)
- in books ::: artist (6)
(verb) to cover with or as if with a network, to distribute for broadcast on a television network; also : broadcast, to join (things, such as computers) in a network
- networks (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cover with or as if with a network, to distribute for broadcast on a television network; also : broadcast, to join (things, such as computers) in a network
(noun) a fabric or structure of cords or wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted or secured at the crossings, a system of lines or channels resembling a network, an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system
(noun) a portion of a network : a network within a network
- neural (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, or affecting a nerve or the nervous system, situated in the region of or on the same side of the body as the brain and spinal cord : dorsal
- nevada (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) state in the Great Basin of the western U.S.; capital Carson City area 110,567 square miles (286,368 square kilometers), population 2,700,551
- never (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adverb) not ever : at no time, not in any degree : not under any condition
(adjective) having or seeming to have no end : endless
- new (6)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having recently come into existence : recent, modern, having been seen, used, or known for a short time : novel, unfamiliar
(adverb) newly, recently —usually used in combination
- news (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a report of recent events, previously unknown information, something having a specified influence or effect
(noun) an organization that supplies news to subscribing newspapers, periodicals, and newscasters
(noun) press conference
(noun) the office where news is gathered to be reported in a newspaper, on television, etc.
(noun) a report on an important piece of news that is given in the middle of another television or radio show —often used ironically when one is saying something that is not new or surprising
(idiom) information or a report about (something that happened)
(noun) something one is hearing for the first time : something one did not previously know
(noun) one that is troublesome, unwelcome, or dangerous
(noun) communication, information, or entertainment that is not news or not newsworthy —often used before another noun
- newspaper (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news, articles of opinion, features, and advertising, an organization that publishes a newspaper, the paper of a newspaper : newsprint
(verb) to do newspaper work
- newsprint (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) paper made chiefly from groundwood pulp and used mostly for newspapers
- next (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3)
(adjective) immediately adjacent (as in place, rank, or time), any other considered hypothetically
(preposition) nearest or adjacent to
(adverb) in the time, place, or order nearest or immediately succeeding, on the first occasion to come
(noun) one that is next
(adjective) located or living in the next building, house, apartment, or room; broadly : nearby, adjacent
(adjective) surpassing others : uncommonly good or impressive
- niche (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a recess in a wall especially for a statue, something (such as a sheltered or private space) that resembles a recess in a wall, a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted
(verb) to place in or as if in a niche
(noun) a portion of a niche (such as a part of a specialized market)
- nickels (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a silver-white hard malleable ductile metallic element capable of a high polish and resistant to corrosion that is used chiefly in alloys and as a catalyst, the U.S. 5-cent piece regularly containing 25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper, the Canadian 5-cent piece
(verb) to impair, weaken, or defeat piecemeal (as through a series of small incursions or excessive attention to minor details), to treat (a person or situation) by paying excessive attention to small amounts of money often with a detrimental effect
- night (52)
- in books ::: birdland (22), blueWindow (20), fieldNotes (10)
(noun) the time from dusk to dawn when no sunlight is visible, an evening or night taken as an occasion or point of time, an evening set aside for a particular purpose
(adjective) of, relating to, or associated with the night, intended for use at night, existing, occurring, or functioning at night
- nightly (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) happening, done, or used by night or every night, of or relating to the night or every night
(adverb) every night; also : at or by night
- nights (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (3)
(adverb) in the nighttime repeatedly : on any night
(noun) the time from dusk to dawn when no sunlight is visible, an evening or night taken as an occasion or point of time, an evening set aside for a particular purpose
(noun) one that seeks to evade responsibilities and especially creditors by flight, one without established reputation or standing; especially : a shaky business enterprise
- nitrogen (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a nonmetallic chemical element that under standard conditions is a colorless, odorless, inert gas, that constitutes 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, and that is used especially in the industrial synthesis of ammonia, as a component of inert atmospheres, and in liquid form as a refrigerant
(noun) any of various soil microorganisms that are involved in nitrogen fixation
(adjective) capable of nitrogen fixation
- no (32)
- in books ::: birdland (19), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (11)
(adverb) not, —used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility, in no respect or degree —used in comparisons
(adjective) not any, hardly any : very little, not a : quite other than a
(noun) an act or instance of refusing or denying by the use of the word no : denial, a negative vote or decision, persons voting in the negative
(abbreviation) north; northern, number
(symbol) nobelium
(noun) classic Japanese dance-drama having a heroic theme, a chorus, and highly stylized action, costuming, and scenery
(adjective) of no importance : trifling, not amounting to anything : shiftless
(noun) something that requires a minimum of thought
- node (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a pathological swelling or enlargement (as of a rheumatic joint), a discrete mass of one kind of tissue enclosed in tissue of a different kind, an entangling complication (as in a drama) : predicament
- noise (12)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (11)
(noun) sound; especially : one that lacks an agreeable quality or is noticeably unpleasant or loud, any sound that is undesired or interferes with one's hearing of something, loud, confused, or senseless shouting or outcry
(verb) to talk much or loudly, to make a noise, to spread by rumor or report —usually used with about or abroad
(adjective) designed or acting to reduce or prohibit excessive noise
- nomad (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory, an individual who roams about
- non-metered (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) not metered, not constant steady same, unsteady tick gait
- non-traditional (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) not following or conforming to tradition : not adhering to past practices or conventions : not traditional
- none (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(pronoun) not any, not one : nobody, not any such thing or person
(adjective) not any : no
(adverb) by no means : not at all, in no way : to no extent
(noun) the fifth of the canonical hours
- nonlinear (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not linear
- noon (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (4)
(noun) midday; specifically : 12 o'clock at midday, midnight —used chiefly in the phrase noon of night, the highest point
(adjective) existing or occurring before noon
- not (63)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (22), blueWindow (9), fieldNotes (31)
(adverb) —used as a function word to make negative a group of words or a word, —used as a function word to stand for the negative of a preceding group of words
(noun) a logical operator that produces a statement that is the inverse of an input statement
(adjective) nonprofit
- notation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) annotation, note, the act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters, a system of characters, symbols, or abbreviated expressions used in an art or science or in mathematics or logic to express technical facts or quantities
(noun) a system of expressing numbers in which the digits are arranged in succession, the position of each digit has a place value, and the number is equal to the sum of the products of each digit by its place value
(noun) reverse polish notation
(noun) a system of representing mathematical and logical operations in which the operands precede the operator and which does not require the use of parentheses —called also postfix notation
(noun) a widely used floating-point system in which numbers are expressed as products consisting of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by an appropriate power of 10 (as in 1.591 × 10—20)
- notations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) annotation, note, the act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters, a system of characters, symbols, or abbreviated expressions used in an art or science or in mathematics or logic to express technical facts or quantities
(noun) a system of expressing numbers in which the digits are arranged in succession, the position of each digit has a place value, and the number is equal to the sum of the products of each digit by its place value
(noun) reverse polish notation
(noun) a widely used floating-point system in which numbers are expressed as products consisting of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by an appropriate power of 10 (as in 1.591 × 10—20)
- notches (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cut or make a notch in, to mark or record by a notch, score, achieve —sometimes used with up
(noun) a V-shaped indentation, a slit made to serve as a record, a rounded indentation cut into the pages of a book on the edge opposite the spine
- note (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(verb) to notice or observe with care, to record or preserve in writing, to make special mention of or remark on
(noun) melody, song, tone, call, sound; especially : the musical call of a bird
(noun) promissory note
(noun) a card with notes on it, a thick piece of paper that is usually folded in half and decorated on the outside but blank inside for writing a message
(verb) to write down (a piece of information that one wants to remember)
(noun) a variable microtonal lowering of the third, seventh, and occasionally fifth degrees of the major scale
(noun) a 100-dollar bill
(noun) a note payable on demand
(noun) a musical note with the time value of 1/8 of a whole note
(noun) a musical note added as an ornament; especially : appoggiatura, a small addition or embellishment
- notes (10)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to notice or observe with care, to record or preserve in writing, to make special mention of or remark on
(noun) melody, song, tone, call, sound; especially : the musical call of a bird
(noun) a 100-dollar bill
- nothing (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(pronoun) not any thing : no thing, no part, one of no interest, value, or consequence
(adverb) not at all : in no degree
(noun) something that does not exist, the absence of all magnitude or quantity; also : zero, nothingness, nonexistence
(adjective) of no account : worthless
- noun (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any member of a class of words that typically can be combined with determiners to serve as the subject of a verb, can be interpreted as singular or plural, can be replaced with a pronoun, and refer to an entity, quality, state, action, or concept
- novel (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) new and not resembling something formerly known or used, not previously identified, original or striking especially in conception or style
(noun) an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events, the literary genre consisting of novels
- now (15)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (6), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (6)
(adverb) at the present time or moment, in the time immediately before the present, in the time immediately to follow : forthwith
(conjunction) in view of the fact that : since —often followed by that
(noun) the present time or moment
(adjective) of or relating to the present time : existing, excitingly new, constantly aware of what is new
(abbreviation) National Organization for Women
- now-ness (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of existing or occurring in or belonging to the present time
- nuclear (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or constituting a nucleus, of or relating to the atomic nucleus, used in or produced by a nuclear reaction (such as fission)
(noun) a family group that consists only of parents and children
(noun) the magnetic resonance of an atomic nucleus; also : chemical analysis that uses such resonance especially to study molecular structure
(noun) a branch of medicine dealing with the use of radioactive materials in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
(noun) a double membrane enclosing a cell nucleus and having its outer part continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum —called also nuclear envelope
(noun) the option of using nuclear weapons in war, an extreme option regarded as a drastic step or last resort; specifically, US politics : a parliamentary procedure in the U.S. Senate by which the requirement of the affirmative votes of a supermajority of senators is changed to require only a simple majority to invoke cloture in order to stop a filibuster and allow a vote on a matter (such as a judicial nomination) to proceed
(noun) the clear homogeneous ground substance of a cell nucleus
(noun) the chilling of climate that is hypothesized to be a consequence of nuclear war and to result from the prolonged blockage of sunlight by high-altitude dust clouds produced by nuclear explosions
(idiom) nuclear weapons
(noun) energy that is created by splitting apart the nuclei of atoms
- null (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) having no legal or binding force : invalid, amounting to nothing : nil, having no value : insignificant
(noun) zero, a condition of a radio receiver when minimum or zero signal is received, a minimum or zero value of an electric current or of a radio signal
(verb) to make null
(noun) a subspace of a vector space consisting of vectors that under a given linear transformation are mapped onto zero
(noun) the number of elements in the set of all integers which is the smallest transfinite cardinal number
- number (10)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) a sum of units : total, complement, an indefinite usually large total
(verb) count, enumerate, to claim as part of a total : include, to restrict to a definite number
(adjective) unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body especially as a result of cold or anesthesia, unable to think, feel, or react normally because of something that shocks or upsets you : indifferent
- numbers (8)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the mainly narrative fourth book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture
(noun) a sum of units : total, complement, an indefinite usually large total
(verb) count, enumerate, to claim as part of a total : include, to restrict to a definite number
- numerical (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to numbers, expressed in or involving numbers or a number system
- numerous (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) consisting of great numbers of units or individuals; also : many
- nutrient (12)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (12)
(adjective) furnishing nourishment
(noun) a substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy, and maintains life
- oar (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a long pole with a broad blade at one end used for propelling or steering a boat, oarsman
(verb) to progress by or as if by using oars, to propel with or as if with oars : row
- oars (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to progress by or as if by using oars, to propel with or as if with oars : row
(noun) a long pole with a broad blade at one end used for propelling or steering a boat, oarsman
- oats (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) any of several grasses (genus Avena); especially : a widely cultivated cereal grass (A. sativa), a crop or plot of the oat; also : the seed of an oat —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction, a reed instrument made of an oat straw
- object (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) something material that may be perceived by the senses, something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion (such as pity), something mental or physical toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed
(verb) to put forth in opposition or as an objection, to oppose something firmly and usually with words or arguments, to feel distaste for something
(adjective) of, relating to, or being object code
(adjective) relating to, used in, or implemented by object-oriented programming
- objects (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to put forth in opposition or as an objection, to oppose something firmly and usually with words or arguments, to feel distaste for something
(noun) something material that may be perceived by the senses, something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion (such as pity), something mental or physical toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed
- oboe (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a double-reed woodwind instrument having a conical tube, a brilliant penetrating tone, and a usual range from B flat below middle C upward for over 21/2 octaves
- observation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an act or instance of observing a custom, rule, or law, observance, an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often involving measurement with instruments
(adjective) designed for use in viewing something (such as scenery) or in making observations
(noun) introspection, observation of one's own appearance
- observatory (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a building or place given over to or equipped for observation of natural phenomena (as in astronomy); also : an institution whose primary purpose is making such observations, a situation or structure commanding a wide view
- observe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to conform one's action or practice to (something, such as a law, rite, or condition) : comply with, to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage, to celebrate or solemnize (something, such as a ceremony or festival) in a customary or accepted way
(idiom) to behave with politeness
- observer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that observes: such as, a representative sent to observe but not participate officially in an activity (such as a meeting or war), an expert analyst and commentator in a particular field
(adjective) occurring between or involving two or more observers
- ocean (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth, any of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is divided, a very large or unlimited quantity or expanse
- oceans (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the whole body of salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth, any of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is divided, a very large or unlimited quantity or expanse
- ochre (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an earthy usually red or yellow and often impure iron ore used as a pigment, the color of ocher; especially : the color of yellow ocher
- ode (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a lyric poem usually marked by exaltation of feeling and style, varying length of line, and complexity of stanza forms, something that shows respect for or celebrates the worth or influence of another : homage
(noun) way : path, electrode
- odessa (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) city and port on the Black Sea in southern Ukraine population 1,012,500
- odometer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an instrument for measuring the distance traveled (as by a vehicle)
- of (329)
- in books ::: artist (54), birdland (123), blueWindow (42), fieldNotes (110)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate a point of reckoning, —used as a function word to indicate origin or derivation, —used as a function word to indicate the cause, motive, or reason
(abbreviation) outfield
- off (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adverb) from a place or position; specifically : away from land, at a distance in space or time, from a course : aside; specifically : away from the wind
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate physical separation or distance from a position of rest, attachment, or union, to seaward of, from the possession or charge of
(adjective) seaward, right, more removed or distant
(verb) to go away : depart —used chiefly as an imperative, kill, murder
(abbreviation) office; officer; official
(noun) competition : contest
(adverb) with periodic cessation : intermittently
(adjective) not identified with a major brand name
(noun) a part of the New York professional theater stressing fundamental and artistic values and formerly engaging in experimentation
(adjective) not having the right or standard color, being out of sorts, of doubtful propriety : dubious
- offerings (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act of one who offers, something offered; especially : a sacrifice ceremonially offered as a part of worship, a contribution to the support of a church
- often (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2)
(adverb) many times : frequently
(adjective) being each individual or part of a group without exception, being each in a series or succession, being all taken severally
- ohio (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) river 981 miles (1578 kilometers) long in the eastern part of the U.S. flowing west from the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers in western Pennsylvania, forming the boundaries between Ohio and West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky, Indiana and Kentucky, and Illinois and Kentucky, and then flowing into the Mississippi River at the southern tip of Illinois, state in northeast central U.S. bordering on Lake Erie; capital Columbus area 41,222 square miles (106,765 square kilometers), population 11,536,504
- oil (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) any of numerous unctuous combustible substances that are liquid or can be liquefied easily on warming, are soluble in ether but not in water, and leave a greasy stain on paper or cloth, petroleum, the petroleum industry
(verb) to smear, rub over, furnish, or lubricate with oil, to take on fuel oil
- oily (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, or consisting of oil, covered or impregnated with oil, relatively high in naturally secreted oils
- old (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) dating from the remote past : ancient, persisting from an earlier time, of long standing
(noun) one of a specified age —usually used in combination, old or earlier time —used in the phrase of old
- old-school (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) adhering to traditional policies or practices, characteristic or evocative of an earlier or original style, manner, or form
- omniscient (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight, possessed of universal or complete knowledge
- on (43)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (18), blueWindow (11), fieldNotes (11)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate position in contact with and supported by the top surface of, —used as a function word to indicate position in or in contact with an outer surface, —used as a function word to indicate position in close proximity with
(adverb) in or into a position of contact with an upper surface especially so as to be positioned for use or operation, in or into a position of being attached to or covering a surface; especially : in or into the condition of being worn, forward or at a more advanced point in space or time
(adjective) engaged in an activity or function (such as a dramatic role), being in operation, placed so as to permit operation
(abbreviation) Ontario
(noun suffix) chemical compound not a ketone or other oxo compound
(noun suffix) subatomic particle, unit : quantum, basic hereditary component
(noun suffix) noble gas
- once (10)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (7)
(adverb) one time and no more, at any one time : under any circumstances : ever, at some indefinite time in the past : formerly
(noun) one single time : one time at least
(adjective) that once was : former
(conjunction) at the moment when : as soon as
(noun) a swift examination or survey; especially : a swift comprehensive appraising glance
- one (30)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (5), blueWindow (12), fieldNotes (12)
(adjective) being a single unit or thing, being one in particular, being preeminently what is indicated
(noun) the first whole number above zero, the number denoting unity, the first in a set or series —often used with an attributive noun
(pronoun) a certain indefinitely indicated person or thing, an individual of a vaguely indicated group : anyone at all, —used as a third person substitute for a first person pronoun
(noun suffix) ketone or related or analogous compound or class of compounds
(noun) single
(adjective) having one dimension, lacking depth : superficial
(adjective) having or using only one hand, designed for or requiring the use of only one hand, effected by the use of only one hand
- only (9)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) unquestionably the best : peerless, alone in a class or category : sole, having no brother or sister
(adverb) as a single fact or instance and nothing more or different : merely, solely, exclusively, at the very least
(conjunction) with the restriction that : but, and yet : however, were it not that : except
(noun) a person who never had a brother or sister
(idiom) the right thing
(idiom) to feel love only for (someone)
(idiom) normal or reasonable
(idiom) the right thing under the circumstances
(idiom) to do the opposite of what one is trying to do : to achieve an undesired result
(idiom) very or completely
- onto (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(preposition) to a position on, in or into a state of awareness about, —used as a function word to indicate a set each element of which is the image of at least one element of another set
(adjective) mapping elements in such a way that every element in one set is the image of at least one element in another set
(combining form) being : existence, organism
(verb) take, steal, seize, catch
- ontologies (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being, a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things that have existence
- onward (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) toward or at a point lying ahead in space or time : forward
(adjective) directed or moving onward : forward
- opacity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) obscurity of sense : unintelligibility, the quality or state of being mentally obtuse : dullness, the quality or state of a body that makes it impervious to the rays of light; broadly : the relative capacity of matter to obstruct the transmission of radiant energy
- opal (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a usually amorphous mineral that is a hydrated silica softer and less dense than quartz and typically with definite and often marked iridescent play of colors and is used especially as a gem
- opaque (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(adjective) blocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light : exhibiting opacity, hard to understand or explain, obtuse, thickheaded
- open (9)
- in books ::: artist (6), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having no enclosing or confining barrier : accessible on all or nearly all sides, being in a position or adjustment to permit passage : not shut or locked, having a barrier (such as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage
(verb) to move (something, such as a door) from a closed position, to make available for entry or passage by turning back (something, such as a barrier) or removing (something, such as a cover or an obstruction), to make available for or active in a regular function
(noun) opening, open and unobstructed space: such as, open air
(adjective) outdoor
(adjective) perfectly simple : obvious, easily settled
- opened (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to move (something, such as a door) from a closed position, to make available for entry or passage by turning back (something, such as a barrier) or removing (something, such as a cover or an obstruction), to make available for or active in a regular function
(noun) the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat, one of the four elements of the alchemists, burning passion : ardor
- opening (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) an act or instance of making or becoming open, an act or instance of beginning : commencement; especially : a formal and usually public event by which something new is put officially into operation, something that is open: such as
(verb) to move (something, such as a door) from a closed position, to make available for entry or passage by turning back (something, such as a barrier) or removing (something, such as a cover or an obstruction), to make available for or active in a regular function
(noun) a drink intended to wake one up, something startling, surprising, or enlightening
(adjective) occurring before something (such as a store) opens for business
- opera (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a drama set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment and orchestral overtures and interludes; specifically : grand opera, the score of a musical drama, the performance of an opera; also : a house where operas are performed
(noun) work; especially : a musical composition or set of compositions usually numbered in the order of its issue
- operatic (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of or relating to opera, grand, dramatic, or romantic in style or effect
- opportunities (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(noun) a favorable juncture of circumstances, a good chance for advancement or progress
- or (130)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (106), blueWindow (14), fieldNotes (9)
(conjunction) —used as a function word to indicate an alternative, the equivalent or substitutive character of two words or phrases, or approximation or uncertainty, either, whether
(preposition) before
(conjunction) before
(noun) the heraldic color gold or yellow
(noun) a logical operator that requires at least one of two inputs to be present or conditions to be met for an output to be made or a statement to be executed
(abbreviation) operating room, operational research; operations research, Oregon, owner's risk, own recognizance
(noun suffix) one that does a (specified) thing
(noun suffix) condition : activity
- oracles (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a person (such as a priestess of ancient Greece) through whom a deity is believed to speak, a shrine in which a deity reveals hidden knowledge or the divine purpose through such a person, an answer or decision given by an oracle
- orange (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a globose berry with a yellowish to reddish-orange rind and a sweet edible pulp, any of various small evergreen citrus trees (genus Citrus) with glossy ovate leaves, hard yellow wood, fragrant white flowers, and fruits that are oranges, any of several trees or fruits resembling the orange
(adjective) of or relating to the orange, of the color orange
- orb (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the concentric spheres in old astronomy surrounding the earth and carrying the celestial bodies in their revolutions, something circular : circle, orbit, a spherical body; especially : a spherical celestial object
(verb) to form into a disk or circle, encircle, surround, enclose, to move in an orbit
- orbit (14)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (11)
(noun) the bony socket of the eye
(noun) a path described by one body in its revolution about another (as by the earth about the sun or by an electron about an atomic nucleus); also : one complete revolution of a body describing such a path, a circular path, a range or sphere of activity or influence
(verb) to revolve in an orbit around : circle, to send up and make revolve in an orbit, to travel in circles
- orbits (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to revolve in an orbit around : circle, to send up and make revolve in an orbit, to travel in circles
(noun) the bony socket of the eye
(noun) a path described by one body in its revolution about another (as by the earth about the sun or by an electron about an atomic nucleus); also : one complete revolution of a body describing such a path, a circular path, a range or sphere of activity or influence
- orchestra (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the circular space used by the chorus in front of the proscenium in an ancient Greek theater, a corresponding semicircular space in a Roman theater used for seating important persons, the space in front of the stage in a modern theater that is used by an orchestra
- orchestral (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or composed for an orchestra, suggestive of an orchestra or its musical qualities
- orchestration (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the arrangement of a musical composition for performance by an orchestra; also : orchestral treatment of a musical composition, harmonious organization
- ordered (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) characterized by order: such as, marked by regularity or discipline, marked by regular or harmonious arrangement or disposition
(verb) to put in order : arrange, to give an order to : command, destine, ordain
(adjective) ordered for purchase or delivery but not yet available : placed on back order
(adjective) having an orderly procedure or arrangement, partially ordered with every subset containing a first element and exactly one of the relationships "greater than," "less than," or "equal to" holding for any given pair of elements
(verb) to assign to the status of back order
(verb) to order (something) in advance : to request to purchase (something) before it is available for sale
- organics (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an organic substance: such as, a fertilizer of plant or animal origin, a pesticide whose active component is an organic compound or a mixture of organic compounds
- organize (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to form into a coherent unity or functioning whole : integrate, to set up an administrative structure for, to persuade to associate in an organization; especially : unionize
(noun) a person who organizes something along with one or more other people
- origin (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) ancestry, parentage, rise, beginning, or derivation from a source, the point at which something begins or rises or from which it derives; also : something that creates, causes, or gives rise to another
(noun) the country where something or someone comes from
(idiom) to begin to exist : to be produced or created
(idiom) —used to refer to a source or cause
(idiom) created recently
(idiom) —used to say that the source or cause of something is not known
(noun) the place where something is made or created
(noun) the place where something comes from : the place where something originates
(idiom) from a family that did not have high social status or much money
- original (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : initial, not secondary, derivative, or imitative, being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made
(noun) that from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is made, a work composed firsthand, a person of fresh initiative or inventive capacity
- orthogonal (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) intersecting or lying at right angles, having perpendicular slopes or tangents at the point of intersection, having a sum of products or an integral that is zero or sometimes one under specified conditions: such as
- oscillations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the action or state of oscillating, variation, fluctuation, a flow of electricity changing periodically from a maximum to a minimum; especially : a flow periodically changing direction
- oscilloscope (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an instrument in which the variations in a fluctuating electrical quantity appear temporarily as a visible wave form on a display screen
- other (14)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (5), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) being the one (as of two or more) remaining or not included, being the one or ones distinct from that or those first mentioned or implied, second
(noun) a different or additional one, one that remains of two or more, a thing opposite to or excluded by something else
(pronoun) a different or additional one, one of two that remains, each preceding one
(adverb) otherwise —used with than
(verb) to treat or consider (a person or a group of people) as alien to oneself or one's group (as because of different racial, sexual, or cultural characteristics)
(adjective) directed in thought and action primarily by external norms rather than by one's own scale of values
- others (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a different or additional one, one that remains of two or more, a thing opposite to or excluded by something else
(verb) to treat or consider (a person or a group of people) as alien to oneself or one's group (as because of different racial, sexual, or cultural characteristics)
(idiom) to do things that other people are afraid to do
(plural noun) all the members of a group except the person or thing that has already been mentioned
(noun) a person who is important to one's well-being; especially : a spouse or one in a similar relationship
(noun) the part of the neck in front of the spinal column, the passage through the neck to the stomach and lungs, voice
(idiom) to be too close to someone or spend too much time with someone
- otherworldly (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or resembling that of a world other than the actual world, devoted to preparing for a world to come, devoted to intellectual or imaginative pursuits
- our (23)
- in books ::: artist (7), birdland (2), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (11)
(adjective) of or relating to us or ourselves or ourself especially as possessors or possessor, agents or agent, or objects or object of an action
(noun) a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern, a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance, reckoning, computation
(noun) a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes, a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles, a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes
(noun) any of a family (Formicidae) of colonial hymenopterous insects with a complex social organization and various castes performing special duties
(noun) the fleshy, usually rounded red, yellow, or green edible pome fruit of a usually cultivated tree (genus Malus) of the rose family; also : an apple tree, a fruit (such as a star apple) or other vegetative growth (such as an oak apple) suggestive of an apple
(noun) the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine, the body considered as the wearer of clothes, capacity for labor, effort, or endurance
- ourselves (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(plural pronoun) those identical ones that are we —used reflexively, for emphasis, or in absolute constructions, our normal, healthy, or sane condition
(noun) a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern, a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance, reckoning, computation
(verb) to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively, to compel or demand acceptance or recognition of (something, such as one's authority), to demonstrate the existence of
(verb) to be of use or advantage : serve, to produce or result in as a benefit or advantage : gain
(preposition) by the side of, in comparison with, on a par with
(verb) to have a good time, to have for one's use, benefit, or lot : experience, to take pleasure or satisfaction in
(verb) to make known, to make plain or understandable, to give the reason for or cause of
(verb) to descend freely by the force of gravity, to hang freely, to drop oneself to a lower position
- out (7)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in a direction away from the inside or center, outside, from among others
(verb) to identify (someone) publicly as being such secretly; especially : to reveal the covert sexual orientation or gender identity of (someone), to become publicly known, to put out : to eject (someone) from a place, office, or possession : expel
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate an outward movement
(adjective) situated outside : external, out-of-bounds, situated at a distance : outlying
(noun) outside, one who is out of office or power or on the outside, an act or instance of putting a player out or of being put out in baseball
(prefix) in a manner that exceeds or surpasses and sometimes overpowers or defeats
(adjective) being such completely at all times, in every way, or from every point of view
(noun) one who goes to extremes
(noun) a box or tray (as on a desk) for holding outgoing interoffice mail, a computer folder for outgoing email messages that have not yet been sent
(adjective) marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression : frank, open
- outline (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a line that marks the outer limits of an object or figure : boundary, shape, a style of drawing in which contours are marked without shading
(verb) to draw the outline of, to indicate the principal features or different parts of
- outlines (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to draw the outline of, to indicate the principal features or different parts of
(noun) a line that marks the outer limits of an object or figure : boundary, shape, a style of drawing in which contours are marked without shading
- outstretched (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to stretch out : extend
- over (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) across a barrier or intervening space; especially : across the goal line in football, forward beyond an edge or brink and often down, across the brim
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate motion or situation in a position higher than or above another, —used as a function word to indicate the possession of authority, power, or jurisdiction in regard to some thing or person, —used as a function word to indicate superiority, advantage, or preference
(adjective) upper, higher, outer, covering, excessive
(verb) to leap over
(prefix) so as to exceed or surpass, excessive, to an excessive degree
(adjective) not traded or effected on an organized securities exchange, sold lawfully without prescription
(adjective) past one's prime, advanced in age
- overlayment (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) Overlays are usually applied in two or three coats which may include a primer, a second coat, and a super fine top coat
- own (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(adjective) belonging to oneself or itself —usually used following a possessive case or possessive adjective, —used to express immediate or direct kinship
(verb) to have or hold as property : possess, to have power or mastery over, to acknowledge to be true, valid, or as claimed : admit
(pronoun) one or ones belonging to oneself —used after a possessive and without a following noun
(adjective) a product that is made for a store and has the store's name on it
(adjective) a product that is made for a store and has the store's name on it
(verb) to own (something) along with one or more others
- oxen (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a domestic bovine mammal (Bos taurus); broadly : a bovine mammal, an adult castrated male domestic ox
- oxygen (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except some noble gases, that is active in physiological processes of almost all known organisms, and that is involved especially in combustion, something that sustains or fuels
- package (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act or process of packing, a small or moderate-sized pack : parcel, a commodity or a unit of a product uniformly wrapped or sealed
(verb) to make into a package; especially : to produce as an entertainment package, to present (something, such as a product) in such a way as to heighten its appeal to the public, to enclose in a package or covering
- packs (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make into a compact bundle, to fill completely, to fill with packing
(verb) to influence the composition of so as to bring about a desired result, to arrange (the cards in a pack) so as to cheat
(noun) a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying especially on the back, a group or pile of related objects, a number of individual components packaged as a unit
(verb) to pack tightly or to excess
- pads (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a thin flat mat or cushion: such as, a guard worn to shield body parts against impact, sanitary napkin
(verb) to furnish with a pad or padding, mute, muffle, to expand or increase especially with needless, misleading, or fraudulent matter —often used with out
(verb) to traverse on foot, to go on foot : walk; especially : to walk with or as if with padded feet
(noun) a soft muffled or slapping sound
(noun) path, a horse that moves along at an easy pace, footpad
- page (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one of the leaves of a publication or manuscript; also : a single side of one of these leaves, the material printed or written on a page, the block of information found at a single World Wide Web address
(verb) to turn the pages (as of a book or magazine) especially in a steady or haphazard manner —usually used with through, to number or mark the pages of
(verb) to summon by repeatedly calling out the name of, to send a message to via a pager, to wait on or serve in the capacity of a page
(noun) a youth being trained for the medieval rank of knight and in the personal service of a knight, a youth attendant on a person of rank especially in the medieval period, a boy serving as an honorary attendant at a formal function (such as a wedding)
(noun) an engrossing book or story
(adjective) printed on the front page of a newspaper; also : very newsworthy
- pages (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of the leaves of a publication or manuscript; also : a single side of one of these leaves, the material printed or written on a page, the block of information found at a single World Wide Web address
(verb) to turn the pages (as of a book or magazine) especially in a steady or haphazard manner —usually used with through, to number or mark the pages of
(verb) to summon by repeatedly calling out the name of, to send a message to via a pager, to wait on or serve in the capacity of a page
(noun) a youth being trained for the medieval rank of knight and in the personal service of a knight, a youth attendant on a person of rank especially in the medieval period, a boy serving as an honorary attendant at a formal function (such as a wedding)
(verb) to print or report on the front page
- pail (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually cylindrical container with a handle : bucket, the quantity that a pail contains
- paint (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to apply color, pigment, or paint to, to color with a cosmetic, to apply with a movement resembling that used in painting
(noun) the action of painting : something produced by painting, makeup; especially : a cosmetic to add color, a mixture of a pigment and a suitable liquid to form a closely adherent coating when spread on a surface in a thin coat
- painted (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to apply color, pigment, or paint to, to color with a cosmetic, to apply with a movement resembling that used in painting
(adjective) painted by a person and not by a machine
- painter (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that paints: such as, an artist who paints, one who applies paint especially as an occupation
(noun) a line used for securing or towing a boat
(noun) cougar
- painting (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a product of painting; especially : a work produced through the art of painting, the art or occupation of painting
(verb) to apply color, pigment, or paint to, to color with a cosmetic, to apply with a movement resembling that used in painting
(verb) to paint (something) with paint that is sprayed from a can or sprayer
- pale (18)
- in books ::: birdland (9), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (6)
(adjective) deficient in color or intensity of color : pallid, having color of reduced saturation, light in color especially relative to others of its kind
(verb) to become pale, to make pale
(noun) an area or the limits within which one is privileged or protected (as from censure), a space or field having bounds : enclosure, a territory or district within certain bounds or under a particular jurisdiction
(verb) to enclose with pales : fence
(combining form) involving or dealing with ancient forms or conditions, early : primitive : archaic
- palette (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on, the set of colors put on the palette, a particular range, quality, or use of color
- palettes (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on, the set of colors put on the palette, a particular range, quality, or use of color
- pandemic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population, characterized by very widespread growth or extent : epidemic
(noun) an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population : a pandemic outbreak of a disease, an outbreak or product of sudden rapid spread, growth, or development : epidemic
- paper (17)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (11)
(noun) a felted sheet of usually vegetable fibers laid down on a fine screen from a water suspension, a similar sheet of other material (such as plastic), a piece of paper
(verb) to put down or describe in writing, to fold or enclose in paper, to cover or line with paper; especially : to apply wallpaper to
(adjective) made of paper, cardboard, or papier-mâché, papery, of or relating to clerical work or written communication
- papers (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a felted sheet of usually vegetable fibers laid down on a fine screen from a water suspension, a similar sheet of other material (such as plastic), a piece of paper
(verb) to put down or describe in writing, to fold or enclose in paper, to cover or line with paper; especially : to apply wallpaper to
- paradox (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a tenet contrary to received opinion, a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true, a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true
- parameter (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an arbitrary constant whose value characterizes a member of a system (such as a family of curves); also : a quantity (such as a mean or variance) that describes a statistical population, an independent variable used to express the coordinates of a variable point and functions of them, any of a set of physical properties whose values determine the characteristics or behavior of something
- parameters (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an arbitrary constant whose value characterizes a member of a system (such as a family of curves); also : a quantity (such as a mean or variance) that describes a statistical population, an independent variable used to express the coordinates of a variable point and functions of them, any of a set of physical properties whose values determine the characteristics or behavior of something
- parcel (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a tract or plot of land, a wrapped bundle : package, a unit of salable merchandise
(verb) to divide into parts : distribute —often used with out, to make up into a parcel : wrap, to cover (something, such as a rope) with strips of canvas or tape
(adjective) part-time, partial
(adverb) partly
- parched (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) deprived of natural moisture; also : thirsty
(verb) to toast under dry heat, to shrivel with heat, to dry or shrivel with cold
- parchment (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on, strong, tough, and often somewhat translucent paper made to resemble parchment, a parchment manuscript; also : an academic diploma
- part (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole, an essential portion or integral element, one of several or many equal units of which something is composed or into which it is divisible : an amount equal to another amount
(verb) to separate from or take leave of someone, to take leave of one another, to become separated into parts
(adverb) partly
(adjective) partial
(abbreviation) participial; participle, particular
(noun) a usually unaccompanied song consisting of two or more voice parts with one part carrying the melody
(adjective) involving or working less than customary or standard hours
- particle (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a minute quantity or fragment, a relatively small or the smallest discrete portion or amount of something, a clause or article of a composition or document
- particles (11)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) a minute quantity or fragment, a relatively small or the smallest discrete portion or amount of something, a clause or article of a composition or document
- parts (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole, an essential portion or integral element, one of several or many equal units of which something is composed or into which it is divisible : an amount equal to another amount
- passage (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(noun) a way of exit or entrance : a road, path, channel, or course by which something passes, a corridor or lobby giving access to the different rooms or parts of a building or apartment, the action or process of passing from one place, condition, or stage to another
(verb) to go past or across : cross, to subject to passage
- passenger (25)
- in books ::: blueWindow (10), fieldNotes (15)
(noun) wayfarer, a traveler in a public or private conveyance
(adjective) type of pigeon
- passions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death, an oratorio based on a gospel narrative of the Passion, suffering
- past (23)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (10), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (9)
(adjective) ago, just gone or elapsed, having existed or taken place in a period before the present : bygone
(preposition) beyond the age for or of, after, at the farther side of : beyond
(noun) time gone by, something that happened or was done in the past, the past tense of a language
(adverb) so as to reach and go beyond a point near at hand
- pasture (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) plants (such as grass) grown for the feeding especially of grazing animals, land or a plot of land used for grazing, the feeding of livestock : grazing
(verb) graze, browse, to feed (animals, such as cattle) on pasture, to use as pasture
(idiom) to bring animals to a large area of land to feed on the grass there, to force (someone) to leave a job because of old age —sometimes used of things
- patches (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to mend, cover, or fill up a hole or weak spot in, to provide with a patch, to make of patches or fragments
(noun) a piece of material used to mend or cover a hole or a weak spot, a tiny piece of black silk or court plaster worn on the face or neck especially by women to hide a blemish or to heighten beauty, a piece of material (such as adhesive plaster) used medically usually to cover a wound
(noun) fool, dolt
- path (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a trodden way, a track specially constructed for a particular use, course, route
(abbreviation) pathological; pathology
(noun) practitioner of a (specified) system of medicine that emphasizes one aspect of disease or its treatment, one suffering from a disorder (of such a part or system), one perceiving
(combining form) pathological state : disease
- paths (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a trodden way, a track specially constructed for a particular use, course, route
(noun) practitioner of a (specified) system of medicine that emphasizes one aspect of disease or its treatment, one suffering from a disorder (of such a part or system), one perceiving
(noun) the area between the bases of a baseball field used by a base runner
(verb) to lie or be situated across, intersect, to make the sign of the cross upon or over
- pathways (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) path, course, a line of communication over interconnecting neurons extending from one organ or center to another; also : a network of interconnecting neurons along which a nerve impulse travels, the sequence of usually enzyme-catalyzed reactions by which one substance is converted into another
- patient (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint, manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain, not hasty or impetuous
(noun) an individual awaiting or under medical care and treatment, the recipient of any of various personal services, one that is acted upon
(noun) the act of one that dumps; especially : the selling of goods in quantity at below market price, the practice of refusing emergency medical care to poor or uninsured patients or of referring them to another hospital without that hospital's consent —called also patient dumping
- pattern (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a form or model proposed for imitation : exemplar, something designed or used as a model for making things, an artistic, musical, literary, or mechanical design or form
(verb) match, imitate, to make, adapt, or fashion according to a pattern
- patterns (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(verb) match, imitate, to make, adapt, or fashion according to a pattern
(noun) a form or model proposed for imitation : exemplar, something designed or used as a model for making things, an artistic, musical, literary, or mechanical design or form
(verb) to pattern (something) anew
- paul (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an early Christian apostle and missionary and author of several New Testament epistles
- pause (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a temporary stop, a break in a verse, a brief suspension of the voice to indicate the limits and relations of sentences and their parts
(verb) to stop temporarily, to linger for a time, to cause to pause : stop
- pausing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to stop temporarily, to linger for a time, to cause to pause : stop
- pavement (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a paved surface: such as, the artificially covered surface of a public thoroughfare, sidewalk
- pawn (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of the chessmen of least value having the power to move only forward ordinarily one square at a time, to capture only diagonally forward, and to be promoted to any piece except a king upon reaching the eighth rank, one that can be used to further the purposes of another
(noun) something delivered to or deposited with another as security for a loan, hostage, the state of being pledged
(verb) to deposit in pledge or as security especially in exchange for money
- payday (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a regular day on which wages are paid
- pen (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to shut in or as if in a pen
(noun) a small enclosure for animals, the animals in a pen, a small place of confinement or storage
(noun) an implement for writing or drawing with ink or a similar fluid: such as, quill, pen point
(verb) write, indite
(noun) a female swan
(noun) penitentiary
(abbreviation) peninsula
(abbreviation) International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists
- pensive (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) musingly or dreamily thoughtful, suggestive of sad thoughtfulness
- people (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest, human beings, persons —often used in compounds instead of persons —often used attributively, the members of a family or kinship
(verb) to supply or fill with people, to dwell in : inhabit
- pepper (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) either of two pungent products from the fruit of an Indian plant (Piper nigrum) that are used chiefly as condiments:, black pepper, white pepper
(verb) to sprinkle or season with pepper, to shower with or as if with shot or other missiles, to hit with or as if with rapid repeated blows
(noun) a baseball practice or warm-up game in which usually several fielders toss the ball a short distance to a single batter who hits it back
(noun) any of a genus (Capsicum) of tropical American herbs and shrubs of the nightshade family widely cultivated for their many-seeded usually fleshy-walled berries —called also pepper, pepper, an oleoresin derived from the fruit of some capsicums that contains capsaicin and related compounds and is used medicinally especially as a topical pain reliever
(adjective) salt-and-pepper
(noun) a hand mill for grinding peppercorns
(noun) pepperbox, a highly seasoned West Indian stew of vegetables and meat or fish, a thick soup of tripe, meat, dumplings, and vegetables highly seasoned especially with crushed peppercorns —called also Philadelphia pepper pot
(noun) a container with a perforated top for sprinkling pepper
(noun) a temporarily disabling aerosol that is composed partly of capsicum oleoresin and causes irritation and blinding of the eyes and inflammation of the nose, throat, and skin
(verb) to hit (someone) repeatedly with (something) —often used figuratively, to put a small amount of (something) on many different parts of (a surface) —usually used as (be) peppered with, to put (something) in many places in (a story, speech, etc.)
- percolator (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) one that percolates; specifically : a coffeepot in which boiling water rising through a tube is repeatedly deflected downward through a perforated basket containing ground coffee beans to extract their essence
- percussion (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act of percussing: such as, the striking of a percussion cap so as to set off the charge in a firearm, the beating or striking of a musical instrument
- perfect (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being entirely without fault or defect : flawless, satisfying all requirements : accurate, corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept
(verb) to bring to final form, to make perfect : improve, refine
(noun) the perfect tense of a language; also : a verb form in the perfect tense
- performance (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(noun) the execution of an action, something accomplished : deed, feat, the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request : implementation
(adjective) done or occurring before a performance
- perhaps (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adverb) possibly but not certainly : maybe
(noun) something open to doubt or conjecture
- perilous (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) full of or involving peril
(noun) a seat at King Arthur's Round Table reserved for the knight destined to achieve the quest of the Holy Grail and fatal to any other occupying it
- perilously (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) full of or involving peril
- permeate (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to diffuse through or penetrate something, to spread or diffuse through, to pass through the pores or interstices of
- person (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) human, individual —sometimes used in combination especially by those who prefer to avoid man in compounds applicable to both sexes, a character or part in or as if in a play : guise, one of the three modes of being in the Trinitarian Godhead as understood by Christians
(noun) a unit of one hour's work by one person
(adjective) involving two people or going directly from one person to another person
- phase (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes, a distinguishable part in a course, development, or cycle, an aspect or part (as of a problem) under consideration
(verb) to adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition, to conduct or carry out by planned phases, to introduce in stages —usually used with in
(adjective) of or employing the phase-contrast microscope
- philosophy (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) all learning exclusive of technical precepts and practical arts, the sciences and liberal arts exclusive of medicine, law, and theology, the 4-year college course of a major seminary
- phonetics (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the system of speech sounds of a language or group of languages, the study and systematic classification of the sounds made in spoken utterance, the practical application of this science to language study
- phonograph (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus or needle following a spiral groove on a revolving disc or cylinder
- phosphorous (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or containing phosphorus especially with a valence lower than in phosphoric compounds
(noun) a phosphorescent substance or body; especially : one that shines or glows in the dark, a nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family with atomic number 15 that occurs widely in combination especially as phosphates, that is essential for life in all known organisms, and that is used especially in fertilizers and organophosphorus compounds
(noun) a deliquescent crystalline acid H3PO3 used especially as a reducing agent and in making phosphites
- photo (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) photograph
(verb) photograph
(adjective) photographic
(combining form) light : radiant energy, photograph : photographic, photoelectric
(noun) a group of photographs (as in a book or magazine) arranged to explore a theme or tell a story
(noun) offset printing from photolithographic plates
(noun) realism in painting characterized by extremely meticulous depiction of detail
- photos (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) photograph
(verb) photograph
- photosynthesis (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) synthesis of chemical compounds with the aid of radiant energy and especially light; especially : formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen (such as water) in the chlorophyll-containing cells (as of green plants) exposed to light
- photosynthetic (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) synthesis of chemical compounds with the aid of radiant energy and especially light; especially : formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen (such as water) in the chlorophyll-containing cells (as of green plants) exposed to light
- phrase (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a characteristic manner or style of expression : diction, a brief expression; especially : catchphrase, word
(verb) to express in words or in appropriate or telling terms, to designate by a descriptive word or phrase, to divide into melodic phrases
(noun) an important-sounding usually technical word or phrase often of little meaning used chiefly to impress laymen, a voguish word or phrase —called also buzz phrase
- physical (6)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of or relating to natural science, of or relating to physics, characterized or produced by the forces and operations of physics
(noun) physical examination
- physics (10)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (9)
(noun) a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions, the physical processes and phenomena of a particular system, the physical properties and composition of something
(noun) the art or practice of healing disease, the practice or profession of medicine, a medicinal agent or preparation; especially : purgative
(verb) to treat with or administer medicine to; especially : purge, heal, cure
- piano (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) at a soft volume : soft —used as a direction in music
(noun) a musical instrument having steel wire strings that sound when struck by felt-covered hammers operated from a keyboard
(adjective) loud then immediately soft —used as a direction in music
- pick (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to pierce, penetrate, or break up with a pointed instrument, to remove bit by bit, to remove covering or adhering matter from
(noun) a blow or stroke with a pointed instrument, the act or privilege of choosing or selecting : choice, the best or choicest one
(noun) a heavy, usually long-handled iron or steel tool pointed at one or both ends, toothpick, picklock
(verb) to throw or thrust with effort : hurl, to throw (a shuttle) across the loom
(noun) the act of pitching or throwing, something thrown, a throw of the shuttle
(noun) a basketball play in which a player sets a screen and then cuts toward the basket for a pass
(adjective) done with or as if with a pick and shovel : laborious
(noun) something that stimulates or restores : tonic, bracer
- picture (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a design or representation made by various means (such as painting, drawing, or photography), a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something, a mental image
(verb) to paint or draw a representation, image, or visual conception of : depict; also : illustrate, to describe graphically in words, to form a mental image of : imagine
(adjective) suitable for or suggestive of a picture book: such as, picturesque, picture-perfect
(noun) a book that consists wholly or chiefly of pictures
(noun) a woman's dressy hat with a broad brim
(adjective) completely flawless : perfect
(adjective) picturesque
(noun) jigsaw puzzle
(noun) a cathode-ray tube on which the picture appears in a television
(noun) an outsize usually single-paned window designed to frame an exterior view
- pictures (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a design or representation made by various means (such as painting, drawing, or photography), a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something, a mental image
(verb) to paint or draw a representation, image, or visual conception of : depict; also : illustrate, to describe graphically in words, to form a mental image of : imagine
- pie (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a dessert consisting of a filling (as of fruit or custard) in a pastry shell or topped with pastry or both, a meat dish baked with biscuit or pastry crust, pizza
(verb) to throw a pie at (someone) : to hit (someone) especially in the face with a pie
(noun) magpie
(noun) type that is spilled or mixed, a pi character or matrix
(noun) type that is spilled or mixed, a pi character or matrix
(verb) to spill or throw (type or type matter) into disorder, to become pied
(adjective) not intended to appear in final printing, capable of being inserted only by hand
(noun) the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, the symbol π denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, the ratio itself : a transcendental number having a value rounded to eight decimal places of 3.14159265
- piece (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a part of a whole: such as, fragment, any of the individual members comprising a unit —often used in combination
(verb) to repair, renew, or complete by adding pieces : patch, to join into a whole —often used with together
(verb) to dye after weaving or knitting
- pierced (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having holes; especially : decorated with perforations, having the flesh punctured for the attachment of a piece of jewelry, designed for pierced ears
(verb) to run into or through as a pointed weapon does : stab, to enter or thrust into sharply or painfully, to make a hole through : perforate
- pierces (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to run into or through as a pointed weapon does : stab, to enter or thrust into sharply or painfully, to make a hole through : perforate
- piercing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) penetrating: such as, loud, shrill, perceptive
(noun) a piece of jewelry (such as a ring or stud) that is attached to pierced flesh
(verb) to run into or through as a pointed weapon does : stab, to enter or thrust into sharply or painfully, to make a hole through : perforate
- pigeon (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a widely distributed family (Columbidae, order Columbiformes) of birds with a stout body, rather short legs, and smooth and compact plumage; especially : a member of any of numerous varieties of the rock dove that exist in domestication and in the feral state in cities and towns throughout most of the world, a young woman, an easy mark : dupe
(noun) an object of special concern : accepted business or interest
(adjective) timid, cowardly
(adjective) having the toes and forefoot turned inward
- pigeons (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of a widely distributed family (Columbidae, order Columbiformes) of birds with a stout body, rather short legs, and smooth and compact plumage; especially : a member of any of numerous varieties of the rock dove that exist in domestication and in the feral state in cities and towns throughout most of the world, a young woman, an easy mark : dupe
(noun) an object of special concern : accepted business or interest
- pigment (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a substance that imparts black or white or a color to other materials; especially : a powdered substance that is mixed with a liquid in which it is relatively insoluble and used especially to impart color to coating materials (such as paints) or to inks, plastics, and rubber, a coloring matter in animals and plants especially in a cell or tissue; also : any of various related colorless substances
(verb) to color with or as if with pigment
- pillars (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to provide or strengthen with or as if with pillars
(noun) a firm upright support for a superstructure : post, a usually ornamental column or shaft; especially : one standing alone for a monument, a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part
- pin (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a piece of solid material (such as wood or metal) used especially for fastening things together or as a support by which one thing may be suspended from another, the center peg of a target; also : the center itself, something that resembles a pin especially in slender elongated form
(verb) to fasten, join, or secure with a pin, to hold fast or immobile, to present (a young woman) with a fraternity pin as a pledge of affection
(adjective) of or relating to a pin, having a grain suggesting the heads of pins
(abbreviation) personal identification number
(noun) pinball machine
- pine (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of a genus (Pinus of the family Pinaceae, the pine family) of coniferous evergreen trees that have slender elongated needles and include some valuable timber trees and ornamentals, the straight-grained white or yellow usually durable and resinous wood of a pine varying from extreme softness in the white pine to hardness in the longleaf pine, any of various Australian coniferous trees (as of the genera Callitris or Araucaria)
(verb) to lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief) : languish, to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable
- pinning (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to fasten, join, or secure with a pin, to hold fast or immobile, to present (a young woman) with a fraternity pin as a pledge of affection
- pinocchio (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) puppet => bo(y), the machine ::: alive at last
- pins (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(abbreviation) persons in need of supervision
(verb) to fasten, join, or secure with a pin, to hold fast or immobile, to present (a young woman) with a fraternity pin as a pledge of affection
(noun) a piece of solid material (such as wood or metal) used especially for fastening things together or as a support by which one thing may be suspended from another, the center peg of a target; also : the center itself, something that resembles a pin especially in slender elongated form
- pipeline (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a line of pipe with pumps, valves, and control devices for conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids, pipe, a direct channel for information
(noun) the system for developing and producing something
- pipelines (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a line of pipe with pumps, valves, and control devices for conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids, pipe, a direct channel for information
- pipes (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a tubular wind instrument; specifically : a small fipple flute held in and played by the left hand, one of the tubes of a pipe organ:, flue pipe
(verb) to play on a pipe, to convey orders by signals on a boatswain's pipe, to speak in a high or shrill voice
(noun) a vine (Aristolochia macrophylla synonym A. durior) of the birthwort family with large leaves and early summer flowers having the tube of the calyx curved like the bowl of a pipe
(noun) a U-shaped high-sided ramp or runway used especially in snowboarding, skateboarding, or in-line skating
- pistons (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a sliding piece moved by or moving against fluid pressure which usually consists of a short cylindrical body fitting within a cylindrical chamber or vessel along which it moves back and forth, a sliding valve moving in a cylinder in a brass instrument which when depressed by a finger knob serves to lower the instrument's pitch
- pitch (17)
- in books ::: birdland (13), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and especially tars, any of various bituminous substances, resin obtained from various conifers and often used medicinally
(verb) to cover, smear, or treat with or as if with pitch
(verb) to erect and fix firmly in place, to throw usually with a particular objective or toward a particular point : such as, to throw (a baseball) to a batter
(noun) slope; also : degree of slope : rake, the distance between any of various things: such as, distance between one point on a gear tooth and the corresponding point on the next tooth
(adjective) extremely dark or black
(adjective) extremely dark : pitch-black
(adjective) sensitive to or having exactly the right tone or style
- pivot (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a shaft or pin on which something turns, a person, thing, or factor having a major or central role, function, or effect, a key player or position; specifically : an offensive position of a basketball player standing usually with back to the basket to relay passes, shoot, or provide a screen for teammates
(adjective) turning on or as if on a pivot, pivotal
(verb) to turn on or as if on a pivot, to adapt or improve by adjusting or modifying something (such as a product, service, or strategy), to provide with, mount on, or attach by a pivot
- pixel (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image (as on a television or digital screen), any of the detecting elements of a solid-state optical sensor (such as a CCD or CMOS device)
- pixels (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image (as on a television or digital screen), any of the detecting elements of a solid-state optical sensor (such as a CCD or CMOS device)
- place (11)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (5), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) physical environment : space, a way for admission or transit, physical surroundings : atmosphere
(verb) to put in or as if in a particular place or position : set, to present for consideration, to put in a particular state
(noun) the name of a geographic locality
- places (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) physical environment : space, a way for admission or transit, physical surroundings : atmosphere
(verb) to put in or as if in a particular place or position : set, to present for consideration, to put in a particular state
(verb) to move on a course : proceed, to travel to a place, to travel to and stay in a place for a period of time
- plain (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lacking ornament : undecorated, free of extraneous matter : pure, free of impediments to view : unobstructed
(noun) an extensive area of level or rolling treeless country, a broad unbroken expanse, something free from artifice, ornament, or extraneous matter
(adverb) in a plain manner : without obscurity or ambiguity
(adverb) absolutely
(verb) complain
(adjective) not fancy or glamorous : ordinary
(adjective) consisting of three strands laid right-handed
- plains (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to North American Indians of the Great Plains or to their culture
(verb) complain
(noun) an extensive area of level or rolling treeless country, a broad unbroken expanse, something free from artifice, ornament, or extraneous matter
- plan (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a drawing or diagram drawn on a plane: such as, a top or horizontal view of an object, a large-scale map of a small area
(verb) to arrange the parts of : design, to devise or project the realization or achievement of, to have in mind : intend
(combining form) flat, flat and
- plane (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) airplane, one of the main supporting surfaces of an airplane, a surface in which if any two points are chosen a straight line joining them lies wholly in that surface
(verb) to make smooth or even : level, to make smooth or even by use of a plane, to remove by or as if by planing —often used with away or off
(noun) a tool for smoothing or shaping a wood surface
(noun) any of a genus (Platanus of the family Platanaceae, the plane-tree family) of chiefly deciduous trees with large palmately lobed leaves, flowers in globose heads, and usually scaling bark —called also buttonwood, plane tree, sycamore
(verb) to fly while keeping the wings motionless, to skim across the surface of the water, to travel by airplane
(adjective) having no elevations or depressions : flat, of, relating to, or dealing with geometric planes, lying in a plane
(adjective) vibrating in a single plane
- planes (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) airplane, one of the main supporting surfaces of an airplane, a surface in which if any two points are chosen a straight line joining them lies wholly in that surface
(verb) to make smooth or even : level, to make smooth or even by use of a plane, to remove by or as if by planing —often used with away or off
(noun) a tool for smoothing or shaping a wood surface
(noun) any of a genus (Platanus of the family Platanaceae, the plane-tree family) of chiefly deciduous trees with large palmately lobed leaves, flowers in globose heads, and usually scaling bark —called also buttonwood, plane tree, sycamore
(verb) to fly while keeping the wings motionless, to skim across the surface of the water, to travel by airplane
- planet (7)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (2)
(noun) any of the large bodies that revolve around the sun in the solar system, a similar body associated with another star, earth —usually used with the
(adjective) affected by the influence of a planet, panic-stricken
- planets (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of the large bodies that revolve around the sun in the solar system, a similar body associated with another star, earth —usually used with the
- plankton (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the passively floating or weakly swimming usually minute animal and plant life of a body of water
- plans (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a drawing or diagram drawn on a plane: such as, a top or horizontal view of an object, a large-scale map of a small area
(verb) to arrange the parts of : design, to devise or project the realization or achievement of, to have in mind : intend
- plant (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to put or set in the ground for growth, to set or sow with seeds or plants, implant
(noun) a young tree, vine, shrub, or herb planted or suitable for planting, any of a kingdom (Plantae) of multicellular eukaryotic mostly photosynthetic organisms typically lacking locomotive movement or obvious nervous or sensory organs and possessing cellulose cell walls, the land, buildings, machinery, apparatus, and fixtures employed in carrying on a trade or an industrial business
- plaster (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a medicated or protective dressing that consists of a film (as of cloth or plastic) spread with a usually medicated substance; broadly : something applied to heal and soothe, a pasty composition (as of lime, water, and sand) that hardens on drying and is used for coating walls, ceilings, and partitions
(verb) to overlay or cover with plaster : coat, to apply a plaster to, to cover over or conceal as if with a coat of plaster
- plastic (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a plastic substance; specifically : any of numerous organic synthetic or processed materials that are mostly thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high molecular weight and that can be made into objects, films, or filaments, credit cards used for payment —called also plastic money
(adjective) made or consisting of a plastic, having a quality suggestive of mass-produced plastic goods; especially : artificial, capable of being molded or modeled
(adjective) developing : forming, of or relating to (something designated by a term ending in -plasm, -plast, -plasty, or -plasy)
- plates (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a smooth flat thin piece of material, forged, rolled, or cast metal in sheets usually thicker than 1/4 inch (6 millimeters), a very thin layer of metal deposited on a surface of base metal by plating
(verb) to cover or equip with plate: such as, to provide with armor plate, to cover with an adherent layer mechanically, chemically, or electrically; also : to deposit (something, such as a layer) on a surface
- platform (8)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a flat horizontal surface that is usually higher than the adjoining area: such as, a raised flooring (such as a stage or dais), an elevated area next to railroad tracks for the boarding of trains
- platforms (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a flat horizontal surface that is usually higher than the adjoining area: such as, a raised flooring (such as a stage or dais), an elevated area next to railroad tracks for the boarding of trains
- play (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) swordplay, game, sport, the conduct, course, or action of a game
(verb) to engage in sport or recreation : frolic, to have sexual relations; especially : to have promiscuous or illicit sexual relations —usually used in the phrase play around, to move aimlessly about : trifle
(adjective) being or giving a running commentary on a sports event, relating each event as it occurs
- playback (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of reproducing recorded sound or pictures often immediately after recording
(verb) to perform a playback of (a usually recently recorded disc or tape)
- played (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to perform to the end, use up, finish, unreel, unfold
(noun) worn out or used up, tired out : spent
- player (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that plays: such as, a person who plays a game, a person who plays a musical instrument
- playing (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to engage in sport or recreation : frolic, to have sexual relations; especially : to have promiscuous or illicit sexual relations —usually used in the phrase play around, to move aimlessly about : trifle
(adjective) designed to be played at 331/3 revolutions per minute —used of a microgroove record
- pleasure (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) desire, inclination, a state of gratification, sensual gratification
(verb) to give pleasure to : gratify, to give sexual pleasure to, to take pleasure : delight
(adjective) opposed or hostile to pleasure
- pliers (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a small pincers for holding small objects or for bending and cutting wire
- plot (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a small area of planted ground, a small piece of land in a cemetery, a measured piece of land : lot
(verb) to make a plot, map, or plan of, to mark or note on or as if on a map or chart, to lay out in plots
- plots (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a small area of planted ground, a small piece of land in a cemetery, a measured piece of land : lot
(verb) to make a plot, map, or plan of, to mark or note on or as if on a map or chart, to lay out in plots
- plow (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) an implement used to cut, lift, and turn over soil especially in preparing a seedbed, any of various devices (such as a snowplow) operating like a plow
(verb) to turn, break up, or work with a plow, to make (something, such as a furrow) with a plow, to cut into, open, or make furrows or ridges in with or as if with a plow
- plumb (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a lead weight attached to a line and used to indicate a vertical direction
(adverb) straight down or up : vertically, to a complete degree : absolutely, in a direct manner : exactly; also : without interval of time : immediately
(verb) to weight with lead, to measure the depth of with a plumb, to examine minutely and critically
(adjective) exactly vertical or true, thorough, complete
- plumbing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the act of using a plumb, a plumber's occupation or trade, the apparatus (such as pipes and fixtures) concerned in the distribution and use of water in a building
(verb) to weight with lead, to measure the depth of with a plumb, to examine minutely and critically
- plumes (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a feather of a bird: such as, a large conspicuous or showy feather, contour feather
(verb) to provide or deck with feathers, to array showily, to indulge (oneself) in pride with an obvious or vain display of self-satisfaction
- plural (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or constituting a class of grammatical forms usually used to denote more than one or in some languages more than two, relating to, consisting of, or containing more than one or more than one kind or class
- plurality (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the state of being plural, the state of being numerous, a large number or quantity
- pluto (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the Greek god of the underworld, a dwarf planet occupying an orbit that crosses the orbit of Neptune
- plywood (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a structural material consisting of sheets of wood glued or cemented together with the grains of adjacent layers arranged at right angles or at a wide angle
- pocket (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a small bag carried by a person : purse, a small bag that is sewed or inserted in a garment so that it is open at the top or side, supply of money : means
(verb) to put or enclose in or as if in one's pocket, to appropriate to one's own use : steal, to refuse assent to (a bill) by a pocket veto
(adjective) small enough to be carried in the pocket, small, miniature, of or relating to money
- poems (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a composition in verse, something suggesting a poem (as in expressiveness, lyricism, or formal grace)
- poet (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one who writes poetry : a maker of verses, one (such as a creative artist) of great imaginative and expressive capabilities and special sensitivity to the medium
- poetics (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a treatise on poetry or aesthetics, poetic theory or practice; also : a particular theory of poetry or sometimes other literary forms, poetic feelings or utterances
- poetry (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) metrical writing : verse, the productions of a poet : poems, writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm
(noun) someone or something that moves in a way that is very graceful or beautiful
(noun) an event in which people read poems that they have written aloud for a group
(noun) poetry in which the poet's intent is conveyed by the graphic patterns of letters, words, or symbols rather than by the conventional arrangement of words
- poets (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one who writes poetry : a maker of verses, one (such as a creative artist) of great imaginative and expressive capabilities and special sensitivity to the medium
- point (9)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an individual detail : item, a distinguishing detail, the most important essential in a discussion or matter
(verb) to furnish with a point : sharpen, to give added force, emphasis, or piquancy to, to scratch out the old mortar from the joints of (something, such as a brick wall) and fill in with new material
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a computer interface that allows the activation of a file or function by selection with a pointing device (such as a mouse)
(adjective) having or using preset or automatically adjusted controls (as for focus or shutter speed)
(adjective) marked by no appreciable drop below initial horizontal line of flight, so close to a target that a missile fired will travel in a straight line to the mark, direct, blunt
(adjective) marked by punctilious attention to detail : meticulous
- point-of-view (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated : standpoint
- pointer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the two stars in the Big Dipper a line through which points to the North Star, one that points out; especially : a rod used to direct attention, a computer memory address that contains another address (as of desired data)
(noun) any of a breed of gundogs of German origin that have a liver or liver and white short coat
(noun) any of a breed of gundogs of German origin that have a liver or liver and white flat-lying wiry coat
(noun) a deep bruise to the iliac crest or to the attachments of the muscles attached to it that occurs especially in contact sports (such as football)
(noun) a basketball shot or field goal from beyond the three-point line
- points (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an individual detail : item, a distinguishing detail, the most important essential in a discussion or matter
(verb) to furnish with a point : sharpen, to give added force, emphasis, or piquancy to, to scratch out the old mortar from the joints of (something, such as a brick wall) and fill in with new material
- poison (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism, something destructive or harmful, an object of aversion or abhorrence
(verb) to injure or kill with poison, to treat, taint, or impregnate with or as if with poison, to exert a baneful influence on : corrupt
(adjective) poisonous, venomous, impregnated with poison : poisoned
(adjective) written with malice and spite and usually anonymously
- poisoned (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to injure or kill with poison, to treat, taint, or impregnate with or as if with poison, to exert a baneful influence on : corrupt
- polar (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to a geographic pole or the region around it, coming from or having the characteristics of such a region, passing over a celestial body's north and south poles
(noun) a straight line related to a point; specifically : the straight line joining the points of contact of the tangents from a point exterior to a conic section
- poles (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a long slender usually cylindrical object (such as a length of wood), a shaft which extends from the front axle of a wagon between wheelhorses and by which the wagon is drawn : tongue, a long staff of wood, metal, or fiberglass used in the pole vault
(verb) to act upon with a pole, to impel or push with a pole, to propel a boat with a pole
(noun) either extremity of an axis of a sphere and especially of the earth's axis, either of two related opposites, a point of guidance or attraction
(noun) a native or inhabitant of Poland, a person of Polish descent
- pollen (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust, a dusty bloom on the body of an insect
(noun) a smooth area on each hind tibia of a bee that is edged by a fringe of stiff hairs and serves to collect and transport pollen —called also corbicula
(noun) one of the granular microspores that occur in pollen and give rise to the male gametophyte of a seed plant
(noun) a cell that is derived from the hypodermis of the pollen sac and that gives rise by meiosis to four cells each of which develops into a pollen grain
(noun) one of the pouches of a seed plant anther in which pollen is formed
(noun) a tube that is formed by a pollen grain and conveys the sperm nuclei to the embryo sac of an angiosperm or the archegonium of a gymnosperm
(noun) a number that indicates the amount of pollen in the air and that is used by people who get sick from breathing in pollen
- pollination (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the transfer of pollen from an anther to the stigma in angiosperms or from the microsporangium to the micropyle in gymnosperms
(noun) the transfer of pollen from one flower to the stigma of another, cross-fertilization
(noun) the transfer of pollen from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or sometimes to that of a genetically identical flower (as of the same plant or clone)
(verb) to subject to cross-pollination, to undergo cross-fertilization
- pollinator (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that pollinates: such as, an agent (such as an insect) that pollinates flowers, pollenizer
- polychromatic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) showing a variety or a change of colors : multicolored, being or relating to radiation that is composed of more than one wavelength
- polyphony (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a style of musical composition employing two or more simultaneous but relatively independent melodic lines : counterpoint
- pond (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a body of water usually smaller than a lake —sometimes used with the to refer informally or facetiously to the Atlantic Ocean
(verb) to block (something, such as a stream) to create a pond, to collect in or form a pond
- pool (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a small and rather deep body of usually fresh water, a quiet place in a stream, a body of water forming above a dam
(verb) to form a pool, to accumulate or become static (as in the veins of a bodily part)
(noun) an aggregate stake to which each player of a game has contributed, all the money bet by a number of persons on a particular event, a game played on an English billiard table in which each of the players stakes a sum and the winner takes all
(verb) to combine (things, such as resources) in a common pool or effort
- pools (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to form a pool, to accumulate or become static (as in the veins of a bodily part)
(verb) to combine (things, such as resources) in a common pool or effort
(noun) a small and rather deep body of usually fresh water, a quiet place in a stream, a body of water forming above a dam
(noun) an aggregate stake to which each player of a game has contributed, all the money bet by a number of persons on a particular event, a game played on an English billiard table in which each of the players stakes a sum and the winner takes all
- population (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region, the total of individuals occupying an area or making up a whole, the total of particles at a particular energy level —used especially of atoms in a laser
- populations (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region, the total of individuals occupying an area or making up a whole, the total of particles at a particular energy level —used especially of atoms in a laser
- porous (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) possessing or full of pores, containing vessels, permeable to fluids
(adjective) having vessels more or less evenly distributed throughout an annual ring and not varying greatly in size
(adjective) having vessels more numerous and usually larger in cross section in the springwood with a resulting more or less distinct line between the springwood and the last season's wood
- portal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) door, entrance; especially : a grand or imposing one, the whole architectural composition surrounding and including the doorways and porches of a church, the approach or entrance to a bridge or tunnel
(adjective) of or relating to the transverse fissure on the underside of the liver where most of the vessels enter, of, relating to, or being a portal vein or a portal system
(adjective) of or relating to the time spent by a worker in traveling between the entrance to an employer's property and the worker's actual job site (as in a mine)
- portland (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) city and port on Casco Bay in southwestern Maine population 66,194, city and port at the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette rivers in northwestern Oregon population 583,776
- position (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an act of placing or arranging: such as, the laying down of a proposition or thesis, an arranging in order
(verb) to put in a certain position
- possibilities (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(noun) the condition or fact of being possible, one's utmost power, capacity, or ability, something that is possible
- possibility (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) the condition or fact of being possible, one's utmost power, capacity, or ability, something that is possible
- possible (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization, being what may be conceived, be done, or occur according to nature, custom, or manners, being something that may or may not occur
- possibly (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) in a possible manner : by any possibility, by merest chance : perhaps, it is possible or imaginable : conceivably
- post (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a piece (as of timber or metal) fixed firmly in an upright position especially as a stay or support : pillar, column, a pole or stake set up to mark or indicate something; especially : a pole that marks the starting or finishing point of a horse race, goalpost
(verb) to affix to a usual place (such as a wall) for public notices : placard, to publish, announce, or advertise by or as if by use of a placard, to denounce by public notice
(noun) something (such as a message) that is published online, a nation's organization for handling mail; also : the mail handled, a single dispatch of mail
(verb) to make familiar with a subject : inform, mail, to transfer or carry from a book of original entry to a ledger
(adverb) with post-horses : express
(noun) the place at which a soldier is stationed; especially : a sentry's beat or station, a station or task to which one is assigned, the place at which a body of troops is stationed : camp
(verb) to station in a given place, to carry ceremoniously to a position, to assign to a unit, position, or location (as in the military or civil service)
(prefix) after : subsequent : later, behind : posterior : following after, subsequent to : later than
(noun) the act of transferring an entry or item from a book of original entry to the proper account in a ledger, the record in a ledger account resulting from the transfer of an entry or item from a book of original entry
- potency (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) force, power, the quality or state of being potent, the ability or capacity to achieve or bring about a particular result
- potential (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality, expressing possibility; specifically : of, relating to, or constituting a verb phrase expressing possibility, liberty, or power by the use of an auxiliary with the infinitive of the verb (as in "it may rain")
(noun) something that can develop or become actual, promise, any of various functions from which the intensity or the velocity at any point in a field may be readily calculated
- pour (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to flow in a stream, to dispense from a container, to supply or produce freely or copiously
(noun) the action of pouring : stream, an instance of pouring or an amount poured, a heavy fall of rain : downpour
- poured (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to flow in a stream, to dispense from a container, to supply or produce freely or copiously
- power (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) ability to act or produce an effect, ability to get extra-base hits, capacity for being acted upon or undergoing an effect
(verb) to supply with power and especially motive power, to give impetus to, to move about by means of motive power
(adjective) operated mechanically or electrically rather than manually, of, relating to, or utilizing strength; also : powerful, of, relating to, or being a meal at which influential people discuss business or politics
(noun) the act of magnifying, the state of being magnified, the apparent enlargement of an object by an optical instrument —called also power
(verb) to make a power dive, to cause to power-dive
- practice (7)
- in books ::: artist (5), birdland (2)
(verb) carry out, apply, to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually, to be professionally engaged in
(noun) actual performance or application, a repeated or customary action, the usual way of doing something
(verb) to engage in practice teaching
- prairie (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) land in or predominantly in grass, a tract of grassland: such as, a large area of level or rolling land in the Mississippi River valley that in its natural uncultivated state usually has deep fertile soil, a cover of tall coarse grasses, and few trees
- prayer (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an address (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought, a set order of words used in praying, an earnest request or wish
(noun) one that prays : supplicant
(plural noun) a string of beads by which prayers are counted; specifically : rosary
(noun) a book containing prayers and often other forms and directions for worship
(noun) a usually informal gathering for worship and prayer; especially : a Protestant worship service usually held on a week night —called also prayer service
(noun) a small Oriental rug used by Muslims to kneel on when praying
(noun) tallit
(noun) a cylinder of wood or metal that revolves on an axis and contains written prayers and that is used in praying by Tibetan Buddhists
(noun) a small rug that Muslims kneel on when they pray
(noun) the service book of the Anglican Communion
- precious (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of great value or high price, highly esteemed or cherished, excessively refined : affected
(adverb) very, extremely
- predicate (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that is affirmed or denied of the subject in a proposition in logic, a term designating a property or relation, the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said of the subject and that usually consists of a verb with or without objects, complements, or adverbial modifiers
(verb) affirm, declare, preach, to assert to be a quality, attribute, or property —used with following of
(adjective) completing the meaning of a copula
(noun) the branch of symbolic logic that uses symbols for quantifiers and for arguments and predicates of propositions as well as for unanalyzed propositions and logical connectives —called also functional calculus
(noun) a noun or pronoun in the nominative or common case completing the meaning of a copula
- preoccupied (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) previously applied to another group and unavailable for use in a new sense —used of a biological generic or specific name, lost in thought; also : absorbed in some preoccupation, already occupied
(verb) to engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or preferentially, to take possession of or fill beforehand or before another
(adjective) absorbed or occupied with oneself : having or involving self-preoccupation
- present (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something presented : gift
(verb) to make a gift to, to give or bestow formally, to bring (something, such as a play) before the public
(adjective) now existing or in progress, being in view or at hand, existing in something mentioned or under consideration
(noun) the present time, the present tense of a language, a verb form in the present tense
(adjective) now existing or occurring
- press (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a crowd or crowded condition : throng, a thronging or crowding forward or together, an apparatus or machine by which a substance is cut or shaped, an impression of a body is taken, a material is compressed, pressure is applied to a body, liquid is expressed, or a cutting tool is fed into the work by pressure
(verb) to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force exerted in contact : squeeze, assail, harass, afflict, oppress
(verb) to force into service especially in an army or navy : impress, to take by authority especially for public use : commandeer, to take and force into any usually emergency service
(noun) impressment into service especially in a navy, a warrant for impressing recruits
(noun) an agent employed to establish and maintain good public relations through publicity
(noun) a space reserved for reporters (as at a stadium)
(noun) a cloth used between an iron and a garment
(noun) an interview or announcement given by a public figure to the press by appointment
(noun) a detachment of men under command of an officer empowered to force men into military or naval service
(noun) a collection of promotional materials for distribution to the press
- pressed (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force exerted in contact : squeeze, assail, harass, afflict, oppress
(verb) to force into service especially in an army or navy : impress, to take by authority especially for public use : commandeer, to take and force into any usually emergency service
(adjective) hard put; also : being under financial strain
(verb) to press without applying heat from an external source; also : to extract (oil) by cold-pressing
(verb) to press again
- pressing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) urgently important : critical, earnest, warm
(verb) to act upon through steady pushing or thrusting force exerted in contact : squeeze, assail, harass, afflict, oppress
(verb) to force into service especially in an army or navy : impress, to take by authority especially for public use : commandeer, to take and force into any usually emergency service
(noun) the act of greeting and shaking hands with people especially while campaigning for political office
(verb) to press without applying heat from an external source; also : to extract (oil) by cold-pressing
(verb) to press again
- pressings (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of greeting and shaking hands with people especially while campaigning for political office
- pretty (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (4)
(adjective) artful, clever, pat, apt, pleasing by delicacy or grace
(adverb) in some degree : moderately, quite, mainly, in a gracefully pleasing manner : prettily
(noun) dainty clothes; especially : lingerie, a pretty person or thing
(verb) to make pretty —usually used with up
- prey (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an animal taken by a predator as food, one that is helpless or unable to resist attack : victim, the act or habit of preying
(verb) to seize and devour prey, to commit violence or robbery or fraud, to have an injurious, destructive, or wasting effect
- primal (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) original, primitive, first in importance : primary
- prime (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the second of the canonical hours, the first hour of the day usually considered either as 6 a.m. or the hour of sunrise, the earliest stage
(adjective) first in time : original, of, relating to, or being a prime number, having no polynomial factors other than itself and no monomial factors other than 1
(verb) fill, load, to prepare for firing by supplying with priming, to insert a primer into (a cartridge case)
- printed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to impress something in or on, to stamp (something, such as a mark) in or on something, to make a copy of by impressing paper against an inked printing surface
(noun) a circuit for electronic apparatus made by depositing conductive material in continuous paths from terminal to terminal on an insulating surface
(noun) matter printed by any of various mechanical processes that is eligible for mailing at a special rate
(noun) newspapers, magazines, books, and other printed sources
(idiom) in a book, magazine, etc.
(verb) to make a printout of
(idiom) not of real value : not legally valid
- prints (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a mark made by pressure : impression, something impressed with a print or formed in a mold, fingerprint
(verb) to impress something in or on, to stamp (something, such as a mark) in or on something, to make a copy of by impressing paper against an inked printing surface
- prism (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a polyhedron with two polygonal faces lying in parallel planes and with the other faces parallelograms, a transparent body that is bounded in part by two nonparallel plane faces and is used to refract or disperse a beam of light, a prism-shaped decorative glass luster
- prison (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a state of confinement or captivity, a place of confinement especially for lawbreakers; specifically : an institution (such as one under state jurisdiction) for confinement of persons convicted of serious crimes
(verb) imprison, confine
- prisons (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) imprison, confine
(noun) a state of confinement or captivity, a place of confinement especially for lawbreakers; specifically : an institution (such as one under state jurisdiction) for confinement of persons convicted of serious crimes
- probabilistic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to probabilism, of, relating to, or based on probability
- probabilities (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the quality or state of being probable, something (such as an event or circumstance) that is probable, the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes
(noun) the probability that a given event will occur if it is certain that another event has taken place or will take place
- probability (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being probable, something (such as an event or circumstance) that is probable, the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes
- problem (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution, a proposition in mathematics or physics stating something to be done, an intricate unsettled question
(adjective) dealing with a problem of conduct or social relationship, difficult to deal with
(noun) the process or act of finding a solution to a problem
- process (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(noun) progress, advance, something going on : proceeding, a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
(verb) to proceed against by law : prosecute, to take out a summons against, to serve a summons on
(adjective) treated or made by a special process especially when involving synthesis or artificial modification, made by or used in a mechanical or photomechanical duplicating process, of or involving illusory effects usually introduced during processing of the film
(verb) to move in a procession
(noun) nose
(noun) the visible fruiting body of a bracket fungus; also : decay caused by such a fungus
(noun) a hairstyle in which the hair is straightened out and flattened down or lightly waved —called also process
- processes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) progress, advance, something going on : proceeding, a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
(verb) to proceed against by law : prosecute, to take out a summons against, to serve a summons on
(verb) to move in a procession
- processing (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to proceed against by law : prosecute, to take out a summons against, to serve a summons on
(verb) to move in a procession
(noun) the act of processing something with or at the same time as something else
- proclaim (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing : announce, to give outward indication of : show, to declare or declare to be solemnly, officially, or formally
- produced (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to offer to view or notice, to give birth or rise to : yield, to extend in length, area, or volume
(adjective) produced by oneself: such as, caused to exist or happen by one's own physical or mental processes or actions, made available for public exhibition or dissemination by oneself
(verb) to produce (something) jointly, to produce (something) along with another product
(verb) to produce in quantity usually by machinery
- producers (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that produces; especially : one that grows agricultural products or manufactures crude materials into articles of use, a person who supervises or finances a work (such as a staged or recorded performance) for exhibition or dissemination to the public, an autotrophic organism (such as a green plant) viewed as a source of biomass that can be consumed by other organisms
(verb) to produce (something) jointly, to produce (something) along with another product
(noun) excessive production, synthesis, or creation
- product (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the number or expression resulting from the multiplication together of two or more numbers or expressions, something produced; especially : commodity, something (such as a service) that is marketed or sold as a commodity
(noun) something produced in a usually industrial or biological process in addition to the principal product, a secondary and sometimes unexpected or unintended result
- production (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) something produced : product, a literary or artistic work, a work presented to the public (as on the stage or screen or over the air)
(noun) the act or process of coproducing something, something (such as a show or movie) that is coproduced
- profanities (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being profane, the use of profane language, profane language
- profile (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a representation of something in outline; especially : a human head or face represented or seen in a side view, an outline seen or represented in sharp relief : contour, a side or sectional elevation: such as
(verb) to represent in profile or by a profile : produce (as by drawing, writing, or graphing) a profile of, to shape the outline of by passing a cutter around, to subject to profiling
(adjective) attracting a lot of attention in newspapers, on television, etc.
- profit-driven (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) moloch
- program (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) a public notice, a brief usually printed outline of the order to be followed, of the features to be presented, and the persons participating (as in a public performance), the performance of a program; especially : a performance broadcast on radio or television
(verb) to arrange or furnish a program of or for : bill, to enter in a program, to work out a sequence of operations to be performed by (a mechanism, such as a computer) : to provide with a program
(verb) to arrange or furnish a program of or for : bill, to enter in a program, to work out a sequence of operations to be performed by (a mechanism, such as a computer) : to provide with a program
(verb) to program (something or someone) in advance
- progress! (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a royal journey marked by pomp and pageant, a state procession, a tour or circuit made by an official (such as a judge)
(verb) to move forward : proceed, to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage
- progressions (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a sequence of numbers in which each term is related to its predecessor by a uniform law, the action or process of progressing : advance, a continuous and connected series : sequence
(noun) a progression (such as 3, 5, 7, 9) in which the difference between any term and its predecessor is constant
(noun) a sequence (such as 1, 1/2, 1/4) in which the ratio of a term to its predecessor is always the same —called also geometrical progression, geometric sequence
(noun) a sequence of numbers whose reciprocals form an arithmetic progression
- project (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a specific plan or design : scheme, idea, a planned undertaking: such as
(verb) to devise in the mind : design, to plan, figure, or estimate for the future, to throw or cast forward : thrust
(noun) a counterproposal especially for a plan, measure, or treaty
(noun) a project that is part of a larger project
- projected (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to devise in the mind : design, to plan, figure, or estimate for the future, to throw or cast forward : thrust
- projection (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a systematic presentation of intersecting coordinate lines on a flat surface upon which features from a curved surface (as of the earth or the celestial sphere) may be mapped, the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object upon a plane or curved surface or a line by projecting its points; also : a graph or figure so formed, a transforming change
- projections (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a systematic presentation of intersecting coordinate lines on a flat surface upon which features from a curved surface (as of the earth or the celestial sphere) may be mapped, the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object upon a plane or curved surface or a line by projecting its points; also : a graph or figure so formed, a transforming change
(noun) a map projection of the surface of the earth so centered at any given point that a straight line radiating from the center to any other point represents the shortest distance and can be measured to scale
(noun) a conformal map projection of which the meridians are usually drawn parallel to each other and the parallels of latitude are straight lines whose distance from each other increases with their distance from the equator
(noun) projection of a single view of an object (such as a view of the front) onto a drawing surface in which the lines of projection are perpendicular to the drawing surface, the representation of related views of an object as if they were all in the same plane and projected by orthographic projection
(noun) a map projection consisting of a composite series of concentric cones each of which before being unrolled has been placed over a sphere so as to be tangent to a different parallel of latitude
(noun) a compromise map projection showing the poles as lines rather than points and more accurately portraying high latitude lands and water to land ratio
(noun) an equal-area map projection capable of showing the entire surface of the earth with all parallels as straight lines evenly spaced, the central meridian as one half the length of the equator, and all other meridians as curved lines
- projects (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to devise in the mind : design, to plan, figure, or estimate for the future, to throw or cast forward : thrust
(noun) a specific plan or design : scheme, idea, a planned undertaking: such as
(noun) a counterproposal especially for a plan, measure, or treaty
(noun) a project that is part of a larger project
- proliferation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to grow by rapid production of new parts, cells, buds, or offspring, to increase in number as if by proliferating : multiply, to cause to grow by proliferating
- promise (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified, a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act, reason to expect something; especially : ground for expectation of success, improvement, or excellence
(verb) to pledge to do, bring about, or provide, warrant, assure, betroth
- promised (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to pledge to do, bring about, or provide, warrant, assure, betroth
- proof (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact, the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning, experience
(adjective) able to resist or repel —often used in combination, used in proving or testing or as a standard of comparison, of standard strength or quality or alcoholic content
(verb) to make or take a proof or test of, proofread, to give a resistant quality to
(adjective) having enough potential votes to be enacted over a veto or to override vetoes consistently
- prophet (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one who utters divinely inspired revelations: such as, the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Bible, one regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will
- prophets (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(plural noun) the second part of the Hebrew Bible
(noun) one who utters divinely inspired revelations: such as, the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Bible, one regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will
- proposals (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an act of putting forward or stating something for consideration, something proposed : suggestion, offer; specifically : an offer of marriage
- proprietary (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) one that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something; specifically : proprietor, something that is used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker; specifically : a drug (such as a patent medicine) that is protected by secrecy, patent, or copyright against free competition as to name, product, composition, or process of manufacture, a business secretly owned by and run as a cover for an intelligence organization
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of an owner or title holder, used, made, or marketed by one having the exclusive legal right, privately owned and managed and run as a profit-making organization
- prostitutes (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to offer for sexual intercourse in exchange for pay, to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes : debase, to act as a prostitute : to prostitute oneself
(noun) a person who engages in sexual intercourse in exchange for pay, a person (such as a writer or painter) who deliberately debases his or her talents (as for money)
- protests (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make solemn declaration or affirmation of, to execute or have executed a formal protest against (something, such as a bill or note), to make a statement or gesture in objection to
(noun) a solemn declaration of opinion and usually of dissent: such as, a sworn declaration that payment of a note or bill has been refused and that all responsible signers or debtors are liable for resulting loss or damage, a declaration made especially before or while paying that a tax is illegal and that payment is not voluntary
(noun) a protest staged to counter or oppose another protest
- provers (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic), to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth, to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable
- provide (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(verb) to supply or make available (something wanted or needed); also : afford, to make something available to, to have as a condition : stipulate
- provided (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(conjunction) on condition that : with the understanding : if
(verb) to supply or make available (something wanted or needed); also : afford, to make something available to, to have as a condition : stipulate
- psychotropic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) acting on the mind
- public (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) exposed to general view : open, well-known, prominent, perceptible, material
(noun) a place accessible or visible to the public —usually used in the phrase in public, the people as a whole : populace, a group of people having common interests or characteristics; specifically : the group at which a particular activity or enterprise aims
(noun) a cryptographic element that is the publicly shared half of an encryption code and that can be used only to encode messages
- pull (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force, to stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly, to strain abnormally
(noun) the act or an instance of pulling, a draft of liquid, an inhalation of smoke
(verb) to draw oneself back or away : withdraw, to move off or ahead
(adjective) being or appearing below a selected item (such as an icon) in a window overlaying the original view on a computer display
(verb) demolish, destroy, to hunt down : overcome, to bring to a lower level : reduce
(verb) check, restrain, arrest, to arrive at a destination or come to a stop
(verb) to carry out despite difficulties : accomplish successfully against odds
(verb) leave, depart, withdraw
(verb) to steer one's vehicle to the side of the road, to cause to pull over
(noun) a significant passage in an article, story, book, or speech that is quoted and used for drawing attention to its source
- pulled (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) prepared after being cooked to tenderness by being pulled apart into pieces or shreds
(verb) to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force, to stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly, to strain abnormally
- pulley (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a sheave or small wheel with a grooved rim and with or without the block in which it runs used singly with a rope or chain to change the direction and point of application of a pulling force and in various combinations to increase the applied force especially for lifting weights, a pulley or pulleys with ropes to form a tackle that constitutes one of the simple machines, a wheel used to transmit power by means of a band, belt, cord, rope, or chain passing over its rim
- pulling (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force, to stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly, to strain abnormally
(noun) the ability to attract a lot of people to a performance, event, etc.
(idiom) —used to say that something is very difficult and frustrating
(verb) to draw oneself back or away : withdraw, to move off or ahead
(verb) demolish, destroy, to hunt down : overcome, to bring to a lower level : reduce
(verb) check, restrain, arrest, to arrive at a destination or come to a stop
(verb) to carry out despite difficulties : accomplish successfully against odds
(verb) leave, depart, withdraw
(verb) to steer one's vehicle to the side of the road, to cause to pull over
(verb) to regain one's health, to restore to good health
- pulls (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force, to stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly, to strain abnormally
(noun) the act or an instance of pulling, a draft of liquid, an inhalation of smoke
(noun) an increase or upward trend in spendable money that tends to result in increased competition for available goods and services and a corresponding increase in consumer prices
(noun) a humorous deception or hoax
- pulse (14)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) the regular expansion of an artery caused by the ejection of blood into the arterial system by the contractions of the heart, the palpable beat resulting from such pulse as detected in a superficial artery; also : the number of individual beats in a specified time period (such as one minute), rhythmical beating, vibrating, or sounding
(verb) to exhibit a pulse or pulsation : throb, to drive by or as if by a pulsation, to cause to pulsate
(noun) the edible seeds of various crops (such as peas, beans, or lentils) of the legume family; also : a plant yielding pulse
- pulsed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exhibit a pulse or pulsation : throb, to drive by or as if by a pulsation, to cause to pulsate
- pulsing (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to exhibit a pulse or pulsation : throb, to drive by or as if by a pulsation, to cause to pulsate
- pump (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a device that raises, transfers, delivers, or compresses fluids or that attenuates gases especially by suction or pressure or both, heart, an act or the process of pumping
(verb) to work a pump : raise or move a fluid with a pump, to exert oneself to pump or as if to pump something, to move in a manner that resembles the action of a pump handle
(noun) a shoe that grips the foot chiefly at the toe and heel; especially : a close-fitting woman's dress shoe with a moderate to high heel
- punctuate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to mark or divide (written matter) with punctuation marks, to break into or interrupt at intervals, accentuate, emphasize
- punctuations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of punctuating : the state of being punctuated, the act or practice of inserting standardized marks or signs in written matter to clarify the meaning and separate structural units; also : a system of punctuation, something that contrasts or accentuates
- pupils (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a child or young person in school or in the charge of a tutor or instructor : student, one who has been taught or influenced by a famous or distinguished person
(noun) the contractile aperture in the iris of the eye
- purl (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) gold or silver thread or wire for embroidering or edging, the intertwisting of thread that knots a stitch usually along an edge, purl stitch
(verb) to embroider with gold or silver thread, to edge or border with gold or silver embroidery, to knit in purl stitch
(noun) a purling or swirling stream or rill, a gentle murmur or movement (as of purling water)
(verb) eddy, swirl, to make a soft murmuring sound like that of a purling stream
- purpose (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) something set up as an object or end to be attained : intention, resolution, determination, a subject under discussion or an action in course of execution
(verb) to propose as an aim to oneself
(adjective) built for a particular purpose
(adjective) suited for many purposes or uses
(noun) a purpose usually unintentionally contrary to another purpose of oneself or of someone or something else —usually used in plural
(adjective) having breed characteristics that serve two purposes
(adjective) suitable to be used for two or more basic purposes
- push (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to press against with force in order to drive or impel, to move or endeavor to move away or ahead by steady pressure without striking, to thrust forward, downward, or outward
(noun) a vigorous effort to attain an end : drive:, a military assault or offensive, an advance that overcomes obstacles
(abbreviation) People United to Serve Humanity
(noun) bicycle —called also push bicycle
(adjective) operated or done by means of push buttons, using or dependent on complex and more or less self-operating mechanisms that are put in operation by a simple act comparable to pushing a button
- put (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to bring to an end : stop, depose, degrade, disparage, belittle
- quaker (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that quakes, friend
(noun) one attached to another by affection or esteem, acquaintance, one that is not hostile
(plural noun) bluets
- quantum (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) quantity, amount, portion, part, gross quantity : bulk
(adjective) large, significant, of, relating to, or employing the principles of quantum mechanics
(noun) a theory of fundamental particles based on the assumption that quarks are distinguished by differences in color and are held together (as in hadrons) by an exchange of gluons
(noun) a computer that takes advantage of the quantum properties of qubits to perform certain types of calculation extremely quickly compared to conventional computers
(noun) a semiconductor nanocrystal exhibiting quantum mechanical effects that allow it to mimic the properties of an atom
(noun) quantum mechanics applied to electrical interactions (as between nuclear particles)
(noun) a property of a set of subatomic particles whereby a quantum characteristic (such as spin or momentum) of one particle is directly and immediately correlated with the equivalent characteristic of the others regardless of separation in space
(noun) a theory in physics: the interaction of two separate physical systems (such as particles) is attributed to a field that extends from one to the other and is manifested in a particle exchange between the two systems
(noun) an abrupt transition (as of an electron, an atom, or a molecule) from one discrete energy state to another, quantum leap
(noun) an abrupt change, sudden increase, or dramatic advance
- quartet (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a musical composition for four instruments or voices, a group or set of four; especially : the performers of a quartet
- quartets (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a musical composition for four instruments or voices, a group or set of four; especially : the performers of a quartet
- queer (16)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (11), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) differing in some way from what is usual or normal : odd, strange, weird, eccentric, unconventional, of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to members of one's own sex : gay
(noun) a queer person: such as, a person who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or otherwise not heterosexual, a person whose gender identity is nonbinary or differs from the sex they had or were identified as having at birth : a genderqueer or transgender person : a person who is not cisgender
(verb) to consider or interpret (something) from a perspective that rejects traditional categories of gender and sexuality : to apply ideas from queer theory to (something), to make or modify (something) in a way that reflects one's rejection of gender and sexuality norms, to spoil the effect or success of (something)
- query (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) question, inquiry, a question in the mind : doubt, question mark
(verb) to ask questions of especially with a desire for authoritative information, to ask questions about especially in order to resolve a doubt, to put as a question
- quest (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a jury of inquest, investigation, an act or instance of seeking:
(verb) to search a trail, bay, to go on a quest
- questions (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to ask a question of or about, to interrogate intensively : cross-examine, doubt, dispute
(noun) an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge, an interrogative sentence or clause, a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion : issue; broadly : problem, matter
(noun) a question asked in response to another question
(noun) a question asked in cross-examination
(adjective) carrying a load : such as, containing an explosive charge : having bullets inside, having film inside
(noun) a question asked of oneself by oneself
- quick (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) acting or capable of acting with speed: such as, fast in development or occurrence, done or taking place with rapidity
(adverb) in a quick manner
(noun) a painfully sensitive spot or area of flesh (such as that underlying a fingernail or toenail), the inmost sensibilities, the very center of something : heart
(verb) to freeze (food) for preservation so rapidly that ice crystals formed are too small to rupture the cells and the natural juices and flavor are preserved
(adjective) easily angered : irascible
- quickening (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make alive : revive, to cause to be enlivened : stimulate, kindle
- quickly (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) acting or capable of acting with speed: such as, fast in development or occurrence, done or taking place with rapidity
(idiom) as soon as one can
- quilting (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) material that is quilted or used for making quilts, the process of quilting
(verb) to fill, pad, or line like a quilt, to stitch, sew, or cover with lines or patterns like those used in quilts, to stitch (designs) through layers of cloth
- quixotic (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action, capricious, unpredictable
- race (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry; also : the fact of dividing people, or of people being divided, into such groups : categorization by race, a group of people sharing a common cultural, geographical, linguistic, or religious origin or background, the descendants of a common ancestor : a group sharing a common lineage
(noun) a competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc., to determine which one is the fastest : a contest of speed, a contest or competition in which different people, groups, or teams try to win something or to do something first —often used figuratively to suggest that something (such as life itself) is like a contest or competition, an event at which there is a series of horse races
(verb) to compete in a race, to go, move, or function at top speed or out of control, to revolve too fast under a diminished load
(noun) the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group
- racing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the sport or profession of engaging in or holding races
(verb) to compete in a race, to go, move, or function at top speed or out of control, to revolve too fast under a diminished load
- radar (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a device or system consisting usually of a synchronized radio transmitter and receiver that emits radio waves and processes their reflections for display and is used especially for detecting and locating objects (such as aircraft) or surface features (as of a planet), range of notice
(adjective) used or designed to counteract or destroy radar systems
- radiance (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) the quality or state of being radiant, a deep pink, the flux density of radiant energy per unit solid angle and per unit projected area of radiating surface
(noun) radiance
- radiant (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) radiating rays or reflecting beams of light, vividly bright and shining : glowing, marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness
(noun) something that radiates: such as, a point in the heavens at which the visible paths of meteors appear to meet when traced backward, the part of a gas or electric heater that becomes incandescent
- radiation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the action or process of radiating, the process of emitting radiant energy in the form of waves or particles, the combined processes of emission, transmission, and absorption of radiant energy
(noun) sickness that results from exposure to radiation and is commonly marked by fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of teeth and hair, and in more severe cases by damage to blood-forming tissue with decrease in red and white blood cells and with bleeding
(noun) radiotherapy
(noun) evolutionary diversification of a generalized ancestral form with production of a number of adaptively specialized forms
(adjective) designed to destroy radar or other sources of radio transmissions, counteracting the harmful effects of radiation on the body
(noun) the microwave radiation pervading the universe that exhibits a corresponding blackbody temperature of 2.7 K and that is the principal evidence supporting the big bang theory —called also cosmic background radiation
(noun) light produced by charged particles (such as electrons) traversing a transparent medium at a speed greater than that of light in the same medium —called also Cerenkov light
(noun) background radiation
(noun) energy in the form of electromagnetic waves; also : a series of electromagnetic waves
(noun) radiation composed of gamma rays
- radiator (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) one that radiates: such as, any of various devices (such as a series of pipes or tubes) for transferring heat from a fluid within to an area or object outside, a transmitting antenna
- radio (23)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (6), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (15)
(adjective) of, relating to, or operated by radiant energy, of or relating to electric currents or phenomena (such as electromagnetic radiation) of frequencies between about 3000 hertz and 300 gigahertz, of, relating to, or used in radio or a radio set
(noun) the wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electromagnetic waves, the use of these waves for the wireless transmission of electric impulses into which sound is converted, a radio message
(verb) to send or communicate by radio, to send a radio message to, to send or communicate something by radio
(combining form) radiant energy : radiation, radioactive, radium : X-rays
- ragged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) roughly unkempt, having an irregular edge or outline, torn or worn to tatters
(verb) to rail at : scold, torment, tease
- raging (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) causing great pain or distress, violent, wild, extraordinary, tremendous
(verb) to be in a rage, to be in tumult, to prevail uncontrollably
- rail (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a bar extending from one post or support to another and serving as a guard or barrier, a structural member or support, railing
(verb) to provide with a railing : fence
(noun) any of numerous wading birds (family Rallidae, the rail family) that are of small or medium size and have short rounded wings, a short tail, and usually very long toes which enable them to run on the soft mud of marshes
(verb) to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language
(noun) one that makes logs into fence rails
(noun) a means of urban railway transportation using trolley cars
- railing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a barrier consisting of a rail and supports, rails; also : material for making rails
(verb) to provide with a railing : fence
(verb) to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language
- railroad (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a permanent road having a line of rails fixed to ties and laid on a roadbed and providing a track for cars or equipment drawn by locomotives or propelled by self-contained motors; also : such a road and its assets constituting a single property
(verb) to convict with undue haste and by means of false charges or insufficient evidence, to push through hastily or without due consideration, to transport by railroad
- rails (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to provide with a railing : fence
(noun) any of numerous wading birds (family Rallidae, the rail family) that are of small or medium size and have short rounded wings, a short tail, and usually very long toes which enable them to run on the soft mud of marshes
(verb) to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language
(noun) a bar extending from one post or support to another and serving as a guard or barrier, a structural member or support, railing
(idiom) to lose control and start to behave in a way that is not normal or acceptable
(idiom) to come off the track
(noun) a railing in front of an altar separating the chancel from the body of the church
(noun) a molding on a wall around a room to protect the wall from being damaged by the backs of chairs
(noun) a grayish-brown long-billed American rail (Rallus longirostris) that inhabits coastal marshes
(noun) a rail about the mast near the deck to which rigging is belayed
- railway (8)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) railroad; especially : a railroad operating with light equipment or within a small area
- railways (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) railroad; especially : a railroad operating with light equipment or within a small area
(noun) a steep mountain railroad that has a rail with cogs engaged by a cogwheel on the locomotive to ensure traction
(noun) a railway having between its rails a rack that meshes with a gear wheel or pinion of the locomotive for traction on steep grades
(noun) a miniature railway (as in an amusement park) with artificial scenery along the way
(noun) a line operating streetcars or buses
- rain (23)
- in books ::: birdland (13), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) water falling in drops condensed from vapor in the atmosphere, the descent of this water, water that has fallen as rain : rainwater
(verb) to send down rain, to fall as water in drops from the clouds, to fall like rain
- rainfall (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the amount of precipitation usually measured by the depth in inches, rain
- raining (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to send down rain, to fall as water in drops from the clouds, to fall like rain
- rains (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) water falling in drops condensed from vapor in the atmosphere, the descent of this water, water that has fallen as rain : rainwater
(verb) to send down rain, to fall as water in drops from the clouds, to fall like rain
- random (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a haphazard course
(adjective) lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern, made, done, or chosen at random, relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence
(adverb) in a random manner
(adjective) permitting access to stored data in any order the user desires
(noun) ram
(noun) a variable that is itself a function of the result of a statistical experiment in which each outcome has a definite probability of occurrence —called also variate
(noun) a process (such as Brownian motion or genetic drift) consisting of a sequence of steps (such as movements or changes in gene frequency) each of whose characteristics (such as magnitude and direction) is determined by chance
(noun) a computer memory on which data can be both read and written and on which the location of data does not affect the speed of its retrieval; especially : RAM that acts as the main storage available to the user for programs and data —called also random-access memory
- range (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a series of things in a line : row, a series of mountains, one of the north-south rows of townships in a U.S. public-land survey that are numbered east and west from the principal meridian of the survey
(verb) to set in a row or in the proper order, to place among others in a position or situation, to assign to a category : classify
(adjective) allowed to range and forage with relative freedom; also : of, relating to, or produced by free-range animals
(adjective) relating to or fit for long distances, involving or taking into account a long period of time
(adjective) involving or taking into account a short period of time, relating to or fit for short distances
- rapid (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) marked by a fast rate of motion, activity, succession, or occurrence
(noun) a part of a river where the current is fast and the surface is usually broken by obstructions —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction
(adjective) firing or adapted for firing shots in rapid succession, marked by rapidity, liveliness, or sharpness
- rapunzel (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a German fairy tale
- rasping (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to rub with something rough; specifically : to abrade with a rasp, to grate upon : irritate, to utter in a raspy tone
- raster (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a scan pattern (as of the electron beam in a cathode-ray tube) in which an area is scanned from side to side in lines from top to bottom; also : a pattern of closely spaced rows of dots that form an image (as on the cathode-ray tube of a television or computer display)
- rates (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of something else, an amount of payment or charge based on another amount; specifically : the amount of premium per unit of insurance, a charge, payment, or price fixed according to a ratio, scale, or standard: such as
(verb) to set an estimate on : value, esteem, to determine or assign the relative rank or class of : grade, to estimate the normal capacity or power of
(verb) to rebuke angrily or violently, to drive away by scolding, to voice angry reprimands
- ratio (10)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (10)
(noun) the indicated quotient of two mathematical expressions, the relationship in quantity, amount, or size between two or more things : proportion, the expression of the relative values of gold and silver as determined by a country's currency laws
- rational (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having reason or understanding, relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason : reasonable, involving only multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction and only a finite number of times
(noun) something rational; specifically : rational number
(noun) a function that is the quotient of two polynomials; also : polynomial
(noun) a number that can be expressed as an integer or the quotient of an integer divided by a nonzero integer
(adjective) opposed or contrary to what is rational : deliberately or utterly irrational
(adjective) extremely rational
(adjective) being at a level below what is rational: such as, existing or originating below the level of rational thought, lacking the ability to reason
- ravaging (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to wreak havoc on : affect destructively, to commit destructive actions
- raven (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a large, glossy-black bird (Corvus corax) that is widely distributed in northern parts of the northern hemisphere but now rare in most areas of the eastern and central U.S. and that differs from the closely related common crow chiefly in its larger size and wedge-shaped tail and in having the feathers of the throat narrow and pointed resulting in a shaggy appearance; also : any of various usually large and glossy black, corvine birds
(adjective) shiny and black like a raven's feathers
(verb) to feed greedily, to prowl for food : prey, plunder
- raw (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not cooked, being in or nearly in the natural state : not processed or purified, not diluted or blended
(noun) a raw place or state
- ray (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of an order (Rajiformes) of usually marine cartilaginous fishes (such as stingrays and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head
(noun) any of the lines of light that appear to radiate from a bright object, a beam of radiant energy (such as light) of small cross section, a stream of material particles traveling in the same line (as in radioactive phenomena)
(verb) to shine in or as if in rays, to issue as rays, to extend like the radii of a circle : radiate
- rays (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to shine in or as if in rays, to issue as rays, to extend like the radii of a circle : radiate
(noun) any of an order (Rajiformes) of usually marine cartilaginous fishes (such as stingrays and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head
(noun) any of the lines of light that appear to radiate from a bright object, a beam of radiant energy (such as light) of small cross section, a stream of material particles traveling in the same line (as in radioactive phenomena)
- razed (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to destroy to the ground : demolish, to scrape, cut, or shave off, erase
- re (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the second note of the major scale in solfège
(preposition) with regard to : in re
(symbol) rhenium
(prefix) again : anew, back : backward
(noun) any of an order (Rajiformes) of usually marine cartilaginous fishes (such as stingrays and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head
(noun) any of the lines of light that appear to radiate from a bright object, a beam of radiant energy (such as light) of small cross section, a stream of material particles traveling in the same line (as in radioactive phenomena)
(verb) to Christianize again
(verb) to collect again; especially : rally, recover
(verb) to cover again or anew
(verb) to create again; especially : to form anew in the imagination
- reach (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to stretch out : extend, thrust, to touch or grasp by extending a part of the body (such as a hand) or an object
(noun) a continuous stretch or expanse; especially : a straight portion of a stream or river, the action or an act of reaching, an individual part of a progression or journey
(adjective or noun) hand-me-down
- reached (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to stretch out : extend, thrust, to touch or grasp by extending a part of the body (such as a hand) or an object
- reaches (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to stretch out : extend, thrust, to touch or grasp by extending a part of the body (such as a hand) or an object
(noun) a continuous stretch or expanse; especially : a straight portion of a stream or river, the action or an act of reaching, an individual part of a progression or journey
- reaching (7)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to stretch out : extend, thrust, to touch or grasp by extending a part of the body (such as a hand) or an object
(adjective) having a wide range or effect
- reactant (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a substance that enters into and is altered in the course of a chemical reaction
- reactions (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or process or an instance of reacting, resistance or opposition to a force, influence, or movement; especially : tendency toward a former and usually outmoded political or social order or policy, a response to some treatment, situation, or stimulus; also : such a response expressed verbally
(noun) a reaction in response or opposition to the main reaction
(noun) reaction of one antigen with antibodies developed against another antigen
- reader (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one that reads, one appointed to read to others: such as, lector
(noun) a handheld electronic device designed to be used for reading e-books and similar material
(verb) to understand by lipreading, to use lipreading
(verb) to read (something, such as a foreign language) or perform (music) without previous preparation or study, to read at sight; especially : to perform music at sight
- reading (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of reading, material read or for reading, extent of material read
(verb) to receive or take in the sense of (letters, symbols, etc.) especially by sight or touch, to study the movements of with mental formulation of the communication expressed, to utter aloud the printed or written words of
(noun) a method of reading rapidly by skimming
- ready (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) prepared mentally or physically for some experience or action, prepared for immediate use, willingly disposed : inclined
(verb) to make ready
(adjective) made beforehand especially for general sale, lacking originality or individuality, readily available
(noun) something (such as a garment) that is ready-made, a commonplace artifact (such as a comb or ice tongs) selected and shown as a work of art
(adjective) ready-made, dealing in ready-made clothes
(adjective) quick-witted
- real (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having objective independent existence, not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory : genuine; also : being precisely what the name implies, occurring or existing in actuality
(adverb) very, really —used as an intensifier
(noun) a real thing; especially : a mathematically real quantity
(noun) the basic monetary unit of Brazil, a former monetary unit and coin of Portugal
(noun) a former monetary unit and coin of Spain and its possessions
(noun) the basic monetary unit of Iran, Oman, and Yemen
(noun) the basic monetary unit of Qatar and Saudi Arabia
- really (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) in reality : actually, truly, unquestionably —used as an intensifier, very
- reasoning (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the use of reason; especially : the drawing of inferences or conclusions through the use of reason, an instance of the use of reason : argument
(verb) to use the faculty of reason so as to arrive at conclusions, to talk with another so as to influence actions or opinions, to take part in conversation, discussion, or argument
(noun) a set of reasons used in order to reach a conclusion
(verb) to find an explanation or solution to (something, such as a problem, question, mystery, etc.) by thinking about the possibilities
(verb) to talk with (someone) in a sensible way in order to try to change that person's thoughts or behavior
- reboard (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to board (something such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus) again
- rebreathe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) breathe again
- rebuild (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make extensive repairs to : reconstruct, to restore to a previous state, to make extensive changes in : remodel
- receipts (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or money, proof, evidence, the act or process of receiving
(verb) to give a receipt for or acknowledge the receipt of, to mark as paid
- receiver (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) one that receives: such as, treasurer, a person appointed to hold in trust and administer property under litigation
- receivers (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one that receives: such as, treasurer, a person appointed to hold in trust and administer property under litigation
(noun) a public officer in charge of the treasury (as of Massachusetts)
(noun) a football receiver who normally lines up several yards to the side of the offensive formation
- reception (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the act or action or an instance of receiving: such as, receipt, admission
(noun) a large open area inside and near the entrance of a public building (such as a hotel or theater) : lobby
(noun) a class for young children who are just starting to go to school
(noun) a room in a house (such as a living room) that is used for sitting and not for cooking, sleeping, etc.
- recipe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) prescription, a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients, a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something
(noun) a book of directions explaining how to prepare and cook various kinds of food : a cookbook
(noun) something that will result in disaster
- recipes (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) prescription, a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients, a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something
- recitation (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the act of enumerating, the act or an instance of reading or repeating aloud especially publicly, a student's oral reply to questions
- reclaim (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to recall from wrong or improper conduct : reform, tame, subdue, to rescue from an undesirable state; also : to restore to a previous natural state
- reclaimed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to recall from wrong or improper conduct : reform, tame, subdue, to rescue from an undesirable state; also : to restore to a previous natural state
- reclamation (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the act or process of reclaiming: such as, reformation, rehabilitation, restoration to use : recovery
- recognition (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the action of recognizing : the state of being recognized: such as, acknowledgment; especially : formal acknowledgment of the political existence of a government or nation, knowledge or feeling that someone or something present has been encountered before
(noun) recognition of one's own self, the process by which the immune system of an organism distinguishes between the body's own chemicals, cells, and tissues and those of foreign organisms and agents
- recollection (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) tranquility of mind, religious contemplation, the action or power of recalling to mind
- reconstruct (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to construct again: such as, to build or assemble (something) again, to subject (an organ or part) to surgery to re-form its structure or correct a defect
- record (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to set down in writing : furnish written evidence of, to deposit an authentic official copy of, to state for or as if for the record
(noun) the state or fact of being recorded, something that records: such as, something that recalls or relates past events
(adjective) of, relating to, or being one that is extraordinary among or surpasses others of its kind
(noun) a function of an electronic device that causes it to record
(adjective) better, greater, higher, etc., than any other in the past : beyond any previous record
- recorded (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to set down in writing : furnish written evidence of, to deposit an authentic official copy of, to state for or as if for the record
(adjective) recorded in advance
(verb) to record (something, such as sound) again
(verb) to make a recording of on magnetic tape
- recorder (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the chief judicial magistrate of some British cities and boroughs, a municipal judge with criminal jurisdiction of first instance and sometimes limited civil jurisdiction, one that records
- recording (8)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (8)
(noun) record
(verb) to set down in writing : furnish written evidence of, to deposit an authentic official copy of, to state for or as if for the record
(noun) a person who performs music for recordings
(noun) the process of recording sound, data (as for a computer), or a television program by producing varying local magnetization of a moving tape or disc
(adjective) making an automatic record
(noun) magnetic recording on magnetic tape; also : a recording made by this process
(adjective) recorded in advance
(verb) to record (something, such as sound) again
(noun) a device used for the continuous graphic recording of time-dependent data
(verb) to make a recording of on magnetic tape
- recordings (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) record
(noun) the process of recording sound, data (as for a computer), or a television program by producing varying local magnetization of a moving tape or disc
(noun) magnetic recording on magnetic tape; also : a recording made by this process
(noun) a magnetic recorder using a thin wire as the recording medium
- records (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to set down in writing : furnish written evidence of, to deposit an authentic official copy of, to state for or as if for the record
(noun) the state or fact of being recorded, something that records: such as, something that recalls or relates past events
(noun) a function of an electronic device that causes it to record
(adjective) recorded in advance
(verb) to record (something, such as sound) again
(verb) to make a recording of on magnetic tape
- rectify (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to set right : remedy, to purify especially by repeated or fractional distillation, to correct by removing errors : adjust
- red (37)
- in books ::: birdland (22), blueWindow (12), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of the color red, having red as a distinguishing color, flushed especially with anger or embarrassment
(noun) a color whose hue resembles that of blood or of the ruby or is that of the long-wave extreme of the visible spectrum, red clothing, one that is of a red or reddish color: such as
(abbreviation) reduce; reduction
(verb) to subject (a person or group) to red-baiting, to engage in red-baiting
(noun) the act of attacking or persecuting as a Communist or as communistic
- red-sky (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) red sky in morning, sailors take warning
- redeem (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to buy back : repurchase, to get or win back, to free from what distresses or harms: such as
- redemption (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act, process, or an instance of redeeming
- redemptive (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or bringing about redemption
- redfield (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) Alfred Clarence Redfield (November 15, 1890 – March 17, 1983) was an American oceanographer known for having discovered the Redfield ratio, which describes the ratio between nutrients in plankton and ocean water.
(adjective) In 1934, Alfred Redfield discovered that the ratio of carbon to nitrogen to phosphorus is a nearly constant 106:16:1 throughout the world's oceans, in both phytoplankton biomass and in dissolved nutrient pools
- redo (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to do over or again, redecorate
- reduce (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to draw together or cause to converge : consolidate, to diminish in size, amount, extent, or number, to decrease the volume and concentrate the flavor of by boiling
- reduction (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or process of reducing : the state of being reduced, something made by reducing, the amount by which something is reduced
(noun) the usually first division of meiosis in which chromosome reduction occurs; also : meiosis
(noun) a combination of gears used to reduce the input speed (as of a marine turbine) to a lower output speed (as of a ship's propeller)
(noun) a chemical reaction in which one or more electrons are transferred from one atom or molecule to another
- reed (7)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) any of various tall grasses with slender often prominently jointed stems that grow especially in wet areas, a stem of a reed, a person or thing too weak to rely on : one easily swayed or overcome
- reeds (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) mill
(noun) any of various tall grasses with slender often prominently jointed stems that grow especially in wet areas, a stem of a reed, a person or thing too weak to rely on : one easily swayed or overcome
- reedy (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) abounding in or covered with reeds, made of or resembling reeds; especially : slender, frail, having the tone quality of a reed instrument
- reef (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a part of a sail taken in or let out in regulating size, reduction in sail area by reefing
(verb) to reduce the area of (a sail) by rolling or folding a portion, to lower or bring inboard (a spar) wholly or partially, to reduce a sail by taking in a reef
(noun) a chain of rocks or coral or a ridge of sand at or near the surface of water, a hazardous obstruction, lode, vein
- reenactment (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to enact (something, such as a law) again, to act or perform again, to repeat the actions of (an earlier event or incident)
- reference (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of referring or consulting, a bearing on a matter : relation, something that refers: such as
(adjective) used or usable for reference; especially : constituting a standard for measuring or constructing
(verb) to supply with references, to cite in or as a reference, to put in a form (such as a table) adapted to easy reference
(noun) a conventional mark (such as, †, or ‡) placed in written or printed text to direct the reader's attention especially to a footnote
(noun) a collection of books often about a particular subject, a library that lets people use books on the premises but does not allow books to be taken out
(noun) something that is used to judge or understand something else
(noun) a notation or direction at one place (as in a book or filing system) to pertinent information at another place
(verb) to supply with cross-references, to research, verify, or organize by means of cross-references
(noun) an arbitrary set of axes with reference to which the position or motion of something is described or physical laws are formulated, a set of ideas, conditions, or assumptions that determine how something will be approached, perceived, or understood
(noun) the act or an instance of referring or alluding to oneself or itself; specifically : reference or allusion by a literary or artistic work to the mental attitudes and creative processes that brought it into existence
- refineries (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a building and equipment for refining or processing something (such as oil or sugar)
- reflection (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an instance of reflecting; especially : the return of light or sound waves from a surface, the production of an image by or as if by a mirror, the action of bending or folding back
(noun) the angle between a reflected ray and the normal drawn at the point of incidence to a reflecting surface
(noun) self-examination
(idiom) not something that causes people to disapprove of (someone)
(idiom) after thinking about something
- reflective (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves, marked by reflection : thoughtful, deliberative, of, relating to, or caused by reflection
(adjective) marked by or engaging in self-reflection
- reformation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of reforming : the state of being reformed, a 16th century religious movement marked ultimately by rejection or modification of some Roman Catholic doctrine and practice and establishment of the Protestant churches
(verb) to form again, to take form again
(adjective) occurring or existing after the Reformation
(noun) the act or process of amending or improving one's character or habits : the act or process of reforming oneself
(noun) the 16th-century religious movement that led to the establishment of the Protestant churches
(noun) the reform movement in the Roman Catholic Church following the Reformation, a reformation designed to counter the effects of a previous reformation
- regenerative (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or marked by regeneration, tending to regenerate
- regiment (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a military unit consisting usually of a number of battalions, governmental rule
(verb) to organize rigidly especially for the sake of regulation or control, to subject to order or uniformity, to form into or assign to a regiment
- regression (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of regressing, a trend or shift toward a lower or less perfect state: such as, progressive decline of a manifestation of disease
(noun) the process of finding a straight line (as by least squares) that best approximates a set of points on a graph
(noun) regression in which one variable is estimated by the use of more than one other variable
- rehearsal (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something recounted or told again : recital, a private performance or practice session preparatory to a public appearance, a practice exercise : trial
(adjective) of, occurring in, or done in the time before a rehearsal
- reified (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to consider or represent (something abstract) as a material or concrete thing : to give definite content and form to (a concept or idea)
- reify (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to consider or represent (something abstract) as a material or concrete thing : to give definite content and form to (a concept or idea)
- relation (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of telling or recounting : account, an aspect or quality (such as resemblance) that connects two or more things or parts as being or belonging or working together or as being of the same kind; specifically : a property (such as one expressed by is equal to, is less than, or is the brother of) that holds between an ordered pair of objects, the referring by a legal fiction of an act to a prior date as the time of its taking effect —usually used with back
- relations (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the act of telling or recounting : account, an aspect or quality (such as resemblance) that connects two or more things or parts as being or belonging or working together or as being of the same kind; specifically : a property (such as one expressed by is equal to, is less than, or is the brother of) that holds between an ordered pair of objects, the referring by a legal fiction of an act to a prior date as the time of its taking effect —usually used with back
- relay (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for successive relief, a number of persons who relieve others in some work, a race between teams in which each team member successively covers a specified portion of the course
(verb) to place or dispose in relays, to provide with relays, to pass along by relays
(verb) to lay again
(noun) a relay race in swimming in which each member of a team uses a different stroke
- release (10)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1), fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude; also : to let go : dismiss, to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, to give up in favor of another : relinquish
(noun) relief or deliverance from sorrow, suffering, or trouble, discharge from obligation or responsibility, relinquishment of a right or claim
(verb) to lease again
(adjective) designed to release a drug in the body slowly over an extended period of time
(adjective) consisting of or containing a drug that is released in small amounts over time (as by dissolution of a coating) usually in the gastrointestinal tract
- released (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude; also : to let go : dismiss, to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, to give up in favor of another : relinquish
(verb) to lease again
(verb) to release (something) again
- releasing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude; also : to let go : dismiss, to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, to give up in favor of another : relinquish
(verb) to lease again
(verb) to release (something) again
- relentless (8)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (4)
(adjective) showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace : unrelenting
- remain (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to be a part not destroyed, taken, or used up, to be something yet to be shown, done, or treated, to stay in the same place or with the same person or group; especially : to stay behind
(noun) a dead body, a remaining part or trace —usually used in plural, stay
- remember (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3)
(verb) to bring to mind or think of again, bethink, remind
- remembered (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to bring to mind or think of again, bethink, remind
- remnants (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually small part, member, or trace remaining, a small surviving group —often used in plural, an unsold or unused end of piece goods
- renderer (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to melt down; also : to extract by melting, to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer, to transmit to another : deliver
- renderers (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to melt down; also : to extract by melting, to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer, to transmit to another : deliver
- renderings (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to melt down; also : to extract by melting, to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer, to transmit to another : deliver
- repair (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken : fix, to restore to a sound or healthy state : renew, to make good : compensate for : remedy
(noun) an instance or result of repairing, the act or process of repairing, the replacement of destroyed cells or tissues by new formations
(verb) to betake oneself : go, to come together : rally, return
(noun) the act of repairing : resort, a popular gathering place
- repair(*) (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken : fix, to restore to a sound or healthy state : renew, to make good : compensate for : remedy
(noun) an instance or result of repairing, the act or process of repairing, the replacement of destroyed cells or tissues by new formations
(verb) to betake oneself : go, to come together : rally, return
(noun) the act of repairing : resort, a popular gathering place
- repair(*man) (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one who repairs; specifically : one whose occupation is to make repairs in a mechanism
- repair(z) (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3)
(noun) passenger, rider, hero, (ze)ro
- repairman (11)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (10)
(noun) one who repairs; specifically : one whose occupation is to make repairs in a mechanism
- repeat (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to say or state again, to say over from memory : recite, to say after another
(noun) something repeated : repetition, a musical passage to be repeated in performance; also : a sign placed before and after such a passage, a usually transcribed repetition of a radio or television program
(adjective) of, relating to, or being one that repeats an offense, achievement, or action
- repeated (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) renewed or recurring again and again, said, done, or presented again
(verb) to say or state again, to say over from memory : recite, to say after another
(adverb) again and again
- repelling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to drive back : repulse, to fight against : resist, turn away, reject
- repetition (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated, a motion or exercise (such as a push-up) that is repeated and usually counted, mention, recital
(noun) repetition in each stanza (as of a ballad) of part of the preceding stanza usually with a slight change in wording for dramatic effect
- replacing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to restore to a former place or position, to take the place of especially as a substitute or successor, to put something new in the place of
- requires (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to claim or ask for by right and authority, request, to call for as suitable or appropriate
- rescue (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to free from confinement, danger, or evil : save, deliver : such as, to take (someone, such as a prisoner) forcibly from custody, to recover (something, such as a prize) by force
(noun) a city religious mission seeking to convert and rehabilitate the down-and-out
(idiom) to save (someone or something) from danger or harm : to rescue
(noun) a group of people trained to find and help lost people
- research (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) careful or diligent search, studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws, the collecting of information about a particular subject
(verb) to search or investigate exhaustively, to do research for, to engage in research
(noun) damaging information about a political candidate that is gathered and used or made public usually by an opponent's camp
- researcher (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to search or investigate exhaustively, to do research for, to engage in research
(noun) one that engages in research with another
(noun) damaging information about a political candidate that is gathered and used or made public usually by an opponent's camp
- researchers (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to search or investigate exhaustively, to do research for, to engage in research
(noun) one that engages in research with another
(noun) damaging information about a political candidate that is gathered and used or made public usually by an opponent's camp
- resident (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) living in a place for some length of time : residing, serving in a regular or full-time capacity; also : being in residence, present, inherent
(noun) one who resides in a place, a diplomatic agent residing at a foreign court or seat of government; especially : one exercising authority in a protected state as representative of the protecting power, a physician serving a residency
(adjective) residing together in the same place
- residue (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated or after the completion of a process : remnant, remainder: such as, the part of a testator's estate remaining after the satisfaction of all debts, charges, allowances, and previous devises and bequests, the remainder after subtracting a multiple of a modulus from an integer or a power of the integer that can appear as the second of the two terms in an appropriate congruence
- resilience (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress, an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
- resinous (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various solid or semisolid amorphous fusible flammable natural organic substances that are usually transparent or translucent and yellowish to brown, are formed especially in plant secretions, are soluble in organic solvents (such as ether) but not in water, are electrical nonconductors, and are used chiefly in varnishes, printing inks, plastics, and sizes and in medicine, rosin, any of a large class of synthetic products that have some of the physical properties of natural resins but are different chemically and are used chiefly in plastics
- resist (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to exert force in opposition, to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat, to withstand the force or effect of
(noun) something (such as a coating) that protects against a chemical, electrical, or physical action
- resistance (7)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (4)
(noun) an act or instance of resisting : opposition, a means of resisting, the power or capacity to resist: such as
(adjective) of, relating to, or being exercise involving pushing or pulling against a source of resistance (such as a weight) to increase strength
(noun) tolerance (as of a bacterium) to a usually toxic substance (such as an antibiotic) that is acquired not as a result of direct exposure but by exposure to a related substance
- resists (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to exert force in opposition, to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat, to withstand the force or effect of
(noun) something (such as a coating) that protects against a chemical, electrical, or physical action
- resolution (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of resolving: such as, the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones, the act of answering : solving
(noun) a resolution passed by both houses of a legislative body that lacks the force of law
(noun) a resolution passed by both houses of a legislative body that has the force of law when signed by or passed over the veto of the executive
(noun) a promise to do something differently in the new year
- resonance (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being resonant, a vibration of large amplitude in a mechanical or electrical system caused by a relatively small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system, the state of adjustment that produces resonance in a mechanical or electrical system
- resonate (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to produce or exhibit resonance, to respond as if by resonance; also : to have a repetitive pattern that resembles resonance, to relate harmoniously : strike a chord
- resonating (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to produce or exhibit resonance, to respond as if by resonance; also : to have a repetitive pattern that resembles resonance, to relate harmoniously : strike a chord
- resonation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exhibit or produce resonance or resonant effects
- resplendent (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) shining brilliantly : characterized by a glowing splendor
- responding (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to say something in return : make an answer, to react in response, to show favorable reaction
- responds (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to say something in return : make an answer, to react in response, to show favorable reaction
(noun) an engaged pillar supporting an arch or closing a colonnade or arcade
- response (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act of responding, something constituting a reply or a reaction: such as, a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service
(noun) asmr
(noun) a statement quickly followed by an answering statement; also : a musical phrase in which the first and often solo part is answered by a second and often ensemble part
(adjective) of or relating to direct marketing
(noun) the ability of a device (such as an audio amplifier) to handle the frequencies applied to it; also : a graph representing this ability
(noun) a change in the electrical resistance of the skin that is a physiochemical response to emotional arousal which increases sympathetic nervous system activity
(noun) a bodily response to an antigen that occurs when lymphocytes identify the antigenic molecule as foreign and induce the formation of antibodies and lymphocytes capable of reacting with it and rendering it harmless —called also immune reaction
(idiom) to not answer
(noun) a response that is a reply or reaction to a previous response; specifically, law : a response to a responsive pleading
- rest (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) repose, sleep; specifically : a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities, freedom from activity or labor, a state of motionlessness or inactivity
(verb) to get rest by lying down; especially : sleep, to lie dead, to cease from action or motion : refrain from labor or exertion
(noun) a projection or attachment on the side of the breastplate of medieval armor for supporting the butt of a lance
(noun) something that remains over : remainder
- restart (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to start anew, to resume (something, such as an activity) after interruption, to resume operation
- restated (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to state again or in another way
- restless (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lacking or denying rest : uneasy, continuously moving : unquiet, characterized by or manifesting unrest especially of mind; also : changeful, discontented
- restoration (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: such as, a bringing back to a former position or condition : reinstatement, restitution
- restore (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(verb) give back, return, to put or bring back into existence or use, to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : renew
- restored (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) give back, return, to put or bring back into existence or use, to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : renew
- resurrect (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to raise from the dead, to bring to view, attention, or use again
- resurrection (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the rising of Christ from the dead, the rising again to life of all the human dead before the final judgment, the state of one risen from the dead
(adjective) occurring in the period following a resurrection and especially the Resurrection of Christ
(noun) the event told about in the Bible in which Jesus Christ returned to life after his death, the event told about in the Bible in which dead people will be brought back to life before the day of final judgment
- resurrections (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the rising of Christ from the dead, the rising again to life of all the human dead before the final judgment, the state of one risen from the dead
- retie (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to tie (something) again
- retort (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to pay or hurl back : return, to make a reply to, to say in reply
(noun) a quick, witty, or cutting reply; especially : one that turns back or counters the first speaker's words
(noun) a vessel or chamber in which substances are distilled or decomposed by heat
(verb) to treat (something, such as oil shale) by heating in a retort
- retrain (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to train again or anew, to become trained again
- retrieve (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to locate and bring in (killed or wounded game), to call to mind again, to get back again : regain
(noun) retrieval, the successful return of a ball that is difficult to reach or control (as in tennis)
- retrieving (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to locate and bring in (killed or wounded game), to call to mind again, to get back again : regain
- retry (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to try (something) again to see if it is successful, working, or satisfactory, to try (someone or something) judicially for a second time
(noun) a new attempt or try
- revealed (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to make known through divine inspiration, to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known, to open up to view : display
- reverberate (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) reflect, repel, echo
(adjective) reverberant
- reverberation (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act of reverberating : the state of being reverberated, something that is reverberated, an effect or impact that resembles an echo
- reversal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or the process of reversing, a conversion of a photographic positive into a negative or vice versa, a change (as of fortune) often for the worse
(noun) a formal operation in mathematical physics that reverses the order in which a sequence of events occurs
- reverse (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) opposite or contrary to a previous or normal condition, having the back presented to the observer or opponent, made with one's back to the basketball net
(verb) to turn completely about in position or direction, to turn upside down : invert, to cause to take an opposite point of view
(noun) something directly contrary to something else : opposite, an act or instance of reversing; especially : defeat, setback, the back part of something; especially : the side of a coin or currency note that is opposite the obverse
(noun) discrimination against whites or males (as in employment or education)
(verb) to disassemble and examine or analyze in detail (a product or device) to discover the concepts involved in manufacture usually in order to produce something similar
(noun) a mortgage that allows an elderly person to convert home equity into available funds through a line of credit, cash advance, or periodic disbursements to be repaid with interest usually when the borrower dies, moves, or sells the home
(noun) the movement of fresh water through a semipermeable membrane when pressure is applied to a solution (such as seawater) on one side of it
(noun) a system of representing mathematical and logical operations in which the operands precede the operator and which does not require the use of parentheses —called also postfix notation
(noun) a polymerase especially of retroviruses that catalyzes the formation of DNA using RNA as a template
(noun) the process of synthesizing DNA using RNA as a template and reverse transcriptase as a catalyst
- revery (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) daydream, the condition of being lost in thought
- reviewed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to view or see again, to examine or study again; especially : to reexamine judicially, to look back on : take a retrospective view of
(noun) a preliminary review
(verb) to review (something) again
- reweave (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(verb) to weave (something, such as yarn or cloth) again or anew —often used figuratively
- rewind (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to wind again; especially : to reverse the winding of
(noun) something that rewinds or is rewound, an act of rewinding, a function of an electronic device that reverses a recording to a previous portion
- rewire (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to provide or connect (something) with wire again; especially : to replace the electrical wiring of (something, such as a building or electronic device), to make lasting and usually beneficial changes to the neurological or psychological functioning of (a person or brain) —not used technically
- rhizomatic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) mass of roots, Deleuze and Guattari use the term (from Ancient Greek ::: mass of roots) to describe theory and research that allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points in data representation and interpretation.
- rhizome (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a somewhat elongated usually horizontal subterranean plant stem that is often thickened by deposits of reserve food material, produces shoots above and roots below, and is distinguished from a true root in possessing buds, nodes, and usually scalelike leaves
- rhyme (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) rhyming verse, poetry, a composition in verse that rhymes
(verb) to relate or praise in rhyming verse, to put into rhyme, to compose (verse) in rhyme
(noun) frost, an accumulation of granular ice tufts on the windward sides of exposed objects that is formed from supercooled fog or cloud and built out directly against the wind, crust, incrustation
(undefined) rhyming verse, poetry, a composition in verse that rhymes
- rhythmic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by or moving in pronounced rhythm, of, relating to, or involving rhythm
- rib (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the paired curved bony or partly cartilaginous rods that stiffen the walls of the body of most vertebrates and protect the viscera, a cut of meat including a rib, a boneless cut of meat (such as beef or pork) from a rib section
(verb) to furnish or enclose with ribs, to knit so as to form vertical ridges in
(noun) joke, parody
(verb) to poke fun at : kid
- ribbons (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a flat or tubular narrow closely woven fabric (as of silk or rayon) used for trimmings or knitting, a narrow fabric used for tying packages, a piece of usually multicolored ribbon worn as a military decoration or in place of a medal
(verb) to adorn with ribbons, to divide into ribbons, to cover with or as if with ribbons
- ribcage (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the bony enclosing wall of the chest consisting chiefly of the ribs and the structures connecting them
- ribs (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of the paired curved bony or partly cartilaginous rods that stiffen the walls of the body of most vertebrates and protect the viscera, a cut of meat including a rib, a boneless cut of meat (such as beef or pork) from a rib section
(verb) to furnish or enclose with ribs, to knit so as to form vertical ridges in
(noun) joke, parody
(verb) to poke fun at : kid
- rich (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having abundant possessions and especially material wealth, having high value or quality, well supplied or endowed
(verb) to take a course : go, to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool), to arrive with detrimental effect
- rider (41)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (16), fieldNotes (24)
(noun) one that rides, an addition to a document (such as an insurance policy) often attached on a separate piece of paper, a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object
(noun) one who is accustomed to riding unbroken or little-trained horses, a member of the first U.S. Volunteer Cavalry regiment in the Spanish-American War commanded by Theodore Roosevelt
- rides (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an act of riding; especially : a trip on horseback or by vehicle, a way (such as a road or path) suitable for riding, any of various mechanical devices (as at an amusement park) for riding on
(verb) to sit and travel on the back of an animal that one directs, to travel in or on a conveyance, to travel as if on a conveyance : be borne
- riding (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) the action or state of one that rides
(adjective) used for or when riding, operated by a rider
(noun) one of the three administrative jurisdictions into which Yorkshire, England, was formerly divided, an administrative jurisdiction or electoral district in a British dominion (such as Canada)
(verb) to sit and travel on the back of an animal that one directs, to travel in or on a conveyance, to travel as if on a conveyance : be borne
- rigging (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) lines and chains used aboard a ship especially in working sail and supporting masts and spars, a similar network (as in theater scenery) used for support and manipulation, clothing
(verb) to fit out with rigging, clothe, dress —usually used with out, to furnish with special gear : equip
(verb) to manipulate or control usually by deceptive or dishonest means, to fix in advance for a desired result
(verb) to erect, construct, or arrange in a makeshift fashion
(verb) to rig (something) again
- rim (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) brink, the outer often curved or circular edge or border of something, the outer part of a wheel joined to the hub usually by spokes
(verb) to run around the rim of, to serve as a rim for : border, to form or show a rim
- rimmed (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having a rim —usually used in combination
(verb) to run around the rim of, to serve as a rim for : border, to form or show a rim
- ringing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) clear and full in tone : resounding, vigorously unequivocal : decisive
(verb) to provide with a ring, to place or form a ring around : encircle, girdle
(verb) to sound resonantly or sonorously, to be filled with a reverberating sound : resound, to have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound
- rings (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a circular band for holding, connecting, hanging, pulling, packing, or sealing, a circlet usually of precious metal worn especially on the finger, a circular line, figure, or object
(verb) to provide with a ring, to place or form a ring around : encircle, girdle
(verb) to sound resonantly or sonorously, to be filled with a reverberating sound : resound, to have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound
(noun) a set of bells, a clear resonant sound made by or resembling that made by vibrating metal, resonant tone : sonority
- rinse (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cleanse by flushing with liquid (such as water) —often used with out, to cleanse (as of soap) by clear water, to treat (hair) with a rinse
(noun) the act or process of rinsing, liquid used for rinsing, a solution that temporarily tints hair
(verb) to rinse (something) in preparation for further cleaning or treatment
(noun) an act or instance of prerinsing something, a liquid used to prerinse something
- rip (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to tear or split apart or open, to saw or split (wood) with the grain, to slash or slit with or as if with a sharp blade
(noun) a rent made by ripping : tear, cut
(noun) a body of water made rough by the meeting of opposing tides, currents, or winds, a current of water roughened by passing over an irregular bottom, rip current
(noun) a dissolute person : libertine
(abbreviation) may he rest in peace, may she rest in peace, may they rest in peace
(noun) an act or instance of stealing : theft; also : a financial exploitation, a usually cheap exploitive imitation
(adjective) noisily excited or exciting
- ripe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) fully grown and developed : mature, having mature knowledge, understanding, or judgment, of advanced years : late
- ripening (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to grow or become ripe, to make ripe, to bring to completeness or perfection
- ripple (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become lightly ruffled or covered with small waves, to flow in small waves, to fall in soft undulating folds
(noun) a shallow stretch of rough water in a stream, the ruffling of the surface of water, a small wave
(noun) a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence
(noun) one of a series of small ridges produced especially on sand by the action of wind, a current of water, or waves, a striation across the grain of wood especially on the tangential surface
- rise (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to assume an upright position especially from lying, kneeling, or sitting, to get up from sleep or from one's bed, to return from death
(noun) a spot higher than surrounding ground : hilltop, an upward slope, an act of rising or a state of being risen: such as
- rises (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to assume an upright position especially from lying, kneeling, or sitting, to get up from sleep or from one's bed, to return from death
(noun) a spot higher than surrounding ground : hilltop, an upward slope, an act of rising or a state of being risen: such as
(adjective) being multistory and equipped with elevators, of, relating to, or characterized by high-rise buildings
- rising (11)
- in books ::: birdland (7), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) insurrection, uprising
(adverb) approaching a stated age : nearly
(verb) to assume an upright position especially from lying, kneeling, or sitting, to get up from sleep or from one's bed, to return from death
- risk (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) possibility of loss or injury : peril, someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard, the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract; also : the degree of probability of such loss
(verb) to expose to hazard or danger, to incur the risk or danger of
(noun) a person who is willing to do things that involve danger or risk in order to achieve a goal
(noun) the act or fact of doing something that involves danger or risk in order to achieve a goal
- risks (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1)
(verb) to expose to hazard or danger, to incur the risk or danger of
(noun) possibility of loss or injury : peril, someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard, the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract; also : the degree of probability of such loss
- risks! (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to expose to hazard or danger, to incur the risk or danger of
(noun) possibility of loss or injury : peril, someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard, the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract; also : the degree of probability of such loss
- risky (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) attended with risk or danger : hazardous
- rites (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony, the ceremonial practices of a church or group of churches, a ceremonial act or action
- ritual (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to rites or a ritual : ceremonial, according to religious law, done in accordance with social custom or normal protocol
(noun) the established form for a ceremony; specifically : the order of words prescribed for a religious ceremony, ritual observance; specifically : a system of rites, a ceremonial act or action
- river (19)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (14), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a natural stream of water of usually considerable volume, watercourse, something resembling a river
- rivers (10)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (8), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a natural stream of water of usually considerable volume, watercourse, something resembling a river
- road (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) roadstead —often used in plural, an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals; especially : one lying outside of an urban district : highway, roadbed
- roads (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1)
(noun) roadstead —often used in plural, an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals; especially : one lying outside of an urban district : highway, roadbed
- roadway (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the strip of land over which a road passes, road; specifically : roadbed, the part of a bridge used by vehicles
- roaming (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to go from place to place without purpose or direction : wander, to travel purposefully unhindered through a wide area, to use a cellular phone outside one's local calling area
- roar (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to utter or emit a full loud prolonged sound, to sing or shout with full force, to make or emit a loud confused sound (such as background reverberation or rumbling)
(noun) the deep cry of a wild animal (such as a lion), a loud deep cry (as of pain or anger), a loud continuous confused sound
- robotic (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of or relating to mechanical robots, having the characteristics of a robot
- robots (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a machine that resembles a living creature in being capable of moving independently (as by walking or rolling on wheels) and performing complex actions (such as grasping and moving objects); often : such a machine built to resemble a human being or animal in appearance and behavior —often used before another noun, a device that automatically performs complicated, often repetitive tasks (as in an industrial assembly line) —often used before another noun, a mechanism guided by automatic controls
- robust (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health, having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness, strongly formed or constructed : sturdy
- rock (9)
- in books ::: birdland (8), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move back and forth in or as if in a cradle, to cause to sway back and forth, to cause to shake violently
(noun) a rocking movement, popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, repetition of simple phrases, and often country, folk, and blues elements
(noun) a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or peak, a concreted mass of stony material; also : broken pieces of such masses, consolidated or unconsolidated solid mineral matter; also : a particular mass of it
(noun) distaff, the wool or flax on a distaff
(noun) popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, repetition of simple phrases, and often country, folk, and blues elements : rock —often used before another noun
(verb) to perform or dance to rock and roll music, to start out or get going energetically
(noun) rocker
(noun) a brown spotted sunfish (Ambloplites rupestris) found especially in the upper Mississippi River valley and Great Lakes region
(adjective) being the very lowest; also : fundamental
- rocking (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move back and forth in or as if in a cradle, to cause to sway back and forth, to cause to shake violently
- rocks (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2)
(verb) to move back and forth in or as if in a cradle, to cause to sway back and forth, to cause to shake violently
(noun) a rocking movement, popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, repetition of simple phrases, and often country, folk, and blues elements
(noun) a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or peak, a concreted mass of stony material; also : broken pieces of such masses, consolidated or unconsolidated solid mineral matter; also : a particular mass of it
(noun) distaff, the wool or flax on a distaff
(noun) alternative rock
- rocky (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) abounding in or consisting of rocks, difficult to impress or affect : insensitive, firmly held : steadfast
(adjective) unstable, wobbly, physically upset or mentally confused (as from drinking excessively), marked by obstacles or problems : difficult, rough
- role (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a character assigned or assumed, a socially expected behavior pattern usually determined by an individual's status in a particular society, a part played by an actor or singer
(verb) to act out the role of, to represent in action, to play a role
(verb) to play the most prominent or important role in a movie, play, etc., to feature (a performer) in the most prominent or important role, to perform outstandingly
- roles (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a character assigned or assumed, a socially expected behavior pattern usually determined by an individual's status in a particular society, a part played by an actor or singer
(verb) to play the most prominent or important role in a movie, play, etc., to feature (a performer) in the most prominent or important role, to perform outstandingly
- roll (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record, a manuscript book, a list of names or related items : catalog
(verb) to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a surface, to cause to revolve by turning over and over on or as if on an axis, to cause to move in a circular manner
- rolled (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a surface, to cause to revolve by turning over and over on or as if on an axis, to cause to move in a circular manner
- rollercoaster (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) marked by numerous ups and downs
(noun) an elevated railway (as in an amusement park) constructed with sharp curves and steep inclines on which cars roll, something resembling a roller coaster; especially : behavior, events, or experiences characterized by sudden and extreme changes
- rolling (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) not having or set to a fixed date or deadline : continually adjustable through a period of time to provide flexibility for individual circumstances
(verb) to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a surface, to cause to revolve by turning over and over on or as if on an axis, to cause to move in a circular manner
- rolls (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a surface, to cause to revolve by turning over and over on or as if on an axis, to cause to move in a circular manner
(noun) a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record, a manuscript book, a list of names or related items : catalog
- roofer (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to cover with or as if with a roof, to provide with a particular kind of roof or roofing —often used in combination, to constitute a roof over
- roofscape (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) asphalt dome, vew from high above the city street, landscape of roofs, a canopy of leaves and branches
- room (12)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (10), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an extent of space occupied by or sufficient or available for something, an appropriate or designated position, post, or station, place, stead
(verb) to occupy or share a room especially as a lodger, to accommodate with lodgings
- rooms (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to occupy or share a room especially as a lodger, to accommodate with lodgings
(noun) an extent of space occupied by or sufficient or available for something, an appropriate or designated position, post, or station, place, stead
(noun) a one-room apartment serving as both bedroom and living room —called also bedsitter, bed-sitting room
- root (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the usually underground part of a seed plant body that originates usually from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support, and differs from a stem especially in lacking nodes, buds, and leaves, any subterranean plant part (such as a true root or a bulb, tuber, rootstock, or other modified stem) especially when fleshy and edible, the part of a tooth within the socket; also : any of the processes into which this part is often divided
(verb) to furnish with or enable to develop roots, to fix or implant by or as if by roots, to remove altogether by or as if by pulling out by the roots —usually used with out
(verb) to turn up or dig in the earth with the snout : grub, to poke or dig about, to turn over, dig up, or discover and bring to light —usually used with out
(verb) to noisily applaud or encourage a contestant or team : cheer, to wish the success of or lend support to someone or something
(adjective) having roots formed into a dense, tangled mass that allows little or no space for further growth; especially, of a potted plant : having roots formed into a dense, tangled mass that encircles the inside of a container and that allows little or no space for further growth : pot-bound
- roots (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the usually underground part of a seed plant body that originates usually from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support, and differs from a stem especially in lacking nodes, buds, and leaves, any subterranean plant part (such as a true root or a bulb, tuber, rootstock, or other modified stem) especially when fleshy and edible, the part of a tooth within the socket; also : any of the processes into which this part is often divided
(verb) to furnish with or enable to develop roots, to fix or implant by or as if by roots, to remove altogether by or as if by pulling out by the roots —usually used with out
(verb) to turn up or dig in the earth with the snout : grub, to poke or dig about, to turn over, dig up, or discover and bring to light —usually used with out
(verb) to noisily applaud or encourage a contestant or team : cheer, to wish the success of or lend support to someone or something
(noun) the very foundation or source, the basic level of society or of an organization especially as viewed in relation to higher or more centralized positions of power
(noun) prop root
(noun) celeriac
(noun) eigenvalue
(noun) a number whose cube is a given number
(noun) the one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes dorsally to the spinal cord and consists of sensory fibers
- rope (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together, a long slender strip of material used as rope, a hangman's noose
(verb) to bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord, to partition, separate, or divide by a rope, lasso
(verb) to move or proceed with leaps and bounds or with a skip, to bound off one point after another : ricochet, to leave hurriedly or secretly
- ropes (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together, a long slender strip of material used as rope, a hangman's noose
(verb) to bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord, to partition, separate, or divide by a rope, lasso
- rosin (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a translucent amber-colored to almost black brittle friable resin that is obtained from the oleoresin or deadwood of pine trees or from tall oil and used especially in making varnish
(verb) to rub or treat (something, such as the bow of a violin) with rosin
- rough (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) marked by inequalities, ridges, or projections on the surface : coarse, covered with or made up of coarse and often shaggy hair, having a broken, uneven, or bumpy surface
(adverb) roughly, without usual conveniences; especially : without proper shelter
(noun) uneven ground covered with high grass, brush, and stones; specifically : such ground bordering a golf fairway, the rugged or disagreeable side or aspect, something in a crude, unfinished, or preliminary state
(verb) roughen, to subject to abuse : manhandle, beat —usually used with up, to subject to unnecessary and intentional violence in a sport
(adjective) crude in nature, method, or manner but effective in action or use
(noun) rough disorderly unrestrained fighting or struggling; also : infighting
(adjective) marked by rough-and-tumble; also : rough-and-ready, put together haphazardly : makeshift
- roulette (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a gambling game in which players bet on which compartment of a revolving wheel a small ball will come to rest in, something involving a high degree of chance and unpredictability, any of various toothed wheels or disks (as for producing rows of dots on engraved plates or for making short consecutive incisions in paper to facilitate subsequent division)
(verb) to make roulettes in
- round (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having every part of the surface or circumference equidistant from the center, cylindrical, approximately round
(adverb) around
(noun) something (such as a circle, globe, or ring) that is round, a knot of people, a circle of things
(verb) to make round, to make (the lips) round and protruded (as in the pronunciation of \ü\), to pronounce with lip rounding : labialize
(preposition) around, all during : throughout
(verb) whisper, to speak to in a whisper
- route (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a traveled way : highway, a means of access : channel, a line of travel : course
(verb) to send by a selected route : direct, to divert in a specified direction
(noun) a state of wild confusion or disorderly retreat, a disastrous defeat : debacle, a precipitate flight
(verb) to defeat decisively or disastrously, to put to precipitate flight, to disorganize completely : demoralize
(noun) a crowd of people; specifically : rabble, disturbance, fuss
(verb) to poke around with the snout : root, to search haphazardly, to come up with : uncover
- routed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to defeat decisively or disastrously, to put to precipitate flight, to disorganize completely : demoralize
(verb) to poke around with the snout : root, to search haphazardly, to come up with : uncover
(verb) to low loudly : bellow —used of cattle
(verb) to send by a selected route : direct, to divert in a specified direction
- routes (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a traveled way : highway, a means of access : channel, a line of travel : course
(verb) to send by a selected route : direct, to divert in a specified direction
- row (7)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to propel a boat by means of oars, to move by or as if by the propulsion of oars, to propel with or as if with oars
(noun) an act or instance of rowing
(noun) a number of objects arranged in a usually straight line; also : the line along which such objects are arranged, way, street, a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupancy
(verb) to form into rows
(noun) a noisy disturbance or quarrel
(verb) to engage in a row : have a quarrel
- rows (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(verb) to propel a boat by means of oars, to move by or as if by the propulsion of oars, to propel with or as if with oars
(verb) to form into rows
(verb) to engage in a row : have a quarrel
(noun) an act or instance of rowing
(noun) a number of objects arranged in a usually straight line; also : the line along which such objects are arranged, way, street, a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupancy
(noun) a noisy disturbance or quarrel
- royal (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of kingly ancestry, of, relating to, or subject to the crown, being in the crown's service
(noun) a person of royal blood, a small sail on the royal mast immediately above the topgallant sail, a stag of 8 years or more having antlers with at least 12 points
- rubbed (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to move along the surface of a body with pressure : grate, to fret or chafe with or as if with friction, to cause discontent, irritation, or anger
- rubber (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one that rubs, an instrument or object (such as a rubber eraser) used in rubbing, polishing, scraping, or cleaning, something that prevents rubbing or chafing
(noun) a contest consisting of an odd number of games won by the side that takes a majority (such as two out of three), an odd game played to determine the winner of a tie
(noun) a continuous band of rubber used in various ways (as for holding together a sheaf of papers)
(noun) a form of contract bridge in which settlement is made at the end of each rubber
(noun) an adhesive consisting typically of a dispersion of vulcanized rubber in an organic solvent
(noun) a check returned by a bank because of insufficient funds in the payer's account
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a series of social gatherings (such as fund-raising dinners) at which speeches are given
(noun) a plant that yields rubber; especially : a tall tropical widely cultivated Asian tree (Ficus elastica) of the mulberry family that is frequently dwarfed as a houseplant
(verb) to approve, endorse, or dispose of as a matter of routine or at the command of another, to mark with a rubber stamp
(noun) a stamp of rubber for making imprints, a person who echoes or imitates others, a mostly powerless yet officially recognized body or person that approves or endorses programs and policies initiated usually by a single specified source
- rubbing (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2)
(noun) an image of a raised, incised, or textured surface obtained by placing paper over it and rubbing the paper with a colored substance
(verb) to move along the surface of a body with pressure : grate, to fret or chafe with or as if with friction, to cause discontent, irritation, or anger
- rugged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having a rough uneven surface : jagged, seamed with wrinkles and furrows : weathered —used of a human face, showing facial signs of strength
- rules (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a prescribed guide for conduct or action, the laws or regulations prescribed by the founder of a religious order for observance by its members, an accepted procedure, custom, or habit
(verb) to exert control, direction, or influence on, to exercise control over especially by curbing or restraining, to exercise authority or power over often harshly or arbitrarily
- run (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to go faster than a walk; specifically : to go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step, to move at a fast gallop, flee, retreat, escape
(adjective) being in a melted state, made from molten material : cast in a mold, having made a migration or spawning run
- runes (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of the characters of any of several alphabets used by the Germanic peoples from about the 3rd to the 13th centuries, mystery, magic, a Finnish or Old Norse poem
- rung (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a rounded crosspiece between the legs of a chair, one of the crosspieces of a ladder, a heavy staff or cudgel
(verb) to sound resonantly or sonorously, to be filled with a reverberating sound : resound, to have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound
(noun) a hollow metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck, doorbell, the sounding of a bell as a signal
- rungs (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a rounded crosspiece between the legs of a chair, one of the crosspieces of a ladder, a heavy staff or cudgel
- ruptured (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to part by violence : break, burst, to create or induce a breach of, to produce a rupture in
- rural (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) of or relating to the country, country people or life, or agriculture
- rush (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera Juncus and Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats
(verb) to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation, to advance a football by running plays, to push or impel on or forward with speed, impetuosity, or violence
(noun) a violent forward motion, attack, onset, a surging of emotion
(adjective) requiring or marked by special speed or urgency
(verb) to attack or seize with an overpowering rush
- rushes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation, to advance a football by running plays, to push or impel on or forward with speed, impetuosity, or violence
(noun) any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera Juncus and Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats
(noun) a violent forward motion, attack, onset, a surging of emotion
(verb) to attack or seize with an overpowering rush
- rushing (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the act of advancing a football by running plays : the use of running plays; also : yardage gained by running plays
(verb) to move forward, progress, or act with haste or eagerness or without preparation, to advance a football by running plays, to push or impel on or forward with speed, impetuosity, or violence
(verb) to attack or seize with an overpowering rush
- rust (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the reddish brittle coating formed on iron especially when chemically attacked by moist air and composed essentially of hydrated ferric oxide, a comparable coating produced on a metal other than iron by corrosion, something resembling rust : accretion
(verb) to form rust : become oxidized, to degenerate especially from inaction, lack of use, or passage of time, to become reddish brown as if with rust
(adjective) offering protection against rust
- rusted (7)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form rust : become oxidized, to degenerate especially from inaction, lack of use, or passage of time, to become reddish brown as if with rust
- rusty (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) affected by or as if by rust; especially : stiff with or as if with rust, inept and slow through lack of practice or old age, of the color rust
(adjective) ill-natured, surly
- sack (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a usually rectangular-shaped bag (as of paper, burlap, or canvas), the amount contained in a sack; especially : a fixed amount of a commodity used as a unit of measure, a woman's loose-fitting dress
(verb) to put in or as if in a sack, to dismiss especially summarily, to tackle (the quarterback) behind the line of scrimmage in football
(noun) any of several white wines imported to England from Spain and the Canary Islands during the 16th and 17th centuries
(verb) to plunder (a place, such as a town) especially after capture, to strip of valuables : loot
(noun) the plundering of a captured town
- sacrifice (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially : the killing of a victim on an altar, something offered in sacrifice, destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
(verb) to offer as a sacrifice, to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end, to sell at a loss
(noun) sacrifice of oneself or one's interest for others or for a cause or ideal
- sage (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) wise through reflection and experience, grave, solemn, proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment
(noun) one (such as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom, a mature or venerable person of sound judgment
(noun) a European perennial mint (Salvia officinalis) with grayish-green aromatic leaves used especially in flavoring meats; broadly : salvia, the fresh or dried leaves of sage, sagebrush
- sagebrush (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of several North American hoary composite subshrubs (genus Artemisia); especially : one (A. tridentata) having a bitter juice and an odor resembling sage and often covering vast tracts of alkaline plains in the western U.S.
- said (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) aforementioned
(verb) to express in words : state, to state as opinion or belief : declare, utter, pronounce
- sail (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an extent of fabric (such as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water, the sails of a ship, a ship equipped with sails
(verb) to travel on water in a ship, yacht, to travel on water by the action of wind upon sails or by other means
(verb) to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material : fashion, to lay out and construct, compose, write
- sailor (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one that sails; especially : mariner, a member of a ship's crew, seaman
(noun) any of several small grunts of the Western Atlantic: such as, pinfish, pigfish
- sails (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to travel on water in a ship, yacht, to travel on water by the action of wind upon sails or by other means
(noun) an extent of fabric (such as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water, the sails of a ship, a ship equipped with sails
(verb) to remove by or as if by cutting, to make trim and neat especially by cutting or clipping, to free of excess or extraneous matter by or as if by cutting
- sale (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of selling; specifically : the transfer of ownership of and title to property from one person to another for a price, opportunity of selling or being sold : demand, distribution by selling
(adjective) heavily discounted
- salt (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a crystalline compound NaCl that consists of sodium chloride, is abundant in nature, and is used especially to season or preserve food or in industry —called also common salt, a substance (such as Glauber's salt) resembling common salt, a mineral or saline mixture (such as Epsom salts) used as an aperient or cathartic
(verb) to treat, provide, or season with common salt, to preserve (food) with salt or in brine, to supply (an animal) with salt
(adjective) full of or containing salt : saline, salty, being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is suggestive of seawater : salty, cured or seasoned with salt : salted
(adjective) lustful, lascivious
(abbreviation) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, state and local taxes
(adjective) having black-and-white or dark and light color intermingled in small flecks
- salutation (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony, regards, the word or phrase of greeting (such as Gentlemen or Dear Sir or Madam) that conventionally comes immediately before the body of a letter
- saluting (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to address with expressions of kind wishes, courtesy, or honor, to give a sign of respect, courtesy, or goodwill to : greet, to become apparent to (one of the senses)
- salvaged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to rescue or save especially from wreckage or ruin
- salvation (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) deliverance from the power and effects of sin, the agent or means that effects salvation, the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death
- same (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(adjective) resembling in every relevant respect, conforming in every respect —used with as, being one without addition, change, or discontinuance : identical
(pronoun) something identical with or similar to another, something or someone previously mentioned or described —often used with the or a demonstrative (such as that, those) in both senses
(adverb) in the same manner —used with the or a demonstrative (such as that, those)
(adjective) of, relating to, or involving members of the same sex
- samples (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a representative part or a single item from a larger whole or group especially when presented for inspection or shown as evidence of quality : specimen, a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole, an excerpt from a recording (such as a popular song by another performer) that is used in a musical composition, recording, or performance
(verb) to take a sample of or from; especially : to judge the quality of by a sample : test, to use a segment of (recorded music, sounds, or dialogue from another source) as part of one's own musical composition or recording : to use a sample from (another recording or performer)
- sanctified (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to set apart to a sacred purpose or to religious use : consecrate, to free from sin : purify, to impart or impute sacredness, inviolability, or respect to
- sanctify (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to set apart to a sacred purpose or to religious use : consecrate, to free from sin : purify, to impart or impute sacredness, inviolability, or respect to
- sanctuary (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a consecrated place: such as, the ancient Hebrew temple at Jerusalem or its holy of holies, the most sacred part of a religious building (such as the part of a Christian church in which the altar is placed)
(adjective) relating to or being a locality that provides limited cooperation to federal officials in the enforcement of immigration laws or policies
- sand (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(noun) a loose granular material that results from the disintegration of rocks, consists of particles smaller than gravel but coarser than silt, and is used in mortar, glass, abrasives, and foundry molds, soil containing 85 percent or more of sand and a maximum of 10 percent of clay; broadly : sandy soil, a tract of sand : beach
(verb) to sprinkle or dust with or as if with sand, to cover or fill with sand, to smooth or dress by grinding or rubbing with an abrasive (such as sandpaper)
(adjective) having poor eyesight : purblind
(verb) to make (a casting) by pouring metal in a sand mold
- sandwich (8)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between, one slice of bread covered with food, something resembling a sandwich; especially : composite structural material consisting of layers often of high-strength facings bonded to a low strength central core
(verb) to make into or as if into a sandwich; especially : to insert or enclose between usually two things of another quality or character, to make a place for —often used with in or between
- sandwiches (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (3)
(verb) to make into or as if into a sandwich; especially : to insert or enclose between usually two things of another quality or character, to make a place for —often used with in or between
(noun) two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between, one slice of bread covered with food, something resembling a sandwich; especially : composite structural material consisting of layers often of high-strength facings bonded to a low strength central core
- sang (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to produce musical tones by means of the voice, to utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modulations, to deliver songs as a trained or professional singer
- saturn (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a Roman god of agriculture and father by Ops of Jupiter, the planet sixth in order from the sun
- saves! (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to deliver from sin, to rescue or deliver from danger or harm, to preserve or guard from injury, destruction, or loss
(noun) a play that prevents an opponent from scoring or winning, the action of a relief pitcher in baseball in successfully protecting a team's lead; also : official credit for a save
- saving (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) preservation from danger or destruction : deliverance, the act or an instance of economizing, money put by
(preposition) except, save, without disrespect to
(conjunction) except, save
(verb) to deliver from sin, to rescue or deliver from danger or harm, to preserve or guard from injury, destruction, or loss
(adjective) intended or serving to expedite something
(noun) something (such as a compromise) that saves face
- saw (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a hand or power tool or a machine used to cut hard material (such as wood, metal, or bone) and equipped usually with a toothed blade or disk
(verb) to cut with a saw, to produce or form by cutting with a saw, to slash as though with a saw
(noun) maxim, proverb
(verb) to perceive by the eye, to perceive or detect as if by sight, to be aware of : recognize
(adjective) having teeth like those of a saw, sawtooth
- saxophone (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) one of a group of single-reed woodwind instruments usually ranging from soprano to bass and characterized by a conical metal tube and finger keys
- saxophones (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one of a group of single-reed woodwind instruments usually ranging from soprano to bass and characterized by a conical metal tube and finger keys
- say (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to express in words : state, to state as opinion or belief : declare, utter, pronounce
(noun) an expression of opinion, a right or power to influence action or decision; especially : the authority to make final decisions, something that is said : statement
(adverb) about, approximately, for example : as
(noun) one's unsupported assertion or assurance, an authoritative pronouncement, a right of final decision : say
- scale (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an instrument or machine for weighing, a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends —usually used in plural, either pan or tray of a balance
(verb) to weigh in scales, to have a specified weight on scales
(noun) a small, flattened, rigid, and definitely circumscribed plate forming part of the external body covering especially of a fish, a small thin plate suggesting a fish scale, the scaly covering of a scaled animal
(verb) to remove the scale or scales from (as by scraping), to take off in thin layers or scales, to throw (something, such as a thin, flat stone) so that the edge cuts the air or so that it skips on water : skim
(noun) a graduated series of musical tones ascending or descending in order of pitch according to a specified scheme of their intervals, something graduated especially when used as a measure or rule: such as, an indication of the relationship between the distances on a map and the corresponding actual distances
(verb) to climb up or reach by means of a ladder, to attack with or take by means of scaling ladders, to reach the highest point of : surmount
(noun) an estimate of the amount of sound lumber in logs or standing timber, escalade
(noun) a reduction according to a fixed ratio
- scales (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an instrument or machine for weighing, a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends —usually used in plural, either pan or tray of a balance
(verb) to weigh in scales, to have a specified weight on scales
(noun) a small, flattened, rigid, and definitely circumscribed plate forming part of the external body covering especially of a fish, a small thin plate suggesting a fish scale, the scaly covering of a scaled animal
(verb) to remove the scale or scales from (as by scraping), to take off in thin layers or scales, to throw (something, such as a thin, flat stone) so that the edge cuts the air or so that it skips on water : skim
(noun) a graduated series of musical tones ascending or descending in order of pitch according to a specified scheme of their intervals, something graduated especially when used as a measure or rule: such as, an indication of the relationship between the distances on a map and the corresponding actual distances
(verb) to climb up or reach by means of a ladder, to attack with or take by means of scaling ladders, to reach the highest point of : surmount
(noun) an estimate of the amount of sound lumber in logs or standing timber, escalade
- scar (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) an isolated or protruding rock, a steep rocky eminence : a bare place on the side of a mountain
(noun) a mark remaining (as on the skin) after injured tissue has healed, a mark left where something was previously attached : cicatrix; especially : a mark left on a stem or branch where a leaf or fruit has separated, a mark or indentation (as on furniture) resulting from damage or wear
(verb) to mark with a scar, to do lasting injury to, to form a scar
- scatter (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to separate widely, to cause to vanish, to fling away heedlessly : squander
(noun) the act of scattering, a small quantity or number irregularly distributed or strewn about : scattering, the state or extent of being scattered; especially : dispersion
- scattered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to separate widely, to cause to vanish, to fling away heedlessly : squander
- scattering (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act or process in which something scatters or is scattered, something scattered: such as, a small number or quantity interspersed here and there
(adjective) going in various directions, found or placed far apart and in no order, divided among many or several
(verb) to cause to separate widely, to cause to vanish, to fling away heedlessly : squander
- schema (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a diagrammatic presentation; broadly : a structured framework or plan : outline, a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli
- schemas (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a diagrammatic presentation; broadly : a structured framework or plan : outline, a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli
- school (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3)
(noun) an organization that provides instruction: such as, an institution for the teaching of children, college, university
(verb) to teach or drill in a specific knowledge or skill, to discipline or habituate to something, to educate in an institution of learning
(noun) a large number of fish or aquatic animals of one kind swimming together
(verb) to swim or feed in a school
(adjective) old enough to go to school
- science (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding, a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study, something (such as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge
(noun) a set or system of attitudes and beliefs that are opposed to or reject science and scientific methods and principles
- science (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the state of knowing : knowledge, a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study
- scientific (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or exhibiting the methods or principles of science, conducted in the manner of science or according to results of investigation by science : practicing or using thorough or systematic methods
(noun) a set or system of attitudes and beliefs that are opposed to or reject science and scientific methods and principles
- score (14)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (1), fieldNotes (9)
(noun) twenty, a group of 20 things —often used in combination with a cardinal number, an indefinitely large number
(verb) to keep a record or account of by or as if by notches on a tally : record, to enter in a record, to mark with significant lines or notches (as in keeping account)
- scottish (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of Scotland, Scots, or the Scots
(noun) scots
- scraped (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(verb) to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument, to make (a surface) smooth or clean with strokes of an edged instrument or an abrasive, to grate harshly over or against
- scraping (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(verb) to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument, to make (a surface) smooth or clean with strokes of an edged instrument or an abrasive, to grate harshly over or against
- scratching (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(verb) to scrape or dig with the claws or nails, to rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or jagged, to scrape or rub lightly (as to relieve itching)
(noun) the reciprocal exchange of favors, services, assistance, or praise
(noun) the act or activity of scratching one's head while pondering or puzzling over something difficult to understand —used figuratively; also : confusion
(adjective) difficult to understand : causing puzzlement or confusion
- scrawl (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly, to write awkwardly or carelessly
- scrawled (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly, to write awkwardly or carelessly
- scream (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to voice a sudden sharp loud cry, to produce harsh high tones, to make a noise resembling a scream
(noun) a loud sharp penetrating cry or noise, a very funny person or thing
- screaming (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) so striking or conspicuous as to attract notice as if by screaming, so funny as to provoke screams of laughter, extremely fast or powerful
(verb) to voice a sudden sharp loud cry, to produce harsh high tones, to make a noise resembling a scream
- screeching (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) abrupt, sudden
(verb) to utter a high shrill piercing cry : make an outcry usually in terror or pain, to make a shrill high-pitched sound resembling a screech; also : to move with such a sound, to utter with or as if with a screech
- screens (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to guard from injury or danger, to give shelter or protection to with or as if with a screen, to separate with or as if with a screen; also : to shield (an opponent) from a play or from view of a play
(noun) a protective or ornamental device (such as a movable partition) shielding an area from heat or drafts or from view, something that shelters, protects, or hides: such as, a growth or stand of trees, shrubs, or plants
(verb) to screen (someone or something) in a preliminary way,, to show a preliminary screening of (something, such as a film)
- screws (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to attach, fasten, or close by means of a screw, to unite or separate by means of a screw or a twisting motion, to press tightly in a device (such as a vise) operated by a screw
(noun) a simple machine of the inclined plane type consisting of a spirally grooved solid cylinder and a correspondingly grooved hollow cylinder into which it fits, a nail-shaped or rod-shaped piece with a spiral groove and a slotted or recessed head designed to be inserted into material by rotating (as with a screwdriver) and used for fastening pieces of solid material together, a screwlike form : spiral
(noun) dog
- scribbled (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to write or draw hastily or carelessly, to fill or cover something with careless or worthless writings or drawings
- script (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something written : text, an original or principal instrument or document, manuscript
(verb) to prepare a script for or from, to provide carefully considered details for (such as a plan of action)
(noun) prescription
(verb) to collaborate in the preparation of a script for
(verb) to toss so as to cause to turn over in the air; also : toss, to cause to turn and especially to turn over, to move with a small quick motion
- scripts (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something written : text, an original or principal instrument or document, manuscript
(verb) to prepare a script for or from, to provide carefully considered details for (such as a plan of action)
(noun) prescription
(verb) to collaborate in the preparation of a script for
- scroll (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a roll (as of papyrus, leather, or parchment) for writing a document, a written message, roster, list
(verb) to move text or graphics up or down or across a display screen as if by unrolling a scroll, to progress, move, or be revealed as if by the unrolling of a scroll, to cause (text or graphics on a display screen) to move in scrolling
(noun) fretsaw, a machine saw with a table for supporting the material and a narrow vertically reciprocating blade for cutting curved lines or ornamental openwork patterns
(noun) a narrow bar along the bottom or side of a window that one clicks on with a mouse to see parts of the window that are hidden
- scythe (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an implement used for mowing grass, grain, or other crops and composed of a long curving blade fastened at an angle to a long handle
(verb) to use a scythe, to cut with or as if with a scythe
- sea (35)
- in books ::: birdland (29), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth; broadly : the waters of the earth as distinguished from the land and air, a body of salt water of second rank more or less landlocked, ocean
- seal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of numerous carnivorous marine mammals (families Phocidae and Otariidae) that live chiefly in cold regions and have limbs modified into webbed flippers adapted primarily to swimming; especially : a fur seal or hair seal as opposed to a sea lion, the pelt of a fur seal, leather made from the skin of a seal
(verb) to hunt seals
(noun) something that confirms, ratifies, or makes secure : guarantee, assurance, a device with a cut or raised emblem, symbol, or word used especially to certify a signature or authenticate a document, a medallion or ring face bearing such a device incised so that it can be impressed on wax or moist clay; also : a piece of wax or a wafer bearing such an impression
(verb) to confirm or make secure by or as if by a seal, to solemnize (something, such as a marriage) for eternity by a Mormon rite, to set or affix an authenticating seal to; also : authenticate, ratify
(abbreviation) sea, air, land (team)
- search (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something: such as, to examine in seeking something, to look through or explore by inspecting possible places of concealment or investigating suspicious circumstances
(noun) an act of searching, an act of boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas in exercise of right of search, a party that searches
- searching (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something: such as, to examine in seeking something, to look through or explore by inspecting possible places of concealment or investigating suspicious circumstances
(noun) self-questioning
(noun) examination of one's conscience especially with regard to motives and values
- seas (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth; broadly : the waters of the earth as distinguished from the land and air, a body of salt water of second rank more or less landlocked, ocean
- season (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature, a suitable or natural time or occasion, an indefinite period of time : while
(verb) to give (food) more flavor or zest by adding seasoning or savory ingredients, to give a distinctive quality to as if by seasoning; especially : to make more agreeable, to qualify by admixture : temper
(noun) a time of suspended or reduced activity; especially : the time during which an athlete is not training or competing
- seasonal (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or varying in occurrence according to the season, affected or caused by seasonal need or availability
(noun) depression that tends to recur chiefly during the late fall and winter and is associated with shorter hours of daylight —abbreviation SAD
- second (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) next to the first in place or time, next to the first in value, excellence, or degree, inferior, subordinate
(noun) one that is number two in a series, one that is next after the first in rank, position, authority, or precedence, one that assists or supports another; especially : the assistant of a duelist or boxer
(adverb) in the second place : secondly, before all others with one exception
(noun) the 60th part of a minute of angular measure, the 60th part of a minute of time : 1/86,400 part of the mean solar day; specifically : the base unit of time in the International System of Units that is equal to the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom, an instant of time : moment
(verb) to give support or encouragement to : assist, to support (a fighting person or group) in combat : bring up reinforcements for, to support or assist in contention or debate
(noun) a comedian who plays a supporting role to a top banana; broadly : a person in a subservient position
(noun) the base that must be touched second by a base runner in baseball, the player position for defending the area on the first-base side of second base
(adjective) next to the best
(noun) one that is below or after the best
(adverb) in second place
- sections (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the action or an instance of cutting or separating by cutting, a part set off by or as if by cutting, a distinct part or portion of something written (such as a chapter, law, or newspaper)
(verb) to cut or separate into sections, to represent in sections, to become cut or separated into parts
(noun) cesarean section
(noun) cross section
- sectors (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a geometric figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle, a subdivision of a defensive military position, a portion of a military front or area of operation
(verb) to divide into or furnish with sectors
(noun) a sector that is part of a larger sector
- sedge (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of a family (Cyperaceae, the sedge family) of usually tufted monocotyledonous marsh plants differing from the related grasses in having achenes and solid stems; especially : any of a cosmopolitan genus (Carex)
- see (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to perceive by the eye, to perceive or detect as if by sight, to be aware of : recognize
(noun) a seat of a bishop's office, power, or authority, a cathedral town, cathedra
(adjective) transparent
- seed (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing, the fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant; broadly : a propagative plant structure (such as a spore or small dry fruit), a propagative animal structure:
(verb) to bear or shed seed, to sow seed : plant, to plant seeds in : sow
- seeing (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(conjunction) inasmuch as —often used with as or that
(noun) the quality of the images of celestial bodies observed telescopically
(verb) to perceive by the eye, to perceive or detect as if by sight, to be aware of : recognize
(verb) to see (something or someone) again or anew
- seek (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to resort to : go to, to go in search of : look for, to try to discover
(verb) to resort to : go to, to go in search of : look for, to try to discover
(noun) a children's game in which one player does not look while others hide and then goes to find them
(noun) a children's game in which everyone hides from one player who tries to find them
- seeking (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to resort to : go to, to go in search of : look for, to try to discover
(noun) the act or practice of selfishly advancing one's own ends
(adjective) seeking only to further one's own interests
(adjective) designed to follow the heat from an airplane or rocket in order to destroy it
- seemed (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to appear to the observation or understanding, to give the impression of being
- seemingless (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) the mirage of endlessness, not null not few ::: infinite
- seemingly (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) outwardly or apparently —used to indicate how something appears or seems
- seismograph (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an apparatus to measure and record vibrations within the earth and of the ground
- self (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an individual's typical character or behavior, an individual's temporary behavior or character, a person in prime condition
(pronoun) myself, himself, herself
(adjective) having a single character or quality throughout; specifically : having one color only, of the same kind (as in color, material, or pattern) as something with which it is used, identical, same
(verb) inbreed, to pollinate with pollen from the same flower or plant, to undergo self-pollination
(combining form) oneself or itself, of oneself or itself, by oneself or itself
(adjective) abandoned by oneself; especially : given up to one's impulses
(noun) a lack of self-restraint, a surrender of one's selfish interests or desires
- self-documentation (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) layers of legibility
- semantic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to meaning in language, of or relating to semantics
- semicolon (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a punctuation mark; used chiefly in a coordinating function between major sentence elements (such as independent clauses of a compound sentence)
- semisynthetic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) produced by chemical alteration of a natural starting material, containing both chemically identified and complex natural ingredients
- senses (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a meaning conveyed or intended : import, signification; especially : one of a set of meanings a word or phrase may bear especially as segregated in a dictionary entry, the faculty of perceiving by means of sense organs, a specialized function or mechanism (such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch) by which an animal receives and responds to external or internal stimuli
(verb) to perceive by the senses, to be or become conscious of, grasp, comprehend
(noun) a sense of one's own value as a human being : self-esteem
- sensitive (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) sensory, receptive to sense impressions, capable of being stimulated or excited by external agents (such as light, gravity, or contact)
(noun) a person having occult or psychical abilities, a sensitive person
(adjective) requiring correct input of uppercase and lowercase letters
- sensory (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to sensation or to the senses, conveying nerve impulses from the sense organs to the nerve centers : afferent
(noun) an excessive load or amount of something
- sent (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a former monetary subunit equal to 1/10₀ kroon
(verb) to cause to go: such as, to propel or throw in a particular direction, deliver
(adjective) providential
- sentence (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins with a capital letter and concludes with appropriate end punctuation, and that in speaking is distinguished by characteristic patterns of stress, pitch, and pauses, a mathematical or logical statement (such as an equation or a proposition) in words or symbols, judgment; specifically : one formally pronounced by a court or judge in a criminal proceeding and specifying the punishment to be inflicted upon the convict
(verb) to impose a sentence on, to cause to suffer something
- sentinels (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) sentry
(verb) to watch over as a sentinel, to furnish with a sentinel, to post as sentinel
- separating (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to set or keep apart : disconnect, sever, to make a distinction between : discriminate, distinguish, sort
(verb) to cause (someone or something) to be separate from other people or things
(verb) to remove (someone or something) from a group
- september (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (4)
(noun) the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar
- sequence (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in masses for special occasions (such as Easter), a continuous or connected series: such as, an extended series of poems united by a single theme
(verb) to arrange in a sequence, to determine the sequence of chemical constituents (such as amino-acid residues or nucleic-acid bases) in
- sequester (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to set apart : segregate, seclude, withdraw, to seize especially by a writ of sequestration
(noun) the imposition of automatic government spending reductions in accordance with sequestration, separation, isolation
- sequestrate (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) sequester; especially : sequester
- sequestration (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act of sequestering : the state of being sequestered, a legal writ authorizing a sheriff or commissioner to take into custody the property of a defendant who is in contempt until the orders of a court are complied with, a deposit whereby a neutral depositary agrees to hold property in litigation and to restore it to the party to whom it is adjudged to belong
- series (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a number of things or events of the same class coming one after another in spatial or temporal succession, a set of regularly presented television programs each of which is complete in itself, the indicated sum of a usually infinite sequence of numbers
(noun) a mathematical series in which consecutive terms are alternatively positive and negative
(noun) an infinite series in which the terms are constants multiplied by sine or cosine functions of integer multiples of the variable and which is used in the analysis of periodic functions
(noun) a series (such as 1 + x + x2 + x3 + … ) whose terms form a geometric progression
(noun) a series of the form ...
(noun) a Taylor series that is expanded about the reference point zero and that takes the form ... subject to the conditions holding for a Taylor series—called also Maclaurin's series
(noun) an infinite series whose terms are successive integral powers of a variable multiplied by constants
(noun) a group of soils with similar profiles developed from similar parent materials under comparable climatic and vegetational conditions
(noun) a power series that gives the expansion of a function f (x) in the neighborhood of a point a provided that in the neighborhood the function is continuous, all its derivatives exist, and the series converges to the function in which case it has the form ... where f[n] (a) is the derivative of nth order of f(x) evaluated at a —called also Taylor's series
(noun) a set of data collected sequentially usually at fixed intervals of time
- serve (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to be a servant, to do military or naval service, to assist a celebrant as server at mass
(noun) the act or action of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games (such as volleyball, badminton, or tennis); also : a turn to serve
- set (11)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (9)
(verb) to cause to sit : place in or on a seat, to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them, to put (eggs) for hatching under a fowl or into an incubator
(noun) the act or action of setting, the condition of being set, a number of things of the same kind that belong or are used together
(adjective) intent, determined, intentional, premeditated, fixed by authority, appointment, or agreement
(noun) something (such as a portion of receipts or production) that is set aside for a specified purpose, a program requiring a percentage of opportunities (as for jobs or funding) to be reserved for an underrepresented group
(adjective) placed, located, or built as a part of some other construction, cut separately and stitched in
(noun) insert
- sets (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to cause to sit : place in or on a seat, to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them, to put (eggs) for hatching under a fowl or into an incubator
(noun) the act or action of setting, the condition of being set, a number of things of the same kind that belong or are used together
(noun) a mental attitude or inclination, a fixed state of mind
(verb) to set (something) wrongly, to put out of sorts : displease
- setting (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the manner, position, or direction in which something is set, the frame or bed in which a gem is set; also : style of mounting, the time, place, and circumstances in which something occurs or develops
(verb) to cause to sit : place in or on a seat, to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them, to put (eggs) for hatching under a fowl or into an incubator
(verb) to set (something) wrongly, to put out of sorts : displease
- settle (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to place so as to stay, to establish in residence, to furnish with inhabitants : colonize
(noun) a wooden bench with arms, a high solid back, and an enclosed foundation which can be used as a chest
- sew (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to unite or fasten by stitches, to close or enclose by sewing, to practice or engage in sewing
- sewing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act, method, or occupation of one that sews, material that has been or is to be sewed
(verb) to unite or fasten by stitches, to close or enclose by sewing, to practice or engage in sewing
- sews (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to unite or fasten by stitches, to close or enclose by sewing, to practice or engage in sewing
- shadow (19)
- in books ::: birdland (12), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the dark figure cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a source of light, partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light are cut off by an interposed opaque body, a small degree or portion : trace
(verb) to cast a shadow upon : cloud, to follow especially secretly : trail, to accompany and observe especially in a professional setting
(adjective) of, relating to, or resembling a shadow cabinet, having an indistinct pattern, having darker sections of design
- shadowless (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the dark figure cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a source of light, partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light are cut off by an interposed opaque body, a small degree or portion : trace
- shadows (6)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the dark figure cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a source of light, partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light are cut off by an interposed opaque body, a small degree or portion : trace
(verb) to cast a shadow upon : cloud, to follow especially secretly : trail, to accompany and observe especially in a professional setting
- shady (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) producing or affording shade, sheltered from the sun's rays, of questionable merit : uncertain, unreliable
- shaking (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move irregularly to and fro, to vibrate especially as the result of a blow or shock, to tremble as a result of physical or emotional disturbance
(adjective) earthshaking
- shape (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) form, create; especially : to give a particular form or shape to, ordain, decree, to adapt in shape so as to fit neatly and closely
(noun) the visible makeup characteristic of a particular item or kind of item, spatial form or contour, a standard or universally recognized spatial form
(noun) one that seems able to change form or identity at will; especially : a mythical figure that can assume different forms (as of animals)
(noun) a system of hiring workers and especially longshoremen by the day or shift by having applicants gather for each day's selection; also : an instance of such hiring practice
- shaped (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) form, create; especially : to give a particular form or shape to, ordain, decree, to adapt in shape so as to fit neatly and closely
(noun) the visible makeup characteristic of a particular item or kind of item, spatial form or contour, a standard or universally recognized spatial form
(adjective) shaped like a bell, relating to or being a normal curve or a normal distribution
(adjective) having an oval shape markedly tapering at one end, free from harshness, thinness, or nasality
- shards (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a piece or fragment of a brittle substance; broadly : a small piece or part : scrap, shell, scale; especially : elytron, a fragment of a pottery vessel found on sites and in refuse deposits where pottery-making peoples have lived
- share (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others, to have in common, to distribute on the Internet
(noun) a portion belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual or group, one's full or fair portion, the part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together property or interest
(noun) plowshare
(noun) an act of dividing something into parts and giving them to two or more people
- sharpen (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to make sharp or sharper; especially : hone, to become sharp or sharper
- shattered (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to cause to drop or be dispersed, to break at once into pieces, to damage badly : ruin
- she (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(pronoun) that female one who is neither speaker nor hearer, —used to refer to one regarded as feminine (as by personification), —used as an alternative to he to refer to a person of unspecified gender
(noun) a female person or animal —often used in combination
(pronoun) she or he —used in writing as a pronoun of common gender
(noun) place, location, what place, source, or cause
- sheath (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a case for a blade (as of a knife), an investing cover or case of a plant or animal body or body part: such as, the tubular fold of skin into which the penis of many mammals is retracted
(verb) to put into or furnish with a sheath, to plunge or bury (a weapon, such as a sword) in flesh, to withdraw (a claw) into a sheath
(noun) a knife having a fixed blade and designed to be carried in a sheath
(noun) myelin sheath
(noun) the insulating covering that surrounds an axon with multiple spiral layers of myelin, that is discontinuous at the nodes of Ranvier, and that increases the speed at which a nerve impulse can travel along an axon —called also medullary sheath
- shed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to rid oneself of temporarily or permanently as superfluous or unwanted, to give off, discharge, or expel from the body of a plant or animal: such as, to eject, slough off, or lose as part of the normal processes of life
(noun) something (such as the skin of a snake) that is discarded in shedding, a divide of land, distinction, difference
(noun) a slight structure built for shelter or storage; especially : a single-storied building with one or more sides unenclosed, a building that resembles a shed, hut
(verb) to put or house in a shed
- sheet (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a broad piece of cloth; especially : bedsheet, sail, a usually rectangular piece of paper; especially : one manufactured for printing
(adjective) rolled or spread out in a sheet, of, relating to, or concerned with the making of sheet metal
(verb) to cover with a sheet, to furnish with sheets, to form into sheets
(noun) a rope or chain that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind, the spaces at either end of an open boat not occupied by thwarts : foresheets and stern sheets together
(verb) to move or set (a sail) by manipulation of a sheet
- sheets (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cover with a sheet, to furnish with sheets, to form into sheets
(noun) a rope or chain that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind, the spaces at either end of an open boat not occupied by thwarts : foresheets and stern sheets together
(verb) to move or set (a sail) by manipulation of a sheet
(noun) a broad piece of cloth; especially : bedsheet, sail, a usually rectangular piece of paper; especially : one manufactured for printing
- shelf (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a thin flat usually long and narrow piece of material (such as wood) fastened horizontally (as on a wall) at a distance from the floor to hold objects, one of several similar pieces in a closet, bookcase, or similar structure, the contents of a shelf
(adjective) processed or packaged to withstand prolonged storage without refrigeration
(adjective) available as a stock item : not specially designed or custom-made
(adjective) of the best quality, containing pornographic material
- shelter (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that covers or affords protection, an establishment providing food and shelter (as to the homeless), an establishment that houses and feeds stray or unwanted animals
(verb) to constitute or provide a shelter for : protect, to place under shelter or protection, to protect (income) from taxation
(adjective) instructing or requiring people to remain in their current location until a danger has passed : of or relating to sheltering in place
- shelters (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something that covers or affords protection, an establishment providing food and shelter (as to the homeless), an establishment that houses and feeds stray or unwanted animals
(verb) to constitute or provide a shelter for : protect, to place under shelter or protection, to protect (income) from taxation
(noun) a strategy, investment, or tax code provision that reduces tax liability
- shift (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exchange for or replace by another : change, to change the place, position, or direction of : move, to make a change in (place)
(noun) a means or device for effecting an end, a deceitful or underhand scheme : dodge, an effort or expedient exerted or tried in difficult circumstances : extremity
- shifted (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to exchange for or replace by another : change, to change the place, position, or direction of : move, to make a change in (place)
(noun) one that seems able to change form or identity at will; especially : a mythical figure that can assume different forms (as of animals)
- shifters (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that shifts; especially : gearshift
(noun) one that seems able to change form or identity at will; especially : a mythical figure that can assume different forms (as of animals)
- shifting (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to exchange for or replace by another : change, to change the place, position, or direction of : move, to make a change in (place)
(noun) one that seems able to change form or identity at will; especially : a mythical figure that can assume different forms (as of animals)
- shingles (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an acute viral inflammation of the sensory ganglia of spinal and cranial nerves that is associated with a vesicular eruption and neuralgic pains and is caused by reactivation of the herpesvirus causing chicken pox —called also herpes zoster, zoster
(noun) a small thin piece of building material often with one end thicker than the other for laying in overlapping rows as a covering for the roof or sides of a building, a small signboard especially designating a professional office —used chiefly in the phrase hang out one's shingle, a woman's haircut with the hair trimmed short from the back of the head to the nape
(verb) to cover with or as if with shingles, to bob and shape (the hair) in a shingle, to lay out or arrange so as to overlap
(noun) coarse rounded detritus or alluvial material especially on the seashore that differs from ordinary gravel only in the larger size of the stones, a place strewn with shingle
- shining (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) emitting or reflecting light, bright and often splendid in appearance : resplendent, possessing a distinguished quality : illustrious
(verb) to emit rays of light, to be bright by reflection of light, to be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished
- shiny (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having a smooth glossy surface, bright with the rays of the sun : sunshiny, filled with light
- ship (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a large seagoing vessel, a sailing vessel having a bowsprit and usually three masts each composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, boat; especially : one propelled by power or sail
(verb) to place or receive on board a ship for transportation by water, to cause to be transported, to provide with a ship
(verb) to hope, wish, imagine or assert that (two people or fictional characters) are romantically involved or will become romantically involved
(noun suffix) state : condition : quality, office : dignity : profession, art : skill
- shirt (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a garment for the upper part of the body: such as, a cloth garment usually having a collar, sleeves, a front opening, and a tail long enough to be tucked inside trousers or a skirt, undershirt
- shock (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a sudden or violent mental or emotional disturbance, a disturbance in the equilibrium or permanence of something, something that causes such disturbance
(verb) to strike with surprise, terror, horror, or disgust, to cause to undergo a physical or nervous shock, to subject to the action of an electrical discharge
(noun) a thick bushy mass (as of hair)
(adjective) bushy, shaggy
(noun) a pile of sheaves of grain or stalks of corn set up in a field with the butt ends down
(verb) to collect into shocks
- shoes (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an outer covering for the human foot typically having a thick or stiff sole with an attached heel and an upper part of lighter material (such as leather), a metal plate or rim for the hoof of an animal, something resembling a shoe in function or placement
(verb) to furnish with a shoe, to cover for protection, strength, or ornament
(verb) to put into as much as can be held or conveniently contained, to supply with a full complement, to cause to swell or billow
(noun) a flat horizontal surface that is usually higher than the adjoining area: such as, a raised flooring (such as a stage or dais), an elevated area next to railroad tracks for the boarding of trains
- shop (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a handicraft establishment : atelier, a building or room stocked with merchandise for sale : store, a small retail establishment or a department in a large one offering a specified line of goods or services
(verb) to examine goods or services with intent to buy, to hunt through a market in search of the best buy, to make a search : hunt
(adjective) shopworn
(adjective) bought at a store or shop and not made at home
- shopping (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to examine goods or services with intent to buy, to hunt through a market in search of the best buy, to make a search : hunt
- shops (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a handicraft establishment : atelier, a building or room stocked with merchandise for sale : store, a small retail establishment or a department in a large one offering a specified line of goods or services
(verb) to examine goods or services with intent to buy, to hunt through a market in search of the best buy, to make a search : hunt
- shore (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the land bordering a usually large body of water; specifically : coast, a boundary (as of a country) or an area within a boundary —usually used in plural, land as distinguished from the sea
(noun) a prop for preventing sinking or sagging
(verb) to support by a shore : prop, to give support to : brace —usually used with up
- shorn (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cut off the hair from, to cut or clip (hair, wool, etc.) from someone or something; also : to cut something from, to reap with a sickle
- short (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) having little length, not tall or high : low, not extended in time : brief
(adverb) in a curt manner, for or during a brief time, at a disadvantage : unawares
(noun) the sum and substance : upshot, a short syllable, a short sound or signal
(verb) short-circuit —often used with out in U.S. English, shortchange, cheat, to sell (a security) short in expectation of a fall in prices
(verb) to apply a short circuit to or establish a short circuit in, bypass, frustrate, impede
(adjective) responding to or relating to a short photoperiod —used especially of a plant
- shortcuts (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a route more direct than the one ordinarily taken, a method or means of doing something more directly and quickly than and often not so thoroughly as by ordinary procedure, a key or combination of keys on a computer keyboard programmed to perform a specific function when pressed —called also hot key
(verb) to shorten (a route, a procedure, etc.) by use of a shortcut; also : circumvent, to take or use a shortcut
- shortwave (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a radio wave having a wavelength between 10 and 100 meters, a radio transmitter or receiver using shortwaves, electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength equal to or less than that of visible light
- shouting (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to utter a sudden loud cry, to command attention as if by shouting, to utter in a loud voice
- shovel (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a hand implement consisting of a broad scoop or a more or less hollowed out blade with a handle used to lift and throw material, something that resembles a shovel, an excavating machine; especially : a hydraulic diesel-engine driven power shovel
(verb) to take up and throw with a shovel, to dig or clean out with a shovel, to throw or convey roughly or in a mass as if with a shovel
(adjective) having a broad flat head, nose, or beak
(adjective) ready for the start of work
(adjective) done with or as if with a pick and shovel : laborious
- shown (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to cause or permit to be seen : exhibit, to offer for sale, to present as a public spectacle : perform
- shows (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to cause or permit to be seen : exhibit, to offer for sale, to present as a public spectacle : perform
(noun) a demonstrative display, outward appearance, a false semblance : pretense
- shredded (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) cut or torn into shreds
(verb) to cut or tear into shreds, demolish, to cut off
(noun) a breakfast cereal made from cooked partially dried wheat that is shredded and molded into biscuits which are then oven-baked and toasted
- shuffling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to mix in a mass confusedly : jumble, to put or thrust aside or under cover, to rearrange (playing cards, dominoes, tiles, etc.) to produce a random order
- shutter (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) one that shuts, a usually movable cover or screen for a window or door, a mechanical device that limits the passage of light; especially : a camera component that allows light to enter by opening and closing an aperture
(verb) to close by or as if by shutters, to furnish with shutters
- siberian (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) vast region of northern Asia chiefly in Russia extending from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean into northern Kazakhstan and to the borders of China and Mongolia; roughly coextensive with Russia in Asia
(noun) any of a breed of medium-sized thick-coated compact dogs that were developed in Siberia for use as sled dogs and that have erect ears and a bushy tail
(noun) a large endangered tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) formerly inhabiting eastern Siberia to Korea but now much restricted in range
(noun) arm of the Arctic Ocean north of eastern Russia in Asia extending from the New Siberian Islands to Wrangel Island
(noun) islands of northeastern Russia in Asia in the Arctic Ocean between the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea area 11,000 square miles (28,600 square kilometers)
- sidewalk (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a usually paved walk for pedestrians at the side of a street
- sighted (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having sight
(verb) to get or catch sight of, to look at through or as if through a sight; especially : to test for straightness, to aim by means of sights
(adjective) having clear vision, discerning
(adjective) farsighted
(adjective) having acute sight, mentally keen or alert
- sign (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) a motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known, signal, a fundamental linguistic unit that designates an object or relation or has a purely syntactic function
(verb) cross, to place a sign on or mark by signs, to represent or indicate by a sign
- signal (11)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (11)
(noun) sign, indication, an act, event, or watchword that has been agreed on as the occasion of concerted action, something that incites to action
(verb) to notify by a signal, to communicate or indicate by or as if by signals, to constitute a characteristic feature of (a meaningful linguistic form)
(adjective) distinguished from the ordinary : notable
(noun) quarterback
- signals (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) sign, indication, an act, event, or watchword that has been agreed on as the occasion of concerted action, something that incites to action
(verb) to notify by a signal, to communicate or indicate by or as if by signals, to constitute a characteristic feature of (a meaningful linguistic form)
- signature (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of signing one's name to something, the name of a person written with his or her own hand, a feature in the appearance or qualities of a natural object formerly held to indicate its utility in medicine
(adjective) closely and distinctively associated and identified with someone or something
(noun) the sharps or flats placed after a clef in music to indicate the key
(noun) a sign used in music to indicate meter and usually written as a fraction with the bottom number indicating the kind of note used as a unit of time and the top number indicating the number of units in each measure
- significance (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or indirectly, the quality of conveying or implying, the quality of being important : moment
- signs (7)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (1)
(verb) cross, to place a sign on or mark by signs, to represent or indicate by a sign
(noun) a motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known, signal, a fundamental linguistic unit that designates an object or relation or has a purely syntactic function
- silence (17)
- in books ::: birdland (10), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) forbearance from speech or noise : muteness —often used interjectionally, absence of sound or noise : stillness, absence of mention:
(verb) to compel or reduce to silence : still, suppress, to cause to cease hostile firing or criticism
- silences (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) forbearance from speech or noise : muteness —often used interjectionally, absence of sound or noise : stillness, absence of mention:
(verb) to compel or reduce to silence : still, suppress, to cause to cease hostile firing or criticism
- silent (8)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) making no utterance : not speaking or making noise, tending to speak very little : not loquacious, free from sound or noise : still
(noun) a motion picture made without spoken dialogue —usually used in plural
- silhouette (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a likeness cut from dark material and mounted on a light ground or one sketched in outline and solidly colored in, the outline of a body viewed as circumscribing a mass
(verb) to represent by a silhouette; also : to project on a background like a silhouette
- silicon (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a tetravalent nonmetallic element that occurs combined as the most abundant element next to oxygen in the earth's crust and is used especially in ferrosilicon for steelmaking, in other alloys, and in semiconductors
- silk (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a fine continuous protein fiber produced by various insect larvae usually for cocoons; especially : a lustrous tough elastic fiber produced by silkworms and used for textiles, thread, yarn, or fabric made from silk filaments, a garment of silk
(verb) to develop the silk
(adjective) aristocratic, wealthy, fashionably dressed, of or relating to the American Federalist party
- silo (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a trench, pit, or especially a tall cylinder (as of wood or concrete) usually sealed to exclude air and used for making and storing silage, a deep bin for storing material (such as coal), an underground structure for housing a guided missile
(verb) to place or store (material, such as grain) in a silo, to isolate (someone or something, such as a grouping or department) in a way that hinders communication and cooperation with others : to place (someone or something) in an isolated silo
- silos (5)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) a trench, pit, or especially a tall cylinder (as of wood or concrete) usually sealed to exclude air and used for making and storing silage, a deep bin for storing material (such as coal), an underground structure for housing a guided missile
(verb) to place or store (material, such as grain) in a silo, to isolate (someone or something, such as a grouping or department) in a way that hinders communication and cooperation with others : to place (someone or something) in an isolated silo
- silver (16)
- in books ::: birdland (8), blueWindow (7), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a very malleable metallic chemical element with atomic number 47 that is capable of a high degree of polish, has the highest thermal and electric conductivity of any substance, and that is used especially in jewelry and tableware, in electronics, and as an antimicrobial, silver as a commodity, coin made of silver
(adjective) made of silver, resembling silver: such as, having a white lustrous sheen
(verb) to cover with silver (as by electroplating), to coat with a substance (such as a metal) resembling silver, to give a silvery luster to
- silverware (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) silver plate, flatware
- similar (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having characteristics in common : strictly comparable, alike in substance or essentials : corresponding, not differing in shape but only in size or position
(noun) the quality or state of having an appearance that is invariant upon being scaled larger or smaller
- simple (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) free from guile : innocent, free from vanity : modest, free from ostentation or display
(noun) a person of humble birth : commoner, a rude or credulous person : ignoramus, simpleton
- simpler (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) free from guile : innocent, free from vanity : modest, free from ostentation or display
- simplify (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make simple or simpler: such as, to reduce to basic essentials, to diminish in scope or complexity : streamline
- simply (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adverb) without ambiguity : clearly, without embellishment : plainly, directly, candidly
- since (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) from a definite past time until now, before the present time : ago, after a time in the past : subsequently
(conjunction) at a time in the past after or later than : from the time in the past when, when, in view of the fact that : because
(preposition) in the period after a specified time in the past : from a specified time in the past
- sine (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the trigonometric function that for an acute angle is the ratio between the leg opposite the angle when it is considered part of a right triangle and the hypotenuse, a trigonometric function sin θ that for all real numbers θ is exactly equal to the sine of an angle of measure θ in radians and that is given by the sum of the alternating series ...
(noun) the inverse function of the sine —abbreviation arcsin
- sinew (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) tendon; especially : one dressed for use as a cord or thread, nerve, solid resilient strength : power
(verb) to strengthen as if with sinews
- sing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to produce musical tones by means of the voice, to utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modulations, to deliver songs as a trained or professional singer
(noun) a session of group singing
(noun) an informal session of group singing of popular or folk songs : songfest; also : a song appropriate for a sing-along
- singer (8)
- in books ::: artist (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) one that sings
(noun) one that singes
(noun) a performer who writes songs and sings them
- singing (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to produce musical tones by means of the voice, to utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modulations, to deliver songs as a trained or professional singer
- sink (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to go to the bottom : submerge, to become partly buried (as in mud), to become engulfed
(noun) a pool or pit for the deposit of waste or sewage : cesspool, a ditch or tunnel for carrying off sewage : sewer, a stationary basin connected with a drain and usually a water supply for washing and drainage
- siren (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing, a woman who sings with enchanting sweetness, temptress
(adjective) resembling that of a siren : enticing
- sirens (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing, a woman who sings with enchanting sweetness, temptress
- site-specific (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) this place this now, rooted
- sixth (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that is number six in a series, a musical interval embracing six diatonic degrees, a tone at this interval; specifically : submediant
- skeletal (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, forming, attached to, or resembling a skeleton
- skeleton (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a usually rigid supportive or protective structure or framework of an organism; especially : the bony or more or less cartilaginous framework supporting the soft tissues and protecting the internal organs of a vertebrate, something reduced to its minimum form or essential parts, an emaciated person or animal
(adjective) of, consisting of, or resembling a skeleton
- skeletons (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a usually rigid supportive or protective structure or framework of an organism; especially : the bony or more or less cartilaginous framework supporting the soft tissues and protecting the internal organs of a vertebrate, something reduced to its minimum form or essential parts, an emaciated person or animal
- sketches (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make a sketch, rough draft, or outline of, to draw or paint a sketch
(noun) a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study, a tentative draft (as for a literary work), a brief description (as of a person) or outline
- sketchpad (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a notebook or pad of blank paper for drawing
- skew (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to take an oblique course, to look askance, to make, set, or cut on the skew
(adjective) set, placed, or running obliquely : slanting, more developed on one side or in one direction than another : not symmetrical
(noun) a deviation from a straight line : slant
(adjective) not straight : askew —often used figuratively
- skewed (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) distorted from a true value or symmetrical form, deviating from what is normal, direct, or accurate
(verb) to take an oblique course, to look askance, to make, set, or cut on the skew
- skies (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the upper atmosphere or expanse of space that constitutes an apparent great vault or arch over the earth, heaven, weather in the upper atmosphere
(noun) one of a pair of narrow strips of wood, metal, or plastic curving upward in front that are used especially for gliding over snow, water ski, a piece of material that resembles a ski and is used as a runner on a vehicle
(verb) to throw or toss up : flip, to hang (something, such as a painting) above the line of vision, to hit (a ball) high into the air
(verb) to offer ideas that are conceived by unrestrained imagination or optimism
- skills (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to make a difference : matter, avail
(noun) the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance, dexterity or coordination especially in the execution of learned physical tasks, a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability
(verb) to reduce the level of skill needed for (a job), to reduce the level of skill needed for a job by (a worker)
(noun) a skill that is part of and necessary to another more complex skill
- skin (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the integument of an animal (such as a fur-bearing mammal or a bird) separated from the body usually with its hair or feathers, a usually unmounted specimen of a vertebrate (as in a museum), the hide or pelt of a game or domestic animal
(verb) to strip, scrape, or rub off an outer covering (such as the skin or rind) of, to strip or peel off, to cut, chip, or damage the surface of
(adjective) devoted to showing nudes
(adjective) as deep as the skin, not thorough or lasting in impression : superficial
(verb) to inject a drug subcutaneously rather than into a vein, to inject (a drug) by skin-popping
- skipped (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to move or proceed with leaps and bounds or with a skip, to bound off one point after another : ricochet, to leave hurriedly or secretly
(verb) to act as skipper of
- skull (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the skeleton of the head of a vertebrate forming a bony or cartilaginous case that encloses and protects the brain and chief sense organs and supports the jaws, the seat of understanding or intelligence : mind
(verb) to hit on the head, to unintentionally hit (a golf ball or shot) with the bottom edge of the clubface
- skyscrapers (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a very tall building
- skyward (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) toward the sky, upward
- slam (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to shut forcibly and noisily : bang, to set or slap down violently or noisily, to propel, thrust, or produce by or as if by striking hard
(noun) a noisy violent closing, a banging noise; especially : one made by the slam of a door, a heavy blow or impact
(noun) grand slam, little slam
(adjective) unduly loud or violent, having fast-paced often nonstop action, vigorously enthusiastic
- slant (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take a diagonal course, direction, or path, to turn or incline from a right line or a level : slope, to give an oblique or sloping direction to
(noun) a slanting direction, line, or plane : slope, something that slants, slash
(noun) the act of slashing; also : a long cut or stroke made by or as if by slashing, an ornamental slit in a garment, an open tract in a forest strewn with debris (as from logging)
(noun) a low swampy area often overgrown with brush
- slanted (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take a diagonal course, direction, or path, to turn or incline from a right line or a level : slope, to give an oblique or sloping direction to
- slate (6)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (2)
(noun) a piece of construction material (such as laminated rock) prepared as a shingle for roofing and siding, a dense fine-grained metamorphic rock produced by the compression of various sediments (such as clay or shale) so as to develop a characteristic cleavage, a tablet (as of slate) used for writing on
(verb) to cover (something) with slate or a slatelike substance, to designate (someone or something) for a specified purpose or action occurring especially at a fixed time
(verb) to thrash or pummel severely, to criticize or censure severely
- sleep (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the natural, easily reversible periodic state of many living things that is marked by the absence of wakefulness and by the loss of consciousness of one's surroundings, is accompanied by a typical body posture (such as lying down with the eyes closed), the occurrence of dreaming, and changes in brain activity and physiological functioning, is made up of cycles of non-REM sleep and REM sleep, and is usually considered essential to the restoration and recovery of vital bodily and mental functions, a state resembling sleep: such as, a state of torpid inactivity
(verb) to rest in a state of sleep, to be in a state (as of quiescence or death) resembling sleep, to have sexual relations —usually used with with
(adjective) that lives at the place of employment
(adjective) not getting enough sleep
- sleepy (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) ready to fall asleep, of, relating to, or characteristic of sleep, sluggish as if from sleep : lethargic; also : having little activity
- sleet (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) frozen or partly frozen rain
(verb) to shower sleet
- sleeves (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a part of a garment covering an arm, sleevelet, a tubular part (such as a hollow axle or a bushing) designed to fit over another part
- slender (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (5)
(adjective) spare in frame or flesh; especially : gracefully slight, small or narrow in circumference or width in proportion to length or height, limited or inadequate in amount or scope : meager
- slice (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cut with or as if with a knife, to stir or spread with a slice, to hit (a ball) so that a slice results
(noun) a thin flat piece cut from something, a wedge-shaped piece (as of pie or cake), a spatula for spreading paint or ink
(adjective) of, relating to, or marked by the accurate transcription (as into drama) of a segment of actual life experience
- slides (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move smoothly along a surface : slip, to coast over snow or ice, to fall or dive feetfirst or headfirst when approaching a base
(noun) an act or instance of sliding, a musical grace of two or more small notes, portamento
- slight (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) having a slim or delicate build : not stout or massive in body, lacking in strength or substance : flimsy, frail, deficient in weight, solidity, or importance : trivial
(verb) to treat as slight or unimportant : make light of, to treat with disdain or indifference, to perform or attend to carelessly and inadequately
(noun) an act or an instance of slighting, an instance of being slighted : a humiliating discourtesy
- slipped (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(verb) to move with a smooth sliding motion, to move quietly and cautiously : steal, elapse, pass
(verb) to take cuttings from (a plant) : divide into slips
- slipping (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to move with a smooth sliding motion, to move quietly and cautiously : steal, elapse, pass
(verb) to take cuttings from (a plant) : divide into slips
- slope (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) that slants : sloping —often used in combination
(verb) to take an oblique course, to lie or fall in a slant : incline, go, travel
(noun) ground that forms a natural or artificial incline, upward or downward slant or inclination or degree of slant, the part of a continent draining to a particular ocean
- sloping (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take an oblique course, to lie or fall in a slant : incline, go, travel
- slow (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) mentally dull : stupid, naturally inert or sluggish, lacking in readiness, promptness, or willingness
(adverb) slowly
(verb) to make slow or slower : slacken the speed of —often used with down or up, to go or become slower
(adjective) moving at a very slow pace : plodding
(adjective) of, relating to, or being motion-picture or video photography in which the action that has been photographed is made to appear to occur slower than it actually occurred; also : slowly moving
(noun) softball which is played with 10 players on each side and in which each pitch must have an arc 3 to 10 feet high and base stealing is not allowed
(adjective) of, relating to, or being muscle fiber that contracts slowly especially during sustained physical activity requiring endurance
- slower (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) mentally dull : stupid, naturally inert or sluggish, lacking in readiness, promptness, or willingness
(adverb) slowly
- slowly (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in a slow manner : not quickly, fast, early, rashly, or readily
- slows (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make slow or slower : slacken the speed of —often used with down or up, to go or become slower
(noun) slowdown
- slung (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cast with a sudden and usually sweeping or swirling motion, to throw with or as if with a sling, to serve (food) to a customer
(verb) to place in a sling for hoisting or lowering, to suspend by or as if by a sling
(adjective) relatively low to the ground or floor
- small (12)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (7), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) having comparatively little size or slight dimensions, lowercase, minor in influence, power, or rank
(adverb) in or into small pieces, without force or loudness, in a small manner
(noun) a part smaller and especially narrower than the remainder, small-sized products, smallclothes; especially : underwear
(adjective) having a small or relatively small bore; especially : having a caliber of .22 inches, of, relating to, or involving the use of small-bore firearms, small in influence, importance, or scope
- smell (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to perceive the odor or scent of through stimuli affecting the olfactory nerves : get the odor or scent of with the nose, to detect or become aware of as if by the sense of smell, to emit the odor of
(noun) the property of a thing that affects the olfactory organs : odor, the process, function, or power of smelling, the sense concerned with the perception of odor
- smoke (8)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the gaseous products of burning materials especially of organic origin made visible by the presence of small particles of carbon, a suspension of particles in a gas, a mass or column of smoke
(verb) to emit or exhale smoke, to emit excessive smoke, to undergo punishment : suffer
- smoky (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) emitting smoke especially in large quantities, having the characteristics of or resembling smoke, suggestive of smoke especially in flavor or odor
- smooth (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(adjective) having a continuous even surface, being the representation of a function with a continuous first derivative, having or being a short even coat of hair
(verb) to make smooth, to free from what is harsh or disagreeable : polish, soothe
(noun) a smooth part, the act of smoothing, a smoothing implement
(adjective) ingratiating in speech
- snail (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a gastropod mollusk especially when having an external enclosing spiral shell, a slow-moving or sluggish person or thing
(verb) to move, act, or go slowly or lazily
(adjective) moving very slowly
- snake (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of numerous limbless scaled reptiles (suborder Serpentes synonym Ophidia) with a long tapering body and with salivary glands often modified to produce venom which is injected through grooved or tubular fangs, a worthless or treacherous fellow, something (such as a plumber's snake) resembling a snake
(verb) to wind (one's way, one's body in crawling, etc.) in the manner of a snake, to move (something, such as logs) by dragging, to crawl, move, or extend silently, secretly, or sinuously
(verb) to engage in a snake dance
- snakes (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of numerous limbless scaled reptiles (suborder Serpentes synonym Ophidia) with a long tapering body and with salivary glands often modified to produce venom which is injected through grooved or tubular fangs, a worthless or treacherous fellow, something (such as a plumber's snake) resembling a snake
(verb) to wind (one's way, one's body in crawling, etc.) in the manner of a snake, to move (something, such as logs) by dragging, to crawl, move, or extend silently, secretly, or sinuously
(noun) any of several snakes that are largely black or very dark in color: such as, black racer, black rat snake
- snapped (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make a sudden closing of the jaws : seize something sharply with the mouth, to grasp at something eagerly : make a pounce or snatch, to utter sharp biting words : bark out irritable or peevish retorts
- snapshot (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a casual photograph made typically by an amateur with a small handheld camera, an impression or view of something brief or transitory
- snapshots (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a casual photograph made typically by an amateur with a small handheld camera, an impression or view of something brief or transitory
- snow (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals formed directly from the water vapor of the air at a temperature of less than 32°F (0°C), a descent or shower of snow crystals, a mass of fallen snow crystals
(verb) to fall in or as snow, to cause to fall like or as snow, to cover, shut in, or imprison with or as if with snow
- snows (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fall in or as snow, to cause to fall like or as snow, to cover, shut in, or imprison with or as if with snow
(noun) precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals formed directly from the water vapor of the air at a temperature of less than 32°F (0°C), a descent or shower of snow crystals, a mass of fallen snow crystals
(noun) any of a genus (Chionodoxa) of hardy spring-flowering chiefly Mediterranean bulbous herbs of the lily family with basal leaves and racemes of blue, white, or pink flowers
- so (12)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (9), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in a manner or way indicated or suggested —often used as a substitute for a preceding clause, in the same manner or way : also, thus
(conjunction) with the result that, in order that, provided that
(adjective) conforming with actual facts : true, marked by a desired order, —used to replace a preceding adjective
(pronoun) such as has been specified or suggested : the same, —used in the phrase or so to indicate an estimate, approximation, or conjecture
(noun) the fifth note of the major scale in solfège
(abbreviation) south; southern
(abbreviation) seller's option, strikeout
(noun) the fifth note of the major scale in solfège
(noun) an old French coin equal to 12 deniers; also : a corresponding unit of value
(noun) the basic monetary unit of Peru from 1930 to 1985 and since 1991
- soaked (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(verb) to lie immersed in liquid (such as water) : become saturated by or as if by immersion, to enter or pass through something by or as if by pores or interstices : permeate, to penetrate or affect the mind or feelings —usually used with in or into
(verb) to soak in water
- soda (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium —often used in combination
- software (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something used or associated with and usually contrasted with hardware: such as, programs for a computer, the entire set of programs, procedures, and related documentation associated with a mechanical or electronic system and especially a computer system
- soil (7)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (7)
(verb) to stain or defile morally : corrupt, to make unclean especially superficially : dirty, to blacken or taint (something, such as a person's reputation) by word or deed
(noun) soilage, stain, moral defilement : corruption, something that spoils or pollutes: such as
(noun) firm land : earth, the upper layer of earth that may be dug or plowed and in which plants grow, the superficial unconsolidated and usually weathered part of the mantle of a planet and especially of the earth
(verb) to feed (livestock) in the barn or an enclosure with fresh grass or green food; also : to purge (livestock) by feeding on green food
(adjective) characterized by free soil, opposing the extension of slavery into U.S. territories and the admission of slave states into the Union prior to the Civil War; specifically : of, relating to, or being a minor U.S. political party with these aims
- solar (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, derived from, relating to, or caused by the sun, measured by the earth's course in relation to the sun; also : relating to or reckoned by solar time, produced or operated by the action of the sun's light or heat
- soldiers (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one engaged in military service and especially in the army, an enlisted man or woman, a skilled warrior
(verb) to serve as a soldier, to behave in a soldierly manner, to push doggedly forward —usually used with on
- solitude (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the quality or state of being alone or remote from society : seclusion, a lonely place (such as a desert)
- solution (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an action or process of solving a problem, an answer to a problem : explanation; specifically : a set of values of the variables that satisfies an equation, an act or the process by which a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance is homogeneously mixed with a liquid or sometimes a gas or solid
- some (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being an unknown, undetermined, or unspecified unit or thing, being one, a part, or an unspecified number of something (such as a class or group) named or implied, being of an unspecified amount or number
(pronoun) one indeterminate quantity, portion, or number as distinguished from the rest, an indefinite additional amount
(adverb) about, in some degree : somewhat, to some degree or extent : a little
(adjective suffix) characterized by a (specified) thing, quality, state, or action
(noun suffix) group of (so many) members and especially persons
(noun) body, chromosome
- something (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(pronoun) some indeterminate or unspecified thing, some indeterminate amount more than a specified number —used in combination, a person or thing of consequence
(adverb) in some degree : somewhat, —used as an intensive giving adverbial force to an adjective
- song (8)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (8)
(noun) the act or art of singing, poetical composition, a short musical composition of words and music
- sonic (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) utilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves; broadly : of or involving sound, having a frequency within the audibility range of the human ear —used of waves and vibrations, of, relating to, or being the speed of sound in air or about 761 miles per hour (1224 kilometers per hour) at sea level at 59°F (15°C)
- soon (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) without undue time lapse : before long, in a prompt manner : speedily, in agreement with one's choice or preference : willingly
(conjunction) —used as a function word to indicate connection or addition especially of items within the same class or type—used to join sentence elements of the same grammatical rank or function, —used as a function word to express logical modification, consequence, antithesis, or supplementary explanation, —used as a function word to join one finite verb (such as go, come, try) to another so that together they are logically equivalent to an infinitive of purpose
- soot (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) a black substance formed by combustion or separated from fuel during combustion, rising in fine particles, and adhering to the sides of the chimney or pipe conveying the smoke; especially : the fine powder consisting chiefly of carbon that colors smoke
(verb) to coat or cover with soot
- sought (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to resort to : go to, to go in search of : look for, to try to discover
(verb) to resort to : go to, to go in search of : look for, to try to discover
(adjective) wanted by many people and hard to get or find
- soul (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life, the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe, god
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of Black Americans or their culture, designed for or controlled by blacks
(noun) examination of one's conscience especially with regard to motives and values
- souls (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life, the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe, god
- sound (61)
- in books ::: artist (10), birdland (36), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (14)
(noun) a particular auditory impression : tone, the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing, mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (such as air) and is the objective cause of hearing
(verb) to cause to sound, pronounce, to put into words : voice
(adjective) free from injury or disease, free from flaw, defect, or decay, solid, firm
(adverb) to the full extent : thoroughly
(noun) a long broad inlet of the ocean generally parallel to the coast, a long passage of water connecting two larger bodies (such as a sea with the ocean) or separating a mainland and an island, the air bladder of a fish
(verb) to measure the depth of : fathom, to try to find out the views or intentions of : probe —often used with out, to explore or examine (a body cavity) with a sound
(noun) an elongated instrument for exploring or sounding body cavities
(adjective) containing or characterized by sound bites
- sounding (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) resonant, sonorous, pompous, imposing
(noun) measurement of depth especially with a sounding line, the depth so ascertained, a place or part of a body of water where a hand sounding line will reach bottom
(verb) to cause to sound, pronounce, to put into words : voice
(verb) to measure the depth of : fathom, to try to find out the views or intentions of : probe —often used with out, to explore or examine (a body cavity) with a sound
(adjective) pompous, imposing
- soundless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) incapable of being sounded : unfathomable
(adjective) making no sound : silent
- sounds (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to sound, pronounce, to put into words : voice
(verb) to measure the depth of : fathom, to try to find out the views or intentions of : probe —often used with out, to explore or examine (a body cavity) with a sound
(noun) a particular auditory impression : tone, the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing, mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (such as air) and is the objective cause of hearing
(noun) a long broad inlet of the ocean generally parallel to the coast, a long passage of water connecting two larger bodies (such as a sea with the ocean) or separating a mainland and an island, the air bladder of a fish
(noun) an elongated instrument for exploring or sounding body cavities
- source (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a generative force : cause, a point of origin or procurement : beginning, one that initiates : author; also : prototype, model
(verb) to specify the source of (something, such as quoted material), to obtain from a source
(adjective) of, relating to, or being source code
(adjective) having the source code freely available for possible modification and redistribution, of, relating to, or promoting open-source software
- sources (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a generative force : cause, a point of origin or procurement : beginning, one that initiates : author; also : prototype, model
(verb) to specify the source of (something, such as quoted material), to obtain from a source
- south (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adverb) to, toward, or in the south, into a state of decline or ruin
(adjective) situated toward or at the south, coming from the south
(noun) the direction of the south terrestrial pole : the direction to the right of one facing east, the compass point directly opposite to north, regions or countries lying to the south of a specified or implied point of orientation; especially : the southeastern part of the U.S.
- sow (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an adult female swine; also : the adult female of various other animals (such as a bear), a channel that conducts molten metal to molds, a mass of metal solidified in such a mold : ingot
(verb) to plant seed for growth especially by scattering, to set something in motion : begin an enterprise, to scatter (seed) upon the earth for growth; broadly : plant
(verb) to sow itself by dropping seeds or by natural action (as of wind or water)
- space (18)
- in books ::: artist (5), birdland (3), fieldNotes (10)
(noun) a period of time; also : its duration, a limited extent in one, two, or three dimensions : distance, area, volume, an extent set apart or available
(verb) to place at intervals or arrange with space between —often used with out, to leave one or more blank spaces (as in a line of typing), to fail to remember something : forget —often used with on
(adjective) of, relating to, or befitting the age of space exploration; especially : modern
- spaces (6)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (2)
(noun) a period of time; also : its duration, a limited extent in one, two, or three dimensions : distance, area, volume, an extent set apart or available
(verb) to place at intervals or arrange with space between —often used with out, to leave one or more blank spaces (as in a line of typing), to fail to remember something : forget —often used with on
(noun) space
(noun) a complete normed vector space
(noun) some time in which to recover, get organized, or get going —called also breathing room, breathing spell
(noun) a shallow unfinished space beneath the first floor or under the roof of a building especially for access to plumbing or wiring
(noun) an unventilated air space
(noun) the portion of the respiratory system which is external to the bronchioles and through which air must pass to reach the bronchioles and alveoli
(noun) space well outside the earth's atmosphere and especially that part lying beyond the earth-moon system
(verb) to type (text) leaving alternate lines blank, to type on every other line
- spark (8)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (8)
(noun) a small particle of a burning substance thrown out by a body in combustion or remaining when combustion is nearly completed, a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass; especially : one heated by friction, a luminous disruptive electrical discharge of very short duration between two conductors separated by a gas (such as air)
(verb) to throw out sparks, to flash or fall like sparks, to produce sparks; specifically : to have the electric ignition working
- sparse (10)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (8)
(adjective) of few and scattered elements; especially : not thickly grown or settled
- spatially-distributed (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) geographically dispresed, spatially collaborative, locative
- speak (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice : talk, to express thoughts, opinions, or feelings orally, to extend a greeting
(noun) —used to form especially nonce words denoting a particular kind of jargon
(noun) an event in which people publicly share their experiences of or views on an issue
- speaking (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) that speaks : capable of speech, having a population that speaks a specified language —usually used in combination, that involves talking or giving speeches
(verb) to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice : talk, to express thoughts, opinions, or feelings orally, to extend a greeting
- speaks (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice : talk, to express thoughts, opinions, or feelings orally, to extend a greeting
(noun) —used to form especially nonce words denoting a particular kind of jargon
- species (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) kind, sort, a class of individuals having common attributes and designated by a common name; specifically : a logical division of a genus or more comprehensive class, the human race : human beings —often used with the
(adjective) belonging to a biological species as distinguished from a horticultural variety
(noun) money in coin
(noun) species
(noun) the wedge-shaped piece at the crown of an arch that locks the other pieces in place, something on which associated things depend for support, a species of plant or animal that produces a major impact (as by predation) on its ecosystem and is considered essential to maintaining optimum ecosystem function or structure
- specific (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) constituting or falling into a specifiable category, sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be referred to a particular category, restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation, or effect
(noun) something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use, a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease, a characteristic quality or trait
(combining form) relating or applying specifically to or intended specifically for
- specimen (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) an individual, item, or part considered typical of a group, class, or whole, a portion or quantity of material for use in testing, examination, or study, something that obviously belongs to a particular category but is noticed by reason of an individual distinguishing characteristic
- specimens (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an individual, item, or part considered typical of a group, class, or whole, a portion or quantity of material for use in testing, examination, or study, something that obviously belongs to a particular category but is noticed by reason of an individual distinguishing characteristic
- spectra (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed (as by passage through a prism) so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order, any of various continua that resemble a color spectrum in consisting of an ordered arrangement by a particular characteristic (such as frequency or energy): such as, electromagnetic spectrum
- spectral (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or suggesting a specter : ghostly, of, relating to, or made by a spectrum; especially : relating to or derived from the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light
(noun) one of a series of linear images formed by a spectrograph or similar instrument and corresponding to a narrow portion of the spectrum of the radiation emitted or absorbed by a particular source
- speech (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words, exchange of spoken words : conversation, something that is spoken : utterance
- speed (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (2)
(noun) rate of motion: such as, velocity, the magnitude of a velocity irrespective of direction
(verb) to make haste, to go or drive at excessive or illegal speed, to move, work, or take place faster : accelerate
(noun) a method of reading rapidly by skimming
- spell (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(verb) to name the letters of in order; also : to write or print the letters of in order, to write or print the letters of in a particular way, to make up (a word)
(noun) a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power, a state of enchantment, a strong compelling influence or attraction
(verb) to put under a spell
(noun) an indeterminate period of time; also : a continuous period of time, a stretch of a specified type of weather, a period of bodily or mental distress or disorder
(verb) to take the place of for a time : relieve, rest, to work in turns
(noun) the act or process of using a spellchecker to identify possible misspellings; also : the function or capability provided by a spellchecker —often used before another noun
(verb) to check the spelling of (something, such a document or block of text) by using a spellchecker
- spend (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to use up or pay out : expend, exhaust, wear out, to consume wastefully : squander
- spew (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) vomit, to come forth in a flood or gush, to ooze out as if under pressure : exude
(noun) matter that is vomited : vomit, material that exudes or is extruded
- spewing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) vomit, to come forth in a flood or gush, to ooze out as if under pressure : exude
- spider (5)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) any of an order (Araneae synonym Araneida) of arachnids having a short, usually unsegmented abdomen linked to the cephalothorax by the pedicel, chelicerae modified into poison fangs, and two or more pairs of spinnerets at the posterior end of the abdomen for spinning threads of silk for various uses (as in making cocoons for their eggs or webs to catch prey), any of various other arthropods and especially arachnids that resemble the true spiders —not used technically, a cast-iron frying pan originally made with short feet to stand among coals on the hearth
- spill (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted, to cause (blood) to be lost by wounding, kill, destroy
(noun) the act or an instance of spilling; especially : a fall from a horse or vehicle or an erect position, something spilled
(noun) a wooden splinter, a small roll or twist of paper or slip of wood for lighting a fire
- spilled (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted, to cause (blood) to be lost by wounding, kill, destroy
(verb) to utter loudly : shout, beg, beseech, to proclaim publicly : advertise
- spilling (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted, to cause (blood) to be lost by wounding, kill, destroy
(verb) to fall, flow, or run over the edge of a container or to cause or allow (something) to fall, flow, or run over the edge of a container —sometimes used figuratively
- spills (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted, to cause (blood) to be lost by wounding, kill, destroy
(noun) the act or an instance of spilling; especially : a fall from a horse or vehicle or an erect position, something spilled
(noun) a wooden splinter, a small roll or twist of paper or slip of wood for lighting a fire
- spine (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) spinal column, something resembling a spinal column or constituting a central axis or chief support, the part of a book to which the pages are attached and on the cover of which usually appear the title and author's and publisher's names
(adjective) alarmingly or eerily frightening
(adjective) very exciting, thrilling, or frightening
(noun) a sensation of cold accompanied by shivering (as due to illness) — usually plural, an intense shivery sensation : shiver, shudder; especially : one caused by a strong emotion (such as fear) —often plural, a disagreeable sensation of coldness
- spinner (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that spins, a fisherman's lure consisting of a spoon, blade, or set of wings that revolves when drawn through the water, a conical sheet metal fairing that is attached to an airplane propeller boss and revolves with it
(noun) moneymaker
- spinning (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a method of fishing in which a lure is cast by use of a light flexible rod, a spinning reel, and a light line
(verb) to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread, to form a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid —used especially of a spider or insect, to revolve rapidly : gyrate
(noun) moneymaker
- spinning (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) a method of fishing in which a lure is cast by use of a light flexible rod, a spinning reel, and a light line, to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread, to form a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid used especially of a spider or insect, to revolve rapidly : gyrate
- spiral (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it, helical, spiral-bound
(noun) the path of a point in a plane moving around a central point while continuously receding from or approaching it, a three-dimensional curve (such as a helix) with one or more turns about an axis, a single turn or coil in a spiral object
(verb) to go and especially to rise or fall in a spiral course, to form into a spiral, to cause to spiral
(adjective) having a spiral binding
- splayed (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to spread outward, to make oblique : bevel, to extend apart or outward especially in an awkward manner
- splendor (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) great brightness or luster : brilliancy, magnificence, pomp, something splendid
- spline (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a thin wood or metal strip used in building construction, a key that is fixed to one of two connected mechanical parts and fits into a keyway in the other; also : a keyway for such a key, a function that is defined on an interval, is used to approximate a given function, and is composed of pieces of simple functions defined on subintervals and joined at their endpoints with a suitable degree of smoothness
- splintered (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to split or rend into long thin pieces : shiver, to split into fragments, parts, or factions, to become splintered
- split (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to divide lengthwise usually along a grain or seam or by layers, to affect as if by cleaving or forcing apart, to tear or rend apart : burst
(adjective) divided, fractured, prepared for use by splitting, heterozygous —used especially by breeders of cage birds sometimes with for
(noun) a narrow break made by or as if by splitting, an arrangement of bowling pins left standing with space for pins between them, a piece split off or made thin by splitting
(adjective) having the optic chiasma and corpus callosum severed
(adjective) divided vertically so that the floor level of rooms in one part is approximately midway between the levels of two successive stories in an adjoining part
- spoken (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) delivered by word of mouth : oral, characterized by speaking in (such) a manner —used in combination
(verb) to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice : talk, to express thoughts, opinions, or feelings orally, to extend a greeting
(adjective) pleasant and courteous in speech
(adjective) speaking freely : outspoken
(adjective) curt
(adjective) having a mild or gentle voice; also : suave
(adjective) speaking well, fitly, or courteously, spoken with propriety
(adjective) having a gentle, quiet voice or manner
- spool (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) a cylindrical device which has a rim or ridge at each end and an axial hole for a pin or spindle and on which material (such as thread, wire, or tape) is wound, material or the amount of material wound on a spool
(verb) to wind on a spool, wind, to regulate the transmission of by means of a spooler
- spoon (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) an eating or cooking implement consisting of a small shallow bowl with a relatively long handle, spoonful, something (such as a tool or fishing lure) that resembles a spoon in shape
(verb) to take up and usually transfer in a spoon, to nestle close together while lying down with one person facing the back of another, to engage in amorous caressing, kissing, and conversation : neck
(adjective) having the bill or snout expanded and spatulate at the end
(verb) to feed by means of a spoon, to present (information) so completely as to preclude independent thought, to present information to in this manner
- spoons (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to take up and usually transfer in a spoon, to nestle close together while lying down with one person facing the back of another, to engage in amorous caressing, kissing, and conversation : neck
(noun) an eating or cooking implement consisting of a small shallow bowl with a relatively long handle, spoonful, something (such as a tool or fishing lure) that resembles a spoon in shape
- spring (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) dart, shoot, to be resilient or elastic; also : to move by elastic force, to become warped
(noun) a source of supply; especially : a source of water issuing from the ground, an ultimate source especially of action or motion, spring tide
(verb) to fit with springs
(noun) the act or process of doing a thorough cleaning of a place
- spun (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread, to form a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid —used especially of a spider or insect, to revolve rapidly : gyrate
- squares (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an instrument having at least one right angle and two straight edges used especially to lay out or test right angles, a rectangle with all four sides equal, any of the quadrilateral spaces marked out on a board for playing games
(verb) to make square or rectangular, to test for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface, to bring approximately to a right angle
(noun) a statistic that is a sum of terms each of which is a quotient obtained by dividing the square of the difference between the observed and theoretical values of a quantity by the theoretical value
- stable (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a building in which domestic animals are sheltered and fed; especially : such a building having stalls or compartments, the racehorses of one owner, a group of people (such as athletes, writers, or performers) under one management
(verb) to put or keep in a stable, to dwell in or as if in a stable
(adjective) firmly established : fixed, steadfast, not changing or fluctuating : unvarying, permanent, enduring
(adjective) processed or packaged to withstand prolonged storage without refrigeration
(noun) a person who works in a stable; especially : one who takes care of the horses
- staccato (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) cut short or apart in performing : disconnected, marked by short clear-cut playing or singing of tones or chords, abrupt, disjointed
(noun) a pointed vertical stroke or a dot placed over or under a musical note to be produced staccato
- stain (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to suffuse with color, discolor, soil, taint
(noun) a soiled or discolored spot, a natural spot of color contrasting with the ground, a taint of guilt : stigma
- stained (6)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to suffuse with color, discolor, soil, taint
- staining (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(verb) to suffuse with color, discolor, soil, taint
- stains (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to suffuse with color, discolor, soil, taint
(noun) a soiled or discolored spot, a natural spot of color contrasting with the ground, a taint of guilt : stigma
- stairs (4)
- in books ::: birdland (4)
(noun) a series of steps or flights of steps for passing from one level to another —often used in plural but singular or plural in construction, a single step of a stairway
- stairwell (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a vertical shaft in which stairs are located
- stairwells (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a vertical shaft in which stairs are located
- stalk (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a slender upright object or supporting or connecting part; especially : peduncle, the main stem of an herbaceous plant often with its dependent parts, a part of a plant (such as a petiole or stipe) that supports another
(verb) to pursue quarry or prey stealthily, to walk stiffly or haughtily, to pursue by stalking
(noun) the act of stalking, a stalking gait
- stalks (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to pursue quarry or prey stealthily, to walk stiffly or haughtily, to pursue by stalking
(noun) a slender upright object or supporting or connecting part; especially : peduncle, the main stem of an herbaceous plant often with its dependent parts, a part of a plant (such as a petiole or stipe) that supports another
(noun) the act of stalking, a stalking gait
- stalled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to put into or keep in a stall, install, to bring to a standstill : block; especially : mire
(verb) to play for time : delay, to hold off, divert, or delay by evasion or deception
- stammering (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make involuntary stops and repetitions in speaking : stutter, to utter with involuntary stops or repetitions
- stamp (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument, to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot, to bring down (the foot) forcibly
(noun) a device or instrument for stamping, the impression or mark made by stamping or imprinting, a distinctive character, indication, or mark
- stamped (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument, to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot, to bring down (the foot) forcibly
(verb) to attach a stamp to (something) in advance
(verb) to stamp (something) again, to assert (something, such as one's authority) again
(verb) to approve, endorse, or dispose of as a matter of routine or at the command of another, to mark with a rubber stamp
(noun) a stamping device used for recording the date and time of day on a document, envelope, etc. (as to indicate when it was received or sent out), an indication of the date and time stamped on a document, envelope, etc., an indication of the date and time recorded as part of a digital signal or file (such as an email, digital photograph, radio broadcast, or text message) indicating the time of creation, transmission, etc.
(verb) to show that (someone) is (a particular type of person)
(verb) to step heavily on (something) with one's foot, to end (something) in a forceful way
(verb) to stop or destroy (something bad), to stop (something) from burning by stepping on it forcefully with the feet
- stamps (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument, to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot, to bring down (the foot) forcibly
(noun) a device or instrument for stamping, the impression or mark made by stamping or imprinting, a distinctive character, indication, or mark
(verb) to attach a stamp to (something) in advance
(verb) to stamp (something) again, to assert (something, such as one's authority) again
(verb) to approve, endorse, or dispose of as a matter of routine or at the command of another, to mark with a rubber stamp
- stand (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to support oneself on the feet in an erect position, to be a specified height when fully erect, to rise to an erect position
(noun) a halt for defense or resistance, an often defensive effort of some duration or degree of success, a stop made to give a performance
(adjective) complete in itself : self-contained : such as, intended, designed, or able to be used or to function alone or separately : not connected to or requiring connection to something else in order to be used or to function; especially : operating or capable of operating independently of other software or hardware, not being part of a larger work or series
(noun) a relaxation of status of a military unit or force from an alert or operational posture
(noun) someone employed to occupy an actor's place while lights and camera are readied, substitute
- standing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) not yet cut or harvested, upright on the feet or base : erect, not flowing : stagnant
(noun) a place to stand in : location, a position from which one may assert or enforce legal rights and duties, length of service or experience especially as determining rank, pay, or privilege
(verb) to support oneself on the feet in an erect position, to be a specified height when fully erect, to rise to an erect position
- star (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a natural luminous body visible in the sky especially at night, a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions, a planet or a configuration of the planets that is held in astrology to influence one's destiny or fortune —usually used in plural
(verb) to play the most prominent or important role in a movie, play, etc., to feature (a performer) in the most prominent or important role, to perform outstandingly
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a star, of outstanding excellence : preeminent
(adjective) characterized by secrecy and often being irresponsibly arbitrary and oppressive
(adjective) not favored by the stars : ill-fated
- stare (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to look fixedly often with wide-open eyes, to show oneself conspicuously, to stand on end : bristle; also : to appear rough and lusterless
(noun) the act or an instance of staring
(noun) a sharp pointed knife for stabbing, something that resembles a dagger, a character † used as a reference mark or to indicate a death date
- staring (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to look fixedly often with wide-open eyes, to show oneself conspicuously, to stand on end : bristle; also : to appear rough and lusterless
(noun) a sharp pointed knife for stabbing, something that resembles a dagger, a character † used as a reference mark or to indicate a death date
- starry (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) adorned with stars; especially : star-studded, of, relating to, or consisting of stars : stellar, shining like stars : sparkling
(adjective) regarding an object or a prospect in an overly favorable light; specifically : characterized by dreamy, impracticable, or utopian thinking : visionary
- stars (6)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to play the most prominent or important role in a movie, play, etc., to feature (a performer) in the most prominent or important role, to perform outstandingly
(noun) a natural luminous body visible in the sky especially at night, a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions, a planet or a configuration of the planets that is held in astrology to influence one's destiny or fortune —usually used in plural
- start (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move suddenly and violently : spring, to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement, to issue with sudden force
(noun) a sudden involuntary bodily movement or reaction, a brief and sudden action or movement, a sudden capricious impulse or outburst
(abbreviation) strategic arms reduction talks
(noun) the act or an instance of setting in operation or motion, a fledgling business enterprise
- state (8)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) mode or condition of being, condition of mind or temperament, a condition of abnormal tension or excitement
(verb) to set by regulation or authority, to express the particulars of especially in words : report; broadly : to express in words
- statement (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something stated: such as, a single declaration or remark : assertion, a report of facts or opinions
(noun) a statement opposing or denying another statement
- statements (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) something stated: such as, a single declaration or remark : assertion, a report of facts or opinions
(noun) a statement opposing or denying another statement
- states (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) mode or condition of being, condition of mind or temperament, a condition of abnormal tension or excitement
(verb) to set by regulation or authority, to express the particulars of especially in words : report; broadly : to express in words
- static (14)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (11)
(adjective) exerting force by reason of weight alone without motion, of or relating to bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium, showing little change
(noun) noise produced in a radio or television receiver by atmospheric or various natural or man-made electrical disturbances; also : the electrical disturbances producing this noise, heated opposition or criticism
(adjective) of or relating to a position or state, inhibiting the growth of
- station (13)
- in books ::: blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (9)
(noun) the place or position in which something or someone stands or is assigned to stand or remain, any of the places in a manufacturing operation at which one part of the work is done, equipment used usually by one person for performing a particular job
(verb) to assign to or set in a station or position : post
- steady (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) direct or sure in movement : unfaltering, firm in position : fixed, keeping nearly upright in a seaway
(verb) to make or keep steady, to become steady
(adverb) in a steady manner : steadily, on the course set —used as a direction to the helmsman of a ship
(noun) one that is steady; specifically : a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom one goes steady
- stealing (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice, to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly, to steal or attempt to steal a base
- steam (8)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a vapor arising from a heated substance, the invisible vapor into which water is converted when heated to the boiling point, the mist formed by the condensation on cooling of water vapor
(verb) to give out as fumes : exhale, to apply steam to; especially : to expose to the action of steam (as for softening or cooking), to rise or pass off as vapor
- steaming (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2)
(verb) to give out as fumes : exhale, to apply steam to; especially : to expose to the action of steam (as for softening or cooking), to rise or pass off as vapor
- steed (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a horse used or trained for riding : a spirited horse —sometimes used figuratively for something (such as a bicycle or an automobile) being likened to a horse
- steel (8)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (3)
(noun) commercial iron that contains carbon in any amount up to about 1.7 percent as an essential alloying constituent, is malleable when under suitable conditions, and is distinguished from cast iron by its malleability and lower carbon content, an instrument or implement of or characteristically of steel: such as, a thrusting or cutting weapon
(verb) to overlay, point, or edge with steel, to cause to resemble steel (as in looks or hardness), to fill with resolution or determination
(adjective) made of steel, of or relating to the production of steel, resembling steel
(adjective) quick, incisive
- steering (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to control the course of : direct; especially : to guide by mechanical means (such as a rudder), to set and hold to (a course), to direct the course (as of a ship or automobile)
- stem (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the main trunk of a plant; specifically : a primary plant axis that develops buds and shoots instead of roots, a plant part (such as a branch, petiole, or stipe) that supports another (such as a leaf or fruit), the complete fruiting stalk of a banana plant with its bananas
(verb) to make headway against (something, such as an adverse tide, current, or wind), to check or go counter to (something adverse)
(verb) to remove the stem from, to make a stem for (something, such as an artificial flower), to occur or develop as a consequence : have or trace an origin
(verb) to stop or dam up (something, such as a river), to stop or check by or as if by damming; especially : stanch, to turn (a ski) in stemming
(noun) check, dam, an act or instance of stemming on skis
(abbreviation) science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
- stems (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the main trunk of a plant; specifically : a primary plant axis that develops buds and shoots instead of roots, a plant part (such as a branch, petiole, or stipe) that supports another (such as a leaf or fruit), the complete fruiting stalk of a banana plant with its bananas
(verb) to make headway against (something, such as an adverse tide, current, or wind), to check or go counter to (something adverse)
(verb) to remove the stem from, to make a stem for (something, such as an artificial flower), to occur or develop as a consequence : have or trace an origin
(verb) to stop or dam up (something, such as a river), to stop or check by or as if by damming; especially : stanch, to turn (a ski) in stemming
(noun) check, dam, an act or instance of stemming on skis
- step (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a rest for the foot in ascending or descending: such as, one of a series of structures consisting of a riser and a tread, a ladder rung
(verb) to move by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere or by moving each foot in succession, dance, to go on foot : walk
(combining form) related by virtue of a remarriage (as of a parent) and not by blood
(adjective) marked by successive degrees usually of limited extent : gradual
(noun) a decrease or reduction in size or amount
(adjective) serving to decrease voltage
- stereo (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) stereotype, stereophonic reproduction, a stereophonic sound system
(adjective) stereoscopic, produced by or as if by means of a stereotype, stereophonic
(combining form) solid : solid body, stereoscopic, having or dealing with three dimensions of space
- stick (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub: such as, a usually dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or slender branch, a cut or broken branch or piece of wood gathered for fuel or construction material
- sticks (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub: such as, a usually dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or slender branch, a cut or broken branch or piece of wood gathered for fuel or construction material
(verb) to hit or propel (something, such as a hockey puck) with a stick
(verb) to pierce with something pointed : stab, to kill by piercing, to push or thrust so as or as if to pierce
(noun) a thrust with a pointed instrument : stab, delay, stop, impediment
- sticky (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) adhesive, viscous, gluey, coated with a sticky substance
(adjective) extremely sweet : too sweet
- still (7)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) devoid of or abstaining from motion, sedentary, not effervescent
(verb) to become motionless or silent : quiet, allay, calm, to put an end to : settle
(adverb) without motion, always, continually, in a progressive manner : increasingly
(noun) quiet, silence, a static photograph; specifically : a photograph of actors or scenes of a motion picture for publicity or documentary purposes
(verb) distill
(noun) distillery, apparatus used in distillation comprising either the chamber in which the vaporization is carried out or the entire equipment
(verb) to ambush or stalk a quarry; especially : to pursue game noiselessly usually without a dog, to lie in wait for : approach by stealth
- stilled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become motionless or silent : quiet, allay, calm, to put an end to : settle
(verb) distill
- stillness (6)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) devoid of or abstaining from motion, sedentary, not effervescent
- stitch (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a local sharp and sudden pain especially in the side, one in-and-out movement of a threaded needle in sewing, embroidering, or suturing, a portion of thread left in the material or suture left in the tissue after one stitch
(verb) to fasten, join, or close with or as if with stitches, to make, mend, or decorate with or as if with stitches, to unite by means of staples
(noun) a needlework stitch that forms an X, work having cross-stitch
- stitched (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fasten, join, or close with or as if with stitches, to make, mend, or decorate with or as if with stitches, to unite by means of staples
(noun) a needlework stitch that forms an X, work having cross-stitch
- stitches (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fasten, join, or close with or as if with stitches, to make, mend, or decorate with or as if with stitches, to unite by means of staples
(noun) a local sharp and sudden pain especially in the side, one in-and-out movement of a threaded needle in sewing, embroidering, or suturing, a portion of thread left in the material or suture left in the tissue after one stitch
(noun) a needlework stitch that forms an X, work having cross-stitch
- stitching (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to fasten, join, or close with or as if with stitches, to make, mend, or decorate with or as if with stitches, to unite by means of staples
(noun) a needlework stitch that forms an X, work having cross-stitch
- stochastic (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) random; specifically : involving a random variable, involving chance or probability : probabilistic
- stock (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a store or supply accumulated or available; especially : the inventory of goods of a merchant or manufacturer, the equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment, livestock
(verb) to procure or keep a stock of, to provide with stock or a stock : supply, to fit to or with a stock
(adjective) commonly used or brought forward : standard, kept regularly in stock, employed in handling, checking, or taking care of the stock of merchandise on hand
(noun) the equipment, merchandise, or materials necessary to or used in a trade or business, something that resembles the standard equipment of a tradesman or business
- stoichiometric (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of, relating to, used in, or marked by stoichiometry
- stolen (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice, to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly, to steal or attempt to steal a base
- stone (17)
- in books ::: birdland (13), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a concretion of earthy or mineral matter:, such a concretion of indeterminate size or shape, rock
(verb) to hurl stones at; especially : to kill by pelting with stones, to make hard or insensitive to feeling, to face, pave, or fortify with stones
(adverb) entirely, utterly —used as an intensive—often used in combination
(adjective) of, relating to, or made of stone, absolute, utter
- stones (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to face, pave, or fortify with stones
(noun) a concretion of earthy or mineral matter:, such a concretion of indeterminate size or shape, rock
- stool (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a seat usually without back or arms supported by three or four legs or by a central pedestal, a low bench or portable support for the feet or knees : footstool, a seat used as a symbol of office or authority; also : the rank, dignity, office, or rule of a chieftain
(verb) to throw out shoots in the manner of a stool
(noun) a person acting as a decoy or informer; especially : a spy sent into a group to report (as to the police) on its activities, a pigeon used as a decoy to draw others within a net
(noun) a chair formerly used for punishing offenders (such as dishonest tradesmen) by public exposure or ducking in water
(noun) a low stool, a seat in a Scottish church where offenders formerly sat for public rebuke
(noun) a seat attached to a plank and formerly used to plunge culprits tied to it into water
(noun) a stool with one or two steps that often fold away beneath the seat
- stop (13)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (9)
(verb) to close by filling or obstructing, to hinder or prevent the passage of, to get in the way of : be wounded or killed by
(noun) cessation, end, a pause or breaking off in speech, a graduated set of organ pipes of similar design and tone quality
(adjective) serving to stop : designed to stop
(noun) stop-motion
(adjective) of, relating to, or involving frequent stops; especially : controlled or regulated by traffic lights
(noun) a filming technique in which successive positions of objects (such as clay models) are photographed to produce the appearance of movement
- storage (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) space or a place for storing, an amount stored, memory
(adjective) of, relating to, or occurring before storage
- store (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) lay away, accumulate, furnish, supply; especially : to stock against a future time, to place or leave in a location (such as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation or later use or disposal
(noun) something that is stored or kept for future use, articles (as of food) accumulated for some specific object and drawn upon as needed : stock, supplies, something that is accumulated
(adjective) of, relating to, kept in, or used for a store, purchased from a store as opposed to being natural or homemade : manufactured, ready-made
(adjective) store
(adjective) being or related to a product that is made for a store and has the store's name on it
- stored (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) lay away, accumulate, furnish, supply; especially : to stock against a future time, to place or leave in a location (such as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation or later use or disposal
(verb) to store (something) before it is needed
- storefront (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the front side of a store or store building facing a street, a building, room, or suite of rooms having a storefront
(adjective) of, relating to, or characteristic of a storefront church, occupying a room or suite of rooms in a store building at street level and immediately behind a storefront, of, relating to, or being outreach professional services
- storefronts (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the front side of a store or store building facing a street, a building, room, or suite of rooms having a storefront
- storm (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning, a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, wind having a speed of 64 to 72 miles (103 to 117 kilometers) per hour
(verb) to blow with violence, to rain, hail, snow, or sleet vigorously, to attack by storm
- storms (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning, a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, wind having a speed of 64 to 72 miles (103 to 117 kilometers) per hour
(verb) to blow with violence, to rain, hail, snow, or sleet vigorously, to attack by storm
(noun) a wildly chaotic and unmanageable situation, controversy, or sequence of events
- story (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(noun) an account of incidents or events, a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question, anecdote; especially : an amusing one
(verb) to adorn with a story or a scene from history, to narrate or describe in story
(noun) the space in a building between two adjacent floor levels or between a floor and the roof, a set of rooms in such a space, a unit of measure equal to the height of the story of a building
- storyteller (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a teller of stories: such as, a relater of anecdotes, a reciter of tales (as in a children's library)
- straining (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to draw tight : cause to fit firmly, to stretch to maximum extension and tautness, to exert (oneself, one's senses, etc.) to the utmost
- strands (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to run, drive, or cause to drift onto a strand : run aground, to leave in a strange or an unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart, to leave (a base runner) on base at the end of an inning in baseball
(verb) to break a strand of (a rope) accidentally, to form (something, such as a rope) from strands, to play out, twist, or arrange in a strand
(noun) the land bordering a body of water : shore, beach
(noun) stream, sea
(noun) fibers or filaments twisted, plaited, or laid parallel to form a unit for further twisting or plaiting into yarn, thread, rope, or cordage, one of the wires twisted together or laid parallel to form a wire rope or cable, something (such as a molecular chain) resembling a strand
- strange (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected : odd, not before known, heard, or seen : unfamiliar, not entirely comfortable or well : uncomfortable, ill at ease
(noun) a fundamental quark that has an electric charge of —1/3 and a measured energy of approximately 150 MeV; also : the flavor characterizing this particle
(noun) one who shares a bed with another, a person or thing closely associated with another : ally —often used in the phrase strange bedfellows to describe an unlikely alliance of people or things
- stranger (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one who is strange: such as, foreigner, a resident alien
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a stranger : foreign
(verb) estrange, alienate
(adjective) different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected : odd, not before known, heard, or seen : unfamiliar, not entirely comfortable or well : uncomfortable, ill at ease
- strangers (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) estrange, alienate
(noun) one who is strange: such as, foreigner, a resident alien
- stream (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a body of running water (such as a river or creek) flowing on the earth; also : any body of flowing fluid (such as water or gas), a steady succession (as of words or events), a constantly renewed or steady supply
(verb) to flow in or as if in a stream, to leave a bright trail, to exude a bodily fluid profusely
(adjective) of, relating to, or being music that incorporates elements of classical music and jazz
(noun) a continuous sequence of transmitted data
- streaming (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) the act, the process, or an instance of streaming data or of accessing data that is being streamed, an act or instance of flowing; specifically : cyclosis, tracking
(adjective) relating to or being the transfer of data (such as audio or video material) in a continuous stream especially for immediate processing or playback
(verb) to flow in or as if in a stream, to leave a bright trail, to exude a bodily fluid profusely
- streams (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to flow in or as if in a stream, to leave a bright trail, to exude a bodily fluid profusely
(noun) a body of running water (such as a river or creek) flowing on the earth; also : any body of flowing fluid (such as water or gas), a steady succession (as of words or events), a constantly renewed or steady supply
(noun) a stream which runs counter to another, something (such as a political, cultural, or religious system) that is different from or opposed to the mainstream
- street (6)
- in books ::: birdland (6)
(noun) a thoroughfare especially in a city, town, or village that is wider than an alley or lane and that usually includes sidewalks, the part of a street reserved for vehicles, a thoroughfare with abutting property
(adjective) of or relating to the streets: such as, adjoining or giving access to a street, carried on or taking place in the street
(adjective) streetwise
- streetlamps (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) street lamps, halo, night-lit shadows
- streets (12)
- in books ::: birdland (9), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) by a considerable margin
(noun) a thoroughfare especially in a city, town, or village that is wider than an alley or lane and that usually includes sidewalks, the part of a street reserved for vehicles, a thoroughfare with abutting property
- stretch (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to extend (one's limbs, one's body, etc.) in a reclining position, to reach out : extend, to extend in length
(noun) an exercise of something (such as the understanding or the imagination) beyond ordinary or normal limits, an extension of the scope or application of something, the extent to which something may be stretched
(adjective) easily stretched : elastic, longer than the standard size
(noun) a system of industrial operation in which workers are required to do extra work with slight or with no additional pay, the act of stretching out : the state of being stretched out, an economizing measure that spreads a limited quantity over a larger field than originally intended: such as
- stretched (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to extend (one's limbs, one's body, etc.) in a reclining position, to reach out : extend, to extend in length
- stretching (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to extend (one's limbs, one's body, etc.) in a reclining position, to reach out : extend, to extend in length
- strewn (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to spread by scattering, to cover by or as if by scattering something, to become dispersed over as if scattered
- strike (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to take a course : go, to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool), to arrive with detrimental effect
(noun) a tool for smoothing a surface (as of a mold), an act or instance of striking, a work stoppage by a body of workers to enforce compliance with demands made on an employer
(noun) a fault about which movement is predominantly horizontal, a slipping movement along the strike of a fault
- striking (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities
(verb) to take a course : go, to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool), to arrive with detrimental effect
(noun) a distance from which something can be easily reached or attained
- string (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a cord usually used to bind, fasten, or tie —often used attributively, something that resembles a string, a cord (such as a tendon or ligament) of an animal body
(verb) to equip with strings, to tune the strings of, to make tense : key up
(adjective) of or relating to stringed musical instruments
(noun) a length of cord or cord-like material: such as, a comparatively strong slender cord, clothesline
(verb) to keep waiting, deceive, fool, go along, agree
(noun) double bass
(noun) a bean of one of the older varieties of kidney bean that have stringy fibers on the lines of separation of the pods; broadly : snap bean, a very tall thin person
(noun) a bikini with string-like straps
(noun) cheese formed usually into sticks that can be pulled apart in narrow strips
- stringed (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(adjective) having strings, produced by strings
- strings (7)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a cord usually used to bind, fasten, or tie —often used attributively, something that resembles a string, a cord (such as a tendon or ligament) of an animal body
(verb) to equip with strings, to tune the strings of, to make tense : key up
- stripped (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from, to deprive of possessions, to divest of honors, privileges, or functions
(adjective) lacking any extra features
- strong (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having or marked by great physical power, having moral or intellectual power, having great resources (as of wealth or talent)
(adverb) in a strong or forceful manner
(adjective) having or using undue force
(verb) to use force on : assault, bully, intimidate, to rob by force
(adjective) having a vigorous mind; especially : marked by independence of thought and judgment
- struck (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take a course : go, to aim and usually deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust (as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool), to arrive with detrimental effect
- structure (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the action of building : construction, something (such as a building) that is constructed, something arranged in a definite pattern of organization
(verb) to form into or according to a structure, construct
(verb) to make (something) into or provide (something) with a structure in advance
- structures (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the action of building : construction, something (such as a building) that is constructed, something arranged in a definite pattern of organization
(verb) to form into or according to a structure, construct
(noun) a soil condition suitable for farming in which the soil particles are aggregated into crumbs
(noun) any of various methods or formats (such as an array, file, or record) for organizing data in a computer
(noun) a formal representation of the underlying semantic content of a sentence; also : the structure which such a representation specifies
(noun) microscopic structure of a biological entity or one of its parts especially as studied in preparations for the electron microscope
(noun) a group of persons having control of an organization : establishment, the hierarchical interrelationships existing within a controlling group
(verb) to make (something) into or provide (something) with a structure in advance
(noun) a formal representation of the phonetic form of a sentence; also : the structure which such a representation describes
- struggling (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition, to proceed with difficulty or with great effort
- struts (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to become turgid : swell, to walk with a proud gait, to walk with a pompous and affected air
(noun) a structural piece designed to resist pressure in the direction of its length, a pompous step or walk, arrogant behavior : swagger
(verb) to provide, stiffen, support, or hold apart with or as if with a strut
- student (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(noun) scholar, learner; especially : one who attends a school, one who studies : an attentive and systematic observer
- students (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) scholar, learner; especially : one who attends a school, one who studies : an attentive and systematic observer
- study (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a state of contemplation : reverie, application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge, such application in a particular field or to a specific subject
(verb) to engage in study, to undertake formal study of a subject, meditate, reflect
(noun) study of oneself; also : a record of observations from such study
- stuffed (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fill by packing things in : cram, to fill to satiety : surfeit, to prepare (meat or vegetables) by filling or lining with a stuffing
- stunned (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow : daze, to shock with noise, to overcome especially with paralyzing astonishment or disbelief
- stuttered (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to speak with involuntary disruption or blocking of speech (as by repetition or prolongation of vocal sounds), to move or act in a halting or spasmodic manner, to say, speak, or sound with or as if with a stutter
- subject (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that is placed under authority or control: such as, vassal, one subject to a monarch and governed by the monarch's law
(adjective) owing obedience or allegiance to the power or dominion of another, suffering a particular liability or exposure, having a tendency or inclination : prone
(verb) to bring under control or dominion : subjugate, to make (someone, such as oneself) amenable to the discipline and control of a superior, to make liable : predispose
- sublime (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form, to elevate or exalt especially in dignity or honor, to render finer (as in purity or excellence)
(adjective) lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner, of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth, tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
- subliminal (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception, existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness
- submerged (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(adjective) covered with water, submersed, sunk in poverty and misery
(verb) to put under water, to cover or overflow with water, to make obscure or subordinate : suppress
- subsumed (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to include or place within something larger or more comprehensive : encompass as a subordinate or component element
- subtraction (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act, operation, or instance of subtracting: such as, the withdrawing or withholding of a right to which an individual is entitled, the operation of deducting one number from another
- suburban (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an outlying part of a city or town, a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city, the residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town
- subway (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an underground way: such as, a passage under a street (as for pedestrians, power cables, or water or gas mains), a usually electric underground railway
- such (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of a kind or character to be indicated or suggested, having a quality to a degree to be indicated, of the character, quality, or extent previously indicated or implied
(pronoun) such a person or thing, someone or something stated, implied, or exemplified, someone or something similar : similar persons or things
(adverb) to such a degree : so, very, especially, in such a way
- sucking (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not yet weaned; broadly : very young
(verb) to draw (something, such as liquid) into the mouth through a suction force produced by movements of the lips and tongue, to draw something from or consume by such movements, to apply the mouth to in order to or as if to suck out a liquid
- sudden (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) happening or coming unexpectedly, changing angle or character all at once, marked by or manifesting abruptness or haste
(noun) an unexpected occurrence : emergency
- suitcase (10)
- in books ::: blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a portable case designed to hold a traveler's clothing and personal articles
- suitcases (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a portable case designed to hold a traveler's clothing and personal articles
- suits (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to meet the needs or desires of : please, to be proper for : befit, to be becoming to
(noun) a set of garments: such as, an ensemble of two or more usually matching outer garments (such as a jacket, vest, and trousers), a costume to be worn for a special purpose or under particular conditions
(noun) an opposing lawsuit; especially : a claim asserted by an opposing party in a lawsuit (such as a defendant) against the party bringing the original lawsuit (such as a plaintiff) : counterclaim
- summary (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) comprehensive; especially : covering the main points succinctly, done without delay or formality : quickly executed, of, relating to, or using a summary proceeding
(noun) an abstract, abridgment, or compendium especially of a preceding discourse
- summer (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the season between spring and autumn comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of June, July, and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to the September equinox, the warmer half of the year, year
(adjective) of, relating to, or suitable for summer, sown in the spring and harvested in the same year as sown
(verb) to pass the summer, to keep or carry through the summer; especially : to provide (cattle, sheep, etc.) with pasture during the summer
- sums (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the basic monetary unit of Uzbekistan
(noun) an indefinite or specified amount of money, the whole amount : aggregate, the utmost degree : summit
(verb) to calculate the sum of : total, summarize, to reach a sum : amount
- sun (17)
- in books ::: birdland (8), blueWindow (8), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the luminous celestial body around which the earth and other planets revolve, from which they receive heat and light, which is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, and which has a mean distance from earth of about 93,000,000 miles (150,000,000 kilometers), a linear diameter of 864,000 miles (1,390,000 kilometers), and a mass 332,000 times greater than earth, a celestial body like the sun : star, the heat or light radiated from the sun
(verb) to expose to or as if to the rays of the sun, to sun oneself
(abbreviation) Sunday
(noun) any of a small family (Heliornithidae) of semiaquatic African, Asian, and American tropical birds that have lobed feet and are related to the rails
- sundial (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an instrument to show the time of day by the shadow of a gnomon on a usually horizontal plate or on a cylindrical surface
- sunless (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lacking sunshine : dark, cheerless
- sunlight (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the light of the sun : sunshine
- super (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) of high grade or quality, —used as a generalized term of approval, very large or powerful
(noun) supernumerary; especially : a supernumerary actor, superintendent, supervisor; especially : the superintendent of an apartment building, a removable upper story of a beehive
(adverb) very, extremely, to an excessive degree
(prefix) over and above : higher in quantity, quality, or degree than : more than, in addition : extra, exceeding or so as to exceed a norm
(adjective) of the greatest excellence, size, effectiveness, or impressiveness
(noun) an individual who is highly contagious and capable of transmitting a communicable disease to an unusually large number of uninfected individuals
(noun) the transmission of a communicable disease to an unusually large number of uninfected individuals by a relatively small number of highly contagious individuals : the spread of disease by super-spreaders — often used before another noun
- superintelligence (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) an entity that surpasses humans in overall intelligence or in some particular measure of intelligence; also : the intelligence displayed by such an entity, an extremely or extraordinarily high degree of intelligence
- supermarket (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a self-service retail market selling especially foods and household merchandise, something resembling a supermarket especially in the variety or volume of its goods or services
- suppose (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to lay down tentatively as a hypothesis, assumption, or proposal, to hold as an opinion : believe, to think probable or in keeping with the facts
- supposed (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) pretended, alleged, held as an opinion : believed; also : mistakenly believed : imagined
(verb) to lay down tentatively as a hypothesis, assumption, or proposal, to hold as an opinion : believe, to think probable or in keeping with the facts
- surface (9)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body, a plane or curved two-dimensional locus of points (such as the boundary of a three-dimensional region), the external or superficial aspect of something
(adjective) of, located on, or designed for use at the surface of something, situated, transported, or employed on the surface of the earth, appearing to be such on the surface only : superficial
(verb) to give a surface to: such as, to plane or make smooth, to apply the surface layer to
(adjective) altering the properties and especially lowering the tension at the surface of contact between phases
(adjective) ripened by the action of microorganisms (such as molds) on the surface
(adjective) launched from the ground against a target in the air
- surging (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to rise and fall actively : toss, to rise and move in waves or billows : swell, to slip around a windlass, capstan, or bitts —used especially of a rope
- surround-scapes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) landscapes, contexts, environments
- survey (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to examine as to condition, situation, or value : appraise, to query (someone) in order to collect data for the analysis of some aspect of a group or area, to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (such as a tract of land) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the principles of geometry and trigonometry
(noun) the act or an instance of surveying: such as, a broad treatment of a subject, poll
- surveys (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of surveying: such as, a broad treatment of a subject, poll
(verb) to examine as to condition, situation, or value : appraise, to query (someone) in order to collect data for the analysis of some aspect of a group or area, to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (such as a tract of land) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the principles of geometry and trigonometry
- suspended (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to debar temporarily especially from a privilege, office, or function, to cause to stop temporarily, to set aside or make temporarily inoperative
- suspension (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of suspending : the state or period of being suspended: such as, temporary removal (as from office or privileges), temporary withholding (as of belief or decision)
- swallow (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of numerous small widely distributed oscine birds (family Hirundinidae, the swallow family) that have a short bill, long pointed wings, and often a deeply forked tail and that feed on insects caught on the wing, any of several birds that superficially resemble swallows
(verb) to take through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach, to envelop or take in as if by swallowing : absorb, to accept without question, protest, or resentment
(noun) the passage connecting the mouth to the stomach, a capacity for swallowing, an act of swallowing
(noun) a swallow (Hirundo rustica of the family Hirundinidae) that is widespread in the northern hemisphere, has a deeply forked tail, and often nests in or near buildings
(noun) a colonial swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) of the New World with a pale buff rump and dark throat patch that builds mud nests resembling jugs especially under eaves and on cliffs
(noun) an American swallow (Tachycineta bicolor synonym Iridoprocne bicolor) with iridescent greenish-blue upperparts and white underparts
(noun) a small sooty-gray swift (Chaetura pelagica) with long narrow wings that often builds its nest inside an unused chimney —called also chimney swallow
(noun) a deeply forked and tapering tail (as of a swallow), tailcoat, any of various usually large brightly marked butterflies (family Papilionidae, especially genus Papilio) with each hind wing typically having an elongated process
- swallowed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to take through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach, to envelop or take in as if by swallowing : absorb, to accept without question, protest, or resentment
(idiom) —used to say that someone looks very proud or satisfied about something he or she has done
- swamps (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to fill with or as if with water : inundate, submerge, to overwhelm numerically or by an excess of something : flood, to open by removing underbrush and debris
(noun) a wetland often partially or intermittently covered with water; especially : one dominated by woody vegetation, a tract of swamp, a difficult or troublesome situation or subject
- swan (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) any of various large heavy-bodied long-necked mostly pure white aquatic birds (family Anatidae, especially genus Cygnus) that have webbed feet and are related to but larger than the geese, one that resembles or is likened to a swan, the constellation Cygnus
(verb) to wander aimlessly or idly : dally
(verb) declare, swear
- swarm (6)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a great number of honeybees emigrating together from a hive in company with a queen to start a new colony elsewhere, a colony of honeybees settled in a hive, a large number of animate or inanimate things massed together and usually in motion : throng
(verb) to form and depart from a hive in a swarm, to move or assemble in a crowd : throng, to hover about in the manner of a bee in a swarm
(verb) to climb with the hands and feet; specifically : shin, to climb up : mount
- swarm-self (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) bees, cybernetic ze, the networked weaver singer
- sweep (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to remove from a surface with or as if with a broom or brush, to destroy completely : wipe out —usually used with away, to remove or take with a single continuous forceful action
(noun) something that sweeps or works with a sweeping motion: such as, a long pole or timber pivoted on a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well, a triangular cultivator blade that cuts off weeds under the soil surface
- sweet (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is usually pleasing to the taste and typically induced by sugars (as sucrose or glucose), containing a sweetening ingredient : not dry, retaining a portion of natural sugar
(adverb) in a sweet manner
(noun) something that is sweet to the taste: such as, a food (such as a candy or preserve) having a high sugar content, dessert
(adjective) seasoned with a sauce containing sugar and vinegar or lemon juice
- sweetly (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is usually pleasing to the taste and typically induced by sugars (as sucrose or glucose), containing a sweetening ingredient : not dry, retaining a portion of natural sugar
- sweltering (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) oppressively hot
(verb) to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat, to become exceedingly hot, to oppress with heat
- swept (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) slanted backward
(verb) to remove from a surface with or as if with a broom or brush, to destroy completely : wipe out —usually used with away, to remove or take with a single continuous forceful action
(adjective) possessing sweepback
- swift (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) moving or capable of moving with great speed, occurring suddenly or within a very short time, quick to respond : ready
(adverb) swiftly
(noun) any of several lizards (especially of the genus Sceloporus) that run swiftly, a reel for winding yarn or thread, any of numerous small plainly colored birds (family Apodidae) that are related to the hummingbirds but superficially much resemble swallows
- swiftly (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in a swift manner : with speed : quickly
- swimming (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) that swims, adapted to or used in or for swimming
(noun) the act, art, or sport of one that swims and dives
(verb) to propel oneself in water by natural means (such as movements of the limbs, fins, or tail), to play in the water (as at a beach or swimming pool), to move with a motion like that of swimming : glide
(adjective) able to swim about : not attached
- swing (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(verb) to cause to move vigorously through a wide arc or circle, to cause to sway to and fro, to cause to turn on an axis
(noun) an act or instance of swinging : swinging movement: such as, a stroke or blow delivered with a sweeping arm movement, a sweeping or rhythmic movement of the body or a bodily part
(adjective) of or relating to musical swing, that may swing often decisively either way on an issue or in an election
- swings (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to cause to move vigorously through a wide arc or circle, to cause to sway to and fro, to cause to turn on an axis
(noun) an act or instance of swinging : swinging movement: such as, a stroke or blow delivered with a sweeping arm movement, a sweeping or rhythmic movement of the body or a bodily part
- swirling (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move with an eddying or whirling motion, to pass in whirling confusion, to have a twist or convolution
- switch (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a slender flexible whip, rod, or twig, an act of switching: such as, a blow with a switch
(verb) to strike or beat with or as if with a switch, whisk, lash, to turn from one railroad track to another : shunt
(verb) to bat right-handed against a left-handed pitcher and left-handed against a right-handed pitcher in baseball
(noun) a baseball player who switch-hits, bisexual, one that is flexible or adaptable; especially : a person who can work equally well in either of two jobs or capacities
- swollen (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or original limit, to become distended or puffed up, to form a bulge or rounded elevation
- symbols (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an authoritative summary of faith or doctrine : creed, something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance; especially : a visible sign of something invisible, an arbitrary or conventional sign used in writing or printing relating to a particular field to represent operations, quantities, elements, relations, or qualities
(verb) symbolize
- sympathetic (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) existing or operating through an affinity, interdependence, or mutual association, appropriate to one's mood, inclinations, or disposition, marked by kindly or pleased appreciation
(noun) a sympathetic structure; especially : sympathetic nervous system
- symphonies (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) consonance of sounds, ritornello, sinfonia
- symphony (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) consonance of sounds, ritornello, sinfonia
(noun) a large orchestra of winds, strings, and percussion that plays symphonic works
- synchronized (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to happen at the same time, to represent or arrange (events) to indicate coincidence or coexistence, to make synchronous in operation
- synergistic (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) having the capacity to act in synergism, of, relating to, or resembling synergism
- syntax (6)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the way in which linguistic elements (such as words) are put together to form constituents (such as phrases or clauses), the part of grammar dealing with this, a connected or orderly system : harmonious arrangement of parts or elements
- synthesis (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole, the production of a substance by the union of chemical elements, groups, or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound, the combining of often diverse conceptions into a coherent whole; also : the complex so formed
- system (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (7)
(noun) a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole : such as, a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces, an assemblage of substances that is in or tends to equilibrium
- system-level (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) at the level of the whole, polyphonic net
- systems (9)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole : such as, a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces, an assemblage of substances that is in or tends to equilibrium
- t-cell (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of several lymphocytes (such as a helper T cell) that differentiate in the thymus, possess highly specific cell-surface antigen receptors, and include some that control the initiation or suppression of cell-mediated and humoral immunity (as by the regulation of T and B cell maturation and proliferation) and others that lyse antigen-bearing cells : t lymphocyte
(noun) cytotoxic T cell
(noun) a T cell that usually bears CD8 molecular markers on its surface and that functions in cell-mediated immunity by destroying a cell (such as a virus-infected cell) having a specific antigenic molecule displayed on its surface —called also cytolytic T cell, killer T cell
(noun) a T cell that participates in an immune response by recognizing a foreign antigen and secreting lymphokines to activate T cell and B cell proliferation and that usually carries CD4 molecular markers on its cell surface —called also helper cell, T-helper cell
(noun) cytotoxic t cell
(noun) a T cell that suppresses the immune response of B cells and other T cells to an antigen —called also suppressor cell
(noun) an antigen receptor on the surface of a T cell that is composed of two transmembrane polypeptide chains covalently linked by disulfide bonds and that initiates T cell activation upon binding with a specific antigenic peptide fragment combined with a major histocompatibility complex molecule and displayed on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell — abbreviation TCR
(noun) helper t cell
- table (6)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs, a group of people assembled at or as if at a table, a legislative or negotiating session
(verb) to remove (something, such as a parliamentary motion) from consideration indefinitely, to place on the agenda, to put on a table
(adjective) suitable for a table or for use at a table, suitable for serving at a table, proper for conduct at a table
(verb) to move from table to table (as in a restaurant) in order to chat with friends
- tables (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs, a group of people assembled at or as if at a table, a legislative or negotiating session
(verb) to remove (something, such as a parliamentary motion) from consideration indefinitely, to place on the agenda, to put on a table
- tackle (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a set of the equipment used in a particular activity : gear, a ship's rigging, an assemblage of ropes and pulleys arranged to gain mechanical advantage for hoisting and pulling
(verb) to seize, take hold of, or grapple with especially with the intention of stopping or subduing, to seize and throw down or stop (an opposing player with the ball) in football, to set about dealing with
(verb) to bring down (a ballcarrier in football) with several tacklers
- taco (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a usually fried tortilla that is folded or rolled and stuffed with a mixture (as of seasoned meat, cheese, and lettuce)
- take (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: such as, to seize or capture physically, to get possession of (fish or game) by killing or capturing
(noun) a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment; also : a distinct treatment or variation, an act or the action of taking: such as, the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a scene
- takes (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: such as, to seize or capture physically, to get possession of (fish or game) by killing or capturing
(noun) a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment; also : a distinct treatment or variation, an act or the action of taking: such as, the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a scene
(noun) a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood, a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing or spalling stone, removal from office or release from employment : dismissal —usually used with the
(noun) the practice of making mutual concessions : compromise, a usually good-natured exchange (as of ideas or comments)
- taking (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: such as, to seize or capture physically, to get possession of (fish or game) by killing or capturing
(noun) departure, farewell
(noun) the act or fact of doing something that involves danger or risk in order to achieve a goal
(noun) a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood, a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing or spalling stone, removal from office or release from employment : dismissal —usually used with the
(noun) realization, the act or an instance of passing : passage, a usually distressing or bad state of affairs
(noun) bodily waste discharged through the anus : feces, excrement, an act of defecation —usually used in the phrases take a shit and (British) have a shit, nonsense, foolishness, crap; especially : trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk
- talk (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to express or exchange ideas by means of spoken words, to convey information or communicate in any way (as with signs or sounds), to use speech : speak
(noun) the act or an instance of talking : speech, a way of speaking : language, pointless or fruitless discussion : verbiage
- talking (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to express or exchange ideas by means of spoken words, to convey information or communicate in any way (as with signs or sounds), to use speech : speak
(noun) reprimand, lecture
(adjective) talking in a friendly and pleasant way that is not completely honest or sincere
- talks (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to express or exchange ideas by means of spoken words, to convey information or communicate in any way (as with signs or sounds), to use speech : speak
(noun) the act or an instance of talking : speech, a way of speaking : language, pointless or fruitless discussion : verbiage
(noun) language that appears to be earnest and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense, inflated, involved, and often deliberately ambiguous language
(verb) to influence or persuade by fluent, facile, and usually deceptive or tricky talk
- tall (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) high in stature, of a specified height, of considerable height
(verb) to support oneself on the feet in an erect position, to be a specified height when fully erect, to rise to an erect position
(noun) highboy, a double chest of drawers usually with the upper section slightly smaller than the lower, clothes press
- tangent (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an abrupt change of course : digression, the trigonometric function that for an acute angle is the ratio between the leg opposite to the angle when it is considered part of a right triangle and the leg adjacent, a trigonometric function that is equal to the sine divided by the cosine for all real numbers θ for which the cosine is not equal to zero and is exactly equal to the tangent of an angle of measure θ in radians
(adjective) meeting a curve or surface in a single point if a sufficiently small interval is considered, having a common tangent line at a point, having a common tangent plane at a point
(noun) the inverse function of the tangent —abbreviation arctan
- tangents (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an abrupt change of course : digression, the trigonometric function that for an acute angle is the ratio between the leg opposite to the angle when it is considered part of a right triangle and the leg adjacent, a trigonometric function that is equal to the sine divided by the cosine for all real numbers θ for which the cosine is not equal to zero and is exactly equal to the tangent of an angle of measure θ in radians
(noun) the inverse function of the tangent —abbreviation arctan
- tangle (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to unite or knit together in intricate confusion, to involve so as to hamper, obstruct, or embarrass, to seize and hold in or as if in a snare : entrap
(noun) a matted, twisted mass : snarl, a complicated or confused state or condition, a state of perplexity or complete bewilderment
(noun) a large seaweed
(verb) to fight or argue with (someone or something)
(noun) a pathological accumulation of paired helical filaments composed of abnormally formed tau protein that is found chiefly in the cytoplasm of neurons of the brain and especially the cerebral cortex and hippocampus and that occurs typically in Alzheimer's disease
- tangled (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) existing in or giving the appearance of a state of utter disorder, very involved : exceedingly complex
(verb) to unite or knit together in intricate confusion, to involve so as to hamper, obstruct, or embarrass, to seize and hold in or as if in a snare : entrap
- tango (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a ballroom dance of Latin American origin in 2/4 time with a basic pattern of step-step-step-step-close and characterized by long pauses and stylized body positions; also : the music for this dance, interaction marked by a lack of straightforwardness
(verb) to dance the tango
(noun) —used as a code word for the letter t
- tap (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to strike lightly especially with a slight sound, to give a light blow with, to bring about by repeated light blows
(noun) a light usually audible blow; also : its sound, one of several usually rapid drumbeats on a snare drum, a small metal plate for the sole or heel of a shoe
(noun) a plug for a hole (as in a cask) : spigot, a device consisting of a spout and valve attached to the end of a pipe to control the flow of a fluid : faucet, a liquor drawn through a tap
(verb) to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel, to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid, to draw out, from, or upon
(noun) a stroke with something broad : slap, something broad and flat used for striking, something that is broad, limber, or flat and usually thin and that hangs loose or projects freely: such as
(noun) tip-in, a very short easy putt in golf
(noun) tip-off
- tape (7)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) a narrow flexible strip or band: such as, adhesive tape, magnetic tape; also : cassette
(verb) to fasten, tie, bind, cover, or support with tape, to record on tape and especially magnetic tape, to record something on tape and especially magnetic tape
(adjective) recorded on tape, intended for use with recording (such as magnetic) tape
(verb) to make a recording of on magnetic tape
- tapped (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to strike lightly especially with a slight sound, to give a light blow with, to bring about by repeated light blows
(verb) to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel, to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid, to draw out, from, or upon
- tapper (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) one who taps something or produces a tapping sound, a lightly struck ground ball, a person who tap dances : tap dancer
(noun) one who extracts a fluid by tapping something; also : something that is tapped to extract fluid, one who connects to something (such as a telephone line or radio signal) to obtain information surreptitiously
- tapping (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3)
(noun) the act, process, or means by which something is tapped
(verb) to strike lightly especially with a slight sound, to give a light blow with, to bring about by repeated light blows
(verb) to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel, to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid, to draw out, from, or upon
- tar (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a dark brown or black bituminous usually odorous viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation of organic material (such as wood, coal, or peat), a substance in some respects resembling tar; especially : a condensable residue present in smoke from burning tobacco that contains combustion by-products (such as resins, acids, phenols, and essential oils), sailor
(verb) to cover with tar, to defile as if with tar
(verb) to urge to action —usually used with on
(verb) to urge to action —usually used with on
- taste (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to ascertain the flavor of by taking a little into the mouth, to eat or drink especially in small quantities, to perceive or recognize as if by the sense of taste
(noun) the special sense that perceives and distinguishes the sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a dissolved substance and is mediated by taste buds on the tongue, the objective sweet, sour, bitter, salty, or umami quality of a dissolved substance as perceived by the sense of taste, a sensation obtained from a substance in the mouth that is typically produced by the stimulation of the sense of taste combined with those of touch and smell : flavor
- tattered (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) torn into shreds : ragged, broken down : dilapidated, being in a shattered condition
(verb) to make ragged, to become ragged
- tattoo (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a mark, figure, design, or word intentionally fixed or placed on the skin:, one that is indelible and created by insertion of pigment under the skin, one that is temporarily applied to the skin, resembles a permanent tattoo, and usually lasts for a few days to several weeks
(verb) to mark the skin with (a tattoo), to mark or color (the skin) with tattoos
(noun) a rapid rhythmic rapping, a call sounded shortly before taps as notice to go to quarters, outdoor military exercise given by troops as evening entertainment
(verb) to beat or rap rhythmically on : drum on, to hit (a pitched ball) very hard, to get many hits and runs against (a pitcher)
- taut (11)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (8)
(adjective) having no give or slack : tightly drawn, high-strung, tense, kept in proper order or condition
(verb) mat, tangle
(combining form) same
- taxon (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a scientifically classified group or entity : a taxonomic unit (such as a genus or order) of any rank, the name applied to a taxonomic group in a formal system of nomenclature
- taxonomy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the study of the general principles of scientific classification : systematics, classification; especially : orderly classification of plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships
(noun) taxonomy in which many quantitatively measured characters are given equal weight in the determination of taxa and the construction of diagrams indicating systematic relationships
- teach (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to cause to know something, to cause to know how, to accustom to some action or attitude
(noun) an extended meeting usually held on a college campus for lectures, debates, and discussions to raise awareness of or express a position on a social or political issue
(verb) to engage in practice teaching
- teacher (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that teaches; especially : one whose occupation is to instruct, a Mormon ranking above a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood
(verb) to engage in practice teaching
- teaching (4)
- in books ::: artist (4)
(noun) the act, practice, or profession of a teacher, something taught; especially : doctrine
(adjective) of, relating to, used for, or engaged in teaching
(verb) to cause to know something, to cause to know how, to accustom to some action or attitude
(verb) to engage in practice teaching
- team (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a number of persons associated together in work or activity: such as, a group on one side (as in football or a debate), crew, gang
(adjective) of or performed by a team; also : marked by devotion to teamwork rather than individual achievement
(verb) to yoke or join in a team; also : to put together in a coordinated ensemble, to convey or haul with a team, to form a team or association : join forces or efforts —often used with up
(verb) to block or guard (an opponent) with two players at one time
- tears (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion, a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face, an act of weeping or grieving
(verb) to fill with tears : shed tears
(verb) to separate parts of or pull apart by force : rend, to wound by or as if by pulling apart by force : lacerate, to divide or disrupt by the pull of contrary forces
(noun) damage from being torn; especially : a hole or flaw made by tearing, the act of tearing something, a hurried and violent rush : a tearing pace
- technologies (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area : engineering, a capability given by the practical application of knowledge, a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge
- technology (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area : engineering, a capability given by the practical application of knowledge, a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge
(adjective) opposed to technology or technological change
- teeming (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become filled to overflowing : abound, to be present in large quantity, to become pregnant : conceive
(verb) empty, pour
(verb) to be full of (life and activity) : to have many (people or animals) moving around inside —usually used as (be) teeming with —sometimes used figuratively
- telegraph (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an apparatus for communication at a distance by coded signals; especially : an apparatus, system, or process for communication at a distance by electric transmission over wire, telegram
(verb) to send or communicate by or as if by telegraph, to send a telegram to, to send by means of a telegraphic order
(noun) a tall wooden pole that supports the wires of a telephone system
(noun) telegraphy carried on by radio waves and without connecting wires —called also wireless telegraph
- telephone (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an instrument for reproducing sounds at a distance; specifically : one in which sound is converted into electrical impulses for transmission (as by wire or radio waves)
(verb) to speak to or attempt to reach by telephone, to send by telephone, to communicate by telephone
- telephony (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the use or operation of an apparatus (such as a telephone) for transmission of sounds as electrical signals between widely removed points
- telescope (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a usually tubular optical instrument for viewing distant objects by means of the refraction of light rays through a lens or the reflection of light rays by a concave mirror, any of various tubular magnifying optical instruments, radio telescope
(verb) to become forced together lengthwise with one part entering another as the result of collision, to slide or pass one within another like the cylindrical sections of a collapsible hand telescope, to become compressed or condensed
(noun) a reflecting telescope that has a paraboloidal primary mirror and hyperboloidal secondary mirror, is equivalent in its optical effects to a telephoto lens, and usually has the light brought to a focus through a perforation in the center of the primary mirror
(noun) a radio receiver-antenna combination used for observation in radio astronomy
(noun) reflector
(noun) refractor
(noun) a photographic telescope with specialized optics that correct for spherical aberration and coma —called also Schmidt telescope
- television (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound over a wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound, a television receiving set, the television broadcasting industry
(noun) a service providing noncommercial television programming (such as recent movies and entertainment specials) by means of a scrambled signal to subscribers who are provided with a decoder —called also pay television
(adjective) existing or occurring before television
- tell (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to relate in detail : narrate, to give utterance to : say, to make known : divulge, reveal
(noun) an inadvertent behavior or mannerism that betrays a poker player's true thoughts, intentions, or emotions, a revealing gesture, expression, etc., that is likened to a poker player's tell; broadly : sign, indication
(noun) hill, mound; specifically : an ancient mound in the Middle East composed of remains of successive settlements
(noun) a written account (such as a biography) that contains revealing and often scandalous information
- temperature (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) degree of hotness or coldness measured on a definite scale, the degree of heat that is natural to the body of a living being, abnormally high body heat
(noun) inversion
(noun) the temperature at which a blackbody emits radiant energy competent to evoke a color the same as that evoked by radiant energy from a given source (such as a lamp)
(noun) the normal temperature of the human body
(idiom) to make people more/less angry about a situation
(noun) a comfortable temperature that is not too hot or too cold
(idiom) to use a thermometer to find out if someone has a fever
(noun) the temperature at which there is a transition between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases, a temperature at which the anomalies that characterize a ferroelectric substance disappear —called also Curie temperature
(verb) to go faster than a walk; specifically : to go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step, to move at a fast gallop, flee, retreat, escape
- temples (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a building for religious practice: such as, either of two successive national sanctuaries in ancient Jerusalem, a building for Mormon sacred ordinances
(noun) the flattened space on each side of the forehead of some mammals including humans, one of the side supports of a pair of glasses jointed to the bows and passing on each side of the head
- temporary (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) lasting for a limited time
(noun) one serving for a limited time
- tender (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions : fond, loving, showing care : considerate, solicitous, highly susceptible to impressions or emotions : impressionable
(verb) to present for acceptance : offer, to make a tender of, to make a bid or tender
(noun) an unconditional offer of money or service in satisfaction of a debt or obligation made to save a penalty or forfeiture for nonpayment or nonperformance, an offer or proposal made for acceptance: such as, an offer of a bid for a contract
(noun) an often breaded strip of usually breast meat; also : the tenderloin of a chicken
(noun) one that tends: such as, a ship employed to attend other ships (as to supply provisions), a boat for communication or transportation between shore and a larger ship
(verb) to make tender : soften, weaken, to regard or treat with tenderness, to become tender
(noun) consideration, regard
(adjective) marked by idealism, optimism, and dogmatism
- tenderness (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a tender quality or condition: such as, gentleness and affection, the quality of being succulent and easily chewed
- tenders (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to present for acceptance : offer, to make a tender of, to make a bid or tender
(noun) an unconditional offer of money or service in satisfaction of a debt or obligation made to save a penalty or forfeiture for nonpayment or nonperformance, an offer or proposal made for acceptance: such as, an offer of a bid for a contract
(noun) an often breaded strip of usually breast meat; also : the tenderloin of a chicken
(noun) one that tends: such as, a ship employed to attend other ships (as to supply provisions), a boat for communication or transportation between shore and a larger ship
(verb) to make tender : soften, weaken, to regard or treat with tenderness, to become tender
(noun) consideration, regard
- tenets (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; especially : one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession
- tense (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) stretched tight : made taut : rigid, feeling or showing nervous tension, marked by strain or suspense
(verb) to make tense, to become tense
(noun) a distinction of form in a verb to express distinctions of time or duration of the action or state it denotes, a set of inflectional forms of a verb that express distinctions of time, an inflectional form of a verb expressing a specific time distinction
(adjective) extremely or excessively tense, affected with hypertension : hypertensive
- tensile (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) capable of tension : ductile, of, relating to, or involving tension
(noun) the greatest longitudinal stress a substance can bear without tearing apart
- tension (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) inner striving, unrest, or imbalance often with physiological indication of emotion, a state of latent hostility or opposition between individuals or groups, a balance maintained in an artistic work between opposing forces or elements
(verb) to subject to tension; especially : to tighten to a desired or appropriate degree
(adjective) having or using a high voltage
- tent (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a collapsible shelter of fabric (such as nylon or canvas) stretched and sustained by poles and used for camping outdoors or as a temporary building, dwelling, something that resembles a tent or that serves as a shelter; especially : a canopy or enclosure placed over the head and shoulders to retain vapors or oxygen being medically administered
(verb) to reside for the time being : lodge, to live in a tent, to cover with or as if with a tent
(verb) to attend to
- tents (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to reside for the time being : lodge, to live in a tent, to cover with or as if with a tent
(verb) to attend to
(noun) a collapsible shelter of fabric (such as nylon or canvas) stretched and sustained by poles and used for camping outdoors or as a temporary building, dwelling, something that resembles a tent or that serves as a shelter; especially : a canopy or enclosure placed over the head and shoulders to retain vapors or oxygen being medically administered
- tepid (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) moderately warm : lukewarm, lacking in passion, force, or zest, marked by an absence of enthusiasm or conviction
- terms (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject, expression of a specified kind, a limited or definite extent of time; especially : the time for which something lasts : duration, tenure
(verb) to apply a term to : call, name
- terrains (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a geographic area, a piece of land : ground, the physical features of a tract of land
- testify (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a fact (as in a court), to make a statement based on personal knowledge or belief : bear witness, to serve as evidence or proof
(idiom) to talk and answer questions about something especially in a court of law because the defense/prosecution has asked one to and while formally promising that what one is saying is true
- testing (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) requiring maximum effort or ability
(verb) to put to test or proof : try —often used with out, to require a doctrinal oath of, to undergo a test
(verb) to test (a procedure, a product, etc.) in actual situations reflecting intended use
(verb) to test (an airplane, a spacecraft, etc.) in flight
- texaco (5)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) type of gas station
- text (10)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) the original words and form of a written or printed work, an edited or emended copy of an original work, a work containing such text
(verb) to send a text message from one cell phone to another, to communicate by text messaging
- textile (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) cloth; especially : a woven or knit cloth, a fiber, filament, or yarn used in making cloth
- texts (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the original words and form of a written or printed work, an edited or emended copy of an original work, a work containing such text
(verb) to send a text message from one cell phone to another, to communicate by text messaging
- texture (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance of something, the disposition or manner of union of the particles of a body or substance, a composite of the elements of prose or poetry
(verb) to give a particular texture to
- textured (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance of something, the disposition or manner of union of the particles of a body or substance, a composite of the elements of prose or poetry
(verb) to give a particular texture to
- textures (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance of something, the disposition or manner of union of the particles of a body or substance, a composite of the elements of prose or poetry
(verb) to give a particular texture to
- than (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3)
(conjunction) —used as a function word to indicate the second member or the member taken as the point of departure in a comparison expressive of inequality—used with comparative adjectives and comparative adverbs, —used as a function word to indicate difference of kind, manner, or identity—used especially with some adjectives and adverbs that express diversity, rather than —usually used only after prefer, preferable, and preferably
(preposition) in comparison with
(adjective) of greater weight than the air displaced
(adjective) marked by an air of superior piety or morality
(adjective) of the sort legends are made of
(adjective) of less weight than the air displaced
- thank (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to express gratitude to —used in the phrase thank you usually without a subject to politely express gratitude or sometimes to emphasize a preceding statement especially by implying that it is not subject to question —used in such phrases as thank God, thank goodness usually without a subject to express gratitude or more often only the speaker's or writer's pleasure or satisfaction in something, to hold responsible
(noun) a polite expression of one's gratitude
(noun) a bump or depression in a road; especially : a ridge or hollow made across a road on a hillside to cause water to run off
- that (25)
- in books ::: artist (11), birdland (4), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (5)
(pronoun) the person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation, the time, action, or event specified, the kind or thing specified as follows
(conjunction) —used as a function word to introduce a noun clause that is usually the subject or object of a verb or a predicate nominative, —used as a function word to introduce a subordinate clause that is anticipated by the expletive it occurring as subject of the verb, —used as a function word to introduce a subordinate clause that is joined as complement to a noun or adjective
(adjective) being the person, thing, or idea specified, mentioned, or understood, being the one specified —usually used for emphasis, so great a : such
(pronoun) —used as a function word to introduce a restrictive relative clause and to serve as a substitute within that clause for the substantive modified by the clause, at which : in which : on which : by which : with which : to which, according to what : to the extent of what —used after a negative
(adverb) to such an extent, very, extremely —usually used with the negative
- thatch (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(verb) to cover with or as if with thatch
(noun) a plant material (such as straw) used as a sheltering cover especially of a house, a sheltering cover (such as a house roof) made of such material, a mat of undecomposed plant material (such as grass clippings) accumulated next to the soil in a grassy area (such as a lawn)
- theater (6)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a building or area for dramatic performances, a building or area for showing motion pictures, an outdoor structure for dramatic performances or spectacles in ancient Greece and Rome
(adjective) of, relating to, or appropriate for use in a theater of operations
(noun) a theater in which the stage is located in the center of the auditorium —called also arena theater, the style or method of staging plays in a theater-in-the-round
- their (6)
- in books ::: artist (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action, his or her : his, her, its —used with an indefinite third person singular antecedent
(noun) a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not present or does not exist : a state or condition in which something is absent, a failure to be present at a usual or expected place : the state of being absent, the period of time that one is absent
(noun) a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern, a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance, reckoning, computation
(noun) a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes, a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles, a hardwood lane for bowling; also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes
(noun) any of a family (Formicidae) of colonial hymenopterous insects with a complex social organization and various castes performing special duties
(noun) the fleshy, usually rounded red, yellow, or green edible pome fruit of a usually cultivated tree (genus Malus) of the rose family; also : an apple tree, a fruit (such as a star apple) or other vegetative growth (such as an oak apple) suggestive of an apple
(noun) the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine, the body considered as the wearer of clothes, capacity for labor, effort, or endurance
(noun) a resounding blow, a sudden loud noise —often used interjectionally, a sudden striking effect
- them (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(pronoun) they —used as object of a verb or preposition, those —used especially as antecedent to a relative pronoun —used as the subject of a verb chiefly in nonstandard speech and for humorous effect
(adjective) those —used chiefly in nonstandard speech and for humorous effect
(idiom) —used to say that all of a certain type of thing look the same
(noun) a cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood, a hammer with a sharp edge for dressing or spalling stone, removal from office or release from employment : dismissal —usually used with the
(noun) a hollow metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound when struck, doorbell, the sounding of a bell as a signal
(verb) to seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound, to wound, pierce, or sting especially with a fang or a proboscis, to cut or pierce with or as if with an edged weapon
(noun) a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule, automobile, a small hand truck
(noun) a piece of glowing carbon or charred wood : ember, charcoal, a black or brownish-black solid combustible substance formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter without free access of air and under the influence of moisture and often increased pressure and temperature that is widely used as a natural fuel
(verb) to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn, to destroy, consume, or waste by or as if by eating, to bear the expense of : take a loss on
(adverb) at or to a considerable distance in space, to a great extent : much, by a broad interval : widely
- then (15)
- in books ::: birdland (8), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (5)
(adverb) at that time, soon after that : next in order of time, following next after in order of position, narration, or enumeration : being next in a series
(noun) that time
(adjective) existing or acting at or belonging to the time mentioned
(adverb) to, toward, or at the rear, in or into the past : backward in time; also : ago, to or at an angle off the vertical
- theorem (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a formula, proposition, or statement in mathematics or logic deduced or to be deduced from other formulas or propositions, an idea accepted or proposed as a demonstrable truth often as a part of a general theory : proposition, stencil
(noun) a theorem about conditional probabilities: the probability that an event A occurs given that another event B has already occurred is equal to the probability that the event B occurs given that A has already occurred multiplied by the probability of occurrence of event A and divided by the probability of occurrence of event B
(noun) a theorem that specifies the expansion of a binomial of the form ...
(noun) any of several fundamental theorems of probability and statistics that state the conditions under which the distribution of a sum of independent random variables is approximated by the normal distribution; especially : one which is much applied in sampling and which states that the distribution of a mean of a sample from a population with finite variance is approximated by the normal distribution as the number in the sample becomes large
(noun) a theorem of complex numbers: the nth power of a complex number has for its absolute value and its argument respectively the nth power of the absolute value and n times the argument of the complex number
(noun) a theorem in number theory: the equation xⁿ + yⁿ = zⁿ has no solutions when x, y, z, and n are all positive integers and n is greater than 2
(noun) a theorem in mathematics: under suitable conditions any periodic function can be represented by a Fourier series
(noun) a theorem in advanced logic: in any logical system as complex as or more complex than the arithmetic of the integers there can always be found either a statement which can be shown to be both true and false or a statement whose truth or falsity cannot be deduced from other statements in the system —called also Godel's incompleteness theorem
(noun) a fundamental theorem of topology: every simple closed curve divides the plane into two regions for which it is the common boundary
(noun) a theorem in differential calculus: if a function of one variable is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on the interval minus its endpoints there is at least one point where the derivative of the function is equal to the slope of the line joining the endpoints of the curve representing the function on the interval, a theorem in integral calculus: if a function of one variable is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on the interval minus its endpoints, there is at least one point in the interval where the product of the value of the function and the length of the interval is equal to the integral of the function over the interval
- theorems (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a formula, proposition, or statement in mathematics or logic deduced or to be deduced from other formulas or propositions, an idea accepted or proposed as a demonstrable truth often as a part of a general theory : proposition, stencil
- theory (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena, a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action, an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory
- there (18)
- in books ::: birdland (15), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in or at that place —often used interjectionally, to or into that place : thither, at that point or stage
(pronoun) —used as a function word to introduce a sentence or clause, —used as an indefinite substitute for a name
(noun) that place or position, that point
(adjective) —used for emphasis especially after a demonstrative pronoun or a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective, —used for emphasis after a demonstrative adjective but before the noun modified, capable of being relied on for support or aid
- thermal (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) of, relating to, or caused by heat, being or involving a state of matter dependent upon temperature, having low energies of the order of those due to thermal agitation
(noun) a rising body of warm air
(noun) the discharge of heated liquid (such as wastewater from a factory) into natural waters at a temperature harmful to the environment
(noun) a dot matrix printer (as for a computer) in which heat is applied to the pins of the matrix to form dots on usually heat-sensitive paper
(noun) the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at a specified temperature (such as 39°F)
(noun) winter underwear that covers the arms and legs
- thermionic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) relating to, using, or being the emission of charged particles (such as electrons) by an incandescent material
- thermoelastic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) Thermoelastic behavior is defined by stating that the thermodynamic functions e and s as well as the stress tensor, σ, are one-to-one functions of the independent state variables ɛ and T
- thermos (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a container (such as a bottle or jar) with a vacuum between an inner and outer wall used to keep material and especially liquids either hot or cold for considerable periods
- these (6)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (4)
(pronoun) the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned, what is stated in the following phrase, clause, or discourse, this time or place
(adjective) being the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned, constituting the immediately following part of the present discourse, constituting the immediate past or future
- they (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(pronoun) those ones : those people, animals, or things, —used to refer to people in a general way or to a group of people who are not specified, —used with a singular indefinite pronoun antecedent
(noun) an international organization that promotes the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical welfare originally of young men —usually used with the —sometimes shortened informally to the Y
(noun) an international organization that promotes the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical welfare originally of young women —usually used with the —sometimes shortened informally to the Y
(verb) to seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound, to wound, pierce, or sting especially with a fang or a proboscis, to cut or pierce with or as if with an edged weapon
(noun) place, location, what place, source, or cause
(adjective) having monetary or material value, estimable
- thick (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) having or being of relatively great depth or extent from one surface to its opposite, heavily built : thickset, close-packed with units or individuals
(adverb) in a thick manner : thickly
(noun) the most crowded or active part, the part of greatest thickness
(adjective) having a thick skin : pachydermatous, callous, insensitive, impervious to criticism
(adjective) dull or slow of mind : stupid
- thicker (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having or being of relatively great depth or extent from one surface to its opposite, heavily built : thickset, close-packed with units or individuals
(adverb) in a thick manner : thickly
- thicket (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a dense growth of shrubbery or small trees : copse, something resembling a thicket in density or impenetrability : tangle
- thief (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that steals especially stealthily or secretly; also : one who commits theft or larceny
(noun) a thief who steals whatever is readily available without using violence or forcibly breaking into buildings
- thin (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having little extent from one surface to its opposite, measuring little in cross section or diameter, not dense in arrangement or distribution
(verb) to make thin or thinner:, to reduce in thickness or depth : attenuate, to make less dense or viscous
(adverb) in a thin manner : thinly —used especially in combination
(adjective) having a thin skin or rind, unduly susceptible to criticism or insult : touchy
(adjective) extremely thin
- thing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an object or entity not precisely designated or capable of being designated, an inanimate object distinguished from a living being, a separate and distinct individual quality, fact, idea, or usually entity
(noun) a high-pitched sound like that made by a light stroke on a crystal goblet
(noun) noumenon
- things (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an object or entity not precisely designated or capable of being designated, an inanimate object distinguished from a living being, a separate and distinct individual quality, fact, idea, or usually entity
- think (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to form or have in the mind, to have as an intention, to have as an opinion
(noun) an act of thinking
(adjective) relating to, requiring, or stimulating thinking
- third (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) being next after the second in place or time, ranking next after the second of a grade or degree in authority or precedence, being the forward speed or gear next higher than second especially in a motor vehicle
(noun) one that is number three in a series, one that is next after second in rank, position, authority, or precedence, one of three equal parts of something
(adjective) of or relating to a class, rank, or grade next below the second
- thirst (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids; also : the bodily condition (as of dehydration) that induces this sensation, a desire or need to drink, an ardent desire : craving, longing
(verb) to feel thirsty : suffer thirst, to crave vehemently and urgently after justice
- this (72)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (25), blueWindow (14), fieldNotes (30)
(pronoun) the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned, what is stated in the following phrase, clause, or discourse, this time or place
(adjective) being the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned, constituting the immediately following part of the present discourse, constituting the immediate past or future
(adverb) to the degree or extent indicated by something in the immediate context or situation
(noun) interest in, concern with, or devotion to things of this world especially as opposed to a future stage of existence (as after death)
(adjective) characterized by or manifesting this-worldliness
- thought (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) something that is thought: such as, an individual act or product of thinking, a developed intention or plan
(verb) to form or have in the mind, to have as an intention, to have as an opinion
(noun) gedankenexperiment
(adjective) produced or arrived at through mental effort and especially through careful and thorough consideration
(plural noun) the way a person thinks about things
(adjective) causing people to think seriously about something
(noun) unorthodox attitudes or beliefs; specifically : 18th century deism
(noun) reconsideration or a revised opinion of a previous often hurried decision
(adjective) being of good repute
- thoughts (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something that is thought: such as, an individual act or product of thinking, a developed intention or plan
- thousand (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a number equal to 10 times 100, a very large number
(noun) millipede
- thread (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a filament, a group of filaments twisted together, or a filamentous length formed by spinning and twisting short textile fibers into a continuous strand, a piece of thread, any of various natural filaments
(verb) to pass a thread through the eye of (a needle), to arrange a thread, yarn, or lead-in piece in working position for use in (a machine), to pass something through in the manner of a thread
- threaded (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to pass a thread through the eye of (a needle), to arrange a thread, yarn, or lead-in piece in working position for use in (a machine), to pass something through in the manner of a thread
- threads (9)
- in books ::: birdland (8), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a filament, a group of filaments twisted together, or a filamentous length formed by spinning and twisting short textile fibers into a continuous strand, a piece of thread, any of various natural filaments
(verb) to pass a thread through the eye of (a needle), to arrange a thread, yarn, or lead-in piece in working position for use in (a machine), to pass something through in the manner of a thread
- threshold (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the plank, stone, or piece of timber that lies under a door : sill, gate, door, end, boundary; specifically : the end of a runway
(idiom) at the beginning of something or very close to something (such as a new condition, an important discovery, etc.) —usually + of
(noun) the level at which someone experiences pain
- thresholds (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the plank, stone, or piece of timber that lies under a door : sill, gate, door, end, boundary; specifically : the end of a runway
- thrivance (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the state of thriving
- throng (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a multitude of assembled persons, a large number : host, a crowding together of many persons
(verb) to crowd upon : press, to crowd into : pack, to crowd together in great numbers
- through (22)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (7), blueWindow (4), fieldNotes (9)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate movement into at one side or point and out at another and especially the opposite side of, by way of, —used as a function word to indicate passage from one end or boundary to another
(adverb) from one end or side to the other, from beginning to end, to completion, conclusion, or accomplishment
(adjective) arrived at completion or accomplishment, washed-up, finished, admitting free or continuous passage : direct
(adjective) having new music provided for each stanza
- throw (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm, to propel through the air in any manner, pitch
(noun) an act of throwing, hurling, or flinging, an act of throwing dice, the number thrown with a cast of dice
(noun) . . .
- thrown (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm, to propel through the air in any manner, pitch
(adjective) made on a potter's wheel
(noun) a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule, automobile, a small hand truck
(noun) comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light, relative obscurity or retirement, shelter (as by foliage) from the heat and glare of sunlight
- throws (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm, to propel through the air in any manner, pitch
(noun) an act of throwing, hurling, or flinging, an act of throwing dice, the number thrown with a cast of dice
(noun) a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule, automobile, a small hand truck
(noun) a light spear thrown as a weapon of war or in hunting, a slender usually metal shaft at least 260 centimeters long that is thrown for distance in an athletic field event, an athletic field event in which a javelin is thrown for distance
(noun) comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light, relative obscurity or retirement, shelter (as by foliage) from the heat and glare of sunlight
- thrum (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to sound with a monotonous hum, to play or pluck a stringed instrument idly : strum, to play (something, such as a stringed instrument) in an idle or relaxed manner
(noun) the monotonous sound of thrumming
(noun) a fringe of warp threads left on the loom after the cloth has been removed, one of these warp threads, a tuft or short piece of rope yarn used in thrumming canvas —usually used in plural
(verb) to furnish with thrums : fringe, to insert short pieces of rope yarn or spun yarn in (a piece of canvas) to make a rough surface or a mat which can be wrapped about rigging to prevent chafing
- thrumming (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to sound with a monotonous hum, to play or pluck a stringed instrument idly : strum, to play (something, such as a stringed instrument) in an idle or relaxed manner
(verb) to furnish with thrums : fringe, to insert short pieces of rope yarn or spun yarn in (a piece of canvas) to make a rough surface or a mat which can be wrapped about rigging to prevent chafing
- thunder (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the sound that follows a flash of lightning and is caused by sudden expansion of the air in the path of the electrical discharge, bang, rumble, a loud utterance or threat
(verb) to produce thunder —usually used impersonally, to give forth a sound that resembles thunder, roar, shout
(verb) to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice, to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly, to steal or attempt to steal a base
- ticker (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something that ticks or produces a ticking sound: such as, watch, a telegraphic receiving instrument that automatically prints off information (such as stock quotations or news) on a paper ribbon
- ticket (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a certificate or token showing that a fare or admission fee has been paid, a means of access or passage, a summons or warning issued to a traffic-law violator
(verb) to furnish or serve with a ticket, to attach a ticket to : label; also : designate
(noun) a license or permit formerly given in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations to a convict under imprisonment to go at large and to get work subject to certain specific conditions
(adjective) having a high price, having great importance or prominence : major
- tide (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean and of water bodies (such as gulfs and bays) connected with the ocean that occurs usually twice a day and is the result of differing gravitational forces exerted at different parts of the earth by another body (such as the moon or sun), a less marked rising and falling of an inland body of water, a periodic movement in the earth's crust caused by the same forces that produce ocean tides
(verb) to flow as or in a tide : surge, to cause to float with or as if with the tide
(verb) betide, befall
- tides (7)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean and of water bodies (such as gulfs and bays) connected with the ocean that occurs usually twice a day and is the result of differing gravitational forces exerted at different parts of the earth by another body (such as the moon or sun), a less marked rising and falling of an inland body of water, a periodic movement in the earth's crust caused by the same forces that produce ocean tides
(verb) to flow as or in a tide : surge, to cause to float with or as if with the tide
(verb) betide, befall
- tied (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to fasten, attach, or close by means of a tie, to form a knot or bow in, to make by tying constituent elements
(adjective) unable or disinclined to speak freely (as from shyness), affected with tongue-tie
(adjective) acceptable from a particular viewpoint (as of competence or morality) : proper, adapted to an end or design : suitable by nature or by art, adapted to the environment so as to be capable of surviving
(verb) to tie together the feet of, to make helpless : stymie
(verb) to deprive of speech or the power of distinct articulation
- ties (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to fasten, attach, or close by means of a tie, to form a knot or bow in, to make by tying constituent elements
(noun) a line, ribbon, or cord used for fastening, uniting, or drawing something closed; especially : shoelace, a structural element (such as a rod or angle iron) holding two pieces together : a tension member in a construction, any of the transverse supports to which railroad rails are fastened to keep them in line
(noun suffix) quality : condition : degree
(verb) to tie together the feet of, to make helpless : stymie
- tight (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having elements close together, so close in structure as to prevent passage or escape (as of liquid, gas, or light), fitting very close to the body; also : too snug
(adverb) fast, tightly, firmly, in a sound manner : soundly
(noun) a rigidly straitlaced, conventional, or inhibited person
(adjective) closely integrated and bound in love or friendship
(adjective) having the lips closed tight (as in determination), reluctant to speak : taciturn
(adjective) closemouthed
(noun) a woman's short usually knitted sleeveless close-fitting jacket
- tightly (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having elements close together, so close in structure as to prevent passage or escape (as of liquid, gas, or light), fitting very close to the body; also : too snug
- tightrope (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a rope or wire stretched taut for acrobats to perform on, a dangerously precarious situation —usually used in the phrase walk a tightrope
- till (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(preposition) until, to
(conjunction) until
(verb) to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops : cultivate
(noun) a money drawer in a store or bank; also : cash register, a box, drawer, or tray in a receptacle (such as a cabinet or chest) used especially for valuables, the money contained in a till
(noun) unstratified glacial drift consisting of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders intermingled
(undefined) until
(noun) no-tillage
- tilted (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cause to have an inclination, to point or thrust in or as if in a tilt, to charge against
(verb) to cover or provide with a tilt
- time (33)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (6), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (18)
(noun) the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration, a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future, leisure
(verb) to arrange or set the time of : schedule, to regulate (a watch) to keep correct time, to set the tempo, speed, or duration of
(adjective) of or relating to time, recording time, timed to ignite or explode at a specific moment
(adjective) using or taking up a great deal of time, wasteful of time
- time-based (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) clocks, cycles ::: moment chains, temporal gears
- times (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(preposition) multiplied by
(noun) the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration, a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future, leisure
(verb) to arrange or set the time of : schedule, to regulate (a watch) to keep correct time, to set the tempo, speed, or duration of
- timestamp (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a stamping device used for recording the date and time of day on a document, envelope, etc. (as to indicate when it was received or sent out), an indication of the date and time stamped on a document, envelope, etc., an indication of the date and time recorded as part of a digital signal or file (such as an email, digital photograph, radio broadcast, or text message) indicating the time of creation, transmission, etc.
- timetables (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a table of departure and arrival times of trains, buses, or airplanes, a schedule showing a planned order or sequence, program
- tin (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a soft faintly bluish-white lustrous low-melting crystalline metallic element that is malleable and ductile at ordinary temperatures and that is used especially in containers, as a protective coating, in tinfoil, and in soft solders and alloys, a box, can, pan, vessel, or a sheet made of tinplate; broadly : such a container of any metal (such as aluminum), a metal container and its contents
(verb) to cover or plate with tin or a tin alloy, to put up or pack in tins : can
(abbreviation) taxpayer identification number
(verb) to plate or coat (something, such as a metal sheet) with tin
(adjective) two-bit
- tinged (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to color with a slight shade or stain : tint, to affect or modify with a slight odor or taste, to affect or modify in character
(noun) a high-pitched sound like that made by a light stroke on a crystal goblet
- tiny (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) very small or diminutive : minute
- tired (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) drained of strength and energy : fatigued often to the point of exhaustion, obviously worn by hard use : run-down, trite, hackneyed
(verb) to become weary, to exhaust or greatly decrease the physical strength of : fatigue, to wear out the patience of : bore
(verb) attire, to adorn (the hair) with an ornament
(adjective) very tired : exhausted
- tires (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to become weary, to exhaust or greatly decrease the physical strength of : fatigue, to wear out the patience of : bore
(noun) a rubber cushion that fits around a wheel (as of an automobile) and usually contains compressed air, a metal hoop forming the tread of a wheel
(noun) attire, a woman's headband or hair ornament
(verb) attire, to adorn (the hair) with an ornament
(noun) a flexible low-pressure pneumatic tire with a large cross section designed to provide cushioning
(noun) a pneumatic tire with a belt (as of steel or fiberglass) to help prevent punctures that is under the tread and on top of the plies of cords which form the tire's carcass and which are set diagonally to the center line of the tread
(noun) a pneumatic tire having crossed plies of cords set diagonally to the center line of the tread
(noun) an automotive tire with a tread designed to give added traction on snow
(verb) to become bored by (something) : to stop being interested in (something)
- titration (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a method or process of determining the concentration of a dissolved substance in terms of the smallest amount of reagent of known concentration required to bring about a given effect in reaction with a known volume of the test solution
- titrations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a method or process of determining the concentration of a dissolved substance in terms of the smallest amount of reagent of known concentration required to bring about a given effect in reaction with a known volume of the test solution
- to (120)
- in books ::: artist (47), birdland (35), blueWindow (14), fieldNotes (24)
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing reached, —used as a function word to indicate direction, —used as a function word to indicate contact or proximity
(adverb) —used as a function word to indicate direction toward, close to the wind, to a state of consciousness or awareness
(abbreviation) table of organization, traditional orthography, turnover
(noun) activity involving alternating movement in opposite directions
(adjective) forward and backward
(adjective) that is to be : future —usually used postpositively and often in combination
(noun) bustle, stir, fuss
- to-do (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) bustle, stir, fuss
(verb) to bring to pass : carry out, put —used chiefly in do to death, perform, execute
(adjective) having more than adequate financial resources : prosperous
(verb) to hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement, to hold in one's use, service, regard, or at one's disposal, to hold, include, or contain as a part or whole
- toasters (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one that toasts; especially : an electrical appliance for toasting
- today (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) on or for this day, at the present time
(noun) the present day, time, or age
(adjective) of or characteristic of today : now
(adjective) taking place, made, or done in the course of days; also : everyday, providing for a day at a time with little thought for the future
(noun) a usual routine that occurs each day
- together (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) in or into one place, mass, collection, or group, in a body : as a group, in or into contact, connection, collision, or union
(adjective) appropriately prepared, organized, or balanced, composed in mind or manner : self-possessed
(noun) meeting; especially : an informal social gathering
- tolls (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to take or levy toll, to exact part of as a toll, to take as toll
(verb) to sound with slow measured strokes, to sound (a bell) by pulling the rope, to give signal or announcement of
(noun) a tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge), compensation for services rendered: such as, a charge for transportation
(noun) the sound of a tolling bell
(verb) allure, entice, to entice (game) to approach, to attract (fish) with scattered bait
- tomb (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an excavation in which a corpse is buried : grave, a place of interment, a house, chamber, or vault for the dead
(verb) bury, entomb
- tomorrow (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) on or for the day after today
(noun) the day after the present, future
- tonal (12)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (5), fieldNotes (6)
(adjective) of or relating to tone, tonality, or tonicity, having tonality
- tonality (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) tonal quality, key, the organization of all the tones and harmonies of a piece of music in relation to a tonic
- tone (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) vocal or musical sound of a specific quality; especially : musical sound with respect to timbre and manner of expression, a sound of definite pitch and vibration, whole step
(verb) to soften or reduce in intensity, color, appearance, or sound : mellow —often used with down, to impart tone to : strengthen; especially : to increase the firmness, strength, or tautness of (a part of the body), to change the normal silver image of (something, such as a photographic print) into a colored image
(adjective) relatively insensitive to differences in musical pitch, having or showing an obtuse insensitivity or lack of perception particularly in matters of public sentiment, opinion, or taste
- too (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) besides, also, to an excessive degree : excessively, to such a degree as to be regrettable
(adjective) going beyond the bounds of convention, good taste, or common sense : extreme, la-di-da
(idiom) —used to show that one is sorry or feels bad about something, —used in an ironic way to show that one is not sorry or does not feel bad about something
(idiom) too confident or proud of oneself
(idiom) too confident or proud of oneself
(idiom) clever in a way that is annoying or that causes problems
(idiom) close enough to make a person feel nervous, worried, or upset
(idiom) too close to say who will win
(idiom) —used to say that something cannot be as good as it seems to be
(idiom) so good that no one would want to fail to use it, have it, or enjoy it
- too-long (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) too long fair
- took (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to get into one's hands, to seize or capture physically, to get possession of (fish or game) by capturing
- tool (5)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task, the cutting or shaping part in a machine or machine tool, a machine for shaping metal : machine tool
(verb) drive, ride, to equip a plant or industry with the means (such as machines, machine tools, and instruments) of production —often used with up, to shape, form, or finish with a tool; especially : to letter or ornament (something, such as leather or gold) by means of hand tools
(noun) a design (as on the binding of a book) made by tooling
(noun) a compact, portable device that has blades and extensions for many tools (such as knives, screwdrivers, pliers, scissors, openers, and saw blades) which can be folded into the handle
- tools (4)
- in books ::: artist (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task, the cutting or shaping part in a machine or machine tool, a machine for shaping metal : machine tool
(verb) drive, ride, to equip a plant or industry with the means (such as machines, machine tools, and instruments) of production —often used with up, to shape, form, or finish with a tool; especially : to letter or ornament (something, such as leather or gold) by means of hand tools
(noun) a design (as on the binding of a book) made by tooling
(noun) a compact, portable device that has blades and extensions for many tools (such as knives, screwdrivers, pliers, scissors, openers, and saw blades) which can be folded into the handle
- tooth (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of the hard bony appendages that are borne on the jaws or in many of the lower vertebrates on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx and serve especially for the prehension and mastication of food and as weapons of offense and defense, any of various usually hard and sharp processes especially about the mouth of an invertebrate, a projection resembling or suggesting the tooth of an animal in shape, arrangement, or action : such as
- top (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the highest point, level, or part of something : summit, crown, a garment worn on the upper body, the head of a plant; especially : the aboveground part of a plant having edible roots
(adjective) of, relating to, or being at the top : uppermost, chief, leading, of the highest quality, amount, or degree
(verb) to be or become higher than : overtop, to be superior to : excel, surpass, to gain ascendancy over : dominate
(noun) a commonly cylindrical or conoidal device that has a tapering point on which it is made to spin and that is used especially as a toy
(combining form) place : locality, topology
- topographic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or concerned with topography
- topologies (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) topographic study of a particular place; specifically : the history of a region as indicated by its topography, a branch of mathematics concerned with those properties of geometric configurations (such as point sets) which are unaltered by elastic deformations (such as a stretching or a twisting) that are homeomorphisms, the set of all open subsets of a topological space
(noun) a branch of topology concerned with the properties and theory of topological spaces and metric spaces developed with emphasis on set theory
- topology (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) topographic study of a particular place; specifically : the history of a region as indicated by its topography, a branch of mathematics concerned with those properties of geometric configurations (such as point sets) which are unaltered by elastic deformations (such as a stretching or a twisting) that are homeomorphisms, the set of all open subsets of a topological space
- torch (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a burning stick of resinous wood or twist of tow used to give light and usually carried in the hand : flambeau, something (such as tradition, wisdom, or knowledge) likened to a torch as giving light or guidance, any of various portable devices for emitting an unusually hot flame
(verb) to set fire to with or as if with a torch
(verb) to move while supporting : transport, to convey by direct communication, conduct, escort
- torched (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to set fire to with or as if with a torch
- torn (7)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to separate parts of or pull apart by force : rend, to wound by or as if by pulling apart by force : lacerate, to divide or disrupt by the pull of contrary forces
(adjective) very badly harmed or damaged by war : torn apart by war
- torrent (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a violent or forceful flow of fluid; especially : a rushing stream of water, a heavy downpour of rain — usually used in plural, a tumultuous outpouring : rush — often used in plural
(verb) to move in a torrent, to download via a torrent
(adjective) torrential
- torrential (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) relating to or having the character of a torrent, caused by or resulting from action of rapid streams, resembling a torrent in violence or rapidity of flow
- torrents (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a violent or forceful flow of fluid; especially : a rushing stream of water, a heavy downpour of rain — usually used in plural, a tumultuous outpouring : rush — often used in plural
(verb) to move in a torrent, to download via a torrent
- touch (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense : handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate, to put hands upon in any way or degree; especially : to commit violence upon, to take into the hands or mouth
(noun) the act or fact of touching; also : the act or an instance of handling or controlling a ball (as in basketball or soccer), the special sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin or mucous membrane is perceived, a specified sensation that arises in response to stimulation of the tactile receptors : feel
(noun) an airplane landing followed immediately by application of power and a takeoff and usually executed as one of a series for practice at landings
(noun) either of two North American impatiens growing in moist areas: such as, one (Impatiens capensis) typically having orange flowers spotted with reddish brown, one (I. pallida) having typically yellow flowers sometimes spotted with reddish brown
- touching (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) capable of arousing emotions of tenderness or compassion
(preposition) in reference to : concerning
(verb) to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense : handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate, to put hands upon in any way or degree; especially : to commit violence upon, to take into the hands or mouth
(noun) the bottom of something considered as its support : foundation, that part of a bodily organ by which it is attached to another more central structure of the organism, the lower part of a wall, pier, or column considered as a separate architectural feature
- tours (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to make a tour of, to present (something, such as a theatrical production) on a tour, to make a tour
(noun) a journey for business, pleasure, or education often involving a series of stops and ending at the starting point; also : something resembling such a tour, a series of professional tournaments (as in golf or tennis), a brief turn : round
- toward (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(preposition) in the direction of, along a course leading to, in relation to
(adjective) coming soon : imminent, happening at the moment : afoot, quick to learn : apt
(noun) a specialized light-sensitive sensory structure of animals that in nearly all vertebrates, most arthropods, and some mollusks is the image-forming organ of sight; especially : the nearly spherical usually paired hollow organ of sight in vertebrates that is filled with a jellylike material, is lined with a photosensitive retina, and is lodged in a bony orbit in the skull, all the visible structures within and surrounding the orbit and including eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows, the faculty of seeing with eyes
- towards (9)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (3), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (2)
(preposition) in the direction of, along a course leading to, in relation to
(adjective) coming soon : imminent, happening at the moment : afoot, quick to learn : apt
- tower (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a building or structure typically higher than its diameter and high relative to its surroundings that may stand apart (such as a campanile) or be attached (such as a church belfry) to a larger structure and that may be fully walled in or of skeleton framework (such as an observation or transmission tower), a towering citadel : fortress, one that provides support or protection : bulwark
(verb) to reach or rise to a great height, to exhibit superior qualities : surpass
- town (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a compactly settled area usually larger than a village but smaller than a city, a compactly settled area as distinguished from surrounding rural territory, a large densely populated urban area : city
- towns (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a compactly settled area usually larger than a village but smaller than a city, a compactly settled area as distinguished from surrounding rural territory, a large densely populated urban area : city
(adjective) drawn or operated by one horse, small, small-time
- trace (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a minute and often barely detectable amount or indication, an amount of a chemical constituent not always quantitatively determinable because of minuteness, a mark or line left by something that has passed; also : footprint
(verb) delineate, sketch, to form (letters, figures, etc.) carefully or painstakingly, to copy (something, such as a drawing) by following the lines or letters as seen through a transparent superimposed sheet
(noun) either of two straps, chains, or lines of a harness for attaching a draft animal to something (such as a vehicle) to be drawn, leader, one or more vascular bundles supplying a leaf or twig
- track (8)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a footprint whether recent or fossil, detectable evidence (such as the wake of a ship, a line of footprints, or a wheel rut) that something has passed, a path made by or as if by repeated footfalls : trail
(verb) to follow the tracks or traces of : trail, to search for by following evidence until found, to follow by vestiges : trace
(adjective) of, relating to, or being any of various competitive athletic events (such as running, jumping, and weight throwing) performed on a running track and on the adjacent field
(adjective) of, relating to, or moving along a fast track, of, relating to, or being a construction procedure in which work on a building begins before designs are completed, of or relating to authority granted to the President of the U.S. by Congress that allows the President to negotiate trade agreements which Congress must confirm or reject in their entirety
(verb) to speed up the processing, production, or construction of in order to meet a goal
(noun) an endless chain-track drive system that propels a vehicle supported in front by a pair of wheels, a motor vehicle propelled by half-tracks; specifically : one lightly armored for military use
- tracks (9)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to follow the tracks or traces of : trail, to search for by following evidence until found, to follow by vestiges : trace
(noun) a footprint whether recent or fossil, detectable evidence (such as the wake of a ship, a line of footprints, or a wheel rut) that something has passed, a path made by or as if by repeated footfalls : trail
(noun) an endless chain-track drive system that propels a vehicle supported in front by a pair of wheels, a motor vehicle propelled by half-tracks; specifically : one lightly armored for military use
- traditional (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) of or relating to tradition : consisting of or derived from tradition, handed down from age to age, following or conforming to tradition : adhering to past practices or established conventions
(adjective) opposed to or hostile toward traditional methods and attitudes : emphatically and deliberately untraditional
- traffic (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the vehicles, pedestrians, ships, or planes moving along a route, congestion of vehicles, the movement (as of vehicles or pedestrians) through an area or along a route
(verb) to carry on traffic, to concentrate one's effort or interest; broadly : engage, deal, to travel over
- trail (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to hang down so as to drag along or sweep the ground, to extend over a surface in a loose or straggling manner, to grow to such length as to droop over toward the ground
(noun) a track made by passage especially through a wilderness, a marked or established path or route especially through a forest or mountainous region, a trace or mark left by something that has passed or been drawn along : scent, track
- train (17)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (12), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive, an automotive tractor with one or more trailer units, retinue, suite
(verb) to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient, to form by instruction, discipline, or drill, to make prepared (as by exercise) for a test of skill
(noun) scheme, trick
- trains (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3)
(verb) to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient, to form by instruction, discipline, or drill, to make prepared (as by exercise) for a test of skill
(noun) a connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive, an automotive tractor with one or more trailer units, retinue, suite
(noun) scheme, trick
(verb) to engage in various sports or exercises especially for well-rounded health and muscular development, to train (an employee) to do more than one specific job
(verb) housebreak
- trajectories (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) the curve that a body (such as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space, a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory
- trajectory (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) the curve that a body (such as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space, a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory
- tranquilizer (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a drug used to reduce mental disturbance (such as anxiety and tension), one that tranquilizes
- trans (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1)
(adjective) transgender, transsexual, characterized by having certain groups of atoms on opposite sides of the longitudinal axis of a double bond or of the plane of a ring in a molecule
(abbreviation) transaction, transitive, translated; translation; translator, transmission, transportation
(prefix) on or to the other side of : across : beyond, beyond (a specified chemical element) in the periodic table, trans
- transact (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to carry to completion, to carry on the operation or management of : do, to carry on business
- transactions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) something transacted; especially : an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds, the often published record of the meeting of a society or association, an act, process, or instance of transacting
- transcendence (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the quality or state of being transcendent
(noun) the act of transcending oneself or the capacity to transcend oneself
- transcribe (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make a written copy of, to make a copy of (dictated or recorded matter) in longhand or on a machine (such as a typewriter), to paraphrase or summarize in writing
- transcription (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transcribing, copy, transcript: such as, an arrangement of a musical composition for some instrument or voice other than the original
- transcriptions (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transcribing, copy, transcript: such as, an arrangement of a musical composition for some instrument or voice other than the original
- transect (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to cut transversely
(noun) a sample area (as of vegetation) usually in the form of a long continuous strip
- transects (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to cut transversely
(noun) a sample area (as of vegetation) usually in the form of a long continuous strip
- transfer (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(verb) to convey from one person, place, or situation to another : move, shift, to cause to pass from one to another : transmit, transform, change
(noun) conveyance of right, title, or interest in real or personal property from one person to another, removal or acquisition of property by mere delivery with intent to transfer title, an act, process, or instance of transferring : transference
- transference (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transferring : conveyance, transfer, the redirection of feelings and desires and especially of those unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new object (such as a psychoanalyst conducting therapy)
- transfiguration (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a change in form or appearance : metamorphosis, an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change, a Christian feast that commemorates the transfiguration of Christ on a mountaintop in the presence of three disciples and that is observed on August 6 in the Roman Catholic and some Eastern churches and on the Sunday before Lent in most Protestant churches
- transfigured (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to : transform outwardly and usually for the better
- transform (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to change in composition or structure, to change the outward form or appearance of, to change in character or condition : convert
(noun) a mathematical element obtained from another by transformation, transformation, a linguistic structure (such as a sentence) produced by means of a transformation
(noun) a strike-slip fault that occurs typically between segments of a mid-ocean ridge or other tectonic-plate boundary and that is characterized by shallow high-magnitude earthquakes
(noun) any of various functions (such as F(u)) that under suitable conditions can be obtained from given functions (such as f(x)) by multiplying by eiux and integrating over all values of x and that in scientific instrumentation describe the dependence of the average of a series of measurements (as of a spectrum) on a quantity of interest (such as brightness) especially of a very small magnitude —called also Fourier transformation
(noun) a transformation of a function f(x) into the function ... that is useful especially in reducing the solution of an ordinary linear differential equation with constant coefficients to the solution of a polynomial equation
- transformation (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed, false hair worn especially by a woman to replace or supplement natural hair, the operation of changing (as by rotation or mapping) one configuration or expression into another in accordance with a mathematical rule; especially : a change of variables or coordinates in which a function of new variables or coordinates is substituted for each original variable or coordinate
(noun) the act, process, or result of transforming oneself; especially : a transforming of one's own thoughts, actions, or behavior
- transformations (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed, false hair worn especially by a woman to replace or supplement natural hair, the operation of changing (as by rotation or mapping) one configuration or expression into another in accordance with a mathematical rule; especially : a change of variables or coordinates in which a function of new variables or coordinates is substituted for each original variable or coordinate
(noun) a transformation in which the new variables are linear functions of the old variables, a function that maps the vectors of one vector space onto the vectors of the same or another vector space with the same field of scalars in such a way that the image of the sum of two vectors equals the sum of their images and the image of the product of a scalar and a vector equals the product of the scalar and the image of the vector
(noun) the act, process, or result of transforming oneself; especially : a transforming of one's own thoughts, actions, or behavior
(noun) homeomorphism
- transformers (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that transforms; specifically : a device employing the principle of mutual induction to convert variations of current in a primary circuit into variations of voltage and current in a secondary circuit
- transistor (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a solid-state electronic device that is used to control the flow of electricity in electronic equipment and usually consists of a small block of a semiconductor (such as germanium) with at least three electrodes, a transistorized radio
(noun) a small radio that has transistors
(noun) a transistor in which the output current is controlled by a variable electric field
- transition (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another, a period or phase in which such a change or shift is happening, something that links one state, subject, place, etc. to another : a connecting part or piece : such as
(verb) to make a change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another : to make a transition, to cause (something or someone) to change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another, to come to live in accordance with one's gender identity through a process that involves changes to one's appearance and presentation often with the aid of medical procedures and therapies
- translate (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to turn into one's own or another language, to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another : transcribe, to express in different terms and especially different words : paraphrase
- translation (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of translating: such as, a rendering from one language into another; also : the product of such a rendering, a change to a different substance, form, or appearance : conversion
(noun) a compound, derivative, or phrase that is introduced into a language through translation of the constituents of a term in another language (such as superman from German Übermensch)
(idiom) in translated form
(idiom) to fail to have the same meaning or effectiveness when it is translated into another language
- translations (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of translating: such as, a rendering from one language into another; also : the product of such a rendering, a change to a different substance, form, or appearance : conversion
- translator (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to turn into one's own or another language, to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another : transcribe, to express in different terms and especially different words : paraphrase
- translucent (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) permitting the passage of light:, transmitting and diffusing light so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly, clear, transparent
- transmigration (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to cause to go from one state of existence or place to another, to pass at death from one body or being to another, migrate
- transmission (13)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), fieldNotes (10)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transmitting, the passage of radio waves in the space between transmitting and receiving stations; also : the act or process of transmitting by radio or television, an assembly of parts including the speed-changing gears and the driveshaft by which the power is transmitted from an engine to a live axle; also : the speed-changing gears in such an assembly
- transmissions (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act, process, or instance of transmitting, the passage of radio waves in the space between transmitting and receiving stations; also : the act or process of transmitting by radio or television, an assembly of parts including the speed-changing gears and the driveshaft by which the power is transmitted from an engine to a live axle; also : the speed-changing gears in such an assembly
- transmitted (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to send or convey from one person or place to another : forward, to cause or allow to spread: such as, to convey by or as if by inheritance or heredity : hand down
- transmitter (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that transmits: such as, an apparatus for transmitting radio or television signals, neurotransmitter
- transport (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to transfer or convey from one place to another, to carry away with strong and often intensely pleasant emotion, to send to a penal colony overseas
(noun) an act or process of transporting : transportation, a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment, a vehicle (such as a truck or airplane) used to transport persons or goods
(noun) a roadside restaurant frequented chiefly by truck drivers
(noun) the movement of a chemical substance by the expenditure of energy against a gradient in concentration or in electrical potential across a plasma membrane
(noun) the sequential transfer of electrons especially by cytochromes in cellular respiration from an oxidizable substrate to molecular oxygen by a series of oxidation-reduction reactions
(noun) the movement of substances (as by diffusion) across a cell membrane without the expenditure of energy
(noun) a supersonic transport airplane
(noun) the coupled transport of chemical substances across a cell membrane in which the energy required to move a substance (such as glucose) against a gradient in concentration or in electrical potential is provided by the movement of another substance (such as a sodium ion) along its gradient in concentration or in electric potential
(noun) a communications protocol governing the exchange of data (such as HTML files) especially on the World Wide Web —called also hypertext transport protocol
(noun) mass transit
- trapeze (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a gymnastic or acrobatic apparatus consisting of a short horizontal bar suspended by two parallel ropes
(noun) a performer on the trapeze —called also trapeze artist
- trash (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something worth little or nothing: such as, things that are no longer useful or wanted and that have been thrown away : junk, rubbish, inferior or worthless writing or artistic matter (such as a television show); especially : such matter intended purely for sensational entertainment
(verb) throw away, vandalize, destroy, attack, assault
- trashcan (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a container that holds materials that have been thrown away
- traveler (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) one that travels: such as, one that goes on a trip or journey, traveling salesman
- traveling (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(adjective) going to different places instead of staying in one place, carried by, used by, or accompanying a traveler
(verb) to go on or as if on a trip or tour : journey, to go as if by traveling : pass, associate
- traversal (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the act or an instance of traversing
- traversals (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or an instance of traversing
- traverse (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to go or travel across or over, to move or pass along or through, to make a study of : examine
(noun) something that crosses or lies across, obstacle, adversity, a formal denial of a matter of fact alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleading
(adjective) lying across : transverse
(noun) petit jury
(noun) a metal rod or track with a pulley mechanism for drawing curtains
- treadle (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a swiveling or lever device pressed by the foot to drive a machine
(verb) to operate a treadle, to operate (a machine) by a treadle
- tree (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower part, a shrub or herb of arborescent form, something in the form of or resembling a tree: such as
(verb) to drive to or up a tree, to put into a position of extreme disadvantage : corner; especially : to bring to bay, to furnish or fit (a shoe) with a tree
- trees (6)
- in books ::: birdland (5), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower part, a shrub or herb of arborescent form, something in the form of or resembling a tree: such as
(verb) to drive to or up a tree, to put into a position of extreme disadvantage : corner; especially : to bring to bay, to furnish or fit (a shoe) with a tree
- trembling (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to shake involuntarily (as with fear or cold) : shiver, to move, sound, pass, or come to pass as if shaken or tremulous, to be affected with great fear or anxiety
- triode (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an electron tube with an anode, a cathode, and a controlling grid
- triples (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make three times as great or as many, to score (a base runner) by a triple, to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a triple
(noun) a triple sum, quantity, or number, a combination, group, or series of three, a base hit that allows the batter to reach third base safely
- trophic (9)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (9)
(adjective) of or relating to nutrition : nutritional, tropic, promoting cellular growth, differentiation, and survival
(adjective) of, relating to, or characterized by (such) nutrition, requiring or utilizing (such) a kind of nutrition, -tropic
- trousers (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) pants —usually used in plural
(idiom) in an embarrassing situation
(verb) to bear or have on the person, to use habitually for clothing, adornment, or assistance, to carry on the person
(idiom) —used to describe someone who talks a lot about doing something but never actually does it
- trucks (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to load or transport on a truck, to roll along especially in an easy untroubled way, to transport goods by truck
(verb) to give in exchange : swap, to barter or dispose of by barter, to exchange commodities : barter
(noun) a wheeled vehicle for moving heavy articles: such as, a strong horse-drawn or automotive vehicle (such as a pickup) for hauling, an automotive vehicle with a short chassis equipped with a swivel for attaching a trailer and used especially for the highway hauling of freight; also : a truck with attached trailer
(noun) barter, commodities appropriate for barter or for small trade, close association or connection
- trumpet (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a wind instrument consisting of a conical or cylindrical usually metal tube, a cup-shaped mouthpiece, and a flared bell; specifically : a valved brass instrument having a cylindrical tube with two turns and a usual range from F sharp below middle C upward for 21/2 octaves, a musical instrument (such as a cornet) resembling a trumpet, a trumpet player
(verb) to blow a trumpet, to make a sound suggestive of that of a trumpet, to sound or proclaim on or as if on a trumpet
- trying (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) severely straining the powers of endurance
(verb) to make an attempt, to make an attempt at —often used with an infinitive, to put to test or trial —often used with out
- tsunami (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption : tidal wave
- tube (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) any of various usually cylindrical structures or devices: such as, a hollow elongated cylinder; especially : one to convey fluids, a soft tubular container whose contents (such as toothpaste) can be removed by squeezing
- tubes (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) any of various usually cylindrical structures or devices: such as, a hollow elongated cylinder; especially : one to convey fluids, a soft tubular container whose contents (such as toothpaste) can be removed by squeezing
- tune (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a pleasing succession of musical tones : melody, a dominant theme, correct musical pitch or consonance —used chiefly in the phrases in tune and out of tune
(verb) to adjust in musical pitch or cause to be in tune, to bring into harmony : attune, to adjust for precise functioning —often used with up
(noun) a general adjustment to ensure operation at peak efficiency, a preliminary trial : warm-up
(verb) to adjust or alter (a recording) with Auto-Tune software especially to correct sung notes that are out of tune
(verb) to adjust precisely so as to bring to the highest level of performance or effectiveness, to improve through minor alteration or revision, to stabilize (an economy) by small-scale fiscal and monetary manipulations
- tuning (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to adjust in musical pitch or cause to be in tune, to bring into harmony : attune, to adjust for precise functioning —often used with up
(verb) to adjust or alter (a recording) with Auto-Tune software especially to correct sung notes that are out of tune
(verb) to adjust precisely so as to bring to the highest level of performance or effectiveness, to improve through minor alteration or revision, to stabilize (an economy) by small-scale fiscal and monetary manipulations
- tunnel (6)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a covered passageway; specifically : a horizontal passageway through or under an obstruction, a subterranean gallery (as in a mine), burrow
(verb) to make or use a tunnel, to pass through a potential barrier, to make a tunnel or similar opening through or under; also : to make (one's way) by or as if by making a tunnel
- tunnels (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a covered passageway; specifically : a horizontal passageway through or under an obstruction, a subterranean gallery (as in a mine), burrow
(verb) to make or use a tunnel, to pass through a potential barrier, to make a tunnel or similar opening through or under; also : to make (one's way) by or as if by making a tunnel
- turbulence (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) the quality or state of being turbulent: such as, great commotion or agitation, irregular atmospheric motion especially when characterized by up-and-down currents
- turn (10)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (6)
(verb) to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve, to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting), to affect or alter the functioning of (something, such as a mechanical device) or the level of (something, such as sound) by such movement
(noun) the action or an act of turning about a center or axis : revolution, rotation, any of various rotating or pivoting movements in dancing or gymnastics, the action or an act of giving or taking a different direction : change of course or posture : such as
(noun) something that turns in or is turned in
- turned (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(verb) to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve, to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting), to affect or alter the functioning of (something, such as a mechanical device) or the level of (something, such as sound) by such movement
(adjective) keenly aware of and responsive to what is new and fashionable : hip
(adjective) symmetrically shaped or rounded : shapely, concisely and appropriately expressed, expertly rounded or turned
- turning (7)
- in books ::: birdland (6), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or course of one that turns, a place of a change in direction, a forming by use of a lathe; broadly : turnery
(verb) to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve, to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting), to affect or alter the functioning of (something, such as a mechanical device) or the level of (something, such as sound) by such movement
- turns (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve, to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting), to affect or alter the functioning of (something, such as a mechanical device) or the level of (something, such as sound) by such movement
(noun) the action or an act of turning about a center or axis : revolution, rotation, any of various rotating or pivoting movements in dancing or gymnastics, the action or an act of giving or taking a different direction : change of course or posture : such as
(noun) about-face
(noun) the meter-kilogram-second unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force around a path that links with one turn of wire carrying an electric current of one ampere
- turnstile (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(noun) a post with arms pivoted on the top set in a passageway so that persons can pass through only on foot one by one
- tutor (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a person charged with the instruction and guidance of another: such as, a private teacher, a teacher in a British university who gives individual instruction to undergraduates
(verb) to teach or guide usually individually in a special subject or for a particular purpose : coach, to have the guardianship, tutelage, or care of, to do the work of a tutor
- twist (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to unite by winding, to make by twisting strands together, to mingle by interlacing
(noun) an act of twisting : the state of being twisted, a dance performed with strenuous gyrations especially of the hips, the spin given the ball in any of various games
- twisted (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed : sick
(verb) to unite by winding, to make by twisting strands together, to mingle by interlacing
(noun) the use of direct personal pressure in order to achieve a desired end
- twisting (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2)
(noun) the use of misrepresentation or trickery to get someone to lapse a life insurance policy and buy another usually in another company
(verb) to unite by winding, to make by twisting strands together, to mingle by interlacing
(noun) the use of direct personal pressure in order to achieve a desired end
- two (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being one more than one in number, being the second —used postpositively
(pronoun) two countable individuals not specified, a small approximate number of indicated things
(noun) a number that is one more than one, the second in a set or series, a 2-dollar bill
(noun) double
(adjective) cheap or trivial of its kind : petty, small-time, of the value of two bits
(noun) a piece of lumber approximately 2 by 4 inches as sawed and usually 1 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches when dressed
(adjective) small or petty of its kind, measuring two units (such as inches) by four
- type (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a particular kind, class, or group, something distinguishable as a variety : sort, a member of an indicated class or variety of people
(verb) to write something on a typewriter or enter data into a computer by way of a keyboard, to produce (a character, a document, etc.) using a keyboard (as on a typewriter or computer); also : keyboard, to identify as belonging to a type: such as
(adjective) relating to, characteristic of, having, or being a personality that is marked by impatience, aggressiveness, and competitiveness and that is held to be associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
(adjective) relating to, characteristic of, having, or being a personality that is marked by a lack of aggressiveness and tension and that has been implicated by some studies as a factor decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease
(noun) the genus of a taxonomic family or subfamily from which the name of the family or subfamily is formed
(noun) a form of diabetes mellitus that usually develops during childhood or adolescence and is characterized by a severe deficiency in insulin secretion resulting from atrophy of the islets of Langerhans and causing hyperglycemia and a marked tendency toward ketoacidosis —called also insulin-dependent diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, type 1 diabetes mellitus
(noun) rejection of the null hypothesis in statistical testing when it is true
(noun) the species of a genus with which the generic name is permanently associated
(noun) a specimen or individual designated as type of a species or lesser group and serving as the final criterion of the characteristics of that group
(noun) a common form of diabetes mellitus that develops especially in adults and most often in obese individuals and that is characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from impaired insulin utilization coupled with the body's inability to compensate with increased insulin production —called also non-insulin-dependent diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus
- typically (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adverb) on a typical occasion : in typical circumstances, in a typical manner
- typing (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to write something on a typewriter or enter data into a computer by way of a keyboard, to produce (a character, a document, etc.) using a keyboard (as on a typewriter or computer); also : keyboard, to identify as belonging to a type: such as
(verb) to type (something) in advance : to write with a computer or typewriter beforehand
(verb) to type by the touch system
- typographer (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a person (such as a compositor, printer, or designer) who specializes in the design, choice, and arrangement of type matter
- unbound (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not bound: such as, not fastened, not confined
(verb) to remove a band from : free from fastenings : untie, unfasten, to set free : release
- unbroken (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not broken: such as, whole, intact, continuous
- uncountable (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) unable to be counted; especially : of an amount too great to be counted
- uncountably (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) infinite
- uncover (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make known : bring to light : disclose, reveal, to expose to view by removing some covering, to take the cover from
- under (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adverb) in or into a position below or beneath something, below or short of some quantity, level, or limit —often used in combination, in or into a condition of subjection, subordination, or unconsciousness
(preposition) below or beneath so as to be overhung, surmounted, covered, protected, or concealed by, subject to the authority, control, guidance, or instruction of, receiving or undergoing the action or effect of
(adjective) lying or placed below, beneath, or on the ventral side —often used in combination, facing or protruding downward —often used in combination, lower in rank or authority : subordinate —often used in combination
(adjective) surreptitious and usually irregular or illicit
(adjective) covert and usually unlawful
- underground (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) beneath the surface of the earth, in or into hiding or secret operation
(noun) a subterranean space or channel, an underground city railway system, a movement or group organized in strict secrecy among citizens especially in an occupied country for maintaining communications, popular solidarity, and concerted resistive action pending liberation
(adjective) being, growing, operating, or situated below the surface of the ground, conducted by secret means, existing outside the establishment
- underlying (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) lying beneath or below, basic, fundamental, evident only on close inspection : implicit
(verb) to lie or be situated under, to be at the basis of : form the foundation of : support, to exist as a claim or security superior and prior to (another)
- undo (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to open or loose by releasing a fastening, to make of no effect or as if not done : make null : reverse, to ruin the worldly means, reputation, or hopes of
- unending (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) never ending : endless
- unengraved (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) not engraved
- unexpected (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) not expected : unforeseen
- unfettered (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) not controlled or restricted : free, unrestrained
(verb) to free from fetters, emancipate, liberate
- unfold (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to open the folds of : spread or straighten out : expand, to remove (something, such as a package) from the folds : unwrap, to open to the view : reveal; especially : to make clear by gradual disclosure and often by recital
- unfolding (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to open the folds of : spread or straighten out : expand, to remove (something, such as a package) from the folds : unwrap, to open to the view : reveal; especially : to make clear by gradual disclosure and often by recital
- unfretted (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) infinite between, string landscape, fingers on wood
- unfurled (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to release from a furled state, to open out from or as if from a furled state : unfold
- union (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one: such as, the formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and independent units, a uniting in marriage; also : sexual intercourse
(adjective) of, relating to, dealing with, or constituting a union; especially, capitalized : of, relating to, or being the side favoring the Union in the American Civil War
- unity (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the quality or state of not being multiple : oneness, a definite amount taken as one or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation, identity element
- universal (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively without limit or exception; especially : available equitably to all members of a society, present or occurring everywhere, existent or operative everywhere or under all conditions
(noun) one that is universal: such as, a universal proposition in logic, a predicable of traditional logic
- unlike (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not like: such as, marked by lack of resemblance : different, marked by inequality : unequal
(preposition) not like: such as, different from, not characteristic of
(conjunction) in a manner that is different than : not as
- unmerciful (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) not merciful : merciless, excessive, extreme
- unmoved (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) not moved; especially : not emotionally affected
- unpinned (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to remove a pin from, to loosen, free, or unfasten by or as if by removing a pin
- unprecedented (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having no precedent : novel, unexampled
- unpressed (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not pressed; especially : not smoothed with a heated iron : not ironed
- unroll (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to unwind a roll of : open out : uncoil, to spread out like a scroll for reading or inspection : unfold, reveal, to be unrolled : unwind
- unsteady (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to make unsteady
(adjective) not steady: such as, not firm or solid : not fixed in position : unstable, marked by change or fluctuation : changeable
- unstoppable (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) incapable of being stopped
- untie (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to free from something that ties, fastens, or restrains : unbind, to disengage the knotted parts of, disentangle, resolve
- untied (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to free from something that ties, fastens, or restrains : unbind, to disengage the knotted parts of, disentangle, resolve
- unveiled (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) not veiled : open, revealed
(verb) to remove a veil or covering from, to make public : divulge, reveal, to throw off a veil or protective cloak
- up (7)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (5), blueWindow (1)
(adverb) in or into a higher position or level; especially : away from the center of the earth, from beneath the ground or water to the surface, from below the horizon
(adjective) risen above the horizon, standing, being out of bed
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate motion to or toward or situation at a higher point of, up into or in the, in a direction regarded as being toward or near the upper end or part of
(noun) one in a high or advantageous position, an upward slope, a period or state of prosperity or success
(verb) to rise from a lying or sitting position, to move upward : ascend, —used with and and another verb to indicate that the action of the following verb was either surprisingly or abruptly initiated
(abbreviation) Upper Peninsula (of Michigan)
(adjective) gaining prominence and likely to advance or succeed
(adjective) marked by alternate upward and downward movement, action, or surface, perpendicular
(noun) an honest or respectable course —used in the phrase on the up-and-up
- upon (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(preposition) on
(adverb) on the surface : on it, thereafter, thereon
(adjective) imposed upon : taken advantage of
- upside (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an upward trend (as of prices), a positive aspect, promise, potential
(preposition) up on or against the side of
- uptake (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the act or action of grasping with the mind : understanding, comprehension —usually used in the phrases quick on the uptake and slow on the uptake, an act or instance of absorbing and incorporating something; especially : the absorption or incorporation of a substance into a living organism, tissue, or cell, the act of using, participating in, adopting, or taking advantage of an available product, service, opportunity, etc.
- urban (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, characteristic of, or constituting a city
(adjective) opposed to or hostile toward cities in general
- urgent (4)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) calling for immediate attention : pressing, conveying a sense of urgency, urging insistently : importunate
- us (6)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(pronoun) we all
- use (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to put into action or service : avail oneself of : employ, to expend or consume by putting to use —often used with up, stand
(noun) the act or practice of employing something : employment, application, the fact or state of being used, a method or manner of employing or applying something
(verb) to use badly : maltreat, abuse
- useful (3)
- in books ::: artist (3)
(adjective) capable of being put to use; especially : serviceable for an end or purpose, of a valuable or productive kind
- uses (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(abbreviation) United States Employment Service
(verb) to put into action or service : avail oneself of : employ, to expend or consume by putting to use —often used with up, stand
(noun) the act or practice of employing something : employment, application, the fact or state of being used, a method or manner of employing or applying something
(verb) to use badly : maltreat, abuse
- utter (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) carried to the utmost point or highest degree : absolute, total
(verb) to send forth as a sound, to give utterance to : pronounce, speak, to give public expression to : express in words
- utterances (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something uttered; especially : an oral or written statement : a stated or published expression, vocal expression : speech, power, style, or manner of speaking
(noun) the last extremity : bitter end
- uttered (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to send forth as a sound, to give utterance to : pronounce, speak, to give public expression to : express in words
- vacancy (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) a vacant office, post, or tenancy, a vacating of an office, post, or piece of property, the time such office or property is vacant
- vacant (7)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (6)
(adjective) not occupied by an incumbent, possessor, or officer, being without content or occupant, free from activity or work : disengaged
- vacuum (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) emptiness of space, a space absolutely devoid of matter, a space partially exhausted (as to the highest degree possible) by artificial means (such as an air pump)
(verb) to use a vacuum device (such as a vacuum cleaner) on, to draw or take in by or as if by suction, to operate a vacuum device
(adjective) of, containing, producing, or utilizing a partial vacuum, of or relating to a vacuum device or system
(adjective) having much of the air removed before being hermetically sealed
- valuable (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(adjective) having monetary value, worth a good price, having desirable or esteemed characteristics or qualities
(noun) a usually personal possession (such as jewelry) of relatively great monetary value —usually used in plural
- value (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the monetary worth of something : market price, a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged, relative worth, utility, or importance
(verb) to consider or rate highly : prize, esteem, to estimate or assign the monetary worth of : appraise, to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth : evaluate
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a brand of inexpensive products marketed as an alternative to other, more expensive brands
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a product whose value has been increased especially by special manufacturing, marketing, or processing
(adjective) making or having no value judgments
- value(s) (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the monetary worth of something : market price, a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged, relative worth, utility, or importance
(verb) to consider or rate highly : prize, esteem, to estimate or assign the monetary worth of : appraise, to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth : evaluate
(noun) a nonnegative number equal in numerical value to a given real number, the positive square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of a complex number
(noun) money equal to the cost of replacing lost, stolen, or damaged property after depreciation
(noun) the value of something as shown on bookkeeping records as distinguished from market value:, the value of an asset equal to cost minus depreciation, the value of a corporation's stock equal to its book value minus its liabilities
(noun) the value especially of shares of stock of a corporation liquidating its assets
(noun) eigenvalue
(noun) the value of an independent variable corresponding to a critical point of a function
(noun) the sum of the values of a random variable with each value multiplied by its probability of occurrence, the integral of the product of a probability density function of a continuous random variable and the random variable itself when taken over all possible values of the variable
(noun) the value indicated on the face (as of a postage stamp or a stock certificate), the apparent value or significance
- values (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the monetary worth of something : market price, a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged, relative worth, utility, or importance
(verb) to consider or rate highly : prize, esteem, to estimate or assign the monetary worth of : appraise, to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth : evaluate
- vapor (3)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) diffused matter (such as smoke or fog) suspended floating in the air and impairing its transparency, a substance in the gaseous state as distinguished from the liquid or solid state, a substance (such as gasoline, alcohol, mercury, or benzoin) vaporized for industrial, therapeutic, or military uses; also : a mixture (such as the explosive mixture in an internal combustion engine) of such a vapor with air
(verb) to rise or pass off in vapor, to emit vapor, to indulge in bragging, blustering, or idle talk
- variable (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes, fickle, inconstant, characterized by variations
(noun) a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values, a symbol representing a variable, something that is variable
(noun) adjustable rate mortgage
(noun) a star whose brightness changes usually in more or less regular periods
(noun) a mathematical variable whose value is determined by that of one or more other variables in a function
(noun) an arbitrary mathematical symbol or variable that can be replaced by another without affecting the value of the expression in which it occurs
(adjective) staining irregularly or inconsistently by Gram's stain
(noun) a mathematical variable that is independent of the other variables in an expression or function and whose value determines one or more of the values of the other variables
(noun) a variable that is itself a function of the result of a statistical experiment in which each outcome has a definite probability of occurrence —called also variate
- variation (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of varying : the state or fact of being varied, an instance of varying, the extent to which or the range in which a thing varies
- vast (9)
- in books ::: birdland (8), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range
(noun) a boundless space
- vastness (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range
- vector (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction; broadly : an element of a vector space, a course or compass direction especially of an airplane, an organism (such as an insect) that transmits a pathogen from one organism or source to another
(verb) to guide (something or someone, such as an airplane, its pilot, or a missile) in flight by means of a radioed vector, to change the direction of (the thrust of a jet engine) for steering
- vectors (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction; broadly : an element of a vector space, a course or compass direction especially of an airplane, an organism (such as an insect) that transmits a pathogen from one organism or source to another
(verb) to guide (something or someone, such as an airplane, its pilot, or a missile) in flight by means of a radioed vector, to change the direction of (the thrust of a jet engine) for steering
- veil (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a length of cloth worn by women as a covering for the head and shoulders and often especially in Eastern countries for the face; specifically : the outer covering of a nun's headdress, a length of veiling or netting worn over the head or face or attached for protection or ornament to a hat or headdress, any of various liturgical cloths; especially : a cloth used to cover the chalice
(verb) to cover, provide, obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil, to put on or wear a veil
(noun) one who blushes, blush, a short veil that is worn over the face (as by a bride) and that is often attached to a longer veil
- veils (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to cover, provide, obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil, to put on or wear a veil
(noun) a length of cloth worn by women as a covering for the head and shoulders and often especially in Eastern countries for the face; specifically : the outer covering of a nun's headdress, a length of veiling or netting worn over the head or face or attached for protection or ornament to a hat or headdress, any of various liturgical cloths; especially : a cloth used to cover the chalice
- vein (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) blood vessel; especially : any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart, any of the vascular bundles forming the framework of a leaf, any of the thickened cuticular ribs that serve to stiffen the wings of an insect
(verb) to pattern with or as if with veins
- velocities (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) quickness of motion : speed, rapidity of movement, speed imparted to something
(noun) the rate of rotation around an axis usually expressed in radians or revolutions per second or per minute
(noun) the minimum velocity that a moving body (such as a rocket) must have to escape from the gravitational field of a celestial body (such as the earth) and move outward into space
- velocity (5)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) quickness of motion : speed, rapidity of movement, speed imparted to something
- vending (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to sell especially as a hawker or peddler, to sell by means of vending machines, to utter publicly
- venom (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a toxic substance produced by some animals (such as snakes, scorpions, or bees) that is injected into prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging and has an injurious or lethal effect; broadly : a substance that is poisonous, a spiteful malicious feeling or state of mind : extreme ill will : malevolence
(verb) envenom
- verb (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb
(verb) to use (a word and especially a noun) as a verb : to make (a word) into a verb
(noun) a form of the verb do used to avoid repetition of a verb (such as do in "act as I do")
- verdant (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) green in tint or color, green with growing plants, unripe in experience or judgment : green
- vertebrae (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one of the bony or cartilaginous segments composing the spinal column, consisting in some lower vertebrates of several distinct elements which never become united, and in higher vertebrates having a short more or less cylindrical body whose ends articulate by pads of elastic or cartilaginous tissue with those of adjacent vertebrae and a bony arch that encloses the spinal cord
- vertex (5)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (5)
(noun) the top of the head, the point opposite to and farthest from the base in a figure, a point (as of an angle, polygon, polyhedron, graph, or network) that terminates a line or curve or comprises the intersection of two or more lines or curves
- vertiginous (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) characterized by or suffering from vertigo or dizziness, inclined to frequent and often pointless change : inconstant, causing or tending to cause dizziness
- very (6)
- in books ::: artist (4), fieldNotes (2)
(adverb) to a high degree : exceedingly, in actual fact : truly
(adjective) exact, precise, exactly suitable or necessary, unqualified, sheer
- vessel (3)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (3)
(noun) a container (such as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something, a person into whom some quality (such as grace) is infused, a watercraft bigger than a rowboat; especially : ship
(noun) a vessel that contains or conveys lymph —called also lymph vessel
- vial (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a small closed or closable vessel especially for liquids
- vibrant (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) pulsating with life, vigor, or activity, oscillating or pulsating rapidly, readily set in vibration
- vibrate (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to swing or move to and fro, to emit with or as if with a vibratory motion, to mark or measure by oscillation
- vibrating (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to swing or move to and fro, to emit with or as if with a vibratory motion, to mark or measure by oscillation
- vibration (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a periodic motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from the position of equilibrium when that equilibrium has been disturbed (as when a stretched cord produces musical tones or molecules in the air transmit sounds to the ear), the action of vibrating : the state of being vibrated or in vibratory motion: such as, oscillation
- video (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) videotape: such as, a recording of a motion picture or television program for playing through a television set, a videotaped performance of a song often featuring an interpretation of the lyrics through visual images
(adjective) being, relating to, or used in the transmission or reception of the television image, being, relating to, or involving images on a television screen or computer display
- view (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) extent or range of vision : sight, the act of seeing or examining : inspection; also : survey, a mode or manner of looking at or regarding something
(verb) to look at attentively : scrutinize, observe, see, watch, to look on in a particular light : regard
(noun) a view from a high angle as if seen by a bird in flight, an overall or cursory look at something
(noun) point of view
(noun) field
(noun) an approach to a problem or situation that emphasizes long-range factors
(noun) an instance of a user viewing an individual page on a website
(noun) a cable television service by which customers can order access to a particular broadcast for a fee
(noun) a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated : standpoint
- views (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to look at attentively : scrutinize, observe, see, watch, to look on in a particular light : regard
(noun) extent or range of vision : sight, the act of seeing or examining : inspection; also : survey, a mode or manner of looking at or regarding something
(noun) a cable television service by which customers can order access to a particular broadcast for a fee
- villages (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a settlement usually larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, an incorporated minor municipality, the residents of a village
- villains (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a character in a story or play who opposes the hero, a deliberate scoundrel or criminal, one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty
- vines (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a plant whose stem requires support and which climbs by tendrils or twining or creeps along the ground; also : the stem of such a plant, any of various sprawling herbaceous plants (such as a tomato or potato) that lack specialized adaptations for climbing, grape
(verb) to form or grow in the manner of a vine
(verb) to pass from physical life : expire, to pass out of existence : cease, to disappear or subside gradually —often used with away, down, or out
- vinyl (14)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (14)
(noun) a monovalent radical CH2=CH derived from ethylene by removal of one hydrogen atom, a polymer of a vinyl compound or a product (such as a resin or a textile fiber) made from such a polymer —often used before another noun, vinyl used as a material for phonograph records
- viola (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) violet; especially : any of various garden hybrids with solitary white, yellow, or purple often variegated flowers resembling but smaller than typical pansies
(noun) a musical instrument of the violin family that is intermediate in size and compass between the violin and cello and is tuned a fifth below the violin
- violent (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) marked by the use of usually harmful or destructive physical force, showing or including violence, extremely powerful or forceful and capable of causing damage
- visceral (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep, not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning, dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy
- vision (8)
- in books ::: artist (4), birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the act or power of seeing : sight, the special sense by which the qualities of an object (such as color, luminosity, shape, and size) constituting its appearance are perceived through a process in which light rays entering the eye are transformed by the retina into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve, something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy; especially : a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation
(verb) envision
- visits (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to pay a call on as an act of friendship or courtesy, to reside with temporarily as a guest, to go to see or stay at (a place) for a particular purpose (such as business or sightseeing)
(noun) a short stay : call, a brief residence as a guest, an extended stay : sojourn
- visual (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or used in vision, attained or maintained by sight, visible
(noun) something (such as a graphic) that appeals to the sight and is used for effect or illustration —usually used in plural
(noun) a red photosensitive pigment in the retinal rods of the eye of most vertebrates that is important in vision in dim light —called also visual purple
(adjective) not visible without the aid of special instruments : subvisible
- visualization (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) formation of mental visual images, the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting into visible form, the process of making an internal organ or part visible by the introduction (as by swallowing) of a radiopaque substance followed by radiography
- vital (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of the utmost importance, fundamentally concerned with or affecting life or living beings: such as, tending to renew or refresh the living : invigorating
- voice (12)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (1), fieldNotes (8)
(noun) sound produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx, or syrinx; especially : sound so produced by human beings, musical sound produced by the vocal folds and resonated by the cavities of head and throat, the power or ability to produce musical tones
(verb) to express in words : utter, to adjust for producing the proper musical sounds, to pronounce (a speech sound, such as a consonant) with voice
(noun) the voice of an unseen narrator speaking (as in a motion picture or television commercial), the voice of a visible character (as in a motion picture) expressing unspoken thoughts, a recording of a voice-over
- voices (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) sound produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx, or syrinx; especially : sound so produced by human beings, musical sound produced by the vocal folds and resonated by the cavities of head and throat, the power or ability to produce musical tones
(verb) to express in words : utter, to adjust for producing the proper musical sounds, to pronounce (a speech sound, such as a consonant) with voice
- volcanic (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of, relating to, or produced by a volcano, characterized by volcanoes, made of materials from volcanoes
(noun) a volcanic rock
(noun) natural glass produced by the cooling of molten lava too rapidly to permit crystallization
- volume (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound; also : loudness, the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object as measured in cubic units (such as quarts or liters) : cubic capacity, amount; also : bulk, mass
(verb) to send or give out in volume, to roll or rise in volume
(adjective) involving large quantities
- vortex (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) something that resembles a whirlpool, a mass of fluid (such as a liquid) with a whirling or circular motion that tends to form a cavity or vacuum in the center of the circle and to draw toward this cavity or vacuum bodies subject to its action; especially : whirlpool, eddy, a region within a body of fluid in which the fluid elements have an angular velocity
- vowels (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one of a class of speech sounds in the articulation of which the oral part of the breath channel is not blocked and is not constricted enough to cause audible friction; broadly : the one most prominent sound in a syllable, a letter or other symbol representing a vowel —usually used in English of a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y
- voyage (7)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an act or instance of traveling : journey, a course or period of traveling by other than land routes, an account of a journey especially by sea
(verb) to take a trip : travel, sail, traverse
- wagon (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a usually four-wheeled vehicle for transporting bulky commodities and drawn originally by animals, a lighter typically horse-drawn vehicle for transporting goods or passengers, paddy wagon
(verb) to travel or transport goods by wagon, to transport (goods) by wagon
(noun) a railroad sleeping car
- waif (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a stray person or animal; especially : a homeless child, something found without an owner and especially by chance, an extremely thin and usually young woman
(noun) waft
- wailing (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to express sorrow audibly : lament, to make a sound suggestive of a mournful cry, to express dissatisfaction plaintively : complain
- waiting (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to stay in place in expectation of : await, to delay serving (a meal), to serve food and drinks to the people sitting at : to act as a server for
(noun) a telephone service that signals (as by a beep) to the user when an incoming call is received during a call in progress
(noun) a lady of a queen's or a princess's household appointed to wait on her
(noun) a young woman of a queen's or princess's household appointed to attend her
- waking (3)
- in books ::: birdland (3)
(adjective) passed in a conscious or alert state
(verb) to be or remain awake, to remain awake on watch especially over a corpse, to stay up late in revelry
- walk (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move along on foot : advance by steps, to come or go easily or readily, to go at a walk
(noun) an act or instance of going on foot especially for exercise or pleasure, space walk, a place designed for walking:
(adjective) large enough to be walked into, arranged so as to be entered directly rather than through a lobby, being a person who walks in without an appointment
(noun) a walk-in refrigerator or cold storage room, an easy election victory, a person who walks in without an appointment
(adjective) ending a baseball game immediately by causing the winning run to score for the home team in the bottom of the last inning; also : won by the home team in the bottom of the last inning
(noun) a minor part (as in a dramatic production); also : an actor having such a part, a college athlete who tries out for an athletic team without having been recruited or offered a scholarship
(noun) a perfunctory performance of a play or acting part (as in an early stage of rehearsal), a television rehearsal without cameras
(adjective) located above the ground floor in a building with no elevator, consisting of several stories and having no elevator, designed to allow pedestrians to be served without entering a building
- walked (6)
- in books ::: birdland (5), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move along on foot : advance by steps, to come or go easily or readily, to go at a walk
(noun) a passage (as in a theater or railroad passenger car) separating sections of seats, such a passage regarded as separating opposing parties in a legislature, a passage (as in a store or warehouse) for inside traffic
(verb) to delay or prevent the progress of (something) by acting in a deliberately slow manner
- walker (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one that walks: such as, a competitor in a walking race, a peddler going on foot
- walking (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the action of one that walks, the condition of a surface for one going on foot
(adjective) able to walk : ambulatory, being the personification of a nonhuman quality or thing, used for or in walking
(verb) to move along on foot : advance by steps, to come or go easily or readily, to go at a walk
- walks (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move along on foot : advance by steps, to come or go easily or readily, to go at a walk
(noun) an act or instance of going on foot especially for exercise or pleasure, space walk, a place designed for walking:
(noun) a passage (as in a theater or railroad passenger car) separating sections of seats, such a passage regarded as separating opposing parties in a legislature, a passage (as in a store or warehouse) for inside traffic
(verb) to delay or prevent the progress of (something) by acting in a deliberately slow manner
- walls (11)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (5), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to provide, cover with, or surround with or as if with a wall, to separate by or as if by a wall, immure
(verb) to roll in a dramatic manner, to roll (one's eyes) in a dramatic manner
(noun) a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense —often used in plural, a masonry fence around a garden, park, or estate, a structure that serves to hold back pressure (as of water or sliding earth)
- walter (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) Walter Benjamin
- waltz (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a ballroom dance in 3/4 time with strong accent on the first beat and a basic pattern of step-step-close, music for a waltz or a concert composition in 3/4 time
(verb) to dance a waltz, to move or advance in a lively or conspicuous manner : flounce, to advance easily and successfully : breeze —often used with through
- wandered (2)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal, to go idly about : ramble, to follow a winding course : meander
- wanderer (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(verb) to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal, to go idly about : ramble, to follow a winding course : meander
- wanderers (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal, to go idly about : ramble, to follow a winding course : meander
- wandering (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(adjective) characterized by aimless, slow, or pointless movement: such as, that winds or meanders, not keeping a rational or sensible course : vagrant
(noun) a going about from place to place —often used in plural, movement away from the proper, normal, or usual course or place —often used in plural
(verb) to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal, to go idly about : ramble, to follow a winding course : meander
- waning (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to decrease in size, extent, or degree : dwindle: such as, to diminish in phase or intensity —used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets, to become less brilliant or powerful : dim
- wanted (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to be needy or destitute, to have or feel need, to be necessary or needed
- ward (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) the action or process of guarding, a body of guards, a division in a hospital
(verb) to keep watch over : guard, to turn aside (something threatening) : deflect —usually used with off
(adjective suffix) that moves, tends, faces, or is directed toward, that occurs or is situated in the direction of
(adverb) in a (specified) spatial or temporal direction, toward a (specified) point, position, or area
- wards (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to keep watch over : guard, to turn aside (something threatening) : deflect —usually used with off
(adjective suffix) that moves, tends, faces, or is directed toward, that occurs or is situated in the direction of
(adverb) in a (specified) spatial or temporal direction, toward a (specified) point, position, or area
(noun) the action or process of guarding, a body of guards, a division in a hospital
- warehouse (6)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a structure or room for the storage of merchandise or commodities
(verb) to deposit, store, or stock in or as if in a warehouse, to confine or house (a person) in conditions suggestive of a warehouse
- warm (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having or giving out heat to a moderate or adequate degree, serving to maintain or preserve heat especially to a satisfactory degree, feeling or causing sensations of heat brought about by strenuous exertion
(verb) to make warm, to infuse with a feeling of love, friendship, well-being, or pleasure, to fill with anger, zeal, or passion
(adverb) warmly —usually used in combination
(adjective) having warm blood; specifically : having a relatively high and constant internally regulated body temperature relatively independent of the surroundings, fervent or ardent in spirit
(noun) the act or an instance of warming up; also : a preparatory activity or procedure, a suit for exercise or casual wear consisting of a jacket or sweatshirt and pants —often used in plural—called also warm-up suit
- warning (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act of warning : the state of being warned, something that warns or serves to warn; especially : a notice or bulletin that alerts the public to an imminent hazard (such as a tornado, thunderstorm, or flood)
(adjective) serving as an alarm, signal, summons, or admonition
(verb) to give notice to beforehand especially of danger or evil, to give admonishing advice to : counsel, to call to one's attention : inform
(noun) conspicuous markings or bright colors possessed by an animal that serve as a warning to potential predators that it is toxic or distasteful
(noun) a usually dirt or cinder strip around the outside edge of a baseball outfield to warn a fielder when running to make a catch that the fence is near —called also warning path
(noun) something which shows that something else will happen
(noun) information about possible danger or trouble
(noun) enough warning to be able to avoid something bad
(noun) a statement telling an arrested person about his or her Miranda rights (the legal rights to have an attorney and to refuse to answer questions)
(verb) to warn (someone) beforehand : forewarn
- warp (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a series of yarns extended lengthwise in a loom and crossed by the weft, foundation, base, a rope for warping or mooring a ship or boat
(verb) to arrange (yarns) so as to form a warp, to turn or twist out of or as if out of shape; especially : to twist or bend out of a plane, to cause to judge, choose, or act wrongly or abnormally : pervert
- warped (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) twisted out of a natural or normal shape, eccentrically weird or strange, disturbingly abnormal or distorted
(verb) to arrange (yarns) so as to form a warp, to turn or twist out of or as if out of shape; especially : to twist or bend out of a plane, to cause to judge, choose, or act wrongly or abnormally : pervert
- wars (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations, a period of such armed conflict, state of war
(verb) to be in active or vigorous conflict, to engage in warfare
(verb) worst, overcome
- was (39)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (26), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (7)
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(noun) the sound made by a barking dog, a similar sound, a short sharp peremptory tone of speech or utterance
(noun) air filled with a fragrance or odor, a slight indication : suggestion, the faculty of breathing
(noun) one attached to another by affection or esteem, acquaintance, one that, is not hostile
(pronoun) a person's self : one's own self —used reflexively as object of a preposition or verb or for emphasis in various constructions, one's normal, healthy, or sane condition or self
(pronoun) what or which person or persons —used as an interrogative —used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the object of a verb or a following preposition, the person or persons that : whoever, —used as a function word to introduce a relative clause—used especially in reference to persons but also in reference to groups or to animals or to inanimate objects especially with the implication that the reference is really to a person —used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the object of a verb or a following preposition
- wash (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cleanse by or as if by the action of liquid (such as water), to remove (something, such as dirt) by rubbing or drenching with liquid, to cleanse (fur) by licking or by rubbing with a paw moistened with saliva
(noun) a piece of ground washed by the sea or river, bog, marsh, a shallow body of water
(adjective) involving essentially simultaneous purchase and sale of the same security, washable
(abbreviation) Washington
(adjective) of, relating to, or constituting a fabric or garment that needs little or no ironing after washing
- washes (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to cleanse by or as if by the action of liquid (such as water), to remove (something, such as dirt) by rubbing or drenching with liquid, to cleanse (fur) by licking or by rubbing with a paw moistened with saliva
(noun) a piece of ground washed by the sea or river, bog, marsh, a shallow body of water
(verb) to wash (something) prior to sale, use, etc.
(noun) a weak drink, insipid talk or writing
- washington (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) bridge in minneapolis, mn
- wasteland (5)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) barren or uncultivated land, an ugly often devastated or barely inhabitable place or area, something (such as a way of life) that is spiritually and emotionally arid and unsatisfying
- watched (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to keep vigil as a devotional exercise, to be awake during the night, to be attentive or vigilant
(idiom) —used to mean that time passes very slowly when one is waiting for something to happen if that is the only thing one is thinking about
(idiom) watched or observed carefully especially in order to prevent or detect a crime
(verb) to watch many or all episodes of (a TV series) in rapid succession
(verb) bird
(verb) to watch and take pleasure in laughing at or criticizing (a disliked television show, movie, etc.)
(verb) to be vigilant or alert : be on the lookout
(verb) to look for (someone or something expected), to look for (something that one wants to get or use)
- watches (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) to keep vigil as a devotional exercise, to be awake during the night, to be attentive or vigilant
(noun) the act of keeping awake to guard, protect, or attend, the state of being wakeful, a wake over a dead body
(verb) to watch many or all episodes of (a TV series) in rapid succession
(verb) bird
(verb) to watch and take pleasure in laughing at or criticizing (a disliked television show, movie, etc.)
- watchfulness (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) not able or accustomed to sleep or rest : wakeful, causing sleeplessness, spent in wakefulness : sleepless
- water (22)
- in books ::: birdland (16), fieldNotes (6)
(noun) the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter and that when pure is an odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H2O which appears bluish in thick layers, freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C, has a maximum density at 4° C and a high specific heat, is feebly ionized to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and is a poor conductor of electricity and a good solvent, a natural mineral water —usually used in plural, a particular quantity or body of water: such as
(verb) to moisten, sprinkle, or soak with water, to supply with water for drink, to supply water to
- watering (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to moisten, sprinkle, or soak with water, to supply with water for drink, to supply water to
(noun) a vessel usually with a spout used to sprinkle or pour water especially on plants —called also watering pot
(noun) water hole, a place where people gather socially; especially : watering place
(noun) a place where water may be obtained; especially : one where animals and especially livestock come to drink, a health or recreational resort featuring mineral springs or bathing, a place (such as a nightclub, bar, or lounge) where drink is available
(verb) to reduce or temper the force or effectiveness of
- wave (9)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (8)
(verb) to motion with the hands or with something held in them in signal or salute, to float, play, or shake in an air current : move loosely to and fro : flutter, to move in waves : heave
(noun) a moving ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid (as of the sea), water, sea, a shape or outline having successive curves
(noun) a member of the women's component of the U.S. Navy formed during World War II and discontinued in the 1970s
- waves (18)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (9)
(verb) to motion with the hands or with something held in them in signal or salute, to float, play, or shake in an air current : move loosely to and fro : flutter, to move in waves : heave
(noun) a moving ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid (as of the sea), water, sea, a shape or outline having successive curves
(noun) a member of the women's component of the U.S. Navy formed during World War II and discontinued in the 1970s
- wax (5)
- in books ::: birdland (4), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : beeswax, any of various substances resembling the wax of bees: such as, any of numerous substances of plant or animal origin that differ from fats in being less greasy, harder, and more brittle and in containing principally compounds of high molecular weight (such as fatty acids, alcohols, and saturated hydrocarbons)
(verb) to treat or rub with wax usually for polishing, stiffening, or reducing friction, to apply wax to as a depilatory, to record on phonograph records
(verb) to increase in size, numbers, strength, prosperity, or intensity, to grow in volume or duration, to grow toward full development
(noun) increase, growth —usually used in the phrase on the wax
(noun) a fit of temper : rage
- way (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place, an opening for passage, the course traveled from one place to another : route
(adjective) of, connected with, or constituting an intermediate point on a route
(adverb) by a long distance : to a considerable degree or extent : far, by far : much, very
(adjective) far-out
- ways (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (2)
(noun) way
(adverb) in (such) a way, course, direction, or manner
(noun) a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place, an opening for passage, the course traveled from one place to another : route
- we (14)
- in books ::: artist (7), birdland (7)
(pronoun) I and the rest of a group that includes me : you and I : you and I and another or others : I and another or others not including you —used as pronoun of the first person plural, i —used by sovereigns—used by writers to keep an impersonal character, you —used coaxingly, encouragingly, or in sarcasm
(abbreviation) Wednesday
(verb) to seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound, to wound, pierce, or sting especially with a fang or a proboscis, to cut or pierce with or as if with an edged weapon
(noun) place, location, what place, source, or cause
- weather (11)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (10)
(noun) the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness, state or vicissitude of life or fortune, disagreeable atmospheric conditions: such as
(verb) to expose to the open air : subject to the action of the elements, to bear up against and come safely through, to undergo or endure the action of the elements
(adjective) of or relating to the side facing the wind
(adjective) toughened, tanned, or bronzed by the weather, worn or damaged by exposure to weather
(adjective) kept in port or at anchor or from travel or sport by bad weather
- weave (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form (cloth) by interlacing strands (as of yarn); specifically : to make (cloth) on a loom by interlacing warp and filling threads, to interlace (threads) into cloth, to make (something, such as a basket) by intertwining
(noun) something woven; especially : woven cloth, any of the patterns or methods for interlacing the threads of woven fabrics, a hair extension; specifically : a length of natural or synthetic hair that is sewn into one's natural hair after it has been braided into cornrows
(verb) to move waveringly from side to side : sway
- weaver (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) one that weaves especially as an occupation, any of numerous Old World passerine birds (family Ploceidae) that resemble finches and typically construct elaborate nests of interlaced vegetation
- weaving (4)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form (cloth) by interlacing strands (as of yarn); specifically : to make (cloth) on a loom by interlacing warp and filling threads, to interlace (threads) into cloth, to make (something, such as a basket) by intertwining
(verb) to move waveringly from side to side : sway
- web (30)
- in books ::: artist (10), birdland (3), fieldNotes (17)
(noun) a fabric on a loom or in process of being removed from a loom, cobweb, spiderweb, a network of silken thread spun especially by the larvae of various insects (such as a tent caterpillar) and usually serving as a nest or shelter
(verb) to construct or form a web, to cover with a web or network, ensnare, entangle
(noun) offset printing by web press
- web-native (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) origin of nets, w3c synax, cloud work
- webs (8)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (4), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a fabric on a loom or in process of being removed from a loom, cobweb, spiderweb, a network of silken thread spun especially by the larvae of various insects (such as a tent caterpillar) and usually serving as a nest or shelter
(verb) to construct or form a web, to cover with a web or network, ensnare, entangle
- weeks (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of a series of 7-day cycles used in various calendars; especially : a 7-day cycle beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday, a week beginning with a specified day or containing a specified holiday, a week appointed for public recognition of some cause
- weeping (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) tearful, rainy, having slender pendent branches
(verb) to express deep sorrow for usually by shedding tears : bewail, to pour forth (tears) from the eyes, to exude (a fluid) slowly : ooze
- weft (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a filling thread or yarn in weaving, yarn used for the weft, web, fabric; also : an article of woven fabric
- weight (4)
- in books ::: blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the amount that a thing weighs, the standard or established amount that a thing should weigh, one of the classes into which contestants in a sports event are divided according to body weight
(verb) to oppress with a burden, to load or make heavy with or as if with a weight, to increase in heaviness by adding an ingredient
(noun) the act or state of supporting or withstanding the weight of something (such as a building or the body) —usually used before another noun
- weightless (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having little weight : lacking apparent gravitational pull
- weights (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to oppress with a burden, to load or make heavy with or as if with a weight, to increase in heaviness by adding an ingredient
(noun) the amount that a thing weighs, the standard or established amount that a thing should weigh, one of the classes into which contestants in a sports event are divided according to body weight
(plural noun) heavy objects that are lifted during exercising (such as dumbbells and barbells) that are not attached to a piece of equipment
(idiom) to exercise by lifting heavy objects (such as barbells) in order to become stronger
(noun) a system of weights used chiefly by pharmacists —called also apothecary weight
(noun) the mass of one atom of an element; specifically : the average mass of an atom of an element as it occurs in nature that is expressed in atomic mass units
(noun) the series of units of weight based on the pound of 16 ounces and the ounce of 16 drams
(noun) the weight of an automobile with standard equipment and fuel, oil, and coolant
(noun) the mass of a substance especially in grams that combines with or is chemically equivalent to eight grams of oxygen or one gram of hydrogen : the atomic or molecular weight divided by the valence
(noun) molecular weight —used especially of ionic compounds
- weld (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to become or be capable of being welded, to unite (metallic parts) by heating and allowing the metals to flow together or by hammering or compressing with or without previous heating, to unite (plastics) in a similar manner by heating
(noun) a welded joint, union by welding : the state or condition of being welded
(noun) a usually upland area of open country, a hilly or rolling region —used in names of various English geographic areas
- welder (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) one that welds: such as, a person whose work is welding, a machine used in welding
- welding (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to become or be capable of being welded, to unite (metallic parts) by heating and allowing the metals to flow together or by hammering or compressing with or without previous heating, to unite (plastics) in a similar manner by heating
- well (5)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) an issue of water from the earth : a pool fed by a spring, source, origin, a pit or hole sunk into the earth to reach a supply of water
(verb) to rise to the surface and usually flow forth, to rise like a flood of liquid, to emit in a copious free flow
(adverb) in a good or proper manner : justly, rightly, satisfactorily with respect to conduct or action, in a kindly or friendly manner
(adjective) being in satisfactory condition or circumstances, being in good standing or favor
(adverb) in the best way : to greatest advantage, most
(adverb) in a more excellent manner, to greater advantage : preferably, to a higher or greater degree
(adjective) well-balanced
(adjective) acting with, wisdom, wise counsel, or proper deliberation : prudent, resulting from, based on, or showing careful deliberation or wise counsel
(adjective) having good and complete equipment : properly fitted out
- were (25)
- in books ::: birdland (19), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (3)
(verb) to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : symbolize, to have identity with : to constitute the same idea or object as, to constitute the same class as
(conjunction) as if, in or to the same degree in which —usually used as a correlative after an adjective or adverb modified by adverbial as or so, in the way or manner that
(noun) air filled with a fragrance or odor, a slight indication : suggestion, the faculty of breathing
(noun) one attached to another by affection or esteem, acquaintance, one that is not hostile
(pronoun) a person's self : one's own self —used reflexively as object of a preposition or verb or for emphasis in various constructions, one's normal, healthy, or sane condition or self
- west (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adverb) to, toward, or in the west
(adjective) situated toward or at the west, coming from the west
(noun) the general direction of sunset : the direction to the left of one facing north, the compass point directly opposite to east, regions or countries lying to the west of a specified or implied point of orientation
- wetland (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) land or areas (such as marshes or swamps) that are covered often intermittently with shallow water or have soil saturated with moisture —usually used in plural
- whale (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) any of various very large, aquatic, marine mammals (order Cetacea) that have a torpedo-shaped body with a thick layer of blubber, paddle-shaped forelimbs but no hind limbs, a horizontally flattened tail, and nostrils that open externally at the top of the head; also : cetacean, one that is impressive especially in size
(verb) to engage in whale fishing
(verb) lash, thrash, to strike or hit vigorously, to defeat soundly
- whales (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of various very large, aquatic, marine mammals (order Cetacea) that have a torpedo-shaped body with a thick layer of blubber, paddle-shaped forelimbs but no hind limbs, a horizontally flattened tail, and nostrils that open externally at the top of the head; also : cetacean, one that is impressive especially in size
(verb) to engage in whale fishing
(verb) lash, thrash, to strike or hit vigorously, to defeat soundly
- what (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(pronoun) —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter, —often used to ask for repetition of an utterance or part of an utterance not properly heard or understood, —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the character, nature, occupation, position, or role of a person
(adverb) in what respect : how, —used to introduce prepositional phrases in parallel construction or a prepositional phrase that expresses cause and usually has more than one object—used principally before phrases beginning with with, why
(adjective) —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of a person, object, or matter, how remarkable or striking for good or bad qualities —used especially in exclamatory utterances and dependent clauses, the … that : as much or as many … as
(noun) a suppositional question
- wheel (5)
- in books ::: birdland (3), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a circular frame of hard material that may be solid, partly solid, or spoked and that is capable of turning on an axle, a contrivance or apparatus having as its principal part a wheel: such as, a chiefly medieval instrument of torture designed for mutilating a victim (as by stretching or disjointing)
(verb) to turn on or as if on an axis : revolve, to change direction as if revolving on a pivot, to move or extend in a circle or curve
(adjective) made on a potter's wheel
(adjective) acting especially independently on or by means of all four wheels of an automotive vehicle
- wheels (3)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1)
(noun) a circular frame of hard material that may be solid, partly solid, or spoked and that is capable of turning on an axle, a contrivance or apparatus having as its principal part a wheel: such as, a chiefly medieval instrument of torture designed for mutilating a victim (as by stretching or disjointing)
(verb) to turn on or as if on an axis : revolve, to change direction as if revolving on a pivot, to move or extend in a circle or curve
(noun) a service that delivers daily hot meals to the homes of elderly or disabled people
- when (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) at what time, at or during which time, and then
(conjunction) at or during the time that : while, just at the moment that, at any or every time that
(pronoun) what or which time
(noun) the time in which something is done or comes about
- where (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) at, in, or to what place, at, in, or to what situation, position, direction, circumstances, or respect, here, there
(conjunction) at, in, or to what place, at, in, or to what situation, position, direction, circumstances, or respect, the place or point at, in, or to which
(noun) place, location, what place, source, or cause
- whether (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(conjunction) —used as a function word usually with correlative or or with or whether to indicate (1) until the early 19th century a direct question involving alternatives; (2) an indirect question involving stated or implied alternatives; (3) alternative conditions or possibilities
(pronoun) which one of the two, whichever one of the two
- which (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being what one or ones out of a group —used as an interrogative, whichever, —used as a function word to introduce a nonrestrictive relative clause and to modify a noun in that clause and to refer together with that noun to a word or word group in a preceding clause or to an entire preceding clause or sentence or longer unit of discourse
(pronoun) what one or ones out of a group —used as an interrogative, whichever, —used as a function word to introduce a relative clause—used in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive—used especially in reference to animals, inanimate objects, groups, or ideas —used freely in reference to persons as recently as the 17th century, and still occasionally so used but usually with some implication of emphasis on the function or role of the person rather than on the person as such —used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, in reference to an idea expressed by a word or group of words that is not necessarily a noun or noun phrase
(conjunction) —used as an introductory particle before a word or phrase that is a reaction to or commentary on the previous clause
- while (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a period of time especially when short and marked by the occurrence of an action or a condition : time, the time and effort used (as in the performance of an action) : trouble
(conjunction) during the time that, as long as, when on the other hand : whereas
(preposition) until
(verb) to cause to pass especially without boredom or in a pleasant manner —usually used with away
- whimper (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(verb) to make a low whining plaintive or broken sound, to complain or protest with or as if with a whimper
(noun) a whimpering cry or sound, a petulant complaint or protest
- whisky (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a liquor distilled from fermented wort (such as that obtained from rye, corn, or barley mash), a drink of whiskey
(noun) scots, the people of Scotland, whiskey distilled in Scotland especially from malted barley —called also Scotch whisky
- whisper (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard, to make a sibilant sound that resembles whispering, to address in a whisper
(noun) something communicated by or as if by whispering; especially : rumor, an act or instance of whispering; especially : speech without vibration of the vocal cords, a sibilant sound that resembles whispered speech
- whispered (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard, to make a sibilant sound that resembles whispering, to address in a whisper
(noun) a loud whisper by an actor that is audible to the spectators but is supposed for dramatic effect not to be heard by one or more of the actors, an audible whisper
- whispering (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) whispered speech, gossip, rumor, a sibilant sound : whisper
(adjective) making a sibilant sound, spreading confidential and especially derogatory reports
(verb) to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard, to make a sibilant sound that resembles whispering, to address in a whisper
- whispers (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard, to make a sibilant sound that resembles whispering, to address in a whisper
(noun) something communicated by or as if by whispering; especially : rumor, an act or instance of whispering; especially : speech without vibration of the vocal cords, a sibilant sound that resembles whispered speech
- whistle (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) a small wind instrument in which sound is produced by the forcible passage of breath through a slit in a short tube, a device through which air or steam is forced into a cavity or against a thin edge to produce a loud sound, a shrill clear sound produced by forcing breath out or air in through the puckered lips
(verb) to utter a shrill clear sound by blowing or drawing air through the puckered lips, to utter a shrill note or call resembling a whistle, to make a shrill clear sound especially by rapid movement
(noun) a small station at which trains stop only on signal : flag stop, a small community, a brief personal appearance especially by a political candidate usually on the rear platform of a train during the course of a tour
(verb) to make a tour especially in a political campaign with many brief personal appearances in small communities
- white (21)
- in books ::: birdland (17), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) having the color of new snow or milk; specifically : of the color white, light or pale in color, free from color : clear, transparent
(noun) the achromatic object color of greatest lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that reflect diffusely nearly all incident energy throughout the visible spectrum, one that is or approaches white in color: such as, white clothing —often used in plural
(verb) whiten
- whole (4)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (2)
(adjective) free of wound or injury : unhurt, recovered from a wound or injury : restored, being healed
(noun) a complete amount or sum : a number, aggregate, or totality lacking no part, member, or element, something constituting a complex unity : a coherent system or organization of parts fitting or working together as one
(adverb) wholly, entirely, as a complete entity
(adjective) committed without reservation : thoroughgoing
- whose (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) of or relating to whom or which especially as possessor or possessors, agent or agents, or object or objects of an action
(pronoun) that which belongs to whom —used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective whose
- wide (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) having great extent : vast, extending over a vast area : extensive, extending throughout a specified area or scope —usually used in combination
(adverb) over a great distance or extent : widely, over a specified distance, area, or extent —usually used in combination, so as to leave much space or distance between
(adjective) having or covering an angle of view wider than the ordinary —used especially of lenses of shorter than normal focal length, having, involving the use of, or relating to a wide-angle lens
(adjective) fully awake, alertly watchful especially for advantages or opportunities
(noun) a large jet aircraft characterized by a wide cabin
(adjective) having or marked by unsophisticated or uncritical acceptance or admiration : naive, having the eyes wide open especially with wonder or astonishment
(adjective) having virtually no limits or restrictions
(adjective) extensive in scope : comprehensive
- wild (6)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) living in a state of nature and not ordinarily tame or domesticated, growing or produced without human aid or care, related to or resembling a corresponding cultivated or domesticated organism
(noun) a sparsely inhabited or uncultivated region or tract : wilderness, a wild, free, or natural state or existence
(adverb) in a wild manner: such as, without regulation or control, off an intended or expected course
(noun) a perennial aromatic North American monarda (Monarda fistulosa) having a terminal cluster of pink or purple flowers
(noun) an Old World wild hog (Sus scrofa) from which most domestic swine have been derived
(noun) an unknown or unpredictable factor, one picked to fill a leftover playoff or tournament berth after regularly qualifying competitors have all been determined, a symbol (such as ? or ) used in a keyword database search to represent the presence of zero, one, or more than one unspecified characters
(noun) queen anne's lace
(noun) tape grass
(noun) any of various undomesticated canids (such as an African wild dog or a dingo) that resemble the domestic dog
(adjective) having a wild expression in the eyes, consisting of or favoring extreme or visionary ideas
- willow (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of a genus (Salix of the family Salicaceae, the willow family) of trees and shrubs bearing catkins of apetalous flowers and including forms of value for wood, osiers, or tanbark and a few ornamentals, an object made of willow wood; especially : a cricket bat
(noun) any of several plants that grow especially in clearings or burned districts: such as, a weedy annual composite (Erechtites hieraciifolia synonym E. hieraciifolius) of eastern North America having flower heads of whitish tubular disk flowers enveloped by green bracts, a tall perennial (Epilobium angustifolium) of the evening-primrose family that has long spikes of pinkish-purple flowers and is an important honey plant in some areas —called also willow herb
- wind (21)
- in books ::: birdland (8), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (12)
(noun) a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally, an artificially produced movement of air, solar wind, stellar wind
(verb) to make short of breath, to detect or follow by scent, to expose to the air or wind : dry by exposing to air
(verb) to turn completely or repeatedly about an object : coil, twine, to encircle or cover with something pliable : bind with loops or layers, to raise to a high level (as of excitement or tension) —usually used with up
(noun) coil, turn, a particular method of winding, an act of winding : the state of being wound
(verb) to cause (something, such as a horn) to sound by blowing : blow, to sound (a call or note) on a horn, to produce a sound on a horn
(noun) wind chime —usually used in plural, a bell that is light enough to be moved and sounded by the wind
(adjective) carried by the wind
(adjective) affected with pulmonary emphysema or heaves
- winding (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) material (such as wire) wound or coiled about an object (such as an armature); also : a single turn of the wound material, the act of one that winds, the manner of winding something
(adjective) marked by winding: such as, having a curved or spiral course or form, having a course that winds
(verb) to make short of breath, to detect or follow by scent, to expose to the air or wind : dry by exposing to air
(verb) to turn completely or repeatedly about an object : coil, twine, to encircle or cover with something pliable : bind with loops or layers, to raise to a high level (as of excitement or tension) —usually used with up
(verb) to cause (something, such as a horn) to sound by blowing : blow, to sound (a call or note) on a horn, to produce a sound on a horn
(noun) a sheet in which a corpse is wrapped
(noun) the process of liquidating the assets of a partnership or corporation in order to pay creditors and make distributions to partners or shareholders upon dissolution
(adjective) not needing to be wound by hand
(adjective) wound by an inside mechanism turned by the knurled knob on the stem
- window (23)
- in books ::: birdland (11), blueWindow (8), fieldNotes (4)
(noun) an opening especially in the wall of a building for admission of light and air that is usually closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material (such as glass) and capable of being opened and shut, windowpane, a space behind a window of a retail store containing displayed merchandise
(verb) to look at the displays in retail store windows without going inside the stores to make purchases
- windows (11)
- in books ::: birdland (8), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an opening especially in the wall of a building for admission of light and air that is usually closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material (such as glass) and capable of being opened and shut, windowpane, a space behind a window of a retail store containing displayed merchandise
- winds (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally, an artificially produced movement of air, solar wind, stellar wind
(verb) to make short of breath, to detect or follow by scent, to expose to the air or wind : dry by exposing to air
(verb) to turn completely or repeatedly about an object : coil, twine, to encircle or cover with something pliable : bind with loops or layers, to raise to a high level (as of excitement or tension) —usually used with up
(noun) coil, turn, a particular method of winding, an act of winding : the state of being wound
(verb) to cause (something, such as a horn) to sound by blowing : blow, to sound (a call or note) on a horn, to produce a sound on a horn
- windshield (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a transparent screen (as of glass) that protects the occupants of a vehicle; especially : one in front of the occupants
(noun) a long, thin piece of rubber on a metal frame that moves back and forth and pushes water, snow, etc., off the surface of the window at the front of a car, truck, etc.
- windswept (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) swept by or as if by wind
- windy (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) windswept, marked by strong wind or by more wind than usual, violent, stormy
(adjective) winding
- wing (6)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also : such an appendage (as of an ostrich) even though rudimentary or modified so no longer having the power of flight, any of various anatomical structures (as of a flying fish or flying lemur) providing means of limited flight, an appendage or part resembling a wing in appearance, position, or function: such as
(verb) to fit with wings, to enable to fly or move swiftly, to traverse with or as if with wings
(adjective) having winged feet, swift
- winged (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) having wings, having wings of a specified kind —used in combination, using wings in flight
(verb) to fit with wings, to enable to fly or move swiftly, to traverse with or as if with wings
(adjective) having wings with a fine network of veins
- wings (20)
- in books ::: birdland (12), blueWindow (5), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also : such an appendage (as of an ostrich) even though rudimentary or modified so no longer having the power of flight, any of various anatomical structures (as of a flying fish or flying lemur) providing means of limited flight, an appendage or part resembling a wing in appearance, position, or function: such as
(verb) to fit with wings, to enable to fly or move swiftly, to traverse with or as if with wings
(noun) a solo tap dance with sharp foot accents, springs, leg flings, and heel clicks
- winter (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the season between autumn and spring comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of December, January, and February or as reckoned astronomically extending from the December solstice to the March equinox, the colder half of the year, year
(verb) to pass the winter, to feed or find food during the winter —used with on, to keep, feed, or manage during the winter
(adjective) of, relating to, or suitable for winter, sown in the autumn and harvested in the following spring or summer
(verb) to kill (a plant or part of a plant) by exposure to winter conditions, to die as a result of exposure to winter conditions
- wire (19)
- in books ::: birdland (13), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (5)
(noun) metal in the form of a usually very flexible thread or slender rod, a thread or rod of such material, wirework
(verb) to provide with wire : use wire on for a specific purpose, to send or send word to by telegraph, to connect by or as if by a wire
(noun) one who uses secret or underhanded means to influence the acts of a person or organization
- wireless (5)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (4)
(adjective) having no wire or wires; specifically : operating by means of transmitted electromagnetic waves, of or relating to radiotelephony, radiotelegraph, or radio, of or relating to data communications using radio waves
(noun) telecommunication (such as wireless telegraphy or radiotelephony) involving signals transmitted by radio waves rather than over wires; also : the technology used in radio telecommunication, access to a wireless Internet network, radio
- wires (8)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (2)
(noun) metal in the form of a usually very flexible thread or slender rod, a thread or rod of such material, wirework
(verb) to provide with wire : use wire on for a specific purpose, to send or send word to by telegraph, to connect by or as if by a wire
(verb) to start (something, such as an automobile) by short-circuiting the ignition system
(verb) to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force, to stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly, to strain abnormally
- wiry (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) made of wire, resembling wire especially in form and flexibility, produced by or suggestive of the vibration of wire
- wish (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(verb) to have a desire for (something, such as something unattainable), to give expression to as a wish : bid, to give form to (a wish)
(noun) an act or instance of wishing or desire : want, an object of desire : goal, an expressed will or desire : mandate
(noun) a weak drink, insipid talk or writing
- with (31)
- in books ::: artist (10), birdland (13), blueWindow (6), fieldNotes (2)
(preposition) in opposition to : against, so as to be separated or detached from, —used as a function word to indicate a participant in an action, transaction, or arrangement
(noun) a slender flexible branch or twig; especially : one used as a band or line
(adjective) socially or culturally up-to-date
- within (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) in or into the interior : inside, in one's inner thought, disposition, or character : inwardly
(preposition) —used as a function word to indicate enclosure or containment, —used as a function word to indicate situation or circumstance in the limits or compass of: such as, before the end of
(noun) an inner place or area
(adjective) being inside : enclosed
- without (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), fieldNotes (3)
(preposition) outside, —used as a function word to indicate the absence or lack of something or someone
(adverb) on the outside : externally, with something lacking or absent
(conjunction) unless
(noun) an outer place or area
- witness (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(noun) attestation of a fact or event : testimony, one that gives evidence; specifically : one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal, one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place
(verb) to testify to : attest, to act as legal witness of, to furnish proof of : betoken
(noun) an enclosure in which a witness sits or stands while testifying in court
- witnessed (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1)
(verb) to testify to : attest, to act as legal witness of, to furnish proof of : betoken
- wizard (2)
- in books ::: artist (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) one skilled in magic : sorcerer, a very clever or skillful person, a wise man : sage
(adjective) worthy of the highest praise : excellent, having magical influence or power, of or relating to wizardry : enchanted
- woke (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(adjective) aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
(verb) to be or remain awake, to remain awake on watch especially over a corpse, to stay up late in revelry
- wolf (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of several large predatory canids (genus Canis) that are active mostly at night, live and hunt in packs, and resemble the related dogs; especially : gray wolf, the fur of a wolf, a fierce, rapacious, or destructive person
(verb) to eat greedily : devour
- wolves (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) any of several large predatory canids (genus Canis) that are active mostly at night, live and hunt in packs, and resemble the related dogs; especially : gray wolf, the fur of a wolf, a fierce, rapacious, or destructive person
(verb) to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm, to propel through the air in any manner, pitch
- woman (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(noun) an adult female person, a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) —usually used in combination, womankind
(adjective) characterized by or expressing hostility or discrimination toward women
- wondrous (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) that is to be marveled at : extraordinary
- wood (10)
- in books ::: birdland (7), fieldNotes (3)
(noun) the hard fibrous substance consisting basically of xylem that makes up the greater part of the stems, branches, and roots of trees or shrubs beneath the bark and is found to a limited extent in herbaceous plants, wood suitable or prepared for some use (such as burning or building), a dense growth of trees usually greater in extent than a grove and smaller than a forest —often used in plural but singular or plural in construction
(adjective) wooden, suitable for cutting or working with wood, living, growing, or existing in woods
(verb) to gather or take on wood, to cover with a growth of trees or plant with trees
(adjective) violently mad
(adjective) excavating galleries in wood in feeding or in constructing a nest —used chiefly of an insect
- wooden (11)
- in books ::: birdland (11)
(adjective) made or consisting of wood, lacking ease or flexibility : awkwardly stiff
- wool (4)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (1)
(noun) the soft wavy or curly usually thick undercoat of various hairy mammals and especially the sheep made up of a matrix of keratin fibers and covered with minute scales, a product of wool; especially : a woven fabric or garment of such fabric, a dense felted pubescence especially on a plant : tomentum
(adjective) thoroughgoing, uncompromising
- word (6)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use, the entire set of linguistic forms produced by combining a single base with various inflectional elements without change in the part of speech elements, a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word —sometimes used with the first letter of a real or pretended taboo word prefixed as an often humorous euphemism
(verb) to express in words : phrase, speak
(adjective) being in or following the exact words : verbatim
(noun) a supply of words : vocabulary
(noun) the use of empty or bombastic words
(adjective) orally communicated; also : generated from or reliant on oral publicity
- wordless (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adjective) not expressed in or accompanied by words, silent, speechless
- words (5)
- in books ::: birdland (5)
(noun) a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use, the entire set of linguistic forms produced by combining a single base with various inflectional elements without change in the part of speech elements, a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word —sometimes used with the first letter of a real or pretended taboo word prefixed as an often humorous euphemism
(verb) to express in words : phrase, speak
- work (17)
- in books ::: artist (15), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary, to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations, to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity
(noun) activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:, activity that a person engages in regularly to earn a livelihood, a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity
(adjective) suitable or styled for wear while working, used for work, involving or engaged in work
(noun) a plan or method to circumvent a problem (as in computer software) without eliminating it
- worked (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(adjective) that has been subjected to some process of development, treatment, or manufacture
(verb) to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary, to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations, to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity
(noun) work constructed so as to show openings through its substance : work that is perforated or pierced
- working (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), birdland (1)
(noun) the manner of functioning or operating : operation —usually used in plural, an excavation or group of excavations made in mining, quarrying, or tunneling —usually used in plural
(adjective) engaged in work especially for wages or a salary, adequate to permit work to be done, assumed or adopted to permit or facilitate further work or activity
(verb) to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary, to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations, to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity
(adjective) of, relating to, deriving from, or suitable to the class of wage earners
- workshop (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(noun) a small establishment where manufacturing or handicrafts are carried on, workroom, a usually brief intensive educational program for a relatively small group of people that focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field
- workshops (2)
- in books ::: artist (2)
(noun) a small establishment where manufacturing or handicrafts are carried on, workroom, a usually brief intensive educational program for a relatively small group of people that focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field
- world (10)
- in books ::: artist (3), birdland (6), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the earthly state of human existence, life after death —used with a qualifier, the earth with its inhabitants and all things upon it
(adjective) of or relating to the world, extending or found throughout the world : worldwide, involving or applying to part of or the whole world
(noun) one that excels all others of its kind : champion
(adjective) being of the highest caliber in the world
- worlds (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) the earthly state of human existence, life after death —used with a qualifier, the earth with its inhabitants and all things upon it
(noun) an alternate and usually opposite world
- worn (15)
- in books ::: birdland (7), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (5)
(verb) to bear or have on the person, to use habitually for clothing, adornment, or assistance, to carry on the person
(adjective) exhausted or used up by or as if by wear
(adjective) made trite by overuse : hackneyed, having been much used or worn, worn well or properly
- would (4)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (2)
(verb) —used in auxiliary function to express plan or intention, should, —used in auxiliary function to express consent or choice
(verb) —used to express futurity, —used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent, or in negative constructions refusal, —used to express a command, exhortation, or injunction
(verb) to cause or change by an act of will; also : to try to do so, intend, purpose, decree, ordain
(adjective) desiring, intending, professing, or having the potential to be
- wound (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) an injury to the body (as from violence, accident, or surgery) that typically involves laceration or breaking of a membrane (such as the skin) and usually damage to underlying tissues, a cut or breach in a plant usually due to an external agent, a mental or emotional hurt or blow
(verb) to cause a wound to or in, to inflict a wound
(verb) to turn completely or repeatedly about an object : coil, twine, to encircle or cover with something pliable : bind with loops or layers, to raise to a high level (as of excitement or tension) —usually used with up
(verb) to cause (something, such as a horn) to sound by blowing : blow, to sound (a call or note) on a horn, to produce a sound on a horn
(verb) to make short of breath, to detect or follow by scent, to expose to the air or wind : dry by exposing to air
- woven (4)
- in books ::: birdland (2), fieldNotes (2)
(noun) a woven fabric
(verb) to form (cloth) by interlacing strands (as of yarn); specifically : to make (cloth) on a loom by interlacing warp and filling threads, to interlace (threads) into cloth, to make (something, such as a basket) by intertwining
(adjective) made in plain weave
- wrapper (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(noun) that in which something is wrapped: such as, a tobacco leaf used for the outside covering especially of cigars, jacket
- write (1)
- in books ::: artist (1)
(verb) to form (characters, symbols, etc.) on a surface with an instrument (such as a pen), to form (words) by inscribing characters or symbols on a surface, to spell in writing
(verb) to form (characters, symbols, etc.) on a surface with an instrument (such as a pen), to form (words) by inscribing characters or symbols on a surface, to spell in writing
(noun) a deliberate reduction in the book value of an asset (as to reflect the effect of obsolescence)
(noun) a vote cast by writing in the name of a candidate, a candidate whose name is written in
(noun) an elimination of an item from the books of account, a reduction in book value of an item (as by way of depreciation), a tax deduction of an amount of depreciation, expense, or loss
(noun) a written account; especially : a flattering article, a deliberate increase in the book value of an asset (as to reflect the effect of inflation)
- writes (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to form (characters, symbols, etc.) on a surface with an instrument (such as a pen), to form (words) by inscribing characters or symbols on a surface, to spell in writing
(verb) to write (something) in collaboration with one or more other people
- writing (3)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the act or process of one who writes: such as, the act or art of forming visible letters or characters; specifically : handwriting, the act or practice of literary or musical composition
(verb) to form (characters, symbols, etc.) on a surface with an instrument (such as a pen), to form (words) by inscribing characters or symbols on a surface, to spell in writing
(verb) to write (something) in collaboration with one or more other people
(noun) a person who writes about sports especially for a newspaper
- wrong (1)
- in books ::: blueWindow (1)
(noun) an injurious, unfair, or unjust act : action or conduct inflicting harm without due provocation or just cause, a violation or invasion of the legal rights of another; especially : tort, something wrong, immoral, or unethical; especially : principles, practices, or conduct contrary to justice, goodness, equity, or law
(adjective) not according to the moral standard : sinful, immoral, not right or proper according to a code, standard, or convention : improper, not according to truth or facts : incorrect
(adverb) without accuracy : incorrectly, without regard for what is proper or just, in a wrong direction
(verb) to do wrong to : injure, harm, to treat disrespectfully or dishonorably : violate, defraud —usually used with of
(verb) to cause (someone, such as an opponent in soccer or tennis) to lean into or step with the wrong foot; broadly : to disrupt the equilibrium of
- wrung (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(verb) to squeeze or twist especially so as to make dry or to extract moisture or liquid, to extract or obtain by or as if by twisting and compressing, to twist so as to strain or sprain into a distorted shape
- xylophone (3)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a percussion instrument consisting of a series of wooden bars graduated in length to produce the musical scale, supported on belts of straw or felt, and sounded by striking with two small wooden hammers
- years (3)
- in books ::: artist (1), birdland (1), fieldNotes (1)
(noun) the period of about 3651/4 solar days required for one revolution of the earth around the sun, the time required for the apparent sun to return to an arbitrary fixed or moving reference point in the sky, the time in which a planet completes a revolution about the sun
- yellow (9)
- in books ::: birdland (3), blueWindow (3), fieldNotes (3)
(adjective) of the color yellow
(noun) something yellow or marked by a yellow color: such as, the yolk of an egg
(verb) to become or turn yellow, to make yellow : give a yellow tinge or color to
- yellowed (2)
- in books ::: birdland (2)
(verb) to become or turn yellow, to make yellow : give a yellow tinge or color to
- yesterday (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adverb) on the day last past : on the day preceding today, at a time not long past : only a short time ago
(noun) the day last past : the day next before the present, recent time : time not long past, past time —usually used in plural
(noun) something or someone that was popular once, but is not popular now
(idiom) —used to say that something seems like it just happened
(noun) two days ago
(idiom) —used to say that someone is unlikely to believe something that is not true or to trust someone who is not trustworthy
- yet (1)
- in books ::: birdland (1)
(adverb) in addition : besides, even, on top of everything else : no less
(conjunction) but nevertheless : but
- yoke (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals (such as oxen) are joined at the heads or necks for working together, an arched device formerly laid on the neck of a defeated person, a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal portions
(verb) to put a yoke on, to join in or with a yoke, to attach a draft animal to; also : to attach (a draft animal) to something
(noun) the yellow spheroidal mass of stored food that forms the inner portion of the egg of a bird or reptile and is surrounded by the white, the whole contents of an animal ovum consisting of a protoplasmic formative portion and an inert nutritive portion, material stored in an animal ovum that supplies food to the developing embryo and consists chiefly of proteins, lecithin, and cholesterol
- york (2)
- in books ::: birdland (1), blueWindow (1)
(noun) new york
- you (27)
- in books ::: birdland (25), blueWindow (2)
(pronoun) the one or ones being addressed —used as the pronoun of the second person singular or plural in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive —used formerly only as a plural pronoun of the second person in the dative or accusative case as direct or indirect object of a verb or as object of a preposition, one
(pronoun) you —usually used in addressing two or more persons
- young (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(adjective) being in the first or an early stage of life, growth, or development, junior, of an early, tender, or desirable age for use as food or drink
(noun) young persons : youth, immature offspring —used especially of animals, a single recently born or hatched animal
- your (8)
- in books ::: birdland (6), blueWindow (2)
(adjective) of or relating to you or yourself or yourselves especially as possessor or possessors, agent or agents, or object or objects of an action, of or relating to one or oneself, —used with little or no meaning almost as an equivalent to the definite article the
(noun) a request for permission
(adjective) characterized by or expressive of bold and often defiant aggressiveness; also : aggressively intrusive
- ze (14)
- in books ::: artist (2), fieldNotes (12)
(pronoun) (s)he, fluid between
- zero (28)
- in books ::: birdland (4), blueWindow (1), fieldNotes (23)
(noun) the arithmetical symbol 0 or [SYMBOL] denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity, additive identity; specifically : the number between the set of all negative numbers and the set of all positive numbers, a value of an independent variable that makes a function equal to zero
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a zero, having no magnitude or quantity : not any, having no phonetic manifestation
(verb) to determine or adjust the zero of, to concentrate firepower on the exact range of —usually used with in, to bring to bear on the exact range of a target —usually used with in
(adjective) having each item justified on the basis of cost or need
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a vulnerability (as in a computer or computer system) that is discovered and exploited (as by cybercriminals) before it is known to or addressed by the maker or vendor
(adjective) of, relating to, or being a situation (such as a game or relationship) in which a gain for one side entails a corresponding loss for the other side
- zone (1)
- in books ::: fieldNotes (1)
(noun) any of five great divisions of the earth's surface with respect to latitude and temperature, a portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes, girdle, belt
(verb) to surround with a zone : encircle, to arrange in or mark off into zones; specifically : to partition (a city, borough, or township) by ordinance into sections reserved for different purposes (such as residence or business)
(adjective) zonal, of, relating to, or occurring in a zone defense
- zoo (2)
- in books ::: blueWindow (2)
(noun) a facility with usually indoor and outdoor settings where living, typically wild animals are kept especially for public exhibition —called also zoological garden, zoological park, a place, situation, or group marked by crowding, confusion, or unrestrained behavior
(combining form) animal : animal kingdom or kind, motile
- words pulled from books :::
- birdland || blueWindow || artist || fieldNotes & merriam-webster
- generated on :::
- 2021-09-20T15:46:48.700Z